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tv   News  RT  April 25, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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catfish online, well, most of the time this is completely harmless. sometimes cat vicious will use us as an opportunity to explore money or blackmail from a victim. so while the digital era has need so many tasks easier and more productive, the goal of finding love still remains elusive. and unfortunately, dating sites and dating apps have monetize the desperation of singles and have turned it into a lucrative business model that fails to prioritize people's happiness. i'm christy . i. thanks for watching it. we'll see you right back here next time on the cost of everything. the small side, the sun, even more depths and made and is really, it's called a refugee camp in gauze,
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while in the us it's operating on it is and passing is green and bashed political opponents as school points, a lot of little thought for us. so i, mr. justice, our compatriots are outraged when they see young, ukrainian men in hotels and kept phase. they constantly hear about how much effort we have to make to help you crane. all it is ready to do for you, for it is to be service to the bottom lines of keeps that somebody hug for the kind of a buy rating. and oh, boy gets it right in the made high products in dime on every decent projection for longer, very a visit to the higher than the nation. find the investigation reveals the west, the logo, that's a pushes show, the products and they these formulas in developing nations while offering help you versus the western market street that are new issue. the
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form of this is to you and it's good to have your company today. my name's brought allow me. it's a. is there any thoughts as get somebody to invade garza's, southern city of rough or near the do some border. the rest of the ok is also suffering with the idea of bombings and other attacks on a daily basis. a warning you may find the following. images this debbie. the this for this is kind of says that demo, it will know who i see the 5 seeing girl who's problems on the debbie from an idea of forming who building she had been in, was distorted to in the least really a tackling the refugee income. but rescue was eventually managed to save up. others less fortunate. 2 this is on a seamless, his daughter in the are the, like,
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he's seen he agree with you on the hospital of the medical will to uncovers the blanket that was found in her life as for the, it just as easy and just see, you know, and many others all happening despite the fact that back in january, the international court of justice ordered as well to take steps to prevent any acts of genocide in gaza. so don't forget which filed the case at view and what it says. those rulings have been violated since many times. it has also called for an investigation to the mass graves found that gaza, how some of those off the idea of soldiers left those areas. the situation and goals that has deteriorated, significant base since the cost order of the 26th of january 2024. as a result of israel's friday and responsibility to comply with the court rulings. the lack of accountability by israel is increasing the clip. we note that the
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evidence of mass killings or civilians, points to the perpetration of war crimes, crimes against humanity, including mode and extermination and genocide. you know, this is a data side that is when live streamed on all devices. every way we go, we see it on social media, on the news, all of these programs. and yet the, so the international community and international multilaterally institutions, as for you to really to me, to keep it in some line. and i think it's, even though it shows that they are rules for role that we should actually just say it shouldn't be, know what you be. oh, and even that, i mean like you said so many times that they have been they are guilty of genocide, enough will crimes. and what is we know stoops? i mean if you can just consider that also and how the u. s. has been using and abusing the b, b to power the use a could to counsel. but in addition to that, i mean the i, c, c is being dragging their feet. nothing has been done. so as long as ease those got
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the, you was in the records of the, you as an end of the process of imperialism like the u. k. and germany and a lot of countries in the west is relatives being to act with impunity. the middle of the life is established that as well as the war in gaza for political points, the best of it is an impass is used as an argument to bash opponents us as the most recent debate is all focused on pro 5. see and says, brian is by some, as i'm to some ethics and this oppression the protests are taking place all across americans, leading academic institutions. this point, we've got 24 hour encampments that have been set up there having walk outs. and there are protest round the clock, the messages support for palestine and opposition to israel. columbia university
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just had to cancel in person classes. and at yale, dozens of students were arrested in new york university. just cleared out and, and camp minutes. and with all these controversial protests tapping of the americas leading academic institutions, the commander in chief decided to weigh in charge. i don't understand with bombs dropping around the clock, the world is filled with outrage, a ghast at the humanitarian crisis in gaza. mainstream u. s. media is also outraged about the protests. critics say these protests are offensive to jewish students grading a hostile environment for their education, and a recent sign of tearing got intense. have you seen on time mostly in protests, on campus? to have see we have had pros,
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riley demonstrations on canada. no. but but john, a protest that we all guess will slips. no, i have you seen one against our ups? no, i have not. have you seen one against palestinians? no, i have now have you seen against one against jewish people? have you seen a protest saying we are against jewish people? you know i have. i have ok, thanks. thank you for that clarification. now some members of congress are blaming the pro, test on tick tock. they say that the app should be suppressing the pro tests and the hash tags about them. and the fact that they aren't is all the more reason that tick tock, a social media app must be banned. but it's more than just check talk. mainstream media is ignoring the dire humanitarian situation and gaza and the rising death tool. instead, they are focusing on the protests in the united states and how everyone feels about
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them. adding to that some of the protesters seem to have gotten involved without considering possible consequences and the new victim is born. what you have been told why you have been suspended and your reaction to yeah, i guess i it was suspended thursday morning at 10 am with 2 other fellow bernard students on the e mail stated that we had engaged in disruptive behavior. talk to us about what the experience you of had, would it be university tell you as to the reason why you were also suspended and whether or not are you being treated differently than your fellow colleagues? so varnerin seems to be a little bit more repressive than columbia. i was notified that i was suspended yesterday, whereas they were notified that mr. specifically and 2 other students were told that they were suspended before we were arrested. now this coverage led some palestinian voices to actually call out the protesters and say they're making it too much about themselves. and not about guys that the protestors told us that they are concerned about the people in gaza and they intend to keep going. despite the widespread condemnations they've received. the protesters themselves to have their
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heart set on the right intentions. they're obviously here to demand divestment from israel ad columbia university. and i think what the protesters are doing are highlighting their, their actual intention. so they're doing the right thing, at least they want to the war to stop there. you know, they trying to bring attention because there's government and united states government is funding this war and it's not right. i think what the students doing is right there, china yet columbia, to divest from the funding of israel. they're trying to get them to invest from that and i agree with that and i agree with the students activism. obviously, i think our focus should be on what's happening in gaza. i think that the media has not done a good enough job exposing the things that have happened to the people of gaza at the hands of the israeli military. so we've got yet another partisan political fight in america with lots of finger pointing and name calling america is polarized
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. nothing new here. but while the american political charade continues, bombs are dropping. and palestinians are dying every single day. caleb mauppin, archie, new york, doing the sunny and let's see it style for the of us is who institution sir, is the only root effect until the po to us. so they can be used by us. politicians in the campaigns. i had of this is for the actual election. the only way that these protests affects and gaza and the middle east is that the by this ministration sees the american foreign policy only through one lens. and that is the november elections. and the bite in ministration knows that they need a huge been thrown out and a lot of support from college towns and college campuses if they're going to carry swing states like pennsylvania, michigan for wisconsin. and so these kids do, in a sense of fact, american foreign policy because the by the administration will feel compelled to
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move american foreign policy more towards from us or to mitigate is pro is real sense because of the electoral implications in november. the defense and as i suggest, importing movie aging premium and back to their own country, he says it wouldn't be a good signal for by that sort of nations with q, mr. to test our compatriots are outraged when they see young, ukrainian men in hotels and cafe is they constantly hear about how much effort we have to make to help you crane. i am not surprised that the training authorities will do everything to send new soldiers to the front because the needs are enormous . in what way is it possible to deport those people from fall into ukraine? i think that everything is possible that any support and help here would be a good signal, an expression of bilateral solidarity and relations and will comply with the
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expectations of poets society. great, while the us hasn't moved to another, made a package for you where this 5 of $61000000000.00, but as, as q has to be in front of them is mobilization laws. so send more troops to the front lines onto a cd, cause i my guys have this way, is why legislation is actually bad for you trainings a while it is a go again to an 60000000000 dollar aid and weapons package. it is already being cooled too. little too late. it's not going in the ukrainians favor in the don't this certainly, milton, elsewhere in the country as the russians are advancing, at least in the don't this, a year ago, ukraine believed that these billions of dollars in millions of rounds of shelves and i mean, vision would help is we in the small, it's best to now is not to lose this. and this sort of thing. it's
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about the congress with all of this, the board top 5 color as it will be difficult for us not to we and even to stay in the, in the landscape, received what he wanted. but he had all support enormous new a package in return the landscape promised to find the troops necessary to use those weapons at a time when you kind is experiencing severe non power shortages. he saw and did a little bit credibly draconian mobilization that which deprives the tree age men of many privileges unless they show up at military recruiting stations. they're all have serious doubts whether their landscape can find enough men to feel the trenches, to date, more than 100000 military personnel have left their military units without permission. and what is the motivation of these new ones?
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there is no motivation. the motivated ones are already lying and cemeteries, so they come because they both simply forced to come. it looks a bit like rushing captivity during the 19th century, uprisings somewhere. they catch people on the streets and bring them here to the front. this is not a plan to mobilization because everyone is afraid of this word or around up your credit and his laws is run out of men who wants to fight. it is now running as of men who can be forced to fight these draconian measures. men who refuse to show up at the military recruitment office and update their information or refuse to see if a summons. now face finds the face. the suspect for the driving license is freezing their bank accounts and moves your load on now. cuts off from consumer services staying abroad, does not relieve a citizen. if hazel head you teach to the homeland. that is why yesterday i wanted
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measures to restore the fair. i have to choose to old men of conscription, age and ukraine in abroad. this will be fair to outrage and effects ukraine hoops that the untold thousands of military service age men who fled the country to europe for example, will be deported back once the passports expire. men who want nothing of zelinski is war and not just the men, the mothers and wives, and the daughters to you, gradients of the gun, protesting and blocking the country's country. let's and embassies in europe, demanding that they be sub the documents and passports, the
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mean, the news unfortunates traps in the country risk life and limb to get away are these is footage published by ukraine's boy, the gods showing a man trying to swim to safety, to moldova, as many men have drowned in the attempt, ukraine's board, the gods added circus music to mock this mom, him and countless others cool trying to escape. zalinski is insatiable. conscription includes, is, it is key of this message to men of ukraine. don't even try. we will let you get away for i guys the of the from the didn't yet people's republic was this guy. all the us has revealed that earlier this month, the full, the food,
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all the a package. it have synchronous shift boosted. miss. i'll see you claim was it all see the home for more news about the, the green country and other recent developments throughout the world and loved the you'll the so please leave your comments in the discussion session on any of offered to me. it was an 8 by hembry c, as in no go really to a how to do it. i and irrigation. unplugged, the interlock and i praise the in deva fine as an engineer by his country looked foyer for cooperation on the asian concept. is it most the 1st? why never, i mean president to be to the island of nation in 16 years. all costs on the use of javi has the ripple. and there's a war card in silence. i let your success make the noise. the construction of the oma, we are hydro plant in sri lanka. 1 was one of those iranian projects that had been
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shrouded in secrecy until its completion. and once concerns about potential western interference, have disappeared during a visit to 3 long. it won't even president abraham roy. you see participated in the not duration of the oma. we are a multi purpose project. he said the hydro plant designed and implemented by iranian engineers is now operational and marks a significant milestone in bilateral cooperation between the 2 countries on chair as it gets that they just for what's more important than building a dam is the solidarity empathy cooperation, and companionship of 2 countries, iran in sri lanka, 2 nations in the asian region. mister president, mister prime minister and all this re locked in officials presents in the meeting. we are here to participate in the big plans and projects of 3 long go by providing our own technical and engineering services in the development of the country. look
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at a 200 kilometers, se golf, colombo city, in sweet lanka. the construction of the oma we are planned to kick started in 2010, the project features change dams, and a 25 kilometer water transmission tunnel. it also includes 2 major hydro electric power plants, each with a capacity of 16 megawatts. the primary goal of the project is to enhance irrigation for 5000 acres of agricultural land, facilitate the transfer of 145000000 cubic meters of water, and generate a whopping 290 gigawatt hours of power annually. everyone has lauded the project as a significant display of its international engineering prowess that defies western sanctions negative. does that mean your costs are going to be me and that's all to if i got the west wanted to convey to the nations, the knowledge and technology are only at their disposal. but the capable hands of
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a writing and experts and scientists, and their wisdom and knowledge are doing great things today. not only and is la mchugh, ron, but all over the asian continent. it is highly surprising that iran has pulled off an engineering project of this magnitude beyond its borders, especially considering the obstacles suppose by strict us sanctions. that's the limit the countries access to a central technological components and expertise. what is even more remarkable about the project is or was approach to seeking alternative trade destinations, a fairly new alliances in response to being isolated from the western world news to the sanctions, mobile tissue out of o u r. we have the basis of developing relations with asian, neighboring, and independent countries. the relationship between iran and 3 lanka, including the relationship with aging countries, is both aligned and independent,
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which can create a very bright future for the nations program. that's where you see announced the countries right in escrow export it's engineering services to quote independence, countries that seek to advance without western reliance. he held the completion of the oma. we are project as a powerful symbol of self reliance shattering the misconception. perpetuated by the wes, but nations cannot progress without their influence and expertise punches, and there's almost one to west domination system preaches that you cannot do anything without their present knowledge or participation. that colonialism, that arrogance and domination system is rejected from our point of view. a fair warning for his eyes made sweet one call. his 2nd stop after his historic visit to package band were the 2 sides revived. some of the dormant projects, including the contentious it wrong pakistan gas pipeline, which we'll see is while i'm about purchasing natural gas from san juan. despite
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the objections from the us. now it was growing ties with its neighbors, including 3 long lines perfectly with the growing global convergence toward a multi polar world order, especially now that colombo is considering to become the next member of breaks, usability, r, t, to one that is today has found itself embroiled in scandal as it faces claims, which is basically buds pots with sugar in developing countries, but also as much as the old is in western nations, zurich based watch the found the companies aggressively promoting those products, despite the potential to contribute to malnutrition and other health problems. on cheese vehicle the as the d test a shed in south africa like in many parts of the african continents, baby mulkins serial are
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a booming business and to european companies dominates the field for giants initially, endeavor produce the palm of that but as of late myspace has found itself entangled in a controlled vesee because what positioning itself as the solution to serious life threatening issues like hung up a study by switch into public. i found the company pushing products designed for children and developing countries that are packed with added should that the world health organization recommends that should, that isn't added into a baby's biased towards anyone's diet until they 2 years old. and one of the issues that we see of the nest are important for some of the fact that is added sugar in some of the poor countries. is that the reason the sugar on either by may say its own. so mission to global move, countries or so called wisdom countries is because they recognize that this is a poor nutritional outfit for young children. next slide produces to need. i'm not
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just full babies, but they produce food for people all ages and in 2021. there was a major scandal way, there was an internal memorandum leak but showed that may say acknowledges but up to 60 percent of the food portfolio is unhealthy. and one of the reasons it's on help is because the add additional sugar. so if you can develop a sugar of dependency and young children was, they would see they would consume as that means you'll have consumers for the rest of your life, for your on house and products who actually took the time to visit one of south africa's big a supermarket and found that to the silicon baby serial had sugar in it. but there was no specification as to how much it contains, unlikely as the ingredients for them contra costa infant formula and serial, sold in switzerland and of the manual pin markets with a company as his headquarters couldn't seem to notice sugar. and they say, has a history dating back to the 1970s of reportedly violate to regulations puts in
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place to protect the children, including the alleged use of talk, lisa, and accommodations of sending formula to the poor countries which is less healthy than the natural alternative of priesthood in some countries, including south africa, have even puts in place recreations that prevents companies like loosely from aggressively promoting the consumption of outside processed fluids, including products with a high sugar content. the reason that they've really strict regulations including himself, i forgot that these companies like mesa, often breach when they makes these claims is because it's, i'm the minds of discourage this woman from brace to be day. now, why would you price feed or all the then give you a child commercial for me on moke? well 1st he is put in have all of these additional home full i'm products contained to ingredients. so it can be for a lot of matters, especially in south africa, access to say center liable to supplies. it's really difficult. so when they're
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preparing the form animals, it means that they are exposing their children to direct diseases. they believe that there would be more consequences in these gravel in those countries. i think it stains from a genuine belief that they can exploit poor countries. um that the populations will stand for it. and they know that if they have these harmful products in the market, the way they are rated and way they show shareholders and executives. and this, that they might actually use their reputation in their own countries. and then those who use the support that their country is gives them when they busy with these international shenanigans, despite the evidence presented, mislaid denies old integrations against it. we have undertaken significant efforts to minimize sugar concepts throughout our product range, including the phase removal of edits, sugars such as sucrose and glucose syrup from our growing up milks for children
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above 12 months. worldwide. web live the same nutrition, health and wellness principles everywhere aligned with international guidelines and regulations. this includes compliance with labeling requirements and trash hold on carbohydrate content, including sugars, parents, children and communities in these poor countries, especially in covert district and citizens of africa with mothers have no choice but to feed the children with these products have resulted to the one thing that had abandoned as a result of these products, breast feeding. when i 1st heard about the news, i decided to throw the products away. i don't use them anymore until ultimate. i know they're still parents who have no other choice, but to feed that children with these products using siri, lack is easy either need electricity or too much water, especially as people who never have horse and electricity, but for the life of our child is no other way we're asking the government to check these things before the end of the country for the sake of our children and the future. why would they allow us to feed all babies with dangerous cereals?
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they don't even tell us a wellness that clinics. well, i understand that it's a business, right? but if you're going to be marketing, product school babies, like you would a cigarette box, say this is not how healthy or a tumble for the loss. i think they should be a key, a warning sign. they need to make the consumer real aware of the consequences of using the product with all the all coding pools for africans to buy costs of these products. such tweak is limited only if you are willing to speak on the issue, perhaps solving just how big and influential such would times have become. littlefield couldn't get odyssey to help us back the tears laugh. why is the government protests have escalated into classes with police? i'm going to say to confronted israel's national security minutes hours for the synagogue in jerusalem.
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the that was the scene. as of this, a brand new more, they exited the seminar crowd surrounded him, demanding immediate efforts for the release of actually do some garza placing installs and oh, there was no nice a web them. cool, cool, cool. so this, this, the cloud, another top of it. so who has come on the fly is, is really play missing self. trash is running to the outside in the senior who's was in tourism. have been running while some between protests is i'm the police throughout the cities, the devastations united off the hamas. but at least the videos say in these very american hostage instead of resolving of those simulations at home is what the officials are busy taking a little more palestinian land. settlers in the west bank are included fuel and
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local communities as the rest of the that and livelihoods, autism or international went back to find out more. these vast farm land spinning 64000 square meters near hebron. the largest found a student seating the west bank could soon be taken over by israeli settlers. one day residence of idle air area next to hebron city woke up to find this sign on the land civil administration over to the in some areas settlement department and they'll do find them. that is release planning. some changes here including building a new jurors supplement with more than 200 house units approved, as well as re planning road network. it is a big sign and hebrew, an arabic loss, awards, but for low cost, the message is short and clear. is ro comes to take the land, several palestinians families claim ownership to this island are for sale. so they are generally used one of them. we need to become.


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