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tv   The Cost of Everything  RT  April 25, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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reality of baptism, macro speech also celebrated europe addressing the migration challenge, which they basically paid to outsource to countries like turkey in each mauritania, in egypt, which last i checked weren't actually in europe, but they've outsourced everything else by this point. so why not that too? right macklin talked about europe meeting the ecological transition as to farmers in europe, street jacketed by european climate change detached with the farmland, be spied on by european satellites to ensure compliance. how great that is brought up, europe's energy sovereignty and re industrialization was not so that's about germany . in particular, it's still busy the industrialized thing. so they're not quite on the other side of that. yeah. all the yeah, has become more dependent on price here. american liquefied natural gas. oh, and francis own ellen, g imports from russia are now up 75 percent and the 1st few months of this year compared to a year ago. so i guess my goal figure is that people are so stupid that if he just
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says something enough times like in the speech, they'll just simply accept it all as objective reality. yeah, tough token report that from rachel moss and good work to wrap up this house program here on a t international all of our stores you can catch up on, on ocoee dot com. we're also across a gob odyssey. and of course, telegram us the, i think it will have chevy and it shows the pushing unix. but then you put the willingness, the coupled or is appreciate what are you doing your dose, but then you, when you go to it because no one showed up a spelling so that you need to some so that's where, you know, you hear them step is just the fluid,
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so i know control the sensor only is a visual of literature and i do have to make sure that people come to you have literally so frustrated with as much. it's going to get that phrase. i show you a different level may assist you. mind when you do it on different shifts and which the technology you can throw in the let's just sponsor suspicious go out. i don't know if it was a go or you don't wish to just go in and put in the ds. i mean, it comes good, it's if it gets the most on stuff and you either got water. i stand it's, uh for me usually i'm back home, pulled this through. i'm so say, yeah, you know, doing that one good and his english and a good release of atomic power has changed everything except in a way of thinking the solution to this problem lines in the heart of human kind. if
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only i know i should have become a watchmaker, albert einstein. mm. the law as being humanities enduring companions throughout history. the 1st description of a battle in credit to appear with samples, diesel was written in the 15th century, b, c. and what it's, i need a little chill in it. it wouldn't send you to a b. one was a tank sort of built on ships equipped with heavy canada. plains dropped bombs and weapons became 7 long listened. destructive . then one day that reached its peak the
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. this, the radiance of a 1000 suns with a bust in the sky. it'd be like the splendor of the mice you one on to come dance, the destroyer of wells, robert oppenheimer, the american physicist oppenheimer spoke of hale doctor the rephrase sprang to mind in 1945. just after the 1st successful nuclear weapon tested new mexico. team of scientists for 3 years with a $2000000000.00 budget to build 3 atomic bombs, giving the us incredible military superiority at the end of world war 2. the found that it was to serious damage across the yeah, definitely. but i'm willing to a small and then uh doesn't was he missed which one in the city so that he was going to do all of these skills shortly. and this is
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a for sure play with the store of them socially. i mean, it's lovely. spoke to matthew through slots in the media to of, of what scares me. throwing up there could be a separate source. what were the learning a single shortly with a gun different stress, money spent, or we're particularly up in there, hold on a fishing there. so sort of go on the scale, what you on the yeah, but don't know what's them you know, things are going to chapter with a credit union has spent on what you're doing it. we're on a posted anywhere on the best number to get you through and then select the and then it goes to show and see what's available for me to waste. oh, shit. and yeah, there are no rules. it didn't, it was just it hit with an issue. so i'm showing a serial number from you to somebody. there are lots of little bit of sticks load here at the facility or just any minute stick. what you on the still can use can put you on the computer, is a so you weren't given a, a scope as question in the village. and i'm going to put you into your mind this
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a bit when discuss interior. next vermani. you have the one year the is a very low level of interest for well, she was oh, so use of villages as we use this sort of vegetables. what people don't speak and see down so you can just treat it as we get it with the companies that need to see the next step. if we as a set speed, it even is. but i'm going to mostly say the name and get it the one that you sent that to police indians the shot. but that's all spelled in the cause. i was still, i mean it could keep it a little bit about losing snap, which in the it doesn't fit in the ceiling. that will doesn't need to be as much to spend anymore. 3 until maybe a c will take you. oh, but little boy was a little 3 most definitely mean each of those are approaching the point here and they shall take a little show up. so you think i need that. so i'm saying that harry truman himself invented the 2nd version. distinguish, came to somehow sion, at least some of the responsibility for this decision. the, there's a new some flux,
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many truthful. why those are because also play we can still so should i need to establish them. yeah. could they put it up to the point screen fade and was like i to settling that awaiting the envelope is not he wants to not say it'd be seen when he was at that and you moved them to a store of the stuff. i mean it goes, keep them, but they're all shirts, breast so each of them is that at the points can go to cuba sema and explain. yeah, that's the fusion beautiful. so can you move that to seamless as the ultimate piece is killing me, a bit of these low actually shelves and the good things over the dislike of them know what the, what, what actually. so let's look it up. what is left? what's the tool i makes the up and how i move. and his team successfully built the 2 types of atomic bomb onto the manhattan project, referred to as gadgets. they would code named little boy and fat man. one was designated in a test, a 2nd fellow unhealthy shima. 3 days later it snowed fellow nuggets lucky. lost and found out from little boy and fat man killed more than 450000 people. the theater, she might slip and let you know something she, you know,
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it's against the seems that there's a little bit of interest to premier that or something special because i'm not sure the system is supposed to be. yeah. it's interesting. it just says new, of course the generals do sort of seem it up throwing up before the store and then we will continue to know. don't give us the good thing that has missed it. so here we all are squared away. most of them was just splitting, if it was in way of a shade. so split on, put this joint and you put it into your next steps that are on the computer. so, i mean, is this for your new preferred? yes, we need to do anything else cuz says, we could do what is starting the most it's across. i'm sure there's a lot of stores on the for the listeners for sales, for the most of the pretty much search the nearest of it. yeah. but at the ocean pressure drops it to have to use the fissions it. so soon as you have to go, the simple, i just go for the one boom is 5th. i'm setting up the other way. so he has screwed
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up in the boat. but this didn't have to me, didn't get started in the spring. so i need to wrestle pro. let's get the theodore with the 9. so the nuclear arms race began between 19451990. 6 more than 2000 nuclear tests were conducted across the world. in the are accounted for one, the u. k and china carried out $45.00 each front, $201.00. the us us uh, 715 in the us. 1072, the soviet similar nuclear, some bundle is sent to be the most powerful explosion in history. that test was carried out in 1961 in the skies above. nobody has them yet. the block dealed was 58.6 meg of tons compared to the fat man bomb dropped on guess saki whitfield, 21 kilo tons. there are 4 types of nuclear test on the ground, on the water, atmospheric, and fix it. with mr. frederick beach has an adverse effect on the eco system,
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but at most fabric tests are considered the west. in half a century, we have the nuclear race. the world has seen plenty of evidence showing just how devastating those nuclear blast, the people who live all work in the nuclear test sites, those military and civilian. that'd be an exposed to radiation the 1st and say we have steps to watch banding, nuclear testing. what taking us fall back as 1963, the signing of a treaty bending of the appeal, whether it is to us, the severe analysis space and under want to provide representative government. we seem to join the interview because the signing of the treaty is on the other side of the world, 50 units to agree, a complete ban on all types of tests. in 1996, the un general assembly adopted the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty with
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a will member states undertaking not to carry out any more nuclear weapons test to ensure that all tweedy bomb is compliant with the agreement. the eliza vision was the one with the for the, the only thing that you love it in for the most exposures course and things little understand when, when things started. so i might just have to inform us or who is this mr. configured or suspicion it was a filtering sort of wants to think of a, as in the central down there. good afternoon. i was thinking it was thinking session for most of the folks are a little less than when the 3rd university is pushing into assessable study. i'm in purchasing this in footboards and split the canal affairs of the that international monitoring system was established under the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty. by the time its fully
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operational insurance comprised 321 monitoring stations of various types. it's in visits that russia's i, m s. segment will include, so the 2 monitoring stations scattered across the country. okay, thank you. when you put the go to task, though it doesn't, it doesn't quite full. i'm here it is. what, what do you mean? the standard was, i guess it was a waiting this thoughts to put them in your opinion, which i missed out because we didn't mentally. and so this is subtracting pension. unfortunately, it's a pretty level for the just the 1st, the 1st time you go, the more please take this book video for cutting, you know, a sponsor stuck with this. but then you can create introduction on the super flipping party up to you. i mean from what, so we'll gather data. now seeing these come in today to view the silence detection of the kind of 30 seconds the last and the russian international monitoring system segment. it's an oak center. we saw an extension of
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the difference between auxilary and primary stations lies in the house. they transmit data. folks that are always provide data on demand. 12 primaries center cities, uninterrupted flight lift, real time data to the organizations main headquarters in vienna. size make technology monitors the crust. the detect shockwave generated by nuclear explosions, control the stations of added attacks, subterranean nuclear tests, hardware. so there's no aspect to hold off on somebody else cause additional australia just off. so i'm gonna go ahead and as soon as it gets done, so, i guess you know, so the way that the 1st thing has done sooner is not only assist him when we have told him go to the machine and when they send it to us because you're also on the go to or see i'm having issues with the machine. and you know, there's no such thing that can well because of what it is, because it also whipple knows what your desire to restore for what was an issue and what our cisco samantha, what i'm going to go or the northeastern due to the specialist or will the go on this election. so even though is a pretty gillian. yeah. a little during the events because so you know,
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because the thing in law the most of them in the middle initial most yep. really new people are either your number, but it was the it will save you emission was appreciated, you and i just put the name, put the link as the community. couple really appreciate what are you doing the adults, but then you would just give them a shot. so the so, so you're saying when the punch is going to go, well, sort of just because, you know, it's a suitable space. i know comfortable the end is up to the gold lighting and put in a stronger here's level may assist you more. um, when you do it and get the shows and which the technology you can throw in at the let's just sponsor, excuse me, just go out. i don't know if it was a go where you need the course to just go when you're putting pressure. i'll commit to store to come over here, or i don't really know when you put in good as a lawyers, as long as you can live, as well as bluetooth and happen to usually man as we do to prepare, reinforced bumper genius, you're always put on the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters,
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but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more, react, the more expensive. and i'm going to plan with you whatever you do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do the have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you, go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way in say on
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the side of the process that i get my horse faith county slough. bouncing with him to put up all spec, i'm just coming up with. is it a shift or what have you said to me and my children are sort of which was here. it's a usually human this me in the sense that i'm with you. i was because i want to give you some. yeah, it's a state, it's a oh, we take suitcase i did. i thought i was looking at just it seems a little bit the product, the date you don't know, is there any way that actually would have been set up or getting there you meant there or do you me you come down. yeah. literally. so it frustrated with as much, it's gonna get the appraisal, show you the
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truth when we $3.00, oh not, but only about the spelling and permission it would be taped up. the dispute, if it's different, we're going to file a proto, it's of a, here's the level that sent to the width of virginia jane is. i'm not sure that's on . let's get something done with the points of moving you. usually you grace, who did the check in on notice, but it is still the most difficult. uh yeah. and even though you the lead you up table is to the point getting the can i don't know. can you the flip? let's see the bullets it will take you to the stop and starts. it was in the other
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thing, you know, the but you know, but i completed it. mm. those. and so you split the defects in reserves. what phone number those to number before but to some of those a switch, any of which is one way, some really, one thing may have been initiated, placement was garage the building. i was just the police actually, i don't really know for them because i was in which was more than with the guys if thoughts like i'm the nationally really meant the levels are with the nation with a keep the gave we were to say with the kitchen gotta keep it short to what they should do. so, you know, if there's just like, well, it's not, could you just shut the se, seeing it out, and somebody on the bidding, and the what else you have the image shows up attention to the identical spinning. what that is, what you do, a lot of people each day party undertakes not to carry out any nuclear weapons test explosion under prohibit and prevent nuclear explosions at any place under its jurisdiction or control. that's what the stops just that i know what you're
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thinking up on. you have to slow the water. imagine the district, let's the agent model that needs to be able to really get you squished. you look you up with the site is the wishing has a similar sylvester function create. you can sort a couple more instead of catch that, ok, you have quite a few months. let's continue easy. but just on the exam, the global method was a good chance of don't store no ca split itself. so that was that on the wall. and i think it sort of wouldn't convenience. the key, i didn't really get a driver galaxies, a ride, get those gun that old latest will be to come. he said to me on this, thought they made it kept ratification. is the act of making a treaty officially validated by giving it a formal consent by the appropriate authorities of each policy. just let me know where to find this for me. if i need to discuss a couple in just a little bit of decided that the movers are going to, let's assume grandma mean. yeah. so the what would you storm stores the younger stuff to a single best i started using the nicholas g near cool was more than just
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a need to become suspicious activity in your you see of the in your sleep seems to me is not on the web is i'd still use my so don't you think is not on the comment of category. you mean destination? i surely case i stuff which i think are for placing you and your couple of them full of them. i view and reset that you forgot 16 interceptor ideas and with some mission as me fucked up those me you go to, i don't know. do you have anything that is not home set to? yes ma'am, you need some odd noise players and you need startups as a sure category because in a brand new to gym store uh, front mirror and yaps done. those gifts you might see nimble is a pretty associates forgot to j. junior will move and shoots and you go out on the stairs or in your movies you, my schedule was that will store it. i that i need you. it was motionless to where you know, where you were in the promotional conflicts, sasha of blood. you was the shooting you a great you split that degree, but i grant me use it, but to have me sweat them got switched to to meet the president. well,
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listen story here. show who i need. the . the thing is all sound like, let's just get me get a spell other than that. i don't. okay. the last time. so i'm unable to know some of identical shuts. cool. we do not quite yet suspense. they will not work for them . excuse me. just create a new for as will go. i miss the game is still killing me instead of roland. but those done sooner. so through nicholas, normally we have the things renew. yeah. which in that way and can i ask through them? i do show right here a couple of them were still working at that point. so can get a small guys this done. so the auction that owns that just the a you and i saw the
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the vision. so the blonde see how she was ringing? you were just doing a practicum on us, a nice nice we use the dining room the for the city, he's got the offices isn't flushed out of with centurylink. oh gosh. it's going to be on site inspection of reload, registration,
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host and includes checking video cameras, routine maintenance of special equipment and confirmation with communication. hardware isn't going to control continuity of data. transfer tends to keeping the buildings in good condition. good the say, well that's what we're used to both, all the procedures are carried out regularly. the attorney point across russia. that's 72 monitoring stations. one sense group and also risk maintains, begin for sound station can for sound technology and use as micro barometers to record low frequency sound waves to locate that most ferric explosions that distinguish them from volcanic over options all space. real simple is this whole grass filters alpha number of low frequency sound waves
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coming out the way off shows up on and from what the newsletter was new to me and uh, well, initially i knew it was late and much more signal to let someone know i see, it is shooting and we'll bring you more unless it's obvious through a so i think i was thinking good things. i think i may say for the day, supposedly a few months what i'm just putting you on a bus now when you're sick, one for those of me before them when you, when your store really nice thoughts when you're pregnant, want not to and, and there's lots of interesting wondering isn't, what's the zip codes associated zillow such as the world? so it'd be interesting sufficient in just the tiny community as a study of us, just, you know, democrats, but the do i is. and if you do a focused on, it's just the risk and the difficulty is good to see it is done with this. i think 0 on this was was self employed, done it, but they paid them. they just don't know. they sent a gotten, they sort of all of them. on october, the 18th 2023. the state duma unanimously voted to revoke russia's ratification. if
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the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty put us to quench was disappear, we do have stable there's and then it must own the thoughts you perform with. that's pretty scared. the 2 of us are gonna be, at the opinion, will fully media those any step 3, then you've got to remove plugins to shading seniors in order for it to pick up see need to run the engine with a good. i see the got water me, but as i was right i am the storage said to me is the single, the only book we will use the national separate access. it got towed or able that as much as so so sure. i smoked this in the probably in you visible visible not really in yeah, yeah this, but then he is, i me, is it really or i see is that others i have to be to 20 the the sense that i do not foresee that totemic energy is to be a great boon for
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a long time. i have to say that the present is a menace perhaps it as well that it should be. it may intimidate the human race into bringing order into its international affairs, which without the pressure of fear, it would not do albert einstein the a the
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in the 1870s, the colonial expansion of the british empire and the nile valley increased. the british decided to get complete control over sudan. however, the deeply religious people of that country did not want to obey 4 laws. the unceremonious intervention of british officials led to people's discontent. it's spokesmen was the theologians mohammed of thought. the frog blamed himself the marty. the design, he began to gather an army against the invaders. by 1884, most of the sudanese cities were in the hands of the modern great britain decided to intervene directly. but the troops of ahmad gave the invaders at drubbing in $1885.00. the rebels, the capital, the car to the feet of britain was totaled only by the very end of the 19th century
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. after the death of ahmad, the british were able to regain their control of sudan. unable to defeat the living body, the british took revenge on the dead one. his remains were drawn out of the mazda, liam, and thrown away into than i of my head was brought to england as a trophy. however, the victory of the modest revolt became the 1st successful action of the peoples of africa against the colonial afresh, and remained a dark stain on the reputation of the british empire. the hello the casualties as a result of israel's genocidal assault on gaza included suspension of international humanitarian law, but also free speech across the western world. perversely, being pro palestinian and pro peace is condemned as beds i submitted, the devil cut out. so the last one that was about us,
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the longest time we english can remember just wanted to get political just for the course of the fishing, if i should still cover them. and i was kind of given, you know, pretty much the sort of thing. well, let's look at to see if a little bit about it or just some of which was very similar kinds of stuff. we also have a little lift engine. top of the fiscal dot boylen service provides some the logistical pictures of the, especially the bus for but those tasks out they are starting to pay that additional service. i will do this for you and mostly it is going to the luxury the,
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the relief against the all for something and god for some of the the still find that loved ones a life. however, the state cannot be said for so many of one of his coming often a refugee camp is attacked and the latest round of israel plumbing. he says, israel must pay the price for its wall to jump out of the $1.00 announcing he's putting the brakes on bilateral trade with pedigrees, saying tens of thousands killed in gaza warrants over for you that you value rick and bug you also to do the same in the trash, it is a controversial us state department report on human rights violations worldwide. it has most certainly pump it claims all biased.


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