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tv   News  RT  April 24, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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was so sort of all the peyton harvey in gaza. the more than the 300 bodies are found in the mass grey about a hospital in the in place of the east ready process we through from the area and independent review, all the whoever the problem was. agency, you can call us by and says that there is no evidence to back, these are all slaves. some of it's about helping to have as a time of october. the 7th, i'm not given any care in organization, the savage treat it exactly the same. vice president touch allegations against our medical, his past messages and ambulances, s one to the states and die. one strange thing we'll treat sized will not bring about security for ty, one people only increase tensions and the risk of conflict across the tie. one
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straight, straight talk from china, quite literally, which last is out that the us for said the yet more military a to taiwan. and that's as america talkative that my project down in san hi, this is our team to national, reaching you from the russian capital. welcome to the latest updates. i have mike cook watching. it's now i'm at the k all is that in the cottage? and guys, as there's been a particularly grim discovery, a mass grave containing more than 300 bodies. it was found outside nasa hospital, which had been one of the largest health centers in the end place. it comes to weeks out that he's ready military, we through from the city of con eunice, leaving it completely devastated. now the remains have been neg jim for identification. it's yet on theory, exactly how and when these people died,
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as most of the companies are set to be in the state of the composition of the local media reports claim that the bodies include elderly women, children, and young men all killed joey. these ready assault on the region of the u. n is raised its own concerns. of the many of the dead was said to have been found naked and with their hands tied. we feel the need to raise the alarm because clearly they have been multiple bodies, discovered some of them had their hands died, which indicates serious violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law. and these need to be subject to, to further investigations among the disease where allegedly older people, women and one did, while others were found tied with their hands tied and stripped of their clothes. the un human rights office. as these recent reports, problems concerns about possible war crimes committed by israel and the gaza strip . a week ago,
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just to remind you of palestinians uncovered mass graves at 2 major hospitals in war torn and clave. nicer and as chief of hospitals after they were rated by israeli troops. now government officials say they discover its almost 300 bodies from nicer hospital in from you and is in southern gaza. some was their hands tied or hadn't coughed. some naked, it is not clear how they died or when they were buried earlier that you, as human rights chief, said he's har, refined by the reports of mazda res, calling for an independent entrance, parents investigations into the dest stressing it needs to be performed by international teams site and quote, prevailing climates of impunity. you add urges that's credible. investigators must have all access to the size editing. that's also more journalists need to be able to work safely, and garza to cover the fact that the students suggested that these grades were dogs
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by these really forces. that's one to, to get 3 devices. is ro denied to these allegations, calling this claims faces and unfounded? the idea of says it's conducted a precise and targeted to wake operation against him, us and then us or hospital area in the city of hon. you is in february arresting around $200.00 militants. the army also said that the troops examined bodies varies by palestinians, there in a bead to tax the dna of the dead and meshes where the dan, hey, of these rarely hostages. just to make sure that they do not meet the captives. several hostages, one now released said that they were held at another hospital for some time with you when they come to meet you. so it makes sense to check some locals. we have spoken to also confirmed that the mass graves appeared as guidelines not having access to the secretary. wanted to bury the dead when the idea of launched a soul from the medical complex. it doesn't shed light though,
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on why some of the buddies have signs of tortures as government officials ripened. and while it has yet to be investigated, of course, what exactly happened. voice is accusing western countries of being conflict, so it's getting louder and louder. it will be, i guess, today in gaza every day we discover must graves, which are a symbol of genocide. hundreds of bodies, sometimes in medical uniforms, sometimes apparently handcuffed, executed. and most of them all, we see images of children, tone, this genocide of listing is, has been impossible without this point of view to be in countries. now one must gray fall through another is being discovered. there are still no sanctions against israel. it is unforgivable complicity. it will all tissue. what about israel's biggest ally across the ocean? washington, the us say it is hard. we fight with the reports about the mass graves and guys are discovered off to the withdrawal of israeli army, asking israel to clarify,
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you must have seen the reports about mass graves containing hundreds of bodies around know chief you. and she said he was horrified by these reports and wondering if you asked as a comment on us and whether you guys to raise this with these really government. we have seen the, those reports and the reports are incredibly troubling and were inquiring on this with the government of israel. but it didn't stop the us senate from improving $26000000000.00 in war time assistance for the region, most of which well force go to weapons funding for these really military was just the fraction for committed to arrange supplies for guys up to our friends in israel america will soon deliver a to help you fight the score jerbill moss and stand up to a ron. and while it is unclear what the investigation into mass graves in gaza will find out, or will it change? actually anything on the ground was more a financial aid,
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tend political support for israel. now we can send, say one thing for sure. that's the idea of us. can paint the idea of offensive in the guys as 3 will continue bringing more data from both sides to this wild humanitarian organizations are on the taking of risk emissions to the most badly affected parts of the end today on tuesday. wonderful. how long with unicef delivered live saving medical supplies, and what the purification aid to northern gazda, people who chose to remain in places like to bother you. i said to be barely surviving with only limited shelter and hardly anything to eat or drink miss. while od independent review set up to assess the role of wood rot has completed the importance of its work and is without question. interrupt plays an indispensable and eat replaceable role innovation and this must be
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said clearly that stopped from that is the absence of a political solution. we know it provides live, subbing humanitarian aid and essential services to the population. and of course, as, as we speak in this critical time era as a vital role in the u. many children response in guest. but while the older wives had as well come today, reviews conclusions over it's neutrality at mid the war. following these really accusations, to the contrary, which were found to like any evidence on the basis of the march 2024 list which contain stuff. id numbers is real, made public claims that the significant number of u. n. r w, a employees are members of terrorist organizations. however, israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of this in the absence of a political solution between israel and the palestinians,
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u. n. o w a remains pivotal in providing live saving humanitarian aid and the central social services to palestinian refugees in gaza. jordan lebanon, syria on the west bank. the officer interviewing a hundreds of people of the pro to yeah, the organization of any wrong doing. israel had a keys, the you, what agency of bias and that several are fits that had taken part in the have. mazda attracts on october the 7th following the allegations. multiple countries, such as the united states, u. k and gemini, all suspended funding to the agency or the light of the new report very and the said it will now res units, payment processing and red crescent spokesperson and the policy side of the claims of these will make such accusations. the head of human nature and look the independent review conduct to the once again found no evidence of the own rule on members participating in terrorist activities. it did not come to us any surprise.
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no, it's not because the, basically at the sign or a precedence have experience such allegations against our medical, his past procedures and ambulances as when this happened as many times during the 7 months or, or was when this reverses abstract both p or cs, whole speakers and how many of those present in 10 units and the whole speaker that he does the city, we have these kind of allegations, these allegations were a try. i were, i'm just an attempt to give justification for the fax again or what, how these allegations were not true and they endanger the lives before the committee kind of style and the patients as well. so we continue to call on the international community to apply it pressure to ensure the protection for health care workers, medical for swimming, and hospices,
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we wish for an international communities to continue funding on walk and other agencies so we can continue providing our life. steven service to the people who are in distress need for it to be a while on international conference on the bad guys. that is a live has been held into ron. it was organized and supportive policy unions so far over $34000.00 people were killed during the $200.00 days of warranty. and k r t is use of july the sent this report a 100 days and counting. and israel's devastating war and goes out shows no sign of abating, but gaza is alive, quiet these people all attending a conference into one under that very banner rights. activists and officials, along with representatives from palestine is how most convenient to shed light on. what they call is wells war crimes, but continue to plague the enclave unimpeded. jo, doors of to over 6 months of i'm going blood ship kill and deprivation when
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disappear, that the world impose a boy get on these as well. and for them to easily just dropped into a shame from accessing weapons, military equipment and economic necessities. however, regrettably governments have only taken minimal steps, the gates of the conference also raised concerns about his males disregard for human rights and gaza, including the disturbing discovery of a mass great, was over $300.00 bodies of con you and it says no. so hospital which was besieged and attacked by the idea in february, this wide guns and the ruins prime minister benjamin netanyahu vows to push forward with a swarthy ground assault on the front, and the destruction of how much battalions allegedly base their define. even us advice to the contrary is right is an, was honorable, say, own was go. it was in unity with own crimes name but, but they didn't buy it since the for the last $7040.00 is nobody's thing. no, ford is there any is a, is reiterating, i am is right,
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and i will do whatever i like and nobody wouldn't how hold me accountable. why should america say well, but if they want to cease to stop flat and practically continue supporting the genocide and the killing of the children. and by this time, this is hypocrisy that's going to be tolerated by anyone ex mercy or believe the u . s. is playing a game of duplicity by posing as an advocate, a found experience, while massively funding israel's military operation on sunday, the us house of representatives past and $55000000000.00 legislative package, providing security assistance to israel, ukraine, and taiwan. a significant portion of which around $26000000000.00 allocated only for his meals defense needs, $1.00 to $6000000.00 to support is ryan with publicly. why shouldn't we come in public and say that we are also friend the sign and we will support by this on many, totally, it is today. public any,
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i'm any good coming into the field. how to chosen and giving is right to tell me more among our children, some experts here with the tire situation on the us saying when the world advocated for the recognition of palestine that be when america unit natalie veto, the process active is the quite the move as an abuse of power and the appear to me of arrogance. the believe you invested or to anyone who was at the venting to one says the unilateral actions of the was a reminiscence of us history of intervention in latin american nations. including the recent to in their own country, which he attributes to the us are left in. unfortunately, the united states has a history of bloodshed in their relations with less than america. they're the ones who caused because they're the ones who impose their policies, even though on the international monetary fund. they're the ones behind the whole was a conspiracy for nearly 7 months or 4. and god has to adhere to unprecedented incidents and the region from it was use
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a force against as well. so the loss of over 34000 lives in the on 5. now, despite several, you wouldn't meetings and global riley's a resolution remains elusive. so i'm active a, c, r, are calling for international board costs up as well as the meetings to end the violence. while others argue that pressuring the was to cut us our supply. so the idea would be the ultimate way out, leaving that without the washington support as well. what i've not been able to sustain its military campaign. the usability are to just run the now the us is turning up the feed on the korean war. senates approve the $6.00 to $1000000000.00 aid package for key f like us to send more heavy arms, including air defenses, to our friends in ukraine. america will deliver more ammo and air defenses and basic supplies that you need to resist putting on the battlefield. a large portion
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of the aid will be in the form of a loan, but about the. busy of the total of funding $20000000000.00 is to be located for replenishing us weapons stockpiles. and while i'm now the $11000000000.00 is for us regional operations including 2 booth washington's intelligence activities, one permanent to use you will all make up from slovakia says that the us is directly waging war against russia. american military assistance means only one thing. the americans are attacking russian territory, and this is a millimeter from nuclear war. america is making a terrible mistake after what congress did. no one can doubt that the united states has declared war on russia. we must tell the world the truth. we reject the us war against russia. no one can doubt that the united states has declared war on china. a terrible war is approaching. is anyone still mistaken about the west to be a guarantor of peace?
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no. it is a guarantee of war. the area i spoke to the deputy speaker, this will voc in parliament himself. he says this country is and to what position is not one of many friends in washington a be see that the war, the new train was easier because of the expansion of nato window american allies towards the russian borders. and now we can see that the energy cons are very worried, more and more media or billions of dollars to helping go. are you praying against the russia and kindly see that the ukrainians are trying to launch the meeting 30, that types on russian territory together weekdays. uh. and then we can help. uh, so the only conclusion is that the reason is directly enrolled in these goals. and this is very, very dangerous situation and to be in slovakia and the normal people in the euro are wearing the freight obviously escalation because he began to guide us through
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the new firewall. slovakia and hungry have both to dop, against this dance, as mandated by the leadership about the crew in conflict. what has been the use reaction to that? are they treating you like an outside or even a power? yeah, it was a big pressure as you can imagine because of these, the robots, diesel, the primaries towards slovakia, so it's very openly we are not going to send them back on to you, brian. we have them going to send a soldiers. we are not going to approve the and try over you trying to make the boys to veto it, to different states. and this is the signals of peaceful silver in the nation. and they are very narrows because they have sort of they do and they hate someone in the nation and dislikes them. well i think that that is the interest of the american military complex to launch these more tools, brent, these war longer, even because they have the profits from this. also the costs that have the benefits
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from the beginning of the europe, you know, mean? so it's the competition also on trade and economics and when the european union and russians are, you know, in conflict together, it's good for american business. so i think that it's the kind of interest i have these war as long as it's possible, but this is really not the interest of european union. now i'm at the new try shows us military aid to key. yeah, there's been increasing tool kit and the media that it's time to for it's for europe to step up physically in an article published in the foreign affairs to american analyst and a british one, both countries outside of the u mole. the idea that brussels will need to set its own soldiers to help. again, the boss blah believes assault to a rule mongering narrative is another attempts to demonize russia. i think that
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those are interesting number to come see posts, i'm gonna leave or i'll see you post to post these war war and war against the russia, and this is not into the interest of you. this is absolutely not in the interest of europe because the economic energetic and also military consequences of this conflict is the state. thank for your opinion and i think that we should, we should stop in and be, should stall to follow. i'm going to come interest also from the historical point of view. i've never seen any, any history, any i forward over us on. so to come back or, you know what, i saw the form of a germany or friday, the 19th century to conclude russia. so probably this is the, is the case. that's why i think that this is of the strategy strategy to, to spread the viewer. and you will be in society to basically the people in the role to sort of music organization and all these war ongoing. and this is something
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you need to express use by keywords, not the only one a line for huge injection of us aid. $8000000000.00 has been approved for taiwan to be while the us secretary of state has thoughts down a funk high for a 3 day trip to china. so you did see a news correspondent checking pong has more on this. the agent, he suspect 22 meetings he's trying, he's comforter. part of china as foreign minister won't even cause last visit to china was actually in june last year where he spent a 2 days aging. and by this time he said, shouldn't that include the team to see these 3 days? so bill, we're not very clear about his schedule in china. we can tell that the u. s. e c t a deep or communication with china this time. and also all his way to show hi, lee can said all his social media accounts bad at the ongoing direct engagement is vital for might makes him pull less between the 2 countries and the chinese hopefully she'll actually know too bad to blink has to be there is part of the
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effort, like china and the us to implement the call, my understanding to wish to buy the 2 presidents at the meeting in san francisco last year. the tie one question, the taiwan issue is definitely a import him to a go. but we are still waiting, so we can to see how up thinking, well, see a balance of the highway. he sure this time i'll be doing is we have to, to washington's latest move to arm taiwan and saying that such actions with all we aggravate existing tensions in the region. pretty well turned out to sure the united states and die one strange thing mailed 3 ties, will not bring about security for ty, one notion, and save the doomed fate of taiwan independence. it will only increase tensions and the risk of conflict across the taiwan strait and will ultimately be an act of shooting one's self and the food. the united states should abide by the one china principal installed to jeopardize in peace and stability across the entire one straight to the other. us as taiwan largest international,
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the back of an armed supply, despite no formal diplomatic ties badging as long as a warranty. washington that taiwan is a chinese issue and will not tolerate ext. all interference is the us, the new us a bill will fee the island to maintain and upgrade its military hardware. a time when he's president has science washington for the move i. let's cross live to our chief frontier to call john hed. joining me, a call is good to have you join me now. what do you make of the timing of lincoln's visit to china just after the us issued more money for arming taiwan? for not only that, i just couple of days ago, only blanket was speaking as g 7 meeting yet in 2 weeks where he chose china of committing ongoing genocide. we're teaching john, i'm following back here, choose china. a supply of, of, of, of, of trading was russia and, you know,
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add to that is at the same find while the us congress approved $95000000000.00 for ukraine, israel and ty, one and chinese for administrative actually responded to that statement by saying, you know, china, i've had it so that should admit, normal tre relationship, which russia and china would not allow. it's legitimate, right? to be trampled, and n, e e are just united states do not try to deflect lanes, always failure in ukraine on to try. it means china is just calling it as it is. united space is, is waiting not fail proxy war in ukraine against russia. it's not going well. instead of reflecting on itself with us is now is shifting the blades on china blinking china of having true relationship with russia while us is
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selling weapons to tie one or, you know, i, this has not received raleigh in china a we can see when linked to the land in shanghai uh, you know, hide the seat, there's no red carpet for him and you know, he would just treat it as a, as a common tourist. and, and you know, is it is, this is a g e page completed. it has to speak to his domestic audience in united states to, to the, you know, his back or seeing the u. s. military industrial complex. but he still understand he's a guest, his guest coming to china. i ostensibly promoting us china relationship. but, you know, leveling serious accusation of genocide and, and a choosing china of trading was russia. i mean, how is he's supposed to accomplish diplomatic goals? that's beyond comprehension. really beyond comprehension. but let me ask you this.
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what logic do you think washington follows giving money to tie one on the other hand, a symbol attain is leap. trying to have talks with b, g a. but i'm not, i'm, it's the, all the issues that you've talked about. if we have to look at what logic is there here. well, i mean, there's no lot. the logic is a us supremacy over the world. the us this, the logic of us, i gemini, i do what i do, but you must do what i told you. that, but that world is, is, uh, is coming back the, the molecule polar well is here to stay, you know, the unit polar moments and the us that gemini is a thing of the past. but she both washington, the lead russian. it has not come to full grass that was this reality. and this is why is are lashing out there, lashing out because they're a failure of diplomacy and ukraine. their failure in the middle use. and now there
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is are, i mean the reason when can is commented china right after the visit of genet y'all in is because they do realize there's a problem in the us, china relationship. lot of the most important bilateral ice in the world. yet there's us china relationship. i've never been worse. this is probably the worst moment of us trying to relationship, says nixon visit to china and, and there's no bottom insight with china is the chinese site has been very clear on what their expectations are. they have said, you know, we expect both sides return to the consensus that was reaching san francisco when she became that way. so was buying when buying a for the us one, china principal. we just as you know, there's only one that should have been government in, in china, and, you know, to find one. yep. all right, we have to leave you here now. thank you so much. are the contributes of college
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jobs. thank you so much. i and now i'm at the warnings on being over different the time these own tick tock the well it's only may just social network independent from the us is that the risk of being banned from the us. oil. a bill recently approved by congress as it must belong to an american or other western investor. this is not an effort to take your voice away to young americans . i want to say we hear your concern and we hope the tech talk will continue under new ownership, american, or otherwise, from britain, canada, brazil, france. it just needs to be no longer control by an adversary. now the set us up these records, it has the key is the social media platform. once again helps writing a program as narrative of this comes as protests in some of the publishing and cause had been sweeping across some of the most prominent us. universities.
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activists have been setting up camps chatting slogans in carrying bad as demanding an ad to genocide in gaza. soon as the kids to be able to play into tech talk is destabilizing the political situation within his country. look what's happening in our college campuses right now in this country. problem last activists are taking over public spaces and making a possible campuses operate to students are being told to leave campus because their universities can't give guarantee their safety. but why is this happening? well, let's look at where young people are getting their news. nearly a 3rd of a adult 18 to 29. these young people in the us are regular again, there's news exclusively from 6 out. this is not coincidence. the chinese communist party is doing this on purpose. they are pushing this race that agenda with the intention of undermining our jump democratic bags well ticked off as it intends to
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appeal what they call. ready and on the constitution, on constitutional legislation which breaches the free speech of american use this, it is unfortunate that the house of representatives is using the cover of important for and, and humanitarian assistance to once again, jim, through, i've been billed that with trampled a free speech rate of 170000000 americans the all the other side of the atlantic brothels without looking into what's been dob, tape top of light an app. it's been optimized for slow internet connections and limited memory. and that's a made a cause. ations data has been shared with the chinese government, something both of the develop a and aging, deny concerns have been also raised on the impact to, to have on mental health as it awards. use us for watching and liking videos of the platform rejects this creation, say that the. busy of daily limits, we've got the thoughts on the developments it gets picked up from our to contribute to tyrene hip hop.


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