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tv   News  RT  April 25, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the more strikes and even more debts have made on the is there any attack on the refugee tab in gaza? while in the us, the suffering of innocent policy unions is clearly exploited to batch political opponents as cool pines, the amount of the popular issues of this, our compatriots are outraged when they see young ukrainian men in hotels and cafe is they constantly hear about how much effort we have to make to help you crane pulled on this is ready to deport ukrainians to be sent to the front lines. that's key of steps up. it's harmful kind of further down investigation reveals the west of the fluid come little more, right? some naturally pushes sugar packets,
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maybe formulas in developing nations while offering healthy of nations from west and markets. we examine the issue, the hello, the welcome to all the international reaching you from odd use center in moscow. i have mike called quite yet. now i've, he's writing you force is get ready to invade guys of solving city of rafa near the egypt and board at the rest of the enclave is already suffering with idea of bombings and all the attacks on a daily basis. a warning that you might find the following images. this debbie, the this footage kept to the moment when the locals rescued the policy to go who was dropped on with debris from an idea of bombing, the building she had been in, was destroyed during these ready attack on the refugee camp. the rescue as
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eventually manage dude said huh. all those were less functions. now this man, you see here long, his daughter and the idea of strike. he see in here leaving the hospital as a medical worker on covers the blankets that was shrouding her lifeless body. they're trustworthy, as you have seen, and maybe all those are happening despite the fact that back in january, the international court of justice ordered these roles is that to take steps to prevent any acts of genocide in guys of africa, which filed the case of the you in court says that those rulings had been validated many times. he is also called find the investigation into the mass graves found a guy, the hospitals of idea of sold us. and after those areas is the situation and goals that has deteriorated,
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significant base since the cost order of the 26th of january 2024. as a result of israel's friday and responsibility to comply with the court rulings. the lack of accountability by israel is increasing the clip. we notice that the evidence of mass killings or civilians points to the perpetration of war crimes, crimes against humanity, including mode and extermination and genocide. you know, this is a data side that is when live streamed on all devices. every way we go, we see it on social media on the news, or who these programs. and yet the, the international community and international multi, luckily institutions as prior to really to trying to keep the pieces are in some of them. and i think it's, even though it shows that they are rules for role that we should actually just say it shouldn't be, know what you b o and even that. i mean i, we have so many times that they have been there due to, of genocide enough will crimes and but there has been no steps. i mean,
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if you can just consider that also and how the u. s. has been using and abusing the b. b to power, they use a could to counsel, but in addition to that, i mean the i, c, c is being dragging their feet. nothing has been done. so as long as ease those got to you was in the back of the, you as an end of the process of imperialism like the u. k. and germany and a lot of countries in the west is always been to act with impunity. but while the washington establishment exploits the war gave up for political points with the deck, so it doesn't follow students use as an argument to fast opponents. ask for that example. the recent wave of policy didn't protest which has been branded by some i've anti semitic. now so now let's take a closer look at how to play that video right here for you to see what that plays out into
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the john golden and albany and old this year to stand for the protests are taking place all across americans, leading academic institutions. this point we've got 24 hour encampments that have been set up there having walk outs, and there are protests, round the clock. the messages support for palestine and opposition to israel. columbia university just had to cancel in person classes, and at yale, dozens of students were arrested in new york university. just cleared out and encampments and with all these controversial protest happening in the americas leading academic institutions. the commander in chief decided to weigh in submitted protests,
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and that's why i don't understand with bombs dropping around the clock, the world is filled with outrage aghast at the humanitarian crisis and gaza mainstream u. s. media is also outraged about the protests. critics say these protests are offensive to jewish students grading a hostile environment for their education. and a recent senate hearing got intense. have you seen on time will slim protests on campus. i have the we, we have had pros, riley demonstrations on canada. no. but but jot approaches that we all get a little slips. no, i have you seen one against our ups? no, i have no. have you seen one against palestinians? no, i have now. have you seen against one against jewish people? have you seen a protest saying we are against jewish people? you know, i have, i have. okay,
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thank. thank you for that clarification. now some members of congress are blaming the pro, test on tick tock. they say that the app should be suppressing the pro tests and the hash tags about done and the fact that they aren't is all the more reason that tick tock, a social media app must be banned. but it's more than just check talk. mainstream media is ignoring the dire humanitarian situation and gaza and the rising depth tool. instead, they are focusing on the protests in the united states and how everyone feels about them. adding to that some of the protesters seem to have gotten involved without considering possible consequences. and the new victim is born. what you have been told why you had been suspended and your reaction to yeah, i guess i was suspended thursday morning at 10 am with 2 other fellow bernard students on the e mail stated that we had engaged in disruptive behavior. talk to us about what the experience you of had, would it be university tell you as to the reason why you were also suspended and
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whether or not are you being treated differently than your fellow colleagues? so varnerin seems to be a little bit more repressive than columbia. i was notified that i was suspended yesterday, whereas they were notified that specifically and 2 other students were told that they were suspended before we were arrested. now this coverage led some palestinian voices to actually call out the protesters and say they're making it too much about themselves. and not about guys that the protestors told us that they are concerned about the people in gaza and they intend to keep going. despite the widespread condemnations they've received. the protesters themselves to have their heart set on the right intentions. they're obviously here to demand divestment from israel ad columbia university. and i think what the protesters are doing are highlighting their, their actual intention. so they're doing the right thing, at least they want to the war to stop there. you know, they're trying to bring attention because there's government and united states
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government is funding this war and it's not right. i think what the students doing is right, their training at columbia to divest from the funding of israel. they're trying to get them to invest or not, and i agree with that and i agree with the students activism. obviously, i think our focus should be on what's happening in gaza. i think that the media has not done a good enough job exposing the things that have happened to the people of gaza at the hands of the israeli military. so we've got yet another partisan political fight in america with lots of finger pointing and name calling america is polarized . nothing new here. but while the american political charade continues, bombs are dropping. and palestinians are dying every single day. caleb mauppin, archie, new york and john jordan, an auction in overseer at stanford university's hoover institution instead of the only really fact of those protests is that they can be used by us politicians and
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their companions ahead of this year's presidential election. of the only way these protests affects and gaza and the middle east is that the by this ministration sees the american foreign policy only through one lens. and that is the november elections. and the binding ministration knows that they need a huge, big turn out and a lot of support from college towns and college campuses if they're going to carry swing states like pennsylvania, michigan, or wisconsin. and so these kids do, in a sense, affect the american foreign policy because the by the administration will feel compelled to move american foreign policy more towards the mosque or to mitigate is pro is real sense because of the electoral implications in november. not the key. it says it's significantly scaling back. it's a level of trade with israel. i saying that it can keep up with this if it's close
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any longer to the rating war in gas a, i don't think i have to to, to get, has ended. it's intensive trades relations with israel. that chapter is now closed to israel's car, integration against guys, or has resulted in depth of 45000 people. we cannot overload this strategy. additionally, 75000 people have been wounded. many of them severely one data that includes women, children, an elderly people who have been brought into key for treatment. this is a serious situation. all german friends need to see the guys that in palestine have been completely destroyed. it's in the unit. all right, let's now get more details from la stumble base corresponded yes, and that can, yes, it is good to have you join me right now. can you walk us through the background of this story and how the president intends to walk through this thread, but he has made mike for starters, when we look at what encore has announced,
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we could just assume that the announcement suggests that trade will be decreasing. that there will be restrictions and bands in place. however, if we look at the broader picture, it's a little bit more than that, as we know since october 7th, the general trade volume between church and israel. has the client does a bit of a discrepancy in imports has risen by a give or take 20 percent, where is exports have declined by roughly a 3rd. there's a sharp decline in that respect. but just looking at some of the products that are on the list, it gives us a better idea of what turkey is aiming. by restricting the sale of certain items are $54.00 products that turkey is announced that it will be not selling to israel . among those items are cement, steel and iron construction materials, and looking at the general trade volume, turkey, israel, they're sitting on or about $7000000000.00 of trade. it barely scratches the surface and gets itself into the top. 10 of the top trade part is partners for to reach you. but this is a significant trade deal or trade agreement for the is really side because is real imports about 70 percent of its iron, construction materials, and
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a 3rd of its cement. some psyche of why is this important? it's significant for one very simple reason and that is because that is really economy as well as its construction sector has been dealing with a number of shortcomings. and a shortage is due to the fact that is real, expelled workers from gaza. the general output has decreased in decline. and what this also means is that is what we need to look for alternative solutions that essentially comes down to the fact that israel will now need to seek uh, alternatives for these materials. it will be more expensive, it will increase the costs and further put up up, apply pressure on the is really economy as well as its struggling sectors. but looking at the broader picture, it's not just the fact that the 2 sides have disagreed on a number of points, but it's the fact that israel continues to carry out its own slot in this campaign against the palestinians. that's been one of many important factors. but another important factor based on the turkish present, is not just its own sort against the palestinians. but the way the israel treats the general or broader,
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middle east and what the ramifications of that presents. for the most part, let's take a listen to what the church present had to say in that respect danielle. so given the hood to use the security of fall into our region and well being of his own people as a means to extend his political career. that is where the government's attempt to conceal the atrocities and massacres currently taking place in the gaza. must not be no. and then the statement was given at a time when the german president was visiting church and met with the church president. and there was a discrepancy in the rhetoric between the 2 leaders, while the church president emphasize the need for the world to focus on the palestinian cause. the german president was quite vocal and adamant and supporting the is really side. so the fact that the 2 sides cannot come to an agreement, one taking into consideration the broader context of what's happening in the middle east, the prospect of a broader conflict. it comes down to one very important fact. and that is by
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restricting the sale of specific and strategic elements to these really side. it also ensures that israel cannot go forward with its plans to reconstruct settlements and projects within the gaza strip. we understand that that is really government has proposed unpublished plans blueprints to establish new settlements, new homes, as well as new infrastructure in the gaza strip, which further put stress on the fact that even if today the 2 sides do agree on a ceasefire or some sort of a piece deal that the is really, is may not be willing to give up the territories that they have currently occupied . and that is another matter that is of great concern to on cross which explains the economic trade relations or more. so the holes in trade between the 2 countries or wides. yes. and they can offer, responded from a simple thank you so much for your insight that now let's print, you know, the story away from the mid least. let's come back now. least the way the defense minister has said that you cranium draft dodgers should not be able to receive what
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permits or state welfare into bothered country. poland stop defense official has also suggested deporting mandatory age of trade and then back to the home country saying it would benefit his nations buys with key f. it shows that this, our compatriots are outraged when they see young, ukrainian men in hotels. and cafe is they constantly hear about how much effort we have to make to help you crane. i am not surprised that the training authorities will do everything to send new soldiers to the front because the needs are enormous . in what way is it possible to deport those people from fall into ukraine? i think that everything is possible that any support and help here would be a good signal and an expression of bilateral solidarity and relations and will comply with the expectations of poets society. it's been while the us has approved another major aid package for you tray and best buy and for $61000000000.00. and
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that's as key and has been stress thing. it's mobilization laws to send more troops to the front lines are just so you know, corresponding more odd guys. the explains why all that legislation is actually bad for your trade ins. a while it is a go again to an $60000000000.00 a weapons package. it is already being cooled too little, too late. it's not going in the ukrainians favor in the don't this certainly nothing else swear in the country as the russians are advancing, at least in the don't this a year ago, ukraine believe that these billions of dollars in millions of rounds of shelves and i mean vision would help is we in the small, it's best to now is not to lose if and this sort of thing. it's about the congress with all of this, the board top 5 color seemed to be difficult for us not to we and even to stay in the, in the landscape,
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received what he wanted. but he had all the support and homeless knew a package in return. the landscape promise to find the troops necessary to use those weapons at a time when you kind is experiencing severe non power shortages. he saw and did a little bit critically draconian mobilization that which deprives the tree age many, many privileges unless they show up at military recruiting stations. they're all have serious doubts whether their landscape can find enough men to feel the trenches, to date, more than 100000 military personnel have left their military units without permission. and what is the motivation of these new ones? there is no motivation. the motivated ones are already lying and cemeteries, so they come because they were simply forced to come. it looks a bit like rushing captivity during the 19th century,
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uprisings somewhere. they catch people on the streets and bring them here to the front. this is not a plan to mobilization because everyone is afraid of this word, but a round up ukraine has laws is run out of men who wants to fight. it is now running as of men who can be forced to fight these draconian measures. men who refuse to show up at the military recruitment office and update their information or refuse to adhere to a summons on now face finds the face, the suspect for the driving license is freezing the bank accounts and moves your load on now. cuts off from called zillow services staying abroad, does not relieve a citizen if hazel head you teach to the homeland. that's why yesterday i wanted measures to restore the fair. i have to choose to old men of constriction age and ukraine in abroad. this will be fair to outrage and effects ukraine hoops that the
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untold thousands of military service age men who fled the country to europe, for example, will be deported back once the passports expire. men who want nothing of zelinski is war and not just the men, the mothers and wives, and the daughters to you, gradients of the gun, protesting and blocking the countries. calm, phillips and embassies in europe, demanding that they be sub the documents and passports, the mean, the news unfortunates traps in the country risk life and limb to get away
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are these is posted, published by ukraine's boy, the gods showing a man trying to swim to safety to moldova, as many men have drowned in the attempt, ukraine's board, the gods added circus music. to mark this, my team and countless others cool trying to escape the landscape insatiable conscription includes, as it is key of this message to the men of ukraine, even sly. we will let you get away for i guides the policy from the didn't the people's republic. but of all the us has revealed that earlier this month, before the approval of age package is secretly shit, the bonus take messages to ukraine and that's according to an american official who has been cited without being named by the west. the media other source said that back in february,
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to abiding quietly approve this shipment over 100 long rage attack myself and clocks the bombs of those weapons might have already been used by you for reading and forces in their attack, sailing on crime, yet the russian foreign ministry says it is the paper critical for the us just to fly those munitions. while at the same time cooling for peace. we have discussed the new us support for you pray and as well as keeps popping the mobilization more with a panel of guess. this is way all they find best of these. um issue is that they can declare they must illegal immigrants. andrew, that they offer the 4th of these to create a new man to, to go back to frame, which means to the prong blacklist or governments are very critical for any area which is why fair. they're already copying their support, the benefits,
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and they see them as a mead. dale sloan broke the war against the rush. it's all escalating, but i think they're going to be in such limited quan, this. and what happens is that when this occurs for us, it just triples the return there, they're going to use 3 times as much. they have their, their, their, their own inventory versus inventory as far as far greater and, and their production capabilities as far greater than what the key was even capable of producing or even importing from the western countries. at this point, it stops from the other european countries are very, very low and it's, and they, and all of these stocks are very limited. the number of they're desperate for man, uh, in the, in the thing is, you know, you're gonna send the weapons, you know, that it's not even uh, not even the entire package. it's gonna go to kia. it's not gonna make any good
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because they have nobody to use weapons and they have no one loan to use them. any train people to use them as well. so that this is a, this is the debacle it's, it's just your, your, all that's gonna happen is you're gonna have more you create younger green starts that's, that's all this is going to do is for the long the conflict potentially. and it's basically a sacrifice thing. ukraine for political, western political nestle has found itself embroiled in scandal as it faces. claims that it pushes david fluid per dumps, packed with sugar in developing countries, but offers much healthy and alternatives in western nations. is there a bays wash? doctors found that because the company is aggressively promoting those products, despite the potential to contribute to mom, nutrition, and all the health problems are to you know, who you'll come get house details,
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a chat in south africa, like in many parts of the african continent, spaby molten cereal are a booming business and 2 european companies dominates the field for giants initially and didn't produce the palm of that. but as of late, myspace has found itself entangled in control of a seat. because what positioning itself as the solution to serious lots today to me issues like, hadn't got a study by switch into public. i found the company pushing products designed for children and developing countries that are packed with adage, should that the world health organization recommends that should, that isn't added into a baby's biased towards any one side until they 2 years old. and one of the issues that we see of the nest are important for some of the fact that is added sugar in some of the poor countries. is that the reason the sugar is on either by may say it's own. so mission to double move countries or so called waste and countries is because they recognize that this is
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a poor nutritional out of it for young children. next slide produces to need. i'm not just full babies, but they produce food for people, wages and in 2021. there was a major scandal way. there was an internal memorandum leak, but showed that may say acknowledges but up to 60 percent of the food portfolio is unhealthy. and one of the reasons it's on help is because the add additional sugar . so if you can develop the sugar of dependency and young children was, they would see that and consumers, that means you'll have consumers for the rest of your life where you're on housing products, who actually took time to visit one of south africa's biggest super markets. and found that to the silicon baby, so we will have sugar in it. but there was no specification as to how much it contains. unlike the, as the ingredients for them. contrast incident formula, serial, sold in switzerland and of the manual pin markets with a company at his headquarters couldn't seem to notice sugar. and he said, has
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a history dating back to the 1970s of reportedly violate to break the lease has put in place to protect the children, including the electorate use of talk me. but, and as the accusations of sending formula to the poor countries, which is less healthy, the natural alternative of police to move in some countries including south africa and even puts in place recreations that prevents companies like loosely from aggressively promoting the consumption of our top processed fluids including products with a high sugar content. the reason that they really strict regulations including himself. i forgot that these companies like mesa, often breach when they makes these claims, is because it's, i'm the minds of discourage this woman from breast feeding. now why would you breast feed rather than giving a child commercial for me and moke, also see, it wouldn't have all of these additional home full um products contained to
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ingredients. so it can be for a lot of matters, especially in south africa, access to say center liable to supplies. it's really difficult. so when this is preparing the for me, animals, it means that they are exposing their children to die raging diseases. they believe that they would be more consequences in these global most countries. i think it stains from a genuine belief that they can exploit for a countries i'm, that the populations will stand for it. and they know that if they have these harmful products in the market way they're incorporated and way they show a strain holders and executives. and that, that they might actually use their reputation in their own countries. and then those who is the support that their country is gives them when they busy with these international shenanigans, despite the evidence present it, smith's made denies old indications against it. will have undertaken significant efforts to minimize sugar content throughout our product range,
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including the phase removal of edits. sugars such as sucrose and glucose syrup from are growing up milks for children above 12 months worldwide. web live the same nutrition, health and wellness principles everywhere aligned with international guidelines and regulations. this includes compliance with labeling requirements and thresholds on carbohydrate content, including sugars, parents, children and communities in these poor countries, especially in cov, a district and citizens of africa with mothers have no choice but to feed the children with these products have resulted to the one thing that had abandoned as a result of these products, breast feeding. when i 1st heard about the news, i decided to throw the products away. i don't use them anymore until i know they're still parents who have no other choice but to feed their children with these products. using silly lack is easy. you don't need electricity or too much water, especially as people who never have horse and electricity. but for the life of our child is no other way to ask and the government to check these things before the
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end of the country for the sake of our children and the future. why would they allow us to feed all babies with dangerous cereals? they don't even tell us to warn us that clinics. well, i understand that it's a business, right? but if you're going to be marketing, product skill babies, like you would a cigarette, folks say this is not how healthy or tumble for the life. i think they should be a kill warning sign. you need to make the quincy male aware of the consequences of using the product for all the all coating pools for africans to buy costs of these products. such tweak is limited only if you are willing to speak on the issue perhaps. so we can just how big and influential such with joins have become littlefield. odyssey to help us back. but that's the update this our most stories


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