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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 23, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EDT

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which means untruths, contentment, again, not much is known about this case, but it has the potential to be very, very big because search cases, well, especially when the nation is it, or they on to well it, they on a common thing. and so again, it is a very interesting what will come out of it and uh, what case the investigation will make. clearly it was a surprise event, at least for 2 more of i know because uh this morning, today's morning on a tuesday morning, he was attending the meeting over the board of the ministry. so he did not see it coming again. clearly has every possibility and all the potential to become a big case. but of course, we will have to stand by to watch out for what comes out of it. the russian president on the defense minister both have been informed about the detention right off the course when the eagles are done off. appreciate that. thank you. the details of the detention and the rest uh, going up by the hour online,
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on our website uh to thought com rule. so across odyssey, rumble and side of the the,
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the fire everybody want to let you know, this is a daily show. very different because we hold no punches here. so look for it to the phone. number one, congress gives the people who give them money. every thing they paid for truth problem number 2, c i a math predicts rushes economy will surpass all of europe as well as that of canada and the united states, just bomb number 3. israel fires back at a ron and what does appearing like a computerized robotic drone war is the future here and how scary is this? i'm rick sanchez. this. that is direct impact. the i think you tell me if i'm right or wrong, but i, you know,
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what the us congress did this weekend will as one very respect and you as president, once i live in the, in for me 10 another way. they took the money and they ran not once, not twice, not 3 times. he did it for 4 times, counted them 1234. let me take you through it in case you missed it. i doubt you did, but let me just take you through. because you're not going to hear this take on cnn, or fox or any place like that. uh, it appears that no country in the world gives more to our politicians, to compel their support. then israel, we know that right? we've done that story. you know that story. so what are the us congress do this weekend? they voted design $28000000000.00 of your taxes, the taxes you pay to israel, so they continue the war that can continue the war with the palestinians. a number
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to us tech companies do not like to talk and they wouldn't like to have tick tock eliminated. so they lobby, that means they pay congress to go after tick tock. and what in congress doing this weekend? a pass to measure the bad tick tock, teaching so much for the free market principles of a healthy competition. right? okay, now let's go to the numbers 3 and 4 as i promised you, the arms industry in the united states bank roles, influential think tanks were members of congress, get jobs, and get their support and information. they also hire thousands of lobbyist so many in fact that there are now more of them, more lobbyist representing military contractors in washington. then there are elected officials in washington. but that put that in your function right now. and they make donations as well. legal bribes, do these contractors in the 10s of millions of dollars to members of congress?
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so wouldn't they get this weekend for all of that? well, perpetual wars conflicts, so they can make more tags and more planes, more bullets, and make more money off of those complex with countries like china and russia and congress this weekend. yes, they passed the measure to sudden close to $70000000000.00 in taxes collected from americans. do you crate and taiwan, in other words, to feed conflicts with china and russia. look, i mean, i've just taken you through all 4 things this saturday. they had 4 people who are paying them, and 4 people got what they want it or 4 entities, i should say. i guess when it comes to us politicians, we really do get what they pay for. but in a strange way, congress has aggressive stance toward russia and quoting, it's all out assault on the russian economy. it may have actually backfired. we're
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learning. how do we know that? well, we know that because cnbc, one of the most followed business networks in the united states has come out and said so, confirming with russian president vladimir putin predicted last december. interestingly enough, putting those comments back then were ignored by most western media sources like cnbc you actually had to go to different, you have to go somewhere else in the world. if you wanted to here, what uh, president potent had said, for example, you had to go to india to here mr buttons production. for a little thing, you open a new to the most important indicator of economic growth is a growth of gross domestic product at the by the end of the yard is expected to be cheap on 5 percent. a good idea, but that's a good indicator of the speed, means we have bounce back from last is declined the product sent. wow, that was back in december. could put and have been right after all, most americans were under the impression at the time that he said that the russian
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or comedy was the, the russian academy was in the dumps close to collapse because of the war with ukraine. and the shame and the sanctions imposed on them by the united states and other nato countries. we were hitting them really hard to make sure they stayed down and we were told, yep, they're down. they're never going to be able to get up again. oops. a potent comes out and predicts this isn't going to happen, we're going to be fine. we're going to rebuild our economy. many went even further . you went and did you remember he did the interview with tucker calls and we showed you some of that. and while he's talking to, to talk across, and he boasted that russia's economy will, and has surpassed most of the economies of all the countries in europe still a rush. it was the 1st account to me in europe last year despite all the sanctions and restrictions. is it normal from your point of view, sanctions restrictions, g, impossibility of payments and dollars being cut off from swift services such as the
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sanctions against our ships carrying oil company sanctions against airplane seems somebody, sanctions in everything everywhere. and we make sure that goes to something needs to be nice. it's the largest number are sanctions in the world which are applied are applied against russia. and we have become europe's 1st economy during this time. i mean, i doubted that what he was saying was true at the time because i didn't know right . of course, the tucker carlson interview was dismissed by most of my colleagues completely. they never even played it. they never even mentioned that. those who work here in the united states and in western media. until now, here's the article i'm talking about. this is the one that just appeared on cnbc this morning with a headline, which pretty much repeats the russian president's statement. here's the quote. russia is expected to grow faster than all advanced economies this year. in fact,
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according to the international monetary fund, the i a math, and the cnbc report, russia is g d p growth will hit 3.2 percent. how good is that? let's compare. i've got this chart i want to show you, and in this chart you see how it stacks up. how russia compares with the g d p wise, by the way, to the g 7 nations. look at rush, those numbers. look who's below the us under russia, somewhere around 2 percent, g, d, p growth, japan, somewhere around one percent. canada. well, what? we're all 1.5 friends around one italy, u. k. just above half a percent. and at the bottom of the list, germany, i barely half a percentage point. and, and you know, what's most ironic about this chart is that all of those countries make up the g 7, right? it used to be called the g 8. that's why it's not called the g 8 anymore,
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because they all got together and decided that russia didn't belong with the big boys. want to look at it now. it appears that russia's economic growth will surpass . all of there's joining us now to discuss this is the executive director of the ron paul institute, daniel mcadams. dan, i mean, i don't know, be careful what your wish for here. here we have all these countries heating. russia really hard and promising us here in america. don't worry. we're going to bury these guys. it, it, i mean, i didn't even believe is what i heard. some people reported i was doubting pollutants, a politician whether he was being real honest with those figures wants to only cause i'm a journalist and i wanted to double check here we have the i am, i've come out this weekend as well as the nbc and say yeah, rogers economy is super seating all the economies in europe, including ours and kind of you say what a well,
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the wrong conclusion the draws that sanctions are good because they health benefit a country that's kind of a protectionist mentality. sanctions didn't help russia, but what they did, i run equally, is a enabled russia to sell the product and they would normally sell to places like europe at a much higher price. they would export petroleum in oil. busy to india, india with we're flying it and sell it back to germany at 2 or 3 times the rate. so everyone profits, except for germany as use we've seen from your chart, which has gone down the tubes, even ukraine by diesel, from russia at a huge markup. so it's not to say that protectionism and sanctions are good is to say that if you have the ability, if you have the industrial base, you can get a route. if you have the resources you can get around and if you're forced into a corner, you're going to find alternatives to swift in other economic tools and use them for your own benefit, which is what russian has done. well, i'm glad you made that point and here's why. there are other countries who have
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been the victims of sanctions from western countries including the united states. well, one of them is a country that i was born in cuba. i mean, cuba has been under the some of the united states with some horrible sanctions now for the past 506070 years. and in that case, they have not been able to get themselves out of it because nobody can do business with them as long as united states as know. then as well is, i mean literally in a bit of a economic depth now has been. so for quite some time now, and it's because of the sanctions and the castigation is that have been put upon it by the united states. so i don't know what, what, what we can take from this other than perhaps a large country like russia, is able to combat these kinds of sanctions, smaller countries, maybe not so much i and, you know, talk about unintended consequences. in russia's case, they are actually richer, but in cuba is case you unintended consequences. and i was there, i talked to officials when i took a congressional trip to cuba. every shortcomings they have in their society is
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blamed on the sanctions. or you don't have a tv the, what's the sanction? so things aren't working well. it's the section so it actually helps keep the regime and power strength and the, the, the regimes in place. do you see any place where i know you've had lots of discussions with ron paul about this where it may be appropriate to the point sanctions against the country? what do you do that if i ever will, sanctions, or inactive or so if you're aware of the country, you should forbid a training with that country that just kind of make sense. but you know, there's a smith, this miss, a perception that sanctions are one step before more. but when you enter in, when you interfere with the trade and economic activity of a country is by definition war. so the, the left like sections a lot because they feel like they're going to punish someone without actually going toward the left. it is anti war. and that's not the case because they are an act of war. well, in the case of ukraine, for example, we know that the united states in 2000 to 2014,
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was very much involved in ukrainian politics. most people would argue that they interfered. some people would go as far as to say that they actually tried to started cool because they didn't like the guy who was in power there. so or the guy who was the leader of ukraine at the time and they wanted to change them and that sort of famous victoria newland tapes that we've all either heard or heard of. now we come back after doing something like that with sanctions to make sure we can, you know, bury rushes, actions against ukraine, even more. what, how do you describes that scenario as well? it's, it's a situation where the so called experts in the belt way in dc, they're all in a circle and they all listen to each other talk and they don't listen to any will. they don't call me up. they will call rick sanchez and say, hey, is this true that russia is taking ships out of washing machines because they don't have anything to make weapons with. i mean, is it true that the rubel is rubble because that's what everyone is telling me that i know well, maybe you just know the wrong people. maybe you should branch out
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a little bit more and think a little bit more for yourself. and it's funny on one hand, but on the other hand, there are real consequences, real life consequences to this kind of circular mentality in washington dc. and that's, i think, what is leading us toward war? well, it's interesting that you say that because as i was, i think you heard my intro, and i mentioned that one other thing that the military contractors do is they own all the think tanks, they own all the think tanks and put their people on those think tanks, those are the people in the thing, things, right? who then talk to congress and give them their advice. but they're actually working for, you know, general dynamics or something. and they also send those people to see and them, and fox news to be the so called experts to tell us what's really going on in the world. so they're controlling the message on top of giving money to the politicians . that's exactly true and i'm glad you said the media because it's so important. i mean, there was a time in our, in our, in our recent memory rick,
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that when you were tired as a, as a general officer in the army, or if you retired as a high c, i, y, ranking c i a official, you would quietly enjoy your retirement, you might move to loudon county and have a little farm it and have a nice life. well, it's not that way anymore. your massive pension that you have from your job is just not enough. so you go to fox news and you go to see and then you go to the other networks and you helped drives the narrative because everything in dc is a narrative based. it's not the reality based community on like how it was claimed when george w bush was present at uh, it's a narrative based community. and in fact, presently the chairman of the joint chiefs and staff, i looked it up and he has like a $4.00 to $7000000.00 home on the ocean, on some private island in south carolina. since when does a general live on a private island on the ocean? when he gets us into the right wars that make a lot of profits for his friends, and that's what's driving everything. and yeah, you mentioned the money for your credit coming from taxes. it's actually even worse
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than that because it's not collected out of our pockets directly. it's the most insidious, taxable which is the inflation tax. this money is conjured out of seeing there and what it does, obviously reckon you know this very well is it makes it dollars. it you already have. we have works that much less to. it hurts the poor and the working have class much more than the people we're talking about in dc, dan mac, adams. thanks so much. let's do this. let's take a break. when we come back, we're going to continue the discussion. speaking specifically about some of the strategies that are used by the people who are able to turn the people in congress . oh, and we should also mentioned the 3 other things that congress did besides ukraine and why they did. we'll be right back the,
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the, the, the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the, it's hard to imagine as we return here on direct impact. anything like, what happened this weekend?
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i mean, has there ever been a case i ask, where congress has more lately set out to give the people who pay them money, bring money exactly what they want in all cases. think about it. i mean, the bank tech companies wanted for tick tock to be eliminated to be banned because it's competition for them to bring 10 companies united states to control social media. they want the amount, so they gain money. and info is the bombing congress to have them do. and what did congress do on saturday? they said we're going to band tick tock. i mean, the military contractors is damn, i got, i was just explaining, i've been getting a ton of money, a ton of money to congress because they want them to have these continual wars, you know, and, and what better war a ron is perfect. china, off, ideal and russia. yeah, they're the perfect that. i mean make them
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a boil and then they get more money and hopefully they'll blow up more tanks so they can make more tax and more. yeah. planes and more bullets, etc. so they gave congress a ton of money in congress said okay, fine, we're going to give you crane and taiwan, a $70000000000.00. here's another one. i mean, all of this happened on the same day. israel, no country on the history of the planet is ever paid another country, so much money to have them basically do their will. that's what is real does with it's lobby. we all know that it's no secret. so what did the congress do on saturday? $28000000000.00 for israel. i mean, man, i gotta tell you, then this is absolutely crazy. i feel like i need to get on a mountain top and scream this to the american people. how does this just good? how does this happen as well the take talk then by the way, is also related to the israel issue because jonathan green, black,
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the head of radio was interest was, was recorded, got a phone call saying we've got a tick tock, problem. the problem with tick tock is a lot of young people are making videos because of snippets as a more more to palestinians. and they're concerned about what's happening in gaza and that's destroying their narrative. israel, i think people, even people who are appropriate, where you would say that they've really kind of box to p r after they went in after october 7th and tick tock support the problem. so interestingly enough, there is kind of a dovetail there, but you're right. saturday was a terrible day for america. if you actually love this country like you, we must do rick. they gave a ton of money away. but as you know, hardly any of this money is going to ukraine, and we all know that even soleski said this money that america passed. it will stay in america because it's going right across the belt way to the belt way. bad. that's who we're going to manufacturing new tags to get blown up as you very well pointed out. so this is more like corporate welfare with a little bit of sprinkle on top for. so let's get to get a couple of new cars in the house. maybe, well,
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what do you make of this new speaker, this guy a john? so what an interesting bird this due to is. first he comes out and he says it's about america 1st. it's about controlling the border. it's about securing the border. it's about taking care of some of the needs of americans. now we move forward a couple of months and so that how are the americans the border? i'm going to back these 4 measures. what, what, what, what, how do you do that? what happened in this guy and he had the same guy. the people are wondering if they have something on him at the very least. he sees a not case. i mean because the other thing we didn't mentioned defies and reauthorization and it's 5 the on steroids because it really defines without getting into the woods. rita finds how the government can spy on you without a warrant. they can use your plumber and your gardener and other things. they weren't able to do that before. but speaker johnson was quoted, he said, well, you know, when i was on the judiciary committee, i saw thousands of abuses by the f b. i thousands of them. but then i had a briefing from our intelligence community and i realize how important it is,
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the tier of is l, which just shows he's either incredibly not even gullible or somehow he's in on it . but we know for a fact that the intelligence committees routinely live, they live the members of congress. they live, to their case. anyone who's forgotten the rock, livia, etc. all these briefings. it's one of the reasons why i talked to paul never went to his class vibrations cuz he noticed nothing but a pack of lies after. oh wow, it just looks like i mean, i mean, i guess this guy johnson, maybe we shouldn't blame i'm. it's his job. and he's going to do whatever put some more money in his pocket. i just looked at open secrets this morning and apparently he's res, 9000000 dollars from different donors, etc. so i guess after a while vermont there to basically represent you and meet them. they're just, it's a job, they're no different than being a lawyer or, or a doctor or anything else. that's a job. you know, if i can make do an operation that pays me more than the other operation, i'll do that operation, or if it's a lawyer, i'll handle this guy's case because he has more money than the poor guy over here.
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so i guess this is what we get, right? it's a capital system, as well as other capital systems, the crony capital, the system. that's a big difference. you know? but what speaker johnson did is very, very unusual. and i was, i spent the 11 or so years on the hill, and i had never seen it. the only way he got to ukraine bill passed was he relied on democrats. he actually lost among the people who elected him. speaker i e. republicans. he lost that vote. he reached over he read just how the rules committee mixed the rules for those as well. and he over he, i'm going to get too far into it. but he overran the republicans on the rules committee and depends it on democrats, on the rules committee, to pass out a rule to bring it to the floor. that is extremely, extremely rare. so the republicans are furious with him. they want to get rid of a people like thomas massey, who's a patient and a hero, wants us to use the backside of the of my jobs and as fast as possible. i like this massy guy by the way, hey, there's something else i want to share with you over the weekend,
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israel fired back in or on after a rotted fire to time for bombing there, syria embassy, and assassinating to iranian leaders. crazy what's happening? it looks dangerous. to me, considering this war going back and forth between is real and iran, by the way. it's not really as real, it's us. but whatever, we'll pretend it's as real. they're, they're, they're having this battle with drones and computers and blasting things out of the year. of what appears that made the most evident is that israel is going easy on the wrong to fulfill a promise to the us. so to us, will that look the other way? what when they are when they attack rafa? i mean, talk about an interesting negotiation where it appears that once again baby nathan, yahoo is going to be able to get what he wants. as i say this, he went to the us and said, look, i want to attack rafa. they said no, we don't want you to attack rasa. and finally, so what if i go easy on israel and i just do this little, this thing that i just described. and they said, well, that, okay, you're going to check off on. it looks like that's what is going on here or and
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what's discussing is that the by the administration is not telling israel don't attack ross because you've killed enough innocent women and children. they're saying don't attack or off. it's going to hurt my re election campaign. yeah, no, that's what it's all about. talk about the cynicism of someone like that. who can so cold hearted about the pain and suffering and slaughter that's going on there. they only take of their re election chances. it's disgusting. what the oh yeah, you know, i start looking at this thing this week and i, you know, is concerned as i am, we're down to about 2 minutes here. but this thing with these drones and these missiles and they're shooting them up expecting that are going to be shut down and it's all done through computers and animation and, and a i what i, how is this taking us man? the scary thing is it normalizes? slaughter in warfare, and we had this a lot when we started using drones when people who operated them in, for example, new mexico when you went over to iraq and afghanistan and assassinated people without any human contact. i think that's incredibly, incredibly dangerous. and i think we've seen the p t s d in the people who are not
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in the traces, but they're basically playing a computer game. they're getting as bad as anyone else. so it does something to your soul into your mind when you kill people in the matter. if you do it from a dark room in new mexico or in a trench and you know, in, in dumbass, daniel make adams as usual. my thanks to you, sir. for sharing your wisdom with us, we look forward to talking to you once again. thank you, rick. before i go, i want to remind you of our mission here. it's pretty simple. we tried the silo, the world by telling all the troops, not just the one that i want to be spark on. troops don't live in little boxes. we try to develop stories through and through with different ideas, different perspectives, things you'll never hear anywhere else. this is direct impact and hi emerett sanchez,
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the a video of alleged abuse by an officer today, a sheriff's deputy in columbia, south carolina, forcibly removed his student from a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talked to her sprained her and initially, you know, i didn't think is a problem because i knew that she was just this quiet student in the class. someone looks the police officer and says, here is law enforcement that is worse. clearly attacking, abusing power and influence and other than others besides, this is what's wrong with those poorly be on discipline. black children, he was there enforcing a lot to meet the crime, to quote, disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes and school is huge and forces never predict when necessary. a tops people were never
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gonna change them out. and so people will never change their minds about the video . they think i was wrong. and that's it. the types of things in stock is especial, military operations. ukrainian law states have reached almost half a 1000000 troops caught the roof back numbers for kids out of small weapons being sent to ukraine. most goes to the country is paying the price in human life. britain is putting the country's defense industry on a war footing, adding the 75000000000 pounds to the budget to ensure its weapons, stockpiles on completely deplete the big big loss right there. so it's a grim milestone for god is ready. bombs continue to rain down on the yang fables is tuesday box. $200.00 to celebrate responded to the october the 7th and the fact


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