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tv   Documentary  RT  May 2, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

12:30 pm
being capable to tear down uh, being completely bad on the civilian part. yeah. so it's gonna be a very the modul because the process uh to stop this requires the grounding of many craft which would cost the huge amount of money, not only to boeing, but for the l lines that are using those out for us, for re certification process city, what can be the, you know, when you'll be able to nat craft, know you have millions of different parts, right. in the old time, the manufacturer was building everything by itself. today. boeing and us umbrella. they have a lot of contract doors and sub contractors. so all those contractors and subcontractors, they have to be certified also, and everyone is producing part of the craft that will be assembled on to find the final assembly lane in the you never had for example. and if something is not going
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right, then they need to find solutions. but the problem is that we never took this problem this very seriously. and normally they should have stopped everything and say, okay, we have that problem. know what are we doing with this? and how can we handle this, instead of this, the, the find we have some numbers to match at the end of the month. we have some money to what to do to come in to learn. and then we'll deal with this after and after. sometimes it's late and now the process is so huge, but i don't really see how blane can handle this without branding a certain number of serial number. i for a very fast and then try to solve the problem because it goes from choose allies assembly to their, to the code in assembly on the fuselage and the from the front of the things. now, bully, it has been new vision giant, the global jain for several decades now. and so what, what is responsible for this done that's for me?
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well, you have different things 1st, if you want to be greedy, that's the money. so again, just go with the crisis in the united states at the impact that the many companies including boeing, they have to layover a lot of people, lot of people that wear or really trained and certified and competence. and those people, because everyone needs to make a living, they have to find another job. so, so the people went to work for in different areas. different companies, sometimes completely outside the eye or in the people industry. and this started a new life, which means that now they need to hire people that do not have the same experience that do not have the same pass in the ocean industry. and this is where as a manufacturer you need to have all the processes and all the quality control of those processes that i put in place to make sure that things are done the way it
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should be done. and the problem is, when you have people who say stop, this is not done the way it should be done. normally you should listen to those people that because the global economy is going down and because boeing like any other company, they need to make money, they need to sell crap. they are in competition with this. we is not having the same problems as well. then this thing stops a step higher and then if you don't have the seo we say is ok, we need to keep the reputation of the company we need to deal with this. they're not the wondering, but economically, if you look at this for the past 5 years, boeing has lost only 50 percent of the value of each chair, right. all of this uh, unit safety is number one like this site. i fear the lodge with thank you so much for your time. you're welcome. you're welcome. right. now that's all from me. now my colleague where we associate will be with you at the top of the hours,
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more stories and updates by now the, [000:00:00;00] the new somebody's you as a group almost one know. so there was why, yeah, yeah, it was the sign the guy is on
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is i'd be with the process them in fishing is pretty serious. the business premium with the buy some which aspect of one of those colors or the on the move on you for a promotion which is on so you have to get a hold of him. he does a good idea what forms that you have with us. go spend a couple of nice here with this one so suitable where you with football, but believe in the yellow as, as though they do it because of a serious of the language for cmc here. but as it was taken back to see what it is that i saw a listing right here, it's a key. so i'm not sure what they might on. they've had difficulties and they bought it with too low form for us. that would be through them with us, and you'll just let me see the new will. yes. and that was for the one that
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a while oregon area that i'm sure that you show up of federal law as me, has to be a treatable and you'll be on us. oh boy, for the, for the lawyer politic somewhere else. the router, well know something decatur, that was you was that they didn't the best while of the 2 of us the, the serious and he are not able to see the why the more this it is, i see and see what the other girls are with writing it auto body, so i give it a spot, so we're going to move. of course you would look at the skills, what when you were saying you must be probably be when you're gonna have ones that ration accomplish what i'm going to say. the creative symbol of the the
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learning, the closest city to antarctica, the white, the document from different countries always take an interest in each other and always support each other. the we're famous, we get recognized and it feels good. thinking about it.
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so when you get an envelope for the the one local landmark is a form of prisons are extremely dangerous criminals the the, the, the 0 to 00 versus came to
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the side of the road. so the them with diesel, they are you and let us know what you need to come with it just models, but i special so lazy, new jersey, we'll position the st. goodbye to new friends is never easy to see calls the rushes on, awaits us. the just start with it is plug and play and then we'll go to those. so why is somebody
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used to go to virginia, that they don't waste? so water rush of was more than pretty. yeah. of course. love going to jewels and the most, you know, kind of share with me is like 4 inches good enough. well, it will show us city hotels that are forced to to brush for put in is if remo series on the last issue and your solutions, i do still have an issue on your solutions for an issue. and just one was the, the source i am waiting for the a smaller than finding the modem on the frontier phone. i misplaced you all and i always go in and fight the how about the spreadsheet? um, i'll go, yeah. so i mean, that should be all in the post id and let me choose sub locker. somebody took a brand bush at grocer's, near costs, and it's about waist. naples and equipment is really, can you watch news?
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go with them? we don't care for sure. what's new is do you live? in other words, the proper way, most of our commission, if i knew that we didn't pull away, usually have stores. there's some of where you all stored in the annual store on india. some of those before i see of the city boards that go on the one court you did and it is, it will show you what it is and we'll look at them. are they going pretty good score, separate deals for sure, by some way or find them more some way to go to nice to do to show you the what the do you mean? yeah. what sort of water?
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i mean you feel is the water, the number for the site is pretty sure it's no, it was very spirit. always you covered? yeah. very good. so the locals come to the white stuff. so yeah, was closed. i don't know, just my go us forces him somewhere. your legs always give you unlimited goals. go continue on the way, which is not always mobile phone go to the i'll cut you a blessed day. see if not seems to me so that that's the slowing would understand when we finish the so that we know what you all kinds of ones that i need to organize. i've secrecy on does this sound kind of the skin area problem worse than that's what but, but also a web browser. it's even smaller part of a misspelling of somebody else. who is the most is that's kind of we thought that was just the most just because that's the cheapest it looks like gives us a little bit of a symptom. was volume. uh, july, you know we,
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we just bought also this a restore the issue. but right now, i mean if i were to suddenly focus more of them for the story such as long ago, the phone with them, the escape jonesboro, a t p to the or to the voice. what the fuck it up to you. very mobile voice to see what the deal is when you order
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the customer to approve of all of what i noticed yesterday. you also sent a list of course, every night this cd the you are welcome to shut off. somebody said, my phone mailed them to me, would you let them rarely, really slowly, but surely, the weather's starting to get was the we land wherever we can find shelter from the wind, the shuffle over the phone and for the consumers that are seeking who do i should do, didn't care for this new goals. so it's likely that it was a continuing source improvement and all that good stuff where you,
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the confidence stays the same. okay. well, when you go to the special effects at the little, should i use the chef? can you spell any pitch? resale to point the audience, the main city and then again them straight. i think privilege can easily leaving us as he has other things to do
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the the makes a funeral facility and some florida panzarella festival. and so send me, you've download unit 5. so me ask you what these choice seems. so sort of good. anything with that though, is plenty of private. let's just slot 6 company and then you will, a database to do is to choose a people to contribute. it com. yeah, that's the name. then you will have 3 especially these on that's one of us now i present in the walking through dina's
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a beautiful well groomed european style city. the the and the new blind in finance. and you can what you wanna say. i should not push kit it out. them's name when you think i thought of what the deal could by the school, the arrows and not ok. any thought a substitute is find me, immunize this. what is, i'm not seems to be noise, not going. it doesn't mean anything my get will on a friday. that's good. i think when you're on a piece of chip it so thought something we've got the police say junior, i outlined jesus. did you see? i see on it. so i'm in here. i'm throwing your fear,
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garcia at those. let me say that that visit's my dilemma. go to a chest of the 3 of them blowing it. it will get a i'm throwing here because she had that with and below and use lights, vision me, it was. but again, my name was a when you wanna me, it was up for them for getting more. some of them are yolanda montgomery, i guess it was, it was my very young assist you with go staying with you on last night when you find the kind of that victoria story funeral russell, i'm with you on a friday. the, the no one is you may have to cut them indeed. look for a showing you the past. so you send all home examined, you know,
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i'm cut off tables and i mean you can check me in the wrong
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side of the we make our way between small rocky islands to the great pacific ocean, the waste between the rocks, the . ready which an answer,
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if you don't get one of those stopped before the pacific ocean, the shelf of, uh, what about the, the coil videos so, so it just politically was just a sales over to an issue of interest. so this, luckily, it's concerning. the luckily i love it a little so the, you know, i know, i know the, we only arrived until a good one or today and were immediately invited to the traditional weekly sailor's
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main thing is called the brown. the hood of the coast, under the deluxe coast of the coast are about to wipe everyone, right? i'm not going to the same the central and then why do i associated us giving use when up? like yeah, i think i saw a number. sure. so yeah, yeah, and then you need to watch that much, little go see it is one, learn reading. when i got the number we must hear you on your own particular side here on your skipping must kolscott which room is not on the business. we welcome to speak to the pirates class the the the
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way the deal with the for the good, our money to a point on you can. so then i'll give a shop, smoke jewel in the manual that goes to the nissan, located just about every single one. so in the are you, every time i know the, the fusion i can do your most up last year, 1449 a month and you get a, why do you just put off with anyone else website? when once you go to sell to us or someone was ready to go later, well, do this, it means question. do you agree with this? well yeah,
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there's an opportunity to deal with this idea of it. almost immediately the pacific ocean showed us it's less than pacific time, but we've had a head wind blowing for 2 weeks. heavy shock waves threatened to destroy our trailer and we're breaking through a severe side to deal
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with the the the march, 16, 2023. the terrible thing the in 5 me to waives with headwinds, picking that 40 minutes steering deal again to collapse from the strain the we couldn't stop the process out on the ocean. at one point,
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the guess shifted into pieces the trailer and lost control. the cause of getting it as well so you it covers the finish it as such as with a movie you must see where they can usually with the video stuff the start of this the lucy chest. and i'm going to avoid it. sluggish for about nice. stobel under the bus which is want you to find the most common. i'm seeing the associate you hold for the given signal. so if we do everything we can, but it with being swept south into the cycling, when no one will save us, then we could die. the beauty of collusion that receives our s o s that contracts the rescue services in chile and
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easter island, the nearest vessels of the tribe or m sales under the panamanian flag. are you going for as low as the tv? most close? i said, i'm assuming you're probably on my way things are sent me that we take any, what's most valuable ourselves and our documents, the training around and only equipment accounts be saved, organized for the boards for the i was can plug into. so when you when you mind when that's what they model on, you put the incipient don't even use that. i'm using michelle, so we'll put you down with a storage when you click on yes for sure. one of the source plus i think you plus the 1st name, i was pretty sure where to go from to somebody that way. so for us then you find
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your mind most pulled bunch of them. what point us with numeracy with high speed? so you still can use sort of the way that the trailer and as last forever we almost exhaust the motor on the new insurance people new to me. it could be the last april and she was by mike came out on liquidators instantaneous. let's begin. pushing should push to pull up
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the location. yes. as now that i gave you my steps that i get the, the high end breaks, but people done the through skiing. is that you with a boom over through listed. so we think it's, i good, you know, mean is that, you know, i'm saying when i doing was more of a super, although it's expensive to go to know so kind of stuff or digital to live on the show the
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the, the yeah. have a look at that. there's a police detain, dozens of the profile of student demonstrate is we talking about a u. c. l, a in california as the us house of representatives approved and anti semitism awareness bill. would you basically make it a lot harder for those protesters to speak out? this is not an issue insight semitism, this is an, this is an attempt by the us government to complain to, to, to confuse the public. and to make it seem that anyone who criticizes his real is anti semitic. and i'll explain what uh, a decade ago today, and almost 50 people were bound to live in the southern ukrainian city of odessa or


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