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tv   News  RT  April 29, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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is really nice, but there's still can use sort of the guidelines based on new delhi didn't long. so the explanation from kind of the prime minister 2 days apparently didn't event alongside indian opposition. lead is the foreign ministry wants to move directions to the rupture relations the french police clock down on students to break the po, going as a rally, as time to pull university or another powers institution reaches the agreement with protest, just the spot local politicians calling for the measure and ukrainian troops continue the retreats, well, the reality behind washington's fresh aid package to test it all from what the
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millions of dollars implies the and very welcome disability international with the latest world news update is great to have you with us know a top story this, our india has some and a high ranking canadian diplomat to the foreign ministry. most of the apartment is to just intruder joined to seek opposition. lee. this is a local ceremony west that for to is kind of studies slogans were shouted. the government of india's deep concern and strong protest was conveyed at such and disturbing actions being allowed to continue unchecked at the event. this illustrates once again the political space that has been given in canada to separatism, extremism and violence. their continued expressions, not only impact indian canadian relations, but also encourage a climate of violence and criminality in canada to the detriment of its own
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citizens. justin to decency attended oak. how saw the wind, then con saw d, as in she is the real celebrations of by the sea community. now after that event, they will, pearl collis. donnie opens up, accounted. and what justin to do. deed was nothing but smile. now the cause of sony movement has been dead in india or for some dying. no, but it has been kept alive in the bows of those of canada. now the call list on the movement is basically you section the sink community in canada. seek set, purchase that all set up auto indian status on job b. com. dalton, separate states called con. this done, the indian government has repeated he's requested the adjusting to the government to keep in check bill extremist elements that have green on the canadian soil. but all of those requests have fallen on deaf fios security because at this point,
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honestly want to explode. so seeing is that justin pseudo is coming across to somebody who is ready to deal with the rabbit. good. it would extreme elements as long as it is solving his political interest in april. we also celebrate sick heritage fun and we're helping 6 canadians tell your stories were supporting a space in the royal ontario museum. dedicated to sick arts, culture and heritage with an investment of $6000000.00. and as we come to an end of this year is sick heritage. but i want to remind everyone that the story of the sick community in canada is in fact the story of canada. so this trend of a be seeing the seat community which borders on dealing with extremist elements is not just limited to the total government of scenes, which by the way,
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has an alliance with jock, me, think of seat the door, he's political body. but it also extends beyond the cotton government and canada and not canada has a huge seat population, which is a considerable walk back, which is why it seems that he with the off position. now he's ready to deal with extreme elements as long as, as long as the point is we could interest stopping. so we will rely on the grades seek values that grow gobind singh broad forward route, use of a quality for the common people. the girl said that there should be no pass system. no people on the top dictating down and pushing the people down. every one would be saying a lie and do a lot of dies between india and canada and become very they tell because of repeated incidence. so call us on he referendums being held. also justin to with or
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been leaving india without any pro whatsoever for teaming of 8 see except purchased lead a new job. now, do you political exports at this point to asking a very valid question, which is what canada ever a know a b. so it's land being called dog and declared as a sovereign state of call this time. if not, why would they relax back to kind of sentiment blue in the country for india? well, we got a reaction from veteran india and diplomat. the actual, i said, john hall, who believes true though is using the sake of movement in canada for his own political agenda. i think the liberal government of justin, toodle and v back off his father also appear to the liberal governments. they have being uh, you know, using the, this appeasement policy as far as the seats are concerned. and they are using
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it as their own political will bank. so for domestic political reasons, they had been closing up to the uh, to these uh, sic parties as in the comment to you had mentioned that it is uh, you know, just meet saying his party and they are lending the political support to justin toodle, which is in fact, helping him to stay in follow up. and uh that is uh his, uh, that is the reason for his reaching out and not taking any strict action against the strict uh seat militants. that kick stream is sick to a dentist who are operating from the canadian side. the problem for us is that uh, these uh, college sony water. most of them are canadian citizens. they might be off in origin, but the old canadian citizens are being living threats. they,
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you will strict against the indian needles against engender diplomats, was posted that they do not allow the indian a high commission, the indian diplomatic representatives to work and operate in an atmosphere of these tranquillity, security stability. so these are problems and they also tribal fund. these such movements in india, so that has already refuted the relations between the 2 countries. the $13000.00 children have been killed in gaza during the 6 months since the stalls of the conflict and u. n. agency official has called this number staggering. it is unprecedented. that's more than 30000 people have died in 6 months. we know that i'm on the death of 13000 children. we know that more children have died and goes in 6 months. then in any conflict in the world in the past 4 years. the representatives of several
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middle east countries have met in saudi arabia to accelerate the cease fire agreement in garza and protect the population on the international humanitarian. lo be joined. the arab islamic ministerial committee has stressed the importance of a 2 state solution to the conflict and the need to impose fx it's functions against as well. the ministers stress the need for the international community to impose effective sanctions on israel, including stopping the export of weapons to get in response to its violation of international law international humanitarian law and the war crimes it is committing and gaza in the occupied westbank. let's close that live at to tim, also del, a longer spokes person for the international federation of red cross and red crescent societies. many, thanks for joining us in our program. it's very good to see you today. so if you want to official has noticed that we are faced with unimpressive dented number of victims from this conflict with mold a 3rd of them children who is protecting these innocence. so thanks a lot of what
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a me today and thanks for these very important question. about the video entities that they use in the international knows that has been submitted the operating cd notes as well as too many doesn't work authentic at 5 cd. they have without the ease on the ends, on the shoulders, on the 5, this with the conflict. and what we are seeing is more than 6 months. is that the, these protection, these are the expect, the most of the time or, or, i mean, pretty decent when 3 is not the end. of course it is not acceptable. the u. k. sorry, the secretary has claimed that a 40 day c spine has been off. that's to him. us. just how would such a temporary cease by a help the people in garza but of course, when they made a decision in the diploma, i think decision political decision would be made that 40 days a ceasefire. in this case, of course is a positive been welcome newest,
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because in these days obviously that been a few months ago then it was, i think so for the or some, some days, a display of time to be used to bring more of your money that i need to, to possibly of accessing the inside of the city, but it literally just came out the money that i made with the. so of course, every decision on this one it would be, wouldn't be welcome. now the people in gaza as well as the of the disney, the sustainable and fed money in solution and they only put them on in solution. you still have a um, the where to stop and the to get too many done in a need the and to get the most of this out of gas. we have heard from some of those who manage to leave garza and they told us that she went to terry and aid is just not getting through the paperless, solving, and they don't have medicine. what is the situation with the delivery of humanitarian aid? now, in this situation, it's simply not acceptable as we know one we have so that could also, but i would say no, no idea, no,
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you might need that in advance. he's able to get the b 5, the response that the managed. so need the, all the guys a city, but we could argue that the situation some incident, some of the last days and weeks was as likely improving at anything in a funded in 50 and the one that had struck. so do you mind that i need anything every day and because 3 but my these way 5 it up. but on what these me did that you money that i mean study men's, avery, meaning that these coffee go ahead, the goes, i had the and the, the then the need so we, we didn't keys and then but he's another very important on fire is not the enough, but to bring you money that i may need to open a gate, then you need to create the i mean vitamin. what is possible to validate that what do you say for the money then? what guess? what could 8, but when it's also safe of what c mean answer gets what they need and how, just how safe is it for? humanitarian work is on the ground right now. and how can i safe to be guaranteed? because we know that a shocking number of people who have been to help those stuff re, a bill was a,
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have also been killed is not safe. so i would say it's better to be safe. and this is a huge problem, is huge amount of solicitation in now whether it costs a custom network uh, width to update the 22 times. so the number of they're willing to use and stuff. and colleagues, a key to the 22 women and men have been key things 6 months for the even though there might be in the menus where i left an 18. the other side of crescent boston garza. and lastly, even in the west bank. and that's thing that these are the need a clear i wanna start. could you mind that a one of the violence of this conflict that i wouldn't look even human is that i would cosign expected. and of course of these go see ending end with a safe and then the end of access the positive guy. so steve, like the north stuff, but it's almost impossible to get too many that any dna. and these means that thousands of people will not get what they need and then you have it any, any information about how as well might be possibly blocking humanitarian working
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gaza. you know, i think that there was the flood of me is not really the pointed to, i mean important to point the finger one or they're not that i the seeing that it goes to screen and they got the conflict. that is a deep thing that goes us 3 pizza. it's a night on how we are lucky moved the lot that at least move out, lacking the appropriate uh, the discussion among different stakeholders. so to get to what is needed inside godsa and people to money, the 1st thing that this is very important think would seem like 40 bucks. but after 6 months, all of these more than 6 months of all of these, we really need to sit down in the initial commitment to sit down and put that in your money at the, at the beginning of every single discussion. because what this happened to now, it seemed not correct. as some of the latest comments when the un say that it's um, it would already take more than a decade. just declare the debris from gaza when these conflicts should hopefully
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and who do you think should take charge of rebuilding the territory of the conflict? these are very good question and i and it's difficult enough for me to speak with data on these because then that's what we mean though. so to understand when these conflict within the and the how these, these will end of the talk to me at a, is that the, that idea? so i mean what they promised that it guessing police are sending us the that, that a blend to elias with god. so the, the guy is asleep at the moment. did that enough? i mean, would people cannot believe anymore, but he's a level of distraction to the someplace of them. and i do believe that the international community would need to show so the that they do not fully now, but the models and yes, we come up. this is not the screen is not something that we finish showing it somebody else on not only for the money that it needs to, but they need to establish a kind of normalcy for the people in gaza in the i don't go for that. the international community will not forget about people and got so many too many
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things to speaking to us today. i really appreciate your time to most of the longer international federation of red cross on web presence aside the space person. thank you. thank you. so i can use a power as well as for an students have rallied for palestine in demonstrations that have lost its several days. the latest gathering took place outside full blown university the. 2 a city in protest by a group of students in tends, was harshly dispos by a police officer. they refused, in order to leave early on monday, dozens of people, and seldom mazda of palestinian flank outside the building name one another prestigious french university has cut to deal with. and students have also been demonstrating for garza, but some french officials have called for a crack down on such a round ease as auntie contributed rachel most unexplained as well. the us establish that is pretending to be scandalized by the groundbreaking concept of
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university students actively protest, 8 perceived injustice as though they never do that right. in this case, it's a harm being done to palestinian civilians is israel continues to raise, gather in a seemingly endless effort to take of him off the university and rest is also reach friends. universities and the spotlight is now on seals who the institute of political studies at paris, basically the french equivalent of harvard, that we're talking about last week, students at the campus in the center of paris based off against french police and refused to budge when authorities repeatedly threatened to use force against them for blocking part of the campus with the students and demanding a ceasefire and gather some students, ended up facing disciplinary proceedings as a result of this action. the students have also been demanding that the university cut all ties with entities related to the state of israel. so the university has now diffused the situation, at least for the time, be offering to drop the disciplinary actions against the students. instead,
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what they propose this a hold a for me to be internal debate on campus to arrow, grievances on all sides. kind of a nice opportunity think, well, except if you're one of those narrative gatekeepers. and it turns out that at least one member of the center, right establishment, the vice president, a former present before that stuff was these tardy live a few. the count is pretty serious about that idea. if the data is just where to continue, rather than supporting the management of the government, does, the government should stop public funding at science as bo, we're going to finance a school which has become the place of countries, and it makes jo, if left isn't islamism, which legitimizes, anti semitic remarks and acts of violence. he doesn't want there to be a debate question, israel's actions, and it's using a bunch of name calling to the rail. it in favor creating, i guess a safe space for the kind of rhetoric and ideas, the guys like him and the establishment by the acceptable. we're talking about the top price campus for educating, frances, the sure political elite. yes,
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they shouldn't be familiar with the debates. and instead, he just wants the state to step in with a threat of its own to cut off its public funding if the school doesn't comply to protect his views from be challenged on this issue of good luck with that french president, a menu and my coal himself has recently echoed the student's concerns and calling of israel's actions deep indignation that the images reaching us from gaza were civilians have been targeted by israeli soldiers expressed my strongest disapproval of the shots in demand truth justice and respect for international law. earlier this year, mac hall said that the 2 state solution, recognizing a policy being state is not taboo for france. so more generally the whole israel palestine issue is really nitroglycerin or a country that is imported political divisions from all around the entire world. as a result of its migration policies, and now because france has neglected to properly manage its borders for so long, it's now having to rec boundaries everywhere inside the country,
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including on university campuses, in an effort to diffuse tensions to ukraine. now waving the military chief general, alexander says he has admitted that russia is making good phones is on the battlefield. caps has been forced to with flores troops from several, most settlements and the don't. yes, we're public. the ukrainians are expecting a new batch of military a to come through soon from the u. s, but they could be waiting for quite a while and they will be getting nearly as much as they expect more natural motives shape those as he follows the money. so is the, for any and slice for waived, and the us political a lead, slap themselves on the back for passing what at least looks like it over 61000000000 and aid for ukraine. we've taken a closer look at how, when, where the money will supposedly be spent. and surprise, surprise, the reality doesn't really much. the headlines a short time ago,
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the house of representatives, pastor crucial aid bill for ukraine. we begin in the united states where blow makers have just passed a coastal $61000000000.00 a package for you. vital funding needed to help ukraine defend itself from russia's invasion, has just been approved in the house of representatives. found is just that everyone knows, or at least things. how speaker mike johnson's bill provide 60800000000 in a to count the russia with a detailed analysis of where the cash will actually go. revealed a fascinating and if you're a supporter of ukrainian proxy war project, a very worrying reality, the vast majority won't get anywhere near the front lines. as you can see, just under 50000000000 will go to defense spending for you crime. but that's a very broad term with huge amounts being spent a fire from the front lines and for the immediate use while you're trying the military, that's break it down. well, that's 50000000000 spent,
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or at least supposedly to be spent on the wider ukrainian project. but that still leaves over 10000000000 left and no one seems to know anything above. and western politicians celebrated the game changer a package. rushes foreign ministry spokeswoman called the reality of the so called aide to give limited cost us for the new us military, a to ukraine, about $1.00 quarter of the navy. $61000000000.00 and $8.00 will be used for this purpose, and the needs of the cranium military will be mentally credit basis, not rich you. it's a see. the lion's share of the funds will remain in the united states or the consent to go on chief lloyd austin, explains that about $50000000000.00 would be directly invested in the us defense industrial complex. i would create jobs in more than 30 states. so there we have most of the cash for speaker johnson's rolling bill will never actually get to you
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credit, but we'll grease the wheels of the us military industrial complex. so it's not surprising that the speaker himself isn't too eager to highlight this reality. referring to play the role of a stand up guy, just doing the right thing for ukraine. meanwhile, the american top brass have no problem admitting that this is all about flushing cash into the u. s. weapons factories. by providing approximately $50000000000.00 that will flow directly in to a defense industrial base. these bill will create good american jobs in more than 30 states, even as a dreamforce to see us long term security. these legislation will make america more secure and save lice. congress passes military age for ukraine and israel. we won't write blank checks. we'd send to military equipment from our own stock piles, then use the money authorized by congress to replenish those stockpiles by buying
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from american suppliers. that includes patriot missiles made in arizona, javelin missiles made an alabama and artillery shells made in pennsylvania, ohio and texas. we would be investing in america's industrial base, buying american products, made by american workers supporting jobs in nearly 40 states, and strengthening our own national security. we would help our friends while helping our sales. and of course it's also worth remembering that the us has already pumped over a $100000000000.00 of its own tax payers cash into the sailing ukrainian project. the scale of the spending is truly astounding with 2 programs operating to fund key f. one is the presidential authority, and the older is the ukraine security assistance initiative with one existing to replenish weapons in cash into the older. since march 2022. $19000000000.00 worth
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the borders. i've been financed into the us military industrial complex onto this initiative alone. and as the reality dogs, the us aid to ukraine, it's a fact more about funding america's own weapons manufacturers under vast profit and defending ukraine. so even a key, if i'm beginning to wake up to the truth, having received crumbs from the table as a result of long political game which cost us slice territories infrastructure. ukraine has worked in the interest of specific political and lobbying groups in the united states as further aid packages look unlikely. the american establishment interest in this government is exhausted. and of course, the devil is always in the detail with less than $13000000000.00 and military a likely to actually even arrive in ukraine at all with much of the long promised american supplies not even manufactured yet. this doesn't bode well for kids
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rapidly retreating, depleting army, that's us. the lansky who refused to hold elections will essentially mccomb illegitimate dictator when his term expires next month. meanwhile, the truth is it could take years for any of the a to arrive on one thing ukraine doesn't have right now is time. well, i spoke earlier with australian independent journalist joanie a to script to the documentary about a 17 year old boy from don't. yes, he was killed by a us made weapon. it was a highmark attack right in the center then. yes. can had targeted the well from industry. so most of the people were like the working. there were like a middle aged women, a social workers, because we sold them when they were getting full 1000 things. now. hi, i'm a flies and a very interesting thing. why them all are 10 of the shells. they fly in an angle, you know? so you know which side of the street your, you're safe on. homeless is flight and a flight down i walk to it may be 50 meters away. in other high mushroom hardy. and
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it was a matter of 2 minutes, maybe 3 minutes, so that we may dine with him on, you know, i just went back home for about 68 weeks. and the 1st a to 3 weeks, every time a door slammed and things of this house that this reaction, you know, it's a, i've seen more than i want to see. and i hope i don't see any more when i go back to the us. now, when you do that to australia and do you share your stories that do you, do people want to know anything about your reports? i've contacted all the media in australia and i contact them in the ways. and i say, look, i've just returned from the train, russia a conflict. so do you want to talk to me? and they'll say yes. and they say send us a sample of the work. but i'm always, i send them a sample and understand which side of the conflicts on i was documenting. i never hear from them again. but they be see, forgot to ask me any of these questions and they invited me to the studio to do an
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interview with me. so, you know, like here and i had a coffee with the producer before. and then they finally got with side i was documenting from so they just said to me, wait a minute, we just not to need to check the equipment. and they came back to me and they said uh, something went wrong with the equipment. uh, we can do it today. we'll get back to you. it has to do. well, i know we lived behind the 9 coach and i'm old enough to know. you know, we've always programmed in my generation when i was young. i didn't know the soviet their lives behind and i encouraged him know, read in the west, the height of 9 person. and unfortunately, there's no other way to get any really use apart from telegraph on twitter, youtube to an extent, as long as you're there. and yeah, it's really hard. think that there's only one side to the story. i mean, ukraine is fighting for freedom for democracy,
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and russia is the big bad wolf as well. many thanks for your company this monday that so for me, for the day you to know neil will be here with all the latest in about 30 minutes. bye for now. the other way. all right, so see what's printing, what was the other one? that's correct there. so sounds good. just so basically of course
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we need your last name was needed. read those can will be used to be live. imagine we have support for someone who is this, we would show new people to the the the i'm action or can say welcome back to going undergrad, broadcasting go around the world from you a. i had them in november's election so called mainstream corporate propaganda
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media in the united states will center analysis on personality and identity instead of clause. it wasn't always so once it was the working classes and organized labor that terrified us. it leads and threatened that controlled. but as new liberal inequality is risen over the decades, the worker is back last year as well. over half a 1000000 work is across industries from automotive to aviation, to entertainment, hitting the picket lines in nearly 400 strikes in the us genocide, joe biden even intervene to make transport strikes illegal. joining me now is labor journalist, hamilton nolan, north of the how much power and equality and the struggle of episode of labor. hamilton himself played a key role in unionizing the workforce at goal cut media. you joins me now from new york, hamilton. thank you so much for coming on. i understand that your book has made the usa today best seller list. what drove you to right and how come it struck such a cord, seemingly in the united states and in the election? yeah, uh well i have been a labor journalist.


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