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tv   The Modus Operandi  RT  April 30, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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the, the, the hello, i'm manila chan you are tuned into modus operandi all across europe, tractors are blocking major roadways in major cities across the continent. the farmer's protest has grown over the last 2 years, and today we'll dig into what's causing such discontent among those who provide food for the world will go straight to the heart of the european union in belgium to find out what's really going on. all right, let's get into the m o the they are being the far right. in some cases being called nationalists. but we're not talking about a new political party here, but rather farmers,
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while the vast majority of people in the west simply go to the grocery store to purchase their food. little spot is given to the source of where that food comes from, even less to the people who grow that food or raise the live stock that end up on our plates every day. and perhaps that's why they're fuming mad farmers leaving their crops behind and taking the capital cities in their respective countries. the netherlands, germany, france, spain, poland, even taking their tractors in the brussels belgium, the home of the european council to make their voices heard. so what exactly are they so mad about? joining us to explain is elijah maga. he is a veteran war correspondent and political analysts. now, based in brussels, you can see more of his work at e. j magnate dot com and follow him on twitter at
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e j mall ry. that's m a l r a. i thank you so much for being with us, elijah. thank you so much for having me. so the e u presidency is currently held by belgium, where you live. recently, there was a massive demonstration by farmers and their supporters, which saw roughly a 1000 tractors, blocking that whole area around the european council building. they sprayed police with liquid min, newer they unleashed bales of hay all over the street. i mean, the, the scene was really chaotic. can you tell us what that was all about? any yes. so the 27 european nation has agree on a specific green, the environment policy that was not compatible with the demand of the fall. so although they have weaken some of these re policy as to fit with
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the farming emission of its 2040 climate road, the u. m is still struggling with meeting the family's health way. so what it's all about is the fall is off of the testing because at the they have a little farm incomes because it is that farmers are at the siding, the store that is forwarded by the e. u. a euro cried in brussels. and because they don't re, with the foreign policy that they have adopting in production. gotcha. so they demand then because they have supermarkets, photos, and fruits and vegetables at the price match low. well, then the look, the production and all that comes inevitably in the 1st place from ukraine. because the european union wants to have a few frame and wants to add to ease the settings of its product. so it is creating
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a domestic process in all the nation. so from farmers of producing food that doesn't make that exhibit because the free trade agreement is causing them a can dishes that they know up to the process of below the. busy us and the comment agriculture policy that to defend them from using subsidizes is not compatible with the products that they all buy from ukraine. and they have such as i lived with different of the, you know, so that is one of the actually, the 2nd aspect is the you is introducing kind of the rock i see for the farmers that they need to spend almost between 5 to 7 hours a day on filling up documents and papers every single day. and that takes up
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almost a 3rd of the time when to set the time is invested in the fall, so they don't have any time to rest. so they again saying you have to reduce the, the rocker, see that you're asking us. and then to the 2nd most important box, either to stop the import from ukraine and you find them, they've done that, it's market for it. if you want to support you great or you, we allow it to raise the price, but raising the price is becoming really ridiculous. we go to market, we used to pay to sign it for $0.80 for that we pay for 3 years. 10 aquinos finished at the reach that us when it was around 3 to 4 years. so all these practice of closing not only reactions to reactions from the owners, but also the population is on the badge of exclusion because of the policy of the
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you one day, so much money to invest on foreign policy in particular, supporting ukraine in this ridiculous war but not investing in the war toward the european population. so there's some level of under cutting and that's causing inflation of prices. then you get another sacrifice for a you farmers in the name of ukraine. now let's not forget a or a slab under land has invited ukraine to join the you well, the or will between the west and left by the united states against ukraine, a resulting and destructive of the, your bank a. com. and i would explain. first of all, the americans are very happy with the outcome because they saying that all duction in say, is boomy. so there is a part of the american industry that is making a lot of money. secondly,
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because the americans have decided that we should own in the west, those sanctions on russia. then we find those said buying the or the guys treat times or full times more expensive, then the price with that you, we used to pay to russia. so what we found out at the end of the day is the americans offering facilities to all the european industry to come to america with 5 years without pay taxes and where the energy is a cheap think surprising to what they face to they you're so we have again the migration of the european industry to. ringback america, because of this war. so what we have gain, we have gain inflection. we have gain the valuation of the euro. we have gain. that is, that we cannot afford to pay, i mean, electricity,
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when the electricity has been for an individual, goes from $8.00 to yours a month that is more or less $90.00 to $370.00. and that's without counting how much restaurants up a and talking about thousands of years, nobody can afford these prices. but because you're using more orientation to was foreign policy, which is not the reason why the european leaders have been lifted, they never did. according to that domestic agenda, but not to that for the policy was they can dry the entire country to missouri. well, europeans today on looking towards eh, finding job and investing either the names. yeah. because there is no uh, opportunity. ready invest your everything is very expensive, the taxes are increasing everything they are doing up on everything that
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is related to income. and there is no increase of income to compensate the costs. it's not because inevitably you raise the income, you raise the prices. so if the price of the transport is full times hire, someone needs to pay. and the one who's paying is the end user, which is us. the people who are living on the european continent and paying the price of $2.00 of wrong european policy, one at the beginning of the war. several europeans either said this is not our war, and we were not being gauge. that was why decision. and then we find a sense or default in the war to the point that we have president and the french president amendment my whole say that i would need at the end of the day to send some folks to and some people and sizes to ukraine to
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continue the war because ukraine who's doing very bad. so the, those that guns, so out of their way, and completely disconnected from what's happening in europe, to the point that they, they, they can be part of this war. that is not our will to increase the negative consequences on new european population. yeah, very scary escalation indeed. so the dutch farmers protest that was the 1st one that began in europe that sparked off in 2019, that movement has since spread across the continent over the past year. first, can you begin by explaining to us what sparks that initial pro test and what the situation of that protest looks like today in 2024 over in the netherlands. yes, i remember when in october 2009 over 2000 tractors at close defined way and less than
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a 1000 kilometers. i know that because i was stuck in by sun the study in the netherlands. so that was a long time to wait and they even says the way on the low c beaches, there is no just on that if you want to escape and find a way for the city. so the problem and then the other then comes rebate from the got. so the government add one today, drastic measures to reduce the mission of nitrogen. this is exactly the same as you also in france and in brussels in the bedroom. but the french have found another way to spend down a bit to be at this point, this the plan, but for the, for the internet. and then they, the government consider buying for the largest share. it's nitrogen that was it on that's then comes from. gotcha. so these measures that are taken by the
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government are supporting as the climate change and the support of the track. however, from all the offices century, the government's policy was encouraging all the time the farm is to expand, to buy more land, to have more items and the, the, to borrow more money the with us. it's still it, these banks facilities for farm is to have access to those like nobody has been they've discovered that a good that you was responsible for 80 percent of the emission of wonderful nitrogen pollution. and because the farming and the diary had gone 50, just one percent of the d g d p. then the government said was it is the good if we come back on the production and that will not really affect the cost. oh is up
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for the farm is will have expanded that business. they found themselves step. of course, there is an issue that the nitrogen in yeah which yeah. is homeless because we've read 78 point something else nitrogen and at 21 on something of oxygen. however, the reaction comes with other names and because the name is like ammonia and that's on the right side, that's we fine we, we find in the is set to sizes, then this combination it'd be, it'd be coming to the wary for the government to try and reduce, so for, for the last 5 years at the farm is as being stuck in there, uh uh there animals and the production and indulging the properties
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and the gods as a happy again at the same time skyrocket. so the band need the feud, and the emission of maxim bank size creates much for pollution. how of a concert advisors that the ukranian are using, and now your feelings are not allowed to use, but effect why the, the production of the vegetables is something that the pharmacy again often begins . so they saying if we cannot have enough fields for the most to eat the gross and we need to keep them in, then they is a production of whole then 13 to 19 percent of started to gain the government to say, okay, what i can buy, the land that you don't want because you have bought a new expended. and i can give you bought the land o. i can't buy all of your. but then this is not the solution because then again
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the farm, as i said. so what do we do? this is the only a business we have nothing to do. and this is this pain that we be doing the doings in decades from generation to generation. and we haven't done another job or to do some other business. so this is the, the bank that continue on going between the farm is and the government's way to farms are saying, well, we don't want you to buy our land because we don't know how to invest that money. and there is no guarantee today for any investment, because of the devaluation of the euro. because the and stability in the market, the increase of the price of the go, the increase of the price of the be going. and the increase of the price of the at on what, why, but then is this to, i think it's, you never stated so why do they go? they don't know that this, this is the name of that. ok. all right,
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coming up next. what happens when those who are traditionally outside of the game of politics decide they want a seat at the table? that's exactly what happened in the netherlands. we're going to discuss it when we return with elijah maga, is to type them all will be right back. the, to take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscope. it gives him good shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really one say better will, i mean it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground again
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the the welcome back to them. oh, i'm vanilla chan. traditionally, in the world of politics, we see a certain type who enters that field, right? they usually come from high society, attend elite universities and mix and mingle amongst themselves, sometimes referred to as the ruling class. but in the netherlands, dodge farmers have ditched the fields and are now disrupting business as usual in parliament by creating their own political party. a political analyst and veteran war correspondent elijah maga, is back with us to discuss the turning of the tides of a new politics. so elijah,
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in the last couple of years, dutch farmers began their own political party called the b, b, b. in english. it translates to a farmer, citizens movement. so in 2023, the b, b, b, one, several seats in the parliament disrupting the plans for the pm mark, route, as cabinet who would no longer have the majority. by the summer of 2023. the entire dutch cabinet collapsed. do you think we will soon see other countries in the follow the dutch lead and launch their own parties and, and how might this disrupt business as usual, politics and the you? what do we have soon? the european parliament, the election. we have 710 year. ready being members of the. ready being arguments law sitting in europe and deciding what to do and what role they can forward
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to the leaders of the 27 european nations. and we see a movement in different countries. and you people imagine we've seen that in the u . k with your data weights winning the election and driving the hard establishment of the battle because it's something completely feasible. and that we see also a breach in the as in different your bottom, its members in different european countries. when there is a change stage to ship of the tradition, not only because the new people are all fed because people have got, uh, they did just, i just had enough of, uh, the usual, uh, these who dominate the establishment and the concrete in order to be your and so we don't need to have always the same people. he said that the conservative or
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the neighbor policy, the right thing, or the left wing, the social is all the green at the end of the day time to be more the fascist and the right. we walk these. so there is a need for change. and this need to change is not very happy, very fast and very quickly because any change and each time it's exactly like the what a jimmy today, we stood up the americans as well as gemini. however, most countries around the world agreed that the strip stuff, because of the way the americans are received, what the w stand it and the pharmacy, particularly with the wall and gas and the war and you pray and the compassion of the stand of the what between both rules, so all that is giving you all the full supports for the european people to think about the necessity to introduce changes and remove fetus if you're to. for example,
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today, at the dealership in france, you'll have a leader and then when i'm at home with 23 percent of voters who voted for him. so he is really over less than a quarter of the population where people voted for him because they didn't want to try the far right. we mounting the bank, which is after a year in the office 2 years, it's no longer the case if there were elections today. mounting the bank, we went tomorrow by 70 to 80 percent will than any other candidate. because people have enough of the old faces and, and for coffee, they don't want to try something new. i don't think the changes. i'll going to say you're so dramatically everywhere. but the all going to be increased there is going to be an increase of changes as what you're, because there is a new narrative that is coming in, which is the benefit of the population,
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the interest of the population. and to carry the flat of looking up the, the interest of the people that not the interest of another country. we cannot in your function with leaders law, say, america. first, you're allowed the american to say america 1st in america, but not a your europe. you should go back to europe, but again, it's residing. if we lose designs, this is a big problem. and because we are using our badges, the new faces that imagine in different part of it. but they need time to form a logical industry to now stay in the world of politics. i've seen much of the main stream media refer to them the b, b, b as an extreme and right wing populist right. even white nationalist over their concerns of migration. same for the se in germany is this affair or
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accurate description of these parties. and does this even speak to the rising populism across europe? that's a very good question. so we see today across europe popular just especially those on ideological right. so they have been willing law shares the votes in recent pages elections. so for example, if it 8 the right wing populous brother, cd at secure the highest vote. giving one single box e, the support of jo jimmy though, the ed who became a prime minister in sweden for example, the sweden democrats. imagine the 2nd most popular the in the country and then in the recent election. so they, there's some performance is the result of a steady growth in the last, i think 5 or 6 fundamental elections and where they have double their vote since
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2014. again, as you rock you said in spain, the shell, the roads going to corporate this spot, these they have again double between 201520192021. at the, the rising is gone from 12 to 13 percent to 25 percent in hungary, for example, it was at the store or been re elected. and that is where the rock tween populous game and the election. and in the last election, in the end, the so that has been in policy and 2010. so that gives in is a solid place in the society where people wants him to continue implies again the reading below. and just as bobby, as the pool times increase the vote of share between the
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200120192020. so in these countries we see the rise population in, in belgium for example. and for us also the same. imagine we've seen the, i'll define the far right. the flemish poppy is one around more or less 12 percent of dimensions of in 2019. but that, that's we also worked at the office of badging at the increase a. so say when not, not doing as good as the far right. so going from 9 to 10 percent, but it's not doing very bad. but in phones that's the biggest surprise when people did not want the pen. and then suddenly they discovered that day she is the one estate is standing face to face with an and then one my home, the connection and then not one because people didn't want really to try and marine
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defense. but now they are very keen to allow her to become the new president if face continues to isaac this today. however, we've seen in other countries, it was populous at all, not really like germany, and in greece. in these countries we've seen a decrease all the the support for properties. so we can say the gross, the more due, yes, properties, right? be because they is in need of try different people and tried different people are speaking to the people, the speaking to the population, talking the language addressing the can sense all these going to abide by what they say during the election or before the election. once they are elected, if, if we take the example of george, i mean, literally, she did not go to the same agenda. she was advertising for any before the next year
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. when she became prime minister, she changed the policy in particular towards russia in the ukraine. and so it's, we need to wait that there is a strong appetite among the european population to senior faces and to change people under any type of dep presented this. all right, unfortunately i gotta make that the last word, elijah, thank you so much for that. and insight and be sure to follow elijah on twitter at e j mall. right. and check out his work at elijah maga, dot com. thank you so much, elijah is my pleasure. any time. alright, that is going to do it for today's episode of modus operandi. the show that digs deep into foreign policy and current affairs. i'm your host manila chance. thank you so much for tuning in. we'll see you again. next time to figure out the m. o, the,
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the winds, largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more, react, the russian states never is as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community invest in most all sense and up the in the 65
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to 5 must be the one else holes, question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media machine, the state on process coding and supports the r t smooth neck, given our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the question did you say even closer to the for decade, united states has operated military bases around the middle east and currently have around 30000 station in the area on sky. now he's doing this addition of 360 views
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. we're going to look at the court and justification by the united states and the role their presence is planning or cheating. peace in the middle east. let's get started. the the earliest civilizations in history were established around $3500.00 b, c. and the region now known as the middle east, even though the time was not given to the land between a ravia and india until the 1850s by the british india office. so why is the oldest civilization? do you mean the help of one of the newest? well, i don't want to question the original intent to the united states. that would like to think it was the name of keeping the peace in the world. but even if that was true in the beginning, prior to the united states pulling out of afghanistan,
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do us have more than one high.


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