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tv   News  RT  May 2, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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to the yeah, have a look at that. there's a police detain, dozens of the profile. a student demonstrate is we talking about a u. c. l a in california as the us house of representatives approved and anti semitism awareness bill, which it basically making a lot harder for those protesters to speak out. this is not an issue and say semitism, this is an this is an attempt by the us government to complain to, to, to confuse the public. and to make it seem that anyone who criticizes his real is anti semitic. and i'll explain what uh, a decade ago today, and almost 50 people were bound to live in the southern ukrainian city of odessa are softer, they opposed was the crew and key of russia continues to found just this whole sort
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of program soldiering on as the french president once again raises the spectre of putting boots on the grounding in ukraine. it's uh, if kia has made the request valley, russia must the store. i live on worldwide from moscow. this is all to you international everyone. welcome to you today. so let's kick it off and i'll just use our with some pretty dramatic video campus protest erupting across america and police naturally moving into try and break out the demonstration. this time we're talking about the university of california, los angeles. the a. well, offices uh, moved in basically an end to the one of uh, the compass buildings off of the students. so to find, to find an earlier order to leave what are the footage i
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show? he's basically how the demonstrators are set up. the barricades is uh, they prepared to hold the ground, the students will mosques to protect themselves and well people who are basically being amassing on sites for days. the so offices basically moving in to entering one of the campus buildings. it's a off of the students, as i said earlier, they defied what was in order to disperse and leave the footage basically showing how the demonstrate. as you see nadia, that sort of these barricades on the ground. the students even wearing up mosques to protect themselves from t a got some type of spray that of the comforting sites right there as well. and as i said earlier, the police well and the people here amassing for days, well, the profile listing in raleigh say, broken out at universities, have a look at this map right here. can you believe erupt in on campus as nationwide?
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is me understand the major focal point being in the big apple new york city on the east coast that demonstrated to me courtney for an immediate cease fire in gaza. and they also claim israel had been and continues to be committing that to genocide or many of the stand off spin police. and the protesters have boiled over into by the out the, the one of the products organizes you see at a alumni are running golf chairs. he took us through how, how police track down and what was logically, originally a peaceful ally demonstration here in los angeles at the university of southern
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california usc, about 93 students were arrested on the 1st day of the student protests this morning early this morning. more than 100 students were arrested at u. c. l. a. where the police came in and violently attacking the students, pepper the pepper spray the students in arresting them. they were not being violent . they were simply indian camp. an entrance of defending kent meant to continue to demand that u. c. l. a stop investing in dead stop giving their money to support the genocide being committed by israel. the students are steadfast, the students are not getting up and they have community support. you know, i'm an alumni, i'm a proud alumni, b, c, l a. and we've been going out there to you through to support the students. the process will continue at u. c. l. a. and many universities throughout the country just yesterday on may. they may, 1st more university started their, their camps. so this is something that's going to continue across the country. it's,
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we're not going to stop. well, joe biden has an address to the protests to saying he will not change washington's policy in the mid least the despite what continues to be wide spread open criticism . he set that up for the united states. so it's, it's not a place of anti semitism, seemingly dismissing the fact that many jewish students have been made these demonstrations nationwide. we are not in a far terry nation where we silence people are scores to send. the american people are heard. let's be clear about this as well. there should be no place on any campus, no place in america for anti semitism or threats of violence against jewish students . well, the protest dot com is the us house of representatives, uh, approved and anti semitism awareness act on wednesday. now it still needs to be passed by congress and the president, but basically of the act would widen the definition of what anti semitism is. but some claim is an attempt to stand found criticism of is really atrocities are
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wanting. cultures of getting says the protest as are against anti semitism themselves and have jewish people among their rights us. we don't want anyone to be anti semitic. and a lot of our brothers and sisters, jewish brothers and sisters are envying cabinets across the country. many of the largest protests in the united states against this genocide, had been led by our courageous jewish brothers and sisters. so this is not an issue, and for some it isn't. this isn't that this is an attempt by the us government to complete the, to, to confuse the public. and to make it seem that anyone who criticizes israel is anti semitic, that is back to not be further from the truth. they are hundreds of thousands of people inside of israel today, protesting against terrorism and yahoo, or demanding that he step down from power. so they in israel are protesting against the government in israel, their protesting against the genocide in israel, or protesting the occupation of palestine. so unless the u. s. government wants to go say that those re, these are also anti semitic. well that's,
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that's their problem. but we know that we are not, and for somebody, we stand shoulder to shoulder with a jewish brothers and sisters or fighting against the orientation or fighting against genocide. and so if there is anyone who and anti semitic who just hates jewish people, we would never work with someone like that because those type of people would hate us to as a latin american. they would hate me as well. and so to say that, that our movements have anything to do with emphasis and it isn't, it's completely and absolutely wrong and, and we did nonsense. but while washington suggest it's a role model for democracy and free speech, we do here at an awful lot. how to use on a tie that can assess bob with these a protests going on nationwide? yeah, i've looked at those details online as well. the talk is reportedly closing his ports tool as riley shipping. it's coming as part of anchor as broad a response to the ongoing competing costs, and it's a cost $5.00 to assemble right now. it's nearly 10 past 8 in the evening. that
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sounds easy as an academic. yes, in a total key of alto to struggle back on the trade it does with it, as well as understanding it involves both the impulse and exports. so what are we seeing now? what's being the, the is riley, respond a robbery. it has been a productive week for the diplomats and politicians and, and cut a lease to say. and there were initial reports suggesting that the general, important an export from turkey. it would be coming to a complete halt and this is of course a report that was 1st published by bloomberg. they site tutors officials, we haven't heard from the director suggest yet. we reached out to a couple of them and they provided no comment. however, the is rarely side has been a lot more vocal with respect to the reports that have been emerging and israel's foreign minister, israel cods, has just been vocal. he's been voicing his criticism, his frustration, but also a potential roadmap for the near distant future. this is what he had to say on x.
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this is how i dictated behaves disregarding the interest of the turkish people and businessman and ignoring international trade agreements. i'm instructed the director general of the as rating administrative for an advisor to immediately engage with all relevant policies in the government to create alternatives for trade with turkey, focusing on local production and inputs from other countries. there's been a great deal of back and forth between the turkish officials and it's really officials . we understand that over the course of the last couple decades, that the tensions have been tie for the most part, but not at any point in history. have they actually put a complete stop to trade relations? it just shows how ottoman onto it is in this respects, particularly with respect to the events ongoing bozza, especially the gaza strip. and this has been a matter of great concern because on wednesday, how countries on churches for minutes are also announced that the turkish lawmakers and their lawyers would be taking israel to the i c. j. we already understand that
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turkey has ongoing dealings and proceedings with the icbc. so there's a great deal of pressure. the unclear is trying to assert with respect to the square the government for the most part because many, especially the collect west of the talking about europe. the united states have done little to nothing to put an end to the attacks since october 7th. but another matter of great concern is, of course, the i, c, j is taking into consideration a great deal of violations project into consideration weapons exports to is, will a provided to these where the military and for the most part, the cases that have been provided to you guys, if you have been rejected, there are some that are totally ongoing, but best case scenario. officials that are familiar with the matter suggest guides at the earliest building with respect to that would be no later than the end of 2025. best case scenario, we're looking at about 2027. that's years from now. however, the, with, with, with respect to the proceedings ongoing at the i see, see of course, they suggest that the arrest warrants could be issued against because really prime
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minister at any given moment, this would apply pressure for the pressure of this is where the government particularly at a time, and this pressure against is where the government in the united states across here, but as well as within israel itself. yeah. and on top of that, one of the latest countries to cut his ties with israel is now columbia. just adding to what is a growing list. the oddities are yes, and i can thank you of the will that most of us types that ukraine your nationalist, to carry out a deadly us and attack in odessa, exactly. 10 years ago today, they will be brought to justice, almost 50 people were killed with the trade union building. they were trapped inside was quite deliberately set on fire today, remembering the victims of the bloody massacre in odessa. we believe that sooner or later, every perpetrator must her mind of this barbaric crime which has no statute. limitations will face justice. we believe that it will not be long before our adjustable cost
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of the oppression of the present day by the rights and become a truly free city where people of different nationalities will live in peace and harmony. over the ice maker of the russian side, it has called for a war crime tribunal against the key of authorities typing. it would include the odessa austin attack on caesar states. we need to be looking back at that very painful day. maybe 50 people at the end of life by fall while you create new policies in here. so if i do union house massacre, the nobody is being held accountable survivors and the families of the victims fight for justice. despite it being like from day one who was responsible wasn't, wasn't this the one shutters at the memories of the terrible tragedy in odessa, where peaceful protestors were brutally murdered and burned to live in the house of
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trade unions. the criminals who committed that atrocity have never been punished and no one is even looking for them. but we know their names and we will do everything to punish them, find them and bring them to justice. effect the only people that are being charged so full of those who were attacked. we used the do a good to do the series video footage on the subject available to everyone in the we know the names of those who shot at people jumping from the burning building the grant and the soldiers have opened the criminal case against those who were burned by the entire world community stenciled, we progressively minded following the us lead has shown no interest in the situation at all. we're just moments off to us by my code, which i will send the cranium present. 100 foot bust into a desk of the night before come from us will protest body, which will support this body to join the provocative mall. and you will probably need to be reviewed by wrench in the, in april and even earlier,
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begin to send through people through the recreation center this and that's all of them near a desk. there were a lot of them, there were a lot of them in the adult in odessa. they were there by the hundreds of different things adult. there were about 300 people as one of the basis that they were already preparing an alteration dish, the miles of people in odessa and see how it happened. because this operation was splendid body, as though they decide to teach a desk, a lesson to shut us up and make example of odessa and to show you green, who's the boss and the house pro kev. 4th, is that part of the 10s as an incumbent, driving pro russians individual test. if i do union building, the police will not merely prosecute bystanders. they will soon find him that guns into the union building. many were trapped inside his crowds below shante, the boat and colorado burned a reference to the pro russian colors of the ribbons. being by some of the protesters of the for
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a total through the building. ukrainian national anthem was sung by this guy that outside told thing the trump people like burned to death. the nazi ever slogan, slobber you crazy, which is now use like he has west and supporters was shuttled to those people were dying inside the building, which was told with swastikas. good. my point is that it wasn't just a succession in the building. many people were killed with a head shot. this was not an investigation, but a travesty of an investigation. it was all about drawing this investigation in a puddle of flies and i'm to, they said they were looking for consensus. so were you looking for consensus or were you looking for the truth? they were saying that they had no data that there were deaths. do you do outside interference? no one has been held accountable for the atrocities. right sectors didn't feel, yas, whose organization claim responsibility for culminating the attack even became
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a candidate for the crate new presidency. unlike to an m p, he was never investigated by you quite any and also or to use, i think was not alone. bravo, a desa, let these devils burn in hell. this day when down in history, colorado stockpiles illuminated. alexa gone, children co boots, a policy me with this, a protest was late to elected to the counselor of you is paul elementary assembly. these are the so called democrats, sparked by the west pro care full see to seek to raise the vent from memory and you cranes west. and back as of august, i still want to down play the role of fall, right? ukrainian falls is cool. so i kind of draw attention to the masika ward, me who is responsible to do so. it would blow a major holding the narrative that the owner fos, you just told me you're not using ukraine, which that you have is a beacon of freedom and democracy. the victims are being lost if it goes in by the west sacrifice of poems in its proxy war against russia and a bond. and by those who claim just uninstalled,
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a diamond st with the people of you crying, this is the security group. ukraine is it service state that has taken its entire population hostage? there is no free grain. that's for sure. 100 percent. i have talked to many from the o. s. c e. one person told me that there is little hope that anyone will do anything . so the only home is if the military operation ends up as plans go up, you know, on this solemn anniversary of people gathered in red square in moscow to honor the memory of the victims of this mess. really from the tragedy in odessa was like a reboot to me. all previous life was gone and we started living. and then the reality that was created by certain circles, reality of death, blood tragedy. now we're doing everything. so these people, if you can even call them dads punished and history,
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remember self friends who lost their lives in odessa, are that simple? come back home with when? so me, me. the 2nd is probably the worst day of my life because i've seen it with my own eyes. we tried to talk with them. i dont authority days, but we didn't think it would lead to such tragedy. we didn't think they would start killing in such a happy and peaceful city like a desa even 10 years later, it is hard to fight them. and today we have come to pay tribute to our full and friends, victims of the atrocity committed by the ukrainian nasa authorities. the pain can subside, but the burn marks on our souls will stay forever. so it is my sending shockwave is through much of your ability of this year, the french president manual macro and has now doubled down on his claim, but french boots may have to end up on the ground in ukraine. if russia wins in ukraine, there will be no security in europe who can pretend that russia will stop there. if
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the russians were to break through the front lines. if there were a ukrainian request, which is not the case today, we would legitimately have to ask ourselves this question. but when i present back on the 1st raise, the idea of sending weston troops to ukraine in february of this year were sent panic among other european ladies who promptly ruled out. this suggestion plan also did not go down too well at this new statement by a man on the chrome is extremely serious. the sending a french troops to greenville bows and existential threat to 65000000 french people . and you're balance of they so madness for macro and the food who's just announced that he can once the game send ground troops, the games. russia stopped these totally irresponsible statements which could lead us to the worst. no soldiers, no weapons, not a single euro. and ukraine, enough is enough. we want peace. all right, let's take about an hour to make
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a book of its author and president of the french n, g o, west, east and all joining us live here on our, the international, he's added again. nick, here comes macro and you know, he already came out once thing, but we're gonna have to send the french troops. we might have to send them to ukraine. huge backlash. now he's basically putting out there again, what's his motivation? why? nick, why is he saying these things? and i think that's the question. everybody is asking tonight, at least in france, is what's going on in the metro maximums head that does not forget that when he was elected the 1st time he was about talking about prosperity. he was talking about reading the french back on the past of the 21st century and making perhaps again, a dynamic country, a joyful country and all that. and now that he had a big, big, big intervention, the french sort on last week. very invest domestic, very dark, very black. and today again saying that in the economy is that the time is coming, but we're very, very, very dark. and again, seeing that in this situation where everything is,
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most is and it's true is being pressed quite dark. why speak about sending trips to ukraine or even speaking about building piece in your brain? i mean, if you want us to be a server for something to have some sort of utility and what's going on, she better uses energy to discuss what piece i think this is what i'm a lot of people in new upon other people in the press walk there are many other things that i just would like even before that subject, but people are wondering what's going on for who is a mental model really working in the yeah, that's yeah. yeah. yes, we got some great points. a great point nick. i mean, look, um gosh, what, what do i begin? i mean, you know, there's a story from a month or 2 ago, the jimmy, there was a french military contingent in odessa that apparently got wiped off by a russian miss. solve and ever since then backgrounds been on the hot foot really kind of jumping up and down with a be in his bonnet. um, but he did say the other day, this is important. background said the other day he said europe is died. he made a really, really strong cut statement to remember this. it was just about 48 hours or so ago
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he said your up is dying economically socially and according to some of the politicians i guess, morally as well. you know, he comes out saying europe is dying. and then my problem is i over going to have to send a troops to go on a flight. right. i mean, it's almost like he's politic and like he's trying to, i know it's safe. his political show 5 because i just don't get it stuff. nobody gets everybody fresh police can't even for a cat, i can't even protect the fresh in france, we've got terrible problems with crime and rice and crowds. and how is the front of the french military who didn't succeed in anything of this, that health in africa, fighting against terrorism, hardly going to intervene and ukraine's and run a type of war that the french army hasn't taught practically at this level since the 1st world war is over a 100 years ago. so if the french army were to arrive in ukraine, it had to be, it would have to be trained by the ukrainian army, which is actually losing against the russian army. so this makes no sense. actually, i think it's extremely important to write that one to know that macro said that
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europe is dying and we're being told in the way that we've had some prosperity. if we're to have somebody for to be safe, if we have to be secure offices, thanks to you and what would be more than what he was seeing. and i think we will see something along the lines move during the next or your interaction is that you have to use the cost of a lot of these problems. but no moment either this last page, either today's the manual macro accuse the or to union which has not products for effectiveness from work which is not protected as from insecurity, which is not protect us from a back in competition at no, does he look at his own 1000000000 states, we are responsible with the political lead to which i belong is responsible for his situation and the european union edit baptism and designing on washington. this is part of the problem today. so i, this is what scares that you're not facing the truth. so before you, again, you spoke about finance thinking about russia, not speaking about him himself and you can politically lead. i think you make a good point then, especially when you say that when it comes to the political
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a lead, for example, they really should be getting together around the table of peaceful negotiations to an end for the coffee thing ukraine. no, they're not doing that. they're pumping more weapons into this proven has said, the russian president had said time and time again. every 3 months for the past couple of years, we are ready to discuss a peaceful resolution to the situation and you crave. and there's always as pushback from your typical g. 7 culprit play is. meantime, nick, you've got nato doing these. what all the 3 month exercises in eastern europe, nato, during these. what 90000 soldiers involved in these, these drills, these exercises basically along russia's borders. what do you think nato is hoping to achieve at this point when he's getting his ass whooped on the battlefield and ukraine? yeah. what, but again, these are, these are a headless horseman. they don't know what they're doing best. they, they're all full of sales thinking that of course they will win because they are on the collective west and that's, and they are the most brightest, most intelligent people on there. so of course,
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they cannot fail to big to fail and they are actually failing. and you know, this is a typical case of macro. she is the make it empire with no clothes and no everybody sees it around the world. everybody sees but was not as powerful as strong and is actually quite correct whether it's economic or even morally and, and they're not seen. these are politically artists living on another planet, and they're playing with our lives. they're playing with the world life conducting these exercises, aiming russia, targeting russia, not looking for peace, not even, i mean, totally underestimating rushes, a capacity to counter attack. it rushes attacked by formation. of course, i think it will counter attack. that means we will become victims. we don't want this, so this is actually quite scary because we have today at the head of the midwest and here that you can purchase on the us people who are just follow themselves. they're in the room numbers their think that they, they dominate everything and they don't feel they don't sense what's going on. on the ground. the ground is telling them reality is starting to slow down. stop.
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you've been too far. no stop because this is going to backfire and you have this. and fortunately, if they don't have that us and quickly, this can be catastrophic for the entire concoction and for what's in your that's for sure. yeah it's, it's just unbelievable. i mean, people are saying that we were watching a train crash in slow motion here in all it takes is some cool heads to pull back and say everyone, it's time to drop all the weapons and get her on the table. but clearly there are certain powers that be that are simply not interested in peace nickel. i'm other cuz it's older and present as the french n g, a west east. joining us live here on, on the international has a great pleasure. thank you for joining us. thank you, you. all right, so georgia now where on the part of it is cancelled a hearing to discuss the implementation of the so called a foreign agent spelled it has caused an uproar among the opposition. 5 and the streets, water cannon and the bloodied faces, as well as a police cash with demonstrate is all lies. the one that will make is were being
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set to hold. the 5th and final review of the bill before protest is attempted, a still on the bottom of the building. let's give you a recap of the latest events that have sent the nation's capital k. the program here on the, on the international just now tony, maybe hop on ste. 8 in the evening here at most good. did you know that it wrong? you know, it's our, he's are rolling out the sanctions against the united states and the u. k. including the u. k. is defense secretary ground shots been a long time coming. don't you think iran is finally sanctioning those g 7 players? they've been sanctioning to iran for so many years. make sure you question more with us. this has opting in
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the the thank you so much for your time mister investigator, for russia to day, for us to be able to talk about not only the relationship between indonesia and palestine, but also to talk about the global community. i'm, it's the ongoing conflict right now. but let's begin with how do you describe the relationship between indonesia and palestine? relationship between but aside and indonesia. it's not from today or since october, 7th or october. it's
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a long course from the beginning. and we know that the sedation, it's deb id is developed when i'm increasing from feed to feed. because indonesia, if they believe in new material and you know, as well as they believe how the piece should be implemented everywhere. this is a clear message from or operations in this country where i met with already i used to discuss with them. this is a clear message that we believe on peace. we believe in him with the area role. and we should photo the entire nation and the rules and regression, the president of this country. so policy and the different all mushy of
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donation efforts, overall. overall, just 2 months before 4 minutes are much with you was in the high court to talk a while with by this time you know, it's not, i don't want to talk and diplomacy about democratic when i took i took from my host and donasia is giving more supple in the hole, i see. what is your name? and i'm not sure. and i'm you on john assembly. wherever there is any discussion about is fine, is always in the therapies, because if it is an issue. so how do we, we found that indonesia is fighting with but it seems as
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if la.


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