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tv   News  RT  April 23, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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says list because then you publish will send you the new titles installed in the special military operation. ukrainian law states have reached almost half a 1000000 troops as a washington pad percent more west buttons and 8. the key of ross s. as the koreans paying the prize and human lives also ahead, the was over. busy the pool policy doing bodies in the united states, which president finding has granted and to submit and drawing in debt with washington about this, spend more on the interest than what he owes that the dogs on defense. it's leading some to talk on the end of an empire. and today,
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mobs and 25 years since. and they don't mess or destroy the headquarters of rated television of soviet killing 16 john the life we've been looking back at the dock legacy of the bombing can pay the clock if any typical provider us officials to noise breaching the geneva conventions thing the journalist back up again, this last 4 fast target, the hello, the welcome dollar thing to national, reaching you from a new center in moscow. i a michael quarter, ukraine's last almost half a 1000000 troops in 2 years of war. and that's, according to the latest statement from russia's defense minister said again, showing go that was installed left to prevent the collapse of the ukrainian armed
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forces. washington intends to send almost $61000000000.00 to the key of virginia board. sure. most of that will be used to finance the us defense industry. progressed american authorities cynically say that ukrainians are the ones who will die for the interests in fighting russia. in total, since the start of the special military operation with the ukrainian law states have reached almost half a 1000000 troops. the key of regime could not achieve the goals at the counter initiative set by nato. instruct, as our troops have dispelled the mist about the superiority of weston weaponry as most of the stuff with the just all familiar. because the onset of this conflict, the credit ministry, was largely made up of volunteers ideologically driven fights. as many nationalist troops in peak physical form, one to 5, it'd be now replaced with troops. large the drop the can scripted troops who would bother be elsewhere and do on whom it is difficult to rely on the incredibly
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complex and difficult psychological and physical and physically conditions on the battlefield. it will be very difficult for you. great to recall this, that, you know, i mean with any semblance of what it was. furthermore, cynthia schwartz who said that you credited defense is all tracking. this is being demonstrated since the full of up to go with russia, sees it about the school of settlement russian troops just over the past several days of seas to move settlements in the or well along the battlefield. and now that you create a new doesn't talk, brigade has a bad in their positions, just west of the west of up to pacific actually go also said that it is being demonstrated that there is a very little advantage to, to west of all of these, this means that the best in the world is being shot at russian of production. is it the times of all time? how is that the most in the mon piece of military hardware, that is
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a defense as $500.00 complexes for example, pods and ad defense systems. but they have production which is where the beginning police increased. many phones will continue to be increased as for this new $60000000000.00 package that is incoming for you can take it so it says the bus and strikes from strikes, rocket scribes on warehouse is on the basis process by which these weapons are making the way up to the battlefield, they will be increasingly targeted in order to make sure that those weapons with the majority of those weapons never reach the front floods. the guys us today mocking another grim milestone. it's $200.00 days since he's ready for his launch. their war on the enclave and retaliation for the have mass attacks of october. the 7th. a while these are all claims its mission, these against metal tons,
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more than 90 percent of those killed have been civilians. a total death to has surpassed for the 2000 with almost 2 thirds of those women and children. but when it comes to accountability, many of the west have been accused of to. busy thing a blind eye. for example, the canada finance minister, minister freelance you condemn is just killing and 14000 children. stop watching you condemn. israel is killing of 14000 children the mission of front of a wife walking away to to draw attention to the faithful dates. 19, some guys that has posted a video of him carrying a batter. it's caption reads to 100 days until the war. what's left? the video was filmed the inside hospitals and standing outside the month not $200.00 days into the conflict, and there's no light of the constant easily bombardments. the city of darrow by law is one of the latest targets. with this footage, capturing the moment of
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a strike. almost 300 bodies had been recovered from the temporary grave located on the territory of one of the largest medical facilities in gaza. the nice, our hospital was dogged when the idea seized the facility preventing the pump, the pop up variable of those killed. now the relatives are trying to identify their loved ones, although in many cases the raffle, it's irene phase. the pain, i'm in a new home and i've come here for the 5th day looking for the body of my son to miles that they told us that there's a mass grave located here. and every day it comes here to identify his body. but unfortunately, i have not found that i'm afraid that she was captured by the 0 in the military. i get the way down with who i feel. i hope that anyone knows anything about persons will inform me or officials. i can no longer barret every day. i come here in
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search since the day he went missing and never did come 2 or 3 times to search. i searched in several places, but i didn't find anyone about police arrested. numerous people last bit tried to break up a pro palestinian roddy at the new york university of the law enforcement officers. descended on the pretest of removing tents and conducting res dialing classes, erupted as the far with these attempted to despise the crowds. demonstrators responded by marching towards the local police headquarters to object to be arrest the fellow protested. while the california state for the technical university pro, policy and inactive is the barricaded themselves inside the building. they used tables, chairs,
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and other objects to block and entrance and prevent police equipped with the idea. so mentoring defense has a pro palestinian protested. been sweeping across some of the most prominent us universities and active is to be in the setting of cabs chatting slogans and carrying banners, demanding an end to genocide in gaza. but the colleges have cons down. poverty university has suspended the policy. and so the director committee even threatening an expulsion for students who continue to be involved in it. us presidents are abided and says that the pro palestinian valleys are inherently descending. there is submitted protests on college. also don't understand any of the have also been reports of intimidation and harassment. stewart's jewish people on the 2nd us
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college campuses. and that includes columbia university in new york. he has implemented a high breed chevrolet, can regime to de escalate the tensions arctic correspondent caleb bump and spoke with active as in the school at the university. along with yale and other ivy league institutions. i've had a wave of pro palestine. pro test says, campuses are very divided about where students stand on international issues inside the campus. there has been an encampment of pro palestine students. and now, as you can see, the campus has been locked down through the history of this university of being invested in war and invested in the wrong sort of history. um, you can look into the ways that they've invested in to be an armoire invested in a part of the space and freedom of religion. i personally will be coming to these gates. here's nice to to have a seat or i'm as you're a student and it's a and a tv that makes me feel unsafe here. so i will be celebrating passed over here outside
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the gate. when the students are inside the gate. as a student, i was against the war in vietnam. we did the same thing and people knew we were right. and then the end, we ended the war in vietnam. and these young people are right and i want to defend them. because in the end, palestinians must have the right to live. i'm jewish. first of all, i'm not a religious do, but i think it's absurd. i think they're using anti semitism to detract from the real issues. and the real issue is genocide, free speech and the empire that they are expanding them higher into the middle east and they want to keep are not paying attention to that reason here is because america is controlled by jewish billionaire, the jews, okay. they control, that's why that they control the media, the control our money that control our culture, our music, the arts, the ras count is rising here at columbia university. another american colleges
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where students are speaking out for palestine and facing a crackdown by administrators. they say the protests are anti semitic and create an unfriendly atmosphere for jewish students. but they say they're simply speaking up for their rights and expressing opposition to the government policies, as well as the policies of the university itself. a new us the department report on human rights violations around the world has prompted an angry responds and claims of double standards. something though the secretary of state was quick to slab down. do we have a double standard? the answer is no. as this report makes clear, in general, as we're looking at the human rights and the condition of human rights around the world, we apply the same standard to everyone. and that doesn't change whether the country in question is an adversary, a competitor, a friend, or an ally. let's take
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a closer look at the report and the wording used for both washington's enemies and all lies. contrasting approaches to conflicts and assigning blame are clear from the outset. as israel exercises its right to self defense, we have made clear that it must conduct military operations in accordance with international law and take every feasible precaution to protect civilians. the kremlin, to disregard and contempt for human rights are in full display in its war against ukraine. russian forces employed violence against civilians as a deliberate tool for fire. the report highlights documentation of human rights violations and abuses, some amounting to crimes against humanity. proud the 2nd year for us has brutal, full scale invasion of ukraine, of the gods. a conflict has resulted in the loss of more than $34000.00 policy and lies in half a year. and that's while the war in ukraine has claimed over 10000 lives in more
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than 2 years of the enclave, now lives in ruins, but the by them, the ministration refrains from the cues. a huge role of breeching international law . busy like russia and ukraine would disappear from the reports, weddings, now all the us advisories, such as shy iran and then is what are also condemned in the strongest terms of the reports. highlights are led to human rights abuses harsh conditions of political prisoners and the closing of civil society organizations. but when challenge this, i get to a states that any alleged foundations in allied countries were being looked into, but declined to say when to any conclusions, would it, it would draw off. and it seems that memos being the widely she had in washington, especially when it comes to ease roles, alleged crimes. and on saturday it passed to me and said. ready defense goes and color they mess create with 100. ready people including women and children at
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that the basically those people, that's what they say are you over the 4th and do you have any common? i've seen those reports and we are inquiring about it with the governor of israel was the us press, the. ready these to find out more about this, and that's exactly what we're doing. do you have any updates on the findings at the strike is really strikes against the world central kitchen. um have you gone through it? do you have an understanding as to whether that is really a initial investigation or something you agree with in terms of the world, the central kitchen? i don't have any updates provide as, you know, an a c was, was reviewing that. and so i'd refer you to them for any updates on their review. these we always have taken responsibility for that strike. they are conducting an investigation. we're not doing our own independent investigation. that's something that we, again, are waiting to see what the results are from the investigation. they've already started up, i believe, a preliminary one. and so we'll just wait to see what those results. joe political
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analyst has all dean believes the double standards when he comes to ease roll. i'm clear and unacceptable. it's very clear that for example, in terms of the united states is condemnation of russia in other countries when it comes to human rights. whatever claims they may true or false, pale in comparison with what the world can see, the israel is doing and goes up. so it's just a blanket leave false statement that he's made, which i don't think the international community really buys into any way the media apparatus in the united states. if this were any other country doing this, they would be scrutinizing it at every minute level of detail. but now, conveniently because it's a ally and some even say part of the united states, suddenly their investigations are pending or they're suspended,
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or maybe they'll look back at it in a few days. so you see, it's just the one i'm talking about. it's just a shame was double standard that there, uh, maintaining, and it's frankly a a type of madness that they continue even keeping up the venue or in the 1st place and the warning and now 2 of them all the eaves, the political party, or president mohammed movies who appears to have which he did launch slide victory and parliamentary elections. other peoples national congress body has a reputation of being pro china with moves away from nearby india as it looks to sources of future development. he has one, at least 6 to 5 of the nice 3 seats currently awful grabs. and that's according to the preliminary results of a made opposition party, which previously dominate a big chamber, is projected to wave just a 1000 seats best time the offer. so results are expected later this week
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that more is it became president last year, he quickly fulfilled one of his main campaign, promises by ordering indian military personnel to leave the island nation. he had assessed it, but he would not allow any foreign power to undermine these country sovereignty, and that has trained them all these buys was new delhi now, just a few days ahead of the election, the opposition parties demanded that we should be in peace done corruption, planes that pertain to a period before he became president. he has denied wrong doing, but we've heard from a former foreign minister automotives that do not model moon and who she said that was his policy ship. expose a larger issue with the nations determination to protect if so, a wrenching, i think, um, for the whole region in terms of do apologise, the countries in the region and not being influenced by india and china. and we have unfortunately see the pendulum being shifting from side to side with different
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documents. and this reflects the power to present. louise's government is very for chinese, his own. the point has been that he is from all these and he loves, obviously for movies. but in terms of political rhetoric, that may well be the case, but in actual fact, we know that there is a huge um, flush if you will, because these countries are trying to control the region for strategic reasons. movies is in effect, very to position in terms of the defense military or the power of these countries in these waters and elections are very much into those. unfortunately. and often i think it really the will of the people use the money being pumped in by other countries and also some incentives that are actually affecting often these most and it is really undermining the farm policy of the country. and so i'm going to and in terms of going ahead, i'm stressing that democracy. i see the challenges because it is becoming
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a system with a political cloud and corruption and huge amounts of money into and see the votes and what's happening either in government or fall in the individuals and companies may well be making profit for the see some of the countries are not seen benefits, this is not right. and we do need to us, you're gonna get that. and so anyone with a voice on this list and including our young people who do want to see changes, who do want to see things a group, we do recommend us to be a comfortable government to be a comfortable all the us is walking the same pos, to collapse about many of the fall in empires. one choose one store 2, and that's the damn thing assessment of washington's college financial state of play by a prominent british is caller and economist of any great power that spends more on debt service interest payments on the national debt
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then on defense will not stay great for very long, true of haps, for spain, truth on c and regime france, true of the ottoman empire. truth the british empire. this law is about to be put to the test by the us beginning this very year. the us fiscal policy is on a completely unsustainable path. 5 dollars by neil fitness in that let's take a look at the numbers. see, i'm going to break them down for you to see how the us congressional budget office itself predicts about ending for the american economic policy. as you can see on the screen right now this year, all right, this year. net interest spending is set to supplies ministry expenditure by almost $50000000000.00. a long term per predictions are no more positive for washington by 2050 for the free goes right there. on on is for cost a 1.5 percent gap with this itself. half
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a trillion dollars from the difference you can see right now that's not all the international monetary fund has almost published died economic predictions. now the countries fiscal deficit is predicted to exceed about 7 percent next year. and that's a figure right now, while that may sound small, it equates to about one trillion dollars, but it's an option to monitor the font size of the pose a significant risk for the global economy. of the 2nd figure that you can see here shows the new s that's yes, the past 35 percent and that's more than 10 trillion dollars, which in all the times is 6 times the size of the new case imply a g d p. and then the long term predictions that we can see here is also making grim readings existence in 3 decades. the gap is expected to reach about 6 to 6 percent are almost 20 trillion dollars. i do political experts. eddie smith believes that the so called american empire is on
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a rapid decline. the weapons industry and the weapons lobby is making tons of money from ukraine. so its in their interest for the government to basically give them another stipend of money um by, by purchasing more weapons for ukraine. um and it's in the interest of the neo cons in the neo liberals in the us state department who have been behind this ukraine policy from the beginning. um its been something that the democrats and folks like victoria newland have been been pushing for a long time. people have been predicting the collapse of the west and the western empire for a long time. and i mean, it is inevitable throughout history. empires rise and fall in the us is no different and you see the signs of an empire in decay. you know, 80 percent of our people living paycheck to paycheck. well, the entire country is drowning and that the richest people in society are the big banks and the multinational corporations that and all of the working people over
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their debt to and, and the government doesn't seem interested in doing anything about it. they only seem interested in pumping more money into the military industrial complex, and in more foreign wars. the while today mocks 25 years since a need to be solved, destroyed the headquarters of radio television, the sub kelly, 16 journalist, been looking back on those events and the impact they left on history and the people of the way i can protect thousands of innocent people in the to the fuse a powder keg at the heart of bureau to stand united with our allies for faith. my generation never to see those in europe again, the
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journalists were among the menus, victims of the bombing around 260 people with working in the headquarters of the country, state broadcast r t. as when a need to mess on struck the building. we've heard from a survivor, and so i have bill that it was a dialogue any other given that the what was going on around this, we were coming to work as usual because we thought that it's i reputation is so just going to the past who failed in defending the country, then we had our job to doing television. that was the most normal thing to do to show up for work, even in those conditions that night at the tv station, there were around 260 people before everything happened, everything was normal until that fatal use it to am. we'll such as usually in the news gallery, we were getting ready to go in and we put on the tapes news jingles. and the 1st story went on the camera started recording in the studio. and after that,
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just boom, reset attention. you see the, the, the 2 effects was the equivalent. we've heard a loud explosion and after that we couldn't hear anything. we flew up and spoke to that there was just don't this tell you to don't because one of our producers started to panic and wanted to get out of that. but the tools are broken and we couldn't get out. then my colleagues and i come down and try to move the door and we managed to break out. then for the 1st time, i realized once it happened, i could turn my head to see the whole city just don't around the whole city. and it was very shocking, we pulled ourselves together and started to cool out for our colleagues to them were in the room where the what was completely broken apart. then we decided that we wouldn't go out, but we'll try and see if there's anybody injured on the other floors and how we can help them. we didn't think bones could forward and the people were more important to us. we went downstairs and realized that we couldn't leave any further from the rules that were blowing up. and then we had screens in the room,
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but we realized that colleagues were trapped. one of our engine is we told him not to move because we couldn't get to him. we thought that firefighters must of arrive by now and they had when we went to was a new part of our building. we came across them and took them to the lower floor where they rescued our colleague of that we went outside. there was a huge number of police firefighters and soldiers. then we realize, and so how many more people are in the house we were looking to see who is alive. and if anyone has heard from outside, we could just see this mass of ruins with one of our colleagues hanging from the building upside down with his legs stuck on the concrete, the hole in his head. and he was already dead. lots of people, almost as could. we have guessed it, something like this could happen, but the owner is not. we could never have guessed this because it was a tv station in the city center. how can you tell me the city center? there were people, the civilian buildings for me, it was unbelievable that they found it. many people could believe it, something like that could happen. this was a month off the nature of the gun. it's
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a legal bombing of the subs and it smashed into pieces of fundamental part of the geneva convention. the journalist seemed what was that means must be treated. the civilians on the full, protected. and what nature has described this surgical precision. it's right here. this was the headquarters of the main radio television network in the federal republic of yugoslavia. it's called off. yes. and it still exists on a typical provider. us officials didn't know i breaching the geneva convention saying the journalists that what propagandist and that for fact target served tv is as much a part of milan. so which is murder machine is military is the media is one of the pillars and the loss of which is power machine. it is right up there with security forces in the military, around a 150 people working in the building when those 2 crews and they saw struck over night 16 were killed and as a monument head to them and nearly all of them were technicians,
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secure just off make up office hardly the pillars of milosevic, just how it machine that kinda is bacon spun it just being so bleed is described the attack as primitive highlighting that it came as nato was celebrating its 50th anniversary is very obvious. there have been big differences and reporting. they have gone to the loose. not only was the r t s palm tear. your work was bombed here, and europe was bomb tier. this is a primitive act to take a couple of scouts on their anniversary. as a tradition from the last century, condemnation of nato's crimes came from journalist groups to they were concerned about where this could lead in the future. nato's decision to target civilian broadcast facilities not only increases the danger for borders. now working in yugoslavia, but permanently jeopardizes all journalists, as noncombatants international conflicts. as provided for in the geneva conventions,
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littleton and his lie or not. i don't know if they deliberately struck the tv station in the great, but i think they did a good idea. i had friends working that journalists with whom i could pray to when we needed to transfer our materials through satellites. the whole shift was killed . so 15 or 16 people i think in the grade to be sent and i knew 2 or 3 of these victims. now they helped us various times. why them? why do they have to do with that? that locked the stall of a very slippery slope with more high profile incidence of media offices being targeted. i'll just see we're news offices were hit by us and we saw a tax in 2001 in afghanistan. it's h q was in hits again. she is a to by the us off to the invasion of a rock, but the us and u. k. ministers describing its work as propaganda. then in 2021, the idea flocking to building garza that housed multiple international media
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organizations. these are extreme cases, but there's a patent emerging of dismissing or silencing the work of during less snow. considered credible, find to west militia to the east russian today and split next did not behave as representatives of the present journalists and behaved as representatives of influence in propaganda. lang, propaganda. no more, no less. i go on in another unprecedented step. we will ben in the european union, the kremlin media machine, to the state on russia to day and split, sneak, as well as they have subsidiaries will no longer be able to spread the lies to justify fourteen's war and to subdivision in our union. in recent years, all see has been on the receiving end of such allegations taken off and you are, i'm the u. k. within days of the stones of the ukraine, who with the little to no.


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