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tv   News  RT  May 2, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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so again, it's not, we don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way the cost me even a to ride us directed to impress misleading form and to the end report on by the way the media has to happen to yes. right, right. so a root in cash, very good as will close. the balance in india is a general election. so this chart skeleton is in fact a massive part is us to, for the entire nature from 90 to, to ukraine. and oh wait. so most good time is come to it from kids, folders are displayed as trophies and the russian capital civil nations, 3000 against is i with the columbia and cutting ties into here joining in genocide
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case at the i. c. j over the i, b s. mazda coming in garza, the does it assume they're getting so good as an actual paula moves is normally to give an additional approval to the control virtual for an agent to build the right. well, welcome to you from the entire team to national news, to government, to live from us. let's take a look at the top stories. this out in the general election is a top of a little bit we saw with social coverage. it was a decisive among thing in the world's most populous country. of the
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election is of the 1st full them disputed cache. very this, is it special? totally say this was a resend it. of course, when i run to the shop, i look certain voting and the conflict would mean region, which is similar to tennessee claimed by india as well as neighboring pact to stop and china. the gosh, me, you haven't. oh no, gosh, mute also what is the most militarized zooms in the world? how's the focus going due to political tensions? you know, this 2019, the marine, the more the government stick, a bold decision that drivel very good across the nation. and the world. abrogation of all to go $370.00 and for the 1st time since john, one gosh, mute is 14 pop. how about a job?
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we people want the elections, both at central and local levels. we want to vote. we want to express ourselves through voting of luck and say, look, sensor. if all the wills with this election, we will see a changing customer here. that's what we want. that's what we expect. does a 1000000 region has been a flash point with reading this. i'm focused on since 1947 gosh me was enjoy the special stages of independence in most areas, accept defense, external files and communications. 5 years ago, during the multi built 70 years of use suite and took direct control of the state, official ment of his elect, donald promised most to bring his strong mind images nationally. but the valley is not to be to be strong cold. there contesting only 3 of the 5 bottom and 3 seats hills came to the beach if he has no ground in cost me. if they have not filed candidates, because they know they will get nothing to go by the time to go 370 was our identity, they took it away,
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they betrayed us. the contest here is essentially among 3 regional bodies, b, b, j, k, a, b, and c. i speak with the national conference looks about by a run candidate from so you know, they're going to do in c elections of taking place in the 1st time to mentioned it is this happening of the 2019 and the decisions that were taken on august 2005, 2019 august i 2000. 19. the entire shape of doing crush me both for the degree and constitution any that will change on all the size has the prefix not in the only into function of the state. but think that the psyche of the people loved him when crush me. we have the sentiment that this is not we this no to why we exceeded to the union of the year we exceeded or on 2nd principles. and we excited for it. don't know if certain
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constitution guarantees and democratic rights and all those principles of working on that day, the dignity that the people have to move quickly to the constitution of india that enjoy was smashed the democratic rights of the people working with the status of the state of immigration was the very difficult to write it and all this happen to be dealt with and visual difficulty because we and the process was completed on democratic unconstitutional. so this is the 1st opportunity for the people of them to join, crush me, to express the means of democracy. that opinion about those visions and i believe that people are doing cuz we do not subscribe to that. those decisions, this historical elect door landscape in india's only muslim majority state. is it going dest not to marry a valid, but of identity of years of conflict?
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and overall, to go 370 in the last few years, millions of to was have look back into the valley, making the livelihoods of the local visa and their wallet. stuff to good with this new found again, there's also a lingering sense of loss bought. it's a waiting game loss versus gain data suggest the low downs don't says singles. used of incidents have gone down last degree since all to go 370 going to do your son in law. george increase meat also listed on some 50 films, was shot in the body last deal. why should my people on my youngsters know type the same privileges as they get to know the sides of the country? said, what was one of them? haven't they want to send them on? probably a laptop so that they didn't not have the luxury of what you you send one like you and i did sitting in jail more. it would cost me. i'm leaving it
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arrived. also saw us directed to impress misleading commentary and report to us by the way the media has classes that she was also about. beauty are on cultural hub for him. the crass during his 1st visit to the region in march this year, the officer imposing direct soon living. the more do you know, projects what $774000000.00 to support the locals. he also bought a ham, splunk brush mino shown from a local autism little gesture, but one that laid a whole to the industry that's been heard by yoseph militancy on, on steve below. and although well invested in these, they will support from m and the goal. and majority come, i know and the support should have gone in the property to proper people. so that this over to engine or when sort of life in the
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land of leaks know kept peaks and south some fields, the promise of democracy collides with the specter of conflict as gushing me. what's the eyes of the world are on this trouble to barrow dies? ridge and sharma. audi srinagar. this is several weeks ago in the world's largest selection. don't they saw special companies? you don't see international very so tanks have been rolling too long ago, but not seeing the way that by hives the west side herbs, some high tech hardware that the blow gave to you, but it is now on display in the russian capital also being captured on the battlefield of seas, the english one of robots. so this stat and i'm standing on top of it, is actually the best in the world for either the united states. wanted everybody to
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believe that. or they wanted to believe that the abrams tanks, the hard stuff. well, that was until the 1st machines like this wouldn't appear just outside the town of, of dave come for many, sadly for this one that became the final voyage. and now the united states, apparently they're pulling these banks away from the front line or rather they have the ukranian come on. do just that because they couldn't face the challenge of a simple coming. kazi drone, some trophies here, mangled, others carry marius scratch. but every one of them carries the flag of the country that manufactured them. in the bold statements, nature was selling the equipment as an absolute game changer for ukraine. united states will be sending $31.00 a room tax to ukraine. the equivalent of one you currently battalion favor of science are the most capable tanks in the world. look when it comes to the abrams tank,
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we've said we're going to continue to talk to the trainings about their needs. and we're going to where i continued to meet them as best we can. and we'll do that. the abrams is a, a powerful system. there is no doubt about it, but this charge skeleton is in fact a mass has be out as us to for the inside and they to book because as i'm standing amid this graveyard of game changes, it's easy to see why the alliance was so reluctant to provide its equipment to ukraine because, well, this is actually yet another pinnacle of nato military engineering. this is a, a german made liquid tank and one of its new a modifications. the 2 a $61.00. yet, it is here. a reminder that all these tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, um a purse and l carriers, they did not live up to the expectation before the conflict ukraine broke out. russia knows what it's doing here. a bold message in the heart of the exhibits
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office. the invoice of the us britain gemini, front and the poland, a v i. p pos, to skip the line, and visit the exhibition. know as an interesting fact, some nato equipment that was provided to ukraine is not help, not because it is so invincible, but rather because it was simply an chord literally on fits for the ukrainian battle field. the challenge to prioritize is begun protection, so it's not the fastest tank out there, but it is one of the most powerful claims to have to record for the longest range of killing and destroying another time. just this challenge is for me to be precise. actually, they've had real problems with it, and you crane because of its lability as though this world with 2 era mazda anti tank, gun sub nazi germany, and his infantry fighting vehicle, mazda service,
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ukraine, whatever you give, key of will burn. there's not the only message of russia he's sending him makers done of reporting for most cool. odd, see, even the citizens of need. so cutting feeds are visited the trophy bog. seeing how the government's wasted the tax money we had from some of them. and they're showing all the time. so the 90 time spent, we have cnn paid with our toxic failures that we finally reached moscow. they did exactly what they want it. and now they're here exhibit for all of us to see how well we're, you know, taking care of them left all say that we see on the doing the france and russia are 2 nations that were created to get along with each other. and i'm very sad to see that the french government, instead of following history goes against it, does not take into account the mistakes of the past and continues to support ukraine by sending equipment to and i as a frenchman,
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once to tell natal representatives to see all this equipment that is here, these dozens of combat vehicles, tanks and other military equipment. they're all broken, burned, and destroyed. and these vehicles have no other way to come to moscow except in such condition. one way, but we decided to visit the exhibition to all night a and paid tribute to all soldiers. what you've all these for us. quite strongly impressions here, not only from the equipment but also from the guys who are sending next to it with the military. it was totally stories and just chatting with people. it's a very pleasant experience overall. how am i to have them? the middle of poland is being taken by pose as it is how the people gathered in the national capital to speak out against the countries movie support. the plain demonstrated condemned, also the rhetoric of on conditional assistance in cuba. as they said,
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the crating. i'm punish gomez, all the real enemies protest as monster was old, old time cooling for peace or in carrying buyers as a quote, this is not our will typically see now, government started as of storm gates of georgia's national parliament. and protested robin hood as the sold for agents bill received additional approval from lawmakers . the
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georgia legislation practically mirrors a us rule. it would require energy and media outlets to register if they receive income from abroad. but i like the american policy, the georgia version does not stipulate in jail time for the infractions this week. arrived supporting the bill was held in the capital to be seen. talking georgian politician said the measures what needed to prevent western powers from exploiting the country. a little bit of game or time, or there has been several political minority protest actions in recent weeks. and those rallies in our meetings today differ in one main principle. those rallies were held in a spirit of slavery. those rallies were held under the slogan, we will become a member of the european union at the expense of sovereignty, independence, and traditional values. these people did not understand one thing. if the plague i e radical opposition, n g o's and their patrons take away sovereignty,
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independence and values. then in this case, both the european union and the entire country will be left behind for the west, georgia and ukraine, or like cannon fodder. the push georgia against russia back in 2008, and in 20142022. they put in ukraine and even worse situation. the main reason for the aggression of the global war party against georgia is that despite great efforts, they failed to turn it into a 2nd front which could have been achieved if their agency had been in the georgia government to slice those song was from both this is product to us, i mean right. it was the price is between them and so it is and police level does victoria max so you have a sense of this report on the ground the the,
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the. 7 the, [000:00:00;00]
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the using the, the good old person who has this one to secure the furnace is that attempted to bring in to do this. all of those little said c, 3 people were detained on tuesday night is and so it was class with police. we've got all the details bus more updates, opinions and analysis on our website oxy. us as is very useful,
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says have either killed or wounded more than 100000 people in gaza, according to the local estimates. the international committee is pushing back columbia, says it is cutting ties with it as well. accusing the idea of committing genocide in gaza up in and out tomorrow. diplomatic relations with the state to play as well will be some of it because it's going to just come in a genocide if co sign piracy is humanity purposes, but will not allow palestine to die just as we will not to allow humanity to die. is a far mess of hits back as a bill by choosing the columbia and president of anti semitism relations between israel and columbia. have always been, boom, not even an anti semitic. and hateful president will be able to change that way from colombia in size a little. so i color this, i'm the colors. some of them are you said the south american countries present is running and the global majority against is as
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a saw. it's on the policy and people to the columbia a sending a message not only through itself, but also to all of latin america, asia, africa. oh, she n e a and europe. as it raises a very important top present, petro spoke very emotionally. it goes to dies, talestine and all of humanity will died. so essentially saying that these conflict, these reality is so important that today all the voices of the world support palestine. it's liberation, it, statehood. and finally, and then to this genocide that has been going on for over 6 months, that just words are symbolic and repulsive as he tells us in america, join us. moreover, today, some governments primarily in the muslim world, are do nothing regarding the benson garza and so this is a call to the countries of the continent to break relations with these will until as well, that is left alone. this will mean raising the support of billions of people. this
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will be convinced in step and let in america because it does not divide, but on the country united to the majority of less than american countries, so that they form in united front of the i, c, c, c, u, n, and other possible actors. to here is also announced that it is a joining south africa's case of theirs, as well as the international include justice accusing the missing yahoo government of committing genocide as well of the sliding does it really solve the letter reason on the spot of the political decision we decided to join the lawsuit, filed by south africa against israel. will complete legal work and work and what can be done with all friendly and allied countries. we met with a loyce to investigate the grounds in which would be possible for to, to join the case. and we have also discussed the conditions for all the members of the international community to become involved. lawmakers are currently in the process of concluding everything that they have before they present it to the i c j
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to ensure that they apply pressure against israel in this respect. but the timing is also a matter of great concern for a number of different reasons that comes at a time when encore, a seems to be harding and it's hard. any is position against israel. it comes at a time when last week. church president richard type are the one that announced that trade relations with israel will come to a halt. it also comes at a time when public nation or condemnation against is rose also at its highest. but what we're looking at as well is it coincides with a diminishing western stance, as well as public opinion is swaying in favor of palestinians and the general situation and gaza as protests of it outbreak have been breaking out all across europe and the united states. but it also comes at a time when the south africa, one south africa, essentially took israel to the icy j. uh to hold it responsible for its actions. and this is an important step as well. because as a result of the ruling, the south african side is essentially called up for the international community for
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everybody to take part in this and take part in this position to stand against israel and brings you these really government to justice. can israel believes it has license to do as it wishes? so the world does have to reflect louis nestle center in the imposes an obligation on all states to seize funding and facilitating israel's military actions. which as the quote as indicates said, a plausibly gentle cybill with respect to what south africa said. it's called up for other countries and nations to take part in its position. there have been some countries that have done so in nicaragua is a very important case as well. what's important here is the essentially, to try to do the same. they try to apply pressure against israel by taking matters to the i c j. but on tuesday, the i c j said that it rejected nicaragua case because it says that there was not enough to provide a case or a file and that there was nothing much that they could do when the crowd was
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complain. and then it simply was that germany is providing israel with a german. he says that most of that aid was non military, whereas the crowd was suggested that the situation was otherwise. which is why uncle, his current position is yes, we want to take is real. that we want to hold them accountable at the i c j. but based on what, how can feed on said on wednesday on correct is more gene ensuring that they have a case that is still type something that cannot be rejected. something that can be pursued. and in the long run actually hold is real accounts a little bit those. there's also the reality that you saw there's not abide by these rulings, which will make it more difficult. not just for the church. yes. but for other regional actors that are ensuring that peace and stability takes folder takes, takes all it's, which is why south africa turkey is also calling on other nations throughout the global community to take part in the stance against israel, apply pressure and put them down to what's happening cause and today from some
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of the sydney is always a chandler, the jerusalem development fund. he said that missing out his increase ice evasion is making him desperate, adams, so isn't about what to do with the conflict then. yeah, very much want because of it in yahoo instead of experiencing legal consequences pass i just now if he is going to fix it inside and there isn't even much, not a lot against him, he's on that list all side is that it becomes leaky because we become the place where the water becomes less that he has no, that's all to solve for him. and you know, anything you know is a person that gives an option. so from all he doesn't care about the stuff is what it is. it doesn't go again about the national international, the american fever. he cares about anything, you know, personally,
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he's the most important person in the world. that's how many senior says. so he's, he's afraid he's calling flu. he is trying to stop this and he was not this a cd is ethically it wouldn't be always is pull me in his history . that visit was that he was on there with me. while we were seeking to define the universities but allowed pro policy in rather use, congress has given tentative approval to the moon saying it wouldn't tolerate schools implicated in advocacy semitism. you can disagree with is really government, you can't call for genocide that moves into any semitism. and that should be something that we actually speak out on and making very clear on every single campus when it comes to the ongoing bombardment of gaza. us officials don't see a problem. they say no evidence of genocide carry on israel. however,
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the protests against israel bombing have gotten a lot of scrutiny, despite the involvement of plenty of jewish students and plenty of statements, otherwise, us officials and says that there's probably a way of these protests or somehow if one of coded anti semitism and the ongoing police cracked down on the road downstairs, has highlighted the inconsistency of us officials and their rhetoric about human rights and freedom of speech. the credit of the students is symbolic on the crap on the people of palestine of gaza. and it's big perpetrated in the name of by religion design isn't meant the whole space is a masquerading. it's a nationalism, it's a whole nationalism. it's a totally contradictory to serving god. it's showing
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a true tape of the oppression of this country. they say we're a free country, let them in and we do certainly, they don't like they send the cops in on a if that's not pass through them, i don't know what is it shows what it gone. do you say? gandhi said, 1st, a 1st they let 1st they ignore you, then they laugh for you, then they fight, you were to fight you stage. you know, it comes next, then you win. so, you know, they're afraid, it shows their fear. imagine that these protests were happening in china, or russia, or ron us, media would be singing their praises and condemning the crack down. but as soon as get expelled or suspended from their universities and dragged away by police, u. s. media just repeats the same old message, peaceful protests have been hijacked by those aggressive spewing anti with anti yes, semitic, and anti israel,
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and at some front anti american rhetoric. these folks took over building they, they approve of anti semitic comments. it's just a see a testament to where our higher education institutions are as an organized mob, trying to ensue chaos and breed anti semitism. so of course, now we hear about george soros. the inventory is global. as 1000000000 arrow is reportedly funding some of the pro garza mobilization. these are funded by many of the same outside groups like george soros, other dart money groups that support and t 5 and other riots that we've seen in our american cities in the past few years. george soros has been funding protests across the world in places like ukraine and yugoslavia for years and generally bringing it up and talking about the open society institute or the various n g o is the fund demonstrations and regime change operations. if you're dismissed as a conspiracy theorist in western countries, but now that the protests against israel bombardment of gods are taking place suddenly,
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the activities of protest incorporated are being brought up with outrage with protests against israel bombing of gaza growling around the world with encampments and demonstrations happening on an almost daily basis, reflecting what is majority sentiment around the world. at this point, american officials are having to unexpectedly rework their scripts about protests and human rights. i know press every gene looks like they're getting a little bit of their own madison time to wake up and smell the ashes. salem robin parts a new york and an exclusive interview. we spoke with the policy number of the 2. indeed, he believes that everyone is sure to follow the example of the american student boat as a rise up against the west support phase. we believe that a new generation and we believe everywhere. now,


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