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tv   News  RT  April 27, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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to the bizarre as headlines stories, russia strikes bach at western attempts, the seas it's upsets due to the brain problems like this in petersburg court ruling, not america's biggest funds must pay if most school encourage losses. cries of protestors from the streets of tennessee. valdez released the non prime minister netanyahu to deal with hum to release all remaining hostages from gallagher to call on the government to resign. this is the worst government that was in the as well since its inception. and south africa celebrates 13 years of freedom from the apartheid regime of its 1st democratic election. the nation's deputy foreign minister spoke exclusively toward
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a sort of we pride away. what it means to be real fast. what it means to be in the ad, to multiply use pace and detected out a to the they say is r t international. my names, you know, neil on 30 minutes of news. the news starts down the spike western attempts to cripple the russian economy. vladimir put, has declared a positive economic forecast is expected this year with this state budget increasing the inflation slowing down system. what the letter has been. progressive development of our economy is positively reflected in the federal budget. on the home, federal budget revenues for the 3 months have increased more than one and a half times compared to last year. we need to master and occupy our own market,
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displace imports, not through administrative actions and resources, but through fair market competition. meanwhile, a st. petersburg court has cited with a russian bank in its efforts to re coop, $414000000.00 from jp morgan chase. the dollars money that america's largest bank froze in u. s. accounts in response to the brain conflict. jp morgan has responded bike hunter, assuming in the us court to block v t b bikes attempts. now the american lender also claims it can return assets to atp shoot to you. as i mentioned earlier, my colleague nicki are in our to contribute our chris and this broke down the details for us a v t b, which is a very large russian bank, is the 2nd largest bank in russia, was united as a lot of bank, steve holding assets in the us, which then effectively stolen from them. and if you steal someone's money, you can expect for a quote in russian not to rule in favor of that banks would cover those spelled in
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funds. there isn't really any reason for that. none of the funds from what we understand from the information had been used for anything but to invest in very uh, vanilla investments in the united states. there wasn't an issue with that. it wasn't the funds that made it to industrial complex or anything like that. and, and to be honest, i don't think jp morgan all going to be able to react in any significant way unless they want to challenge it. and the russian quote, which i think they know they're going to lose because they really don't have a leg to stand on here. the laces you quite and as well at age legislation allows us to seize russian state. as do you expect the tit for tat response for most good, we just have to day is a speech from president pacing when he explained that the russian economy is doing very, very well indeed a g d p drive piece thing could be up to 3 percent and compare that to the west, but we're looking at negatives to be guides to who very minute go daddy think. right. so i think most people look as they always do, they never react even nights. they don't suddenly, you know, when, when most gets punched,
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it waits before it punches back. but i think we'll see probably a level of different measures that come in that really, really hit them hitting them where it hurts rather than just do it for the sake of giving us this story. as an example, could we say that the us sanctions are about to be damaging the wrong box? oh yeah, absolutely. we thing that, i mean at the end of the day. a money has to flow as a major banking institution like jp morgan. you have to have money deployed in different markets around the world. and that's, that's really the case of the united states. the united states has always use the dollar. it's used his own capital markets in order to exec influence and control around the world. the minute that this, the other countries turn around to go hang on a minute. you're making us do the things. so, you know, let's respond and let's take 5 bought saws. i think it could really have a huge detrimental effect, not just to the us going to be with the economy, economies of the west, in general. the western countries try to sell for 2 years between
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russia and serbia, but their relations remain strong. that's according to certain politicians, on the former head of security, intelligence in republic, a strip sca alexander bowman. he set down with archie on the sidelines of an international security for him in saint petersburg, a nickel. cool. any one who does not like russia is not a friend of serbia. and everyone who is a friend of serbia is not an enemy of russia. that is the way it has always been. any one who thinks bad of president putin thinks bad of presidents woochie here. whoever wants to destroy serbia also wants to destroy russia. is just the way it is . for centuries, it was clear that oppression didn't survive. serbia couldn't either. that is why our cooperation is such an obstacle to those who do not want to see a free service. western media often say that russia will provoke a war in the balkans. on the other hand, in parallel, there is
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a commander of nato forces who says that they will increase their contingency in both of bosnia and kosovo and the top here. and that they will be armed with heavy equipment. they are planning to increase both manpower and equipment. we why that's just a guess who. what is this equipment being prepared for you? you're supposed to be here to insure piece, not to increase the number of guns and tanks. these things are frightening because they entail evil. you will not find a person in the west who will say, let's solve the serbian national issue in such a way that the serbs will be satisfied. even in their opinion. the bulk in question is solved in such a way that the serbs remain scattered in several countries and the albany ends create a so called great albania council. they believe that the due date in the courts should be retained. but that republic
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a search scott should be abolished on the bulk and issue. they say that borders should not be changed. they separate cost of oh, from survey obvious additional they see all the solutions to the bulk and issue in the fact that there is no united, strong is and organized. serbian nation in the balkans are all wars and the bulk and let us begin with. the fact that serves are threatened with physical annihilation. serves are brought to the point where they can no longer control their own destiny. and after that, the situation becomes unforeseeable. nice, nice, yeah, the and now the war in gaza is shaking off as really, society is empty. government protest grip tel aviv again. demonstrators are also demanding the release of hostages still held by some us in the enclave since the october 7th terrorist attack ortiz, middle east, corresponding research that spoke to us from the raleigh of this became
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a typical day here and tell of even the last month, thousands have gathered on democracy square behind me for a weekly time. the rally called for me to leave for elections to be mailed the reserve in grand prison phrase. it was always rarely to protect the country or when you remember more than 3000 military, it is road from feeling 1200 is really military and civilian and taking 100 wouldn't be a number of israel's military offensive. the return of all hostages home hasn't
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been achieved in almost 7 months now. and the day of freedom that celebrates the exalt as of jews from slavery, and biblical agents protest, her say faith comes to be celebrations as $133.00 captive men and women, old and sick children among them still being held somewhere deep in her masses. tunnels in gaza, probably with no free them. no the yeah, nothing really. i'm just trying to create a c as in his own interest in the interests we haven't been able to speak to. * earlier, let's say to listen to people, how would you mind there's like a like the last 7 months to bring back those to that which is
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very important. and story place this a 3rd person is government doing very bad thing for us. it's a typical baby of way of, of that behaving like no to think anything for, for the people and they will live and we will be add those to send them away. i carry the us flag because over the last 15 months, this country has to be graded and i am a little concerned about the police. this american flag is an insurance policy for me because i am concerned that they will take excessive violence with a regular protesters. we came here to call on the government to resign. this is the worst government that was in the as well since its inception. earlier on monday the idea of military intelligence. 7 chief became the 1st high profile, the official to resign because of the military nailer to prevent took the tags,
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and protests are v are believed that many and foreign minister before anybody else to the full or here's an example, israel has launched an investigation into the negligence of the military been demonstrated, we're saving prime minister issues step down regardless of what the probes will find out and before or even at an added to domestic discontent. global concerns, miles over is world war in gaza. last week is really me. there we've been to national criminal or maybe consider an issue in international around the relatively near future. again, prime minister and others home is really officials for alleged war cry. too many at home doesn't seem to care. this is how he commented on the board on demand leadership. israel will never accept any attempt by the i to see to on demand is inherent rights of self defense. israel will continue to which i would just want to victory against genocidal terrorist and it will never stop defending,
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no self's while the sea will not affect these rose actions. it would set dentures precedents that threatens the soldiers and the officials of all democracies fight in savage, terrorism and wanton aggression. meanwhile, is rolling high mass. i'm back to negotiations over and it's still active. pulls from injured, playing the role of a mediator and the intentions are concerned about possible is really mills reparation in the southern city of ross for near the addiction mode are working very hard to help the sides reach an agreement. but the way to as the fire in the same vision of israel has been saying for weeks within days, rough for where the 1000000 displays sheltering. i mean, and i'm going humanitarian crisis agency or is that the reason could leave for tens of the region to build up and enter it in 6 in territory that will of course,
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endanger agent will think you're a team on thursday. the idea of people dos and they had of is real security service, travel to cairo, and after that and then a nation of interest to intelligence officials and businesses as well. i'm just trying to think about some whole brands and sent optimistic messages to the media. now have mass examines the jail. one us official earlier is that he's familiar with negotiations that the current bill meets almost all of the masses demands is in both ways route. so it is really official. the whole, there are different towns of powers, and that was the message for israel gives hostage negotiations one last chance. if the reason all the time they move forward with the operation of reporting from those anti government protest. intel of avery, a foundation that for years this saturday night, august indians have gathered to mourn. the victims of overnights is really strikes
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on the inside of southern loose city are rough uh, at least, 8th april, reportedly killed in the bombardment of a residential building. galsen officials say 2 children age 6 and eights, are among the dead. some 14 and a half 1000 monitors are such as being killed inside the strip since october 7th. while the overall publicity in death, cho now stands at over $34300.00 according to local authorities. meanwhile, the us state department has been fully informed that israel could be violating international law by killing civilians and get us a significantly bounce according to a li, confidential paper from the us agency, which is now circulating on media. i place the findings concluded that the american arms exports of israel may be in for each of us restrictions that fund such supplies to parties that break the law serious concerns the beginning of nearly
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said a 2000 people of which the government to res, really itself, assess is roughly 2 thirds of civilians may, whether amount to you validation of international humanitarian law. well, let's delve into balance with political on the list found journalist robert in la cash robot you're most welcome. what do you make the end of this lee document from usaa on agency? all of the american government essentially warning washington against sending weapons to the adf and mid the war in gals? well, that's good all a surprise to be honest. i mean, all of the major international human rights organizations, including actually as real as talk human rights organization, but sell them. they've released a position paper 5 days ago, stating that not only was israel allowing them to to happen, but the paper was entitled manufacturing them. and that's from israel's helped human rights organization. we know from also leaks with the u. k. government,
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they've been advised that the israelis are breaking international law, positively committing war crimes and cautioned them against selling weapons to the israelis. the way that we have to look at this is it's very obvious as well, has been violating international law. they have a higher till a re hills civilian till ratios and dies during its 1st 2 years of the insurgency in it. ok, which was $18800.00 civilians, israel and in less than 7 months is killed. 34000 according to the goals of health ministry. but if you include the sum, $11002.00 are missing as well. that significantly increases the death toll. so we know that israel has been violating international law. we know that according to the united nations, according to the world bank, according to the amount that there is looming famine in gaza. we've heard these reports for months now. in fact, late last year,
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we heard that the number one cause of death and gaza could transition over to starvation and then disease. so there's the middle of so in robert i usa, the administrator said the funding is already occurring in parts of gas that she made that statement around a fortnight ago. how does anything being done by washington to change the situation since that well, it appears that they did this propagandist stunt which was announced around a month ago. now. i believe it might have been quite a bit more than a month ago, which was this whole idea of the gaza. see for that logistics of which we haven't heard anything about how this is going to start. a few days ago we heard that apparently they have started a construction from satellite imagery. it doesn't look like much has happened. however, this is a project which would take at least 2 months. we do know that a little bit more aid is coming into some areas of gaza periodically one day morning and will come in one day, past 8 will come in and that sorts of how it's been in the united states if it
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wanted to could change this situation drastically overnight, it just has to pick up the phone. the aid is sitting there, it can go in. they just don't allow it in, in the quantity which is needed in the united states is attempting to sort of cover up what it is doing and supporting them and essentially, and the supporting israel's policy of manufacturing the famine by talking about that they are really trying to pressure the israelis and that they're setting up a chords for access, which is logistically, very difficult. it's a lot easier to just pass this age group the junction border of it on top of that as well. the us know very well. the d is bradley's for the past few weeks and over the past month actually and during the on with on we're killing all of the local peoples committees, members of the group, people's committees for gathering the agent, distributing it, and also storing it and killing local police officers who are also helping in the
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process of securing this 8 to make sure for instance, that it couldn't be courted, and that it would be distributed fairly. and so they're destroying the security out . the rod is as well. and the us most is just the, on the side to the, the, the timing of this leak. it comes just days after president biden signed off. what was it? $17000000000.00 worth of military aid to ensure your, your, your thoughts on, on the timing. that was very interesting because of course, this is the time when israel that we just heard that the international criminal court could be issuing arrest warrants for officials on the israeli side, military and political officials. we know that the international court of justice made an additional in addition to its provision of a provisional measures that it announced when it came to the issue of famine in gaza. this is also on the cost of, uh,
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potentially and is rarely invasion of drop off, which they seem to be dangling over the heads of the international community. and of course the palestinian people in the ha. and so the timing of this is a quite despicable really, and that's why we see, for instance, in the united states and they'll throw out the west that students are coming out and, or they've created their incompetence and, or protesting. because there's a sign of desperation from the people to see their leaders, not listening to them. they see the, their, their leaders in the us and in the u. k. and elsewhere are not listening to their requests, to block the weapons trade with israel to stop selling them arms after the mass military palestinian people, which we know is there are so many work crimes and they also came at a time passing. there's a package that these mass graves were discovered at na sort of hospital and con eunice and also a ship,
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a hospital in garza city. so very terrible timing. the optics are awful with it, but this is the us just policy. it supports everything israel's doing. it's a notable perhaps as well that usaid has not made any public statements about this latest lake. why do you think they're keeping silent about it? i think they could potentially get in trouble. i mean, when you're talking about documents which are advising the us government, that they should stop selling weapons to israel and that they are violating us law and international law. it's a very sensitive subject. so whatever response they give to this, whether it's some sort of denial or they just let it pass by, it will obviously be very significant and the mediator is going to pay attention to it because this possibly implicates leaders in the united states and war crimes. and if the genocide case,
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we don't know how long it's going to take in the international court of justice. but if it does indeed decide that israel has committed genocide and gaza, then we're looking at these us politicians having culpability in genocide and selling weapons to a country which is committing genocide, a country which potentially the i c. c. we don't know yet. will issue arrest warrants for those involved in committing more crimes and goals. and so it's very sensitive. it's a very political issue and any leaks like this are very sensitive, appreciate your time, this sort of a political on the list. i'm journalist robert in the cash live on the program. thanks, robert. thank you. you know, something else to tell me about today a flow tell us aimed at braking it through israel's blockade or does it is preparing to set se. busy from trickier, but the project is facing some resistance more than a 1000 international volunteers have organized to send 3 ships from trickier to gather as part of their so called freedom. the tell us what the missions being
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delayed, reportedly after them is really delegation. put pressure on port authorities and assembled, grouping from the international register of shipping, forwarded the vessels and remove their flags, meaning the cutting sale on the flow til of plans to deliver $5000.00 tons of aid from donors around the globe. he's taking monitoring crisis in the, in the okay. no history to bring you today. india is increasingly a bothering us oil in favor of deliveries from venezuela in just one month from january to february this year. and you tally important more than $400000000.00 worth of venice willing crude. that's according to data from the indian ministry of commerce on industry, on the lies by the sputnik news agency following the relaxation of sanctions against caracas last, the awesome india resumed oil purchases from the lots in american country. after
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a 3 year break. the bach in 2020 venezuela had been one of india's top 10 suppliers of fruit. you know, it's reported that an oil exports from the us to india in the 1st 2 months of this year decreased by more than 8 times a year on year. well, we discussed the energy developments earlier with a former indian and foster to venice. sage western sanctions are an effective and will change to at least views, or indeed bring about a leadership change in caracas. in this new global order in which united states. because the shots and being both assumptions that we have a, the sanctions which are not authorized by the united nations. the sanctions, hong, the exporting countries, like when is a lot hit on and russia, of course it's political, it's also business that because to be the largest producer of all you in the united states, so by suppressing the oil exports of these countries. yeah. give me
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a chance, but the american or a company is to make money of countries like india have to that right and abide by them and see how they can manage. and we have managed successfully. i'm going to do is, is not going to be emitted can of even positional sanctions on venezuela is not going to change the views of india are to the political situation in venice. so this, these functions are useless and that they're not going to do anything except being a nuisance to everyone. brooks may, uh, the, i don't know the country to the block with bolivia, the latest to express a desire to join the economic grouping. the country's top definitely not to address the press briefing here in moscow saying bolivia wants to become part of brakes.
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spend off to us in germany. you see it is william for russia. it's very important for bolivia because it is part of a group of countries that leads the construction of a multi polar wealth to which we have committed through initiative such as breaks breaks has become an alternative for the countries of this blog who will be able to contribute and support to farrah more equitable development. and this is a blogs that bolivia also hopes to be part of. we would like to become a part of this economic unit friendly space through opposed to him in the of the united states rodeo. one or 2 spoke exclusively with bolivia and the president louis r k. earlier, he stressed that pauses intention to join breaks while slumming western interference in bolivia as internal affairs. what's that 1st one more place and most video for the month, our country expressed its desire to join, breaks at the last summit to which we were invited. and most we propose to consider believe us candidacy for joining breaks and funeral. this is a great opportunity for our conference or the reset. the are relatively recently
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and continues to gain momentum to come to believe you will be able to contribute to breaks because it is reach and natural resources. i think it, in addition, i mean it is important for breaks countries to come up the exchange technology and promote developments ok. and therefore i believe that this is the best that the countries of our region. and of course, believe you in particular and, and can do believe it is always open to negotiations with russia in the seniors of trade and corporation. and then we were very grateful to russia for sending us, but seems to be doing the funds that make one the most. we will never forget this thing. see, believe you and russia are developing a number of joint projects in the field of nuclear energy. and then again, regarding lithium mining, russian company has signed the agreement on the production and use of lithium for industrial purposes in our country. and in general are many arrows where we can continue to develop cooperation with russia myself. but it's the end of the day. i know you lexia and mr. president presidential elections will be held this year in the us and other countries. i wanted to ask you how the results will affect the
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political, economic, and to political situation in latin america. let me go here. what do you think a little extra modem is here to go back. this is a huge risk for the entire region to be the most believed in have been living peacefully and it was like, we need to continue this. we don't need for an influence. next thing, we are not a dresser. so i ended up 6 divided shopping by see what we have stated that latin america is a peaceful region who's gotten we need to remain that whitening or they just presence in any country in the region will not contribute to be something general in latin america dialect must prevail and old problems must be resolved peacefully . therefore, we are concerned about what may happen in the regions after the elections in the us . looks like we'll see you at the moment. so do you think that today the west is interfering with the internal sizes less than there are some countries i specifically the that the so what i will leave you. what's the, what's the, what you're seeing that is a certain way, like how many interests intersect here? vice could believe you have many natural resources. we have rare earth element leads the of the seasonally. we have the largest lithium deposit so so many people
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from abroad are looking at it. so for looking at believe you, because we have a lot of leafy on there for by. is there any intervention? nope. now, so they have a long wanted to take over our resources and we have to protect them from outside forces. not finally, this news. our south africa is celebrating one of its most important national holidays freedom day. commemorating the 1st of post a part time collections held in 1994. it's president is the country's achievements in building a quality based nation is a significant feet in modern history. over this country
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where the human a full south africa's black population hub, being segregated from the white minority for centuries and passage of the apartheid back. then 1948. the system built on white dominance made the situation worse. following years of blood, the struggle for freedom, the 1st multi racial democratic elections were health 30 years ago, bringing the country's 1st black president to power apartheid liter.


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