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tv   Documentary  RT  April 23, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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that's the, [000:00:00;00] the
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template in front of him. here's the thing that's interesting because there's a, that's just sort of some of the about so many of them. it's almost the end of the course. they also could i ask you why scott crane was to let them do them uh, at the end of this message is to convey for us and you'll no longer with us because this will be so it is an issue and you're going to conditioning it by them so it's collusion is this is can do, do most of the district, the know lots of stuff in it or finding friends or sort of control the image. yeah. cache and move angel who's a with a video systems. so for books totally
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the the symbol of course, but if i'm gonna try to just go through just a little you know, the, the pollution from this is also good. i'm on the dish has middle one of your stores . it's doing the fucking, i don't now. permission, understands commissioning numbers coming. i should have been so vicious. yeah. of course. which is yes. priscilla pursued him. you have with him. he's quite from julia on sunday, listening and the watch. and then you know, for the look, slips. uh huh. yeah. to jim though, for sure the guess it's making the most interesting story. i'm not for one or more than uh,
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sales people are interested in putting it on for just loan. and so i can only show you enough commodities how much the uh, is taking a little bit control latham in the ocean today. which to me, i was name to go to the search of the last which investor to, you know, it showed up in the 100 and with the commercial. gotcha. it's us to our stuff for us to do it the same for the most part of this deal is it 1st and last name? we'll do so think of shit was in get and you can but a significant in no good which it to some of those and such that it's like a middle initial's. take a tutor from the knowest within the what to do with the position and look as are the publishers because of the cost of those posted on the same given to them. what the foundational visual can depending on the beach canyon
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visual pacific or fema e additional 0 to were as board of $1.00 to $1.00 of those the brings to part of mesh of nash williams. support to get it down to of just to just most of the written there were guns could launch those programs kind yeah. i was wondering how long ago, how much the live for production for me and it was to look up with them, put them to put them. but unfortunately, since the solution to example in texas us into the new policy of nimble and showing envelope. and when i put that in the, the previous a 4 digit or somebody should have what i see you unlimited internet, thomas has a girlfriend to you between the display for leasing with them so much for the should be sending them spam aging. first floor solution solution solution. there's nicole motion to groups or the or distinct or that's also going to be going
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to that's published and it's still going to look for the full of korean and you think that good for us additional okay. for the notes for the airplane store is will actually you have yourself comfortable directors of cartoons total more and you folks the solution for the more. so is a think die that apply to either 3, a new hides it is unable to against any videos and come with the samples facilitated you move, which they are stuck with you. i mean, you're pretty slow. you know, i was more than that. yes, i couldn't get a zip. so refreshing individual was a couple switches. the phone told me people associated with the plan just to finish the most of which he was unable
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to transcribe me much less mister pena stuart to close the sample from the ditch. yeah, cash, the individual who's a, with a, through a system still for looks that way. it's just, i think consumers subsidy. so then it's gonna finish officially a shift. i'm as to what i was and what i suggest for you looks do some good for your best interest in that. and the pin number is the upcoming ellis princeton because it's what kinds of professional condemned bustle i'm assigned. you can be produced. furniture stores cook with the choice because i chose to night and the clean. i'm astonished i forgot to push on this thing is that engine? a good thing occurs, but that is before you, many of them usually if i'm gonna send the computer over to them over to blue screen, difficult for the explanation of each area and we've got sufficient professions that i need pretty much. ready so at least cut, there's not order for putting in chance for you one cup such as the link from virginia to interest. and if there's some foundation,
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in addition to the other special needs a solution, i don't want to make sure things like that. so but sure, and the pushing it when do the transfer and then give them the zip code in. uh, what did you, what would be william the specialists fed up similar to the additional good i was new or used. i appreciate see that, but i lost the truth of really getting pretty boy of which if not since the 1st because of the tech couple of thing and come on butcher to some new to the. yeah. so we do know you see the it you, what that you are and you can do any because always just in your co commerce as always, through the personal problem with adjusting collision because they have competition with percentages. so typically i'm still looking for some part of this new and you
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can go unlimited super location address no package because of the way i'm that was a way of kind ask is it is sold to print on a color. it's that i just about to do the service 1st. the initial priority is more than that. i didn't was to them or the name of what the deal go with them for the day. oh, i saw some that i know and they're, they're so excited to to those are good. i knew that as well. yeah. pretty much the monroe grace published in the wedding. there's reaching us cuz when she gets to the vendor, i'm not going to go to that those to, to do ship value. somebody will put ship this, but i just, i'm going to if i have to more on x, just the motion stated to this doesn't continue to stay over the demo of these units. and then the, this to,
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to, to, that's what is the use resemble anybody another way to, to cancer the type of findings explaining it for cause any. so there's lots of them are stories of so the key just because the way i didn't the problem, the navigation is nor storm with which i'm a little bit more so that that is i think it's eastern she jago dorsey is mostly pursuing with the sheer must be in a way, i'm gonna read this volume of especially, and then use the most of the day today. so let's just see, let's see the best one. you see the name that you said to provide when you're still looking for a little bit slim but flip monthly with doors. what decision label,
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sinus bitch is when you're still at the economic just those are the last one. could be a gym for quite with a whole new clip. debbie, i'm guessing them will come up after cutting your to are tied to them, which are the both the to for me to order for me since that he was the tell him some, did you face to look stupid to formations the multiple choice kind of show can assume and there's a doing the push forwarding. it's just html stood us and we did what moved or wasn't able to come properly on that are you on the person, the new business, which is joseph's done to them or mr. ocean are so voyaging with them that she almost can provide you to get those reports, you know, move underneath the individuals. but well, additionally, at the start of his knowledge that the blanket also information to, to 3 or 4 get, you know, sure. feel free to pass by she by movers in school,
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i'm good for the shots. additional funding by the end of the during the semester. so i don't know. we still have the information in close to the said didn't get it, but i'm, we're definitely not sure if for many of them uh which, which as to jimmy, put them assignment science for those that are about there somewhere you've tried changing that, you put them by days it was, i'm not sure what the course of that if one is trust me doing nothing is as cool. cool. well, there's a bit over the to setting in their system shall go high, much say as could kindly put her if she was living can not pick up. it was by then use that other. normally they don't, was you land okay to, i'm not sure. but i'm, we doing research color so it's not focused on going to uh, you know, it's difficult when i get the deal. is it the worst of it? because i put you want to ask them to spend too much to look at a crisis, call them shit and wish to obviously screw i am at the definitely the ocean punctual findings. motion clark, i'm completely done with one of them. well,
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i'm going to do, but in this and it will kind of a fuck that i'm pushing and design that and that would be his own that which to to disclose total which to the most. okay. for for see what yeah. the addition done done by suffering the so you send the mailbox tool, which in the system brings the ship it and i've seen a gun. so i think at the special i can, you know, that there is pressure because essentially what i used to be there was more in the stuff in the, in this column. which correct with i'm a special agent with zillow dash with a couple of shifting the end of the to the visit of it's sort of way much like a ship which will type of told me yeah, pretty sure. so the services and walk out the other, but work or new minneapolis to take these, the new just easiest them then you know,
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it wasn't that extra thought the 1st the tech to go to because i missed it. it was a shift towards and then we're still is asking that this finish small because number to reach alters for shutoff. so somebody is we have special additional cut the young to sell. but the cars, which, you know, one of the weights of contribute look at the piece, the price to price to mean. yeah. to new york stone. yeah. is that crew of love with them going to same news as should to us for new various is that the uh the is that the uh
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the well thanks a the same wrong. just don't you have to say power the courtesy and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look for common ground, the the
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the ones that, oh my god and see him, you over to the screen of your to the gift card of choice. consolidate you see what was more of a see with somebody in your own. can you send me the book of the store item at each store posted on the video of crystal as opposed to the if you could just delete the custodian,
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let's say the rest of the single to the the most people. but that each student shamal with go just give us color was when you call it that way, the issue minute, you know, the point on the spot, the selenium of on you know, but us cousin will let me do you or someone else at this level. silver gold way and though it's a little bit less of so if i get some get some of that. yeah, it goes by the way to let you know the a dozen the other was suddenly almost in westwood. it was more because i'm still
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able to so can i shoot an interesting stores on top of that? so can i shoot you this little boy? so it was almost a number of them. i can't remember if i've ever known a special plus you have to accept the idea for a little problem. focus the usually i give it up, you know what it is. yeah. but i do luck on your lady. some of them will pull up more little slips double sided. no, but it's of the lady and the store in the setup. but my got c, e o and somebody's going to deal with at the desk that i set up for monday, but they have to stay on the boat and it's a boy above that pretty to create b. e, a luddites to a medium supervisor. send it up to you for your lives, at least meet them instead of some sort of middle way. just to see that, i mean,
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do me privately. the color of this is you don't want to publish suicide. so you need a shuttle that might fit in the voice and you're putting your floor in the city is for me to finish the last question in the home that the kids had upset and mostly up the you have most of the numbers for me. i don't know for what, but it's on that. and so we're still somebody. yeah, most of the customers publish that item, but my app for michelle not mentioned that. so across the queue. stuff that all 3, so it's up to them that i have the one that i have each of us on so that i could put a nipple seriously under the silliness, but i am unable payable for you. i knew you were disappointed with something that was really what i say, you know, somebody with pro security, i feel a feel with a 60 you when they were for some of this one for on this. yes, i say i definitely did. says kill them. it just says keep
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a value on the form which doesn't really put any of the space but coordination. sit on the but a deal navy and publish that because it's a thumb keep that to a box. it took us to get it that way. you mean it says keep a loop of product, it started in the bulk of the, of the city 0 naming says good for the function through a lot, victor d scale. we should, it's fully if she loan kind of doing a show you some. so that's even a part of the location of pick up a post issue, a new mode. so let's the see, tell this is a fix or see me, doesn't me. it's could by the way up, we're conditionally a top of the chain. you can you twist corporate for you to sit down with the queen . we mention that this has lower proof consuming, pretty low flow, bringing with be able to take him to quote, east of take wish of june of the source contract with the levels pretty much like
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he's finished. i'm sure to see the image. there was one here. this is salsa that we're, we just use. so that's the problem quite a bit, or we need the kind of this. so at least we'll just last to deal with kind of that goes to columbia and we deal with the deal. it's from the lady and it was a yes plus the completeness, each living only what was the use plus the piece a couple of it's got he was at what the here's a little different data showed of how much serial is boy combining us with a physics and the x rays that i to refer to as the uh, let's do a voyage. so with all the severe law lashania and yes,
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we need to find the or the civil beach because to if they didn't give us a sheets, a video of them. both the students who will be skipped costumes, they should less q issues may 5th chapter of a ship them oscar for you to pretty well for you. it's supposed to be a, the come up maybe until yep. so you can just say, you know, and you can sort that upset with more of, with both those that hold the but as it gets to more of potentially visits chemo, there's a lot of slips through a different things. good about the concepts. 61, the pretty cool, although it's pretty much pretty what i choice the by the postal are they? some boy makes it easy to solve some of the symbols. there's a couple a nippy with this with a huge, it's really simple. the competitors, if they kick most of it, the clips on north care focus on what the workforce me, what's worth wasn't able to consume. 570. my name was the old one located on the southern uniform. she was of, that's a little, you know, with a pretty much the,
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the kind of a thoughts of a lovely or that's a deal with shirts to a function source to learn more than i believe it's thoughts. and they've got to know what it looks like to share a swimming list because any partial flu focus sites, place, gift guides just door doesn't mean it's of the chest. shouldn't level last kind of them way w a chest to come back to us for, for you because they gave me fairly similar issues. come from tech, corporate and most of my chain you uh so this uh, when did you, my lady, let me find you ever when the little guy with stay on the says, why anyway? and so where's the land to be at each of their immunization? there's a lot i'm the little was finding source from you, patricia visits me somebody's care versus just putting it on that considering that level
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the more you there so that you have listed in the cover, they'll be less content that i get. and then what we should say to them by the end of the morning they would get to pretty much comfortable. is this gimme a multiple kind of model extort living? yeah, so it doesn't actually living at that, but it was kind of a case for me and that is sort of this of see and my colleague is kind of like there was when you took with a couple of capital. let me, let me do it with the forms with chico smugglers from give me your estimated the midst of the question was on sale, which i did notice, but you can with a swift can i switch? and then that will add reason because you don't live longer use of room is listed below. so i suppose to upset the middle subcommittee as that the trouble of those
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problems is the lowest. we study ok near some of the woods, the lizard i'd be in worst case sales and on the corporate in quite a some in a mobile chest for you. and man certainly gives love that up or to. but to, to little more lovely. just touch the button and deal with that over the phone book and most of the children are blessed to go and get on to chile, a couple of my pictures through the the so with the connection, the issue, i won't be able up some other little bit cramped up, some of it also gives you my kind of model. i'm often yeah, because you might have some insights. it was the one that was kind of wonderful with the people in the shapell that another quick hold up in the system yet. could i say yep. okay. i thought it was quite loretta just because i sort of went to the school at the bottom of what the specs and what each no. actually the reason to
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raise each ascii is initially and you know that i'm quite legit. it's just the over the for the, for the, which i didn't really this, it only pretty up to me by the way, this to april probably pulled up still for addition, but i do have an extra was limited. so there's a much more affinity, skip scale. so so the, my name is michelle bolton with all emotion annual spit out of multiple travelers to pump the get into the system that it was supposed to. is there to shoot you a credit and see who grew up with a little scope and your set of providers professional of sales to stick with the productivity for, for us to be able to connect to this new product. but for the get the machine
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issues like ivy just dump. so if i get fit that i will populate my monthly swishy later into the city. yep. no, because of the name was i mentioned the width of the machine. you find the story and instead of showing this nearly a story about the settlers, i'm actually up really, really if the motion or you know, somebody, it was 0 if can. yep, that's a yep. not 6, lots to see. i probably put that in the formula. so you want us cause a war, so sound or a forklift stage when you want to look at what is the model of protecting the pick him up, will someone please be able to? can you bring your specific, what is a floor? can you spell it? we release the motion or us, but i just i did see put on go. disclose the initial shock with i'm sure really stuff. give a piece of the nice for comfortable position is on the left of the e with the show it to the i don't mind the cool months go well then
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a deal still. yep. to find out maybe only more severe. the civil also is that they show that the more sure was me, it's much and that's the sort of it was still for the disability for mom was i'm with no i to mama for loan. smart the old, my mama, it's a cousin that prostate, whatever. all some other aspects like now what is she? was he also send you the blush that otherwise mobile a what you my new new ownership. so the find. yep. manual for yes or is it considered get on that just in the media for the middle in the yes there's book. see and also the which is human. elizabeth and yet i don't see more kind of my to him with butcher was that in? yeah. in nicky instead of met you with the with a better sample across this stone,
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you might say that enough much but doesn't. and with the sticking with the financing angel took with the lawyer, you've got them fix the other one and it will start off the little box. and then we'll see there wasn't more of a see that that was the prospect for this 3 minutes. the image, the oh, the 22nd 1943. during the great petri, i'll take the shirts and munch fatality and 118. run down the belly. mercy and village of cutting rod ish about them for the new wish. and luxury is just a lot of changes to this one,
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most of the stuff for the world to pony it to you. $149.00 people died including $75.00 children of age was practically wiped off. the face of the law. new blue loves are a little but live arching, put a charlie was, you know, in june where you put a suppose, oh shoot was really i really usually its own you sonya. so the infamous battalion responsible for the atrocity included over $100.00 ukranian nationalist from west and ukraine because of the picture. all right, let's get them see what, okay. and so far as the new e phone that's allowing us to be just pursuing your up or show up with them. you as customers declassified criminal cases from the central archive of the k g b, a better rules shed light on the atrocity. and on so numerous questions that have
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remained an onset for many years. watch on oxy. the hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things are considered on peter lavelle? the mass of 8 bill for ukraine passed by the us congress ensures the conflict will continue. countless lives will continue the loss, but will this aid all through the events being played out on the ground? there is no reason to believe so the crossing ukraine i'm joined by my guest. i'm the one go in north florida. he is publisher of gold goats in guns,


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