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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 30, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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the international f next direct impact was rep sanchez by the the
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take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power of tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen for you, fractured images, present it is, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the fire body, this is
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a daily show that's somewhat different. so glad you're there. we hold no punches, so look for it. truth from number one. donald trump says he's got to stop d dollarization. can you do that? i'm going to show you what he said. groupon number, tote, the most self serving, and dishonest correspondence dinner. you will ever see it just took place in washington. d. c. droop um, number 3, more violence, more arrests as pro israeli forces in the united states are told to cut down all those protesters at more than 200 colleges, universities. and we, we have the pictures to prove it. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact the, the
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so the south community led by brazil and india with russia and china not too far behind our yearning for a more fair global current. so you know that right. but donald trump has just come out recently and said that if he comes president, he will punish those who even think about substituting the dollar for another currency. you know, i will, i likely the push toward the dollar ization came about because of the sanctions and other penalties that were put on russia in 2022. after the west, unplugged russia from the global financial system entirely and seized its assets, developing economy, solve that, and then they ask themselves, what will, what if we come after us? what does they do at the us? places like brazil and india and they're on and other started asking themselves.
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and that is why in january of 2023 briggs, the global south group that includes brazil and russia, and india and china and south africa. now, many more announced that it wants to create its own currency to bypass the us dollar a med, washington's dangerous sanctions crates. former president trump says i will not let you do that. here's this quote. i hate when countries go off the dollar. i would not allow countries to go off a dollar because why do we lose that standard? that will be like losing the revolutionary war, illusionary war anyway, that will be a shit to our country. so says the former president, donald trump. ok now here. so, you know, i can't help but think when i hear that, yes, it would be, i see it to a country which sounds exactly like what washington, our country are. politicians do when they freeze the assets of other country when
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they steal the gold reserves and other countries when they sanction the companies of other countries. and when they threaten other countries from doing business with whatever country we don't like at the time. joining us now to discuss this is ted rall. he's a syndicated columnist that an officer and an award winning cartoonist also angie wong. she's a co host of the final countdown on radio. sputnik thanks so much guys for joining us. i guess we start there, you know, it's interesting tat, i'll start with you that the former president will come out and say. busy that this is what i'm going to do because it's not fair that they would be considering taking out the dollar ization. as i recall, he was responsible for as many sanctions on countries as any other president we've had recently, wasn't. yeah, he was one of the interesting aspects of donald trump as a political personality, is that he's very, very adept at identifying problems in a way that many other american politicians are not. the problem is,
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is proposed solutions. and this is one example of that is totally right, but this would be, as you said, in the lee in the intro here, it would be a major problem for the united states. yeah. dollars. they would present some major economic and political challenges. now that says the answer to that is not to come down like a ton of bricks, no pun intended. on the 1st countries, the idea is to go is to lose is to show, is reassuring the world. don't worry, we're gonna unwind the sanctions. we're gonna make sure that when you invest us dollars as a reserve currency or you have your assets tied up, in dollar denominated securities, whether they be in europe or the us or somewhere else that no one is going to touch them. your capital will be safe that your us dollars will be fine, no matter where they are, even if we don't like your politics or we don't like the war that you happen to be involved in. if he does that, he might be able to reverse this trend. but until he but this is the opposite about
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. and he, i got one for you this week and celebrities, multi millionaires, politicians, and members of the corporate media in america all came together to get drunk and to tell each other how, how wonderful they all are. this is called the national correspondence dinner. i'm sure you either attended or heard of this. it's an event which in the past at least a loud and for some dosages of honesty. but this year it was horribly disgusting. it was a share of an event where some dude from saturday night live with a very attractive phase side of that life. for those of you watching us overseas isn't nbc comedy show on saturday nights. so this guy goes up on stage and he tells everybody what a hot. busy old person, donald trump is and what an incredibly great human being like mother teresa is kind of person, joe biden is. and when you look at the levels of freedom throughout history and even around the world today, this is the exception. this freedom is incredibly rare. and the journalists in this
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room help protect that freedom and we can not ever take that for granted. the mr. president, i thank you for your decency on behalf of my grandfather. and i think all of you, almost all of you for your decency as well. i am very honored and grateful that you invited me here to night. thank you and good night. pardon me for saying this, but as i watch that i want to vomit in my mouth and i'm sorry, but the most person ever and those people who are there are also incredibly, incredibly decent. are they really angry? oh my goodness, everyone in that room is part of the light in state media. they're only being
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invited because they're kind to bite in and that to trump. traditionally the white house correspondents dinner is of roast, usually roasting the president. you have several people going up on stage to take, you know, a silly punch on, you know, the man in charge our commander in chief, but this time, no, let's just, let's just blow a lot of air. like it's just the whole thing is that the fashion was bad, the hair was bad, the speeches were like, like even like today, other nothing networks are not republishing what's being said because it was so awful as part of the switch. but understand everyone in that room is so scared to say anything bad about bite and because they will be just invited from the white house from this point forward. that how decent is it to continue a war and ukraine with a por ukrainians and run out of soldiers, and you're doing everything possible to an nile aid the population of the country? how decent do you have to be to see israel massacre some 15000 children.
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apparently kill some 50 that 32, maybe 40, maybe 50. who knows really cuz nobody's really counting. but we have some official numbers, palestinians in gaza. how decent do you have to be to make sure you are the person responsible for making sure that happen? just a question to a look. i. i wish i knew how decent you'd have to be to send over a $100000000000.00 in the us taxpayer money over to $5.00. these very complex that you just mentioned that the same time that here in new york city right outside of my front door there, people literally. 2 going to the american citizens sleeping outside on the streets, you're getting no help whatsoever from their government, presumably that they've paid taxes into for many years before they hit the skids and so on. some bad luck. now, i mean, the mean the joe biden is a decent person. no, it persists, but it is not. there's not much there there. i always think about. 1 yeah, this is
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a guy who repeatedly lied about how his own wife died. right. like you, he kept claiming that he was killed by a drunk driver. the guy wasn't drunk at all, it was just a lie and he knew it. he kept telling the story, but not decent. the whole thing makes me angry. i was invited once, as you know, i was a, i was, i worked at cnn and i work at nbc and i work in fox and all these places. and i was part of that call, dr. bought into that culture, but i remember i was invited to go to the correspondence dinner once and i refused . i always felt that if you're a journalist, you shouldn't go get drunk with the people that you are supposed to have a rival risk relationship with. my job is to check you to ask you hard questions, not to be your body and to see all these people there together, all friendly and telling jokes and patting each other on the backs. the whole thing is wrong. it's not just wrong now. it was ridiculously wrong this year. this is the worst i've ever seen. but it's been wrong for a long time, angie. oh yeah,
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but they have to put up this slay this whole hollywood production. they have to keep it going. is part of the script you gotta understand, this is the club as you know, and i'm thank you very much, rick, for not being part of that establishment class for doing eye. witness reporting, an old fashioned journalism. not to call you old. i do the same. we are here to be completely unbiased. i know that's not necessarily job security these days in the newsroom. you know, spacing of that. i'm glad you just took us to where we want to go. because this is, this is the other part of the correspondence dinner. that once again made me want to throw up in my mouth when it was present. it biden's turn to speak this this guy . ready our president, our, our president praised the journalists in the room, most of which make hundreds of thousands of dollars of not tens of millions of dollars in some cases. right? um, reading a teleprompter in some air conditioned office building,
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but this is how he describes them. brushing the danger for others is my definition of patriotism and harris. the show is what all you do when you report truth over lives. that's what i want to close, and i was my genuine, thanks for the free press. there are some who call you the enemy, the people as wrong as dangerous. you literally risk your lives doing your job, the, the free press. you risk your lives. most of the people in that room. i've never covered a story. most of the people in the home have big offices in new york city or other big places. they're big cities in the united states. most of those people ring
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teleprompters for a living and when they don't get out, trust me, i've been there. i was sent to the some of these places with the likes of anderson cooper. they travel with a makeup team. they find them a hotel room. they have an on drudge of people taking care of every one of their needs. they fly in special dinners for them. please aren't correspondence in the old fashioned way that we used to see covering wars in vietnam and korea, etc. that was such a bunch of bull khaki from the president telling these people how brave and how courageous they all are and that they are the so called free press at. pardon me, i was supposed to ask a question here. i didn't ted to you a rick look a i've seen a few shots fired in anger when i cover the war in 2001. and that's gonna stay on the 1999 cardinal conflict. i've been out there and said a few times and you're absolutely right. read what you're saying. you don't 100
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percent, right? the independent journalist who travel hard, many of them, for example, right now i'll just 0 reporters your in gaza, or your dad or dad or dad. they've been killed. yeah, that's really party. you know, i've, i've seen major network guy's literally like you said, have like, got your pallets of beer shipped to them at their special cost price. that's about supposedly i ignore them. i mean, it's a joke. yeah. yeah. and did, did you want to add something to that? yeah, i mean, of course, real journalists run to the epicenter of conflict and we cover it. i don't know if anyone in that room has done that, joe biden on that night could not even like spoon himself let us into. now, i don't know what he's talking about himself is reading a teleprompter that evening. i don't think those are actually his. busy words coming out. yeah, well that's often fall, obviously true with almost everything joe biden does, but to be respectful,
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he's not, you know, a young man so, and to, to also be fair what, what, what yes, i agree. it was a little worse this year than it has been in previous years because they're protecting them so much and they don't want anything to get in the way of his being re elected, i guess. but this thing that they do with this correspondence dinner was a joke during trump. a joke during obama. a joke during bush, a joke during every single president, because that consortium of body body between the press and the media and the politicians long go there to get drunk together. that's wrong and that's not democracy. despite what this dude from saturday night live, uh may be saying, okay, sorry, what are we going to next? when we come back? have you guys seen what's going on all over the country? it's crazy now, it's $200.00 universities. emory university in atlanta and northeastern university . now it's out of boston, you see a la all it's, it's, it's, it's not a what's going on in these places and we're going to show you more video. busy we're going to show you what's going on with these disturbances and people who
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apparently don't like mr. biden's prophecies will take you through that state right there. the, the, what is part of the employee would posted isn't the defense you of us and bidding the word or is it something deeper, more complex might be present? let's stop without glitches. let's go products. as the water
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back, this is direct impact on average sanchez, i'm gonna show you some incredible video joe mentioned getting screened that by voters in a little bit. but before we go to that, i want to show you something else this weekend. it's this thing is continuing to grow. it's not stopping tens of thousands of university students all over the country. most of home who don't think joe biden is all that decent and to oppose the president's very pro war policies dropped in the streets. there were new demonstrations emory university in atlanta who knew northeastern university just outside of boston. that's a new place where this weekend, more demonstration, suddenly broke out. university of california in los angeles would mass arrest, finds the violin classes with police. this in this thing is not stopping. here's a sampling the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, this is really amazing that the, you know, i'm old enough to remember. uh, the late 19 sixty's. i was a young man of course, but and uh, i remember the movement back then that was very anti establishment in me. it seems to me, you know, an act of defiance holding the middle finger to your government and saying what, what you guys are doing is crazy. and it doesn't represent us and stop with these wars and stop killing people and stop sending our money overseas. i mean,
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obviously in this case they're focusing on gaza, but there really is a sense of rebellion that i'm seeing among young people in the united states. like i haven't seen it in g. busy long time. yeah. what's wonderful about those video clips is the police doing their job again. it's night to see the police being police again. you know, as a parent i will tell you i did not send my kid to a $70000.00 a year. tuition for tuition to be a little mini protester. i get it. you want to do that? that's fine. but honestly, i want to go to your graduation next week. i want you to finish up your final this week. that's what i paid for this. this is not good, i don't like that. i just pay tuition for my kids to be an agent for george soros or whoever is funding this. so you think that the young people in america who are protesting the wars are all just a bunch of communism. martz's and they should be stop that is that is that what you're saying? i'm trying to understand. i said, oh, sure, i spent
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a lot of time at columbia and m y u in the past week. i've been sitting there and been watching the protesters when talking to them. they're looking for something fun to do as to whether in new. busy warms up, it's come, you know, people are hanging out there, hooking up their drinking beers. they're having a good time. that's all funding. well, but here's the thing. they don't necessarily know what they're protesting and there's plenty of reporting being done by law. these protesters think they heard about something called october 7th. so that's as far as it goes, they don't actually know what they're protesting. they're just doing it because it's fashionable, wouldn't you think that they know that there are at least 30000 people who've been massacred in guys and some 15000. busy are children who really had no political position and that israel has lied in every turn about everything they have done, including killing aid workers and cold blood. do you think maybe they might have an argument when it comes to that? and i say that they have heard things and that they've been talking to their friends about it. but ultimately i don't know if they go beyond that. i don't think
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it goes deeper than not. i don't think they understand the history of what's been going on and cause i get that these are the images that they're seeing every single day in the news and i'm most friends, but ultimately i just don't get the sense that they really are in deep cells. that they really understand what's going on. so it sounds like you're telling me that you think whatever zeros doing is is right. that you're, you're, you're on the side of israel on this and you think the palestinians are all terrace . now i have, i'm not a fighter on this one. i'm just reporting the news on this one along with 10 ro. we've talked about this every day on our show, the final countdown. i will tell you that i don't have a position on this and ted knows that i do see i do have a bleeding heart for those who have died and gaza. i think it was terrible. what has happened. i think it's been a master teacher and i think they've completely demolished most of gaza to the point where the policy ends cannot return. that i get all that i get the politics of it. but these kids are being used as pon,
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for someone's political agenda. i don't love it because these are young kids. they should be doing their files right now. and they should be walking down the aisle for graduation next week, but a lot of them have been canceled. so how about a dad? these are just a bunch of says and it is a bunch of bunch of spoiled brats who shouldn't go home and uh, is there causes really not justified you agree with that or uh hell no, all right. it says empty. well. 3 looks like empty, i spend some time up at columbia. i have a 11 guy card, so i can, i'm allowed to go on campus. i talked to the protesters, people i talked to, we're very sophisticated and knowledgeable. um, they had a, they understood the history of sutler colonialism in a former british mandate, palestine and they understood the history of the 1967 in the 1973. was there to see how god came to under the control of a problem off which contrary to right wing talking point was out of the election. the sole power in
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a to against about the there's like the i found their knowledge to be extremely sophisticated. they look for the record, if even if they turned out to be a bunch of, uh, you know, ignoramuses but they're just fighting because they're because they thought that, you know, it's bad to kill tens of thousands of innocent civilians. that would be fine with me because killing tens of thousands, really sincere millions is always wrong. but that's a big, that's not the situation with these young people. these are very, i, these are smart welling for a very impressive young men and women who are attending in the case of columbia. one of the best colleges mean states. well, okay, moving on to another topic. if there is a spirit of rebellion right now in this country, it's not just targeting the corruption of announcements and universities. it's also targeting politicians. as we have said many times on this program, the vast majority of us politicians, especially those in congress,
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are on the take. they are paid off legally by the way, by corporations to do their bidding. and right there at the top of the list as a guy named joe mansion known for taking 1000000 some corporations to then oppose rights for workers climate active as democratic reform is. in this video you will see some voters confronting him. and this is not pretty for the senator watch. a tom is so. so the bridge doing you use the position, you're in the, the support, there's
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a lot of issues because it hasn't. nobody's warren the 1st to get back on to the what. what do you think? what do you think of this one and you do think it's ok to confront a us politician who obviously takes a lot of money from donors, corporations. and i don't think mansion is that different from any of the ras, but he is at the top of the list. or is it ok to do that? yeah, it's always okay to do that because these guys go into office, you know, making a $100000.00 a year and they walk you. 9 you know, hundreds of millions of dollars, you know, rich, sure. and it just doesn't make any sense. so of course it's ok to target a public figure like joe mentioned, look, you should explain how he makes his money every one of them should, you know, they, i don't even know if they even do bills or run the country. they just pretty much stay true. all day for you make a $100200300000.00 a year,
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but you're but but yet you're worth a $30000000.00. 40000000 and they said, what is the drive c d drives? yeah. and mcconnell, what is what, what, what did they say he drives to mazda rod? these are so, it's ridiculous, but it is, it is what it is, and we're out of time, but we'll get you back. this is a great discussion. i'm so glad that we had a chance to share this. i think these are hard stories that all of us should be talking about my things to ted my bags. to angie, you guys have been delightful gas. thank you. once again, before we go, i want to remind you of our mission simple, really just to try beside the world. we've got to stop living and little boxes just don't live in boxes. truths are everywhere, it's what we focus on. i'm ricks. busy as this is direct in
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the the i'm not sure come on this as they do show a good this things. let me ask him that way. see me is the non smoker in your mind . still enough to monday. so stuff with a just didn't show erica, by a demo print that issue and you're still or do i have to wait
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a moment but that's not. i was made up of cards through the trailer span that we could buy that. so i didn't want that right. uh you're, you're, you're poor. 2 much that's what i want to do bulk over here, but as of now it's particularly like cut them around quite inflate and mobile face crazy. it's nice not kaiser. is it? absolutely. i'd rather solution an issue with the much just me isn't good that this is the key 3 of us and you can leave the alone. i'm not very good deal or worse then you're going you. why am i still thought ship?
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what with us, which is really nice piece, there's still going yes sort of the agencies able to get the b 5, the response that the minutes and the the all the guys a city but international organization. sound the alarm over the dire situation in gaza with the un calling attention to the 13000 children killed and just over half a year, 900 arrests reported him a within 10 days as please continue to class with the american universities. students rallying over dogs that we hear from the us screen party co chairperson, margaret elizabeth. i think it really highlights the hypocrisy that the democratic party and indeed the republican party as well in body. they will tell us that they


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