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tv   Cross Talk  RT  May 1, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EDT

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canon and tear das well, demonstrators built barricades and through smoke remains. here's how events unfolded the the georgia and for an agents bill practically mirrors the u. s. law like the american version of georgia and proposals require and g o is and media outlets to register. if they receive income from abroad facing penalties for infringements, despite obvious similarities to police, this bill is a line or law with declarations required less frequently and no jail time as punishment. earlier this week, a raleigh supporting the bill was held in the capital where leading figures and george and politics explains that without this law the west will use the country and strip it of its sovereignty
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a game or time. or there has been several political minority protest actions in recent weeks, and those rallies in our meetings today differ in one main principle. those rallies were held in a spirit of slavery. those rallies were held under the slogan, we will become a member of the european union at the expense of sovereignty, independence, and traditional values. these people did not understand one thing. if the plague i e radical opposition, n g o's and their patrons take away sovereignty, independence and values. then in this case, both the european union and the entire country will be left behind. for them, the west, georgia and ukraine, or like cannon fodder. they pushed georgia against russia back in 2008, and in 20142022. they put ukraine in an even worse situation. the main reason for the aggression of the global war party against georgia is that despite
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great efforts, they failed to turn it into a 2nd front which could have been achieved if their agency had been in the george and government for it that's going to do for me for now, but do stay with us. my colleague nikki aaron will be in and less than half an hour with much more of the day stuff. news story by the. ringback the, the on the ocean, the i remember after the 1st of us plan to say on the world again the
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a strong man. we both saw the ocean around the i'm not sure come on this website and it will show it got this thing. so, i mean, what's going on with me is, can you up on the rarity of, let's say that he makes financing for the state board is the starting evidence to boys or i see at the time. but as i've been in, i wasn't able to download the diploma to work for you much and noticed around student chance just me and let's make sure you are safe on my screen. it goes cam position. i think that most the we knew it. hm. most the glass, what was going through the years just the positions didn't the issue
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a new level doing it was the shift. he's a guy. yeah yeah yeah. birth yes. so together that the rest is that it's insensitive the, as a new mazda has blown in place, the mind them go to the video, the assembly, not in the budget read this, there's a new thank you my last piece flow. if perchance below we save you this but this around the well trained business, toughest expedition of my life. so to ship it over to you soon on the door, but it's me. that'd be done pretty well around the world and you will get
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a brand new car, you the boy off the phone and they must guy me. seriously though stanislaus, an automated systems engineer is russian. i'm signing tourism champions of logic cover on the so click on the full sign on the invoice. there were $200.00 for the full service to the one by 2 of the money. that's pretty much that goes was more of the in $1774.00. the english navigate the james cook of to, failing to find and talk to our country said the southern lands will never be explored. the about on january the 16th 1820, the russian navigators, saving ungodly fund, bidding house lazarus discovered and talked to the adam
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jo ann von inclusions done was a russian navigator who land rushes 2nd navigation from 180-3218. 06. the management follows pollution stands root we are under sale to find out around the world. trade begins just like all great compact, reinstated and crunched on the . ready voltage will take about 3 years from some petersburg east to west, around the world, 10 back just in petersburg. and 3 is the
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a ton of getting into work. we change watch shift every 3 hours and unconsciously compared to our last trip. when the 4 of us now is just 2 sensors are lawyers or what's not very frustrating. you want this deal, but then i have this issue that i keep on. it's not, it's not the only thing that i took, i need to pay the supply fee, the video video. so that's it. i just, i, that's a good thing for you to do. full and i was going through positive stuff isn't just give it away and we think there's a lot of those. and let me finish the fastest of if i'm an extra trip ro as boys and some of the people that most of the fuel than you know for the move away only too much engine interior. they're still feeling the city of cold go and that ship on the boat side is the m. s. roll them on some
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starting morning. we have to take a curve and test the sewage shows the volume to the and then 3 days of quarantine to comply with the countries laws. the we cook right here on the catch them around and eat what we get. stuff isn't just the captain. he's a good cook to the team, use an inch of in porterville instead of choking fellows on the us and bring us out a affordable valdosta of elizabeth bowes,
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the scope of the job when you've really got started as expected, we are perfectly healthy now. can go to the city here and pretty much if and then you talk to you some of the put them into this plan. yes. to move up on the, on the, on the should be able to, to do those took, the 2 of them was a good idea of what you have to get what you want the
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best part of the piece, each quantity to produce the what the number will be fortunately, if i do the scene and you should move and use this to be as mixed, has to be able to go for the modem. i get cool for good. know what you're good to sit when you go like like give a little. it gives me stuff. no, uh, what does it find me think leslie's, with cumulus, she's the end of the russian orthodox church. the 1st part of both to go through the village. so i'm going to put it to where you will see. also notice that there's the 1st also the
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we're asking local is what they know about russia. i know. can you believe it or is are nice, very kind. if he's necessary, they gave you. they'll treasure from you. yes, yeah. right. we're signing for sweden, but it seems i'll try my hand has hiccups. sort of makes payment assuming at the front of the insurance or buying at the store. little the the portion of actually looks, it goes to the sticker, but it's mostly due to me then you know what happened to somebody. i shipped those emails. i sent it in at the louisa with a must loaded list of points. they want me to explore this to the school and let's see, what are the multi sco might, i mean is that when you're on the, what's your ideas,
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the government did what be the report change the point that we still need to enforce them always from the say it was 3, so wait for get enough that right 3 is it will go for since the for the lease or the not pretty. so i use use that i'm away from my local, our shop sherry, the one that gave me your serial number that much the lot you once and yet you 3 shift level. is there any way you should see an interest on those? then you see what the, the p a we are and marina. it's still 42 kilometers to, to come. we watched a little did you hear about us idea? can you hold on? very cool lady, be the the area and we have a lot. so natural resources and the floors as
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we are preparing our papers and heading for the next board, smelling yeah, the we're getting on amicably, at least for now, but he's left there showing you pretty custody for the water supply to be able to supply the phone with the simple of course let and one more sees. one more thing is by using each i a picky. that's funny as a problem. where do i get to keep the money actually, but easy push on know, change and start your function across thing that you got the article under as much for the tripod going to exploit the pump it across those lines disparage, gets picked, and actually speeds it must go to come, are you doing before due to stick with the assistant principal? i always did. and that was based on his night stock clearly course in standing. they've got some boy go avenue, maybe sounds key, billions guys. and so as they do the, the some, i mean, yeah,
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let me as soon as you like, the new or yesterday, thoughts here got both here did senior was go the c as low as nice to have see a problem for you during your most goes, i don't know somewhere closer. ok, what goes as 2 of those spots on the surface? we're still showing infinity. where until i hear people much actually only the go of it also is the way one was the other 6 pages familiar for the you still have additional development. just give up for most expensive for the rest of the stuff. but otherwise, you have several of the customer, the best phone number, as soon as i said the owner. so let me so is looking for one of those mountain suite, largest city and reach us with a heavy phone essentials and you find life personal the,
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the, [000:00:00;00]
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the way you book with me, you have a real estate invest just in case we need. see you with them globally smoothly. so i'm not sure what the products on the for the ship of photo mcquease instead of no, not 40. so not the motor on you. russian ocean, the weight of the chest that goes off as it is now you able to put them come, put them can move on the for the richard cruise and stay on the on moist uh, but uh, but as of today ive squared in order to get get access cuz all store yvonne filled the dish, of course there 7th you evidence, but the guinea 5 it in the velocity to get a mine, you know, put them below space, replaced the conductor, but at least close and staff may so subordinate that and the reason i'm that was conducted a disability while it was
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a witness that was in chicago. so but i was so mean you'll find me to go and ask you get them for up or not, but i'm almost associated with what is easiest thing way too much if the person that go with it, there's the cloud, the way to chelsea practice to get good afternoon, you have to to, can guy get to know what you need into this? no rush because we have the flow when it comes to my you, are you paying now? you could go see up. yes sir. so nobody can present the soonest. if delta dental to still pick up my largest and most could you give me a total blog, but sure i chased it those ways, but i knew some of the 10 up old with the targets put yourself through another number like a quite just examples and that was done on those no additional cut also of course you would like us us to submit it to you up with why we have it in your just seeing all of us of portal file, the new i found that i can send it to that opinion. number yep, that's the way you deal with joe. because instead of the pros, i but the chris instead of the the,
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the work flow corneo boys, this program with us to us. and we really never know when it was been a lot of money and never go on to the board that goes towards the city is $1.00 of the it is the military exercises what's on the ball by so you have to push this new my thoughts as though i just want that, and that's the best part back to the, to the bus my bus. although i did it through year 30.
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why don't you go to the lowest possible, daniel? my 4th and all i will try to be nice to me, but i guess for us to fall in there to fill out unless you have the wrong the most of the way to do the initial and they won't these people, if i don't choose choose to come also remain a to the student in the do duty mine yet you want to see what you can see and see what's right them. what's the appointment? seeing is done. you used to come on the one you may i ask, who am i still? what the book is, just what is this? the only thing, what is 0?
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it's the with watching envelope writing the 1st step, a symbol need of the mass people's diplomacy. the we have to seriously prepare for the vagaries of the north sea and for most sailing. and i'll try moran to the bit finicky and honest as it just deals account. but for them come look on our reading giga and see cut out by the way. so i'll guide you through i sneak up the shipper roots from the baltic to the north sea through the international canal. move, i see. excuse the fellow, what is, what is the, what is, what's us to play some good ideas? come on, the new didn't give us more,
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they sit on the senior afloat and cut them around and place them over the call is in place them. oh, you might just inflatable. yeah. gary size that is crazy. he's crazy. nice not crazy. this is absolutely good. the sailors have different names, stores some affectionately call it the pie of the needle, and others use the less friendly name, the ditch. this is the busiest ship can out in the world, so it needs special care. these giants could crush you without even noticing i think it's your credit. you for the respect for you guys, the respect and um, yeah, god speed. local we. so the way the to choose a couple days before the book,
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the shoes it keeps going. the . ready should it to the netherlands, and the window is not a lot. the ratings. instead of them all wheel drive, fast putting you, my buddies. yeah. some of the, some feathers, all of the back for macro. it has lots of macro peaceful vehicles. i am a member of the crew. i'm guessing. okay, well good. now you also my motorcycle. so now it's 4 o 5 for a 4 of us. have
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a good luck today, august the 18th today is p o griffith day. and we planned to hold a geography less than previous to it. very bad sounds good us, which is the sweet thought. this is one of the expeditions tasks we regularly conduct lessons from the ocean instead of a lecture. it's a life link with mountain travelers. ok, let's see, what would you be? do you not google does the lot to do business them got to be seen. yes, of course. is that the on the front that sticks. thank you very much. the the main teacher, the just the ocean, the course. maybe it'll be these boys and girls too. the ocean, the,
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the weight that they have to make one. once i anticipate task, we will give them what dimensions of radioactive background in the waters we're planning to sales through august 19th, radiation. i'm checking the coordinates.
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frances now we should probably shouldn't have we'll have to visit several for the beginning, so he's going to just the here in dunkirk. the main attraction is the military museum. here they tell how in 1940 the british evacuated the remnants of the anglo french units defeated by the gentleman that grand defeat when the nazis in just a couple of weeks destroyed. 2 of these then considered the best in the world is presented in this museum as a story of success. west of mine was, was saved and evacuated to britain or
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the button amazing collection of the engine can pull through. and you've got to be, as you search for them and be able to see that you want me out there. but yeah, i'm assuming the serial gloss me park. it's just not nearly as good to you. this is me. tell a speech to use it with the it is just, oh is it will blow it on the federal data piece. that's the hosting comes to your home. so it is, the only is between that, but it's very customer that it goes across the market because we're not about 20 plus doesn't think we have it on the produce the both of us that goes into the which is go through the previous cook winter. it will do
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the assembly to reduce the, the police say they're still thought out to the we say good bye to the french friends. and also is this is the russian geographic society. oh, my thesis for my younger why. so we go through the entering county for the pleasure chapel hill, my friend, illinois for it the monday and the 3 more everybody to go. no, no,
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of course. now let's go. so let's go over of what i say. it's the same thing with us to spain on. this is not too dangerous. down to the tramp, we can share duties to get less tied the trailer and lead from is again, i'm sorry we're cleaning the seats, are trouble to try. moran will make us repair is all the time the, the additional good we have stuff like with so the let you know, it's
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a good thing just to get the responses to for when you guys do me to your so i need is a good problem. notice how those are the got yours. so we try, which is so really great. we certainly dispatch the city of vehicle in the acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show . seriously. why watch something that's so different. i listed of opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department, the c, i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again,
7:00 am
you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the benjamin netanyahu announced he's a ground invasion into wrong. so i will go ahead with or without so pay still with him us the best as far, and doctors just stories of children named jones that's being targeted by is way nice. not to have seen the childrens, who had a direct injury to the or brain. this sniper shots and they had brain damage to do that, the neo please reach columbia university with pro palestine protested, fabricated insight as scuffles on the west take place near the ivy league


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