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tv   Documentary  RT  April 25, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EDT

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old power as the land, so it lives in the west bank or inclusive on local communities. and so everything then live because of these marine financial exam. as recent moves that have increased the controversial is where the presence in the region these vast farm land spending 64000 square meters near hebron. the largest found students eating the west bank could soon be taken over by israeli settlers as one day residence of idle air area. next to hebron city woke up to find this sign on the end civil administration over to the in some areas settlement departments multi find them. that is release planning. some changes here including building a new jurors supplement with more than 200 house units approved, as well as re planning road network. it is a big sign, pain, hebrew, an arabic loss of words which the locals, the message is short and clear. is ro comes to take the land? several palestinians families claim ownership to this island are for sale,
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so they are job or are use one of them. we need to know how much in the garden stand and images, robots, threes. he reflects on the deep historical roots that bind his people to the sacred soil one who is either jeremy or overall we have all legal documents, some from the jordanian era. as before, the occupation forces were present in this land. jordan used to govern the country, and before that there was the british mandate, and there are british documents to and before that it was the ottoman government 400 years ago, 200 years ago. now we have in our hands all the evidence that this land is ours and we inherited it from our ancestors as well. the argument is that these land is part of the so called areas see of the west bank, which according to always low accords, falls under is really administration palestinians. emphasize this division was intended to be temporary with full jurisdiction over all 3 areas including areas
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see to be gradually transferred to the palestinian authority mohammed who is part of the palestinian delegation during the discussions on this. please says e's real is distorting the facts. a good with the term area seats does not mean the jews own it, nor does it mean that settlers own it, nor does it mean that israel owns it as an occupying state. the occupation must end completely area. see will remain palestinian under palestinian authority. this is how the agreement was reached. otherwise palestine wouldn't have accepted. it expected it to be divided temporarily. hebron authorities say 50 to 35 people will be directly affected if the supplement appears on the land. but most importantly it will connect dozens of all the do supplements in the year. we break in palestine and continue team and paving the way for a fast to his dominance over the territory. the main road to hebron home to several
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significant doors and muslim holy sides could potentially become restricted for 2 issues, only at common practice with roads surrounding supplements, limiting movements of locals and visitors of the let's, this is what settlers do. they seize a piece of land and then expand to encompass the entire area. everyone fully realizes that settlement, suppose, extreme difficulty for people living nearby. these settlers have a racist ideology that does not accept the other and does not recognize the right of the other to exist on this land. though, sees the lands and type in the news of the neighbors until that you guys then die area. and the city is really, authorities have given local 60 days to challenge the decision, while the mayor says they will go to court the renew high expectations, the hopes on the then we have no choice but to resort to the israeli judiciary,
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which we consider biased and nonsense parent that is completely biased in favor of the settlers. in addition, real calling the whole world from best doors and consuls presence in the boasting and territories. alarming them about the situation in the gallery. seizing all wide, lance is legal under international law, but that state was american support. british support and western support has become a rogue state. the golf international law in 2022 to saddler is backed by these really military and security forces. trying to establish a foothold here and move viewed as a legal onto both international and as rarely law. they brought in mobile homes, garbage containers and launched infrastructure projects for volta electricity plans, however, with world as rarely authorities to the side of palestinians. so the carolines left here from previous is really attempts to ok, apply this land. how now rusty and abandoned back xander set. there's failed to say
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no, i was supposed to grew here. now comes a new battle local palestinians, and hebron authorities say they are ready to fight till the end. and so is these really sides to the outcome of these confrontation is hard to be predicted, but it is not going to be an easy one. reason auction, i'll tell you reporting from wary area next to hebron city in palestine but will be back how the the out the i think it will have. chevy image shows the fishing unix but then you put the start on the computer. i would appreciate what are you doing your task, but then you,
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when we 1st because no one showed up or something. so got you for me. so that's where, you know, you have them step this just a little bit slow. so i know components the sensor only has a visual of moving in, but i do have to make sure that the both come down. yeah, literally. so associated with as much, it's gonna be a separate. i show you a different level may assist you more and when you do it, i'm going to insure it and which page where you can pull it up with a let's just sponsor suspicious go out. i don't really know if it was a go or you need the course to just go in and put in the ds. i mean it comes good. it's different. go see i do most on stephanie. it's either got water. i stand it's uh for me. usually i'm back home, pulled the storm, so stay any you know, doing the hit single shot, the,
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a good release of atomic power has changed everything except a way of thinking the solution to this problem lines in the heart of human kind. if only i know i should have become a watchmaker, albert einstein. mm. the law as being humanities and during companions throughout history. the fest description of a battle in relatively reliable diesel was written in the 15th century b. c. and when it's on you, the won't kill it, it wouldn't send you to a b, one of the tanks, water bills and ships equipped with heavy cannon. plains dropped bombs and weapons became ever more less than destructive. then one day, flat on reached its peak. the
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radiance of a 1000 suns would have burst in the sky. it would be like the splendor of the mind she won, and become dest, the destroyer wells, robert oppenheimer, the american physicist oppenheimer, spoke of hale doctor, the rephrase frank, combined in 1945, just after the 1st successful nuclear weapon test in new mexico. he lived a team of scientists for 3 years with a $2000000000.00 budget to build 3 atomic bombs, giving us incredible military superiority at the end of world war 2, the, the cost of serious damage across the yeah, generally. but i remember we're slowing and doesn't work because we missed which ones. and this is what the deal is going to do.
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let me skip was shown here, and this is a for sure appointment to store them socially minutes looking this look for may theodore still out of the media to of, of what squeeze me through and know it could be a separate source. what, what would the running a single shortly with a gun different stress, one pin, we're particularly to my hold on visionaire. so sort of go through. so let's do it with you on there. but if it was them, you know, it seems like what chapter of a credit given is spent on know doing it. we're on opposed to the best number to get you through and then sort of compare them, go to and then it goes to maturity. assembled a cool blue tony joyce. oh shit. and you know, doing oh so yeah. it was just it hit with the heel share. so i'm showing a serial number for new to sobriety. there are lots of little bit of sticks load here at the facility mirror. just any minute stick with you on this. tiffany:
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i'm just gonna put you on a couple. it is a for you weren't given a scope our suggestion in the village, and i'm going to put him into your mind this a bit when discuss interior next vermani on the day of the one year, the bureau. what is available at the level of interest for well she was a senior. so this the legit as we use sort of vegetables. what happens, what else we can see down so you can just get you this. we get the companies that need to see the next step. if we s, as a said be leaving is that i'm which means they said that he means that it's going to be sent to the, to police indians the shot. but this will start in the, it's cause i will still, i mean it could take the pedals and snap, which in the it doesn't fit you nicely. that will do the need to be as much to study in the more detail. but maybe a c will take you will, but little boy was a little more efficient, a pretty mean each of those that i prefer to be pointing and they shall take a little show up. so usually they can use it on the some say that harry truman himself invented the 2nd version. distinguish, came to somehow she had at least some of the responsibility for us decision.
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the because we didn't use some flux, many truthful levels, replicas also. but i, we can still so should i need to establish them. yeah. could they put it up to the point screen fade and was like i to settling in a way writing the envelope is not a few months, but i'd say at the ceiling, it was that i don't even with them for us to uh, list them. i mean it goes, keep them, but they're all shirts, breast so each of them is that at the points can go to cuba sema and explain. yeah, that's 2 of us. here's going to be the goal. so can you move that cute i've seen was this the, well, we'll do a piece is killing me, a bit of as low as yourself and a good thing to over the dislike of that little people. but actually, i'm gonna stick it up what he's left with 30 children, still open how i'm moving his team successfully built the 2 types of atomic bomb onto the manhattan project, referred to his gadgets. they would code named little boy and fat man. one was designated in a test, a 2nd fellow unhealthy shima. 3 days later it snowed fellow nuggets lucky lost and found out from little boy and fat man killed more than 450000 people.
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the only stipulation, sometimes even though it's against the seems additional stupid here that or something special because i'm not sure the system is supposed to be. is it your system is just as new, of course they, but they're all of the sort of seem it up throwing up or press the star and then we will continue the store was listed. so here we all are squared away. most of them was just splitting, if it was in way of a shame, so throwing up, what is your name and you probably need to do the next steps that are on the computer. so i mean use this to your name, correct? yes, we have to to do any serious cases. we could, you would have started the most, it's across the board has a lot of stores on the for the semester. so here's the thing. what's the, what's the nearest of it?
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yeah, but at the ocean pressure drops it to have to use the fission to it. so soon as you have to go, the simple i just for the one boot is split the set yet via to it. so he has straight up in the boat, but this again is tiffany negative start in the spring. so either or so for all of us with a theodore with a 9. so the nuclear arms race began between 19451990. 6 more than 2000 nuclear tests were conducted across the world in the are accounted for one, the u. k. and china carried out $45.00 each front, $201.00. the u. s. s 715 in the us, 1030 to the soviet. some of the nuclear, some phone book is sent to be the most powerful explosion in history. that test was carried out in 1961 in the skies above millions of the the block dealed was $58.00 mega tons compared to the fat man bomb dropped on august 2nd,
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which will be 21 kilo tons. there are 4 types of nuclear test on the ground under water that must very offend tech. so at most, frederick beach has an adverse effect on the eco system. but at most fabric tests are considered the worst. in half a century we get the nuclear race. the world has seen plenty of evidence showing just how devastating those nuclear blast to be. people who live on the nuclear test sites, those military and civilian, have been exposed to radiation with us and say we have steps towards banding nuclear testing. what taken as far back as 1963, the signing of the strategy, binding of the appeal, which is attached to the atmosphere analysis space and under want to provide representative government. and we seem to join the interview because the signing of the treaty is on the other side of the world, 50 units to agree,
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a complete ban on all types of tests. in 1996, the un general assembly adopted the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty with all member states undertaking not to carry out any more nuclear weapons tests to ensure that all tweedy bomb is compliant with the agreement. the eliza vision was one of those over the for the 3 only thing that you know, some of the me for the most exposures course. and there's a little mistake when, when the 31st i must have been for months here. who knows this, mr. configured i subscription, it has a filtering for them. wants to think of a, as in the central down there. good afternoon. now, speaking with the condition for most of the spouse are a little less than when the 13 groceries pushing interest as opposed to the purchasing this in supporting this particular cut off is
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the that international monitoring system was established under the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty by the time that's fully operational insurance comprised 321 monitoring stations of various types. it's in visits that russia's i, m. s. segment will include certainty to monitoring stations scattered across the country. okay, thank you. when you put the go to task, though it doesn't, it doesn't quite full. i'm here is what, what do you mean? the standard was, i guess it was a waiting this thoughts to look. i put them in your opinion, which i'm just now it's okay. well, we didn't really, and so this is such a convention. unfortunately it's a pretty level for the just the 1st, the 1st time you go, the more please take the video to look for cutting, you know, a sponsor stuck with this. but then you can create introductions on the student slip and party up to you. i mean, from what? so we'll gather data now. so you come in today to view
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the inspection that came to 30 seconds to the last and the russian international monitoring system segment. different oak center response and extension to the difference between auxilary and primary stations lies in the house. they transmit the data folks at least provide data on demand. 12 primaries center cities uninterrupted flight lift, real time data to the organizations main headquarters in vienna. size make technology monitors the crust. the detect shockwave generated by nuclear explosions, controlling the stations of added attacks subterranean nuclear tests hardware. so there's no us to get a hold of somebody else cuz additional australia just offs when one got the most serious costanza i, you know, so the way that the frustrating assumption is not only assist him when we have told him, go to the machine and when they send it to us because you're also on the go order or see, i'm having issues with the machine. and you know there's no such thing that can work because of what it is because it also whipple knows what your desire just to look for. but let me show you what our cisco simple, what i'm going to go, or ne,
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are due to the specialist the go on is i'll let you sort of even though is a pretty gillian. yeah. a little during the inventory. so yeah, and they're supposed to bring in law the most of the customers. so yep, you're dealing with people are either here, don't worry people's dig, it will save your initial impression unix. but then you put the like as the community couple are you appreciate what are you doing the adults, but then you would just give them a one shot. so at the association when the punch is going to go, well sort of just because, you know, it's a suitable space, i know comfortable the product, but the end is up to the gold lighting and put in a stronger. there's not 1 may assist you more and when you do it and get their shows and which the technology you can pull it up with a lot of sponsor, excuse me, just go out. i don't know if it was a go where you need the course to just go when you're putting pressure or commit to store to come over here or you know, cleaning, or when you put in go to as a lawyers, as long as you can live. the bluetooth and happen of usually a man, as we do to prepare the fork property. didn't you know that on
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the, on the side of the process that i get that horse, fayette county stuff done. so i'm assuming to put up all if there comes jessica, what is it a shift or what have you said to me and my children are sort of which was here. it's a usually human this me in the, it seems that i'm with you. i was because i'm wondering if you noticed that it's a no, we take suitcase. when did i start as we can? it just depends a little bit the product, the date,
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you don't know exactly what it actually, what if instead of getting married, you mean there are a do, do you live? you come to, you have literally so frustrated with i was let you to get the appraisal, show you a different life, the tears only 30. 0 not but only about the spelling of the machine. it with the tip, the spirit that stick to redo file. i put on the, it's of a, here's the little and it's instead of the weights of junior gene is lashelle. that's all right. and it's something done with coupled enough with some movie. you
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usually you, grace who gets checked in late notice. but of this, the most beautiful. yeah. and even put into the nature of the table is to put up again because i don't know can either flip them. i see the bullets a little take you to the stop and start says step a, who is in the other thing younger but you know, but i completed it was and so you still decide, simmons, you know what? phone number, those, the number of the solar to some of those are you can reach any bridges. one way, some really, one thing may have been initiated, placement was garage the building. i was just the police actually i did on the portal because i was in which was more than that the guy supposed to come. the union surely really meant the way it's the nation with the keep the gave we were present the kitchen, got again and show it to what the fish should do. so, you know, if there's just like, well, it's not to do this out. the say seeing it and that somebody on the bidding of the
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what i see, i'm human, it shows up attention didn't spinning what that's what you do a lovely pump each day party undertakes not to carry out any nuclear weapons test explosion under prohibit and prevent nuclear explosions at any place under its jurisdiction or control. that's what the stops. yes, that i know chairs thinking up on you have to slow the water. imagine these 2 lots sit each and multiple that can use to be able to read and get you squished. you look you up with the site is still wishing as a single sylvester function create a sort of couple more instead of catch that, ok, you have quite a few more. please continue easy. but just on the van, the glow method was good chance of don't store know ca split itself. so that was that on the wall and it's, it's sort of with him so we can use the key again. the driver got keys ride, get those gun, that old latest will be to come. he said to me on their stuff they made it kept ratification. is the act of making a treaty officially validated by giving it a formal consent by the proper authorities of each policy. just let me know as well financed for one of the funding to just a shot, a couple in just
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a little bit of decided to move the ship. one of the units is telling me, oh, you mean? yeah. so the way that the, what would you uh, storm stores the younger stuff to suggest that its uh, stated, leasing uh, nicholas g, near cool wise, motion list. i need to become suspicious activity in your seo and use like seems to me is level one is i still use most of the information. i don't know the book on the end of category. you mean that's such that surely case i stuff which i think are for pretty senior. couple of them full and them i view and reset that which if it got 16 interceptor ideas or with some mission as me fucked up those me either i don't know. do you have anything that is not cool? set to yes ma'am. it's some odd noise players in your new startups as the sure. the category book wasn't a brand new to jim store uh, front mirror and yeah, just i know if you've seen, i'd seen you able to put in a solution. it's forgot,
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since you're doing, you will bu interested and you go on the stairs or in your movies, you may schedule this that will store it. i that i need you. it was motionless. do i am the way you way in the promotional conflicts, sasha? of blood. yeah. was the shooting. yeah. great. you split that degree, but are there any use it but they have an issue with them. got switched to to meet the present gym. what were some story here? show horizon, you cancel the java is all sound like a shot to get a smaller than that. i don't locate last time, so i'm able to know some of the item they publish. that's cool. we do not quite yet suspense. they will not work for them. excuse me, just create a new for as will go. i miss the game is still killing me instead of roland. but those done sooner. so 3 nicolas normally with the i'd say is when you yeah. which
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in the, in your can i ask through them i do show i hear a couple of them were still working at the fight. so can but a small guy is this done? so yeah, a workshop. i thought that just a you and i saw the the vision for the blonde. see how it was ringing.
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you were just doing a practicum on us, a nice, nice waste and the dining room, the city. he's got the austin, flushed out. a police centurylink. oh gosh, it's going to be an on site inspection of remote registration host and includes checking video cameras, routine maintenance and special equipment and confirmation with communication hardware was in good order to ensure the continuity of state to transfer to keeping the buildings in good condition. good, the guy said, well that's what we're used to. both of the police procedures are carried out regularly. the 20 point across russia. that's so the 2 monitoring stations once that's group and also risk maintains,
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begin for sound station 10 for sound technology and uses micro barometers to record low frequency sound waves to locate that most ferric explosions that distinguish them from volcanic over options all space for us. it launches the photographs, the filters alpha number of low frequency sound waves which lots are coming out. the way off shows up on the newsletter was new to me on the peninsula, near the nearest interstate english, forcing me up to let someone know i see it is shooting and we'll bring you more. i'm unless it's obviously a. so i'll go, what's the good thing you think? i me say for the day i'm supposed to be a female. so i'm just presenting yeah. of us now. when you're sick, one of my pre core them when you were in your store. really nice thoughts when they're pretty one up here and there's lots of interesting wondering is of course the, the work of succeeding, too low sources. the worth. it'd be interesting sufficient here. but then you need, it's a study of us just, you know, democrats, but that do i, as in the field, you do a quick histone. it's just grease and the difficulty is good to see it is done
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with this or fix it on this was was self employed, done it. but if they didn't, they just don't know. they sent a gun. they've sort of move them on october. the 18th 2023. the state duma unanimously voted to revoke russia's ratification. if the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty post quench was disappearing. we do have stable. there's none the less down to which for some with those please continue to oppose that create the idea. then you will fully media as a new step 3. then you need to remove the setting seniors in order for it to pick up see need to, i intend with a good i see the go to me. but as i was i am the storage. said to me, is the single door vocally no use the emotional support access it got towed or able that as much as for sure from what that is and that probably wasn't, but was it not really in? yeah, yeah, this is but then he is. i me,
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is it really or i see is that others i have to meet at 0 guidelines. the, the sense that i do not foresee that atomic energy is to be a great boon for a long time. i have to say that the presence is a menace perhaps it as well that it should be. it may intimidate the human race into bringing order into its international affairs, which without the pressure of fear, it would not do albert einstein the
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the law strikes not unable, enrolled, so made and is really attacked on a refugee camp in gauze while in the us. the suffering of it isn't policy is, is it been exploited? it's a bunch of political opponents schools point. i'm a little bit of also at our compatriots are outraged when they see young ukrainian men in hotels and cafe is they constantly hear about how much effort we have to make to help you. crane is ready to pull a few claims to be sent to the front lines of peace. dentist office hugs, foot traveling for a very me or a c n o grades in, in region made high duplex. and um, i'm ever in.


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