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tv   News  RT  May 1, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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to the, the benjamin netanyahu announces a round invasion into rafa. we'll go ahead with or without a peace deal with him. ok. that's as for him, dr. share stories of children and dogs and being deliberately targeted by is rarely snipers. perhaps the children's who had direct injury to the or the brain, which is the snap of shot. and they had brain damage due to the, the new york police, a bridge colombia university with pro palestine. protesters fabricated inside a scuffle, and the rest takes place through the ivy league institution and live in
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n t. nato active. this plan to bring denmark to board over civilian casualties caused by the 2011 bombing campaign and align martin legal case. the live in moscow, this is our t international. i'm rachel ruble. we begin in the central gaza, where dozens of people have been injured. and the latest is really our strike on the city of there. i'll belong. according to the enclave is health ministry. $47.00 people have been killed, including children in the last 24 hours for and doctors who worked and gaza say is really snipers are deliberately targeting children. you have seen the childrens, who had a direct injury to the or the brain. this type of shots and they had brain damage to do that. and we saw and p and exits and we truly believe. and the team
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believes that it was that entrenched the sniper shots, a c homeless children of list people and then petitions with the injuries we have seen. child who has is 31 who lives there. bandage can you imagine? so we had gotten, i think i'm a teacher in that day with limits to the heads and then the and the young man with the to his leg, you know, trying to do cpr and the turn did not survive. and then there was another one that didn't survive those that had the ability to the head. you know, you have to understand what everyone comes up is complete. chaos. and why are we doing cpr around this so that china. so this other building that doing the and i
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could see that she had a good entry to her forehead because a lot of times you would see a lot of blast injuries, but this particular day they were going to meanwhile, the as really prime minister announced the idea of will invade rafa with or without a piece deal with some us. the idea that we will hold the war before achieving all of its goals is out of the question. we will enter rafa and we will eliminate the mosque battalions there with or without a deal in order to achieve the total victory. so the deal was for 14 day truce a ceasefire. so around 6 weeks and also for return of all the hostages that they've been taken on october the 7th in as well. and now as a result of that, how much were in cairo dealing with the officials trying to do the always cost the cheese because they had been promised just the zip code for these waiting for minnesota city. they sewing this deal, but that would still any incursion into rush. but now we've got these comments come
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up and we need to know who's saying the exact opposite. regardless of that, we'll go ahead. we had politicians from david cameron, the u. k. fonseca treated century state in the us and to me, blink and really pushing harm us to sign this the, let's be clear. this was not a deal for a poem, and it's just by which many act is particularly countries in the middle east have been cooling for over an over. this is just for 6 or for 40 days. at this point back, please west and politicians have described this as being very generous. it does seem to me, there is no, you know, let's be frank. a pretty generous offer of, of you know, sustained 40 days the spot. i hope i'm asked do take this deal and frankly, all the pressure in the world and all the eyes of the world should be on them today saying take that deal come off has before the proposal. that is extraordinarily,
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extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most. holden's $34000.00 individual was killed in garza since october of last year. moving 13000 to phasing in children. i know we've got the allegation is that as well could be tearing out genocide. and also the coming from uh, you know, potential top quotes, an act as well around the world. and we've even not gotten lawyers in the us, i believe more than 90 of them who assigned to last time it seemed to be sent to the bite and it's ministration. and this includes the secretary of state lawyers who is saying that fine, the us continuing to all may as well. it's actually in violation of its own rules. and yet, despite all of this mounting evidence we're hearing from the white tests, they will support nothing. yahoo! until the better ends. palestinian american journalists, ramsey pro rude,
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says washington is trying to distract the public attention from the looming is really ground operation and rasa by pointing the finger at home. us. let's be very clear this american foreign policy regarding goals that as well from the very beginning of this war has been a policy of distraction. we're on the one hand big as well. everything that is once and a little bit more on the overhead. you keep playing this game with the palestinians where lead so local, keep resurfacing in the washington post office and the new kind sometimes political sometimes acts use where they would reveal things like the vitamins by them is very angry at the as well. so there was a very angry conversation between that then. yeah, when the president, american officials are saying it open is enough and we are reaching the breaking point, the warning and the give us hope women with this kind of destruction give us material to cover in the media. but the also give us hope that maybe maybe it's over,
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maybe american is what you the honeymoon is over. maybe by then is going to put his foot down. and every single time we end up being disappointed. so there are playing a game and a very clever one, but i really do think that at this point, maybe with the palestinians, nor the americans know the rest of the world, is buying this kind of shenanigans coming from the democratic administration of biden. and his government and his spokesperson over washington, the us defense committee budget hearing was disrupted by a pro palestine protest, or who accused the country of supporting genocide and gaza, calling on officials to step in jam inside the committee will come to order. i liked the phone request, those and the audit is causing disruption to cease their actions immediately. security, i'm going to ask you to remove the disruptive person or so as pro palestine raleigh
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suite, the us, new york police enter the columbia university campus building through a window to reach. protesters barricaded inside officers entered after university management authorize the move following unsuccessful negotiations. as classes took place outside, the law enforcement also blocked all approaches to the university and reportedly made dozens of arrests, epicene. columbia university is also asked police to maintain a presence on campus until at least may 17th. this all comes after house of representatives, speaker mike johnson accused the management of the top university of not countering the actions of those 2 called terrorist sympathizers. what's happening on the campuses though, especially these private and the ivy league universities that are not allowing law enforcement to come in. they're not inviting them to do their job and bring orders, the chaos. those are the policy changes that were demanding. and if they don't,
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don't correct this quickly, you will see congress responded kind, what are university officials waiting on? what do they need to see before they stand up to these terrorist sympathizers? and that is exactly what they are, are to correspond and kill them off in earlier visited the scene of the protests. they are columbia university and spoke with some of the protesters on the track. the board, the palestinians are now gone. national university soon says setup examines and are holding co. chester round the clock and the arrest numbers are now in the 1000. the
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now we've been covering the situation here at columbia from the beginning, but recently got much more intense at this point. padlocks have in place and all the campus doors, and we have students that are still inside who not only have their encampment, but they've taken over a campus building called hamilton hall. now they are anticipating a pending arrest at the hands of the new york city police department. and a number of students have already been suspended us lawmakers now say they want anti semitism monitors dispatched the universities around the country. they perceive the protesters as somehow menacing us students. campus anti semitism is at an all time high. and american universities are not capable of handling it when left to their own devices. this past week's crisis at columbia is not an isolated incident. it is the straw that has broken the camel's back and i am prepared to do something about it. now we have the opportunity to speak with some of the students
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and other community members have gathered year outside of the lock down university in anticipation of the big arrest. at the end of the day, social media is expressing reality. politicians can get on camera, they can get on tv, and they can speak to us and they can try to lie to our faces about certain things . we don't live in the line even though it is anymore. it's not 1948. you can't sit there and lie to us and tell us everything is brand new, everything side. and i sit there a lot of our face and we believe you, that's ridiculous is a violation america. american 1st amendment, right. it's a violation of the constitution. it's one thing that makes america a unique and a role nowadays, but special is one of our founding principals, i think is fascist, totally fashion is. um, i think this um the student protests just bringing out what america was is underneath and yeah, and i'm horrify. i'm horrified, many voices in mainstream media simply do not view these protests as legitimate. they say this is not what freedom of speech in the american constitution is
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intended to protect. college students incumbents of spreading and serve as a blatant to a strain of the maturity of this entitled generation of college students now support for the students. the mid the crackdown has been wide spread with religious groups, community organizations, and civil liberties. watch dogs all say these students have the right to continue their protest. we commend the students who are exercising their right to protest peacefully despite an overwhelming that's most fear of pressure, intimidation, and retaliation. to raise awareness about e 0. so solved on gaza with the you asked about funds and funding if not just the united states, the trend of broadcast is going global canada and even european countries announcing and camp and set up on university campuses to support gaza. one have to wonder if this will have any impact on us officials and their continued policy of what appears to be unconditional backing of israel taylor mauppin archie new york.
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despite the public outrage at home, washington says the international criminal court cannot legally issue arrest warrants against the top is rarely officials that says prime minister benjamin netanyahu called the very possibility, a threat to israel's right to self defense. we do not believe that the itc has jurisdiction over this issue. that being said, we work closely with the i c and a number of key areas. we think that they do important work. important work as it relates to ukraine are for sudan. but again, on this particular incidence instance, in this particular instance, i'm sorry, they just do not have jurisdiction. clearly this threat by the i c is not an attempt to enforce the law. israel is not even subject to the court's jurisdiction, and it has an independent legal system that rigorously investigates all violations of the law. rather this isis, the attempt is an attempt to paralyze is very ability to defend itself. that comes
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a med reports, that top is really official a sphere, the hague base tribunal could soon issue arrest warrants. interestingly, the white house supported a similar arrest warrant against the bottom are put in last year, stating that the i c. c has the right to condemn putting over the ukraine conflict . we spoke to dr. mustafah off a tour a spokesperson for need a war victims in libya who says washington's attempts to protect israel are deeply hypocritical. and if you look seriously at the stadium is concerning the jurisdiction of the i, c. c, you come over from the united states that you bought into or do i toss or anybody any other, appreciate it. there is no, there is no valid argument. if you like, there is no credit. why will understand the boom of a do? so both of the argument simply just because the, in this case it's about those are, they said so, which is really, which is a,
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protected by the united states. see the, the one or the international court, the, i mean the i c i and didn't ask for court of justice or the i c c, a, and this case since some of july and her book or see if you like it's, it's, we have seen it before we are seeing this now, and we'll see it again or from us, we see the united states, you know, trying to protect is right in pro many which i should address one. sort of you from condemnation, from the i c. c. a wired at the same time, supporting the idea that the president, north, in the russian of russians should be held accountable by d. c. c. what other kinds of war see want to see if this is not the new book? i see israel as interior minister as ordered that the head of view and relief agency for palestine. refugees, felipe laws are,
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we need not be allowed to enter the gaza strip through israel. the organization's chief says the agency is under immense pressure and is struggling to operate of the agency. it is on the lot of strain, the code for the, the agency to be dismantled to. but the agency also has been targeted over the last 6 to 7 months. so in, in, in, in gaza where both of our stuff up but also help for me system as well as how operation i just reminded that since the beginning of the war, we have a 182 stuff and now will have been killed more than $160.00 premises, which have been damaged or told to be destroyed on most of these premises. so wish centering a disgrace to people and more than 400 people that have been killed in notes. these
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premises always spoke with russia as far as the deputy permanent representative to the un. dimitri polanski who says unwrapped is essential and gaza, despite israel's allegations against it. this is something that one couldn't imagine that could happen. it's all the time. and this is, this is absolutely, and she main campaign that the 0 is region. and you guys a, we repeatedly come down to the excellence of from us on the 7th of october of last year. but the either it was or is, israel's reply to these was of course discipline, this proportion. that's not what this happening is. there is a breaching all the, the law of the international community and law principles, otherwise, absolutely essential for uh, for our systems uh, giving assistance to police daniels this structure can be replaced as these are the cleaves, we should act, the brutality of fraser forces stairs, no one named garza,
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neither mazda of population, the peaceful residence, nor assuming it didn't work us, not only otherwise our cuz i have dentist. uh, there are more than $200.00. so too many of them were cuz that's such a no, totally on the wow. so this is absolutely outrages situation and we try to addresses as much as we can and i give it to counsel him in the national capacity and we need to pull down and to, to, to the situation as soon as possible. i is there a number of countries, especially united states, which are absolutely not interested in getting to the bottom of the drugs. and they are absolutely trying to do everything in their power to prevent international investigation from happening. recently we organized, we asked for the fence meeting on those 2 subjects, ashton disagree as a counselor,
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we had an initiative both for preparing the resolution that would call for international investigation under the auspices of the united nation. so i have several other documents, all of them where sabotaged by the u. s. it's closest ally under the pretext that there are national investigations going. that will give us the answers to what has happened and who shouldn't. in any case, press these countries. but the reality is that 2 of these 3 investigations, namely in denmark and sweden have already concluded without any results. the only one that is being conducted is invalid in germany. and we have very few hopes on these country to, to produce any results. but this is being used as a pretext by western countries to prevent international communities to really get clear answers. what was be fine this you see the main stream media,
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which i'm not doing for quite a long period of time, but i just try to keep an eye on if you will have that so the distort, it's a picture of what's happening anywhere in the world. including in the united states, in the middle east and ukraine. anything that is not up to the liking of the ruling class of these stablish, one of the is being labeled, the russian propaganda chinese propaganda, the russian melisha sex tv just chinese malicious activity. is there a lot of allegations which are also sent to me to by any facts, but on the basis of this or like each some actions are being taken like for example, the legation of that the restroom. adults in the us elections in 2016, which were at the bunked, but the sections remained ends remain in place ever since. so people who read only means to media, they absolutely don't have access to the. so the true information from other sources, they might, might be absolutely unaware on the, on a lot of situation. so they might be on their way or of the genesis of the crisis.
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ukraine, for example, because for some politicians, the history and ukraine started only in 2022. with this, with the beginning of our special military operation, i don't want to dig in what you see the so these, these people are really deprived of this information. they live in the bubble. libya wants denmark to be held accountable for its participation in natal airstrikes on libya, which killed 14 civilians in 2011. the stuff of atory who is leading a legal case against denmark and for committing more crimes. and libya says it will be a huge victory if he manages to take the case to court a while i, you know, i had the pleasure of being part of being for the show on the list to come for us the case. and if you liked that lead to this admission, what content was the, i don't know, i think them with, with the website cool in worse, as well as a couple of,
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uh the sure. and what was the tv germans where actually do with the documentary on the civilian victim is a live. yeah. because of the idea to find out what g d daniels forces. air force has delivery a back in 2011. so the 1st it came about by accident time, when the permission got out of her last moment of stuff around the long, the ministry defends the danish, me see, defense could not print it anymore. and they were forced by no of the, the freedom of information aside. denmark, so to as low as 2 bubbles as x. what was a kind of try and did all kinds of we're making some slow progress, but the step, the one in the market self and taking the ministry's so too often. so i did a mark on that would be if we managed to get the case before
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a judge that we'd be using, the trick to re for us and others as well. simply because that will lead you to match the key to other countries. lofton the boom, the bombardment of living. yeah, in 2011. the name that the that we had a bus carry on with the g this here processor and holding old was about displacing countries to call the earlier this year, the danish defense ministry launched an investigation into the nato led danish air force airstrikes in libya, in 2011. according to release documents, denmark realized back in 2012 that this really could military could have been involved in civilian casualties. this is the 1st time a country participating in the nato campaign to remove former libyan leader or more market off a from power has admitted as possible, involvement in civilian deaths. while a reminder, 10 countries,
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including 6 european ones, took part in nato's operation unified protector, which lots of 6 months and 2011. a morning, you may find the following images disturbing. the campaign lead to the collapse of the conducting machine. dorothy was captured by militants of the national transitional council after an error strike on the colonel's tomboy generation led to more than a decade of instability and libya, which remains divided to this day. to stuff of a tory also says nato has never acknowledged the consequences of its airstrikes on the being civilians. never admitted any single case. eh, while i it said replace your to disagree and assemble civilians, homes of civilian fluid. libyan people mostly were sleeping in their homes when they were tenants. never admitted that except for one case,
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no the bottom into flaw, one house in and somebody in june 20, 2011. and even in this case, the, when i say the need to open, my vision did not fully accept the responsibility and then push to get the situation. it said, you know, it was kind of what they call, quote, unquote, long term damage. it was no, of course, they mean the weapons that destroyed the house and that's it. so the 1st challenge for us has always be information um, which country did what when the other thing is that most of these countries, even when we broached them outside the issue, processed i couldn't formally talking to entities. so be i'd say it's a busy to view. okay, and so on. and so they just say ok, this is,
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this has to do with nate to go today to when we went back now to why i did it several times, hundreds of times over the last 15 years. you know, this to 1st rejected to meet me in person nature organization process as well as then the executives, any questions that i was drew about about the delivery end, the civilians get dozens of people have been arrested and assemble where union members tried to reach the city center to protest on may day, the spice, a ban on demonstrations, police use tear gas to disperse the crowd. the response came after demonstrators began beating law enforcement officers with improvised items such as is thousands of gathered in one of the cities parts, trying to reach the blocked off tax and square. the area was the side of
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a massive protest against then prime minister ariel on in 2013 representatives from opposition, parties and trade union, se they intend to reach the main squared despite governments restrictions and in the nation capital a peaceful made a raleigh has gathered a thousands workers are demanding the repeal of an omnibus law on job creation and the abolition of low wages. several demonstrators came out to express the solidarity with palestine artes rebecca enough at the full. lou filed this report from jakarta, the labor party, the funds of duration of even the century unions and several labor union gathered as many as $6000.00 or more in yours ap ton throw all the capital one card out to celebrate maybe 2020 poor and they wish to be able to convey their masters in front of the presidential palace. oh, albert rolls has been blocked,
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heading through the palace or bright. now. they are marching to the other side of the town, the south, all through car that to later on gathered together at the gold albums. i know cd of the purpose of this reality what's to convey to maine, the man to read it and also as hired by the workers. the 1st one is urging the government to repeal the job creation law or known as on the post blog which side b workers claim to be criticized for favoring employers over word curse. bit controversial school also made a b work curse claim that their rights as workers has been reduced and also their ability as workers has been shaken by this loss. they also wish that the presidents a lot of trouble, so beyond,
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so we'll be able to hear their voices as workers and also to hear another demand as they're rejecting the practice of outsourcing, which in the country known as foss, tim remove, outsource a retract cheap wages i'm trying to the georgia and capital now where a fight broke out in parliament ahead of a hearing for the law on foreign agents. the incidents began after a verbal altercation between represent the ends of the opposition and the ruling. georgia. dream party to empties, hold opposing views on the protests against the so called for an agents bill that took place overnight. 63 people were detained at the rally. well, 6 police officers were injured and later hospitalized. what again is a peaceful rally outside the parliament building on tuesday evening descended into violence as a crowd tried to reach the police court on officers,
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use water cannon and tear gas. well, demonstrators built barricades and through smoke grenades. here's how events unfolded the the georgia and for an agents bill practically mirrors the u. s. law like the american version of georgia and proposals require and g o is and media outlets to register if they receive income from abroad, facing penalties for infringements. despite obvious similarities to police, his bill is a lighter law, with declarations required less frequently and no jail time as punishment. earlier this week, a raleigh supporting the bill was held in the capital where leading figures and george and politics explains that without.


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