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tv   News  RT  April 29, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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to do that stuff without collision, is that spelled out of the daily summons in a high ranking canadian discipline, i thought the prime minister just intruder joins in do you know, position that you did at the local state community events where when richard has with the foreign ministry claims that creates the political stage for the divisiveness. ukrainian troops continued that retreat. well the reality behind washington suppressed a package, the key of its thoughts from what the billions of dollars in fly. and i say that has no major issues also considering as well as most recent proposals along the way to pay still on postage with these agreements in gaza. as the group association arrives in egypt, the
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a very warm welcome mr. dante international, with the latest. well, news update is going to happy with us this on our top story in the a summons, a high ranking canadian diplomat to the story ministry of the prime minister justin true to join c composition the this is a low cost community ceremony or religious has with with step which is kind of funny slogans being shouts at the event. india says it was a wed gym relations between the 2 countries or 2 corresponded ones and show me it gives us more context. a justin to do the since he attended oak hall saw the wind, then con, saw the essentially is the real celebrations by the sea community. now, after that event, they will approval collis donnie opens up. accounted. and what justin to do. deed was nothing but smile. now the cause of sony movement has been dead in india or for
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some time now, but it has been kept alive in the powers of those of canada. now the call this on the movement is basically you section the sink community in canada, seek set purchase that all set up auto, indian state of one job, be com, delta separate states cole, who to call this done. the indian government has repeated he's requested the adjusting to the government to keep in check bill extremist elements that have green on the canadian soil. but all of those requests have fallen on deaf fios security because at this point, honestly, i want to explode. so seeing is that justin pseudo is coming across to somebody who was ready to deal with. the rad dakota would extreme elements as long as it is serving his political interest in april. we also celebrate sick heritage fun and we're helping 6 canadians tell your stories. were supporting
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a space in the royal ontario museum, dedicated to sick arts culture at heritage, with an investment of $6000000.00. and as we come to an end of this year is sick heritage man. i want to remind everyone that the story of the sick community in canada is in fact the story of canada. so this trend of a be seeing the seat community which borders on dealing with extremist elements is not just be limited to the total government of scenes. which by the way, he has an alliance with jock me, sing o c d d dark, he's political party. but it also extends beyond the cotton government and canada and not canada has a huge seat population, which is a considerable walk back, which is why it seems that he was the opposition. now he's ready to d with extreme elements as long as as long as the opponents we could interest.
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subbing so we will rely on the grades seek values that dural gobind singh broad forward route, use of a quality for the common people. the girl said that there should be no pass system. no people on the top dictating down and pushing the people down. every one would be saying a lie in the public dies between india and canada and become very they tell because of repeated incident stuff called a son. he referendums being held also just to intrude on been leaving india without any pro whatsoever for teaming of 8. see except purchased lead a new job. now, do you political exports at this point to asking a very valid question, which is what canada every now a b. so it's land being called dog and the to that, as we'll solve in stage of call us on at, if not, why would they lacked that kind of sentiment, blue in the country for india?
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so you claim now where even the military chief general, alexander c, a ski have admitted advisories making advances on the battlefield. he has has been forced to withdrawing his troops from several most settlements of the don't. yes, we're public ukrainians. are expecting a new batch of military a to comes very soon from the us, but they could be wasting for quite a while. and they wouldn't be getting nearly as much as they expect more on that from all tease shaped bows as he follows the money. so is the premium slice for waived, and the us political a lead, slap themselves on the back for passing, but at least looks like it over 61000000000 and 8 for ukraine. we've taken a closer look at how when, where the money will supposedly be spent in surprise, surprise, the reality doesn't really much. the headlines a short time ago, the house of representatives, pastor crucial aid bill for ukraine. we begin in the united states. web lawmakers
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have just passed a coastal 61000000000 dollar a package for you, for vital funding needed to help you. crane defend itself from russia's invasion, has just been approved in the house of representatives. found is just about everyone knows or at least things. how speaker mike johnson's bill provide 60800000000 in a to count the russia with a detailed analysis of where the cash will actually go. revealed a fascinating and if you're a supporter of ukrainian proxy war project, a very worrying reality, the vast majority won't get anywhere near the front lines. as you can see, just under 50000000000 will go to defense spending for you crime. but that's a very broad term, which huge amounts being spent of far from the front lines. and for the immediate use by a train in military. that's break it down. well, that's 50000000000 spent, or at least supposedly to be spent on the wider ukrainian project. but that still
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leaves over 10000000000 left and no one seems to know anything about and why western politicians celebrated the game changer aid package rushes foreign ministry spokeswoman called up the reality of the so called aide to key if it's on the limited cost us for the new us military, a to ukraine, about $1.00 quarter of the navy, $61000000000.00, and $8.00 will be used for this purpose. and the needs of the cranium, military will be mentally credit basis, not rich. you it's sleep. the lion's share of the funds will remain in the united states, the consent to going chief lloyd austin, explains that about $50000000000.00 would be directly invested in the us defense industrial complex and would create jobs in more than 30 states. so there we have most of the cash for speaker johnson's rolling bill will never actually get to ukraine, but will grease the wheels of the u. s. military industrial complex. so what's on
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surprising that the speaker himself isn't too eager to highlight this reality, referring to play the role of a stand up guy, just doing the right thing for ukraine. meanwhile, the american top brass have no problem admitting that this is all about flushing tash into the u. s. weapons factories by providing approximately $50000000000.00 that will flow directly in to a defense industrial base. these bill will create good american jobs in more than 30 states, even as it reinforces us. long term security. visa just nation will make america more secure and save lice. congress passed as military age for ukraine and israel. we won't write blank checks. we'd send military equipment from our own stock piles, then use the money authorized by congress to replenish those stockpiles by buying from american suppliers. that includes patriot missiles made in arizona,
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javelin missiles made an alabama and artillery shells made in pennsylvania, ohio and texas. we would be investing in america's industrial base, buying american products, made by american workers supporting jobs in nearly 40 states, and strengthening our own national security. we would help our friends while helping our sales. of course, it's also worth remembering that the us has already pumped over a $100000000000.00 of its own tax payers cash into the sailing ukrainian project. the scale of the spending is truly astounding with 2 programs operating to fund key f. one is the presidential authority, and the folder is the ukraine security assistance initiative. we'd want existing to replenish weapons in cash into the older since march 20, 2219000000000 dollars worth the boarders had been financed into the us military
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industrial complex onto this initiative alone. and as the reality dogs, the us aid to ukraine, it's a fact more about funding america's own weapons manufacturers under vast prophets and defending ukraine. so even a key, if i'm beginning to wake up to the truth, having received crumbs from the table as a result for a long political game which cost us lives, territories, infrastructure. ukraine has worked in the interest of specific political and lobbying groups in the united states as further aid packages look unlikely. the american establishment interest in this government is exhausted. of course, the devil is always in the detail with less than $13000000000.00 and military a likely to action even arrive in ukraine at all. with much of the long promised american supplies not even manufactured yet. this doesn't bode well for kids rapidly retreating and depleting. i mean,
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that's us. the lansky who refused to hold elections will essentially mccomb illegitimate dictator when his term expires next month. meanwhile, the truth is it could take years for any of the a to arrive. and one thing ukraine doesn't have right now is time. while the on today i spoke with australian independent journalist joanie a transcript to the documentary about the 17 year old boy from don't. yes. kills by us. made weapons. it was a highmark attack, right. in the sense of then yes, can had targeted the well from industry. so most of the people were like the working there were like a middle aged women, a social workers, because we sold them when they were getting pulled out and thing. now hi, i'm a flies and a very interesting thing. why the whole lot, 10 of the shells they fly in an angle, you know? so you know which side of the street you're, you're safe on homeless, his flight and a flight down. as i walked to maybe 50 meters away, another high mushroom. and it was a matter of 2 minutes,
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so maybe 3 minutes since between me dying with him on, you know, i just went back home for about 68 weeks. and the 1st 23 weeks, every time adults and things are this obvious that this reaction, you know, it's a, i've seen more than i want to see. and i hope i don't see any more when i go back to the us. now, when you do that to australia and do you share your stories that do you, do people want to know anything about your reports? i've contacted all the media in australia and i contact them in the ways. and i say, look, i've just returned from the ukraine, russia, a conflict. so do you want to talk to me? and they'll say yes. and they say send us a sample of the work, but i'm always, i send them a sample and then just on which side of the conflicts on i was documenting, i never hear from them again. but abc forgot to ask me any of these questions and they invited me to the studio to do an interview with me. so you know, like here,
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and i had a coffee with the producer before. and then they finally got with side i was documenting from. so they just said to me, wait a minute, we just not to need to check the equipment. and they came back to me and they said uh, something went wrong with the equipment. uh, we can do it today. we'll get back to you. its has to, well i, we lived behind the 9 coach and i'm old enough to know, you know, we've always programmed in my generation, when i was young, you know, the soviet, their lives behind the 9 curtain. no. re in the west leave behind the 9 curtain, and unfortunately, there's no other way to get any real news apart from telegraph on twitter, youtube to an extend the, as long as you're there. and yeah, it's really hard. that there's only one side to the story. i mean, ukraine is fighting for freedom for democracy, and russia is the big bad wolf nearly 7 months into the will in
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dollars. the most debates residential buildings have already been destroyed by the ideas it could take at least 14 years while using a 100 trucks just to clear away all the rubble. that's the stock assessment from the top of the mining official at the united nations. and what we know do know is we estimate thought it's $37000000.00 tons of of debris which is approximately $300.00 t less of the re, per square meter. 65 percent of the buildings that have been destroyed, or residential buildings. an estimation has been done based on the current number of, of tons of, of debris in engulf on with 100 trucks. we're talking about 14 years of work with 100 trucks. so that's based on that figure. 14 years to remove with approximately 750000 work days. okay. a long time of who we just heard from the stress that it's
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impossible to estimate how long it will take to clean up the entire enclave when the will does eventually. and he was, i mentioned a large number of unexploded munitions scott to the cost of ruins all gone. so on average, some 10 percent of all shows 5 reports they failed to designate, leaving behind the deadly threat to any future reconstruction efforts. meanwhile, the un, on the. 1 bank have loans, but they will take at least $18000000000.00 to rebuild was already being destroyed in the and baffled palestinian territory. the
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committee yeah. construction and reconstruction project manager says that it will take a considerable amount of results as to rebuild. garza is the level of destruction is unprecedented. surely it based on that as that the amount of resources because at, in, in, in our case what i'm talking about district to, to we have to think about the whole astrid and in such as payable destruction. it's like the little to, you know, as a citizen has been to be able to for them to sketch the wonderful soaking of up a huge resources required to be used to remove that if there's, if there is and then a bill and stuff as well to think about a huge exit doors, huge amount of trucks, specialty, and maybe some special equipment to the more. as i'm, as you said,
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is onyx for ex exploded materials that are within the dippers. and does this would be emissions that this would be a exclusive material that can be explored any time when, as of listing instructions to remove just the database. sometimes the sheer size, the sheer scale of this, for instance, you, you're one of the most experienced people in the middle east. all of this does it, does it link to anything you've ever worked on before the sheer scale of this, this huge amount of destruction. i don't think so because this is, this is that the face time we encounter this amount of destruction. and basically they say the army is trying to get into the city and they make it livable for anymore. so no one can then invest angles returning to live in these buildings, such as domestic tax disease building that can, that can be, was anymore. at some point when we us presidential adviser and donald trump,
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son in law were supporting the full displacement of palestinians from gauze the dart. cuz now who also happens to be jewish has that as well, should consider seizing more land for itself and also some waterfront property. it could be very valuable to if people would focus on kind of building up, you know, livelihoods. i think from israel's perspective, i would do my best to move the people out and clean it up, but i don't think that israel has stated that they don't want people to move back there afterwards. the form of us official lives also be 9. the bell, great memorial to nato is bombardments, looking to convert it into the luxury. apartments. is the cushion that has posted on social media about his construction plans for the balkans. it includes demolishing the form and you can swap on me headquarters in belgrade, which has been kept as a ruin to reminds people of the 1999 nato a. so let's discuss this for the last spring game that stephen guides professor at
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the institute. if you're a pain studies in belgrade, many thanks for joining us of the program, it's very nice to see a 1st step. what do you make of jared cation is plans that regarding the memorial, and this will be on top of so as well. i can always say it is extremely offensive, but unfortunately this would not be oppressive. since uh, 2 such cases already happened in belgrade. first, the building all the headquarters of the marsh lots was bought in 1999 by the americans. and now the u. s. embassy is on exactly the same spot and we've been blinds of sold by serbian governments in the past. that again, very close to the general stuff. the place where a cruiser wants to build his lives. materials apartments is the place where there was a former ministry of interior of a veteran. he probably, he was of you was not be at the time. and now they use rarely for a f i, europe,
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bill, uh there, uh, skyscrapers on that sport. uh, needless to say that israel recognizes the possible so i don't know why would a rewarded for the for that. so this is a, a scandalous plan, but i'm not sure that is going to be realized since there are a serious opposition voices within the army. and within the society of serbian, a position member of parliament like somebody, one of the suit, the set that actually 2 sources in the army gave him the information. because otherwise we would have not known that it was the minister of infrastructure watering. vantage, who was by the way, a dessert or a during the 1999 nathan regression. uh that he was a planning this business a way of kosher companies and locations that have been quite the busy guy. you
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hesitate because as we mentioned, he's also backing the photos display of some of the displacements of palestinians from dallas. uh, what's your reactions about move? and i'm not surprised. i must say that i'm not surprised because this is the plan. uh, it seems so far of israel is to do what he has been doing for the last 70 years, and that is to displace policy niels to make them refugees and then to uh, hold on. definable and um these thoughts doesn't last forever, which will not result in anything while at the same time you have a sub or as being moved to the palestinian lines as column risers. so uh that is exactly what we have in building and small scale. uh, you know, uh, buildings that were uh, symbolically, extremely important to us. i mean, this marshall in front of us embassy is, is right next to the bare x of the
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a leads uh, unit of serbian, uh, military guards. uh and uh the uh, dental stuff entails real value of course or wants to build. his apartments is right across the street from the ministry of foreign affairs and from the government of serbia underneath it. uh theres uh certainly a very sensitive uh st. military infrastructure of panels and god knows watts and uh, this is a security breach as well. so i'm not surprised that we see the same pattern, the happenings at a more extreme force in a more extreme form in gaza. and the only one and in, in serbia. so it seems that the, the west has this model, especially younger sections of displacing the local population and, and really drive aside to get. i mean there, that the way the united states was formed as far as the driver's side,
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against the uh, the, the native people was productive and now they went. all they got is, uh, a run a reservoir with the, with the gambling machines. and uh, i think that the, the same destiny was uh, probably, uh, made by the same people for, to pull the cdl, ford serves. and any other people that is standing on their way. so uh, you know, let me see what's happening, calls them all the same path or us, sir, and houses, churches are being destroyed and that you have made. so that is uh, that is uh, helping another community as stablish and events. let's say it's just in front of me. yeah, let's sorry to interrupt. let's just consider the big picture for a minute because we all know that jared cushion is, says father in law is donald trump, who is now running for the us presidency again. so considering that connections as well. so the foreign policy agenda is being laid out the way where you have to see
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because we should not a big out of the picture. the fact that the pro israeli lobby actually be trained from in 2020, and supported by them. however, by them did not go into full of more. we did wrong, which was the big plan. so i'm not sure who is going to be supported now by the he's really lobby in the united states, but i do expect by them to lose because his policy on gaza is finally unpopular. uh, even it with his own voters, especially the younger generation. know at to just have to flip things on his side a bit with all the money that the trunk the family have. do you think it is possible that they could use some of it to rebuild what's being destroyed, destroyed by the us itself in countries like said the so the good at the local
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people and people? i mean, i would score some points for trump and the presidential race to that. they might strive, but this will definitely uh, if they go into this business, i did not advise them to do so. i think because with the media he, they will probably not be wold anymore, but i think that this would not be welcomed by the local local population. a trump only has the opportunity to lose because otherwise he was very popular in serbia, especially 2016 because he was running against the democrats. and it was the democratic ministrations of the united states, the bomb, uh serbia, and montenegro, a federal republic of yugoslavia at the time. uh, when would need to bump this and uh, that is why trump was seen as somebody different. and i think that sheet in the teeth should uh, uh, if, if she, uh, a really care at all. that's
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a huge probably try to preserve this image and tell him sony law to come down with this investment project because definitely only make him unpopular. and this is a rare place where tom has something. yeah, well, and thanks for talking to us today, i really appreciate your insides, even guys, professor at the institute to of your opinion studies, and by great, thank you. so moving on, a delegation from mazda is due to arrive in egypt, space monday to deliver the group's response to as well as proposal along the way to peace deal on the exchange of hostages. the mouse as it has no major issues with the most recent space far agreements, according to a pay size in the groups representative is well rejected him off as early as the mountains for an ongoing truce and estimates. there were still 129 hostages. being held in garza,
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the tennessee is reported being willing to talk about the restoration of sustainable common does the following the release of those comp judge october the 7th. as part of his most recent approach. according to the golf, in health ministry, the is really offensive household, at least $34450.00 full palestinians. majority of human women and children modeling as well for right ministers, oppose a deal with him. us and national security minister is a mob been to visit the deal would mean the dissolution of the government on the finance minister into an added field to the 5 in cleveland. if thinking of, if he decides to fly a white flag and cancel the order to conquer rafa immediately to complete the mission of destroying him, us and restore peace for the residence of southern israel and all of the country citizens and return our abducted brothers and sisters were held hostage to their homes, then the government who had will have no right of existence. the
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v is where the public continues to advocate for the return of hostages from her most count service. a earlier most anti government protests were held in tel aviv protest as close to early elections. and among that, there were 2 of his ladies from going as a witness of any don't sign. the physician lead it guy le pete said that they were tons of optics to use as a government's priority. this government has to choose the return of the object to use a life or been greer and small judge relations with the americans or been greer and smart. rich, the solider deal or been clear and small judge is real security or being clear and smart, which, if a responsible outline is reached for the return of the object to use with the backing of the entire security system, which does not involve the end of the war and the ministers who let the government on october 7th prevented the government will not have the right to continue to
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exist and lead the campaign political audit estimate or, and it says that the hostage deal is the appropriate decision for the prime minister netanyahu, despite the already a promise of a total victory in the x treme right wing ministers, bank of year end smug bridge are putting the lives of the hostages far below their own ideal logic. who are not the susan and they are threatening. nathan, jo, we stop laying his government and going to early elections, which that i know knows you will lose. so the question is will nothing y'all was finally pulled the 1st, i mean many is show suddenly the issue and resist the pressure by you small regions bank or even guns and he's popular eyes. info leaves the government. there will be huge demonstration, huge dropped us, probably a general strike,
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which is going to bring the government down. so the question for them, you know, is not the whether the government really falls, but which direction. and because that is the case, it is better for him to go for a house that you do, even though it means that the israel has not gotten the total victory, which i promise once the bill is accepted, there will be due relation, any is wrong, but the ones, the celebrations are over. the police again. um, uh, storm will take over and is ready. we'll go to early elections, which will bring the end to the young. re over is ready. politics are coming your way. next is the latest episode of let's talk about it and we'll be back with more news in 30 minutes. spots about the.


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