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tv   News  RT  April 23, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the in total seems to start with the special military operation. ukrainian law states have reached almost half a 1000000 troops. catastrophic numbers for key of that as more weapons are set to be sent to new brain. moscow site is the country is paying the price in human life . person is putting the country's defense industry on a war footing, adding 75000000000 pounds to the budget to ensure its weapons stockpiles, and not entirely the police of grim milestone for gaza while as riley volumes reign down on the inc. life. the choose a mocking $200.00 days instead of a you've responded to the october at the time. as long as the military comes to
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the finding the world from most go with the world news, unfiltered. as always, this is on the internet. so in the last 24 hours or so, ukraine has reportedly lost more than a 1000 troops. that's according to ruptures. defense ministry, a 2 years under the conflict of power, the key as lost as now amounting to half a 1000000. something ukraine's western sponsors will never tell you. it was installed left to prevent the collapse of the ukrainian armed forces. washington intends to send all my $61000000000.00 to the key. every shame, most of that will be used to finance the us defense industry across american authorities. cynically say that ukrainians are the ones who will die for the interests in fighting russia. in total, since the stock of the special military operation, ukrainian law states have reached almost half a 1000000 troops,
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the kid regime could not achieve the goals of the counter initiative set by nato. instruct as our troops of dispelled the mist about the superiority of weston weaponry. there's most of us now, but it's just all familiar because the old set of these problems that the credit ministry was largely made up of volunteers ideologically driven funds. as many nationalist troops in peak physical form, one to 5, it'd be now replaced with troops. large the drop the can scripted troops who would bother be elsewhere and do on whom it is difficult to rely on the incredibly complex and difficult psychological and physical and physically conditions on the battlefield. it will be very difficult for you, great to recall. and since, you know, i mean with any semblance of what it was. furthermore, cynthia schwartz who said that the credit defense is all tracking this is being demonstrated since the full of up to go with russia,
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sees it about the school of settlement russian troops just over the past several days of seas to move settlements in the or well along the battlefield and now that you create a new doesn't talk, brigade has a bad in their positions. just west of the west of up to pacific actually do also said that it is being demonstrated that there is a very little advantage to, to west of all of these. these means that they're the best and the world is being shot. the russian of production is zip the times. old time ha is in the most in dom on piece of military hardware. that is, and the fed as $500.00 complexes for example, pods and ad defend systems. but they have production which is where the beginning police increased. many phones will continue to be increased. as for this new 60000000000 dollar package that is incoming for you can take a show, a group says the bus and strikes from strikes. rockets guides on warehouses all the bases,
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projects by which these weapons are making that way up to the battlefield. they will be increasingly targeted in order to make sure that those weapons will, the majority of those weapons never reach the front floods. but us senators are taking part in some of the final steps to fully fund the ukraine. israel and taiwan . a bill last week of the house of representatives approve full bill was the rough funding to 3 us allies off the months of delays, personal buy and the driving force behind the move. so he would quickly sign them into law once they passed the senate ukraine and said to receive all my $61000000000.00 us dollars of the so called aid wants to check players. however, a large portion will be in the form of the loan. more of a 20000000000 of it is allocated to replenish american weapons stockpiles and us congressman aaron swallow. well, the noted that in previous packages, the main benefit is actually felt at home 57 percent of the emergency. a
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previously approved for ukraine was actually spend right here at home, while in some cases for an aide, does take the form of direct financial assistance through human. it's aaron or defense programs. that is not necessarily the case for ukraine. about a 3rd of that money has been spent resupply in our own stockpiles after disbursements to ukraine. another quarter of the total has been spent manufacturing weapons systems for them and training ukraine and soldiers on how to use them. a little bit is comes office on vocal opponents of the bill had insisted to focus on issues at home, but suddenly changed their minds. here's how speaker mike johnson. as a prime example, i'm doing here what i believed to be the right thing. i think for providing legal aid, do you agree in right now is critically important. before we even talk about ukraine, i'm going to tell the president when i'm telling all of you and we've told the american people border border border, we need a clarity on what we're doing in ukraine and how will have proper oversight of the
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spending of precious taxpayer dollars and american citizens, the republican warehouse will not be jammed or forced into passing or for an 8 bill that was opposed by most republican senators. and does nothing to secure our own board. this time for washington to start showing some love to americans. we spoke to legal and media unless line over here is take on the house, speakers unexpected change apart. so i believe there were some statements that were made probably by mr. johnson that says something to the effective date. you knew what i knew, if you could see what i saw if you, if you knew the vantage point that i have a speaker, you would agree with me as well. and that's a point well taken because i'm not the speaker. but what i want to know is you have groups of americans, republicans, i don't know about democrats, but many, many republicans, especially for gardening, for mr. johnson to replace him as is,
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as in his predecessor, and they've been adamant and they are saying, we want this money here, the borders here. it's the number one concern present during this election ready to pick and we, we don't. how would you know how to secure our borders against alejandro? don't you think the irony is missed perhaps by some people or claiming about russian ukrainian border? i mean the all subjects, 7 in bottles. my morning and the democrats are saying she, i, i don't really want have was much of a problem. mr. johnson. as i do the democratic party, are we in the same country? what do we, do? we not see what's going on. so, yes, mr. johnson's change of opinion is one thing, but the underlying skits of rain. yeah. on the part of the american political system, that's what i did even more for like. taking a slight,
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a deeper look into this as a house speaker johnson's top policy advisor, dad ziegler, turns out to be a professional lobbyist, very powerful list of clients as revealed by bright boston news is a long list of times share a common financial interest to continue the brand new and conflict from pharmaceutical to financial industries or the energy and also the military industrial complex. and many of them are old providing services to key if i'm back to line or level of time, he says is or thoughts on what political lobbying and washington really mean in washington is nothing but a lobbying central. and if anybody were just suggest that, do you think that maybe, for example, certain industries, why don't who defend that they might have a not a stranglehold buddy. he's a level of interest to us and a connection as to what's going on, maybe over others later. it's another one of the many lobbies. i don't think anybody would,
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would be at all shocked about that. if i were to describe all the people in every branch of government who as the people under steps you may or may not have been online with various industries and why being roots throughout the year, that will be the subject for another story is that does that surprise me. is there a very positive defense lobby the connection force there? is there lobbies everywhere? that doesn't surprise me in the least. i never heard anybody say. now listen, i recognize that this money could be allocated to our own mortgage. i recognize that fact i understand your concern. no, there's no mention. it's just remember it's not even. it's not, it's not even mentioned. not even discussed. part is good for society for democracy . that's part of it. and as some have suggested,
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i don't for forgetting the money is coming back here anyway, so actually not going anywhere. it's a year. and then where does that go annual? is that audited? do we ever get a chance to to check on that? no, no, no, just just take our word the u. k. is the defense industry is on a war footing that's according to the prime minister who added the military budget is set to grow by tens of billions of pounds. somehow to ensure the further production of what we will increase defense spending to a new base volume of 2 and a half percent of g d p. by 2030. over the next 6 years, we'll invest an additional 75000000000 pounds in our defense. we have a clear plan for what we'll spend when we'll spend it, and how we pay for it. first, we will put the u. k. so in defense industry, unable to take one of a central lessons of the war and ukraine, is that we need deepest stop calls of munitions and for industry to be able to
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replenish them more quickly. so you're not going on to announce the law just as a minute treat package to ukraine during his visit. opponent, reading it and will sole, with nato secretary general. the prime minister is now set to head over to germany for a meeting with a drum and chancellor overlap show. earlier that you guys defense minister released a video where he analysis done showcase parts of the aide package to be sent to ukraine. this package is all about bringing peace. ukraine is an ex, essential baffle appears in muscle when so the security of the united kingdom, which is why we were the 1st country and the well to provide and to tank weapons like this. excellent little. we do the 1st country to bride main buffing tanks, like the previous exit to this challenge, a 3 and with the 1st country in the world to provide long range missiles like the outstanding storm shatter. well, today i'm delighted to announce that we're providing all biggest ever package of gifted equipment to ukraine, plus another half
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a 1000000 pounds to bring also from contribution this year to $3000000000.00 pounds among the guest i had this evening talking about this. we had rubbing griffith soon as the general secretary of the communist party of britain. he says that the voice of the people clearly remains low just on the hood, but ignore or by the elite in london. in this a, i think we all need to be clear that the written likes are united states of nato, and the west is quite prepared to kind of you on this you more in ukraine to the last ukranian, but she likes to just very patch to die let's just from the real problems facing the peoples of britain, our voices are simply never heard of them. and so you know that the reality is that despite all of the approval propaganda of the big issue. so sometimes the vast majority of the people in britain attention, the enormous the cost of living crisis, which is
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a cost of profit is crisis because big business is doing terrifically well as they screw people into the grounds of big issues, including the health service, 8000000 people waiting to, to have an operation in the national l service homes in of chrome. it shows of affordable housing. the priorities that the people in prison have 200 days. i'm counting as gossip box a milestone. this tuesday, noting the time the enclave has been under attack by the idea of close following the hamas attacks of october. the city of data by law, one of the very latest targets with footage capturing. one of the nice is riley bottom. and so far, no official comment from inside of a, by the while. a local media report say the central air or is it the enclave? something under intense attacks, of the past, 48 hours,
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including that of crowded refugee camp. so the total, dest all settings, the october, the 7th attacks now surpassing $34000.00 people. 90 percent killed civilians. but when it comes to accountability, some are being accused of turning a blind eye just, for example, that's address a canadas finance minister. mr. freeman, you condemn is just killing and 14000 children. stop watching. you condemn israel, killing of 14000 children that mixed up front of it. why walking away? it should be very easy for her to condemn it. a cheese condemned. uh uh, protests against the genocide she just did that recently. but the but they don't want to because they are complicit in israel's, up of criminal activities because of all the canadian government is not interested in a resolution in the sense that is not willing to impose any sort of pressure on israel regarding the arms band and that motion and how's the commons?
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it was a small step forward, but it didn't, didn't do a number of things specific around arms. so there's a whole bunch, there's like $300.00 upstanding arms permits, the israel and the resolution. the government had a change from the opposition, which is stronger language and basically allow for those outstanding permits to still be processed. and so creating companies provide all kinds of components for things like that. 35 that the israel is using to, to bomb guys, the boss syria for that matter. so yeah, so, so that we don't know exactly how much a weapon it's kind, it has been selling to israel via the us. but it's certainly in the tens and tens of millions of dollars per year. and the, the motion that was passed didn't touch on that question whatsoever. well, a new us, so state department report on human rights violations world wide makes 0 condemnation
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of israel is ongoing actions in gaza. you would imagine that pump the claims of double standards, something the us secretary of state was very quick to step up to. and how about down to do we have a double stance? the answer is no. as this report makes clear, in general, as we're looking at the human rights and the condition of human rights around the world, we apply the same standard to everyone. and that doesn't change whether the country in question is an adversary, a competitor, a friend or an ally. so let's take a closer look at the report and the 2nd contrasts for you. as israel exercises its right to self defense, we have made clear that it must conduct military operations in accordance with international law and take every feasible precaution to protect civilians. the crime was this regard and consent for human rights. our full display in its war against ukraine. russian forces employed violence against civilians as
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a deliberate to a 4 affair. the report highlights documentation of human rights violations and abuses, some amounting to crimes against humanity throughout the 2nd year of russia's brutal full scale invasion of ukraine. all the while the gaza calls that has resulted in the killing of a 30000 civilians in the last 6 months. the ukrainian culture this claimed about a 3rd of that in more than 2 years, as a by the administration has refrained from accusing israel, a breaching international lower. it's a totally different picture when it comes to russia and form a couple of different modern international affairs on the list. i flew in the county, had this to say the winds up in a wild. you see um from the secretary of states to the defense secretary and the rest of them in the they're coming administers on how college and that something is happening that is not acceptable to america. but the question is, do they really believe in this october? i'm serious. i think that's the key question. they may have,
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for the purposes of diplomacy that authorizes idea that the nations and the rest of them but follow up to take action that the appropriate that i think is very slow from what the americans comfortable america's national interest at all times. since very preponderance such about nothing else is of course, impression, wherever it is waiting to get place, whatever it does, not i, i swear to the feelings of america to it. that is not the end of the thing. we do my, i'm the more here by the to from america. i'm is something we have america. i should look at some of this is differently the uh, west african, the state of nigeria also found itself. the focus of this report at the us says level charges and widespread civilian deaths and any who are in treatment in the country and even delayed the sales of weapons that, that have been a month to help with regional security. but back to uh,
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i don't know what to tell anyone once again, he says now may not be a while a very good time. a 2nd place perhaps should look at themselves in the mirror. well, is glad that i met a guy has north time. that's why when you talk about double stop, that's news that must be, is timed up some where the shipping of one time will be i'm even before then. the history of america is replete with the abuse of human rights and of all sorts of rights from the slippery to discrimination. i'm the rest of them. so up to the more than do you can see america, is it the tutorial democracy? let's put it that way. because it says i'm doesn't. what does the ones not? what others believe should be done? there's nothing like equity, justice or fitness in the sides of is diplomacy? whatever benefits of america it does. okay. it's coming,
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visited the country. i'd say that as i can't do any group as it is right. it's kind of fun. let me tell her is good. as soon find it right. i'm there for. it is better the because when you have such a head you money paula in the was the good thing, how things should be done. it, me. lol. not to make it comfortable for any actions out of the world that i'm, that has become very, very clear with us. so as an african countries kicking out, for example, from a french colonial forces. some of the continent have their eyes on washington. these arrows told the us to go home and take its troops with a neighboring chad. same story. washington is being ordered to stop its activities inside the country. well, the details now will that correspond to mine, but you should is quite clear for the united states, you either follow its agenda or you are a traitor to democracy. however, america is now facing the reality that due to this very approach,
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its presence in many places in africa is on the want to win. all of these countries kicked out the french and turn the invalids with then strikes of pivots to become the peacemaker. in the hopes that we could keep all presents the, all of that is clearly not working well. now out, russia is now in sure, but the reason russia is then might just be because it is not cold in other states on how to govern themselves. for instance, in the past few years, a handful of african states like news, their molly worked in el paso and the central african republic were fed up with frances presents in their countries. so they took them out. and the same story is said to repeat itself, the u. s. as in the cross hairs now as it has failed to nurture relations in the continent, and has been asked to pack up and ship out by a number of countries who wish to put ties. the air force is ask the american
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defense to shake to meet at least stop american activities on the edge. i can say air base and we ask you to intercede with the appropriate authorities to inform the americans that we have taken the decision to stop their activity. of the american presidents and instead of doing it the public of the share is really all violates the constitutional and democratic rules which with regard to southern people, notably through its elected officials, the becomes solid on the installation of a for now on the, on the status of a, it was false, washington recently recalled over a 1000 of his troops based in new year and sad might be next in line as it is also pushed in for americans to well get out. it's not surprising that some african countries are spending up against the american presence, according to the african center for strategic studies that's from terrorism and i've heard that have sky rocketed with tens of thousands being killed last year alone in the areas america has been stationed during its war on terror in the
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region. you would think that a power, like the united states would be diplomatically smarter. almost those relations with the nations on the continent are based on norse and trust between 2 parties. washington's policies on the other hand, are not based on dual interest, but generally on, containing russia and china. in line with 2222 national defense strategy, the department of defense will engage with african partners to expose and highlight the res. so negative people's republic of china and washing activities in africa as the russian and chinese presents. there are a headache for the west. washington as need took, reaction is just to send past just smooth things over, instead of simply working. so creative soul and diplomatic ties that bring real benefits to both parties. well, advocates i've had enough of the was the interfering in their affairs and put in the content as
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a drive for independence in the back seat. this year and government regrets the desire of the american government to deny the silver and new jerry and people the right to choose the positives and types of partnership capable of helping them to truly fight against terrorism. we condemned these militia statements as completely uncalled for defamatory provocative and a continuation of wanton hostilities against and bob weighed by the us government. we demand that the buyer and administration provides evidence in support of these gratuitous accusations. failure to which the administration must, without any further delay, withdraw them unconditionally, so much time and money spent. yep. their goals on the continent are not exactly clear. not only did the west approach to africa back fire, it only brought the continent even closer to russia and china. i suppose relations with africa, they back to soviet times and have been strengthening recently as russia has proven
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itself to be a reliable partner to the continent. so the mother, if you see the component of anything difficult times that you find out who your true friends all when africa was experiencing difficulties. whether that was slavery, clarity lies ation. apartheid. russia has always been, if not the 1st or i'm the country, then one of the countries by africa side to help us said the good because showing kids on routed in history. so this cooperation has recently progressed by leaps and bounds. we want to thank you. the russian federation, the russian government, and the russian people for this will miss you. thank you very much for the interest you show. so and for the support we continuously receive from the russian federation identity as the multi paulo world emerges from the american dominance. all countries are demanding to be treated as equals and it's the west colonial mindset that is cloud in its vision to clearly see that diplomacy is a 2 way street as the other party should not be run off the road. the
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name of the wells law just have a democratic elections being held in india. body would act as a filed police, complaints off the following victim to artificial intelligence, to put words in their mouth earlier on the face of them criticising the indian government and endorsing the opposition. suddenly, amongst online, the power of actors, the post of videos were forged on the eclipse altering, has been confirmed by numerous fact checkers effect videos used in a generator. voice featured poor quality and lift movements, and one in tale and sing. we spoke with indian actor deli sales who sarasota elliot development deeply concerning, but it's also really embarrassing how much you may find later to begin. but it's, i mean it's of deep concern that somebody uses your, your face and your voice does run what's more, it was a new mouth that, that, you know, i'm not, i'm not to yours. so it's a deep concern that it's a, it's
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a complete violation and infiltration into your, into your lives. so nobody, nobody likes, i've seen such a need to happen to me. i would, i would be very upset and i would most definitely uh take it to the police. and of course the government is extremely concerned because it does normally about actors . it's about prominent politicians, celebrities, people, why and in the government service as well, high profile. i mean, everyone is under attack. i mean, is there any way that if the out in the public domain, so what type of profession they're in? so it's an ongoing one. i know the government of india is extremely sensitive and as a lot of vigilance is particularly the situation as we have now in the general election, a deputy of the russian defense minister has reportedly been arrested as our correspond to explain to more of i know the deputy defense minister has been detained in a bribery case,
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at least this is the accusation that the russian investigative committee is making and they have already announced that they are seeking his arrest. now of his mind, we don't know much about him. we know that his career began in the late ninety's back then he was occupying mostly managerial positions at various russian companies . when he was, he proceeded to work in the russian atomic industry. and in 2016, he was given the chair of the deputy defense administer in that capacity from what we understand. he was responsible for overseeing property management and troops control meant. again, a not much is known about this case, but it has the potential to be very, very big because search cases, well, especially with the nation, is it or they on to well it, they aren't a common thing. and so again, it is very interesting. what will come out of it and uh, what case the investigation will make. clearly it was a surprise event, at least for 2 more of i know because uh this morning, today's morning on a tuesday morning,
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he was attending the meeting over at the board of the ministry. so he did not see it coming again. clearly has every possibility and all the potential to become a big case. but of course, we will have to stand by to watch out for what comes out of it. the russian president and the defense minister both have been informed about the detention in the western russia. there's a so name, the philosophical congress right now mocking the 300 year anniversary since the day emanuel kent was born. and people from all over the world came to protest. russia is actually 50 percent of the arctic, and russian india have very friendly relations. we have a strategic partnership. so it's a logical for india and russia to cooperate in the arctic, particularly with regard to the northern sea route in terms of developing
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cooperation on containerized cargo for example, or developing links between the 4th of july in southern india. and so i mean, i do and that he was stuck in the far east of russia. we can also have cooperation with regard to c fairs, training people to operate in the arctic. india would benefit from russia as experience and available. i think it's very important for india in russia to continue to cooperate with regard to hydrocarbons. with regard to for example, oil and gas in india is very committed to working with russia in the field hydrocarbons. we have a large investments made in cycling and other places in the russian far east. and it's a very important to launch this agenda. of course, india and russia, a key members of the strategic hello and start of the bricks. family


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