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tv   News  RT  April 24, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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the parts we choose to look so common ground the the whole as major countries prepared to send more ministry supplies to ukraine. r d examines how the blog to weapons are being seized and destroyed on the bottom of the other un says it is horrified as more than 300 bodies are found at the mass. grave of gab a hospital out of the idea of withdrawals from the area and also was the pentagon twice to manage the withdrawal. one of its troops from the american soldiers in west africa say us diplomacy in the region has been a failure. the
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continuing coverage of the latest trends shape in the world right now. this is our team to national i a michael question. now the u. k. plans to send a largest ever military aid package to ukraine, and that would bring britons to hold military support for your trade during the current financial year to be equivalent. the $3700000000.00. while the u. k. defense secretary has brag about his country being the 1st to send long range myself, and advanced tags to you. great. the ukraine is an ex, essential baffle appears in must not waiting for the security of the united kingdom, which is why we were the 1st country in the world to provide and to tank weapons like this excellent and low. we do the 1st country to bride main buffing tanks like the pre defects it to this challenge, a 3 and with the 1st country in the world to provide long range missiles like the
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outstanding storm shatter. well, today i'm delighted to announce that we're providing all biggest ever package of gifted equipment to ukraine, plus another half a 1000000 pounds to bring all total contribution this year to $3000000000.00 pounds to. but i just need to a heads up, its blay, just of more heavy weaponry for cabs forces. russian troops are making steady advances on the front lines as the capture destroyed, made to alms. now one of the most advanced versions of german as neil put to buffalo tank is being examined by russian engineers of a vehicle supplied to keep a sees during the crate and retreat in the den. yes, for public. all the heavy, almost confiscated sum keeps. forces has been put on the display of moscow's victory. pop archie senior correspondent morag as the witness tongue baffled and sent us this report. it is well before do we stop within the act?
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my battalion out post. that is no more than a hole in the ground from the tiny but it is a bless century from drones. you may be pilots operate from here, 3 soldiers taking tons to fly to eat, to sleep. mode level, you'll get a little keep going. you been cut off, which one? actually, we don't cut over to the port. so this is a temporary stop for us. we are here for that time. it is the crews 1st come back to mission. outside is a seed ounce of a nightmare. the
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veritable sun, the stream of explosions, nothing but ross has survived, retrieves mutilated hearts of the 5 21 am. in about 7 minutes you came in to floss precisely 2.8 kilometers away from us to wake up to a very nice surprise. and that is a number of times firing directly up the dugouts and the full just occasions here just south of money, the show off the show tis into ukrainian positions
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the hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, we've there, we've got to move back. that's you creating and shelves. tons of battery flop. attached to a russian t 72 tag, which was as i mentioned, had fun. when was the time magazine? almost it's in time magazine. i see you crazy in transport. the
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name is richard. yes, the the, the hard you, the most this printer is the the, the, the the, the, the, the
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you. so if we, you said you created now typically try to catch the start and try to disable it all the way off is along the same road. the the tag just took. there's no way we're going to base it out. no, god bless you. pregnant drones watching us. we've chosen to take cover here for at least a little while. cuz it goes to pass on. and for the to clear a bit, a few minutes later we risk the rude, a guy to explain to us what had just happened. first of all, the kids came from their side course. good kid is a leopard tank right. was wrong is yeah, came from the place we expected it to his 5 least twice and missed everything. i'm seeing him i course of the missed yeah. like but you're trying to catch it. i just
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play much it loads up. oh yeah, we found out that it began to roam around here, and we began to catch it the radio tag cuz apparently waited to the russian tag to at zillow states, um, you should, before engaging. we met the russian pag, come on to despite everything shelves impacting me and meters away. he was calm, confident, who was doing their bedroom aspect, but by what we used today was our 1st combat mission. we were calmly and normally deliberate tank was also shooting at us. we saw where was firing from now we know where to look for. so it's just a matter of time. we will find it. but i think they don't have enough conventional troops, very small amounts of those who we have cap chips have. they were mobilized re to 5 months ago and they prefer to give up if presses applied. they don't want to fight anymore. the $55.00 we showed you to place over
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a period of 8 minutes. these tank battalion will engage again today and tomorrow. and every day they say until they are ordered to stop, far more, i guess via of all t from puppy. and then you have to go public and out to the middle east. now more than 280 bodies have been discovered in the mass grave outside guys as nasa hospital in response, the un has expressed consent and say, and many of the deceased were found stripped of their clothes and had their hands tied. we feel the need to raise the alarm because clearly there have been multiple bodies discovered some of them had their hands died, which indicates the serious violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law. and these need to be subject to, to further investigations among the disease where allegedly older people,
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women and one did. while others were found tied with their hands tied and stripped of their clothes were less cross live to all, to middle east barrow cheese. myra phenomena why is good to have you join me now? more disturbing images from guys at this time, a mass grave by the hospital. even the u. n. has reacted. what details do we have so far? well, hello to you might the un human rights office as these recent rewards problems, concerns about the possible war crimes committed by israel and the gaza strip. a week ago, just to remind you of palestinians uncovered mass graves at 2 major hospitals in war torn and clave. nicer and as chief of hospitals after they were rated by israeli troops. now government officials say they discovered almost 300 bodies from nicer hospital in hon. eunice in southern gaza,
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some with their hands tied or hadn't coffee. some naked, it is not clear how they died when they were buried earlier, the ends, human rights chief said he's horrified by the reports of mass graves calling for an independent entrance, parents investigations into the depths, stressing it needs to be performed by international teams site and quote, prevailing climate of impunity. you add urges that's credible. investigators must have all access to the size editing. that's also more journalists need to be able to work safely. and garza to cover the fact that the students suggested that these grades were dogs by these really forces that's one to, to get 3 of the buses is roll denied to these allegations, calling those claims basis. and on the founded, the idea of says it conducted a precise and targeted to wake operation against him. us in the master hospital area in the city of hon. you is in february arresting around $200.00 militants. the
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army also said that the troops examined body is buried by palestinians there in a bead to tax the dna of the dead and matches blue the dan, hey, of these really hostages, just to make sure that they did not to miss the captive several hostages, one now released said that they were held at another hospital for some time during the cafeteria to so it makes sense to check. some locals we have spoke contain also confirms that the mass graves appeared as guidelines not having access to the secretary. wanted to bury the dead when the idea of launched a soul from the medical complex. it doesn't shed light though, on why some of the buddies have signs of tortures as government officials replying, and while it's has yet to be investigated, of course, what exactly happened? voice is accusing western countries of being complete, so it's getting louder and louder. let's take a lesson be i guess, to day to day in gas every day we discover must graves, which are
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a symbol of genocide. hundreds of bodies, sometimes in medical uniforms, sometimes apparently handcuffed, executed, and most of them all, we see images of children, tone, this genocide of palestinians would have been impossible without the support of european countries. now, one must gray fall through another is being discovered. there are still no sanctions against israel. it is unforgivable complicity. all. what about israel's biggest ally across the ocean washington the us say it is hard. we fight with the reports about the mass graves and guys are discovered tough to the withdrawal. was really army asking israel to clarify, but it didn't stop the us senate from improving $26000000000.00 in more time. the systems for the region, most of which will of course, go to weapons funding for these really military was just the fraction folks are military and supplies for guys of. let's take
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a listen. you must have seen the reports about mass graves containing hundreds of bodies around l chief. you and she said he was horrified by these reports and wondering if us as a comment on us and whether you guys to raise this with these really government. we have seen the, those reports and the reports are incredibly troubling and were inquiring on this with the government of israel to our friends in israel. america will soon deliberate to help you fight the score, jump on moss and stand up to a ron. and while it is unclear what the investigation into mass graves in gaza will find out, or will it change actually, any thing on the ground with more, a financial aid tend political support for israel. now we can send, say one thing for sure that the idea of us can paying the idea of offensive in the guys as 3 will continue bringing more data from both sides back to you. all right,
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thank you. a bar up in austin. a hard to middle east, very cheap that bringing us up to speed. thank you. now the head of the un agency for policy and refugee said that he welcomes the result of an independent review of his organizations neutrality at mid the war. the independent, investigative ac, or the organization of wrong doing. after interviewing hundreds of people, usual had accused to be un agency of being biased. i met the conflict, including that several of its members, allegedly participated in the hon mazda tags on october the 7th. following those accusations multiple don't countries, sanchez, b, u wise, the u. k. the, the gemini, suspending funding for the agency assess the report was issued, jeremy has said he would resume its financing since october the 7th. the adf is repeatedly attached as coals of built by one rule on that policy. the ends of used
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as shout, this is ready legged research that does the claims that the agency uses its tools to teach the children. i just submitted values according to on raw data. i saw this choose dates, 180 of its staff members have been killed in gaza. all right, let's trust live to a spokesperson for the policy and reg, creston, society, and the bill far sack joining us from ramallah about this good to have you join me right now. let's start with the concerning issue about mass grazing gaffney guys. that's that in recent days that has been on increasing number of bodies discovered insights graves. i met the rulings. what's your take on this? what are you assessing a good evening and thanks for having me as the the average time is really occupation forces withdrawal friends in any area rescue teams. first responders
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ambulances are able to go into these areas and try to figure it out. dr. as dozens of the body as well or decompose because asked you to use and you guys just were completed, you know, in the office to any area where is he occupation, forces are ranging so average line one bathroom and a traditional forces withdrawal. we are a finding out more people who have been killed in some cases. they are killed as bad in a way to cover those, a bodies in others. and it's not, this has been, happens repeated the since the beginning of the where we have seen, especially at a shoe box hospital and also out after 10 miles were in hospital after vis or 80 horses which attract both houses because lately yes or the last 2 teams managed to evacuate. i don't, of 50 bar is from now supposed to be in and out of the number of bodies to sleep,
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more than 324 bodies we're evacuated from most of it most because of this. most of these bodies are for people who are taking shelter inside the hospital so far for the medical staff and others for patients. and we'll just people who are receiving health care treatment at the hospital. now each row claims it's not behind the grades, blending palestinians instead. however, some of them have people with their hands tied from the reports that we got. is this a common practice, this assortment as big as the goddess under the crest. and as you read that back at a warehouse, because a muscle spits in, is there anything else you vision forces have a certain number of a what a medical style they must treat them. and this is something that,
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that happened at any other hospital in the ad across gusta, many people, thousands of people are still missing often this moment their face as a says on, on their time it is on, i'm not sure if those people were killed. i'm about each bar this ready for says or they are interested. i'm this like get rid of house. i'm just and i don't know if this is something that has been happening in many occasions after sconces through and why in the hospitals where people like tried to so refugee at the hospital thinking they wouldn't be in a safer place. it turned out it's not because of hospitals. i almost have been attacks and targeted by the is ready, the occupation forces. now the be independent review conducted once again found no evidence of own rule on members participating in terrorist activities. it did not
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come to you was a nice surprise. you know, it's not because be basically at the same address and have experienced such educations against our medical, his past, or what facilities and ambulances as when this happened in many times during the 7 months of work. i was when that's where the voices, i faxed the both p or cs posts because i'm going to go speeches in 10 units and i was supposed to be the city. we have these claims of allegations. these allegations were a try. i were, i'm just an attempt to give justification for this act. again, a way to how these allegations were not true and they endanger the lives of many kind of style and the patients as well. so we continue to call on the international community to apply pressure to ensure the protection for health care workers,
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medical for swimming and hospitals. now, following the publication of the report, jeremy has announced the renewal of funding for the agency. now, do you expect all the countries to follow suit? this is what we wish for we wish for the international community to continue funding on wall and other agencies. so we can continue providing or live streaming services to the people who are in desperate need for it. because of the situation as diner, the warehouse exceeded to 100 days of apple. aspects of life have been damaged. the scale of destruction in terms of the billions infrastructure through which i started teaching networks at homes, schools and everything is just on the mountains of it. and every day it is just of target for to have the spinning in to serve eyes and trying to find
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a safe place for themselves for their families. trying also to have some access to which i'm drinking water. we can, we need to continue providing our services to all the people in goals that because the situation is kept astro big in terms of the people that access to food or a brand to the health care now, how warranties israel to allow on rite aid to pass through the drive that check point is following the findings of this report. since the beginning of the world. and also we have seen as rent as of starting the entry over humanitarian aid in to thousands trip up to this moment. they are as managed to get into guys know that it's been knocked and off. it doesn't even approaching the number of the trucks that was entering before the escalation. the need actually leads a $10000.00 a districts to be and didn't birthday. and we also need to sustain c square. so as
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a human entry ends, we can deliver the live saving 8 to old people in gulf. and we also knew of the state office for the human historians, because we have seen the immunizations and have good workers being targeted systematically since the beginning of the war. and also this absolutely including the style of honor plus we wish that's under one as the largest the humanitarian agency and goes to continue providing it's services to people. i think also with the support of the international community. because the situation on the ground is catastrophe. and as you know, also and all of what it's providing its services for a large number of strategies and displays beeping and inside calls. and this need to be sustained to continue or writing about 5 soc spokesperson for the
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palestine red crescent society. thank you so much for your insight on this and now let's turn on top of the top story. now let's go back. the us is churning up the sheets in the train war was new supplies, a weapon. we cannot, the senate has approved a $61000000000.00 aid package for you to 4 key of with black just to send dave with more heavy arms, including air defenses, to our friends in ukraine. america will deliver more ammo and air defenses and basic supplies that you need to resist putting on the battlefield. a large portion of the aid will be in the form of a low and hand while the us presents it's all assets as being sent for you. train about a 3rd of the total funding. $20000000000.00 is to be located for replacing us weapons stockpiles. now based while another $11000000000.00 is for us regional operations
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including to boost washington's intel activities, one permanent e u lawmaker from slovakia, access to the us is directly waging war against russia. american military assistance means only one thing. the americans are attacking russian territory, and this is a millimeter from nuclear war. america is making a terrible mistake after what congress did. no one can doubt that the united states has declared war on russia. we must tell the world the truth. we reject for us war against russia. no one can doubt that the united states has declared war on china. a terrible war is approaching. is anyone still mistaken about the west? be a guarantor of peace. no, it is a guarantee of war. right, let's not cross live to the slovak department, deputy speaker himself loblaws blah,
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hard joining us on breakfast lava. it's nice to have you join us right now. you have said that the us has basically declared war on russia. what led to the conclusion? well, thank you very much for immunization. and then the question, the thing is that we see that the warranty ukraine was these here because of the expansion of nato window american allies towards the russian borders. and now we can see that i know you cons are very, very more and more media are billions of dollars to helping you pray against the russia and kindly see that the ukrainians are trying to launch the me 30. that types on russian territory together with this uh and then we can hello. so the only conclusion is that emily county is directly involved in these calls like this is very, very dangerous situation. and to be in slovakia and the normal people into europe
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are very the freight obviously escalation because you can to guide us through the nuclear war and nobody is on the one's an escalation. now, a group of american and british, many to experts have sat in an article published by the news outlet for and the fact that europe should protect you create without involving us or british forces. what do you think about that approach? well, 1st of all, when we are going to think about this a bill from united states about this age package of $61.00 would be the ons or the lar steel crane received by the house of representatives. adults to this bill on the same day. plenty of i agree. oh, when the other people i was born it's very, very funny. funny call into this because we saw the, remember from the history the and he sort of will be well, so strong that aspect of somebody's uni on. so i don't really think that this is
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call you stands and i think that there is a interesting number of gum samples. i'm going to kind of leave are also you both to post these war more and war against the, the rough and this is not into the interest of you is absolutely not in the interest of europe because the economic energetic and also mutually the consequences of this uh, complete ease of devastating for european union, and i think that we should we should stop in and be so install to follow. i'm going with an interest in this conflict. mm. all right, now make us understand why should the slovak here as an e u. member states oppose the support for the cranium military that has been ordered by the leadership in bronsels. well, the change of the government didn't slow, lucky a few months ago. and the new lessing, the battery of the government, will be through the role that fits all these days will be our peaceful orientations . we want to have the dialogue, the dresser needs to be respect, the sacrifice of red army and russian nation. and the 2nd to move off,
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and we already want to have the dialogue. this is the, this is the message also from the bowl francis, the ukrainian shows, uh, the page would be the right sounds about these. and this is, i think the main interest also about the interview really what was the minutes organization of the you look and you know, this is a reading the we've are coming to a few years ago. so i think yes. slide slovakia is also divided. there are also the media tardy, russo fools who are against us, but still we have to measure the fee and the measuring to people is like, yeah, $1.00 of them have to have a beast. that's why we refuse to send the right funds to the brain. and also we are using refusing those sand troops or soldiers as was the proposal for the french president. it's a very, very dangerous, and we are opposing this and i'm putting the has repeatedly said, but he's open to dialogue and piece not the head of nato has said that russia,
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if it defensive crane will attack all the locations in europe. i wonder, what do you think about that speculation? well that's, that's ridiculous from the and being to both of you. i'm just wondering, you know, in sort of like the best, the media, the everyday rather to read that the russian army. so we that it's kind of clear, wonderful crane and it stuck somewhere in the don't boss. on the other side, this week, the russian army is going to both, we're your degree. the direction of even part of this is, this is an all sense, is absolutely beautiful. and this is why also from the history the point of view, i've never seen any, any history, any my photo for us on. so to come. but i saw the afford of that of germany or fries, the 19th century, voted russia. so probably this is the is the case. that's why i think that these other strategies start to.


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