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tv   News  RT  April 29, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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to hello and welcome to cross the full doors. here we discussed some real in the are top stories on our tea ukrainian troops continue the average for each while washington's pressure a package to the of is far from the reality of what the billions of dollars are intended for a mazda says it has no major issues for considering israel's most recent proposal for a long awaited peace deal and the hostage released agreement and gaza as the group celebration arrives in egypt. also, it has the phone killers has been delayed by a number of weeks at this point. and they are hoping to ensure that the ships leave as quickly as possible. protesters in turkey, a rally to support an international h hotel, other gaza and
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a cease fire for the enclave. the live in moscow. i'm rachel ruble. you're watching r t international. we begin with the latest on the conflict in ukraine, where the country is commander in chief general alexander's touristy edmonds, that russian forces are having a tactical successes on the battlefield. as cube was forced to withdraw its troops from the villages of berta cheese and sending over to the north west of abdel. and from nova me high, low to the south, west of don't ask. and while ukraine is retreating, the us is funneling more dollars to keep have. but where is the money really going? our correspondence shape bo, this takes a closer look. so so you, for any and slice for waived, and the us political a lead, slap themselves on the back for passing what at least looks like it over 61000000000 and aid for ukraine. we've taken a closer look at how, when,
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where the money will supposedly be spent. and surprise, surprise, the reality doesn't really much. the headlines a short time ago, the house of representatives, pastor crucial aid bill for ukraine. we begin in the united states where blow makers have just passed a coastal 61000000000 dollar a package for you, correct vital funding needed to help you. crane defend itself from russia's invasion, has just been approved in the house of representatives. found is just that everyone knows, or at least things. how speaker mike johnson's bill provide 60800000000 in a to count the russia with a detailed analysis of where the cash will actually go. revealed a fascinating and if you're a supporter of ukrainian proxy war project, a very worrying reality, the vast majority won't get anywhere near the front lines. as you can see, just under 50000000000 will go to defense spending for you crime. but that's
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a very broad term with huge amounts being spent a fire from the front lines and for the immediate use by a train in military. that's break it down. well, that's 50000000000 spent, or at least supposedly to be spent on the wider ukrainian project. but that still leaves over 10000000000 left and no one seems to know anything about. and why western politicians celebrated the game changer a package rushes foreign ministry spokeswoman called the reality of the so called aide to give limited cause for the us military. h and the crane about one quarter of the navy. 61000000000 dollars in age will be used for this purpose. and the means of the cranium military will be mentally credit basis, not rich you it's sleep. the lion's share of the funds will remain in the united states, the consent of them. chief lloyd austin, explains that about $50000000000.00 would be directly invested in the us defense
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industrial complex. it would create jobs in more than 30 states. so there we have most of the cash for speaker johnson's rolling bill will never actually get to you credit. but we'll grease the wheels of the us military industrial complex. so what's on surprising that the speaker himself isn't too eager to highlight this reality. referring to play the role of a stand up guy, just doing the right thing for ukraine. meanwhile, the american top brass have no problem admitting that this is all about flushing tash into the u. s. weapons factories, by providing approximately $50000000000.00 that will flow directly until a defense industrial base is these bill will create good american jobs in more than 30 states, even as a to reinforce us us long term security. these legislation will make america more secure and save lice. congress passed as military age for ukraine and israel. we
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won't write blank checks. we'd send military equipment from our own stock piles, then use the money authorized by congress to replenish those stockpiles by buying from american suppliers. that includes patriot missiles made in arizona, javelin missiles, maiden, alabama, and artillery shells made in pennsylvania, ohio and texas. we would be investing in america's industrial base, buying american products, made by american workers supporting jobs in nearly 40 states, and strengthening our own national security. we would help our friends while helping our sales. and of course, it's also worth remembering that the us has already pumped over a $100000000000.00 of its own tax payers cash into the sailing ukrainian project. the scale of the spending is truly astounding with 2 programs operating to fund key f. one is the presidential authority,
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and the folder is the ukraine security assistance initiative. we'd want existing to replenish weapons in cash into the older since march 2022. $19000000000.00 worth of orders had been financed into the u. s. military industrial complex onto this initiative. alone and as the reality dogs, the us aid to ukraine, it's a fact more about funding america's own weapons manufacturers under vast profit and defending ukraine. so even a key, if i beginning to wake up to the truth, having received crumbs from the table as a result for a long political game which cost us lives, territories, infrastructure. ukraine has worked in the interest of specific political and lobbying groups in the united states as further aid packages look unlikely. the american establishment interest in this government is exhausted. and of course,
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the devil is always in the detail with less than $13000000000.00 and military a likely to actually even arrive in ukraine at all with much of the long promised american supplies not even manufactured yet. this doesn't bode well for kids rapidly with tweeting depleting. i mean, that's us. the lensky who refused to hold elections will essentially mccomb illegitimate dictator when his term expires next month. meanwhile, the truth is it could take years for any of the a to arrive on one thing ukraine doesn't have right now is time. the delegation from home also set to arrive in egypt on monday to deliver the groups response to israel's proposal on peace. and the exchange of hostages. mazda says it has no major issues after considering israel's most recent proposal for along the way to peace and hostage release agreement and gaza. that's according to the f p, citing the group's representative as well estimates there are still 129 as rally is
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being held in gaza earlier is around reject it almost as demands for an ongoing cruise. nonetheless, according to reports as well, is willing to talk about the restoration of sustainable home and gaza following the release of the hostages as part of its most recent approach. according to the guys in house ministry, the is rarely all sense of has killed at least 34450 for palestinians and gaza. the majority of them being women and children. meanwhile, and israel far right minister as opposed to deal with. i'm us national security minister at them are been to various said the deal would mean the dissolution of the government and the finance minister in turn only out of fuel to the fire cleveland if they're going to. if you decide to fly a white flag and cancel the order to conquer rafa immediately to complete the mission of destroying him, us and restored peace for the residents of southern israel and all of the country citizens and return our productive brothers and sisters were held hostage to their
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homes, then the government who had will have no rights of existence a by the but the is really public continues to advocate for the return of hostages from hamas captivity earlier mass. anti government protests for held in tel aviv protesters called for early elections. and the demand and the return of israel a is from dasa minister, but again, send opposition later. yeah, you're in a paid say the return of these is a government priority this government has to choose the return of the object to use a life or been greer. and smart, which relations with the americans or been greer and small, the rich, the solid deal or been clear and small judge is real security or being clear and small judge. if a responsible outline is reached for the return of the object to use with the
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backing of the entire security system, which does not involve the end of the war. and the ministers who let the government on october 7th prevented. the government will not have the right to continue to exist and lead the campaign, political analyst, and there are and says the hostile steel is the appropriate decision for prime minister netanyahu despite the earlier promises of a total victory, is leah extreme right wing ministers bank here and smug bridge are putting the lives of the hostages far below their own ideal logic. who are not this susan and they are threatening. nathan, jo, we stop laying his government and going to early elections, which that i know knows you will lose missile. so the question is, are we in that then you all were finally pulled this test. i mean, many is show some leadership and resist the pressure by you small regions bank,
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they're even guns and he's popular eyes in court. leave the government. there will be a huge demonstration, huge drop. there's probably a general strike, which is going to bring the government down. so the question for me to know is not the where the government falls, but which direction. and because that is the case, much better for him to go for a house that you do, even though it means that these role as you know, golfing, sit, total victory, which you promised. once the bill is accepted, there wouldn't be due relation, any is right, but the ones, the celebrations are over. the political storm winds take over and is ready. we'll go to early elections, which we bring in students and young re average rarely policy
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on nearly 7 months and to the war. and does that most of its residential buildings have already been destroyed by the idea it could take at least 14 years while using a 100 trucks just to clear away all the rubble. that is the stark assessment from the top, the mining official at the united nations. and what we know do know, is that we estimate so to $37000000.00 tons of, of debris which is approximately $300.00 kilos of the re, per square meter. 65 percent of the buildings that have been destroyed, all residential buildings. an estimation has been done based on the current number of, of tons of, of debris in engulf on with 100 trucks. we're talking about 14 years of work with 100 trucks. so that's based on that figure. 14 years to remove with approximately 750000 work days. fair lot hammer stress that it's impossible to estimate how long
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it will take to clean up the entire enclave when the war eventually ends. he also mentioned a large number of unexploded munitions scattered across the ruins of gossip. on average, some 10 percent of all shells fired, reportedly failed to that night, leaving behind a dead police right to any future reconstruction efforts. meanwhile, the u. n and the world bank have warned that it will take at least $18000000000.00 to rebuild what's already been destroyed in the about. busy the palestinian territory, the
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many i a construction and reconstruction project manager says it will take a considerable amount of resources to rebuild gaza as the level of destruction is unprecedented. surely it based on that amount of resources, because at, in, in, in our case what i'm talking about district or do we have to think about the whole string and in such as payable destruction. it's like the little to, you know, as a citizen has been to be able to for them to sketch the one that i was talking about, a huge resources required to be used to remove that if there's, if there is. and then a bill. i'm jake of stock as well so can. busy a huge exit doors, huge amount of trucks, specialty ins, and maybe some special equipment to a more. and as i'm, as you said, is unexplored x exploded materials that are within the dippers. and this
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would be emissions that this would be a explosive material that can be explored any time when, as opinions drawings to the most just the data is sometimes the sheer size, the sheer scale of this. for instance, you, you're one of the most experienced people in the middle east. all of this, does it, does it link to anything you've ever worked on before the sheer scale of this, this huge amount of destruction? i don't think so because this is, this is that the face time we encounter this amount of destruction. and basically they say the army is trying to get into the city and they make it livable for anymore. so no one can ever think of returning to live in these buildings, such as domestic attached to these buildings that can, that can be use anymore. at some point, this symbol has seen large pro tests after the freedom flow tele, maritime humanitarian convoy. meant to supply aid the guys
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a despite the as really blockade was whole to it in the city we spoke to nor eck one, a body chairman of ok. so working group and g o, who is a participant in the flow to he told us his story with a group as well as its goals, the right join, the plucky labs from 2000. and then when they to us, the monitoring must be monumental tragedy. you know, at the time we, we bring lots of human activity and age to get there to break the sheets. you guys are, but as you know in 2010, it's highly of take costs in the international to walter and then and did take color shape and then cuts us and go to do the deal. and uh, we cannot deliver our permissions. and this time, the house to 6 months, the door more to 6 months, a door we was together in, in, in assembly together for the 40 countries. so i mentioned that to go to the break
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seats in and it's, it's fairly normal. i tried it because all it was, is unitarian, the activities, but i'm all over the words. we tried to to enter the together, sit through it. uh, but as you know, in the border, we cannot enter is easily yet we can. we have 2 ways, one month to month 3 months. yeah. yeah. after our we can deliver our 8 sol, so we try. yeah, from there all over the world to get it, i'd be stumble and then to try to uh to good to the benefits to to see do i need to just do this for our ac tomato. price 1500 to tons of is that we have bread present from one or 2 months ago. yeah. 3 of us souls carrying some, 5000 tons of aid were blocked by the african nation of guinea, beside which removed its flags from the ship. so largely in response to pressure from israel with more on the protest and other pressure is the coalition phase.
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here's our t's yes. and i can, the hundreds have gathered behind me in this doubles. it is good. i square this, crowd march through the streets of his stumble, to raise awareness regarding the palestinian sites and israel's also against the palestinian people against the people of gaza. over the course of months. and since early october, the speakers that took to the stands were one of the organizers who essentially came together to provide a briefing and an update on the freedom flotilla that will be leaving. the target stops, making its way through. the organizers are aiming to ensure that you manage here and it makes its way to does the end, the organizing, another round of ships to, of course, take course to the gaza strip people. a lot of them on the 2 things. the 1st is free at the end of the month and 8 does the on 2nd ceasefire. it's very simple. this is what you're doing. that's why i did that for them for the love dislike failing. that's why we are asking all over the world and leaders. let's take extra, do a pretty enter the name of putting a,
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the ceasefire steals and if you're trying to organize, do they said that she'd be having a problem because these ladies are trying to step out for that full for the countries. because as you know, the issue a ship must have a flag to sale. so the legacy, one of the country a near the is that is communicating with the country and making pretty sure. so now we are trying to sort out this problem apply. each of the country to get to do is protect photos sitting there. if it is a couple of the ships that were under the flag, a longing to get it be so have withdrew their ships. many people claim that the is released have applied enough pressure to ensure that the decision came through and this adds further pressure to the organizers to ensure that they can take care of the logistics and ensure that the flow tell us are the ships do leave these dots spencer to make its way to the palestinian strip. but there's also a great deal more complications as the organizes are trying to battle with that.
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the flow to list has been delayed by a number of weeks at this point. and they are hoping to ensure that these ships leave as quickly as possible and the support in which they are referred to as a global resistance will make its way to palestine ensure that many of the a, that the palestinians they can be, of course, provided one more issue in this respect is of course the response that the is really is will show. we understand that in the early 20 times when a similar flow to the try to break the siege. that was established against the policy. and people, uh the ships were rated by these rarely forces and we can expect a similar outcome if not worse, if the ships are to leave these dogs and attempt its way to gaza. this lawmakers had proposed a bill imposing a 3rd party anti semitism monitors to add us universities. this time is amend growing pro palestinian student demonstrations on campus. universities that don't comply with the monitors demands will lose their federal funding. the bills name,
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the columbia act refers to columbia university in new york where students organized a camp in protest against israel's operation in gaza. rising and the summit is monarch college campuses is a major concern and we must act to ensure the safety of students. i'm proud to work with my friends and colleagues which you taurus on legislation that will impose a 3rd party and to segment is monitoring on college campuses to ensure protections are in place and oversee any troubling action by college administrators. if colleges will not step up to protect their students, congress must act us senator bernie sanders has refuted, is rarely a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his assertion that anti semitism is the driving force behind protest on us college campuses. what's happening in the americans college campuses is a risk. and i just submitted mazda of taken over leading universities. there was an anti semitic surgery that has terrible consequences when you make those charges.
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that is not anti summit. that is a reality right now. what you know, it was white wing extremists and races. government is doing is unprecedented in the modern history of warfare. and meanwhile, at least the 900 people have been detained in the united states during pro palestinian protest. over the past 10 days was according to the washington post, among the 100 states saying, police also arrested us presidential candidate. joe signed during a pro palestinian raleigh at washington university in saint louis, missouri footage and showed police repeatedly subbing a bike against the 73 year old stine before dragging her out of the students and camp. and additionally video captures the politician being escorted out of the camp by 3 police officers, while her hands appear to be restrained with a zip ties behind her back. the one of the latest pro
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palestinian demonstrations, kicked off at the annual white house correspondents association. dinner with the president joe biden. protesters gathered outside the washington hilton hotel chanting. shame on you as guests arrived for the meeting within 2 dozen, palestinian journalists had issued an open letter urging their american colleagues to boycott the dinner. here's what we heard from those at the season. we're out here in front of the white house corresponds to the whole journalist accountable to remind them in a 133. how sydney and journalist have lost their lives telling the truth. these are targeted attacks. these are systematic. it's are, these are attempts to joseph style is the truth and is not going to be silent. we're out here also the courage of housing and journalists that are risking their own lives, celebrating their own genocide the what else correspond sooner represents the western media and the elite that are currently perpetuating and supporting and completed in the genocide of the palestinian people. we found that we need to work
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on it because they use their rhetoric in ways that just are benefiting to the american warm is an imperialist for machine. and we're here to say, same on you for breaking read with done a side with murder, a propaganda center, the white house correspondents dinner behind us. we knew that we couldn't find this event happening in our video without giving them a little taste of what they're really responsible. hopefully making them confront at least a tiny bit, which is again human and labor rights lawyer done. colleagues says the us is increasingly cracking down on free speech to protect israel. by the way, i don't think it's going to pass constitutional muster. what i mean is daughter. i think that would violate the 1st amendment of the us constitution, which protects re speech, but it is a very troubling sign that the us government and us institutions as
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well are, you know, increasing the cracking down and free speech in order to protect israel. there is really i semitism in the world which needs to be condemned, but this is not that. and when you claim something is, and i symmetric when it's not the value that concerned, and that's exactly what's happened in many liberals to it. otherwise will provide will not go to the panels, or they were go to the polls and vote for a 3rd party candidate, but they're not going to vote for joe by this is killing us, candace. and yet he doubles down. i think you could have a name that really, i think support for is use a routing within the united states in the united states is the biggest factor of israel. and i do think it's going to have an impact. i just opened as an investor, you know, because before the basel, the, israel's plans they offer, i think, are still on the table and could be a minute. so i hope it's in time,
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but i certainly think it's making me now to the horn of africa, where the smaller government reports are detained. several members of an a lead us trained military unit for stealing rations, donated by washington. now the video can guy has the detail the jury investigations, the somali national armed forces reported that the not russians within a unit of its forces had been diverted. the federal government of somalia takes this incident seriously and immediately launched an investigation which resulted in the suspension and did the action of officers within the ranks to ensure accountability and transparency. each unit is somebody adopted the did not. brigade has been exclusively retained by the you is to pay a pivotal role, the countries fights against the ok, the link to minutes improve else about the, the group that has been given money, expertise and equipment for the mission. and february, the united states even agreed to spend more than
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a $100000000.00 to build up to 5 for many to basis for the nav. it now stands accused of stealing ration. some of the government even admits that they did not create assumed responsibility for operations, washington for its parts. these taking only the cases of corruption. we look forward to engaging with the nab on creating the necessary safeguards and accountability measures to prevent future incidents that could affect future assistance. the states this case only scratches the surface of the largest between nation. that's us strategy in somalia, which has been in place since the eighty's is not going exactly as planned. a study once show that to you is minutes reparations in the form of africa, particularly as ammonia face criticism, and most important to reveal that depends on you about you as submitted to source in the region flows that have activated the ongoing challenges in the region. and failed to increase that there is no use for shared conception of the conflict. the
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instruments of national power, not balance, which results in excess of reliance in the military instrument. there isn't balance within the military instrument as well. us officials recognize that to the problems that existed at the beginning of the invasion still exist today. damn, the soul, mice could have been rest and yesterday, i've not. so these problems have assisted throughout my career with the us government. but i didn't quite expect this has been 30, studied by the department of defense with these issues conclusively identified and yet not to dress for 2 decades. now, the us government saves the schools in somalia eliminates also above and promote peace and reconciliation. policies having the opposite effect, take a look at the 22 percent increase in somalia for utilities and to to treat the city reaching a record high of more than 7000 dates. it seems highly unlikely that continue to use training operations and contact to have a resume spending in somalia will serve to produce anything but the continuation
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conflict. and i'm based in somalia, not to mention civilian casualties, continued to mount from these communities to put a small without providing justice. reparations for the victims of potential violations of international under sign, somali and international human rights and protection of civilians. organizations rights requests that you take immediate steps to address the requests of families whose loved ones were killed or injured by use airstrikes and smaller. reporting illustrates on multiple cases of civil and harmony, symbolic confirmed by the us government, civilian victims, survivors and their families have yet to receive answers, acknowledgement and immense. despite their sustain efforts to shift towards his over several years, americans have been intervening in the region for decades under the pretext of helping, but even the outcome. so one can ask, has that actually, what be sure to stay with our to international. i'll be back with much more in about 30 minutes by
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the what is part of the or is it a valuable post that isn't the deepest view of us in building the word or is it something deeper, more complex might be present? let's stop without glitches. let's go out of the hello. i'm going to la chan. you are tuned into modus operandi all across europe, tractors are blocking major roadways in major cities across the continent. the farmer's protest has grown over the last 2 years.


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