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tv   News  RT  April 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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he funded the city with alexander pop up to the store and who studies the wonders of the moscow metro. the reason why he had stood as was gathered at shareef university in toronto. most their supports for the wave of pro palestinian demonstrations in the west. armenians joined global rallies in solid, darcy with american students who are demonstrating in increasing numbers for peace . in the middle east, the un security council mold over and leaving prices in the balkans after upholstery and serve official warrants of a possible military conflict. freaking arthur, the nigerian opposition slums. the us for praising the results of last year's elections in the west african countries. despite the results being contested by the
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labor party, the spokesperson debate i, those concerns are the midnight in moscow. i am una, no legal, and this is the news our on our team international pro gasser rallies are spreading beyond us and european campuses really and students have gathered into around in solidarity with their counterparts reporting from the nation's capital. first, here's ortiz use of july. he wants the support for is really atrocities is back firing at the white house save these iranian suit as well. have gathered at sheriff university in toronto, voice their support for the wave of pro palestinian demonstrations in the us and also to denounce the heavy handed crack down on protesters, calling it in humane an unnecessary since the unrest broke house in the u. s. or
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one of your students and different universities started holding such rallies to try to be a voice for their american counterparts. students who are chance slogans against what they call violence. depression of voices, they're holding size, reading boy costs as well. i can also see a message reading, but you said all lives matter. well, students say they have stage this riley to express solidarity with their fellow students in the united states. i've been protesting in campuses against their governments, financial support to as well calling for seas fire and development from weapons manufacturers link to as well. once again, as a peaceful solidarity in camp and at columbia has escalated into clashes between students and police officers at universities into us and has now spread to many other campuses in the country with videos capturing police officers beating for testers forcibly man handling and detaining students some leading them away in
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handcuffs flooding social media. the term model has also led to a shift to online learning postponed classes and disrupted graduation plans. but students here say what is even more alarming is the erosion of academic freedom and a growing disillusionment with the american justice system. one of the west constantly lectures, other nations on free speech, while cracking down on anyone who opposes their policies, even if it's their own citizens. these people say the ongoing police fatalities fails, the bees on washington's hypocrisy and double standards on freedom of expression. apart from iranian students, officials nearby and have also criticized the wise for unleashing violence against its own people. on monday, spokesmen of a wrong sport and industry not working on it. so did the demonstrations into us and the citizens that american universities reveal the expense of anti is rarely
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sentiment, as well as public vigilance regarding what's happening in gaza. he also said that it shows the unwavering us support for quote, as well as genocide in gaza, which has since day one received backing from the american government and some european countries. county also advised us to officials that i'll send the police to campus is, is not a y solution and then is that it has to listen to the rightful demands of its own citizens. and that's what these students here. this university has a code and this friday, so it appears that the use of force against order to the warehouse has reached a tempting for orange horse. now, rob the lime lights on the table stage and as put washington on a critical cross roads either or to support these ready army or protect the rights of its own people. a lot of fears of a new military conflict in the both kittens are being addressed up the un security
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council. this very moment rushes requested on emergency session. after alarms were raised by a bosnian serb official over the situation in bosnia and herzegovina. while i'm delighted to say we're joined live now by russia's 1st deputy permanent representative to the un, dimitri polio sky. at your most welcome to the program. sir. moscow convene the latest un security console session after publishing a warning that a new military conflict is in the brewing in bosnia and herzegovina. can you tell us more about what dangers you see there? well, there are lots of dangers that sure, that accumulating in this country the political system of these countries functioning as a result of the dates on agreement. and we feel that there are a lot of threats to data in the agreements right now from different kinds of actions,
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starting from the interventions of the so called the imagery to much higher representative . mr. should meet that's coming to the initiative of for the voice mail representatives to the, to introduce the draft to the general assembly resolution on, on, separate against the genocide. what is russia's evaluation? just the flash died of the events in strep and dates in 1995 during the boss me more. i'm indeed, perhaps you could offer your view on the efforts of some countries to put a particular slant on the history. well that's what was the time, of course, and there were no angels at this moment from all sides. of course, no conflict, there were different. i'm dark moments of history and of course everything is a was one of them, but not the only one. and there are a lot of control over say about these, these events, and unfortunately it is being exploited in the political purposes. so these
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proposal to establish as reverend is so genocides remembers the which is being promoted by the boss me on the investment or uh, he's on the inherently politicized donations if it is aimed at promoting political ambitions. so some parts of voice knows establishment as relevance as of foot so, so to external forces came to exploit interesting potentials in this state. and the why, the reason it is important to note that isn't this initiative is being promoted without consent and approval of joint authorities of b and beach. namely, these 3 member of residency of this country that serves at the security in both the interested with the formation of execution of foreign policy. if the country under the constitutional force dance are still going to these issues and being tackled life and security council. and we just saw the statement by the member of this, of this formation we see on the beach who represents the this is public
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a subscribe. and she actually laid out the, the grievances, sounds of the violations by these procedure by uh, by the voice mail representative to the, to the and of course the true intentions be, find this initiative are absolutely having no relation to reconciliation. welcome immigration. we need to understand that there is a, at the international, the, or from members of the victims of genocide on december, the 9. and this was a, was long ago by the special resolution. and it is dedicated to the members of the victims of genocide around the world without reviving the painful events of the past. so we believe that the practice of introducing and you see of genocide of remembrance of the features of genocide after this resolution was adopted. uh, it will uh open the front door to
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a box and it can also lead to dissertation when the tim genocide will become a political label assigned to the opponents. so this isn't a natural position, but there of course, a lot of element stories will be close the following that session and what comes side of it as well as you say, it is currently ongoing. and can we turn attention please to the ongoing war in gaza? you recently highlighted that at least 180 and workers have been killed there since october 7th, a quite an astonishing figures. what does that tell us about the failure to ensure the safety of humanitarian efforts on the ground as well? this is something that one couldn't imagine that could happen. it's all the time. and this is, this is absolutely inhumane campaign that the 0 is region and nga. we repeatedly come down to the excellence of from us on the 7th of october of last
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year. but the either it was, or this is earl's reply to this was of course, discipline disproportion. that's not what this happening is. there is a breaching all the, the law of the international community and law principles. and it is being condemned by a lot of countries and the world's most of the countries in the world including mine. so otherwise, absolutely essential for uh, for our systems uh, giving assistance to police daniels this structure can be replaced as these are the claims we should act. so this is indispensable. the structure of everybody acknowledges these, and that's why the, the told the desktop is that you mentioned is absolutely outrageous. and it shows that the brutality of fraser forces stairs, no one named garza, neither mazda of population, the peaceful residence, nor she mutation work is not the only other why. what?
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cuz i have dentist. uh, there are more than 200 to 2, many of them uh workers such uh, no, totally underwater. so this is absolutely uh, outrages situation and we, uh, tried to address is uh, as much as we can uh, excuse me, to cancel and uh, not a national capacity. and we need to put down and uh to, to the situation as soon as possible. one of the most divisive terms right now in terms of the middle east conflict is the term genocide. those supporting israel saying it's absolutely not happening. a lot of critics of israel saying that it's either on its way or what we're seeing right now as history is unfolding is janice . i do believe we are actually seeing that a well article the there isn't a continue from the you able to present that to function on the rights of saying that the, the, the, the but i'm some in guys i have passed the threshold of genocide. i'm of the,
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especially some of these issues. of course it's very difficult to give a criteria to determine of what's happening there. but of course, what is really, what literally witness in gaza is, is something that's the concept them. and all of this is and the number of victims, the number of innocent civilians being full there is. uh, absolutely outrageous. so i would, i would rather at this stage use the word domestic curve. but it doesn't mean that we could go to some other definitions. you corresponded with the help of a specialist, an expert, so have better knowledge of these, of these qualifications that myself understood. just surrounding that, if i can put another point you are, are you at all worried that perhaps an over use of the term genocide could potentially lead to the original definition of it being somewhat diluted, you know, could any conflict nowadays be alleged by one side as the other carrying,
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i thought attack on the label then sticks. if enough people say it. so that's the danger. and that's the point that we're making during the discussion on this initiative on come on reaching a server and use a genocide because the software is open. the door to books and actually verify lots of a skeletons in the getting the cupboards. all different peoples of different countries, especially neighbors. and there are also very sets of pages of history. i think in every country. and there are a lot of claims and reproaches through each other which can easily be shaved. there's some kind of initiative for resolution which might be provo just for example, when the word genocide is pronounced. the 1st thing that strikes my mind, for example, is the genocide of the, of the associated people uh by the easy dro money in the 2nd world war. but i don't
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recall and your solution that's what comes out with this kind of genocide and other countries have other things to, to mention in this regards. be very careful with these notions and with this initiative, we shouldn't politicize it because it's about human tragedy. it's about dark pages of, of history and we shouldn't bring it to the, to the level of political leverage, perhaps on a related theme. and then i'm interested in something you said recently. you said quote, information bubbles are being created all across the globe. can you perhaps expand them, what you meant by that? well, i can illustrate it to the example. for example, my wife bought my 1st contract here the us. so if you, if you read the main stream media, which i'm not doing for quite a long period of time, but i just try to keep an eye on it. you will have absolutely distorted a picture of what's happening anywhere in the world, including in the united states,
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in the middle east and ukraine. everything that is not up to the liking of the ruling class of the stablish of the is being labeled. the russian propaganda chinese propaganda, the russian melisha 60, which is chinese malicious activity, is there a lot of allegations which are also sent to me to by any facts, but on the basis of this or linkage, some actions are being taken like for example, the allegations that the restroom adults in the us elections in 2016 which read the bunk. but the sections remains and remain in place ever since. so people who read only means to media, they absolutely don't have access to the, to the true information from other sources. they might, might be absolutely unaware. on the, on a lot of situations they might be unaware of the genesis of the crisis. you great and for exam, because for some politicians, the history in ukraine started only in 2022. with this, with the beginning of our specialists are 3, don't want to dig in what we're seeing through the. so these are,
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these people are really deprived of this information. they live in the bubble and a lot of other americans want to seek the through information for want to be able to information from different sources they approach has they're actually they watched the security council meeting and we also provide the platform for those people who are critical to the policies of, of western countries, but we don't have any opportunity to voice the position from any platform. so we provide platform for them and they are very grateful for the so that we have here social media. and we have here means to media, and these are absolutely different valid barrel universities. you're starting universities, but the universe is you don't even yeah, yeah, no, i get your point up. so the plan and they do not to intersect. and so some people can leave the remaining accounts with the blue number in these,
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their own bumps formation bubble, not knowing or not willing to know anything. that's the reality happens in the world. i appreciate your time, it is tight. so if i can move on to another issue, a big issue of oliver, of this time, the sabotage have been nord stream pipelines. it's been over 18 months without an international investigation into that active industrial terrorism. russia is not pushing for that to finally happen at china has joined in as well. why do you think it's taking so long to get to the bottom of the truth? is there a number of countries, especially united states, which are absolutely not interested in getting to the bottom of the drugs and they are absolutely trying to do everything in their power to prevent international investigation from happening recently, we organized, we asked for the tense meeting on the status of
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a dash and disagree with the council. we had an initiative both for preparing the resolution that would call for international investigation under the auspices of the united nation. so i have several other documents. all of them where sabotaged by the us. it's closest ally and does it predicts that there are national investigations going that will give us the answers to what has happened and who shouldn't. in any case, press these countries. but the reality is that 2 of these 3 investigations, namely in denmark and sweden have already concluded without any results. the only one that is being conducted isn't valid in germany, and we have very few hopes on these country to, to produce any results. but this is being used as a pretest spite where some countries to prevents international communities to really get clear answers. what was the find this? and i think we already know the sense, but of course we need the proof and we need international community to really
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understand and to conduct the investigation. so it, so the momentum for this investigation is, is not very good. now that you notice that the china once again supports this idea of the countries that are also asking questions. and everybody's very impatiently pointing the finger to germany for these concert. not to be a spoiler in the way of, uh, offering the international investigation which is uh, absolutely necessary. uh, to conduct under the auspices of the it just finally i need the police are, you can be as brief as you is eli. but right now it may seem there's no end and side to, to what is a better sound off between the west and russia? are you at all optimistic about the future? how long could it take to see a new so i did point in relation well this, the answer was also in this information bubble. i think that if these bubble is broken, uh, then
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a lot of people will have. ready open minds to embrace our motivation, embrace our logic, to understand better. the treasury is not a threat to them. but as long as these bubble is being kept by western countries, it is unpalatable for a lot of sources of information. and so the people who really influence the decision making process unaware of very important important components, i think that these moment will come. and this is not the hardest time in the history of humanity, but one of their hardest time in the recent history. i mean, the cold was also difficult, but this one is much more difficult and new. and then then the cold war. and uh, we need to, uh, everybody needs to take additional efforts to bring our positions together and to find some kind of motor. so they're ranging between, between the west northwest. but so, so far we are very far from these because of the stubborn this and the feeling of
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so of, of exceptional is by the assembly is elyse. we still don't, don't believe that the world is changing and who wants to preserve this back? so i'm every kinda with the donation of the united states, as long as they can give me 3 probably on sky russia's 1st deputy permanent representative to the un. thank you for speaking to our t. a manufactured by 2 more worlds. news now opposition parties in nigeria have slammed a us assessment of the countries elections last year. a national labor party officials sees itself the citizens themselves, to judge whether the voting results represent the majority to the just released report from the us state department has concluded the election was free and for um, that results quote, reflected the will of voters in nigeria. that's despite acknowledging multiple claims of violations, including both buying and weak bullet secrecy. and while the ruling party of
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nigeria largely welcome the verdict, they've called the external evaluation on necessary, the chief spokesperson for the night during labor party which disputes the results of the vote, told us that washington watson objective in its assessment, it is quite a to the engine to be leaving, the reason why the unit is good up to the, the, the, that the initial fear considering the fact that the union will continue to listen, came out and gave a kind of a independent view that presents the wheels of them into the basic idea of the solution and do a tribute to come to the conclusion that the particular solution did. let me think the rest of this kind of done, of course, with all due respect to the united states. you know, for example, if you meant to have a book took about inches,
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we tried to detect this list asking us to get to how did pending was so thought. and after the, you know, this to look above, the individual is about an interest in the country a very long time. that'd be like this. the position has always been to ensure that did let us the other thing to complete the was the mean a lovely the mind and develop new some of the feelings of the people themselves. speculative, irresponsible. the reaction of india is foreign ministry to a controversial article published in the washington post it plains new delhi ordered last years failed assassination of a sick separatists figure in the us, india permanently denies plotting against the active as who's wanted on terrorism
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charges in the sites asian country. the report in question makes on warranty. it's an unsubstantiated imputation on a serious matter. there is an ongoing investigation of the high level committee set up by the government of india to look into the security concerns shared by the us government on networks of organized criminals, terrace, and all of us speculative and irresponsible comments on this, on not helpful. you know, theory the misleading reports by the west and media india. how schooled out the washington post, the stine on the board. the basically did the phone, how on the eve of millions and warranties for state visits to bring us induced by agencies all locked in to model the old e. c separate, just need to call good funds. seeing funding on american soil. this man is a wanted criminal. a wanted standard roost in india has several cases against him.
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he's also a proposal, causes donnie, the doubles, dual citizenship of the us and canada. no india has rubbish to these reports, calling them misleading. so in the last few years, india and the us is how to break what's called relationship last year in november and bought us the q as an indian national the lucky the model of what bundling funded one designated vendors did india also a seek center, just the double regularity, very openly directions. india all the time. no toilets report on the west and press on that. but the following month in december, the external affairs administer of india it up to a j. sean go into the indian ball in month. went on to say that india hasn't received the input from the us in dallas formed a special committee to look into the match up to investigate, to inquire about all the inputs that are being provided to india. but the reason
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for reporting the policy and gal sees that knowledge will use that misleading it's on warranted. not the 1st time that india is complaining about the coverage that it gets in the western press and but the range of all of the, the prime minister of india do you are going to use election speeches. remember, india has ongoing general elections and the pine in the cell is going on to see that they're off possible learning to offenses in the indian elections. and that's happening while the western press. yet remember, is the largest economy in the world. the prime minister sees not everybody is happy we didn't guess cold. right. let's pick, you know, to the republic of georgia where a fresh round of mass protests against the so called for an agency bill is in full swing in the capital to policing. what began as a piece for raleigh, outside the parliament building on tuesday evening, descended into mine such
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a crowd, tried to reach the police court officers use the washer count and then to get a swelled detaining step of your cell events unfolded on the no more. 3 more western weapons sent to kill, have been discovered being using conflicts right across the world. leading to the
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big questions about to recite ortiz documentary teams thoughts and rob whole, just the munitions are the parking, the country in such a seemingly organized way. see what they find right next, new frames on the, [000:00:00;00] the when biden's mass of warn aid package was passed by the us, congress was met with much fanfare and political bluster. however, as even mainstream media cast out on whether the state will change military realities on the ground,
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the illusions they would see die hard. the altima 2023 supplies attacked launched against israel by how much militaries show the world the no one had expected. the palestinian rented goal is to have so many cutting edge weapons in the aftermath of the attack militants openly and multi brain for the rockets and missiles that rained down on these rays, this is the see the how
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can it be that is a ship to the middle east from a country whose template visuals constantly complain about shortages of, of munitions and military equipments. anyway, blueprint, blueprint, bass, maybe a statement to be ok. us an e u military, a totals tens of millions of dollars will continue to show the power or partnership will continue to bolster ukraine's and forces by rushing them. i can't really use that. they need to defend their country. but where does this stage literally go? and who decided to, um, a country that just being one of the biggest supermarkets of some other weapons for almost 2 years the, [000:00:00;00]


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