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tv   News  RT  May 1, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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to find out what was the funded, the city was alexander football. he's at a store and who studies the wonders of the moscow metro. the benjamin netanyahu announces the ground invasion into rafa. we'll go ahead with or with out of the still with him on that. so as far and dr share stories of children and does that being deliberately targeted by is rarely snipers. you have seen 2 children who had a direct injury to the are and brain due to the sniper shot. and they had brain damage to do that. we are police bridge colombia university with pro palestine. protesters barricaded inside as scuffles interest take place near the ivy league institution and the
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libyan antenatal activist plan to bring denmark support over civilian casualties caused by the 2011 bombing campaign in a landmark of legal cases. the, this is our t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. we began in central dies that were dozens of people have been injured and the latest is really our strike on the city of their law. according to the on place health ministry, 47 people have been killed, including children in the last 24 hours for and doctors who worked in gaza say is really snipers are deliberately targeting children. you have seen childrens, who had a direct injury to the or the brain, this sniper shots. and they had brain damage to do that in the saw entry and exit. and we truly believe, and the team believes that it was dec,
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entrenched the sniper shots, a c homeless children, homeless people, and then positions with the injuries we have seen child who has is 31 who lives there. bandage can you imagine? so we had gotten, i think um, a 2 children that day with moving into the heads and then and the young man with the bullet to his leg, you know, trying to do cpr and returned did not survive. and then there was another one that didn't notify him because i had a glimpse of the head. you know, you have to understand what everyone comes out of is complete, kill us. and why are we doing cpr around this other china? so this other building that doing that,
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and i could see that she had there would have to entry to a full head. because a lot of times you would see a lot of blast injuries, but this particular day they were going to mean, while the, as really prime minister announced the idea of will invade rafa with or without a piece still with him off. the idea that we will hold the war before achieving all of its goals is out of the question. we will enter rafa and we will eliminate the mosque battalions there with or without a deal in order to achieve the total victory. so the deal was for 14 day truce a ceasefire, so around 6 weeks and also for the return of all the hostages that they've been taken on october. the 7th in is well now as a result of that, how much were in cairo dealing with the officials trying to do the always cost the change because they had been promised just days ago by these waiting for minutes. the city space sewing this deal,
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but that would still any incursion into rush. but now we've got these comments from i think you may need to know who's saying the exact opposite. regardless of that will go ahead. we've had politicians from david cameron, the u. k. phone secretary to the factory state in the us and to me, blink and really pushing hermas to sewing this the, let's be clear. this was not a deal for a permanent c spy, which many act is particularly countries in the middle east have been cooling for over and over. this is just for c supply for 40 days. despite that please weston politicians have described this as being very generous. the does seem to me, there is no, you know, let's be frank. every generous offer of you know, sustained 40 days the spot. i hope. how may i ask, do take this deal and frankly, all the pressure in the world and all the eyes of the world should be on them today saying take that deal come off has before the proposal. that is extraordinarily,
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extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most holdings. $34000.00 individual was killed in garza since october of last year. moving 13000 to various evening children. i know we've got the allegation is that is well, could be carrying out genocide and gaza, but it coming from uh you know, potential top cool. it's an ac, this one around the world. and we've even now gotten lawyers in the us, i believe more than 90 of them who assigned to lack of that state to be sent to the bite and it's ministration. and this includes the secretary of state lawyers who is saying that fine the u. s. continuing to all may as well, it's actually in violation of its own rules. and yet, despite all of this mounting evidence we're hearing from the white castle, they will support nothing yahoo into the better ends listed in american journalist
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ramsey periods as washington is trying to distract public attention from the looming is really ground operation rasa. by pointing the finger at home us, let's be very clear this american foreign policy regarding goals that as well from the very beginning of this war has been a policy of distraction. we're on the one hand as well. everything that is the wants and a little bit more. on the other head, you keep playing this game with the palestinians where lead so local, keep resurfacing in the washington post office and the new york times. sometimes political sometimes apps use where they would reveal things like the vitamins bite is very angry at the as well. so there was a very angry conversation between them. yeah. when the president, american officials are saying, you know, is enough and we are reaching the breaking point, the warning and the give us hope women with this kind of destruction. they give us the material to cover in the media. but they also give us hope that maybe maybe
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it's over, maybe the american is really a honeymoon is over, maybe by then it's going to put his foot down and, and we're single call him. we end up being disappointed. so they are playing a game and a very clever one, but i really do think that at this point, me, the palestinians know the americans know the rest of the world is buying this kind of shenanigans coming from the democratic administration of biden and his government and his books per cents offer on washington. the us defense committee budget hearing was disrupted by a pro palestine protest, or who would choose the country of supporting genocide in guys calling on officials to step in genocide. god, the committee will come to order. i liked the phone request, those and the audit is causing disruption to cease their actions immediately. security, i'm going to ask you to remove the disruptive person as well as pro palestine
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raleigh is a sweep across the us. new york police enter the columbia university campus building through a window to reach protesters barricaded inside. officers entered after university management authorize the move following unsuccessful negotiations. as classes took place outside the law enforcement also belonged to all approaches to the university. in the portal, they made dozens of arrests at the scene. columbia university has also asked place to maintain a presence on campus until at least may 17th. this all comes after house of representatives. speaker, mike johnson accused the management of the top university of not countering the actions of those he called terrorist sympathizers. what's happening on the campuses though, especially these private and the i believe universities that are not allowing law
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enforcement to come in, they're not inviting them to do their job and bring orders, the chaos. those are the policy changes that were demanding. and if they don't, don't correct this quickly, you will see congress responding kind. what are university officials waiting on? what do they need to see before they stand up to these terrorist sympathizers? and that is exactly what they are arching corresponding to kill them off in the earlier visit at the scene of the protest near columbia university and spoke to someone that was taking part on the track. the board, the palestinians are now gone national university soon to set up, examines and are holding co tests around the clock and the arrest numbers are now in the 1000. the
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now we've been covering the situation here at columbia from the beginning, but recently got much more intense at this point. padlocks have been placed and all the campus doors. and we have students that are still inside who not only have their encampment, but they've taken over a campus building called hamilton hall. now they are anticipating a pending arrest at the hands of the new york city police department. and a number of students have already been suspended us lawmakers now say they want anti semitism monitors dispatched the universities around the country. they perceive the protesters as somehow menacing us students. campus anti semitism is at an all time high. and american universities are not capable of handling it when left to their own devices. this past week's crisis at columbia is not an isolated incident. it is the straw that has broken the camel's back,
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and i am prepared to do something about it. now we have the opportunity to speak with some of the students and other community members have gathered year outside of the lock down university in anticipation of the big arrest. at the end of the day, social media is express reality. politicians can get on camera, they can get on tv, and they can speak to us and they can try to lie to our faces about certain things . we don't live in the line even though it is anymore. it's not 1948. you can't sit there and lied to us and tell us everything is brand new. everything signs and i sit there a lot of our face. we believe you. that's ridiculous is a violation of america. american 1st amendment, right. it's a violation of the constitution. it's one thing that makes america a unique and a role nowadays, but special is one of our founding principals, i think is fascist, totally fashion is. um, i think this um the student protests just bringing out what america was is underneath and yeah, and i'm horrify. i'm horrified, many voices in mainstream media simply do not view these protests as legitimate.
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they say this is not what freedom of speech in the american constitution is intended to protect. college students incumbents of spreading and serve as a blatant illustration of the maturity of this entitled generation of college students now support for the students submit the crackdown has been wide spread with religious groups, community organizations and civil liberties. watch dogs all say these students have the right to continue their protest. we commend the students who are exercising their right to protest peacefully despite an overwhelming that's most fear of pressure, intimidation, and retaliation. to raise awareness about e 0. so solved on gaza with the u. s, weapons and funding, if not just the united states, the trend of protest is going global. canada and even european countries announcing and camp and set up on university campuses to support gaza. want to have to wonder if this will have any impact on us officials and their continued policy of what
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appears to be unconditional backing of use rail. caleb mauppin r t new york went out to the west bank where the german representative depaula son was chased away from a museum by local students the footage on social media. as soon as the crowd gathering inside and around the building, calling on berlin's envoy to leave the museum, was hosting a meeting of diplomats from you. countries based in the territory, imitators chased oliver officer outside, kicking and throwing stones at his car in protest that germany support for israel in the guise of war. speaking to r t palestinian political figure dmitri juliani offered this thing in critique of berlin's stance on the gaza. assault deadman the representative of visit to the west bank while his country, where as long as 2 shameful history of the genocide there during the holocaust. and
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today it proves that it did not learn anything from its history and supports the genocide. anything guys, that is most definitely not welcome in any house. the new area, town institution, germany has been for a long time, a finance year of the e u, which has played a role in many humanitarian, a many humanitarian services. but at the same time, it has been committed to support the military occupation of palestine committed to support the genocide through providing the state of israel with weapons. and with the political support it, it requires to continue its genocide in because the libya once denmark to be held accountable for its participation in nato air
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strikes on libya, which killed 14 civilians in 2011 mustafah alf atory who is leading a legal case against denmark for committing war crimes and libya says it will be a huge victory if he manages to take the case the court a while i, you know, i had the pleasure of being part of being for the show on the list to can for us to cation if you like that lead to dissent, mission, what content was the, i mean the, you know, i knew them with, with the website cool. it worse as well as a couple of, uh, the sure. and what was tv germans? where actually do we get documentary on the civilian victims? olivia? because of the idea to find out what the g d daniels forces. air force has delivery a back in 2011. so the 1st it came about by accident time, when the information gets out to parents,
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that was one of the stuff around the world. the ministry defines the danish, me see, defense could not find it anymore. and they were forced by more of the, uh, the freedom of information aside, denmark, so to as low as 2 bubbles as x. what was a kind of for in the archives and we're making some slow progress. but the step, the one in the market self and taking the ministry is sell it to cost. and so i did a mark on that would be if we managed to get the case before a judge that we'd be using, the trick to re for us and others as well. simply because that will lead you to match the key to other countries. often the boom, the bartman diflucan, 2011, the name and the deck. we had a bus carry on with the g this here processor. and holding old was
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about to split the countries to call. earlier this year, the danish defense ministry launched an investigation into the natal lead danish air force airstrikes and libya in 2011 according to released document. as denmark realized in back in 2012 that this military could have been involved in civilian casualties. this is the 1st time a country participating in the nato campaign to remove former libby and later mo mark adolphe from power has admitted it's possible involvement in civilian deaths. slow reminder. 10 countries including 6 that european ones took part in nato's operation unified protector, which lasted 6 months and 2011. i'm warning you may find the following images disturbing. the campaign led to the collapse of the cut off emerging at off. he was captured by militants of the national transitional council after an error strike on the colonel's tomboy. the operation led to more than a decade of instability and libya,
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which remains divided to this day. with stuff at all for tory also says, nato has never acknowledge the consequences of its airstrikes on the libyan civilians. never admitted any single case. eh, well i, it said replace no to the civilian assembled civilians, homes of civilian fluently being removed. most people are sleeping in their homes when they were tenants. never admitted that, except for one case, no the embarrassment of law, one house and somebody in june 20, 2011. and even in this case, the, when i say the need to use in the not totally accept the responsibility and investigated the situation, it said, you know, it was kind of what they call quota, what collateral damage it was,
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and know of a mean the weapons that destroyed the house and that's it. so the 1st is challenge for us and has always be careful who machine, which country did what when on the other thing is that most of these countries, even when we broached them outside the issue, poses like can formerly talking to entities or the, i'd say it's and this is your view, okay, and so on. and so they just say a ok, this is, this has to do with nature. we will go today too. when we went back. nathan, why i did it several times. hundreds of times over the last 15 years. you know, this to 1st rejected to meet me in person nature organization versus as well as then the executive, any questions that i was to about about the delivery end, the civilians get moscow has convened
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a un security council session after publishing a warning that a new military conflict is brewing in bosnia and herzegovina. rushes envoy alerted the council on colonial practices by the west and the country which risk of stripping its of its sovereignty. let's deals those to bosnia and herzegovina has largely been deprived of the status of a sovereign, an independent state. honestly speaking, it is hard to fathom that in the 21st century in the heart of europe with democratic institutions in place. the final say on all events in this country belongs to a citizen of the federal republic of germany. defacto, he acts on behalf of a small group of foreign states whose interests he readily promotes through the so called bosnian authorities with their help seeking to know any law or conversely enforced. its application, in essence, behaves like an absolute monarch. over the past 2 and a half years, he has managed to divide the country in a way that no one before him had done. another example for and judges continued to
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sit in the constitutional court of bosnia and herzegovina, arbitrarily appointed from abroad. currently only 6 judges sit there instead of 9. there are no serves present at all, and crow as are represented by just one member regardless of the qualifications, possessed by foreign judges, such ex tunnel guardianship over a sovereign state, if it reflects the worst colonial practice as soon as the new and there's still another important issue on the agenda was the resolution recognizing the july 1995 scrubber needs a killing of thousands of bosnia men and boys. as genocide, the grim events happens after bosnia and herzegovina proclaimed independence from yugoslavia. we spoke with russia's 1st deputy permanent representative to the un, dimitri polanski, who says the initiative is politically driven rather than a genuine commemoration. and they loops the gravity of the term genocide.
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that was the time of course, and there were no angels at this moment from all sides or fortunately of conflicts. there were a different induct mobiles of history. and of course the revenue said was one of them, but not the only one. and there are a lot of controversy about these, these events, and unfortunately it is being exploited in the political purposes. so these proposal to establish as reverend is genocides, remembers the which is being promoted by the voice mail and best. so there is an inherently politicized initiative with this aids and promoting political ambitions . so some parts of voice mails establishment as well as, as of foot so, so to external forces, keen to exploit interests potentials in the states and the why the reason the through the intestines we find these initiatives are absolutely having no relation
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to reconciliation or from immigration we believe that the practice of introducing a new, the, of genocide, of remembrance of the features of genocide after this resolution was adopted. will open the front door to box. and each can also lead to the situation when the to him genocide will become a political label assigned to the opponents. this is something that one couldn't imagine, or that could happen. it's all the time. and this is, this is absolutely. and she main competing that these early is waging and you know, in gaza we repeatedly come down to the excellence of from us on the 7th of october of last year. but the easier it was that is, israel's reply to these was of course, this disproportion, that's not what this happening is. there is a breaching all the, the lord, the international community and law principles, otherwise absolutely essential for uh, for our systems uh,
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giving assistance to police genius um these structure can be replaced as these are the claims we should act. the brutality of fraser forces spares. no one named gaza miser mazda, of population, the peaceful residence, nor humanitarian workers. not only otherwise our cuz i have better just uh, there are more than 200. so too many of them were because that's such a no, totally on the wow. so this is absolutely outrages situation and we try to address is as much as we can, i give it to counsel him, not a national confess to him. do we need to put down and to, to, to the situation as soon as possible. i is there a number of kansas, especially united states, which are absolutely not interested in getting to the bottom of the tools and they
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are absolutely trying to do everything in their power to prevent international investigation from happening. recently we organized, we asked for the tense meeting on the status of a dash and disagree with the council. we had an initiative of preparing a resolution that would call for international investigations under the auspices of the united nation. so i have several other documents, all of them where sabotaged by the u. s. m. it's closest ally does. it predicts that there are national investigations going. that will give us the answers to what has happened and who shouldn't. in any case, press these countries. but the reality is that 2 of these 3 investigations, namely in denmark and so we don't have already concluded without any results. the only one that is being conducted isn't valid in germany. and we have very few hopes on this country to, to produce any results. but this is being used as
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a pretext by western countries to prevent international communities to really get clear answers. what was the find? this kenya stands to lose $1280000000.00 annually. if the plan to import processed poultry products from the us is approved by countries, poultry breeders association says the plan related to the certification of the industry, finished poultry products. impulse pose the direct threat to likelihoods, potentially pushing them and their families into poverty and exacerbating social issues. the ripple effect would be felt far and wide, potentially destabilizing the delicate balance of the entire agriculture ecosystem . the poultry producers fear the loss would come from a project of 75 percent reduction in demand for local poultry products. the association is urged kenya to draw lessons from the challenges faced by other african nations, such as south africa, donna and senegal,
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whose poultry industries have suffered due to imports from wealthy countries like the us or other. we spoke to the secretary general of the canyon national small manufacturer, a service organization who says, adopting the proposal will mean that losses for the industry. 2.6000000. beautiful is that would be, i think, the detailing, these are the data beneficiaries of these economy activities. so this is be a total loss so they can call me to do, i'd been better. he was a local citizen. i've been and joined in this process by which even though he is or have views, there is a do you come from the data from, from the processor, from the transport industry and also from the breed on interviews. when the, the admin where the incorporated thing, because we didn't move was staying with the bus or no. it's not the same. yeah. we have the re does the process as well. the drivers for the mentor. and also we have
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the i teddy's. so they make a movie then rows of so so late because from all of these because does that the mission to stay with r t international f. next on prospect. peter lavelle and his guest discuss the latest for an aide package, passed by the us congress by the the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00]
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the the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things are considered on peter lavelle when biden's master for an aid package was passed by the us congress. it was met with much fanfare and political bluster. however, even mainstream media cast out on whether this aid will change military realities on the ground illusions it would seem diehard the cross sucking ukraine and joined by my guess, matthew crossed in in washington. he's professor of national security and director of academic transformation of our state university in philadelphia. we have aaron, good. he is


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