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tv   Documentary  RT  April 28, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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to documentary from the statute of limitations serious them down. so do you watch now? hundreds of case files reveal details of the fact in mexico, victim testimonies, profiles of those arrested witnesses and suspect, interview records and face to face confrontations and forensic evaluation. an investigation by the better russian associates, socialist republic, state security committee, produced tens of thousands of records files now kept in the k g, b central lock. i even classified as bill of russian state secrets more than filled with income before hugh is left with most of the human. if one of them, you mean just like one more or less the, to the so when you money in the ocean, bush will go on as long as the mall of washington. so little points of credit issue . the other this plus the less totals of the queen seriously. the old receipts a lot of the music are all booked on. the marshal guy says, let's call it. do you feel that the hot, the issue,
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the pursuit of his life to supply you? the full face was low places in youngsters by the hot was cold me if the interest party hooked to the desk on from the st. done event goes special battalion, ukrainian company played a major part in the hunting village. mexico members with us, arrested in the early 19 sixty's because of the picture thought was a split the price of the thumb, c a. but okay. and so far as the new e phone, that's a lot of those to us pursuing your opportune um with them us customers to meet the fee for the use of come in sky was the only adult to escape from that burning bone. in 1961, he testified that the hot you and execution as well. ukrainian ukraine however, was one of 15 for tunnel soviet republics and eva close friend us nomic sibling. so the communist party central committee, 1st tank retreat in bella, was
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a new grain agreed not to take matters too much further to go with him and we have provided for you a few weeks and we uh, yeah, the, the 2 months of y'all, it was 4 months ago, as a group. let's see what the deal is. that's in new york. this is a file from a criminal case number 26615, relating to challenges of getting some bustling many escal. since 1975, that's for the is the audio recording of a face to face confrontation has been kept secret. this footage is sensational. we break the seal and open the folder to reveal classified information. veterans who are using electrical wire from
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the unit in question is the 118. few cranial notes in the re police battalion. and it was a nazi unit formed in key of in august 1942 and which played a part in the city and mexico coming here in the country. as jack harry couldn't hear you. i understand you will not join tomorrow's scheme lodging. what use we must, what we should get you to cover for some more scheme as long as when she needs a button, this must have punched on yourselves human blood. in december 1942, the unit was sent to the roof to provide security for the occupying administration . that's to come back out events. in other words, it was meant to set up as a desk was genuinely cornerstone. and yet 0, you mean the so strongly uh, clips on the forest at the blue is nearby. i wish for some
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more than the 118 battalions most infamous on the ration was the messic of in 131. march the 22nd. 1943, it wasn't prepared in advance and what was it in the plan? it was a spontaneous and viciously punitive decision. the cutting in the to us, we use particularly the hood getting a municipal model which is on the usability. most of the god was throwing is a saw, the place of amused, you know, board care. i'm going to play the list here, but i'm actually not going to push that. we use the spring a year since the model was the so it's not so pretty cisco, but the funds to georgia. i mean, these kitchen feel and think that system on board the foot oak on you, you the names of really by simulators, from the villages, from custody had been sent by the occupying all sorts of things to cut down trees. they happened to be near the sight of the pa designed bush. they were all to declare 50 meters
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a far as beside the road to prevent the partisans from getting close to it. that was the detail from custody became the 1st talk to you in mexico victims. well, i really do and that's what was you. but a, we can call your b w. but no, so shoot me an unusual, almost all day. so we'll try to do for you, for you, for as low as 24 civilians treat venice from causal greenwood hills, but some managed to escape by running into the forest. this was march. the 22nd 1943. the bosses ounce would set up. the ambush had withdrawn to hunting and that's probably the limit. hard thing is the worst and most of the police escape, but the reality is patient is acceptable. up over there. did not you for the ceiling is not, is still praise. excellent. that'll get police reports. there wasn't a shooting you around in the when the explanation is a phone book wouldn't. but the war you prize. i salute the premium. that's pretty nonsense. none alone now pursued the when your part is on the private list for i'm
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so sorry. each digital involved oceania, california ss battalion, ukrainian platoon with dispatch criminal, going to support the $118.00 police battalion. the vintage was surrounded with the 1st and said $100.00 and 18th battalion companies on right and left with s. s. troops taking the center with loan and see the new wish. the now we're going to the luxury is today. yeah, it's good luck. changes to the most of the go i'm to pony you too. you're watching . could have the certain. yeah. you know i've done that. come on the get another, i'm sure, but the other issue really easily will know so, but i do see the more you part of your tenants into zillow. some never use of the course. so right from the testimony of witness, joseph kaminski. when i came to the bottom, there were already 10 people that including my family playlist wiley and closed my wife. and daniel and my don't get feedback,
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said they have been stripped by the executioners. they kept holding people into this. she had a doctor, a short time, it was so crammed. you couldn't even lift your items. the size of the shed was 12 by 6. give me what your, what are you on the record? record it shows up on the phone cuz i knew i showed it on. yeah. so how you people could use your site on the site. i keep getting a good show them and that should share all the splitting of the from the testimony of witness uses. kaminsky people doings to death, including myself in my family, with crying and screaming. having opened to the bottom doors, the execution that started shooting people for a machine, guns, assault rifles and other weapons. but the show it to them is couldn't be heard behind the people's lives leaning and shouting me in my 16 year old son and um,
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ended up inside the world. dead bodies were phoning on top of me. people was throwing themselves about in the crowd like waves. blood was pouring from the bodies of the wounded and killed the burning roof collapsed. the screening became even louder under, with people burning alive with screaming and tossing themselves around so much. the roof was willing to new blue loaves of them, but with the, for the all new had been, you're just so shim via to the was telling us you altering control. it was you her last seen? the boy shows look in the name of things they go home or get him from the scanner from or from failed to set up. i'm pretty much what i'm on the east my accounting system. use of kaminsky as bob became a mess, going to pull the vintage victims that 69 use it for doc was the oldest resident.
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the youngest of just 7 weeks was told the kiosk give it to keep under line with his mother 0 kaminsky. the oldest daughter, a good visa was 9 months pregnant and i was amazed. the spiritual in the understand that you to the body shop to much better place the killers left. nothing but smouldering ruins in just a few hours on that terrible monday and much they hadn't been. and $149.00 people, $75.00 of whom, which was going on the 16th. the short notice that perhaps the news vs that they were suppose, the signature given you more person and then be pulled on another choice, but it's still competitors on the spelling because you store them. what can i get? the pin number, i can let me pull that a lot, cut the so it is this lea
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a sort of 3 to will up for. yeah. is it in a more current deals solution wish to do is spend a deductible? yes. you know the poor. well, if i continue to i'm single, you know, over the maximum is not pointless with them about the order you have to pull the knife and you slice it, wouldn't then you don't get a scholarship deal with school deal us with train that for. yeah. unless the better way, if those over the next the picking this out, they should say cutting as well as 56 year old blacksmith, yoseph kaminski. a few children also survive details. you'll have cool features. mother covered him with a body below juniors cabbage had been a potato pit while his sister sonya took refuge in a so you can while you when you go yeah, no no community or north goodness or nikia me. so i'm wondering if the school at them get issues. yes. and you'll
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find some form of how exactly is there a clue? what all the the in the united states dried. no, i'm out of tensions on russia. that's the best thing the that could have happened to russia because the sanctions on russia, against agriculture,
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against the other items, or made russia fetus tardies that's on so as on agriculture and now, so the major bryant export are no longer defendants on the united states. and europe, the, when i 1st moved to rush i, one of the most amazing things i found was to moscow metro. in fact, the very 1st phrase that i ever learned and nothing was powerful closing. so what makes this place so specially what secrets is of hiding to find out the fund to the city with alexander pop off to the store and who studies the wonders of the moscow metro, the from the testimony of witness yoseph kaminski.
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my back and my on with my son who was lying next to me about 3 meters away called me so that i'd pull him out of a puddle by close to him, lifted him up a bit. but i saw that he was torn by bullets into hops. my son managed to ask me whether his mom was alive and died the next moment. i stood up by myself and couldn't move. but soon, my brother in law, he was a friend to one of which he escaped, who lived about one and a half kilometers from 15, came up to me and took me to his place. he almost dragged me on himself to 5, and the village of cutting was dying out. kaminsky was treated as a done of confound standby, distinguished by the russian doctor, maria, i knew some of us who was a subject to the glass costs a little, but also a member of the underground people from an during village buried the victims 3 days after the tragedy who did here in the law for me. if i hear her name, who were to number look but you, you who lives,
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it's the code dumb on you. find in the blue shield noise during where you put a suppose oh shoot. what a 100 really are you. we usually don't use doing yes. those tom we put on union. the new investigators from the gold in the region k g be closed in the, in the killers, in the 1970s. they were investigating not to criminals who bent villages and the people. the 118 fuel cleaning and battalion had been stationed in good know regions . in 1944 is growing. the problem is i pro 7. yes. good. god bless, do great. and the pre ball to get beautiful and wish getting the local stores you've done, you had skipped, you will just develop, you know, of operating assume disappear, to avoid the what that should do then that's it creates a visual set theater with that for us. is it tim your previously abroad law suit the push the pin, the disturbing, the sure to create a convenient i am with the from the i mean the card data is a good audience. good to me. and then that i do today. it's hard to tell whether it
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was intentional or not, but the case against hosting's execution as was opened on the south you at the end of the 3 of the tragedy. march 21st, 1973 bowen and ukraine's june of c region. gonna go to the coastal worked at the done yes. combined construction trust. palos, hello. know somebody, hardwood floors. can you go? what do i have? the 3 got you. i have one thing. it allows for the one to come on. the pro you and your daughter has a new model, a computer. we understand that. are you on the some of us next that are on the line you do you have school football? no. come on the coast to have 2 daughters dashed up. who was the dispatcher? within the coach i essex, that he got to talk to you. and you've miller, who studied that done yet. university. cromwell convenience. scott: here in smaller ideal. i get the reason i ended here for years. no. it's conditional hill for the general will. sure enough to stop because we'll see patella's. alright. well know when you're
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comfortable with the 2nd to be arrested. he lived in great go to junk of his native village in the gulf region. he worked on a collective farm and had a son and a daughter. that's one of his full brothers, one of whom yvonne was a god to deliver from a friend valet santa and to retire, accessed. the pro, i do need it does 9. yeah. and of course, the best thing i know your best levels of control from like the community. you're going to push on that stuff, push frasier on the papers for one by one second. oh, snap and lazansky were arrested in october, and lazansky lived in level region south, no, include the shelf. they were all taken to go to the investigation, went on until december, the 29th. 1973 is due to covina and will continue. the local store seemed to sit through 2 more to me, my elbows are these 2? no, nobody mas lipson of explaining me in conflicts blue. is that correct? let me see what she did in your local stores. we don't get the police give you the
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beach, not through with the good thing and must his colleagues, can i missed a demo or thought of yet? it was your classical stuff mister suspended, miss who would assume as though some muscle police fiscal credit has come up with all of you on particular, oscar visits will lavinia. i am with official pretty people, actually 3 of the most met or treated sim disability and got to go to the 3. it's a $2.00 single pit of luck. costa, me put that on union slowly because of the cost of good lazansky and 2nd mil had been civilians before joining the 118 folks in a re police battalion. their case was tried at the gross no regional court. they were sentenced on march. the 15th 1974. he or she a custody i will put on your home, your search manual style relation on that goes on your 1st year from
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a year old and 1974 due to newly uncovered circumstances. a criminal case was opened against my disco, the 100 and 18th battalion put him, come on to you and then we just on your taskbar step up showed us kaiser ethel showing that the origin which i knew i checked the literacy, 1300 j at the watching the video kind of what are pretty much a cut down, you know, that could be that big of a criminal case. number 26615 with challenges against my yes. go consist of 12 volumes, interestingly, for sort of himself as a witness from the testimony of witness best suited. i'm going to go to indicate the which on the same day from battalion come on to some of these accounts. i learned the time battalions policeman participated in the execution of an extermination of cutting villages. i didn't take part in this operation myself and i don't know the details. company come on, davinsky,
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sent it to my desk on the coverage under the cool stuff, especially distinguish themselves in this message. acting method is lee and sadistically. this method looseness and say, dissimilar, expressed in the civilians, destruction the doomed people been driven into a bone and set on fire. and when they began to scream and tried to run out of the barn, they were shocked with all sorts of women's one day, the 22nd 1975. the russian ministry district tribunal announced by silly men. yes goes verdict and sentence. who was executed by firing squad on december the 22nd. 1975. she will make sure i can. you can email the medical gifts. go with us for years to bill centers are trying you. i sure the best i reach you on the field. i was arrested 11 years of them, i guess goes execution. well, there was a hand plan to bring him to justice in the 19 seventy's proceedings with terminated
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on december the 31st 1974. due to newly discovered circumstances for sure. issue or full hot water to production was also producing if you're news of a full what you lose your paper for diesel was she vision and then it will. okay, so for the peer, so this will let me have to select the document journal, find me the sooner i was arrested in march 1952 and sentenced to 25 years. but it was in release done to an embassy in 1955. the criminal case against him was reopened. on march the 27th, 1996, but took just to go to the operator exchangers from the washington just or would with it and we, it was a general from child and they asked me the cut them like they're pushing me shows a story that initial don't pressure ticket, but there's just they tell me
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a difference. less than an hour ago mckayla was taken to grow up. know he was held in a pre trial detention center in prison. he was extremely reluctant to testify and wouldn't confess to his crimes until the very end of the focus was the 1st thing the fellow who was in those little was let them set the age of, of new the was like a very well, i'm pretty sure what to do here because i knew the full package of all is it? i'm not even if i was off, i which them pretty much just oh to them. i'm not get towards that tomorrow, but i have to push the idea. that kat bear with me this new will go to cannot be of the pressure to put you put the most of the readership i be a new she has a, the highest annual go goes, i just wondered i shouldn't, but it was, you know, somewhere near contract to kind of get the question, i've got you on the mazda in the gym for most of my gutting stopped on income,
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so i am thinking most of them do already and which i 2nd know cold canal lazansky were transferred from detention to be on the roof. with confrontations and crime scene visits were arranged english to the sooner denied, taking part in cuttings destruction to the very end insisted that he'd been looking for his family and miscellaneous, adobe admitted to some individual episodes the interrogations continued, and he was transferred to a k g. b detention center in minsk. watch seriously as the for the federal sides of the newer level the for the let's be sure when i do, besides the one the problem with the presidency dispatch. the 2nd problem with the higher the countries, what do you see in the problem? criminal case, 26613, with challenges against that sort of regarding the key to visual mounted to 17 volumes. the investigation ended on september. the 3rd 1996 on cisco ocean. cool.
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the full hour from here. the fucking near the or door goes slowly or we are able to use some of the crowds with messages just for the war 3. so the sort of indictment on sentence totalled about a $150.00 pages on december the 26th 1996 to the russian military district. i doodle. symptoms to the suited to this solution or not, and you will. ringback most show on october, the 17th 1987, a note was sent to the head of the body district, similar registry off this in key of the region. please registered the death of convicted the sooner coding nikita, which date of death. october the 2nd 1997 battalion
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commander smoke ski avoided punishment. he lived in the usa and died of natural causes. the ukrainian 1st company commander in etzky headed the ukrainian dyersburg and canada. he was never brought to justice letting me catch a little cut. another $100.00 and 19th battalion executioner, but also settled in canada form or position to come with. so i was was a show shimmer, you know, was on the orange on one of the new was causing us. oh gosh one, i'm setting you up a so so you which has to be who is the mustang and you know my issue as a full force and last on the on yeah. the case against the control, the gun in september 1997, the savior to union and later independent the routes requested extradition from canada several times but to no avail. because that to my bodily book,
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the quote was blue, was the item blue or the scottish? was you more than that? what, what do you mean uh put a new model or can i ask a place that the key are showing you the number of shipping you might have left a voice for you to just come on and just sort of roll or just the whole numbers depending if it will have to do okay, let us put the camille to a $30.00 store at the state and i will just move it off safely. positive from a leash law law. come for the boys that will show us as if she has to possibly of the law. so the one is like deep uh, pretty formally a teen executioner, died at home and kind of there in 2015. he was 93 the throughout his life. he never onto his crimes as to which there is no statute of limitations. so when they all successfully take advantage skills, wallace, they're awesome. your place is nice or, you know, let me,
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let me boss here as long as just if the residents are safe based on the fees, play it, the more with us in the it to me to buy you pretty as nice as soon as you to does it supposed to who is interested in pursuing the criminal case against the capital because at the mid of constantine, of which the native of general grain was never closed. but it was suspended the sense world war 2 united states as fostered extremist and 2 russian prejudices. and hatreds among the ukrainian they asked for and at least in canada,
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united states and countries in eastern europe, probably everywhere. and it doesn't matter what these groups say or do they will support them if it is, the groups are causing hatred and chaos within the target country. joe again might done on the cheese, but it bounced great deal of the sort of you will as well as what is on the list. so if it just means that the printer was using just $50.00, let me see. i see i use is anyone at any time if there's a religion the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the after the non cc bower in italy, states foreign policy became extremely aggressive. benito, mussolini needed glorious victories. he decided to achieve his ambitions in africa . despite the fact that formally libya had become an alien colony back in 1912. the vast territories of this country were not actually controlled by rome. the nazis decided to put an end to this. but as soon as the religious order of the senate side stood in their way, the arabs did not want to submit to foreign power and put up fierce resistance. dividers against colonialism were led by the seats of this n, a side order. omar l move star,
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who was nick named the lion of the desert for his incredible courage. despite the violent, bombardments and boys in gas usage, mass deportations, and the imprisonment of the local population in concentration camps. the invaders could not go with the era patriots for a decade. in 1931, omar l moves are, was captured and sentenced the hanging at the trial, the hero of the libyan people behaved very bravely and rejected. pardon. pursuing a policy of genocide, italy was only able to temporarily suppress lydia 18th of the entire population. more than 100000 people fell victim to their. however, just a few years later, the entail you enroll, collapsed. in 1951, libya became one of the 1st countries in africa to gain independence. the,
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the, the world's largest food and beverage company is caught up in a scandal facing allegations of selling healthy or baby to, to western nations. leaving, developing countries with alternatives are packed with sugar. the french president says 0 is in danger and must not act as a us vessel the same week as the us secretary of state spoke for the you about his relations with china during his trip to bay, james and i spend 25 years since nato turned that journalist into target by bombing the main tv station in former yugoslavia healing at 16 of its workers. stay with us as we bring you a special report later on in the program. the


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