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tv   News  RT  May 1, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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the, the, the driving does this part of the political decision we decided to join the lawsuit, filed by south africa against israel, will complete legal work and work and what can be done with all friendly and allied countries. encore and now is, is this joining the global asset? that sounds like a started to stop atrocities in garza with legal case before the international court of justice. benjamin netanyahu announced as the ground invasion, it's a round file. we'll go ahead with or without a peace deal with him as far and don't push as stories of children and guns and being targeted by is really nice of. you have seen pictures who had a direct injury to the or brain. did you this sniper shot and they had brain
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damage? do you do that? the deal please read to columbia university building with pro talestine protest in the barricade inside of scuffles under west take place through the ivy league institution and libya and on the same day. so on service time to bring denmark, the cool type of civilian casualties caused by the 2011 foaming campaign and 11th march legal the line from moscow. this is all of the international with the late as well. these update is good to have you with us. this allen, all tech yeah, is joining the south african case against as well as the i, c, j, accusing the ness and yahoo governments of commissioning of genocide and gaza. that's the case for our minister made the announcements just hours ago in this
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writing. does it really solve the letter reason on the spot of the political decision we decided to join the lawsuit, filed by south africa against israel. will complete legal work and work, and what can be done with all friendly and allied countries. we met with a lawyer as to investigate the grounds in which would be possible for to, to join the case. and we have also discussed the conditions for all the members of the international community to become involved. let's get the details from our correspondence. yes, inaccurate and it's dumble monday. thanks for joining. joining us. yes. and so what else do we know at the moment about this took this move and of course the timing of is a nicky. foreign minister huck and fit on is essentially a man of very few words, and the statement study provides a she has a great deal of light in the door with respect to the direction that uncut is taken in this respect huck of you down the 4 minister of church essentially highlighted
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the importance of applying pressure against israel more partly by way of the i c, j, the international court of justice. but we understand that earlier this year, the i c j took on a case provided by south africa pertaining to claims surrounding acts of genocide and acts against humanity. and as a result, of course, the ruling did provide a clear statement suggesting that as well should stop, it's x or it's atrocities against the policy. and people did not necessarily rule out that there was a genocide. as a result, the south africa called on many other nations, especially calling out to the entire global community to take a part in this stance in a sense of resistance. and this is what color is doing for them. i, for the most important part that it is different going to take is wheels to the i. c. j's to hold them accountable. and as a result, i'll come see it on says that on kid has been calling on lawmakers as well as its legal team to ensure that it's case is ready before they are presented to the i see
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james, another important matter to take into consideration is of course the routing that was provided earlier this year did call on israel to put an end to its attacks. but in the words of the south african form minister. despite all of that, israel continues to do what it wants to do. and this was a statement from digging back to earlier this here can israel believes it has license to do as it wishes. so the world does have to reflect because we're going to come to a point where we have to thing. what do we do to stop such a clear rate locked us with these are but any quality in the world, the states must be a full also act independently and immediately to prevent genocide by israel and to ensure that they as the states unless themselves involved in violation of the genocide convention by
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a d. o assistant in the commission of genocide this, this a center in the imposes an obligation on all states to seize funding and facilitating israel's military actions. which as the quote has indicated a plausibly general cybill. a number of countries have also taken a stance against israel, v i. c. j is currently taking into consideration in cases that have been filed against israel, namely nicaragua has an interesting one. they filed a case against is the but more importantly, nations or allies that have been funding that was really military, what supplies or at least that was the claim. the i c. j in a statement or at least in, in, in a statement on tuesday, suggested that there was not enough evidence that not much can be done and rejected nicaragua, case. and this is important for different of the, for
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a number of different reasons. for example, turkey is currently focusing on the stablish in a case it's establishing a case against israel. it's law makers will do everything necessary to ensure that the case does not just go through and follow through with the i c j. but it doesn't get rejected like in nicaragua, case as well. and in this case, for example, germany was one of the many nations that were taking into account supplying israel with age. germany claims that the aid is not of military nature, but this is a matter of concern taking into consideration. that is what has support from europe, from the united states and its other allies within the region. and to, to, in other nations, within the region are doing everything they can to ensure that they take not just the stance, but also apply pressure against israel and hold them accountable for what's going on. it goes to today. yes. and many things for the update, the salty correspond to the us and i can speak into his live it from his style and bull. so i can do to southern gaza now with 2 children have been killed and an overnight is really as strong can rasa be enclaves,
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health ministry as opposed to the death of $33.00 people and $57.00 have been injured in the last 24 hours for an adult is he worked in dogs, let's say is really small. life is a deliberately targeting children. we have seen the children's who had a direct injury to the or the brain. this type of shots and they had brain damage to do that. and we saw entry and exit and we truly believe and the team believed that it was the intention there of the sniper shots, a seen countless children who bliss people, then petitions with the injuries we have seen. child who has is 31 of his full insular bandage can you imagine? so we had gotten, i think um, a 3 children that day with little into the
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heads and then and the young guy with the to his leg, you know, trying to do cpr and the child did not survive. and then there was another one that didn't survive, those that had the to the had, you know, you have to understand what everyone comes up is complete. chaos. and what are we doing cpr around this so that china. so this other good thing that doing the and i could see that she had a bullet entry to the forehead, because a lot of times you would see a lot of blast injuries. but this particular day they was going to mean all the is ready. prime minister announce the id f will invade rafa with or without also pay still with him us. and the idea that we will hold the war before achieving all of its goals is out of the question. we will enter rafa and we will eliminate the mosque battalions there with or without
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a deal in order to achieve the total victory. so the deal was for 14 day truce a ceasefire, so arrive 6 weeks and also for the return of all the hostages that they've been taken on october. the 7th in is well. and now as a result of that, how much were in cairo dealing with the officials trying to do the always cross the t's because they have been form is just the easy code for these waiting for minutes . the city space sewing this deal, but that was still an incursion into rush. but now we've got these comments from i think we need to know who's saying the exact opposite. regardless of that, we'll go ahead. we've had politicians from david cameron, the u. k. fonseca treated century state in the us and to me blinking really pushing him us to sign this deal. and let's be clear. this was not a deal for a poem, and it's just by which many actors, particularly countries in the middle east, have been cooling for over and over. this is just for a safe spot for 40 days. despite that,
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these west and politicians have described this as being very generous. it does seem to me, there is no, you know, let's be frank. a pretty generous offer of, of is sustained 40 days, the spot. so i hope i'm asked to take this deal and frankly, all the pressure in the world and all the allies of the world should be on them today saying take that deal come off has before the proposal. that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of gaza at a cease fire is the most holdings. $34000.00 individuals killed in garza since october of last year, moving fluid teen thousands of phasing in children. i know we've got the allegations so that is well, could be carrying out genocide and also the coming from uh, you know, potential top cool. it's an act is from around the world and we've even not gotten
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lawyers in the us, i believe move a 90 for them to assign to like to but seem to be sent to the fight and it's ministration. and this includes the secretary of state lawyers who is saying that fine, the us continuing to always, well, it's actually in violation of its own rules. and yet, despite all of this mounting evidence we're hearing from the white tassel, they will support nothing yahoo into the best to rent a city an american journalist ramsey. but we would say, is washington is trying to distract public attention from the lumen gives way to ground operation in rafa by pointing the finger at time us. let's be very clear this american foreign policy regarding goals that as well from the very beginning of this war has been the policy of destruction. where on the one hand is everything that is once and a little bit more. on the other head, we keep playing this game with the palestinians where leads to local,
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keep resurfacing in the washington post office and the new kind. sometimes political sometimes asks us where they would reveal things like the vitamins by them is very angry at the as well. so there was a very angry conversation between that then. yeah. when the president america, officials are saying, you know, is enough, we are reaching the breaking point, the warning and the give us hope with this kind of distractions. they give us material to cover in the media, but they also give us hope that maybe maybe it's over. maybe the american is really a honeymoon is over. maybe by then it's going to put his foot down. and every single time we end up being disappointed. so there are playing a game and a very clever one, but i really do think that at this point, neither depend a simians nor the americans, nor the rest of the world is buying. this kind of shenanigans coming from the democratic administration of biden. and his government and his bookstore, since i've written most things in the us defense committee,
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budget hearing was disrupted by a pro, published on protest to, to choose the country of supporting genocide in gauze, according on officials to step in genocide, god, the committee will come to order, elective, home request, those in the audit is causing disruption to cease their actions immediately. security. i'm going to ask you to remove the disruptive person as part of how the song bodies sweep the us new a police will and into a columbia university campus building. so a window to reach, protest as barricaded inside offices and to the off to the school administration authorized to access following unsuccessful negotiations without says, classes took place outside. wow. who info's me to say blocked one approaches to the university and reportedly made dozens of
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a risk to the scene. columbia university, as it was, that was police to maintain a presence on campus until at least may 17th to the gas was also used to click routes of the university of california. in los angeles, student protest is within rolling assessing barricades. this all comes off the house of representatives, speaker mike johnson accused to give us the administration of failing to account of the actions of those. he called terrorist sympathizes. what's happening on the campuses though, especially these private and the i believe universities that are not allowing law enforcement to come in, they're not inviting them to do their job and bring orders, the chaos. those are the policy changes that were demanding. and if they don't, don't correct this quickly, you will see congress respond and kind. what are university officials waiting on? what do they need to see before they stand up to these terrorist sympathizers? and that is exactly what they are. all take all respondents caleb mobility of visited the scene of the protests at columbia university. i spoke with some of the
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processes attract the campus and can't let us take some more of the palestine and has now gone national university soon to set up, examines and are holding co tests around the clock and the arrest numbers are now in the 1000. the now we've been covering the situation here at columbia from the beginning, but it recently got much more intensive this point. padlocks have been placed on all the campus doors, and we have students that are still inside who not only have their encampment, but they've taken over a campus building called hamilton hall. now they are anticipating
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a pending arrest at the hands of the new york city police department. and a number of students have already been suspended us lawmakers now say they want anti semitism monitors dispatched the universities around the country. they perceive the protesters as somehow menacing us students. campus anti semitism is at an all time high. and american universities are not capable of handling it when left to their own devices. this past week's crisis at columbia is not an isolated incident. it is the straw that has broken the camel's back and i am prepared to do something about it. now we have the opportunity to speak with some of the students and other community members have gathered year outside of the lock down university in anticipation of the big arrest. at the end of the day, social media is expressing reality. politicians can get on camera, they can get on tv and they can speak to us and they can try to lie to our faces about certain things. we don't live in the 90s in the eighty's anymore. it's not 1948. you can't sit there and lie to us and tell us everything is brand new,
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everything is fine. and is it there a light or face that we believe you? that's ridiculous. it's a violation america. american 1st amendment, right. it's a violation of the constitution. it's one thing that makes america a unique and a role nowadays, but special is one of our founding principals, i think is fascist, totally fashion is. um, i think this um the student protests, it's just bringing out what america was is underneath. and yeah, and i'm horrify, i'm horrified. many voices in mainstream media simply do not view these protests as legitimate. they say this is not what freedom of speech in the american constitution is intended to protect. college students incumbents of spreading and serve as a blatant illustration of the maturity of this entitled generation of college students now support for the students submit the crackdown has been wide spread with religious groups, community organizations and civil liberties. watch dogs all say these students have the right to continue their protest. we commend the students who are exercising
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their right to protest peacefully despite an overwhelming that's most fear of pressure, intimidation, and retaliation. to raise awareness about e 0. so solved on gaza with the us to buy pounds and funding if not just the united states. the trend of protests is going global canada and even european countries, announcing encampments, set up on university campuses to support gaza. one has to wonder if this will have any impact on us officials and their continued policy of what appears to be unconditional backing of israel taylor mauppin. r t new york is wells interior minister has ordered that the head of the u. n. relief agency, the palestine refugees, felipe plaza, reading not be allowed to enter gauze us through israel. the organizations chief stays, the agency is on the immense pressure and is struggling to operate the agency. it
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is on the a lot of stress in the code for the agency to be dismantled. but the agency also has been targeted over the last 6 to 7 months. so in, in, in, in the gaza where a booster, uh, our stuff up, but also how premises as well as how hope ration. i just reminded that since the beginning of the war, we have a 182 stuff and now will have been killed, more than 160 premises, which have been damaged or to, to the destroyed. and most of these premises. so, wish centering a disgrace to people and more than 400 people have been killed in these premises. we spoke with wash as fast. they put a permanent representative to the un, dimitri polio sky. who says that on the wall is essential and gone. so despite,
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as well as allegations against is this is something that one couldn't imagine that could happen. it's all the time. and this is, this is absolutely, and she mean competing that these early is waging. and you know, in gaza we repeatedly come down to the excellence of uh, from us on the 7th of october of last year. but the easier it was that is, israel's reply to this was of course, discipline disproportion. that's not what this happening is. there is a breaching all the, the law of the international community and law principles, otherwise, absolutely essential for uh, for our systems uh, giving assistance to the police. genius of this structure can be replaced as these are the cleaves. we should act. the brutality of fraser forces. spears no one named garza neither my zip of relation the peaceful residence, nor to me. it didn't work as not the only other. i work as a federalist. uh,
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there are more than $200.00. so too many of them were because that's such little the underwater. so this is absolutely outrages situation and we try to address is uh, as much as we can uh, excuse me, to counsel him in the national capacity. and we need to pull down and uh to, to the situation as soon as possible. i is there a number of kansas, especially united states, which are absolutely not interested in getting to the bottom of the tools and they are absolutely trying to do everything in their power to prevent international investigation from happening. recently we organized, we asked for the fence meeting on the status of a dash and disagree with the council. we had an initiative of for preparing a resolution that would call for international investigations under the auspices of the united nations. we had several other documents. all of them where sabotaged by
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the us and it's closest ally under the pretext that there are national investigations going. that will give us the answers to what has happened and who shouldn't. in any case, press these countries. but the reality is that 2 of these 3 investigations, namely in denmark and sweden have already concluded without any results. the only one that is being conducted isn't valley in germany, and we have very few hopes on these country to, to produce any results. but this is being used as a pretext spite where some countries to prevent international communities to really get clear answers. what was the find this you see the main stream media, which i'm not doing for quite a long period of time, but i just try to keep an eye on if you will have absolutely distorted a picture of what's happening anywhere in the world. including in the united states,
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in the middle east and ukraine. everything that is not up to the liking of the ruling class of these stablish mental d. yes. is being labeled. the russian propaganda chinese propaganda. the russian melisha 60, which is chinese melisha 60, which is there are a lot of allegations which i'm also sending you to by any facts, but on the basis of this. so like each some actions i've been thinking, like, for example, the legation that rational models in the us elections in 2016, which we had the bunked. but the sections remained and the remain in place ever since. so people who read only means to me, yeah, they absolutely don't have access to the. so the true information from other sources, they might, might be absolutely unaware on the, on a lot of situation. so they might be on their way or of the genesis of the crisis. ukraine, for example. because for some politicians, the history and ukraine started only in 2022. with this, when the beginning of our special meals sort of 3,
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don't want to dig in what we're seeing, the, the, so these are, these people are really deprived of this information. they leaving the bubble now to paris when made a rallies turned into clashes with police as traditional labor, right? as much as mill and did with for palestinian and auntie olympics process offices use, take us on crowns of the capital. is paperless in running away? protest is expressed on good a government changes to the retirement age made last year and also shows its threats about disrupting the powers olympics, which is coming up this summer. please have arrested over 210 people and it's done both way. union members tried to reach the city center, the state to protest. this was a bond on may de demonstrations. police use a tear gas to discuss the crowd. i own the the response
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came off, it demonstrates has begun beating law enforcement offices within provides the license that has thousands gathered in one of the cities parks trying to reach the blocks off tax in square. the area was the slice of a massive protest. guys, then 5 minutes, the other one in 20. so see representatives from opposition, policies on trade, union, se they intend to reach the main squared despite government restrictions. and in the indonesian capital a peaceful, amazing valley has gathered. thousands was a similar thing, the repeal of an omnibus lore on job creation, on the appellation of low wages. several demonstrates has came out to express the soul of our say we palestine. i'll tell you that rebecca, enough, it's a pool, a fall. this report from chicago believe our party, the configuration of even a nation tree unions and several labor union gathered as many as $6000.00 or more in yours uh, 10 troll all the time at all. it took card out to celebrate may be 2024
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and they wish to be able to convey their masters in front of the presidential palace. however, rules have been belong, heading to the palace or bright. now they are marching to the other side of the town, the south, all through car that to later on gathered together at the time. no cd of the purpose of this reality was to convey to main demands, read it, and also as by your, by the workers. the 1st one is urging the government to repeal the job creation law or known as on the pl slow which by the workers claim to be criticized for favoring employers over work or is this controversial school also made a b workers claim that their rights as workers has been reduced
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and also their ability as workers has been shaken by this law. they also wish that the president a lot of trouble. so beyond all will be able to hear their voices as workers and also to hear another demand as they are reject the practice of outsourcing, which in the country known as costs to remove, outsource a retract cheap wages. libya wants denmark to be held accountable for its participation in nato, as to what's on the north africa nation, which killed 14 civilians in 2011 with salsa, auditory as needed to any of the case. challenging denmark focusing will crimes in libya, and the says it will be a huge victory if the $520.00 makes it difficult. a while i, you know, i had the pleasure of being part of being for the show them the list to can for us,
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the casing if you like that lead to descent mission. what happened was the, i mean the, you know, i knew them with, with the website. cool. it worse as well as a couple of, uh the sure. and what was tv germans, where actually do we conduct the mentoring on the civilian victims or live? yeah. was not the idea to find out what the g d daniels forces. air force has, did the libya back in 2011. so the 1st it came about by accident time, when the permission got out of hand. and the last part of this stuff around the world, the ministry defines the danish, me see, defense could not find it any more. and they were forced by more of the, uh, the freedom of information aside denmark. so to me as well as to publish x, what was a kind of try and did all kinds of we're making some
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slow progress, but the steady one and the market self and taking the ministry's tell it to cost. and so i did a mark on that would be if we managed to get the case before a judge that we'd be using, the trick to re for us and others as well. simply because that will lead you to match the key to other countries. lost in the boom, the bombardment of living in 2011, being named and then that would help us carry on with the g this here, process and holding all those. but despite the countries to go. this year, the danish defense ministry launched an investigation into the nature of the danish, a full sized swan from the be a move of a decade ago. according to release documents, we did off to the slide. denmark realize this military could have been involved in civilian casualties. this is the 1st time in the country participating in the nato
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campaign to out form and libya and lead them on the get the off a. has it miss? it is possible involvement and civilian deaths. as a reminder, 10 countries including 6 from europe to pause a nato's operation unified for texas, which last at 6 months in 2011. a warning you might find the following: images disturbing account paid to the collapse of peak adolphe raising the revelation i related was captured by militants of the national transitional town. so often as to icon. the colonel's con boy, the operation let's to move the decade of instability in libya, which remains divided to this day. what's the value of the tauriel? so it's a, it's a nay so has never acknowledge the consequences of this as like from libya and civilians. knew never admitted any single case eh, while i, it's a to place you know, to disagree and assembled. so really.


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