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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 26, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EDT

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or, or bomb shelters. if i wanted to build one, israel would have ruined in the police, have a demolition order on my house. if i want to build something, they will come and destroy its doors of demolition order on the place where my camels are. they want to remove it's the that i should about changing the out. so this is our land. the injury of my child is ultimately because of the idea of the police took many show fragments from here of missiles. this is the situation. i cannot do anything for my kids. i believe the state is responsible for what has happened and for the condition of my daughter, where can i move to the cost? plenty of money. you need to pay a lot. it is not easy to move from one place to another to a city, for example,
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the well that. so for me, for that i as always, is great to have your company. my colleague, mike, will be with you and some of the out i've been doing very good the the
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of the issue. but when you go into the site to look at the most the most to the sort of look for the people to pick up the, to the get the skis before you through that it was of them go to the point of the order. so that's what these are right, but we still kind of want to do this the the
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step through. yep. so the last one i know about us, the book flowing, ready some way english. kimberly. so wanted to get political up on the should. so let's get those, could i get me? i'm with the dish here while they don't forget in the living it because i'm homeless. so the i just saw the show thing is somewhere that this is the level of the product. i'm sorry, it's because of our somebody else the customer last cut them, but they discuss took the shift that i see myself a good the for the sort of which living to us i so i do not know just picking that up on a multi site. you know, so we didn't as us of his opinion for just because it will probably, okay. does anybody certainly just go to some of the initial position because both of the cisco, the was really cool books went to the store. most of us have of the
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mobile skip. the schedules were shipped, one was on it, but the list was still gonna have to go to some of the tools it should the 1st the 1st week or so really strange it to be a list of customers also going to get it done. that's a good problem, but at the global shoot this slow force, just don't let me, but you guess it doesn't, i'm not sure which way to ship it as long as i brush them, extend the whole lot of the other side of the latest muscle thought. some of the, some of the solution is what is the, what is sort of the floors though because of the way companies are using different soil from still to keep this new isaac kind of set us, but we have to have a good rest of the things just for the course of the fishing and so program
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and i was kind of got off the horse and i was given you know, pretty much the so the position just some of which was the code show for the fall not built. let me go see it, but the stuff that i want you to shift to go to little bits new to the like in the cities, but them up at all. so just give a little bit of things to do so in just your thoughts at the sort of what sigmoid windshield got. so there's something on ships so that it's that we just thought i'd love to official. the last of was most likely naples of our 1st player of interest and look if it's probably going to fit your previous video and we were just of
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the list, you're going to go into best buy website us to run the list it on the because it it will show it's all those to me to somewhere else or somebody picks up like english closing. so ask, i think i might write those numbers are somewhat different, but of course you notice that the professor showed that i missed the special ed bus for but those tasks, but it got to use the card. but the, the additional so is just, i want to be asleep because you're supposed to be too much to use for the best place for me is that is on this topic that i was looking for. what does this yourselves of actually sweep for the book to perfect because i am, it's about body minute. i'm going to see him in the me, but let's go. i'm up to the sort of
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the 1st thing i suppose opened up the for the 1st time shift page. okay. what's the best fit for you? scott said that the 1st person who does the feasible virginia? sure. what the cost of that was that you've actually been taken up to the level of coverage, but it's like i can talk, i'm going to send you a little shift with some of the day. so there's just a little, i guess a lot of what i was originally puzzled about with the short term fetch position available. you said your score supervision, your company is visiting a screen. okay. that was almost like talking with the classical starting goal. which people should i set up the the support of thoughts, laptop cool, cool. what sort of shifting the total. ready so i'm still getting the, it seems
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a lot smoother between the past. so as i can also propose, i've got that i'm showing a lot of shooting at the car because it was very simple. salsato's extra. so there's no southern end of it. so that way, just assume that the something to them place those are the principles off and then you will push just somebody on there. but you can let people connect with the suit number. you say that there's a number of ways to strike. so the steps, think of which customer the facility, just phone division of the custodians that you've purchased by many russert person . look up to up with us today. he will get that liberty beside the point of this funny order for us to deal with the stuff. so let's get the most positive off of the fact of what you're doing and elizabeth still talk if you don't mind, if you don't know i'm going to show. but i thought relation to the federal money
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office collect the just the way to a different window because a semester. so the comment that the model is on that we've done a system with some of the much of the steel to get the stuff we also have the engine pop into a box, but it's just gonna connect to this computer for me. i need them to produce like someone to know who you should do a problem for english. so the shape though, of course, in the village, are you going to do all that you should be. so this where do you like the houses you bought? which way the, the, some of the you'll see get similar to the data. okay. real quick chuck. this picture a little difficult to implement. i think difficult thing like, i mean by just look like
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a video because i symptoms such as sort of services because i was interested in like, i mean if i don't the particular day and when you, when it's, it's going to something like this. i mean, there's a way the specials under just to say, oh, we use the shuttle if i'm 3. so that's got the actual friendship list should be it looks, i'm wondering if the call is going to do a little trickier. there's lots of other things come up with again, you know, support the signature digital video, the subsystem drops to focused industries. the disco, the little shock blended loose surgery. so. right, so the engine logistically chosen, switching close to place it kind of thoughts post office office. so that even the
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trim level, because those are your issues, ownership just progressing with those to be off hook up of the local. so it was it for the one of those someone comes from a somebody else in the facility. what did you include? oh us. that's the some of the been a little further assist you in general of the, from the show made and that this will recently sold for the other it, it was a couple of such simple things that with us, with the machine. this was the most important because for some of the, for the which little bit by getting able to support sort of codes over to the fish hopelessly at the dealership because of the service, but also to police versus this one where the officials, stackable for patient lenders to put them into a sphere which a lot of the sort of look this up to assessment deal simple cycles for the storage unit 30 saw the
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for the long run the propellers. so it'd be just such a, such like sales us that summer professionally it's gonna get depending on you know, the skis that it was invited, but it's just a couple different ways to face get the assessed figured about yes, less distinguish the with the t a focus step on which one here, so it's not sufficient, but let's do some of the strongest of attention. take up some with fresh, serious limits exam with us for present to go over all that stuff that you will get on to sort of this. the 1st thing of this stuff, electric will do some of the talk. somebody gave us the finish or the 1st for so look at that. you want somebody to talk to somebody who's in the kitchen
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the this will have to go with the system. this is this good conversion between the end of the global. so less 2 point perspective, there's still no better solution, mostly just going unless you wish to predict the city of montana ship, which shipping useful, whichever one is for the most thoughtful to the states or services, which we'll talk about. the 1st one is less than what you're looking at about this with us talking to the what's the scope of the missed. but so for us to point, what would you like us to initialize, similar to the thing that we're supposed to do. but either if i looked at the zillow as, of course, the 1st through this column,
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the can some of the most of the most possible, like this of this little by little bit of a slow trouble. otherwise, the 1st level of the stuff ships petunia and their ship separate them are little bit of the shifting, especially the bottling capacity, which store so the discretion of thoughts remedies to a capacitance of the data. the rest will come from the toner or system, but i'd like to someone else to do. i could have as much as to get to the the and that's what this would exist almost on this area. some of the allow us to determine the additions and the cards. it showed us to limit the assume you see me, it's different to adjust the thing list. but besides that,
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is that the way for it was for the total cost of messing as if i presume the officers representative. you know me and we do to push us to them for the to be less for the billing. whichever to dispose of the a the
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mean do not so now and that is where we just put it on the cover. so from 3 different, i mean, so to source there. so you just let me, i think if the junior, the new bush cellphone roadmaster you see when you mice display that i got the results people to screw
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the the man or you know the well it was started the sooner the better for you. when supposed elizabeth come, it will start to sort of as dependent because searching and watch such as not to go to brands the product to those, to your company that are doing assessments over to finish the i just wanted to go to products and you can reach me, at my extension, you may have someone who is very serious
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just referred you to my age. i certainly related, so i said i'm in, we submit to william center in the clubs. justin schedule on both sides of the 3. yeah. i'll put the almost over, but the question actually is talking about is not the news up for subject besides, the kid shows up some of the homework. smart enough. there's only one way or vision to choose machine. on the 8th day. i was not a problem with a problem across initially optional for me like somebody in the fish on the federals. i understand. yeah. but when you go into the rest of your day, you just said you slush kind of in mind. you can see a couple years ago and, and um, with the stage no recording at the village its over to you and you just deal with the i it would require no, do not, not fit away. you're gonna have to use to lot of them for that reason, daniel bowling strongly, you know, upsets or down us and choose where we just say people 5 or
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you could use as the store to shut it up for delta and wanted to get them off the boat, you the new year for the war. yeah. because also because the that's a bit on the about the, the just, it's not coming out. i normally happens and you'll get the not the most out of the able to such citizen was as soon as i saw the it sniped at me and i put them with a, a notice to come and get an a for joseph or the. so was hoping, you know, put, look for some of the sites they're supposed to get a new name, and now we've seen those. so i know in the process, but i'll document. yeah. file when finished, you know before, and i mean we've seen it before interested in now, if a slight to the store, we now do a search engines capable. you think a lot by pushing it, the splitting your stores, you know, the solution continue the theme and those are the most uh when the ship
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thoughts, the marketer shop. we still haven't agreed to case thoughts that us coverage on the, for the to, to give you a different spin claim to us for some interest kitchen bridge. first i'm going to be just moist, but give sure the dish the dish di store to check on the most the most just over so that and i get all of this was on your own groups done. i'm thinking you have to go to our solution stuff for us to bolt the city down, randomly state georgia, but the most to preston. the story about done with the silver was shit and reduce chunk. we bought it. it wasn't even a jo, initial thoughts. let me anything in particular products the year when the
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full sync was the coat snap is just the distortion of full 40 is deal. the overall no rush all the way in that building or near when i flush, someone just took the shift from the federal risk will continue to follow the thing up. the quote cut off my portion across there's a for so i guess little social. so bear with us capable to screw up the light source on the main and move this to be a little bit of a folder for now, or is this the local lower the come get it and it goes, you know, different voice for the office for
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a little bit of the cover, so from the different, i mean, so tools, conditional stuff lucille, this is last to finish it because it happened and it was 0. it is just a little cold up for us. oh, queens cuz that allowed zillow was, and then about the uh, the leasing office to, to the the road is full full to the locals. when you come lots of lots on visiting and will of us the show which this is a full screen hold on. so the
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showing, yeah. awesome. cool. so this was season, you did all of them and so and then we'll just following up with the roles to show of accomplish seem to come up. if i did a single cs come with the same thing. you or you probably noticed, but all of them and there's also, there's got more quantitative levels and beds, source 3, but also some value imagined in las amigos console. what appointment? scale up. yeah. one of them in the city or in the middle of the initial model on the phone systems for specials here, some across beautiful for much for both the more she little last little commercial a comes with the former,
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the much or no credit each go for it yeah, so it's gone single for me so so i'm, i'm not sure of my of the fleet assistance i was going to use that as a whole bunch of the concept come up as well. 3 for i am instead of full digital a whole dish or within the system or the models for, for ciocca could also solutions come welcome. pushing us is that right? and the piece of both of things can seem to come up as a coffee. now, i mean those are the tools or something or something, you know, where you're in. so similar, so green, so, and then what for custer way is counter states that mean the most difficult it is you pull the skin that you want me to turn this
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over to the cause of the a little more minutes. the overtures law settlement at behold, the older nation. these are the washing and we'll do it yourself or show in the full facility. and so the space on the shops most close, close the launch. it's from below to the sun coast coast color. short shows cool. come on nutrition, image costs for you, and then for the best fit in the music. when it gets low as much, i don't have time to send you a little bit union which edition enough, but i live out of the woods on sending to show the morning on the phone,
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but also show it for an hour. so, and i'm gonna have done care it the quick to speak to a guy came in playing a solution and what's the estimated cost and the most cost commercial to school to one level tradition. so going from from the show, and then we'll turn the visual mr. thoughts is can look one vintage and they put post to sign a contract. that last part of the going it will show us. we're as bored as full. there's the which in which it's not, i'm not going to know it's showing me. now what, you know, the number also immunization and to see when you marsh spoke and then i got the reason talking to you. i'm not sure thing. it's the what is just to dump the song, the president, your, the routine maintenance dish, the dish, any of the
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go up in the shot at the jammed up into the show co estate as a plugin where massport federal loss and a function to numbers on the x which it is, wants more photos. i mean, you don't want the, the, i'm going to put the yeah, the samples put into colon happened in his power as much as the controller is thumbs thumb, but it will clear to it's finding the willow which is fast enough to find them in the face pod across the face, the lash savannah people missed to interested to know if someone would be a new one. you will create
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a post civil quad. so typically they are pitch of the chum. the motors as a new winning symbol, a set of shaw says no way of spending was going to mean is the cost to launch the suppliers. things you usually pushing sold from most of the invoice or more that is going to mean after starving is latonya design isn't much salesman is supposedly have to look at just the low quad, starting in my on one line which is doing a turn of costs for a wasn't along the must, isn't done yet. so we engage just with this muscle not due
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to, it's not the 1st time and we brought there what you need to do is to conduct styles to do to do with them. but i mean, just when the national difficult, which was totally but difficult. let's go 20 but the attention of the thing that us for the and if that is the same form for children, that's not going to upset to floor. so in your social 4 chose load of the most and so the the,
7:00 am
the sinus as nato is directly involved in ukrainian prices and it's fueling and other one of the asian pacific region. and that is unacceptable for a while, a deep video of an idea of the things you show, the philippines president folding for an attack against china will look into the potential dangers of artificial intelligence technologies. and i'm just need to national the keys of the british government up both of the following policy. human rights of the world political gave the coworker to the not coverage of the latest.


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