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tv   Documentary  RT  May 2, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EDT

4:30 am
it's bringing it up and talking about the open society institute or the various n g o is that fund demonstrations and regime change operations. you're dismissed as a conspiracy theorist in western countries. but now that the protest against israel bombardment of guys are taking place suddenly, the activities of protest incorporated are being brought up with outrage with protests, against israel bombing of gaza growing around the world with encampments and demonstrations happening on an almost daily basis. reflecting what is majority sense and that around the world. at this point, american officials are having to unexpectedly rework their scripts about protests and human rights and oppressive regime. looks like they're getting a little bit of their own madison time to wake up and smell the ashes. failed robin party, new york. john jordan, i'm an attorney. i know this is down for who institutions that is the sessions after june tools approaches as closely tied to the upcoming presidential election
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as we saw here move, for example, in the summer of 2020 i and see 5 in the united states. nobody ever looked into where they were getting their money financial support in the organization and then does that. and it seems this thing here where the administration is not interested in all they've actually pursuing, just as are pursuing long day doors. because the standard appears that if it helps jo buying in november, they, they will be pursued. if it hurts jo biden's interest to pursue these people are pursued just in case they will not be pursued. and certainly, joe biden is a mathematical fact dependents on a huge turn out in college towns and pursuing listed pursuing all of the money intensive goals to georgia source. and the student protests is not going to be helpful to job item in that in that, in that endeavor. and therefore, the justice department will not pursue it. that's why it's america, they're kind of losing trust in a lot of institutions and seeing things like the justice department,
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being weaponized for the political pursuit of whatever party off or occupies the white house. this is very, very damaging in the long term to the united states. and should be re rivers and i think the american public's going to have a chance to address this in november. well, most of this, and these are the ways they type your company here on a hot seat international will be back in about the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the new comedies. yeah. it's a crew almost gone though, so i think there was why. yeah, yeah, it was the sign, the guy is
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on is i be with us the statement which is pretty save you the rises premium with the buy some which aspect of one of those cost of the promotion which is on. so you've seen the whole of the way him, he does a good idea with phone, so you have with us go to the colors, i see the phone. so sample where you with football. but believe it, if the, with the lab, is it a serious in the lab? going to assess him, see it by support? second, see what it that i saw a listing right here. it's a key. so i'm not sure what the might on the demonstration they bought. it was too low form for us. that would be turned in the list. so you'll just let me see, it only will. yes, they all season. and it was for the one that a while oregon,
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the shows you show at the federal as may have supposed to be entered well, and you'll be on us. oh boy, for the lawyer for little some of us, the widow of us smells of the kiddos that allow you once i go to the bath, while i'm sitting here on the table as you say, why? the more to somebody that's where it is. i see and see what the other guys are with ready to auto body. so i give it a spot. so we're going to move of course, see with the pc this deal when you're seeing you must be privy when you're looking to have one survey to accomplish it. but then what state the creative symbol of the the,
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the closest city to antarctica, the document from different countries always take an interest in each other and always support each other. the we're famous, we get recognized that it fails. good. c k w, yes. new more software to go now,
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but it was on johnson road at 7. 15 will. can you get an envelope for the for the the, the one local landmark is a former presidents are extremely dangerous criminals. the visitor stays good book to 0. 00 versus came to the
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right associate, you select the them for you. it was with diesel a $30.00. and let us know what a surprise you come with that just models but i should control the lane seen did receive your message. the saying good bye. to new friends is never easy to see. coals rushes on, awaits us. the just start with it is butterfly,
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and then we'll go to those. why is that me usually go to plenty of that they don't waste. so water rush of was looking for the 1st one i was going to jewels and the well satisfied with the exact warranty. it's coming up a little showing us pretty cool though. is that on file for you guys for put in, is it pretty much says on the last issue and your solutions and idea are still almost issuing your solution for an issue. and as long as the, the source i am waiting a smaller than finding in the board, i'm the one the but you'll find me special and i'm always good and fight to how about them, especially if i'm like, well, yes, i mean, that should be all in the process that, you know, industry somebody from what you're looking for in bullshit groceries, their classmates, how about the waste naples and equipment is really you want to know. let's go with them. we don't care if actual, what's new is
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a to of about where to proper with most of our commission, if i knew that we didn't pull away, usually we will sort of, we will story in lots of annual storage store. that's a pretty soon get some of those before i see the city boards that go on the one, the courts you did, and it is, it will show you what it is and we'll look at them. are they going pretty good score separate deals because by some way it was quite the more, some way to go to last year to show you the what the fuck like do you mean? yeah. what sort of water? i mean, you feel is the water,
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the number for the site is through setting only one. piano is you covered? yeah. of the low. what so that gives the lower goes. com to the white stuff. so yeah, let's just go with a so what's the shoot him some way you wish to uh you have limited guns. go continue on the weight which is low as normal. and one of the 2 of us die 6 not seems to me so that that's the smaller one. i'm still, i'm still going to produce these. so that will know what you all kinds of ones that i need to organize. i've secrecy on the dish. i'm tired of the skin near to get problem worse than us with but brass, so it plug groceries you must know upon the misspelling of somebody else. who is the most is that's kind of we thought that was just the most just because that's the cheapest here. there's that gives us a movie, it may seem to was volume, uh, july, you know, we, we just bought also this way and restore the to, but right now, i mean, if i were to suddenly focus more than for the help of the story. so as long hold on
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one of the warranty scales pro a t p to the or to the voice. what the fuck it up to you very mobile voice to
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see what the deal is when you order the because the what is the transportation you also send the course every night? yes. you are welcome to mail them to them and you let them rarely really slowly, but surely the weather is starting to get worse. the we land wherever we can find the shelves of the wind, the shuffle over the singular speaking. who do i should do to get for his new balls. so if i go to that or was it computers which i'm pretty the,
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it's i for you the pump. let's face the okay. well, when you go to the special, i think that's a little should i use the chef? can you spare any pitch? resale to point to of being us the main city and then again them straight. i think
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bracelets because he's leaving us as he has other things to do the, [000:00:00;00] the funeral facility and so on, the assessable. and so, assuming you've downloaded you to have, so me ask you what these choice seems. so sort of connecting with that though, is fine. yeah, private, let's just not switch company, then you will, a database to do is to show you the product that you the code on the screen. then you will have 3 special idea. these are the trouble us. now i present in
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the we walking through this beautiful well groomed european style city. the know me, you need your visa, stupid lloyd here to nancy kim's in the book. the nurses should be very did you want me to showcase use nathaniel? so he's going to the boys at the boys, the,
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the most name that will be put on my trip to florida doesn't want that extra them. but adult supervision that the or the, and the new plan you finance and you can what you wanna say. i should not push kit it out. them's name when you think about a one what that break you'll come by the school year and not ok. it's any thought a substitute is find me email is this what is i'm not seems to be noise. not going, it says, i mean anything, my gill on a friday. that's good. i think when you're on a piece of chip is sort of the south. i'm glad to hear the police say danielle, i'd. i'd like to just get, did you say like you,
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i'm in 5 minutes here. i'm throwing your fear guys here. at those, let me say that that visit's my dilemma go to a chest of their own, could investigate them, blowing it. it was a good day on thorn. you're a big i share that with and below and use my it's vase me or what, but again, my name was a when you wanna me, it was up for them for getting more. some of them are yolanda montgomery. i guess it was, it was my very young assist you with coasting when you on was think so when you find the kind of that victoria story funeral rush home would you on a friday the
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trip to the no one is the may have to come in detail for you. sure. and you can pass. so you send all home examines, you know, i'm cut off tables and then me, you the chat me in
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the the the we make our way between small rocky islands to the great pacific ocean, the waste between the rocks, the
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. ready which an answer, if you don't get one 0, i was just on the phone to pacific ocean, the shelf of the corner of in a low chest politically with just a shelves over the issue of interest. so there's not gonna expense the bill of luckily above it a little. so the the
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we only arrived until the one 0 today. and were immediately invited to the traditional weekly sailor's main thing. it's called the brown, the hood of the coast, under the deluxe coast on the coast, to wipe anyway. right. i'm not going to the same. the more you know, the central than white lady associated us didn't use when i plug it in. i showed them by fill out the idea and then you don't even watch that much, little go see it. it's one reading. when i go across number, we must hear you on your own particular side here on your skipping must close here, which room is not on the business. we welcome to speak to the pirates class. the the
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the way the deal with the for the grades are many to a point on you can. so then i'll give a a month, you know, they don't go stuff. they probably won't be able to make it look at it just about every single one. so are you at area code 9 on the the, you know, i can do your most the last year for the, for the yeah. why don't just put off with everyone else, but i've spoken with you as well, 2 minutes or so. when was ready to go later, we'll do this. you question. do you agree with them as well?
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yeah, there's an opportunity here which is february to renew for my oldest immediately the pacific ocean showed us it's less than pacific time, but we've had a head wind blowing for 2 weeks. heavy shock waves threatened to destroy our
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trailer and we're breaking through us and vis. you see them of the march 16th 2023. the terrible thing. the find me to waves with headwinds, picking it, 40 knots,
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steering gear and again to collapse from the strain the we couldn't stop the process out on the ocean. at one point the gas shifted into pieces the trailer and lost control. the cause of getting it as well. so you, it covers the like 5 minutes away from finish and such as will come up with the most ss usually come usually like the video stuff, the start of this, the lucy chest. that's going to avoid it. sluggish for about nice stobel on the bus, which is want you to find the most common. i'm seeing the associate you hold for the given signal. so if we do everything we can do with being swept south into assigned cleanser, when no one will save us, then we could die. the beauty, a collusion that receives our s o s,
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that contracts the rescue services in chile and these other island, the nearest vessels of the traveler, m sales under the panamanian flag. the just series, i mean, anything you want for as low as i can. that's what she did. that's plus i said, i'm assuming, you know, program. i always send me that we take any, what's most valuable ourselves and our documents, the training around and only equipment accounts be saved, organized for the boards. for the one i was can plug into. so when you when you mind when that's what they model and you put the it says incipient don't even use that. i'm using michelle. so we'll put your name with the storage we need . so we can use for sure one of the source plus i think people are supposed to be
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and i was pretty sure about that way. so for us then you put in your mind most pulled bunch of them. what made us with numerous really high speed. so you still can use sort of the way that the trailer and as last forever we almost exhaust a lot on the new insurance with anybody who used to me personally, the
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staples and she was by mike came out on liquidators instantaneous. let's begin. pushing should push to pull up the location. yes. as now that i gave you my steps that i get of the high end breaks, but people done the through skiing is that you will move them over through listed. so we take it, i get it wrong. when is that youngster doing was more of a super, although if it's expensive,
5:00 am
then we were the newest kind of stuff or digital didn't live on the show the the, the but i'm a police officer decides on a pro, policy in protest at the university of california in law signed to the ussr these crime down on a freedom of assembly our lead minutes arrived also saw us directed to impress misleading commentary and report caused by the way the media has tomatoes on. so you guys who are access to the config route in tash may read the local call,


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