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tv   News  RT  April 30, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the will end to run the lock because we have no, all the choice will destroy the hum mazda battalions that the really prime minister confirms plans to conduct an operation in the galvan city over us. that's, that's the spike talks with some us being in full swing in the slums. that the american media report, the plain view delhi bordered the field. assassination of us super separate is figuring the u. s. adults. so this visa one, your students gathered at shari. if university into or onto voice their support for the wave of pro policy and demonstrations. and that you was really enjoying global rallies in solidarity with the american students who are demonstrating in
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increasing numbers per piece. the bases are to international. my name's you don't know, legal of 30 minutes of news. i'm views starts. no. the adf will invade the southern most gals in the city, a process where around 1500000 palestinians are sheltering. even if a ceasefire dealers reached with from us. that's the latest from the is really prime minister. and that's what we would complete the objectives. well, as long as you are the civilian population, so that we can focus on the terrorist, and as we have been doing, and until now, we'll end to russell, because we have no, all the choice will destroy the mazda battalions that will complete all the objectives of the war, including the return of call all hostages. it's interesting, given that we've just had these comments in the last few hours from benjamin
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netanyahu, how this could really impact that deal, that was underway in egypt. so the deal was for, for today, truce. suffice around 6 weeks and also for return of all the hostages that they've been taken on october the 7th in as well. and now as a result of that, how much were in cairo dealing with the officials. plaintiff don't be always cross the t's because they have been promised just days ago by these waiting for minutes . that if they sewing this deal, but that would still any incursion into rush. but now we've got these comments from offending. we need to know who's saying the exact opposite, regardless of that will go ahead. this is going to be a big issue because as you mentioned over $1500000.00. and it's in rough for the moment. the when that because they were told quite as well of time and time again, this is a so clean, safe, so i made smoke between the states and food and it's over crowded. they must have issues as problems with food, with medicine moved to getting in. and despite that,
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despite the fact that they were promised that if they sign this deal, the roof will be left alone. that's now clearly not the case. it looks like this deal is really on tend to hooks at the moment it could come crushing that it's been under increasing pressure from at the west for her mass to agree to it as well. that's why we had politicians from david cameron, the u. k. phone secretary to the secretary state in the us, anthony blink, and really pushing her must to sewing this deal. and let's be clear. this was not a deal for a permanent c spy, which many act is particularly countries in the middle east have been cooling for us or no. this is just for c supply for 40 days at this point that these west and politicians have described this as being very generous. it does seem to me, there is no, you know, let's be frank, company, generous offer of, of is sustained 40 days. these 5, the release of potentially thousands of palestinian prisoners in return for the
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release of these hostages has not been in captivity for over 200 days. so i hope i'm asked do take this deal and frankly, all the pressure in the world and all the eyes of the world should be holding them today saying take that deal promise has to be forward a proposal that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel, and in this moment the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most. they have to decide and they have to decide quickly. it also came after lots of criticism within it's within his own cabinet to what do we know about the leasing coming on. seems lead to hence pressure, particularly in the last few weeks and particularly even more so in the last few days, we've had his national security minister and others basically say he has to send troops into rafa. he has to end homeless. and the only way to do that is to go in
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to rossa is also being the idea that if he doesn't do that, he government could collab. again, all of this it seems relies on whether he sends districts into a raffle, which he says he's going to do in the cleveland if he decides to fly a white flag and cancel the order to conquer rafa immediately to complete the mission of destroying him. us and restore peace for the residents of southern israel and all of the country citizens and return our abducted brothers and sisters were held hostage to their homes. then the government you had will have no right of existence. this government has to choose the return of the object to use a life or ben greer and smart, rich relations with the americans or been greer and small and rich the solid deal, or been greer and small judge as well as security or being clear and smart which in the us, the state department sees it has identified 5 units. all of these really security
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forces responsible for gross violations of human rights just are recent. are those cases though, and is it likely to affect washington's arming of history or what's interesting these cases? and this is pretty much the 1st time i think the us as, as admitted that they have been these gross violations of human rights carried out by his way of units and 5 units and not just one, actually pre date, the current conflicting causes. so that way, before october, the 7th. well, as washington go to say about this, will it still following is with as a result of its own new investigation. know, after a careful process, we found 5 is really units responsible for individual incidents of across violations of human rights. all of these were incidents much before october 7th and none took place in gaza. is that
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israel is a unique country being offered unique treatment. there is not a special treatment, there is not a different standard what the 2 likely differently means. so israel is a country that in which we have a long standing security relationship. there is a lot of bulk assistance that is going for yours are mounting and israel as well. we need to mention this stuff. the international criminal court could soon at issue arrest warrants for top officials, including benjamin and nets and yahoo. but that case actually has nothing to do with the ongoing more either. right? right. yeah, this could come from the i c c. as soon as the end of this week and it's interesting because nothing yahoo has said this is absolutely crazy. you cannot absolutely, in any sense, so full, come back and label we with this visual, the culture because there are many who are trying to prevent us from doing this recently. and they were joined by another force, you know, the international criminal court in the hunger. and these cold has no authority
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over the stage of israel. a possibility that it will be, show arrest warrants for war crimes against ideas, commend disagreements and state leaders get a scandal on the historical scale. netanyahu feels that he should be protected. apparently he's even going to jo bite and at the white task to see what he can do to store fat. and let's be clear where we are right now in terms of human rights and tend to bull climbs modems. 34000 individual was killed in garza since october of last year, moving 13000 to face even children. i know we've got the allegations that is well could feed carrying out genocide. and also the coming from uh, you know, potential top quotes, an act as well around the world. and we've even not gotten lawyers in the us. i believe more than 90 of them who assigned to lots of it's going to be sent to the bite and it's ministration. and this includes the secretary of state lawyers who is saying that fine,
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the us continuing to all may as well. it's actually in violation of its own rules. and yet, despite all of this mounting evidence we're hearing from the white tassel, they will support nothing yahoo into the best to rent for palestinian american journalist realms the bought root has questioned how a temporary cruise in an area largely reduced to rubble by the id f can be considered a for a deal for the people of gas. what's called of a generous offer is this, that's cause for a lead me to cease while you're in an area that has been almost entirely destroyed by the american and is what you do. what that's when you will have 70 percent to 80 percent of the entire civilian infrastructure over is completely destroyed in over a 120000 people between dead and wounded or mistake. what kind of generous offer is that,
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that caused for trickling down the supplies that they made to send and starving population. know that generous offer would be to bring just one to work toward that to an is and to hold is legally accountable for these for crimes that statements coming from the state departments and other us government departments and institutions really kind of reflect the deep confusion happening we didn't, we didn't de alotted states. what i want to, i'm the told about imposing some ships on some is in the unit under certain circumstances that we will be maybe and then been using a redacting. those tension then imposing more sense shows with all the units that did not participate in the genocide, but this is no longer valid anyway. and at the same time, the give is ill billions of dollars. i think of that 26, billions or, or a mouth like this. this is not a country, this opting for peace. we don't trust the united states at all. we think that this
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is just an opportunity for the americans to play the role of, you know, some sort of a desperate fool at creating some kind of a balance that we are holding is really accountable. well, at the same time, feeding these very criminal forces that were beginning to recognize a degree of premier that at the, on their part, breeding them with all the weapons they need to carry out with their commit. premier not at the meeting, that is what you do. ok, patient and i'll part, talked in the west bank and also they the juniors, talking garza, the american government's relationship to law, whether its own law or, or international law is quite selective. in other words, if you are a friend of the united states, you want me buy a leak american law as an international laws as well. and if you're in any meal, then all the states, that's when the laws become relevant. well, to some wild fudge, not from the west bank where the german representative to the palestinian authority has been chased away from
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a museum by local students. the. the video in social media shows a crowd gathering inside and around the building shorts, a demanding earnings on voice. leave it the museum was hosting a meeting of diplomats from e u countries. based on the territory, protesters chased oliver offsite, i'd side kicking and throwing stones at this car, purportedly to show their anger, germany's support for his really made the guise of war. speaking to archie, published a new political figured to me to duty and they offered this thing to take off the burdens spends on the gals and the representative visit to the west bank while his country, where as long as 2 shameful history of genocide there during the holocaust and today proves that it did not learn anything from its history and support
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the genocide. anything guys that is most definitely not welcome in any house. the new area, town institution, germany has been for a long time, a finance year of the e u, which has played a role in many human if they're in a humanitarian services. but at the same time, it has been committed to support the military occupation of palestine committed to support the genocide through providing the state of israel with weapons. and with the political support it, it requires to continue its genocide in because a the classes with police arrest the source that's what pro palestinian students. protesters are facing in the us demonstrations of spread by the way, from the west to a room where students are routing and solidarity with their american counterparts
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in support of counseling. we'll delve into all about the later in the, the speculative and irresponsible reaction of india as foreign ministry to a come for personal article published in the washington post it plains new daily ordered last year is failed. assassination of a sick separate this figure in the us, the india very mentally denies plumping against the activist whose wanted on terrorism charges in the southern ancient country. the report in question makes on warranty, it's an unsubstantiated imputation on a serious mat. so there is an ongoing investigation of the high level committee set up by the government of india to look into the security concerns shared by the us government on networks of organized criminals, terrace, and all of us speculative and irresponsible comments on this. and it's helpful in a theory, the misleading reports by the west and media india house,
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cold out the washington post, the stine, on the board. the basically did the phone. how on the eve of nadine to maurice for state was it to be us induced by agencies all locked and modeled old e. c separate? just need to call good funds. sing fun on american soil. this man is a wanted criminal, a wanted standard roost, and india has several cases against him. he's also a parole ca, this donnie, the doubles dual citizenship of the us and canada. now india has vanished. these reports calling them misleading. so in the last few years, india in the us is how to break what's called relationship last year in november and bought the us the q as an indian national of lucky the model of what funding fund new one designated vendors didn't india also a seek center just don't read, you know, the very openly directions,
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india all the time. not taught schrupo tops in the west and press on that. but the following month in december, the external affairs administer of india and up to ha sean. go into the indian ball in month. went on to say that india hasn't received the input from the us in dallas formed a special committee to look into the match up to investigate, to inquire about all the inputs that are being provided to india. but in the recent reporting, the policy gal sees that knowledge will use that misleading. it's on warranted, not the 1st time that he dies complaining about the coverage that it gets in the western press and but the readings are multi to prime minister of india. do you warranty is election speeches. remember, india has ongoing general elections. and the problem in the so is going on to see that there are possible learning to effect and says in the,
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into the elections. and that's happening. while the western press got to remember is the largest economy in the world. the prime minister sees not everybody is happy . we think yes. cult no. some 12000 people have been evacuated in indonesia from an island located inside the hazard zone of a volcano, which has already erupt at several times. quite astonishing footage of lightning filling the night sky here as flames and love us. few i'ts of a crater, a neighboring top good long dying island, were alert, so being raised to the highest level of socrates have also warned of a. so nami threats due to osh wrong collapsing into the ocean, multiple options from the same relying volcano where seen earlier in the leading to the rescue. and the violation of 6000 people that the, the fascist salutes has been used at
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a march of more than a 1000 people in milan that's local police stood by during the shopping for me. the video shows trying to people parading in a torch, light, raleigh and using the gesture organizers dedicated the event of a young italian neo fascist party member, killed in 1975 earlier this year. if police tough court rule that making this salute was not a crime unless it inside of violence or was intended to revive not see ideology. the scenes followed another recent march also in northern athlete to mark the anniversary of fascist leader. any to a miscellaneous death tale in law has criminalized promotion all fascism on the bottom, the reintroduction of muscling these party into its politics just to point out. but it tells you in the work correspondence under the gd, say, some of his home countries,
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political figures leading wants to accomplish the the dislike uh, every year that are such adding it on their own. uh, i'm not surprised also to see in such a demonstration that if i should salute and it's useful to remember that the nod back to the network president of the talents innate, being up to a level. so he declares many times. so that's a seems, says the one to owner of the now 5 says that there was die in the past and there is this serious go about. maybe it's not on the or a screw or maybe it's already a problem. it's only, it's not the only the only company where there is this problem. we saw the same, for example, in poland in the model 6 or 5 blocks in the budget countries where every, every year seen the month of march mess. there is
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a fire aid in full and all that on, so the fund assess, let's line the and out the lead you on over the mazda 6 republics. and in this case, you can understand that the target these can do nothing against the to the republic of georgia and where a fresh round of mass protests against the so called foreign agents bill more seen in the capital to policing and choose evening. what began the piece for raleigh, outside the parliament that descended into violence as a crowd tried to reach the police officer. she's watered, counted in tears. yes. while detaining several people involved in the rest, your saw events on for the from the day
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the of the all the familiar theme, a rising wave of pro palestinian protested, sweeping across the united states. one particular flash point is new york's columbia university where people have broken into and occupied the academic building. the news came after the colleges management began suspending students for refusing to disperse. at dramatic footage from the scene of what we believe is an ongoing stand off is circulating on social media.
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the more than 900 students have reportedly be interested in protest, thousands of american universities and just the past 10 days. activists are demanding the end of us on the supplies to israel. some lawmakers in washington have a pitch legislation to punish demonstrators for legend. anti semitic statements for students aren't the only ones facing the heavy hand of the law on occasions during the protest, us green party presidential candidate, joe spell who was arrested a washington university in missouri during a rally on something. but it showed police pushing her back with a bicycle,
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as protested, try to stomach on dr. stein said she was charged with assaulting an officer. the politician was released after spending 7 hours behind bars, us green party coach or a person. margaret elizabeth told us that the presidential hopefuls arrest, tell us, it's always well, i think it really highlights the hypocrisy that the democratic party and indeed the republican party as well in body. they will tell us that they want peace for everyone and then fund genocide. they will tell us that, oh, we are trying to uphold the law in the world. and yet allow lawless behavior and, and anti democratic behavior to take place right under their nose. if not actively supporting it, when you see people like dr. stein on, these protest line is being arrested. you're, you're really seeing the, the actual behind the mask face of the democratic party. they're, they're just a fascist,
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a tool to oppress the people. the truth of the matter is when you look around these approaches, people are not being violence towards the jewish students or jewish faculty. and these institutions that's not what's occurring. it's in fact the opposite. americans are tired of, for i think we are, we're facing a broad economic crisis in our own country. we're looking at a crisis of, of fun home to people of people without enough food to eat. of people without health care, even if they have insurance. it doesn't mean they can afford their health care because the insurance premiums have gone up so much. i think what we're seeing really soon in a broader historical context is the rising of the next anti war generation in the united states. it reminds me very much of, of how i saw things organizing during the 1st a rack more and, and the rise of the american anti, we're moving here and we saw it happen to those protesters instead of fixing our internal issues. we're getting money to other countries tell, destabilize it,
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it's not a sustainable practice. i think most americans are aware of this, but we are subject to a very, very sophisticated campaign of propaganda from the ruling parties. remarkable to be honest with you how, how significant of an impact that is had in how completely oblivious to this impact the democrats have been. it's, it's very obvious. you can see it over the course of the last 6 months of polling. his numbers of deadly dropped until now trump is ahead of him by more than the margin of error. so it's very, it's very clear that the american people, when asked, are not supportive of us even his own political base. perhaps there's no neutrality, immediate anywhere. but in the united states, at least it's fairly polarized. and i think that both sides, odds of the coverage are weird, strange and myopic because they're not representative of what's going on. when you
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look at conservative coverage, we'll talk about, oh, the threats to jewish students and faculty even when there's no evidence to support this. when you look at the very left wing media, you'll see these claims of, oh, here the police are targeting and doc seeing all the students and all the rest. and there is evidence to support that. they are doing that. it's very heartbreaking to see what's going on and know that most of this isn't driven by the people on the ground is driven by politicians and rich money interests that have no concern for us whatsoever or pro gals or realities or spending beyond us and european campuses really and students have gathered entailed on in solidarity with their counterparts reporting from the nation's capital. here's ortiz use of july. the the wants of support for is really atrocities is back firing. the white house saves these iranian students. web gathered at shari for university in toronto,
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voice their supports for the wave of pro palestinian demonstrations in the us and also to denounce the heavy handed crack down on protesters, calling it in humane an unnecessary since the unrest broke out into your eyes or want your students and different universities started holding such rallies to try to be a voice for their american counterparts. students who are chance slogans against what they call violence. depression of voice says they're holding size, reading boy costs as well. i can also see a message reading what you said, all lives matter. well, students say they have stage this riley to express solidarity with their fellow students in the united states have been protesting and campuses against their governments financial support to his route, calling for seas fire and investment from weapons manufacturers link to as well. once again, as a peaceful solidarity in camp and at columbia has escalated into clashes between
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students and police officers at universities in the us and has now spread to many other campuses in the country with videos capturing police officers beating for testers forcibly man handling and detaining students, some leading them away in handcuffs, flooding social media. the terminal has also led to a shift to online learning, postpone classes and disrupted graduation plans. but students here say what is even more alarming is the erosion of academic freedom and a growing disillusionment with the american justice system. one of the was constantly lectures, other nations on free speech, while cracking down on anyone who opposes their policies, even if it's their own citizens. these people say of the ongoing police fatalities fails, the bees on washington's hypocrisy and double standards on freedom of expression. apart from iranian students, officials nearby and have also criticized the west for unleashing violence against
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its own people. on monday, spokesmen of their wrongs for an industry not working on it. so do the demonstrations into us and the citizens that american universities reveal the expense of anti is rarely sentiment, as well as public vigilance regarding what's happening in gaza. he also said that it shows the unwavering us support for quote, as well as genocide in gaza, which has since day one received backing from the american government and some european countries count on. it also advised us to officials that are sending police to campus is, is not a y solution. and then it's that it has to listen to the rightful demands of its own citizens. and that's what these students here, this university has a code and this friday. so it appears that the use of force against students of the warehouse has reached a tempting for orange horse, now ride the lime lights on the table stage. and as put washington on
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a critical glass rose either to support please raise the army or protect the rights of its own people. and that's a rock for this news hour. but our social media teams are working for us to the not to give us a follow wherever you see that a r t logo. thanks for your company. good policies. the not sure come on this as they do little showing a good this things for me is getting that we see me is the non smoker, and you might have a store enough to monday. so stuff with that student showing up by a demo print that is showing here still, or do i have to wake up moment one above that's not i was made up of cards through the trailer span that we could buy them. so i, this is a good year. yeah, yeah for. 2 much that's what i want to


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