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tv   News  RT  April 24, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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this my show is called direction time, but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the source of this, our 283, the consumers are excavated from a mass wave outside gall does not sound hospital in the south of the territory as the old death phone slip pauses, the t 4000 us senate approves age 61000000000 dollar aid package for you going, but it's about awful. the funding is expected to go to washington. it's like oh, we've got a move but that you put in shelves. the battery fob attracted a russian t 70 to tax on the front lines of the dumbass russian sense. it involves the desk
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of, of the hidden duty and seizing a german class in fine use by team schools is the most current to the world. this is all team is good to have your company today. my name's right, the moment. i'm so sorry this out. more than 280 bodies have been discovered in a mass grave outside causes mass out of hospital. now was a lean and zooming and the remains of identification following the withdrawal of is ready. both is from the area, the united nations human rights commission. i a said he had, he was quote, horrified by the news of multiple mass graves and found the gloves off. that's what those off the idea raids the bodies odd to be given a proper burial off the they are identified like further to the south of god near the diction boarded officers of minus the live
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a baby ruler surgical procedure. a wounded mother laid by the new one girl is being kept in the incubator. the orthodontal is to be her can take upon her release from the hospital of the social desktop. now since the 7th along so by has a balance of past 34000 people, more than 90 percent of those killed have been civilians. but when it comes to accountability, the international community has been a fuse of turning a blind eye. us has promised more aid, although not to the struggling people of tarza, but rather to israel, to our friends in israel. america will soon deliver a to help you fight the score jerbill moss and stand up to a ron. because a name part of that has the to the end of the x was, this is a but to bit say the government is delaying the policy ad. there are reports of new
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polls kind of as deputy prime moves. so it was quotes on cameras trying to avoid the question about accountability on the backside. minister freelance you condemn is just killing a 40000 children. you can damage it was killing of course in 1000 chosen admission of front of it was watching the way that we spoke who is today also and and so it was either on glare. he was the one who confronted the deputy prime mess in that video. he believes that canadian politicians are complicit in the killing of civilians in gaza for it should be very easy for her to condemn it. i'd, she's condemned uh, a protests against the genocide. she just did that recently. but it's, but they don't want to because they are complicit in israel's, up of criminal activities because of all the canadian government is not interested in a resolution in the sense that is not willing to impose any sort of pressure on israel
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regarding the arms band and that motion and how's the commons? it was a small step forward, but it didn't, didn't do a number of things specific around arms. so there's a whole bunch. it was like $300.00 upstanding arms permits, the israel and the resolution. the government had a change from the opposition, which is side stronger language and basically allow for those outstanding permits to still be processed. and so creating companies provide all kinds of components for things like that. 35 that the israel is using to, to bomb guys. the boss, syria for that matter. so yeah, so, so that we don't know exactly how much a weapons can it has been selling to israel via the us. but it's certainly in the tens and tens of millions of dollars per year. and the, the motion that was passed didn't touch on that question whatsoever.
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while the world focuses on the applied to gaza is what he said to is in the west bank. i'm thinking the opportunity to seize more and more power as the land is there in the program. we delve into the include when tilting crane, she lives on homes on properties. the prostate has families highlight seen that the struggles in legal bustled to retain photos. they are sent as high as approved a $61000000000.00 a bill for you. quite a pages to send more weaponry, including ad defenses took us forces to our friends in ukraine. america will deliver more ammo and air defenses and basic supplies that you need to resist food and on the battlefield. a large portion of the aid will be in a form of a loan while and while the us presents it all as being for ukraine. about a 3rd of the total funding $20000000000.00 is to be allocated for replenishing us
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weapons stockpiles. meanwhile, another $11000000000.00 is for us regional operations, including some boost washington's intel activities. now, previously the legislation was passed by the lower chamber of the us comb with the speaker mike johnson has tended to criticize for an aide at the cost of domestic prosperity. but in the end, he flip flopped and pumping the police for his colleagues to vote in favor of the bill i'm doing here what i believed to be the right thing. i think for providing legal aid you a grain right now is critically important. before we even talk about ukraine, i'm going to tell the president when i'm telling all of you and we've told the american people border border border, we need a clarity on what we're doing in ukraine and how will have proper oversight of the spending a precious taxpayer dollars the american citizens, the republican warehouse, will not be jammed or forced into passing
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a $4.00 and $8.00 bill that was opposed by most republican senators and does nothing to secure our own board. it is time for washington to start showing some love to americans. so why did the house be good changes stones while report and say, hey, is close policy advisor dan ziegler is basically a professional love this with some powerful clients. they apparently have a financial interest in continuing the planning conflicts from pharmaceutical corporations to financial service firms. many of the listed enterprises provide services think, you know, we spoke with leo and media on this line and he said his thoughts about what political lo, being in the us really entails in washington is nothing but a lobbying central. and if, if anybody were just suggest that, do you think that means without it, for example, certain industries,
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why don't who defend that? they might have a not a stranglehold buddy. he's a level of interest to us and a connection as to what's going on. maybe over others later, it's another one of the many lobbies. i don't think anybody would, would be at all shocked about that. if i were to describe all of the people in every branch of government who as the people under stab zoom, may or may not have been online with various industries and why being groups throughout the year that will be the subject for another story is that does that surprise me. is there a very positive defense lobby the connection force there? was there lobbies everywhere? that doesn't surprise me in the least. i never heard anybody say what, you know. listen. i recognize that this money could be a allocated to our own borders. i recognize that fact i understand your concern. no,
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there's no mention. it's just remember it's not even. it's not, it's not even mentioned. not even discussed part. this is good for society for democracy. that's part of it. and as some have suggested, don't forget the money he's coming back here anyway, so it's truly not going anywhere. it's a year. and then where does that go annual? is that audited? do we ever get a chance to to check on that? no, no, no, just just take our word of these. i decided this is also on a war footing, but if i managed to reduce it, i have announced that the country's largest as a movie, a package. so you're going from the recent visit to boat and being kate defense. and this also released the video away. he showed increase aspects of the assistance to be sent to cuba. ukraine is an x, the central baffle appears in must not waiting for the security of the united kingdom, which is why we were the 1st country in the world to provide anti tank weapons like
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this excellent and low. we the 1st country to bride main buffing tanks. like the pre to sex it to this challenge, the 3 i'm with the 1st country in the world to provide long range missiles like the out standing storm shadow. what's the day? i'm delighted to announce that we're providing all biggest ever package of gifted equipment to ukraine, plus another half a 1000000 pounds to bring all total contribution this year. to 3000000000 pounds we have from the head of the bridge caught me is faulty robot. griffith. c said the voice of the bill remains on the buying the leadership inland. this a, i think we all need to be clear that the written likes are united states, nato, and the west is quite prepared to kind of you on this you more in ukraine to the last ukranian butcher next to it is very best to divert this from the real problems facing, but the people who are in prison,
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our voices are simply never heard of them. and so you know that the reality is that despite all of the approval propaganda of the big issue. so sometimes the vast majority of the people in britain that concern the norm as the cost of living crisis, which is a cost of profit, is crisis because big business is doing terrifically well as they screw people into the ground. there's a big issues including the health service, $8000000.00 people waiting to, to have a, a, an operation in the national l service homes in a prominent shortage of affordable housing. these are the priorities, let the people in prison have job names. most un falls by full time left hood to is now being violent by russian engineers. while the vehicle supplied the key was temperature, julian infinity and retreat, and the domestic republic all to senior correspondent moran gave the witness
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a similar times by whom incentives this report as it is well before do we stop within the act? my battalion out proves that is no more than a hole in the ground from the tiny but it is a bless. send to him from goons. you may be pilots operate from here. 3 soldiers taking tons to fly to eat. to sleep. mode level, you'll get a little keep going. you been cut off, which one actually we don't cut over to do so that is to all of these is a temporary stop for us. we are here for that time. it is the crews 1st come back
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to mission. outside is a seed out of the night mass, the very to be sunday school of exclusions. nothing but ross has survived the trees on mutilated hearts. 5 21 am. in about 7 minutes, you came in to floss precisely 2.8 kilometers away from us to him to wake up to a very nicely surprise. nowadays a number of tags. following directly up the dugouts in the
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forest occasions, c, a just south of medic to show off to show tis into ukrainian positions the hey hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, we've uh we've got a move bracket that's you putting in shells. kinds of battery flop a, tossing a russian t 72 tag, which was as i mentioned had fun. when was the magazine almost fits in time magazine. i see you crazy and shrugged toward the
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yes yes. yes. i do the hard you the most. this is the, i don't work of the, what was the, the the, the,
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the, the, do you so if we, you said you created now typically try to catch the start and try to disable it all way off. is it on the same road that the tag just took? there's no way we're going to base it out. no, god bless you. pregnant drones watching us. we've chosen to take cover here for at least a little while. cuz it goes to pass on. and for the to clear a bit, a few minutes later we risk the rude a guy to explain to us what had just happened for sure. the kids came from their
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side. good. good kid is a leopard tank. right. i was uh yeah, it came from the place we expected it to. it has flies, least twice and missed everything i'm seeing in my course of the missed. yeah. that's what you're trying to catch it. i just play much a little dumb. oh yeah. we found out that it began to roam around here and we began to catch it. you may be a tag, apparently weighted to the russian tag to a jewel states i. musician. before and gauging. we met the russian pag, come on to the spot. everything shows impacting me and meters away. he was calm, confident, who's doing that on that front, but by the way we used today was our 1st combat mission. we worked calmly and normally deliver tank was also shooting at us. we saw where was firing from now we know where to look for. so it's just a matter of time. we will find it published. they don't have enough conventional
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troops, very small amounts of those who we have cap chips have. they were mobilized re to 5 months ago and they prefer to give up, expresses, applied, they don't want to fight anymore. the final thoughts we showed you to place over a period of 8 minutes least tank battalion will engage again today, man tomorrow. and every day they say until they are ordered to stop foreign more i guess the of the from probably of the benefits were public. the focus out to the african continent to the u. s. has begun discussions with the jazz regarding the withdrawal of its truth from the west african nation. and these as the government has terminated the biological move agreement. meanwhile, some of the nearby african powers also want us to hold is activities on this web
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o thing course on the mainland issue reports. it is quite clear for the united states, you either follow its agenda or you are a traitor to democracy. however, america is now facing the reality that due to this very approach, its presence in many places in africa is on the want to win. all of these countries kicked out the french and turns dean was with then stride to pay the to become the peacemaker. in the hopes that we could keep all presents the, all of that is clearly not working well. now out, russia is now in sure, but the reason russia is in might just be because it is not cold in other states on how to govern themselves. for instance, in the past few years, a handful of african states like new their molly, well, 10 up also, and the central african republic were fed up with frances presence in their countries. so they took them out. and the same story is said to repeat itself,
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the u. s. as in the cross hairs now as it has failed to nurture relations in the continent. and has been asked to pack up and ship out by a number of countries who wish to cut ties in the air force as ask the american defense a to shake to meet at least stop american activities on the edge. i can say air base and we ask you to intercede with appropriate authorities to inform the americans that we have taken the decision to stop their activity. the american presence in the territory of the republic of news. yeah. or is a legal it why lights all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the silver and people, notably through the selected officials to be consulted on the installation or for an army on this territory. it was false washington, recently we called over a 1000 of his troops based in these yes and said might be next in line as it is also pushed in for americans to well get out is not surprising that some african countries are spending up against the american presence according to the african
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center for strategic studies that's from terrorism and i've heard that have sky rocketed with tens of thousands being killed last year alone in the areas america has been stationed during its war on terror in the region. you would think that a power, like the united states would be diplomatically smarter, while most goes relations with the nations on the continent are based on norris and trust between 2 parties. washington's policies on the other hand, are not based on dual interest, but generally on, containing russia and china. in line with spain to swing to, to national defense strategy. the department of defense will engage with african partners to expose and highlight the risk of negative people's republic. of china and washing activities in africa as the russian and chinese presents. there are a headache for the west washington as need. a we action is just to send past just
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smooth things over, instead of simply working to create sole and diplomatic ties that bring real benefits to both parties. well, advocates i've had enough of the was interfering in their affairs and put in the content as a try for independence in the back seat. as soon as you are in government, regrets, the desire of the american government to deny the silver new gerry and people the right to choose the populace types of partnership capable of helping them to truly fight against terrorism. we condemned these malicious statements as completely uncalled for defamatory provocative and a continuation of wanton hostilities against some bob way by the us government. we demand that the bite and administration provides evidence and support of these gratuitous accusations. failure to which the administration must, without any further delay, withdraw them unconditionally, so much time and money spent. yep. their goals on the continent are not exactly
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clear. not only did the west approach to africa back fire, it only brought the continent even closer to russia and china. also those relations with africa, dates back to soviet times and have been strengthening recently as russia has proven itself to be a reliable partner to the continent. so the mother, if you see the component of it's in difficult times that you find out who your true friends though, when africa was experiencing difficulties. whether that was slavery, colonial lies ation apartheid. russia has always been, if not the 1st or many countries, then one of the countries by africa side to help us as the multi paulo world, emerges from the american dominance. all countries are demanding to be treated as equals and he's the west colonial mindset that is cloud in its vision to clearly see that diplomacy is a 2 way street as the other party should not be run off the road. we side with his story and i,
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and also gerald for he said the us will try to delay the removal of its suit from african countries. the united states was not pleased when they were asked to remove their troops. i think that they will seek to delay of this indefinitely because they still have a fun wish that they can change the minds of an easier and authorities. not to mention the fact that the longer those troops are in these year, the more time the united states will have to try to cook up conspiracies and plots against the missouri and authorities. that's probably the main reason why they have not left as of today. it's apparent that the news here and authorities, or not acting an isolation, they're acting, and we was their comrades in molly and 14 or 5. so they have a newton federal ration, the association of several states. and given to that association, i dare say that all of these african nations, all of these nations of this
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a hell would like to start with michael sound the door while the world has its eyes on dogs is really sexes in the west by go been a seizing powerless thing in land all day as a movie, if a nice night is that most of the recent moves have increased. the controversial is really the presence in the area. these vast farm land spending 64000 square meters near hebron. the largest found assuming safety in the west bank could soon be taken over by israeli settlers. us one day residence of idaho area area next to hebron city woke up to find this sign on the end civil administration over today. in some areas, settlement departments multi find them. that is release planning. some changes here including building a new jersey supplement with more than 200 house units approved, as well as re planning road network. it is a big sign and hebrew, an arabic loss of words which the locals, the message is short and clear,
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is ro comes to take the land. several palestinian families claim ownership to this island a for sale, so they are generally use one of them. we need to know how much in the garden stand and imaged robots, threes. he reflects on the deep historical roots that find his people to these sacred soil. what, who is either jimmy or overall, we have all legal documents, some from the jordanian era. as before, the occupation forces were present in this land. jordan used to govern the country . and before that, there was the british mandate, and there are british documents to and before that it was the ottoman government 400 years ago, 200 years ago. now we have in our hands all the evidence that this land is ours, and we inherited it from our ancestors as well. the argument is that these land is part of a so called areas see of the west bank, which according to ols,
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low accords, falls under is really administration. palestinians emphasized this division was intended to be temporary with full jurisdiction over all 3 areas including areas see to be gradually transferred to the palestinian authority. mohammed who is part of the palestinian delegation during the discussions on this. please. it says e's real is distorting the fact dealing with the term areas see does not mean the jews own it, nor does it mean that settlers own it, nor does it mean that is real. owns it. as an occupant in states, the occupation must end completely area see will remain palestinian under palestinian authority. this is how the agreement was reached. otherwise palestine wouldn't have accepted. it expected it to be divided temporarily. hebron authorities say 50 to 35 people will be directly affected if the supplement appears on the land. but most importantly it will connect dozens of all the do supplements
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in the year. we break in palestine and continue team and paving the way for a fast through his dominance over the territory. the main road to hebron home to several significant doors and muslim holy sides could potentially become restricted for 2 issues, only at common practice with road surrounding supplements. limiting movements of locals and visitors have a that's, this is what settlers do. they seize a piece of land and then expand to encompass the entire area. everyone fully realizes that settlement, suppose, extreme difficulty for people living nearby. the settlers have a racist ideology that does not accept the other and does not recognize the rights of the other to exist on this land though, sees the lands and typed in the news of the neighbors until bit you dies and die area and the city is really so which is have given local 60 days to challenge the decision, while the mayor says they will go to court the renew high expectations,
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the hopes on the then we have no choice but to resort to these rarely judiciary, which we consider buys the nonsense parent that is completely biased in favor of the settlers. in addition, real calling the whole world from best there was and console presence in the boasting and territories. alarming them about the situation in the gallery seizing occupied lance is legal under international law, but that state was american support. british support and western support has become a rogue state. the golf international law in 2022 do. satler is backed by these really military and security forces, trying to establish a foothold here and move viewed as a legal onto both international and is rarely law. they brought in mobile homes, garbage containers and launched infrastructure projects for volta electricity plans . however, with world as rarely authorities to the side of palestinians. so the carolines left
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here from previous is really attempts to ok, apply this land, how now rusty and abandoned back then drew settlers failed to stay. no outpost grew . here. now comes a new battle. local palestinians and hebron authorities say they are ready to fight to the end. and so is these really sides to the outcome of this confrontation is hard to be predicted, but it is not going to be an easy one. reason ocean. i'll tell you reporting from wary area next to hebron city and palestine. well, some of this news i'm next join rick sanchez on direct impact then we'll be back up with you the .


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