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tv   News  RT  May 1, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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in the seller's world, the parts we choose to look so common ground the the writing does this part of the political decision. we decided to join the lawsuit, filed by south africa against israel will complete legal work and work and what can be done with all friendly and allied countries and current on savings. joining the global effort that staff ask for chris stolen state to stop atrocities in goal is that to a legal case before the international court of justice plot, we do not believe that the itc has jurisdiction over this issue. that being said, we work closely with the agency and a number of key areas. we think that they do important work. important work as it relates to ukraine. washington plains, be international. criminal court has no rights. simple security is where the officials, i mean, reports that arrest boards could soon be issued. but at the same time,
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the us supports an ice c. c. case against russian presidents like they have presented over the plain conflict. also ahead, the new york police wade a columbia university building with pro polyps, done protest as well barricaded a scuffle designed to rest take place outside the building. on the may 1st international workers day tons of violent tashing vaults and 2 k. as please use forced and take us to disperse of the class. the thanks very much for joining us. hey, on the news our on the policy in to national with an eye on the stories workforce will that you need to know?
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well, we're going to start with that finance and some of the turkish foreign minister, the that i'm correct is joining the south african case against these are a lot b i c j a choosing the netanyahu government is committing a genocide in gaza. the sliding doesn't really solve the letter. he's on the spot of the political decision. we decided to joined the lawsuit, filed by south africa against israel. will complete legal work and work and what can be done with all friendly and allied countries. we met with a lawyer as to investigate the grounds in which would be possible for the key to join the case. and we have also discussed the conditions for all the members of the international community to become involved. lawmakers are currently in the process of concluding everything that they have before they present it to the i c j to ensure that they apply pressure against israel in this respect for the timing is also a matter of great concern for a number of different reasons. it comes at a time when encore,
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a seems to be harding and it's hard. any is position against israel. it comes at a time when last week. church president richard type are doing, announced that trade relations with israel will come to a halt. it also comes at a time when public nation or condemnation against is rose also at its highest. but what we're looking at as well is it coincides with a diminishing western sense, as well as public opinion is swaying in favor of palestinians and the general situation. and gaza as protests of it outbreak have been breaking out all across europe and the united states. but it also comes at a time when the south africa, one south africa, essentially took israel to the i, c j a to hold it responsible for its actions. and this is an important step as well . because as a result of the ruling, the south african side is essentially called up for the international community for everybody to take part in this and take part in this position to stand against israel and bring these really government to justice. and these are held believes as license to do as it wishes. so the world does have to reflect louis center in
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the imposes an obligation on all states to seize funding and facilitating israel's military actions. which as the quote, as indicate said, a plausibly gentle cybill with respect to what south africa said. it's called out for other countries and nations to take part in its position. there have been some countries that have done so in nicaragua is a very important case as well. what's important here is they essentially put try to do the same. they tried to apply pressure against israel by taking matters to the i c j. but on tuesday, the i c j said that it rejected nicaragua case because it says that there was not enough to provide a case or a file and that there was nothing much that they could do with the crowd was complain. and the minute post simply was that germany is providing israel with aid . germany says that most of the aid was non military, whereas nicaragua suggested that the situation was otherwise. which is why uncle
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his current position is yes, we want to take is real and we want to hold them accountable at the i c j. but based on what, how can fit on said on wednesday, on correct is more gene on ensuring that they have a case that is the steel type. something that cannot be rejected, something that can be pursued and in the long run actually hold is real accounts of, of, of those. there's also the reality that israel does not abide by these rulings, which will make it more difficult, not just for turkey, but for other regional actors that are ensuring that peace and stability takes folder takes, takes all it's, which is why south africa target is also calling on other nations, throughout the global community to take part in this stance against israel, apply pressure, and put in and see what's happening cause or today. despite the public outrage at hey, washington says the international criminal court cannot legally issue arrest warrants . the gates talk is really officials prime minister benjamin netanyahu is called the very possibility that's right. as well as want to self defense.
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we do not believe that the itc has jurisdiction over this issue. that being said, we work closely with the i c and a number of key areas. we think that they do important work. important work as it relates to ukraine are for sudan. but again, on this particular incidence instance, in this particular instance, i'm sorry, they just do not have jurisdiction. clearly this drug by the i c c, is not an attempt to enforce the law. as well as the human subject to the court's jurisdiction. and it has an independent legal system that rigorously investigates all violations of the law. rather this isis, the attempt is an attempt to paralyze is very ability to defend itself. when he is really official, is reportedly fed that the hague try been new, could soon issue an arrest warrant. in fact, several of them based on investigations that goes back to
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a ledge defenses in goes back in 2014, during an early and nothing yahoo to know just are minded that the white house supported warranty games block may appear to me. this is just last year saying that the i, c. c, had the right to condemn the russian president for the ukraine conflict with jerusalem development fun. chapman saw me as seen. g ross says that washington decides on issues of legitimacy through a lens that reflects its own national interests. let's see how does this one definition in washington dc? it's national, i notice the whole word, the mortality of the word is buried, being measured on the national interest of the americans. they have nation. i think there is in something good become the getting that if it did come from the national and things in this,
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it becomes the budget. this is the way they managed things come, they have been doing this and they all about the whatever and whatever they do, the whole world has nothing to respond. they. i get that on 400000 rockets and they have committed much deeper into them. and others, it went to a lot of times in the past and nobody has ever decided to dig to digging processing. i see and, and i see you saw a form for them. you cannot convince the cumulative of yesterday that the, the few spend a minute or 2 days in the us. how speak is also said that they arrest warrants exploration. it against israel could directly undermine us. national security, of course, leaving the door opening to issuing warrant said to us politicians potentially for
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the crimes you were just talking about. i mean, considering the russia is also not a member of b, i c. c. where would these concerns last a when the itc was issuing its warrant for flock me, proof to show him the loss i means to national president is in line with the i'm going to get 10 times even if they are accurate or whatever doesn't matter on them. there is no more going on the getting references. it's one of the emotional interest, the time gives the bombs that is when it is very strong for us to have as much as they want. and finally by the deadline goes to the i c. c on that i see you then based off of their wrong pressure. they've on top, i may be in the get, i'm talking about and times on the call, but they try to put the pressure on the judges. they
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try to select them by and they're, you know, uh, stopping the visa through us. or for example, or something that are producing their bank accounts. the book means it was the dialect a lot and directly to influence the decision makins and then the and inside the licensee. and also you do it. is it during the war or the cannot continue like this? right. and washington, the us defense budget committee hearing was disrupted by a pro palestine protest to choose the country of supporting genocide in goza. calling on the officials to stepping genocide in god the committee will come to order. i'd like to formally push those in. the audit is causing disruption to cease their actions immediately. security,
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i'm going to ask you to remove the disruptive person. well, as pro palestine rawlings have been sweeping, the us, new york police wound into a columbia university campus building. this is through a window to reach the protest is who will barricaded inside the offices, edited off the crew school administration had authorized their access. this was following and successful negotiations that as clashes were taking place outside. wow. hello enforcement also look to the approaches to the university. i'm reported they made dozens of arrests at the scene. now columbia university has also asked the police to maintain the presence of its compass until at least may 17th. let's say a gas was used to clear the crowds that the university of california. now were you
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looking at the pictures in los angeles as stevens protesting that we've seen ruling and also setting up barricades as well. and this all comes off the house of representatives, speak up, mike johnson, a choose the university administration failing to come to the actions of those that he described as being terrorist synthesizes. what's happening on the campuses though, especially these private and the ivy league universities that are not allowing law enforcement to come in. they're not inviting them to do their job and bring orders, the chaos. those are the policy changes that were demanding. and if they don't, don't correct this quickly, you will see congress responding kind. what are university officials waiting on? what do they need to see before they stand up to these terrorist sympathizers? and that is exactly what they are. all things corresponding kind of open has been covering this story for us early a visiting the scene of the process near columbia university in new york. and
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speaking with some of the protesters that on the track the board, the palestinians are now gone. national university soon says setup examines and are holding co. chester round the clock and the arrest numbers are now in the 1000. the now we've been covering the situation here at columbia from the beginning, but it recently got much more intense. at this point. padlocks have been placed and all the campus doors, and we have students that are still inside who not only have their encampment, but they've taken over
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a campus building called hamilton hall. now they are anticipating a pending arrest at the hands of the new york city police department. and a number of students have already been suspended us lawmakers now say they want anti semitism monitors dispatched the universities around the country. they perceive the protesters as somehow menacing. your students, campus anti semitism is at an all time high, and american universities are not capable of handling it when left to their own devices. this past week's crisis at columbia is not an isolated incident. it is the straw that has broken the camel's back and i am prepared to do something about it. so we have the opportunity to speak with some of the students and other community members have gathered year outside of the locked down university in anticipation of the big arrest. at the end of the day, social media is expressing reality. politicians can get on time or they can get on tv and they can speak to us and they can try to lie to our faces about certain things. we don't live in the 90s in the eighty's anymore. it's not 1948. you can't
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sit there and lie to us and tell us everything is brand new. everything signs and i sit there a lot of our face and we believe you, that's ridiculous is a violation american american 1st amendment rights. it's a violation of the constitution. it's one thing that makes america a unique and a role nowadays, but special is one of our founding principals. i think it's bashes totally. fashion is, um, i think this um the student protests, it's just bringing out what america was is underneath. and um, yeah, and i'm horrified, i'm horrified. many voices in mainstream media simply do not view these protests as legitimate. they say this is not what freedom of speech in the american constitution is intended to protect. college students incumbents of spreading and serve as a blatant illustration of the maturity of this entitle generation of college students. now support for the students submit the crack down has been wide spread with religious groups, community organizations, and civil liberties. watch dogs all say these students have the right to continue
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their protest. we commend the students who are exercising their right to protest peacefully despite an overwhelming that's most fear of pressure, intimidation, and retaliation. to raise awareness about israel so solved on gaza with the u. s. weapons and funding, if not just the united states, the trend of protest is going global. canada and even european countries announcing and camp set up on university campuses to support gaza. one have to wonder if this will have any impact on us officials and their continued policy of what appears to be unconditional. back king of israel taylor mauppin, r t. new york. as well as interior in minnesota has ordered the head of the you and release agency for palestine. refugees, this is phillip realize that he may not be allowed to enter gauze that through is, well, you'll get an honest ations cheap says the agency is on the immense pressure and is
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struggling to operate the agency. it is on the a lot of stress in the code for the agency to be dismantled, but the agency also has been targeted over the last 6 to 7 months. so, um, in, in, in, in guys uh where uh, both of our stuff um, but also help for my sister as well as our opperation. i just reminded that since the beginning of the war, we have a 182 stuff member now haven't killed more than a 160 premises which have been damaged or to, to the destroyed. and most of these premises, with sheltering a displaced people and more than 400 people that have been killed in notes. these premises always spoke with russia as best deputies having representative to the u.
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n. a file this. this is dimitri polanski, who says that, and what is essential in gauze despite is wells allegations against it. this is something that one couldn't imagine that could happen. it's all the time. and this is, this is absolutely, and she main company in that israel is waging and you know, you guys a, we repeatedly come down to the excellence of from us on the 7th of october of last year. but the easier it was that is, israel's reply to these words, of course, this disproportion, that's not what this happening is. there is a breaching all the, the law of the international community and law principles, otherwise, absolutely essential for uh, for our systems uh, giving assistance to police genius um this structure can be replaced as these are the claims we should act, the brutality of fraser forces,
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spears no one named garza neither mazda of population, the peaceful residence, nor humanitarian workers. not only otherwise our cuz i have standardized. uh, there are more than $200.00. so too many of them were because that's such a no, totally on the wow. so this is absolutely outrages situation and we try to address this as much as we can give it to counsel him, not a national capacity, and we need to put down and to, to, to the situation as soon as possible. i is there a number of countries, especially united states, which are absolutely not interested in getting to the bottom of the tools and they are absolutely trying to do everything in their power to prevent international investigation from happening. recently we organized, we asked for the fence meeting on the status of a dash and disagree with the council. we have them and they should do both for
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preparing a resolution that would call for international investigation under the auspices of the united nation. so i have several other documents, all of them where sabotaged by the us. it's closest ally under the pretext that there are national investigations going. that will give us the answers to what has happened and who shouldn't. in any case, press these countries. but the reality is that 2 of these 3 investigations, namely in denmark and sweden have already concluded without any results. the only one that is being conducted is invalid in germany. and we have very few hopes on this country to, to produce any results. but this is being used as a pretext by western countries to prevent international communities to really get clear answers. what was the find this you see the main stream media, which i'm not doing for quite a long period of time,
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but i just try to keep an eye on it. you will have absolutely distorted a picture of what's happening anywhere in the world, including in the united states, in the middle east and ukraine. anything that is not up to the liking of the ruling class of these stablish, most of the is being labeled, the russian propaganda chinese propaganda, the russian malicious activities, chinese, malicious activities. there are a lot of allegations which are also sent to the, to by any facts but on the basis of this. so like each some actions are being taken . like, for example, the allegations that the restroom adults in the us elections in 2016, which were at the bunked. but the sections remained ends remain in place ever since . so people who read only means to media, they absolutely don't have access to the. so the true information from other sources, they might, might be absolutely unaware on the, on a lot of situation. so they might be on their way or of the genesis of the crisis. ukraine, for example, because for some politicians,
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the history in ukraine started only in 2022. with this, with the beginning of our special mailed sort of 3. don't want to dig in, what are you seeing the, the, so these are, these people are really deprived of this information. they live in the bubble where you can imagine it's one of nato's pipe, dream associates, tongues roll into moscow. and it's finally come true, but not totally in the way that the west probably expected. because some of the high tech equipment that the block had supplied to ukraine is now on display in the russian capital often being captured on the battlefield as well. businesses are flocking to take a look at more than 13 vehicles. these come from the 2 countries, including the u. s. the u. k. gemini, and fonts. i'm that includes the $10000000.00, much fated, brims tank that's amongst the hardware that didn't live up to the expectations on
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the front lines. and it's now mainly homeless exhibit in moscow. employees of nature, embassies in the city have been specifically invited to check out the failed results of the massive spending on ukraine's rule machine. and while none of those western officials have been posted at the scene so far, some citizens from that countries have already attended. and they share that impressions with us. they're showing all the time sold the 90 times that we have seen and paid with our tax failures that we finally reached moscow. they did exactly what they want it, and now they're here exhibited for all of us to see how well we're, you know, taking care of. and so a little bit controversial. what you say. meanwhile,
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they supposed to do very small scale self level. say that we see on the do know france and russia are 2 nations that were created to get along with each other. and i'm very sad to see that the french government, instead of following history goes against it, does not take into account the mistakes of the past and continues to support ukraine by sending equipment to and i, as a frenchman, once to tell nato representatives, you see all this equipment that is here, these dozens of combat vehicles, tanks and other military equipment. they're all broken and burned and destroyed. and these vehicles have no other way to come to moscow except in such conditions. take their own way, but we decided to visit the exhibition to on my day and paid tribute to all soldiers. what you've all these for us, quite strongly in presence here. not only from the equipment, but also from the guys who are standing next to it with the military. it was totally stories and just touching with people, it's about
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a plus and the experience overall. let's head to power response. now, when made a raleigh's turned into collections with police, this is as the traditional labor rights mulch is melted with pro palestinian and anti olympic projects with offices use to gas on the crowds in the capital. those people all seen running away in the footage that project is expressing and not just phase of the government changes to the retirement age that were made last year, but also shouting threats about disrupting the parents and then pick games this summer. police of a rest do, but 210 people in east. i'm both away. union members were trying to reach the city center to stage a protest that despite that being a band on may day demonstrations. please using 2 glass to disperse the crowd. i own
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the weather was phones came off, the demonstrators began beating the more enforcement officers with improvise items . this is as thousands gathered in one of the cities cox trying to reach the blocked off tax in square. now the area was the sides of a massive protest against and then the problem is that the one that was back in 2013 representative. so opposition policies entre dean say that they intend to reach the main squared despite the government's restrictions. the, let's go to the jordan capital now where the crowd said flooded the streets to purchase the so called foreign agents floor. this is also the bill was accepted during a 2nd hearing in the countries parliament. now police have reportedly used to what a guns and pet but gas against demonstrates is that we're trying to get to store
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the gates of the georgia in parliament that the cost is also broke. housing signed the parliament building ahead of that. hearing the incident, stone said, with a verbal verification, this was between representatives of the opposition party. i'm the ruling, georgia team policy 2 and pennies, whole opposing views about the protests. oh, but the so called foreign agents bill once again is a peaceful, riley outside the parliament building on tuesdays and descended into violence. this is as the crowd tried to reach the police food and offices using water cannons and c. a gas one demonstrates as stilton, barricades and through smoke grenades. let's take a look now how the events unfolded the
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well, let's take a look though at the georgians, pardon, agents bill, which practically nourishes lou in the us and likes the american version. the george and proposals require n g o's. i'm media outlets to register if they receive income from the board over a certain amount, facing penalties for infringements. now, despite the old via similarities to bases, bill is in fact the like to know with declarations required less frequently i'm. there's no jail time as punishment. now, earlier this week, a raleigh supporting the bill was actually held in the capital where leading
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figures in georgia and politics explained that without the law the west would use the country on stripping off its suffering t a little bit of game or time. or there has been several political minority protest actions in recent weeks, and those rallies in our meetings today differ in one main principle. those rallies were held in a spirit of slavery. those rallies were held under the slogan, we will become a member of the european union at the expense of sovereignty, independence, and traditional values. these people did not understand one thing. if the plague i e radical opposition, n g o's and their patrons take away sovereignty, independence and values. then in this case, both the european union and the entire country will be left behind. for them, the west, georgia and ukraine, or like cannon fodder. they pushed georgia against russia back in 2008, and in 20142022. they put ukraine in an even worse situation. the main
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reason for the aggression of the global war party against georgia is that despite great efforts, they failed to turn it into a 2nd front which could have been achieved if their agency had been in the georgia and government. well, from all the stories we've been discussing, you kind of course head over to a website all teen don't. com, where you'll find even movies and analysis, but will be back here with the news out with a fresh update to the top of the next hour. because enjoy the hello and welcome to cross talk. we're all things are consider.


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