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tv   Lets Talk Bharat  RT  April 23, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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not to be enough to preserve due impartiality as back in 1999, the decision was to act immediately and perhaps or not to ask questions later. i see that as the on the but i think it might be co move. yes, it was a military action against a lot of state, the tv against the said it'd be against the middle of sewage. but also it was a political move against the there's a, nobody's against the other newspapers. the state televisions as well. did we, did the political move? they announced to us the only cnn head. right. uh, 4442 with the, the, the deed for, for truth. and if you are against that and not active against that, at the schools you are in tampa and we see we can see that uh today. uh,
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also if you are against those and not a tv those uh, these courses that are uh, promoted by invest in medias you are in, in tablets. nato allies have a history of repeating the same accusations of propaganda against those voices that it wishes to silence with a that's what can be expanded to you in a song whistle blower. edward snowden, o media organizations like all see, and it all started here with the perverse foaming of this tv station. and nature's attempts to control the narrative so that even ski info. great. so you for aussie and 1999 may and so forth is baldwinsville great and for 78 days to find out more about what that was like for the people who survived it. states in here on the
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international the many people including my grandmother and everyone would say this guy was like a month. the machines work for themselves and they work very hard. i started working hard for i better respected, but i see that 11 months they became larger than the mex exchange, which i was going for 120 years public from best buy is that's the 1st time the circumstances and that's what they come, us real where they can see the
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hello and welcome mom. i don't know if i'm kid in the ever evolving landscape of the 21st century. the focus no more than it is on india product. my guess tonight then indian business exec do. and one of the founding members off national stop exchange, he's known as the father of modern financial, did a bit of a welcome. i just joined, great honor to be in front of you. you came to the city, cut the 9 years back with a smaller box, i think on smartphone boys or even village wise. they started from home with the smart drum bobbies, rather drunk, drunk ice. jimmy had to study it in lumber. that payment was car bomb bay. yeah. and that was 1985. mm hm. and i think the baby was turned in september. okay. uh it was raining cats and dogs, and i am from
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a city called and i bought the rich valley head that ends the space. right. and so this rain did not stop for almost 2 or 3 days. and i came with a dish study to convert the english in. but what did i do, which was my language and i started and was reading moody and i and then so i went to school reading visual start in 5th standard. so when i came to the city, i am the fed, i know much more than what the president is talking, but because i can't speak english. so he is or she is able to get more attention. we are the only one graduate in our whole family. so i asked him, i said i the how do i, it's beginning and hit by the talking and deciding. so i decided that from 4 to 6, i haven't only speaking english, and you were telling me about your family, about your father, about your mother. she wasn't an economist and, and she did not take a promotion because she wanted to be in,
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i'm the father had her travelling job, basically my religious, i don't party kilometers from the mountains. pretty much part of them about those days that are still far and, and they read from a really my father was from the village. my mother had stayed in the city and started otherwise the ladies would not for the those, these, my, of 500 migrated load probably just on a lot of long distance those space. it was an engineer. he became engineering because i'm getting by struggling a lot because they read from a very low strata of society and then both of them started doing jobs and they then they got mattered. and then i was born a better job in a joined family in one room, probably. and so we moved to another rented face near my mother's 1st off from california to buy something. it's not the supplement, the restaurant and you had a brilliant man academy poly otherwise also i never got more than 38 percent much
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in my life. anyway, i was new berlin and i still am not. i'm just a happy go lucky guy with no smelling breast, so i don't know. things to add to this childhood. i became stipend and is just ok. many people including my grandmother and everyone would say this guy was like a monk. when he grows up. when i was a good student, not brilliant, but not really, i didn't even class and very not also not having any ambitions in life of then i can just come on by the end. it was my 1st austin dave and he went out there to fill in the form saying what day that what i did hobbies and i go to sleeping, sleeping. yeah, redemption has worked for themselves and they worked very hard. i started working hard for about id that i joined for engineering and i didn't know english and so i could learn more of it. that's what i like. yeah. awesome. and that's what of course. and so i started becoming friendly but slowly best and everything. and
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slowly i realize that i called i just helping organizing events. i became a kind of a guy who started searching for some respect and probably in the prospect. and that's how i became interested in my mind, prospecting and organizing things which are making good studies. people like me used to call or some, some outside that is not going to make sort of the association. so it's a 3 or 4 years to, to learn a little bit of english and what the vision of what they passed out in time, which was like a miracle. and i thought, i'm not a good engineer. so i should go for management because i couldn't manage people and despite taught so, so i do with the exam for i am and i also do exam for the engineering masters because i just want to try to apply. i would even have one principal, i always had this that you're prepared or not where the sort of fit that not hear from you. every exam i ended up digging interesting courses and um, embed problems or something which i like the comics. i like so i,
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i started reading magazines and newspapers and all. and by the time it was time to get a job, i was selected for b a, b i. there was a financial institution call industry the bank, all bank off. and now it just now considered self into id. be a bank? pardon? it used to be the largest institution offering the, or those times the job that job was basically to do project financing. okay. read, you will find on flowers where you at that time i was trying 3. ok. my 1st salary was 3000 rubies. i drained as a management pay me my bank. i bought the housing computers, but nobody used it. and i just got more of them 1st. i was used to do little bit of programming and my already and most of these we have just companies are coming new into india and my bank has been rich and they could buy that. and so in project financial or doors, you know, like a lot of projections for a company, how much they were doing next part of our after 5 years that offered samuel. so you
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like a millions of calculations to come over that up on i would put program them, you know, those are basically the best one for you now. all right, similar is called the excel sheet to be i would do a little bit of for the programming, but just put it in front of them and take it to my boss. and you would think, why did you come boss? you come off the month. so, but you can tell you say what 0 good change this, but i'm gonna do is by 5 percent out of the super. so i'll just keep you busy. yeah, so he probably would keep me busy for the next one month instead of after 5 minutes . i'll go back and give it to him, saying mouse, this is, i mean, big is gotta get it done. after 5 minutes, we'll try to find mistakes, but there won't be any, it was picked and when did this stuff exchange? so what happened is i was doing all this little fun loving financing power projects going into a power plant, checking or checking on how much this screw costs, or how much does buy that costs and how it works. and being an engineer, it was like very excited to find ons and see the projects coming up and go to
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collect funds back, which nobody wants to pay back once they take the loan. and we've got all the trading in stock market those days because it goes liberalizing sure. and that are based on the 9th of the one and, and my salary was 3000 bucks. and i'd like, because when you are young, you think, you know, a lot me. so i'd also take a motor positions and i couldn't handle so then the do the wash of my buzz scandal coming out. the market felt and nice, but i, i think lost 50000 bucks. and so again, i had nothing. uh, no savings but now last is about 15000 and it's quite a bit over quite a bit those days. right? so at that time, the government decided that they need to set up a completely new action is auto make data on a computer ladies and i'll go ahead, raise your computers and but the vision of and bill are like very big and those liberalizing. and so the thought of my bank id be a to set up the new exchange for the national stuck exchange and bought. i been
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sort of the story is that they selected the for the best people they had. and one of them dropped out saying that the stock exchange and buy relocation doesn't work . and he had a reputation or associated repetition before back then. that's why i mission. finally, they wanted to select the guy wouldn't not be able to say no. so i was just one year into the job number, what they, what they wanted. i did the vivian one sided. so that's where they say, look at best buy looks for these engineer. and he doesn't know the politics. so they put me in for that email 5 people. finally restarted the and i see that 11 months it became larger than the mex exchange, which was that for 120 years, the bumble functions. 9899, i realized organizing didn't have a plan for me. so i didn't believe i also got a call from a land school saying res. yeah, that'd be able to get an interview. so if you want to jane and start something on your own word from you, and then they launched the wireless telephony using technological cdm. mm hm. and
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then that this new shiny, small little mobile phones, from elegy and samson. and they started selling and they're like $15000000.00 customers in less than a year of those based telephone. mobile telephone would cost you 16 rupees a minute. for incoming and outgoing bought. yes. those are the based on batteries. somebody launched it over like 100 bucks. i look forward to do, but yeah, i mean, on the cost of a telephone on everyone's hand by 959899 percent. something the problem was that uh, the billing system was not correct. uh. so people bought the forms, they used to play tennis, but nobody was getting kind of goods. and so nobody was paying the bills and then company was going and losses because i was there for a reasonable time. i knew what the issue was. he backed me up for the 100 and i could solve the problem in 6 months. so company, we're just making huge office. started building huge profits in 6 months. fine. you
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do have any particular. again, i will talk about doing that. this is what i want to become. you were just going through life as it was happening to you. i'm on the board of governors. i am kind of part of that i started. i'm also an advisory board on the school of management, but i already won't be that i started both gave me this thing to show the one that i want. and then the goldman made me, john, send that off a lot. i've been, we're sure to industry a lot, but we're just one of the oldest then was that the bed was in 202121. how are we doing economically? what is in philadelphia? it's basically the demographics. it's young people may feel senior, engaged, probably 30 years able to judge me. so i nice to become sort of the order because of the one child policy, giovanni's or europe is, or america really become or if you, if other people don't go there are many, remember the size large countries rip young population. you went to what made us,
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what, by quite a profit, re became very, very technologically, unless he wasn't through the 1st public in foster care project, which was a big, big and successful and a deal, the confidence to indians and other people were getting worked on them saying those guys do such large walk millions of transactions and they can manage this, they can manage order. well, that's why they might to get came and get into the order period. and they all became very, very tech savvy. so we got a young in demographics and really mean young for the next 4050 years. the 3rd parties where those of alex got created, what created stuff and developed gets created basically by people who create new technologies and up from your deck all just and use it for a sort of making life easier. this new prime minister comes and she's of asked that when the rolling down as now mobile audience any allowed for g to
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coming 5 is you to come in fast. you also created vision, the mobile phone book, basically using id to live. i live at a, literally today 615 medium meal people have drained and then back in the system in fussy that alone agenda, not the people that are forced to open i phones, right? using that mobile phones. i am frustrated so that the median accounts 300000000 if it hasn't been pre, it would mean probably pop by so many countries not quite right. and that type of seal and please give them the exact ocean nickel to which people because of your spot. smooth brand already spoken to dr. young, but a son or even a ordered person. yes. was opening our account and then he started giving the subsidies are what? because social security in other countries. yes. into that lady's mobile phone, which she can use instantly. amazing. and for me that all the savvy mess. uh huh.
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there is no other country in the way. we just want more the similar situation. so when the board came right over the car, according paid the application which all of us had too big of the apartment on the mobile phone. yes. but how did the person sitting in the dock dude i. she also took the same apartment for himself and his family using the same phone as you and me. and remy went back to the hospital. i've been appointed by you was given direction, but the one direction the to edwards is that's usually good rex and the both of them will be good. you will have access to that level. yes, but that's a different story. yes. but just the pure margin, the information that watching uh what sites that the vaccine on, sorry, it's been time for him to come and take these extra me wasn't even exactly the same direction yet that cannot be a 1000 dead, but of x. and so it is a good you take a look at how many guy you should days to do paper certificate people were not even
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think americans ever got them going. this was in america that then the happening. so for me, she changed in the us perspective on how to use the id for company and for the government spastic and human scale, which nobody had even visualized. that india can do so much. but he had that confidence and for me, last 10 years, having sol, so good themself. v are basically increasing or to services exports. that is the basically i, p a and b, b will have one because a business process outsourcing sort of us sitting. yeah, i would advise them goes out of servicing, but i still don't. why didn't you imagine you didn't go, they mean declared that locked down also going to be nice. yeah, he didn't so 70 days at the same lock down there to be there from the model. right . and what was that? what do you mean you had? yes. is that the rest of the original stone isn't nichols, is because every large bag ebony large retail company, every large,
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anyone in the word that in europe are us. let us tell you, i've had a letter that mark back off is out of here. these people are going to go to office, all right. they were closed on the bank. so the amount of money, yes. people who are not affording the uh, the retail stores, do you want to just print ability stopping people? no, that is going for battle in good and people started working from home and debbie came work from home or made for the rest of the word. yes, i mean there in, so that is very beautiful for itself. but the deed for the it when the word without anyone's knowledge, that yeah in there where to go to very bad memory. if you had not been able to run the still the what is the back office? yeah. right. and so for me, the amount of confidence that us now what it does, even during that period, we also followed us of audio to calling the northern part of india. i would say that nobody came to what i yeah, right. rerun that one also. we also want the,
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what i mean school there and we basically also insured without input as a country that we service that is still the way and that is in place for now so much that to me, a lot of services exports. and i would, i make them sense of the 2 largest amount we are receiving and data and quite a bunch of imports because and you do to finding you bring the colon, send by pulling the, the back. so you get probably $1015.00, a battle only right of the finding margins. but when you a service, somebody sending yeah. hardly any boxes. that's what you get is actually for you to have your wiley board and that thing. so that's why i have to get to that and the 1st time in my sort of life that i started understanding comics is that there's the 1st time the circumstances and that's what they come us real where they come to consensus. i'll bring that up in my childhood. i used to read uh that uh,
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better people diagnosed admission in color handy. yes. then go over it happen. okay, and 2nd, what do you i had was that a large part of and uh you're still on manage. hm. and i have the money on her side. what do you that if you don't send before 2 people, what a blog bought and what will happen, the stream will do the bins right on the off. because in time it was not allowed for upgrades across india. it reached everyone and bab cleared a framework for feeding 800000000 people, free of cost, social security, and then in front of me. but it's still telling me that how can we all become rich if you're able to feed 800 to begin people every day, continuously. for me, there's a social security number, the cable. if you have what you get for coupons, you'll get house allowance, which are the ones. it's not that i'm really kind of them do it just
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a really large number of what but new york, they couldn't get on better extension the problem from a company which was having statistician permits. 4045. yes. back today you are actually having northstar location. you actually treating everyone from another model, nutrition, every day, most of you will become rich, will become rich and it was here in our mind, right? it doesn't, we are not doing it when this person comes and maybe just says how to do it. right? so for me, 10 years via the stock as abroad, you go anywhere the way they um, even, and the immigration gone through the as you had an engine light that is at a spec. today i have a buyout of zone. i was, i mean i'm traveling a block from the 1993 on works and i and that time people. oh yeah, but the telling me that it's beginning alicia in america because they were thankful . then you're going to do it. yes. and today, it's
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a different way that i can in some ways, want me to let you in less than yours, that this society we're actually together are the of us for the age of human history. was from 2020 march, 2020 to mark. that is the go with it last time. maybe noticed that or no 60 yes, but india stood from i believe the difference between a bucket is done a bundle of ition shalem got me and india will score it. is made of minimal managing fiscal deficits for waiting for everyone taking care of that house, even giving them some money in the mobile phones every month for all you little bit of ins and they're still not going bankrupt. otherwise you'll see we have not really funding have they ever each other must love a shortage of them as for they are they are having a serious issue on the balance of payments. right. but this time has gone back up and i should've got them back up and why i'm telling you this is because you don't
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realize we think it is. all right. and once we select up, i'm gonna start it. yes. you did. yes. yeah, you know, didn't real to just the engine right size they by what has happened is not something that would have happened in, not much of the suspect. this is vera, the hardwell, the common sense, the typically to exit your comes into play at night and every box has been big so well that we normally created vaccine for ourselves. we send it to the right. s y, a prime minister up until he comes in, but just read off mr. moody. mm hm. great because you're done something for him. it's not what that person will do that, right, right. so the spec will, the country is respect to india, right? i have not seen that period of 10 years man in this stock has gone up so much. right. so, and you will see in the, in 2047,
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then we compete under the is you agree? it's really is only that. gotcha. yeah. so, so have you set onto that? yeah, and we want to reduce those id and ups protect allows you to repeat relative compared to what that's what the technology rims are coming faster and faster. so which means the where the toaster is going to create the created faster and faster, right? in the, still the one who did it more developed, then it will screw to 10000 years before that. this, the cna 2 years created more development. what else could the $10000.00 you have to do for that next for fee. next? 50 years with good motor and then there has been getting less than tell them yes and written yeah. it didn't. but kind of what the population around 2122 percent of words the young population will contribute at least 30 percent off the new value that is going to be created in the next 25 years to make 50 or on of so on. so i want to offer some 8 percent go to just what do we have done over the last 7 years, a body sick over the last 10 years. but i'm going to build on $70.00 and
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a half and you wouldn't, while we're doing at that number, if you just projected to, to add that on $4000000000.00 economy, because what number do you have not actually one mean half yet or me. so we gotta close to 3.843, and bought it for non right 2040. so it will be going to most pretty to him dollars off. um, in terms of the, the us dollars in punches in price probably be we had already close to $50000000000.00, but just the piano are certain numbers. we have $4000000000.00 and we created that with the youngsters, youngsters. and how that was maybe 300, that's right. of the modern technology. it allows you to create products by investing much lower, more than what else possible. i mean, you are talking may appear large factories to they don't have to do that. so what i call it properly wrong with the railings and capital. right. and many people get funded from venture capital from fiber degree. that is good, big data, quite a lot of capital and probably they don't require but technically they can spend.
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but then other youngsters going to be out what appeared in smaller companies. they bought a lot of brands and they don't have capital exchanges in india. now provide, you wouldn't need to invest in those young people's ideas in front of smaller, small and medium sized print devices with hundreds of them are coming to the markets are using you want to grow or if i go to a piece for that business, then some of them would be the invoices or the world's april, which also we did not have that type of capital for me. but that was, you remain, those companies will come and go. yes, but the society which was this technology morning originally add up. so it's a new what a view is upcoming artificial intelligence is coming. drones are coming, robotics is coming, genetic modifications coming. india is the best route. most of the research happen . most of the things that happen today, which are good for the future of the work happening and we have now the 4th largest stock market in the world. we have now market capitalized and
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a $4300000.00 us. after america, china ended up on the 4th largest market dep having country, you know, even a 5000000 people uniquely. they started with a separate numbers. 85000000 people is a point 5 good people who are rich around 50 to 60 days. fiber, subscribed to people who are, how is yours? who know the family or somebody's investing, right. that is 17 percent of in the us population investing. we have a student bought a country. me. yes, to my dollar in terms the other of course, i mean good social security and all even insurance is coming for me, but the pension is coming like the pension and i just want to model all these are coming they, they really, i mean surely cups much strongly really make it big and make a good. but imagine what, what are some interesting in the water parsons business? always in which a person sitting and see another person sitting in the middle guard in your heart. is it listening not hard on money?
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in a company sitting in salem in the middle, i know i want to visit me, but she has a complete confidence and that kind of thing, but she's putting out a 1000 rubies, then dollars. then what do you makes proffered? best buy me shadow. 5 profit will reach out, so it's a great people for you. right? and for me, that's why i call it investment going very trustworthy mission model. many countries already just full of each of the all, become very, very trustful. right? and that is where god and privilege trust each of them contribute. jetta for back to 100 contributors. young contributes, can explore and believe it just now. exposure, baby, just knowledge. i probation of doing good things. we do much better than what i'm protecting next 23 years, but also an extra fee us because i think real jobs to become bridge before they become more chain of the game, middle income country. i mean, because what i'm the or the have that jobs it will become that it's me for me to
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come on as i can. it's really been very inspiring speaking to miss john. it's really very educative. i've learned so many things, and i can say on my show that it's been one of the most inspiring episodes that we have done. thank you for watching. join me next week, but another intimate yet engaging debate and let's talk about it to the from the
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the same us multiple arrests are made as bodies class group, pro palestinian audits of this ad rada is a joe, but our, i'm to submit it to it. thank you, mr. president. thank you, congress. thank you. america has a washington and mazda and infinity is the more dollars the width of my is. you've tried the us national, that it's a policy is to dp $60000000000.00 is designated as emergency spending minute go, meaning it goes straight to our national debt. a national debt that grows every
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single 2nd to the, to.


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