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tv   News  RT  April 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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the, the, the, we've already impose sanctions on more than a 100 chinese entities, export controls, etc. and we're fully prepared to fax take additional measures. washington attempts to block mail raging, claiming it's ready to weld assumptions sold. if china doesn't add it to the legs, support for the ross, you over the war in ukraine, nationally faces criticism for pushing sugar pac baby formulas in developing nations while offering tells you a version for western markets. we hear from those behind the research to the green, the fields sold by in this thing. so it's a non hard without any added sugar. while in low when needed income countries,
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you find 2 grounds on average and the products, it's a clear don't stand on the sugar here, no sugar there. and also us as a withdrawal and the majority of it special forces from chad off of the nation. questions washington's role in tackling terrorism. advocates for my foreign minister said that it's fun for the compliment to solve its own problems. we don't really need the kinds of interventions that we have been going off to find outside of ourselves. we, we have, we have the capacity within ourselves to do to do what needs to be done. reliance on the kind of i welcome to our international reaching you from our new center in moscow. i, a micro question is now washington's turning up the seeds on china. however, the war in ukraine of the us secretary of state, onto the blinking, has open lease reckoning to badging with new sanctions. if it doesn't cut,
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it's alleged support for russia. vision cannot achieve better relations with your the law supporting the greatest threat to european security. since the end of the cold war, as we told china for some time, ensuring transatlantic security is a for us interest in our discussion today, i made clear that china does not address this problem. we will, we've already impose sanctions on more than a 100 chinese entities, export controls, etc. and we're fully prepared to, to act take additional measures. and i made that very clear. and i used to tell us what i mean, what you had done to the blinking say that was essentially a direct right to trying to do what we will need to do. or we're going to impose even more functions on your country. not really giving china much of an option. the statements months. me blink to new incredibly strong annoying that has the
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centurylink pulled up the us for its own hypocrisy. and that's because it said, you know, the u. s. has just passed this massive store and a bill with $61000000000.00 us dollars being sent to ukraine, which is 5 thousands upon thousands of miles away. and yet, at the same time, the us criticizing china. so having a trade relation with one of its neighboring countries, that is russia, that's happened listening to the chinese foreign ministry, have to say about that. may probably be a 100000 while you're on the one hand, the u. s. has launched a large scale built a new crane, and on the other hand, it has made endless accusations against the normal economic and trade relations between china and russia. this is extremely hypocritical. any responsible nato bears any reparable responsibility for the crisis. the alliance must reflect on its role, stop shifting, blame, and effectively take practical actions to resolve the crisis. politically, that's definitely a strong statement by showing that in regards to what's happening in ukraine. it is
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being a country that has been incredibly neutral about the conflict until now us. but it really seems to think of a landing invasion in making this sort of common see, has in those rights of sanctions of really well the chinese up. but isn't that what russia has been saying all along that need to getting involved in the conflict? and that's why we've heard a lot about the instability that need to creates wherever it is in the world. let's not forget for us as no just parts of nature, but it's also the biggest fund of nato intends both of the money that it puts in. and we've just heard from the russian defense minister, this aesthetic issue, who is at another meeting, he's been meeting actually with his chinese counterpart in catholic stone. and he has said, yes, again, it is instability that russia were seeing on it school just on the west. no, just him ukraine, but also with the boy to offend you into huge for to that. and the baltic nations
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as a result of natives presence that's happened. listen to what you have cited pressure, particularly. i want to emphasize that it was not us, but the day who came to us came to our borders. this once again shows that westerners cannot be trusted. now we're being told that a pressure is not stopped in ukraine. then we will supposedly attack the countries of the lines. the russian federation has never threatened nato, who have neither jo, political, more military interest to attack the states on that block. we're simply protecting our people in our historical territories. we have always made every effort to maintain strategic stability and the balance of power in the world, the united states on the country 1st created and is now deliberately prolonging the conflict in ukraine. we've also got a issue with taiwan, taiwan. it's an island that is part of china overall. it's just to the south of the mainland. china has this one china policy. i'm not something that the us says it acknowledges. but at the same time, when it passed, 4 days,
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bill will be sold up money going to ukraine. it was a $1000000000.00 worth of money that's been allocated for taiwan and not is for a to taiwan, including military $8.00. and that is always the really something that china was very unhappy about because it sees the issues in taiwan as being domestic. and the chinese foreign ministers essentially told us both out about domestic issues. china is, concerns are consistent. we always call for respect to each other's core interest and urge the united states not to interfere in china's internal affairs, not to whole, china's development back and not to step on china's red lines on china, sovereignty security and development interest. and then there are the tensions generally in the south china seas, the u. s. which has no territory right close to the chinese mainland as the
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somebody did that is going to hold joint maneuvers with the japanese and the philippines towards the end of 2024. as you can imagine, china is pretty unhappy about us warships potentially being that close, but it's territory and just keep you an example. if the chinese had a worship that close to hawaii, i think we'd see some reactions from the white task and the odd to contribute to call job. believe the slapping sanctions on china would only speed up a see change in the global economy. blinking is basically threatened me to expand sanction some china. i mean you, us have currently maintaining somebody comes after sanctions by us. have threatened to use financial sanctions on chinese companies on chinese banks that do business with russia and others quite serious threats. china would not be intimidated by that threat of additional sanctions that i mean china have saves us
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sanctions before the china will find a way. and us sanctions on russia has already cost of russia to move off. the dollar respect kicked off the trend of the dollarization now is us, is going to move on on financial sanctions on china. you're going to see the world's largest economies moving off dollars. i mean, this is gonna call have huge consequences in the world financial market. china will find out that it's, i mean, now the brakes is already talking about a common bricks courtesy us policy is gonna just give it additional push away from china down the for many new borns. it's a vital product that helps with the development. but claims of food, john lastly, is offering a less how the version of its baby formula are developing nations is proving hard
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to swallow for may the mothers were heard from long gabrielle from the team who had been carrying out this research for the green. not the soul by this name sweetser on our without any edits, sugar while in low and middle income countries, you find 2 grams on average in that product. and the situation is to be 9 key or the markets. we've also had to look at germany phones and the u. k, which all but the main markets, fullness the in europe. and the situation is to say, no, uh most baby cereals and growing up, you know, uh, products sold by next the whole. so without any edits you, there is quite ironic because the world health organization and, and basically there's a consensus at the, at the global level that the sugar added sugar is the key public enemy when it comes to nutrition house. but on the other hand, you don't find information about the amount of audit sugar on the picky package of the product. now the report compatible should the content of 2 of natalie is the
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best selling baby food brands and low and middle income countries in file. and it will be on india that was up to 6 grams of sugar by 7. surprisingly the same brands in europe contain no sugar a t o r j is rebecca and happy to pull who has been looking at the situation in indonesia. i didn't castigation by zullie space watched off public eye and international b. b, food action network has her feel set nestle, the global food and beverage dry and f, x pressure and honey to him from milk em serial. product sold in developing countries compared to what is the same product sold in market indonesia report. so we decided to see for ourselves i went through 4 different supermarkets in the capital jakarta, to look forward to sarah like instance serial and need a powder mill squared. naturally,
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a renamed the product to demko in indonesia. i found that sir elect is not a common product to find in supermarkets compared to other local options. but we managed to find the instance serial in the last store. i visited it based on the information on the packaging. sarah, look, instance serial. have 5 to 15 grams of sugar for serving. this particular flavor at the milk and honey has 15 grams of sugar per survey, while den called meals contains 10 to 15 grams of sugar for serving. this one has 15. it is not always easy for our consumers to tell whether upon contains added sugar and how much is present only based on personal information that's being printed on the package. properly, i reported that this particular flavor sam call one and then called one plus formula. one seal in indonesia has 0.8 grams on edit sugar per
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serving in the form of money. however, none of this information is printed on the packet. this has proved negative reactions from worried families around the country. in response, the government is trying to keep down the storm of anger by ensuring that the products in circulation has met all the nutritional requirements, including sugar, salt of an even fat. the nation food and drug monitoring agency created the healthier choice logo to help people choose how to your package products. one of their requirements is that sugar content must be below 6 drams per a $100000000.00 leaders for each bar fridge package. nestle uses this loophole to keep producing the baby formula in indonesia, something that nestle chose not to do in the european market. while it's claim that it hasn't broken any of the countries guidelines all day as well. the world health organization recommends that added sugar should be completely avoided in the 1st
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year of life. of the ledges that we apply double standards between countries in our baby food portfolio and that some of our baby food brands contain excessive, add, and sugar. to report a ledges that nested these practices ignore w h o guidelines that is simply not true. the public does not take this matter lightly. many customers will disappointed that their risk, their children's health, while trying to give the best option further development. what us nestle only do that in indonesia, why isn't sugar added in products that are on your being countries? there should be accountability from nesta. to clarify this, i pay attention to the ingredients. ingredients are not clear. i hesitate to choose it. it must be done spotted about sucrose consumption. how much lock those does the number one thing i have to pay attention to that i just found out about this information. why? of the different ingredients for nestle, they should be able to maintain old products in all countries with the same standards. if it's depending she added. what is the basis for that action?
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because a company is because nest, they should be able to equalize all its products with a health standard, whether it's in asia, you report anywhere else, it should be the same, modest bond to the consumer. i think this can be considered as public deception because every product must be accountable for what itself, when they don't provide what's really in the product that can home the consumers. why does this lead do that in indonesia? why isn't sugar edit in products around europe in countries? they should be accountability from this led to clarify this, the ingredients is the number. one thing i have to pay attention to. this finding is concerning. looking at the increased rate of ability in low and middle income countries including indonesia, indonesia are recorded the number of abuse children age 5 to 19 years has increased 10 fold. and the last 4 decades. a matter that many families around the nation are keenly aware of while the government is working to advocate millions of families,
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an additional sugar that might lead to obesity is the last thing that the country meets actually doing in takes a few. okay. not only for children for it, for instance, um, also for dogs exceed consuming sugar. it can be a problem. one of it is a lease if the, the sugar scandal is something bigger. young children who get used to sweet flavors start to seek sweeter foods. this starts a negative feedback cycle that increases the risk of nutritional disorders in adulthood, including obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. global foot conglomerates such as nestle should really take responsibility for their actions. if they are true, aim is to contribute to creating a good healthy life and it responds nestle. sadie complies with old local legislation. how about long gabrielle? it gets has, as such, companies x that the considerable influence over even governments. and so we
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confronted nestle with our findings, and their response is basically that they comply with all national legislations and international stumbles. and this is true. but as i mentioned, they are the one. they have a huge influence on the weight and national legislations and the codecs thumbs up are being developed. and so of course they comply with those standouts. but the, the, the practice is from the point of view, probably many from an ethical point of view, but also about the cast point of view. nestle also says that the have been removed already reduced by 60 percent. the amount of sugar during the baby cereals. and that they also are removing the part of the edit sugar from the need to a product. but in fact, what we're seeing is that they keep adding loads of sugar in those product y and switch them. they have the most completely, it also leslie says this with
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a strange, strange response. we got from that today. they are saying that you have a small variation in the recipes of product might happen, not depending on the availability of local ingredients, but also look of preferences. and that is really surprising. no, because we're not one. we're not talking about small variations. now it's a clear those found on the sugar here, no sugar. there are the u. s. s. 2, we do a dozens of his special troops from the central alaska nation of job. how about the pentagon planes of the master is only temporary. it is talks continue with chatting . officials, us after com is currently planning to re position some u. s. military forces from chad, a portion of which were already scheduled to the park. this is a temporary step is part of the ongoing review of our security cooperation, which will resume after chads may 6th presidential elections. these developments are a black eye for the american foreign policy,
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especially considering how hard the bided administration attempted to avert this outcome. but essentially, off the chad cold on the united states withdrawal its troops from an army base in the country. the united states finally gave in and decided that it will be towards me as early as next week, despite some uncertainty about with the washington state. as a forces agreement to what's chad can continue will be negotiated. the initiates of came straight from chad, even though many reports make it seem like washington is the drawing at his own liking. and that this does come off to the us agreed to to withdrawal. it's more than $1000.00 service members covering fees. i'm deployed in the z, the u. s. has tried to call to vate, it's itself raw the, with the military regime, in both chad and new z, hoping to preserve long standing counter terrorism ties and to,
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to maintain village. she assets in keeping the $100000000.00 joint base, situated in the museum. and so 2 of august is about to act to as the have before the veiling, much of the entire as to how region. and during the cruise, the, when some of these african countries kicked out the french military and as a wisdom back security pockets, the us government to misread the signals and um, sold the moves and the action as a win for them. and so what to put when thing is you have indeed a shift over and dictates the terms even with the lights of just. but then also when it comes to chad, the situation is a bit of a different dynamic. because ted, who was not to overturn the system, but to preserve the system, we've also seen report stating that the u. s. and chad have agreed that to the period following the upcoming tab in presidential election is an appropriate time to review, secure your to corporation. 1 may read into that and seeing that there will be
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a view configuration of the relationship between side and the united states after the election. and i think this goes back to watch. a lot of people are saying that the most significant aspects of these coming elections in chat is not the final results, but was off the extent to which the ellipse should lead a ship will be able to navigate the complex political issues and continue with the transition towards a more inclusive and democratic system, what we all get to on the bond as well is that to advertise never been a top priority for the united states. oh, you is need is more impactful, initiates of the but the administration devoted only limited episode a attention to the continent. and russia is offering governments in africa, a survival package, a received something that the united states has never been able to. and that's why african deed is an o oscar and russia to trains you to accept this moment. i think one of the american
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generals will visit the country this week through the terminal withdrawal, but we would like russia to join our troops. that includes the conduct of battle and the use of weapons. we're interested in buying weapons. it says city african nations are increasingly standing up to wisdom. paul was rejecting their continued termination, its been wall and the democratic republic of the congo. a un peacekeeping mission is kohl's time on one of its key basis that that's as the past to leave the central off to get nation for the length of this year. at the request of the government area. we spoke to the former sub advocate for administer didn't do waste issue, who says that it's time for the confidential view with its own problems. have the answers on the african continent. we have the, there is offices of the african culture that we have the wisdom, the african continent. we don't really need the kind of interventions that we have been going on to find outside of ourselves. that age, who has the capacity to has the power. it has the will and perhaps we should be
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urgent to intervene. time you sleep and rely on the tim continent to solve african problems. today. several un peace keep peace keeping mission happens. come on that various kinds of criticism and i so this, why do you saying that the un on the african continent from east to west, not south us struggling to do the jobs, especially keeping peace and returning normalcy to those countries? well, i don't know why they're struggling. we've, we have been called upon as a, as a, as a sub african government to intervene. and in a free place where we've intervened, we have been able to lay down standards. we've been able to lay down timeframes. and we've noticed, we've lived up to that we had available for peacekeeping purposes. we don't have to
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go outside and fetch the united states. me to come in to peace in africa. and we, we have our own institutions and perhaps a you need, we would need to explain why it is that, uh, you know, we would have an evident parts of the, of the continent running to the united states when we are there we, we, we have, we have the capacity within ourselves to do to do what needs to be done. a reliance on people who from outside is very colonial. we should be over that by now. let's get to the elections in savannah for god that's coming up. now the democratic alliance wrote elected to the us, a secretary state cooling and inviting them to monitor the elections and inside i forgot, in fact, that they should be an engagement of consequences to build up to the election and so on. whether we draw the line between supporting the country and meddling
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in the domestic affairs of the country. when, when i heard about this, it was because one of the members of the democratic alliance was pulled on on listening to the leader of the d. a speaking to somebody in the united states, and it seems that be at the back of his mind, he had worked out the to the united states with a system in coming out part of south africa like the western cape to be an independent space. but as i followed the story in a, it became quite clear to me that the western cape does not recognize anybody else except the united states mentors of that nature should they arise. we have an a you . and so in hopefully guys a signature in there that would have taken the met today. if they had a problem about the elections. we also have a very capable i. e, c,
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and c, c. a, which is on the elections all this time. why we should call a point in particular, the country to come and wanted to is ridiculous of tennessee the ticket as we won't allow it any way. be still the routing party. we think that's what we have is enough to ensure a free and fair election. it has been a while despite warnings on the international court of justice. he's ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu said the court would not affect the court. the country is actions, quiet procedures, victory in gather to undermine leadership is really will never accept any attempts by the i should see, to undermine it's in headed, the right of self defense, the threat to seize the soldiers and officials. so the middle is solely democracy and the world's only jewish state is outrageous. will not allow to. it is really we'll continue to waste of 83. i'll just war against genocide on saturdays,
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and we will never stop defending ourselves while the eyes to see what motive factory is real sections. it would set a dangerous precedent. the practice of the soldiers and officials of all democracies fight in savage standard is in one's in aggression all his statement. it comes out to the international court of justice dictated earlier in january that it's quote possible that these role has committed genocide in gaza. so don't forget initially filed the case of the i c j which a key is these are all of atrocities in gaza and demanded that the court order and emergency suspension of these roles of military campaign, high by israel rejected the accusations and it has as a continued since then again from us south african, the foreign minister lead to a c, c o. 2 sides of the countries must be united in overcoming the crisis is still purple because the international community allows that the i, c, j is
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a product to day and i took nation system. it is the ultimate coat which we resorted to, to lay a complaint. the i c j gave its ruling overwhelmingly, and we expected that it would be a, you know, handed down and taken seriously by everybody in the united nation. it's not just about cost, it's not just about what is happening and to the palestinian people. it's an international problem. you cannot have one country completely overlooking the basic laws and regulations, and that's actually abide by as the united nations. what does the united nations doing? what is it doing? that's a big question. that's really a big question. i must say. now, as it is now, western states promoting a module of democracy which they see us maybe universal, you know, to be or pre to then adopt the bible or countries. mm hm. do you think that that is
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a module dash, every country should adopt one form of democracy? well, i didn't know how the u. n gets to a model of the country and what they, what they would tell them democracy we have is of the can people being very clear that we want this particular model of democracy, that the, that resonates with our culture. however, the that would be searching for them because around which we gauge with a democracy is working on what the democracy is not working. and again, i get back to the united nations. we join the united nations because it's an, it's an a pill. but for the, the, to solve our problems that they don't, that which works and that which doesn't work for a long time. we have been under the some of the west because it suits them. uh and um, what i would call now the rogue countries,
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the united states. it seems to be above everybody else can do anything followed by as i can do anything. we have been dealing with the meta of the relationship between israel and its neighbors. for some time as south africa and we thought that perhaps so we could to having gone through the same kind of problem as the police didn't use, we thought we could offer as well. and the police didn't use a solution. we caused them to a country very early on after we got into power and tried to talk sense to them. and dependents didn't use understood. the sense is where these did not understand the sense. and the rest is history. they've gone on to to have the kind of masika we have enough know, you know, a time and we failed to model obligation to do something. and we did, we went to the icj and presented our case very thought as he worked on and very
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convincing the put across the majority to of the judge disagreement. and the judgement goes past. we're expecting that then there are no more procedures that for those watching that particular episode, me one to him, do we have an equal rights at the united nations? do we have the people who can equity opportunity and not allow to we took a decision that we would take the meta to the i c j. but before would take of the match it to the positive. we also had taken a number of steps to try and see that we can normalize it, go to normalize the situation, can have these deaths going on. these are people, these are children and dying every day on your screen. what do you think the world is thinking? uh, i think there's going to be an immediate association of, of any shutting in, in, in that.


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