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tv   Documentary  RT  April 26, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

1:30 pm
the, the united nations of all beings, so effective in getting israel to abide by the suggestions and recommendations and orders when we know that, um again, we are talking about what's the country's mainly, why don't you give those judges? and is that even meant that it is ashton, you know, thinking back to the page of the diversity, those are those you know, start what countries on, you know, these brownish feet for the white people. so luckily that they wouldn't be affected . so, so far the getting getting guns or is it usually that would be to stop the war and, and at this war under the same time at home it's a, you know, the responsibilities and gardens, water drives the genocide that is taking place on it was about to, you know, come on, it's not even something that we might be speaking about. it just something that.
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busy all work seemed that by their own eyes in front of the t. v shows it just, you know, last week we are still talking about tends to go on sports as things cover more than $400.00 of, uh, uh, buddies come on and the $35.00 each in the uh, most of us because when did you find it that was just one, that's just why your side forgive me for interrupting you. i do apologize. just one mass gray that's being discovered we, we know of at least 2 more as well. we're covering that here. analogy international . those mass graves discovered in certain areas, especially if i knew, and as only off the id f withdrew. soc name is appraisal, alice joining us from around the appreciate your times. thank you very much for joining us here. us. thanks for your time as well. this is ology international. we are alive from the
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issue, but when you look at the most, the most to the start of the course of people to pick up the, to the get the skis like before you think that it was so then go to the point of the order. so there's that,
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there's all right, we split the this, the the step through. yep. so, so i know that as the book flowing ready some way it was coming up. we just wanted to get the logic of both on the ship. so guess give to get me on what the, what is the cause of the so the, so the initial thing
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a sort of is the level of i'm starting to develop somebody that's the customer left to cut them, but they discussed took the shift that i see myself and go for this one which one of interest i so why did you not make a just picking that was on both cosette, you know. so it didn't occur as us of his opinion participates. able to probably. okay. does anybody certainly just go to some of the initial post machine info, both of the cisco the was really cool book went to the store. most of us, of us by the schedules were ship going was on your poster or so the customer, the tool shed, the listing covered up as the 1st so really strange it to be a list of customers. also going to give us a good problem. but at the global shoot, this slope was just doing me a bunch of guess. it doesn't, i'm not sure which way to ship it as well as i post them. extend it on zillow. a lot of the
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other side of the latest muscle above and some of the, some of them solution is what is the what is sort of like a floor store or christmas companies or them different story of course, but there is no, it's a kind of settlement and it's gotten good for the course of criminals left pushing to pretty much the so problem. and i will tell them that, of course, even you know, pretty much the, so the position just some of which was of the code show for the fall not built this route. let me go through this. but the stuff that i want you to shift to
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go the little bit. so do you like me to finish button up at all. so just give a flip. it's cool things to do to adjust your concept of when it's in what sigmoid windshield codes. so to supplements for codes, so to expect, we just select the additional, the last of was most likely naples and i prefer the position like if it's literally going to fit you, put in a movie or just the issue, then when you go into best buy it doesn't make any sense for this one wrong to use it on the detroit. it will show for those 3 mutually simple for summer, for so talk isn't least closer sales because i came by i those numbers are somewhat different, but to pursue deals so that the professional that i missed the special get up a little bit faster. but those tasks by the cost of your card, but the, the additional services i want to be asleep
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because you're supposed to be to invest at least for the best place on this side. so it's on this top of the young couple doesn't record this yourselves of actually sweet, but it's really no done with someone at the front of the book to prepare the crime . it's enough but a minute let me see in the me, but let's go. i'm up to that, i'm sort of about the sizing of this, i suppose, the product at the front of the such them personally, i didn't even ship it. okay. so the customer through scott said that the knitted specialist will disappear. is one person in virginia. sure. what the cost of the so that you've actually been taken up to the level of coverage. but as i got back in the thought of doing this video, a little should look similar to, for those with
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a solution for the little i guess a lot of it was originally but a little bit with a sore thumb fetch position available inside your score supervision. your company is missing a screen ok. deals almost like chocolate, the particle starting with cold rich people just sort of the, the support was for the cool depending on what type of what sort of shipping the total. ready so i'm thinking that it was a little bit sooner for lots of other between actual as i can also a couple of couple of them will show you a lot of shooting at the car because it was very simple. salsato's actually. so there's no sort of you to say that it's really just assuming that the something to the place does are different. because often then you will see somebody on there . but you can let people connect the suit number just here to present numbers. nobody's strengths of us, better sample which caused by the percentage just found
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a bunch of the custodians which, which comes by monday, russert push a look up to up with this to be we'll get that liberty beside the point of this. i know such as a deal with the stuff, so let's get the most affordable even though it's like what you'll do the rest of the stuff that gives you the really show. but i, so lucian of federal money is collect the, the way protect up and we never got, there was a source of the, the comment that the doubles on that we've done a system with some of the much of the still it gives us stuff for you all the things in the box on my new purchase, like someone, no you should you
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a problem for english literature was in the village. you all need, you're going to do all the to option is for this. so i do like the houses which with the, the slip or you'll see get somebody to innovate. okay. chuck this picture a little difficult to implement. i think if with us, i mean like, i mean, i just looked at it because i symptoms such as a lot of services. but because doesn't necessarily, i mean, if i don't the particular day when you, when it's going to something like this, i mean, there's a way the specials under just to say, oh, we use the shuttle company. so those got the actual friendship at the lowest list should be what someone that difficult is going to do for so the poor little tricky
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. yeah, there's lots of, i think some of the codes, what they're giving you a simpler besides the signature, strict digital video focused on this page is called the little shop on the services. right. so the logistics of i chose local searching coast to push it kind of thought precisely sort of a switch. so the trim level, because those are your options, ownership progressing. they also do a couple silicon. so it was, it was the, the one that i was someone to talk to somebody else in the facility, what his union failed us. that's about some of the little further assist you in general. which of the, from the official med like this loosely sold for the it was for the session of the things the machine was for some of those issues. the but the watching over by doing
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it for the support sort of codes over to the dealer. so because of the service, but i should be able to publish or assist this one where the official supplement for a patient. let me just put the solution. little part of the sort of look this up to a system feels some professional the storage unit 30 saw the color on the beach if such, especially it saves us over the summer before. so it's gonna get depending on the tongue and i'll just use it before we finish, then go to it, but it's just to face to face. get the process figured out those gifts less push to boost the with them. and lots of folks
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supplement which with you, so it's not sufficient, but still some of those are some wisdom, intention setup of some with fresh, serious and the address for personal i get all of all that stuff that you will get on the 1st all of this the 1st thing of the stuff electric will do some of the types of up to give us the finish or the 1st for so look at that. you are way too close to the customer doesn't get the send, the initials have to go with a system conversion between the end of the global selection. so when you 1st find out there's still a better solution and ultimately discount unless you wish to predict the it was listed, you have a data schiffwood shipping book useful, which i hold on this for the stressful. so the pacific 7 assume accessories
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which talk about the 1st 2 is less than what you're looking at about this with us talking to the about the script of missed. but so for us to point to what we do with the find us for leslie simulation, cuz the thing that we're supposed to do by the end of the zillow disposal switched to frontier this before that. and some of the social to much ruffled like this, of a sudden the slow trouble. otherwise, the 1st level for the ships petunia ships up a little bit of the issue is frustrating. modeling compression, which store was very special thoughts remedies to a capacitance of the data. if he's also coming from the toner or system, but
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a to sort of signal i can have as much as to get to the the, with what this will be. so it's almost on there, is it the most common area? some of the allows us to do to maybe meters and the causes of chalk or york city. and if it were serious, serious or birds, it's different to just to say listen, but besides that is that the way for it was for new total edition supplement single group, i presume the officers represented them live and we do too much just search for them for the to be less likely dealing with drug mitchell disposal of the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the men do not. so now and that is where we just put it on the
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covers football and everything. so to start from there. so if you just give me anything, in particular the neighbors cellphone that might say the whole thing on the menu was split the hold on a little so it was asking for to screw the
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the no, the vote was sorta sorta of for your, for example, serviceable it will start to set it up because searching and watch such as not to go to the the us legal for construct 2 doors unless you're coming to the in your system. not stover to finish the and us to go to the products and you can reach me at my extension. you may have come on grocery stores to provide you with my choice to utilize their setup and we submit to william center. and if that's just a schedule on both sides of the 3. yeah, i'll put on. was that the but the questionnaire space talking about is not the can use up for says i type size vacations to wind up some of the homework. smart enough . there's only one way vision to choose and i see on the bank there was no
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affordable problem across from here, from the ups and off from what somebody appears on the federal georgia. i'm still on the phone with you don't have to, that's every day. literally just for the slush kind of in mind you can see a couple years ago and, and um with that all demonstrated no record and i will get that over to you and you just deal with the i it would require no, do not. so would not be able to, we even have to use to lot more for that reason, daniel, rolling so on your website or down us and choose where we just say people 5 are you on the videos as well as your daughter showed up for the amount of the bill a month temple chill out and junior blue or the out because also the that's a bit on the about the i'm not because i just, it's not coming out. i normally happens and you'll get the not the most out again and wrote as much citizen was as soon as i saw the it sniped at her. you're not the
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say of those to come and get on the fiduciary or the so was hoping you know, pull up for some of the site. this southern unions now. we've city those. so no way in that process but all the command. yeah. file wind, no tradition, you know before, and i mean we've seen it for flushed it now. if a slight, to the store, you know, to assure advantage you think a lot, the fishing it to sit in your thoughts. you know the solution at the most uh we should thoughts say markets or shopping stone there. and i go to the case, thoughts that us cousins or to for the to, to give you a different spin. have a nice person, interest person, maybe just moines, but give sure knowledge doesn't work. so i'm just,
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i start to check on the most the most, just over so that, and i get all of this was on your own groups done on a particular solution stuff for us to pull the city down randomly on the sites or jump the most trustworthy of the story about done with the so was student and i video as shown, quibble, who isn't even a joe, i'm not sure which let me, i think i put you in control of the year when the whole sick was the go now please, just in the distortion of full report deals deals, the roads on land that billing or near window source. so on your stuff, there's a shift from the federal risk will continue to follow the thing up, the quote close by pushing it across. there's a control of your soul source or whatever that's capable of screwed up
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the light source on the waiting room. so the, somebody with the school, the beautiful, the system local, lower the company as an incursion of the voice, which is for the most value above the cover. so thumb driven, so tools conditions. thorsten here, so easiest thing is less, the pretty typical capital was 0 is just filling
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up the premium for use oh, queens, cuz that allowed zillow was and then about the public position suited to the the most best practice for both the locals and come lots of lots on visiting and will of us the show which this is opposing sit on, hold on. so the story now on the 1st cool. so the spirituals of season, you get to them and you go and then we'll find something else to show of accomplishing the commodity for the single cs come with the same thing. you or you put me on the spot, all of or there's also there's got water requirement to level no beds,
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source 3 bar. so lots of imagining las amigos console worth of miles. yeah. for the 3229 in the middle of the initial mobile on the phone just for specials here. so i'm a little blemish. full screen more. she little last little commercial. go with the dental forms. i'm not sure about 10 each. go for it . yeah, so it's gone single for mrs. smith. that's my sleep assistant. i was going to use that as a whole, to the concept come up with most of the 3 for i am instead of full digital, the whole edition or willingness or the models for for choke it
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also to school. she's come welcome pushing. this is the postal springs from shouldn't come up as a covered. i mean, there's all kinds of tools or something or something. you know, where you're in, so some screens, right? and then what's across the way as counter stays that mean? is it any skip or skin? the only thing that has to turn this problem was the cause of the mental because the settlement that the whole to the nation, here's the wasn't machine will do it yourself or show in which to still do it so that i missed the shots. most schools, lordships from below to
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the san francisco scholarship show school, come on the electrician image prospects for you, and then for the course fit in the magic when it gets low, isn't a china type of thing to send you a webpage in, in which edition you know, but i really want them to work on sending show de moines on the phone, but also she'll point else to and i'm going, i've done care. if the corporate speak to a car came into play in a solution. what just now some of the most cost commercial school colonda, which addition saucon from the show. and then we'll bring the visual initial thoughts is great, and then look one vintage and it was supposed to sign a contract. and that's part of the one that will show us. we're as
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bored as full face photo which shane. bullshit to. no, no, no, no. it's showing me now to let you know the number awesome immunization and all that stuff. the funny marsh i spoke to the guy talking to you, i'm not sure thing. it's the waters just to dump the song that it doesn't the your the routine maintenance dish, the dish finance, the go up and the loan. there's a that you and they teamed up and you don't know, but soul co it is generally the thinking where massport federal loss and the function to numbers on it. if it is, wants more photos. i mean, you don't is a completely stalled out
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now. yeah. yeah, the samples get into colon napping is power as much as the controllers don't to but it will be, you know, it's finding the willow which is fast enough to find them in the face of the pod across the fist, the lash savannah, you will miss to interested to know if someone would be a new one. the will quidditch for civil quad, so typically they are which of the such them the motors as a new winning symbol, etc. shaw says nowhere spinning was thing, i mean is the pick us do not to suffice things, new additional testing. so most of the invoice or more is it varies or
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interests and other nips in after stiver is the little bone unit started as an edge salesman. it shows the good times and i'll get you in that quad said i and i am on line for changing the turn of class. he wasn't the most hasn't done yet. so we engage him just with this most a lot to do to live in the hotel and we brought it . what you need to do is to converge 1000 to do to do with them with an interest when the national a difficult which was totally but difficult. that's good. can you put the attention to the thing that us post and if that is the same for them for taylor,
2:00 pm
but it's not meant to upset to floor. so when your social for travelers, most of the most new sol suite, the already impose sanctions on more than a 100 chinese entities export controls, etc. and we're fully prepared to actually take additional measures,


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