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tv   News  RT  April 30, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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of the india slums on the american media report, the claim new delhi ordered the failed assassination of a 6 separate test to figure in the us. also this hour to an agency is able to get the, the 5, the response of the medicine, the, the, all the guys, the state of international organizations. on the alarm over the scale of fishing monitoring prices in gaza and calling attention to the 13000 silver and killed in just over half visa one your students. web gathered at shari for university in toronto. boys there support for the wave of pro palestinian demonstrations in the u . s. medians. joining global at raleigh's in solidarity to which students in
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america are demonstrating in increasing numbers for peace. the i from law school, this is your r t international. let's get into our top story on this, the last day of speculative and irresponsible that's out. india is foreign ministry has branded controversial article by the washington post. it's claim you dally ordered last year is failed. assassination of a secret separate this figure in the us, india has denied plotting against the active us who's wanted on terrorism charges in the south asian country. as the report in question makes on warranted and unsubstantiated amputations on a serious mat. so there is an ongoing investigation of the high level committee stop by the government of india to look into the security concerns shed by the us government on networks of organized criminals, terrace,
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and all of us speculative and irresponsible comments on this, on not helpful in a series of misleading reports by the west and media. india has called the washington goals, the sign on the board, the basically the or how on the eve or more these far see 2 visits to the us induced by agencies, role model e. c. except for just need to call good mom, seen on america, destroyed this man is wanted to know a wanted standard roost in india has several cases against him. he's also role congress on the doubles dual citizenship of the us and canada. now india has vanished. these reports calling them misleading curios in the us and how do i looked for the relationship last year in november and bought us the q as in indian
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national, a floating, the mother, the one thing funding, what designated editors did in india also except for just lead to very only threatens india all the time. the in the west, some press on that following monday, december, the external affairs administer a video to a j. sean good indian volume that went on to see that india hasn't received the input from the us is formed a special committee to look into the matter to investigate, to inquire about all the boards that are being provided to india. but research reporting the policy. yes. is that not only uses misleading, it's on warranted? no 1st time getting gas complaining about the coverage that it gets in the western presence. maybe some of the prime minister of india during his election speeches. remember,
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india has ongoing general elections. the plan is still going on to see that there was a need to stay and see in the indian elections and that's happening while the western press. yeah. and then the largest economy in the world to try to see is not everybody's happy with the yes cool. it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has voted to invade roughest city in southern gaza, whether a hostage deal is reached from us or not. 47 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours, according to the and saves health ministry. what does that hasn't seen a ceasefire since november on multiple rollins of talks have failed to bring about a 2nd agreement? not israel's latest proposal includes a 14 day pause in hostilities. the deal would also release hostages,
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who have been held since october 7th, in exchange for hundreds of palestinian prisoners in is really jails. kilometer in groups are calling on the world to take action before more innocent lives are lots or after 6 months total of these more than 6 months of all of these that we need, we need to see down in the initial coming need to sit down and put that in your money at the, at the beginning of every single discussion, because what this happened to you now, it seemed to be not correct. no, you might need that in hudgens. he's able to get the find the police sponsor to the menu. so need the, all the guys a city, but we could argue that the situation, some instance, some of the law space and weeks was as likely improving, arriving in a funded in 50 and the one that had struck. so if you mind that i need anything every day and because 3 but my these way 5 it up. but on what these me, that you many, that i need study men's, avery, meaning that these coffee go. and because i had the and the, the, then the need,
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so we live, we didn't keys and entities another very important part these, nothing enough, but to bring you money that i may need to open a gate, then you need to create the, i mean by them into what he's possible to, but 8 that would he'd say for the money that i want to get so great. but when it's also safe of what cd minutes forget what they need is not safe or on. i would say it's better to be safe. and this is huge, but all for them is huge. a method of solicitation, no other caustic, a significant width update the 22 times. so then i'm at a t as in stops include leaks. a key is a 22 women and men have been keyed in 6 months for the even though they're not getting the only needs that are left and 18 on this side, aggressive boasting garza and lastly, even in the west bank. and i think that these are the need a clear, i'm going to start. it could be mind that a one of the violence of this conflict that i wouldn't look even your mind is that i work as i expected you. and as once again as well, sun to the alarm over the shockingly high number of children killed in gas,
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it just to compared during the 14 year warner rock more than 3000 miners, were killed over here. another recent conflict in yemen, some 3700 young lives were taken in 2 just over 7 years. both those numbers door 5. this graphic here, the total of 13000 children who died in the dallas, that bombardment in just the past 6 months. some countries including saudi arabia, want to see israel, how the comfortable administered stress, the need for the international community to impose effective sanctions on israel, including stopping the export of weapons to get in response to its violation of international law, international humanitarian law and the war crimes it is committing and garza and the occupied west bank well for their part, western leaders and origin come us to agree to the 40 days cease fire proposal calling it a generous offer from israel. it does seem to me, there is no, you know,
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just be frank. every generous offer of, you know, sustained 40 days he spied the release of potentially thousands of palestinian prisoners in return for the release of these hostages has not been in captivity for over 200 days. so i hope how much do take this deal, and frankly, all the pressure in the world and all the eyes of the world should be on them today saying take that deal come off has before it a proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel, and in this moment the only thing standing between the people of gaza and a cease fire is on us. they have to decide. and they have to decide quickly to begin with the term generous offer by israel. i mean, most of us who no history know that the term did not start with blinking, but rather started with the clinton administration during the so called peace talks
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income david. many years ago we know who the rock was, the prime minister as will. and he said, our thought was the end of the yellow, where yeah, so on, if that's your views is idea of a band to stay on congress piece. and the outcome was the americans accused him of failing to accept and is really generous offer. somehow that is what it is continued to make these generous offers and ungrateful palestinians, and behind them i'm grateful. international community refuses to about down to as well generosity. what's called a generous offer is, is the cause for a lead me to see a spa, you're in an area that has been almost entirely destroyed by the american and his way to weapons when you will have 70 percent, to 80 percent of the entire civilian infrastructure. overpay is completely destroyed then over a 120000 people between the dead, wounded or missing. what kind of generous offer is that that caused for chick
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getting down the supplies and made this in and pulled the starving population? know that generous offer would be to bring this one to a board that to an end and to hold is legally accountable for this for crimes. right, the some wild footage from the west spot where the german representative to the palestinian authority has been chased away from the museums by local students. the fund age on social media. she was a crowd gathering inside on a run, the building shopping for berlin's on voice this to me, even the museum was hosting a meeting of diplomats from you company space in the territory. protesters chased up so i'd sites picking and throwing stones up his car to show apparently n i n g or germany support for israel and the gals of war for joining is not
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from east jerusalem is. dimitri looks 1st for the foster reformist democratic function. griffin, you're welcome to the program. why did the german and boy in particular, it seems there receive such in a warm welcome in the west bike? i think so having me, the german represented to visit to the west bank while is country where has a long history, shameful history of a genocide there during the holocaust. and it's today, it proves that it did not learn anything from its history and supports the genocide in a guys that is most definitely not welcome in any house the new area town institution. but maybe we differ in the way that we show our boat test and objection to the german policies. and the presence of the german
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representative, the this students uh, mainly from views that students have without. so the national museum shows to, to, to show their objection. and therefore, just in the way that i would personally choose something else, but that's the way they see it. and it's kind of reflective of this sentiment towards germany. it's despicable complicity in the genocide committed against our people in guys up not only among the pals and the people, but this sentiment is, is pretty much around the air world and increasingly around the world. and also increasingly in, in german cities as well. you said it's not what the way you would have chosen to show your opposition. do you think that the way it happened could damage
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polish spines aimed for statehood among countries when, when they see that sort of reaction i don't see that having such an effect. i mean, we are talking about implicity in a genocide and to protest against that. speaking about a 1000, these fits within how much would the way students choose to protest that position would affect the state of palestine or the states would allow sign. i think it's far affects a speculation, and i don't think it does have any direct effect. germany has been for a long time, a finance here of the e u, which has played a role in many humanitarian, a human services. but at the same time, it has been committed to support the military occupation of best buy,
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committed to support the genocide through providing the state of israel with weapons and with the political support it. it requires to continue its genocide thing because i saw from one hand it does give a little to you know, to kind of feel better about it's a net commitment towards a military in the goals of the you and it is a large and substantial donor in the you but at the same time it, it, it, it kind of pulls into that with its despicable genocide goal in human italian position towards the genocide and god. just hours ago, the international court of justice rejected the request from nick argue out that germany be forced to hold. it's military a to, to israel was not expected to i mean it is. well,
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i do not think that the, the international, the criminal justice was right about that position. i think that the journey as a set for has a long history of genocide, love you despicable history. and so far it has proven that it did not learn anything from the history and the international. well, let me just share with brian or pearl and say's drum many times that none of the weapons it is sent to israel has been used to kill civilians. i beg to differ germany's on germany as long as there are weapons going towards israel, even if it didn't directly, it was full of bonds. it does subsidize weapons that are used to directly kill 1000 young children. so in other words,
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if their german statement is true, which i highly doubt as it does as a matter of fact, subsidized for other weapons, use g, 2000 premium children. and on top of that, germany is on internal policies to silence or anti genocide voices, including jewish voices in other germany has rested and prosecuted jews, german jews for opposing the genocide being committed by design. this is will do gaza. this is how far germany is committed. designed is them and how it is build practices, anti semitism because the palestinian people, including the people you guys are so much and they are be undergoing a genocide supported by germany. and when the german jews oppose that
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germany in n dot has been met. take anti freedom of expression, moves up for us its own citizens. so as a matter of fact, the bottom line, germany has not heard anything. so it's this big global history towards so many people now including to 1000 new people. would you expect more? seems like we saw of the museum in the west bank against other western officials going forward because that anger in the west bank does seem to be expanding. you know, i think that i'll send you people as people that booked us to today's uh, the gentleman representatives visit these are educated college students. do you know the difference? well example, we celebrate representatives and councils and diplomats from ireland from spain, from other western countries that have shown an email to terry position. we close
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on on, on purely metal paint reasons. and we oppose the visit or any kind of welcoming to any country or representative of the country that is still listed in the small drawing. all our people in gaza now 34000 people have been killed. 40000 of them are children, and you cannot tell me nobody can well can't convince the colleagues that they should not object to or protest the visit of a country that is known to be a supporter of the slowest thing. but people have to hold on to mr. you know? yeah, they don't do they have to get together those are you representatives whether or not we agree with their point of view that they need to be able to speak and relative safety. and maybe here the use all of the, in this case, the palestinian authority, so that, that couldn't get through that can get back to their capitals. uh well there have
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been conversations i was involved in conversation with the gentleman representative him. so, and i think he's a fine gentleman. he just represents a despicable policy that's over the country that is complicit in the fight. nothing personal he's address, as i said, use a drawn gentleman and but this is not personal. and i think that the, the representative of all the countries around the world have heard of the genocide . how did that, i'll send you the position of the different sites. i personally issue a daily statement from the front desk for the former democratic faction, respecting the sentiments of the 1000, the people regarding the policies in politics on the international arena regarding the genocide in government. so nobody can say that they have enough information or they do not know. everybody knows everyone has a request for the medical representative or even an interest in this part of the
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world already knows exactly what goes on and gather. and so far their countries and many of them have not changed the policies include in jeremy. yes, we do believe that diplomats shouldn't have a protection and they should be free to move around, conduct their business as long as they are welcomed by the official. uh uh, government about fine, which the germans. all right, that's what i said at the beginning, i would have chosen a different way to port estimates. understood. thank you for your time on your thoughts on all of that today, we appreciate the palestinian fun to function spokesperson, dimitri dilly. thank you for having a rising wave of mr. dudley and it was just going through a pro policy in protest, a sweeping cross the united states. one particular flash point is new york's columbia university where a paper broke into and occupied an academic building. the move came after the schools managements begun suspending students for refusing to disperse. the same
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building named hamilton hall, had notably being taken over by empty vietnam war protesters back in the 1960 dramatic site age from the scene of the ongoing stand off is circulating on social media. the will close to a 1000 students have reported lead being arrested in protest, dozens of american universities and just the past 10 days active as are demanding the end of us arm supplies to israel. some lawmakers in washington to help pitch
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legislation to punish students for a legit, updates and mistakes statements. new york based legal and media list line, all se silencing the protesters is only going to lead to more distant if an idea or a slot is likely to incite violence. and if in a position to do it where, where you are likely to know what and you intend to incite violence, then speech can be stop because speeches hurtful or problem matic or it is a trigger warning or causes somebody to feel to, to, to have mike for one question and we have all of these words, let people speak violence is verbal. but what we're doing is we're lying eyes. you weren't actually where it's called. you can just this apotheosis all these protestors who are actually recruiting more people because what they want to do is
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they want to address why they're not able to speak versus what they want to speak about in the 1st place. and listen to this now talking about reading in the national guard, basically the, the military. so military, a big tent stage. why they want to bring in number one, terry? because somebody's wearing a funny hat and beating a drama. and you don't like what they have to say. so what i've been saying is river edge tags. so what if you don't like it leave don't listed in counter pro just this was the marketplace or for you ideas, college universities. this is where you want to win by your intellectual revolution . but remember, violets bylaws by which no, no, no. i can't. what is happening? well, pro palestinian rallies are spreading beyond us and european campuses really and students have gathered into and on and solid dark feet with their global culture
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parts reporting from there. here's ortiz use of july, or he wants the support for is really atrocities is back firing at the white house . say these iranian students, web gathered at shari for university in toronto, voice their support for the wave of pro palestinian demonstrations in the us and also to denounce the heavy handed crack down on protesters, calling it in humane an unnecessary since the unrest broke out in the us or one your students and different universities started holding such rallies to try to be a voice for their american counterparts. students your chance of slogans against what they call violence. depression of voice says they're holding size, reading boy costs as well. i can also see a message reading what you said, all lives matter. well, students say they have stage this riley to express solidarity with their fellow students in the united states have been protesting and campuses against their
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governments financial support to his route, calling for seas fire and investment from weapons manufacturers link to as well. once again, as a peaceful solidarity in camp and at columbia has escalated into clashes between students and police officers at universities in the us and has now spread to many other campuses in the country with videos capturing police officers beating for testers forcibly man handling and detaining students, i'm leading them away in handcuffs flooding social media. the term model has also led to a shift to online learning postpone classes and disrupted graduation plans. but students here say what is even more alarming is the erosion of academic freedom and a growing disillusionment with the american justice system. one of the was constantly lectures, other nations on free speech, while cracking down on anyone for forces their policies,
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even if it's their own citizens. these people say, are the ongoing police fatalities fails. the bees on washington's hypocrisy and double standards on freedom of expression, apart from iranian suit as officials and yvonne have also criticized the wise for unleashing violence against its own people. on monday, spokesmen of their wrongs for an industry not working on it. so did the demonstrations into us and the citizens that american universities revealed the extent of anti is rarely sentiment, as well as public vigilance regarding what's happening in gaza. he also said that it shows the unwavering us support for quote, as well as genocide in guys that was, that says, day one received backing from the american government. and some european countries can, on a also uh, advised us to officials that are sending police to campus is, is not a y solution. and then it's that it has to listen to the rightful demands of its own citizens. and that's what these students here,
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this university has echoed and this friday. so it appears that the use of force against students of the warehouse has reached a tempting for orange horse, now ride the lime lights on the table stage. and as put washington on a critical cross roads, either to support please raise the army or protect the rights of its own people, the right from the middle east to off for a camera opposition parties and nigeria have slam the us assessment of the country's elections last year, a national labor or party official says it's up to citizens themselves to judge whether the voting results represents the majority. if you will, the just released report from the us state department has completed the election was free for and that results quote, reflected the will of voters in nigeria. that's the spikes acknowledging multiple claims of violation such as both buying on wheat ballad secrecy. and while the
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ruling party welcome to verdict, it called the external evaluation on necessary. we spoke with dr. moses paul, who represents a funding and accountability oversight grouping in the nation. he expressed his surprise on this surface function with the report that is very, very disheartening to say the least sound coming from it. you know, an organization. you know, that has very detail way human rights issues that consent on to have these kinds of reports and reflection about the situation of the elections and the human rights issues. and nigeria, that is something very surprising. it speaks of all of them about how the west can, you know, can see the, uh, the, you know, the human right situations and politics in africa and particularly nigeria. and this is not something that goes down where it's all considering the fact that so
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we've had, i don't, told the balance. i mean, it's important to the extent of global politics and been able to have views across the world. because the world essentially is a global village, and it's also important for the west to also listen to what's going on in terms of the reports and the reflections of africa and how we look at the old polls to. so each state it's a vice versa. so what edits and other than that, the taking sides of uh, any, in any form or in any way where the west waging and um, for the on the south, we should gender an interest. that becomes something very dangerous because it will continue to pop actually what is wrong and evil, and on welcoming in africa. a non more and more western weapon center key of being discovered being used in conflicts across the world, leading to big questions about oversight. are change documentary teams, salt to
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a level of the munitions are parting the country in such a seemingly organized way. see what they found out next in the cranes on the the altima 2023. a surprise attack the lowest against israel by how much the militaries show the world the no one had expected the palestinian runs. it goes to have so many.


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