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tv   News  RT  April 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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said the the india demands an explanation after a canadian prime minister justin prudel with the appearance of a sacred separatist. defending toronto. new delhi points to move, cut rupture by law for relations. pulse to this hour, the french police crack done on students during a rally for girls outside syrup on university. while another part of the institution reaches agreement protestors despite the local politicians calling, persevere, measures the mid demonstrations, both for and against the so called for an agent building. simply say the head of georgia is parliament questions, the integrity of us lawmakers. we want to sanction the court because this country
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over the legislation, the across the world around the clock. this is our to international church story at 10 pm in the russian capital india. how some of the high ranking canadian diplomat to its foreign ministry after prime minister, true to join, seek opposition, leaders. other raleigh in toronto, where a separate test colostomy slogans were heard. being chanted, new delhi says, mister, those actions could drive a wedge between the 2 countries. of the government of india's deep concern and strong protest was conveyed at such and disturbing actions being allowed to continue unchecked at the event. this illustrates once again, the political space that has been given in canada to separatism, extremism and violence. their continued expressions,
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not only impact india and canadian relations, but also encourage a climates of violence and criminality in canada to the detriment of its own citizens. was speaking of the toronto event on sunday, with his head draped in an hour in sic turban. justin trudeau assure the indian, separate to supporters of his full backing. 6 values are canadian values, truce justice, openness, compassion, service, human rights. these are the values of the heart of sick ism. these are the heart values of the heart of the canadian communities. but they're also values of the heart of all canadians to the nearly 800000 canadians of sic heritage across this country. we will always be there to protect your rights and your freedoms, and we will always defend your community against hatred and discrimination. justin
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total recently attended a call, saw the went into the room to one call. so this actually is all celebration seek communities, a new yeah. that particular event they were protocol. this song still goes that with chanted by a group of people. and what justin to date was basically smile. now for the colostomy mind, is that in india it's been that in india, florida, why now? but it has been kept to live in the follow circles of canada. now, just in to the us government has the mortgage multiple times, find the indian government to keep in checks the extremist elements that are moving on canadian. so a, but essentially all of those requests have fallen on de fios and justin, pseudo at this point, exports believe is coming across to somebody who is ready to deal with extreme is
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with radical elements as long as it's serving his political interest just to context the contest sony movement essentially use a google contest on use for separatists from the see community that up to mom the that a piece of indian land from the state of from job be got called out as a separate state for the c community called kindest on now it's not the indian seeks that are demanding that seeks from canada, the stream. yeah. some of the thoughts of the world at this point it looks like the canada is b show to them as each, not just the current to government. it seems even the old position is trying to be still see community considering that there is a considerable amount of population, even in canada, of
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o. c community. and also there's considerable water back. we will rely on the great sick values that girl goldman sing brought forward, proud use of equality for the common people. the girl said that there should be no cast system. no people on the top dictating down and pushing the people down. everyone would be saying a lie and relationship between india and canada have naturally become very big though the last few years that have been several incidents. so call us on us for random's taking place on canadian sword, but also justin pseudo value open lean the canadian solomon blaming india of choosing india for being a girl in the keeling over the seats, separatist canadian leader coals miniature, no question. the geo political experts at this point are asking is with the canada i would add more. a lot of beasts of deadlines to be got carved out into
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a sofa and state called coast on the on so naturally has no. so why is canada allowing that kind of sentiment to blue against india? we got reaction on this from veteran indian diplomats, a shot so jump har, who stays despite the public utterances of fighting for freedom and such like president crudo is using the sick movement in canada for his own political agenda. it is our activates. i don't think there is a need genuine, as i don't think there is any tend to city as far as his approach to this issue is concerned. he is basically looking at it in my view for his own personal political domestic interest. and that is why he's operating, he is a multi all these uh elements meaning the citizen, oh, let me tell you is a great religion. they are very highly respected, not only by the or many people,
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but by the leadership and all major events in the life of citizens. they are also celebrated and together in india. so i don't think there is any problem as far as speak to them. the teachings of citizen, i'm just sick of really doing. the sick people are concerned. it is only, it is a handful of people in basically in canada will have well, you know, again also from the old political ends as started to promoting this idea of a separate uh, alliston, uh, states uh, uh, called out of india. american lawmakers have proposed the bill to rein in once being called empty, submits a behavior of the us universities. as pro palestinian student demonstrations increase on the american campuses, schools found don't comply with the monitors, recommendations will lose federal funding. rising and disseminating molnar college
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campuses is a major concern and we must act to ensure the safety of students. i'm proud to work with my friends and colleagues, which you torres on legislation that will impose a 3rd party end to segment is monitoring on college campuses to ensure protections are in place and oversee any troubling action by college administrators. if colleges will not step up to protect their students, congress must act to police $900.00 pro guns a protesters. how being arrested in the united states over the past 10 days, according to the washington post among those detained was us presidential candidates. jill stein, during a profile listed in raleigh, washington university in missouri. so it shows police repeatedly shelving a bike against the 73 year old. before removing her from the student. the company and the other video sees the green party member being supported by a number of police officers with her hands. apparently were spring with zip ties, a 100 by
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the a. pro palestinian demonstrators also targeted the annual white house correspondents dinner with president obama. protestors gathered outside the high profile event, jumping shame on you. as guests arrived more than 2 dozen publicity and journalist had issued an open letter urging their american colleagues to boycott this certainly. here's what we heard from those of us. spear out here in front of the white house correspond to the whole journalist accountable to remind them at a $133.00. i'll send you, internalize, have lost their lives telling the truth. these are targeted attacks. these are systematic, it's are, these are attempts to silence the truth and is not going to be silent. we're out, you're also the courage of housing in general is that, are we seeing their own lives celebrating their own genocide? the what else correspond sooner represents the western media and the lee that are currently perpetuating and supporting and completed in the genocide of the
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palestinian people. we found that we need some work audit because they use their rhetoric in ways that just are benefiting to the american war, busy in imperialist pharmacy and, and we're here to say, same on you for breaking run with dennis on, with murders, propagandist center. the white house correspondents dinner behind us. we knew that we couldn't find this event happening in our city without giving them a little taste of what they're really responsible. hopefully making them confronted with the tiny bit which is again just us human rights lawyer, uncommented or done call that believes washington is increasingly cracking done on free speech to protect israel. by the way, i don't think it's gonna pass constitutional muster. what i mean is, or i think that would violate the 1st amendment of the us constitution, which protects re speech. but it is a very troubling sign that the us government and us institutions as
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well are, you know, increasing the cracking down and free speech in order to protect israel. there is really i semitism in the world which needs to be condemned, but this is not that. and when you claim something is an i symmetric one, it's not the value that concerned. and that's exactly what's happened in many liberals who would otherwise will provide, will not go to the polls or they were go to the polls and vote for a 3rd party candidate. but they're not going to vote for joe by. this is killing his candidacy. and yet he doubles down. i think you could have an impact there really do. i think support for israel's eroding within the united states in the united states is the biggest backer of israel. and i do think it's going to have an impact. i just hope it as an impact soon enough, you know, because before the size of the israel's plans to invade,
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rafa i think are still on the table and could be a minute. so i hope it's in time, but i certainly think it's making it well on one of those lot. her points president biden's approval ratings have slumber to all time lows. according to the latest polls. it's the worst performance, southern american leader since dwight eisenhower back in the 1950s. according to a survey from the gallup list to go for just over 38 percent of respondents currently approve of jo biden's job as president. none of his recent predecessors in the oval office, the below the 40 percent mark during their 10 years by didn't thinking ratings have race. plenty of questions about the 81 year old. the chances of re election in november, us talk radio host. the bill saves most citizens, aren't happy with joe biden spending priorities that we're sending $60000000000.00 that is pointed out in your earlier story. most of that will not make its way to the right, and that's replacing missiles in ammo for
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u. s. forces. there's been defeated and sent to you, frank, but at the end of the day that the $60000000000.00 package is more than what we spend in a budget each year on the entire budget for the us marines and people are waking off to those dire facts the job, i'm and the democrats here, nor about you, frank, get more about jobs and then they do the united states. and then you add the economic policies as home. people are paying more at the grocery store for, for bread, for extra milk. and yet the by the administration keeps telling us by nomics is working. and the biggest problem is that while they are claiming that inflation is going down, the fax for something different, the g d p in the united states is now down to 1.6 lower than rushes. so that whole raft of issues is treating a disaster for joe, but let's bring it to paris where a french students have been gathering on us rallying and supportive gas for several days. now the latest demo took place. i'd sites for bone university
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the. 2 a city in protest by a group of students intense was swiftly dispersed by police after they refused in order to leave. earlier on monday, a massive palestinian flag was improved on campus. meanwhile, another procedures, french university house kind of deal with it. students, we've also been demonstrating for a 1000 what some french officials have called instead for a crushed stone on such rallies. here's our tea contributor rachel marston with her take them by. and while the us establishment is pretending to be scandalized by the groundbreaking concepts of university students actively protest, 8 perceived injustice as though they never do that right. in this case, it's a harm being done to palestinians abilities. israel continues to raise gather in a seemingly endless effort to take of him off the university and rest is also reach friends. universities and the spotlight is now on seals who the institute of
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political studies at paris, basically the french equivalent of harvard, that we're talking about last week, students at the campus in the center of paris, face off against french police and refused to budge when authorities repeatedly threatened to use force against them for blocking part of the campus with the students and demanding a ceasefire and gather some students, ended up facing disciplinary proceedings as a result of this action. the students have also been demanding that the university cut all ties with entities related to the state of israel. so the university has now diffuse the situation, at least for the time, be offering to drop the disciplinary actions against the students. instead, what they propose this a hold a for me to be internal debate on campus to arrow, grievances on all sides. kind of a nice opportunity think, well, except if you're one of those narrative gatekeepers. and it turns out that at least one member of the center, right establishment, the vice president, a former present, the stuff was these tardy may have
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a few. the count is pretty serious about that idea. if the data is just where to continue, rather than supporting the management of the government, does, the government should stop public funding. it signs as bo, we're going to finance a school which has become the place of countries, and it makes jo, if left isn't as long as and which legitimizes anti semitic remarks and acts of violence. he doesn't want there to be a debate question. israel's actions, and it's using a bunch of name calling to the rail. it in favor creating, i guess a safe space for the kind of rhetoric and ideas, the guys like him and the establishment finding stuff to well, we're talking about the talk french campus for educating, frances future political lead. yes, they shouldn't be familiar with the debates and he said he just wants the state to step in with a threat of its own to cut off its public funding if the school doesn't comply to protect his views from be challenged on this issue of good luck with that french president, a menu and nicole himself has recently echoed the student's concerns and calling of
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israel's actions deep indignation that the images reaching us from gaza, where civilians have been targeted by israeli soldiers expressed my strongest disapproval of the shots and demand, choose justice, and respect for international law. earlier this year, mac hall said the 2 state solution, recognizing a policy to the instate is not taboo for france. so more generally the whole israel palestine issue is really nitroglycerin for a country that is important. political divisions from all around the entire world as a result of its migration policies. and now, because france has neglected to properly manage its borders for so long, it's now having to rec boundaries everywhere inside the country, including on university campuses, in an effort to diffuse tensions. palestinian leader and black mood of us has raised concert and it's not his country men could be expelled from the westbank. he one participants of the world economic forum and ria that israel may expand its
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operations in the region that comes as donald trump son in law, expressed his support for the force displacement all palestinians and gases waterfront property. it could be very valuable to if people would focus on kind of building up, you know, livelihoods, i think from israel's perspective i, we do my best to move the people out and clean it up. a customer, a former us official, has also been i a bell. great spend royal to nato, was bombardment looking to convert the property into a luxury apartments. he posted his bulk in construction plans on social media, including the proposed demolition of the former yugoslav, army headquarters, and the serbian capital had been kept as a ruin to remind people of the 1999 natural assault political researcher steph engage totally are to the west as a habit of displacing locals from places they called, liberates. i can only say it is extremely offensive,
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but unfortunately this would not be preston's. since uh, 2 stops case is already happening valve a 1st uh the building of the headquarters of the marshall lots was bombed in 1999 by the americans. and now the u. s. embassy is on exactly the same spot and we've been blind was sold by serbian government in the past. i am not surprised that we see the same pattern happening at a more extreme of course, in a more extreme form in gaza and the holy land. and uh, in, in serbia. so it seems that the, or the west uh, the has this model, especially the youngest auctions of, uh, displacing the local population and, and really drive aside again from when seen as somebody different. and i think you should probably try to sell him sony law to come down with this investment project
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because definitely only the make him unpopular. and this is a rare place where trump has some of the scotlands 1st minister homes that yusef hasn't nuns, his resignation. the politician will also step darn us scottish national party leader uses had been facing 2 votes of no confidence from his party following the collapse of the s and p's power sharing deal with the greens. he's also being an outspoken critic of british policy on the gas and more. the scottish parliament now has $28.00 days to find a new 1st minister or an election will be forced. of thousands rallied in the georgian capital tbilisi on monday in support of a so called for an agent bill, which has been approved by parliament demonstrations for and in opposition to the bill have going on for over a month mondays. raleigh was organized by george's ruling party with protesters
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marching towards the parliament building, where the leadership addressed the crowds on valley to protect the nation's independence. on the debate inside the parliament building itself, meanwhile, got physical. one m p for a bottle of water or other colleague during the readings. me to report said the woman in question was from an opposition party and was removed from the hall after being with us senators have responded to the george in for an agent built by letter. they've threatened to impose sanctions and other restrictions on, simply see if it becomes law. the german all be george in parliament reply by demanding american lawmakers where things were washington sponsorship to the country actually goes. instead of restrictions, it would be easier for the congress of the send 8 to make public the money coming from the american budget to georgia to these days with this money spent on is
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hidden. and then we sometimes loan by chance. the money from american citizens is spent in a roundabout way to finance bodies ready, cold, and decent that nation groups. and it costs a shadow, an american, a to georgette? well, we heard from georgian lawmaker timor meister and say, who sees a country now has a chance to break free from long running foreign measurement. the purchase of the new purchase with the georgian government no longer wants to be a tool, because for many years it was forced to turn a blind eye to western pressure on georgia back in 2012. when i was a future member of the parliament of georgia, this pressure already existed and it was rising more and more every year. apparently, the george and government has already decided that it is necessary to get rid of this somehow to a band. and that's because georgia cannot become such a blind instrument in the hands of the united states. and the most important thing
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is that we have information that this money is being used incorrectly. if the us has good intentions, and any person with good intentions should prefer transparency, it could be seen what good deeds one is doing in the states, right? the country doesn't want to be open and transparent. well, that is hiding something, right? this is simple logic, very simple and clear. on the other hand, it seems that for the west, this is one might say, the last attempt to put pressure on georgia because after the 2024 elections, this will be impossible. i am absolutely sure of this. this is the last chance. this is the way to make a change of power through a cool. we know that about 20000 people in georgia are funded by these 4 and sources. these are people who benefit with the help of non governmental organizations. the rest of the georgia in population does not support this,
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and everyone will see exactly how many people are opposed to this. and how many people want this lot to work in georgia and for transparency to be there for everyone. and it's turned attention to the horn of africa, where the somali governments things it's the teen. several members of an elite us trained military unit for allegedly stealing russians, donated by washington ortiz, new you can get is across the story. the jury investigations, the somali national armed forces reported that the knob russians within a unit of its forces had been diverted. the federal government of somalia takes this instance seriously and immediately launched an investigation which resulted in the suspension and detention of officers within the ranks to ensure accountability and transparency. the unit is somebody adopted the did not. brigade has been exclusively retained by the you is to pay a pivotal role,
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the countries fights against the okay, the link militant group else above the group that has been given money, expertise, and equipment for the mission. in february, the united states even agreed to spend more than a $100000000.00 to build up to 5 military bases for the nav. it now stands accused of stealing ration. somebody government even admits that they did not brigade assumed responsibility for operations. washington for its parts, these taking only the cases of corruption. we look forward to engaging with the nab on creating the necessary safeguards and accountability measures to prevent future incidents that could affect future assistance. the states this case only scratches the surface of the largest between nation. that's u. s. strategy in somalia, which has been in place since the eighty's is not going exactly as planned. a study once showed that you is military operations in the horn of africa, particularly as ammonia face criticism, and most importantly revealed that the pen took on you about you is submitted to
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these floors in the region flows that have activated the ongoing challenges in the region and failed to increase that there is no useful shared conception of the conflict. the instruments of national power, not balance, which results in excess of reliance in the military instrument. there isn't balance within the military instrument as well. us officials recognize that to the problems that existed at the beginning of the invasion still exist today. damn, the soul, mice could have been rest and yesterday, i've not. so these problems have assisted throughout my career with the us government. but i didn't quite expect this has been 30 study by the department of defense with these issues conclusively identified and yet not to dress for 2 decades. now, the us government saves the schools in somalia eliminates also above and promote peace and reconciliation. policies having the opposite effect, take a look at the 22 percent increase in somalia for utilities and to treat the city
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reaching a record high of more than 7000 dates. it seems highly unlikely that continue to use training operations and counter terrorism spending in somalia will serve to produce anything but the continuation of conflict. and i'm versed in somalia, not to mention civilian casualties. the continued to mount from the us military secret, a war in somalia without providing justice or reparations for the victims of potential violations of international community to enroll the under sign, somali and international wisdom invites and protection of civilians, organizations rights requests that you take immediate steps to address the requests of families whose loved ones were killed or injured by use airstrikes and smaller. reporting illustrates on multiple cases of civil and harmony, symbolic confirmed by the us government, civilian victims, survivors and their families have yet to receive answers, acknowledgement and immense. despite their sustain efforts to shift towards these over several years, americans have been intervening in the region for decades. i'm the pretext of
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helping, but even the outcome. so one can ask, has that actually what? no, i have to admit, i didn't know what to play boxing or was before checking out the next interview. it's a fascinating insight into one of the across those celebrated proponents in india. and you can watch that conversation right ahead. in the latest episode of let's talk on it and stick with the hello and welcome defrost the full horses. here we discuss the wheel in the i'm not sure come on this as they will show
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a good this things. let me ask him that way. see me is the non smoker in your mind restored enough to money. so stuff with interested in show eric a buy a demo print that issue in your store. do i have to come up with one of our that's not i was make a couple of guys through a trailer span that we could buy them. so i didn't want that right. uh yeah, yeah. for the most just what i want to move over here, but as of now it's particularly like try and switch them over this place . crazy. nice not kaiser. this is an absolute proof of an issue with the shipping isn't good. that this is the give you, i'll send you show you the
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where. so when you are still at the trip with us, which is really nice for you. so you're still going use sort of the, it is a commodity, is it stems from the split? it should a few of you who are raised in some of the news become exceeds and even make sure that the coordinates in india, the drug screws into the hello and welcome. i don't know if i'm kid in the ever evolving landscape of the 21st century. the purpose now.


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