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tv   Documentary  RT  May 2, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EDT

1:30 am
talk about the global community. i'm. it's the ongoing conflict right now. but let's begin with how do you describe the relationship between indonesia and palestine? relationship between but a sign an invitation is not from today or since october 7th, october. it's a long course from the beginning and we know that the sedation, it's deb id is developed one and then keesing from feed to feed. because indonesia fit believe in new material and you know, as well as they believe how the piece should be implemented. if the way this
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is a clear message from or operations in this country what i meant, what already i wish to discuss with them. this is a clear message that we believe on piece. we believe in him with the area role. and we should photo the entire nation and those and the good ish, the president of this country. so what do you see and the liberal mercy of donation efforts hold on one or just 2 months before for a missed out, much with you was in the high court to talk a while. it's by this time you know, it's not i don't want to talk and diplomacy way. about 2 o'clock when i took i took from my heart and donasia is giving more samples
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in the oh, i see. what is your name? and i'm not sure. and i'm you on a john assembly where the of all there is any discussion about is fine, is always in the therapies. because if we do an issue. so how do we, we found that donasia is fighting with but it seems as if we're, i'm upset in any discussion with the fine indonesia is that i'm to talk about buddy said one day my colleagues here. okay. it's a joke or just to say, like we boss, i don't know if you'll country is not attending. there is one country who can fight for body style, which has introduced you. so this is, you know, what you have mention about the international feed, but
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a sign is not absent because of the nature has also supported the freedom of palestine in terms of palestine, admission to the us as a full member. so how do you think this could happen and, and why it, oh, it's easy to be mean by say a few on until gets membership of that. it's not that difficult. if it is, i bring it to from the big boss to the side. and then it shows as fighting to be by this time one of the globe and 3 i remember of that. but unfortunately, as you know,
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we lost it. united states of america is home is using the y. i couldn't understand that talking about this process that i was talking about to stay as a new issue the why do you out if you're seeing them in by the share of, by the see and the state and you one or yeah, i simply got ahold was i guess that so the only, oh because we are facing that. you're not state bush, which is on justice. if america is not behind that i'm giving more support to is are i thing that our conflicts have been sold month? no. 75 years before. you know, the scene in conflict since 1948 is because of
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bill for the condition supported by you. ok. with that money on this blog in our lot. it's made by them because it's give benefits for europe. young as well as of medic visit conference had been created since 1948 divided by this sign into 2 states or tool box one for as one second for all but a cnn land. $64.00 is 56 percent of them. 44 is that a manning bought and the only bad certification. what through the vehicle and as long as that is a new issue in one,
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it's one. it has to be an accepted by other kansas. why is the out if using to implement the 2nd part of the resolution? 444, but a see me in all land or stay. it's once you've audio concord at that that's why, you know, with the absent of injustice and there is no gun to control the perplexity and his motive sheet. well, it's not funny but, but a scene on a stay or membership. it's easy to be accepted. if united states not using the why do you think the united states, despite all the criticism, especially from the countries of the south global cells,
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including indonesia as well, continues to supply weapons to israel. c 0 p on or about it. both of them, mr. bible who is now the president of usa. clearly he mentioned that we are, we have established as like, if it isn't of that we will war cod of lead to stablish is life. and we are easy to expend millions of dollars for that. because as mine is working for a lot of benefits, this is amazing. conflict in that spot. so who are some of the design? because as right, this is a lovely baby for the scottish. what finally, how people's whole. how are people, you know,
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they have decided to continue the sluggish and so you know how they are suffering a lot because of that genocide garza is 70 percent of the story. but even the sea and people lot of stay continuing on. continuing recycling design and see that they've looked month at this as the representative of your country in indonesia. how do you see all the whole task, especially that being done by young students in america, urging the government to stop whatever they are doing to attack warehouses like we believe we believe that a new generation and we believe everywhere. now see the background for countries have been you know,
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the uprising against the policy. my phone is really even european as well as united states. see what's happening in success. now they're diversity to fix mixing. yeah. he gives a speech just so they about that. what this, what are we doing? the automatic, the automatic so no face had been completely change or confidence stopping, changing their policy. because once they have seen the grow, i guess for the seen on no one can believe. so trust me, don't know, own generation or universe it is. there were no way that should be not that not to be silent. maybe there are some companies as then silent. mustangs, i think soon,
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many changes will be there. i also want to brought your attention to the western media. the western media outlets claims that the united states managed to dissuade israel from retaliating against iran. so do you think that the u. s. has such influence and, and why such things happened? see, this isn't the history we can talk about. just not stay is evans and happen mode influence. not only is a party at all everywhere except one day they try to avoid all of this event to attend
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hot up summit in damascus. the bus is thrown that he may have challenge with united states. no, but a cnn is dad. is more important to me to continue to go with to attend because of my papers. i might have come to him for was for sure they can able to avoid those lines, but see if case will be was but a scene um cause america is apt. i'm sure that now is right in big bold and conflict inside the most submission. if you're able to, if you're reading is that i am television of the way to remove the 10 yahoo. and to change the policy design. if it isn't, i,
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would it create another conflict with, you know, and that would be very, as off is what i'm going for this. i'm going to probably from the liberal from syria, from yeah, i'm on. it's not but a sign. so we, they don't need to increase the fight. so i think that america is trying, i'm using this for to see something which i cannot believe. why the i'm not asking is why i have to stop getting the body. see now if you're on the flying in this direction while you are leaving the vanishing this way. so how many come, what do you see?
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unfortunately, i can see i don't people duck by the way. i don't, i don't mean completely. i don't believe in them and accomplish. no, no, no, no, says i am trying the school. yeah, i started the other one because here's why it is they had had me. they need to save it for their own and for most of that box. oh, is that conflict? or is the ability to kind of conflict and then within these? because if it's if it's what i would be normal, everyone would leave and base and respond to. but a sign is the hold alone suited to inquire on land for peace or in prophecy day. why, why they created this atmosphere coming from time to
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time destroying k. i think this company is right is not having any right to be in that last and you've mentioned that and we've also seen all over the news that there are demonstrations inside the country. there are an internal conflict with them, israel, but it seems like this has been an ongoing attack from is, are all the policies i o, this is, this is the policy of hi live and who decided until i took this decision to continue. you know, he's suffering and he's facing lawson products and even the called this one, a one. this not from me. it's in the media the way if it's in
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the o this fall and this isn't what they believe he would be dead. it would be normal. that's why he's a clear thing, this, at most food on here to continue. he's not talking to surface, right? he's working to save him sense. this is my believe. know? so uh, he's not giving anymore attention. okay. this is ex theme governments and is what i mean have been kent in 95 for and all of them i wasn't very sign of why he i being kids cuz he was trying to create a most fees with the sonata thought that i was doing the conflict like same bosses have been killed and he is the father of i
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is there i the, the neat piece in the land. this was, this is what i believe. yeah. i'm not working to create any, any possibility to reach for any peace. they need to create this confidence to continue why? who benefits from this conflict? who benefits? some of the big boss to control the area is why these are the only 2 want benefit to something that will create this for blood. he's the only benefits it for a lot of stuff on a lot of noise in terms of a woman's house is the story seems if we need to talk about it or we are victims,
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there's right in on who are the following is fine. he's the only give that been if it's from that simple thing is why they are sending them more than from time to time. billy eyes and their budget to be got that is why it why was i your system? ok if this conflict between but a see this light in the face to face is why it will not continue. i'm all done short period but she since 7 up to this thought by doing okay. hey, is this finished off 2 or 3 times? this is finished. this isn't the french you ok.
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prime minister. european for was coming from ha. but why now that i'm not coming to the 2nd bar to our shop funding on up from this morning. see only just by talks. well, what are the benefits that is your, i'll, we'll get from this conflict, is it, is it worth after killing 30 more than 30000 people in, in palestine. and all this is the policy of getting as one is not the trying as well as they believe that which is wrong. that plan is for them
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and they need to remove but a scene in from that box which is already defense on the come tunnel. that is what i as them sense. jordan, my, this media the out of talking if we really create normalization everywhere and we've condense home with but a, cnn. we have not 3 each box. same set. visally the person they showed on the other side that they cannot demolish, but a scene or from their homeland. but a scene on the automotive, stronger than them on the on ons without having all the storm in our hand. and we are able to get them. so
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here's what i am, is trying to save the plan of european america because they have been you know, save in that box for that interest. that's why the sending money, they are sending. what was the out of saving the you cannot call to know. so this is only the case is a policy and government has been in contact with how much does beat up to end this conflict and a for sure, you know, but a scene and leads us on our president who are the bus not the since 7 october in general assembly, when he gave his speech,
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the clearly he mentioned, i am calling vance on motion of the community to come to save us before things would be out of our daughter out of our hands. and he was knowing what is going to be done. he's quoting the big box, every one come said, but a cnn. so a lot of the bottom of the water and from the beginning push it done with photo minnesota with or authorization of what it is they try to reach you very with even with the issue. they want us to get all for those from the scaling genocide, i agree. sure. and what's the total cost?
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what was that big? but it seems the vixen i'm us and all the box. yeah, i'm fighting for the freedom so if the thought of that mess as they are some me guessing, come at the wrong decision to stop the surrounding doors and destroying see that on houses. if it was the bond consulting increasing the south and it's such a lot of activity, isn't that good? all i am from west point when i used to go there. um sometimes my handle because maybe uh the code in the way south lots. they are not the human beings sort of drugs afraid of either supporting them.
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so all these activities on the wrong. what do i think, but as soon as they, what are the man silent and they what it is that how much this is, what type of problem guys i know in my city, which is in the northwest spot to kind of fill this default. if you aren't following the media, it didn't pass on kid by the addition office, i know inside the city on the cop why i for what from took on to knob to sit to janine, sit, to bite, rama law, her prolong jekyll. from by says this video done to ok. this is the book is right, is active it to you that girl. so, but
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a secret and they have to do and they have to, you know, if i'm not strong that you know, it's all, it's all about the because we are so strong. i'm fighting for that. we have to wrap up the conversation mr. investor, what else can be done in terms of how stadium side, and maybe the international community, especially indonesia as well. to make sure that this conflict will come to an end. and quoting from what the international community has been supporting the 2 state solution will if they're talking about 2 steps, solution on the seriously that the confidence who did not critical of an ice, they should declare to directly really for when i was the state to find
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a side on the board, a lot of 96 system in wall, which is supposed to be one h one if we need to follow the uh thrown under the collision of general assembly and you um this is one step. but i believe that, oh, the international community or congress should deal with is lies in different place, is that it should be isolated must or been coronado, and the doors for this. i don't really have to do each for any contact with design . why would be on and this for, to see and their activities and not to deal with this bike. what are the products from is in this way i thing is i as well as thought thinking what they're supposed to do about the good
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things i bought from you on the, from him on the, from the is what i really play alone. and i get on there will not that good about to me or about all that as a little asking for that. i'm not sure that the community should act up on me. i should, you know, take more actions and sanctions, i guess, as like, what did they tell me what to do with kelly in social? even it taught us, it's what the model of your connections would be decides. thank you so much mr. investor for your time, for all the insights and also hopes that this conflict will soon come to an end. and like you said before, the palestinian will get what the world and
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the international community should guess federal once again. and i need to assure victory for sure. it would come and we wouldn't be independent of, we wouldn't get all our homeland free with the state or what, but a sign and 0 is that him as it's gabbert or but a scene and this is not the 3 mean they believe on that. yeah. so a lot of thoughts, he lost his because of jurors and everybody knows best on. nobody knows how he, i being can hold the bus clearly aviation. i will not sign. i need 3 t. what i need without you is any because i don't need any one
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to talk about with my history. that i'm in bad condition. never. i'll show you that charla, you would come one day and to see the infinity trach. what did you use us? just for what did you use us, what he belonged to that country, and you will see or by the scene and i did actually with his doctor. thank you. thank you so much. the the . hi. i'm rick sanchez, and i'm here to plan with you whatever you can do. do not watch my new show.
1:59 am
seriously. why watch something that's so different opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please do the have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do. don't watch my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way instead the
2:00 am
the misleading t. yes. rare access to the homepage route in cash. very good as low boot cause. the balance in india is general election overhead to this chart, skeleton is the inside a massive p r. disaster for the inside and they to, to, from ready to, to ukraine. and, oh, wait. so most of the time is coming soon from keys. bulls is a display, there's trophy in the russian capital c get.


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