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tv   Documentary  RT  May 2, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT

7:30 pm
all right, so why would the georgia prime minister be scratching his head over to use office vision to this particular law? maybe because the process itself unveiled similar legislation last december against for an implant. citing the need to bolster democracy with the need for organizations and individuals to formally declared their activities and funding in a public register under financial pendant penalties for noncompliance. now, where did the you get this idea? something new? well, from washington's foreign ages, registration tax fair act. so of course, washington would be all in favor of the georgia in law. right. this legislation in georgia in dreams, anti western rhetoric put georgia on a precarious trajectory. the statements and the actions of the georgian government are incompatible with the democratic values that underpin membership in the you and nato invest jeopardize georgia's path to euro. atlantic integration use of force to suppress peaceful assembly. and freedom of speech is unacceptable. and we urge authorities to allow non violent protesters to continue to exercise their right to
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freedom of expression. yeah, let george's pro madeline supporters protests. it's not like the modeling is russian. right? because is our the case. they be all for a law to prevent it. so if it's not russian modeling that the west is opposing, d wonder who could possibly be, must be minor, vice scraped mistakes, or wrapping it up here. and i'll tell you, thank you so much for joining us today. was keeping in mind that one of our stories and updates are remaining fluid online with a multi comb telegram odyssey and gab loza places. the casual that is news from us in the meantime, the acceptance and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not to wash my new shells. seriously,
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while i watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do they have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you, go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching. but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the waiting thing . the new. somebody's yeah. so through the almost one. no. so i think there was why. yeah. yeah. it was the sign, the guy, you know,
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usually i mean it can be with the statement which is pretty save you the rises premium with the buy some which aspect of one of those colors or the promotion which is on. so you have to go for a number of ways him because if i do a phone, so you have with us go to the colors, i see that with this one. so city damper where you were both, i believe is if the, with the, the a serious in the language to assess him see it. but as you thought, 2nd, see what i that i saw a listing right here. it's a he said, i'll go,
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i'm not sure what they might on. they've had difficulties and they bought it was too low for us. that would be to do with us. and you'll just let me sit only will. yes. and that was for the one that a while oregon area that i'm sure you shut the federal as me, it's supposed to be a treatable and you'll be able and as a boy for the, for the who, for the some of us, the router will do to get her that it was you want to play the best while a few of us a serious and he are not able to see the why the more that's the way that's where it is. i see and see what the other girls are. what's ready to auto body? so i think that us left. so we're going to move of course you with the pc. this deal when you're seeing you must be privy when you're looking to have ones that ration that come with people that looked at the creative circle of the
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the learning odyssey, the closest city to antarctica, the white, the ultimate from different countries always take an interest in each other and always support each other. the we're famous, we get recognized that it feels good. thinking about it
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today and tomorrow of software to go down the road at 730 we will keep getting in flower just for the the one local landmark is a former prisons are extremely dangerous criminals. the, the noodle, the 0000
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versus came to the associated with that so the whole done for you or was diesel a or, you know, while you come with it just models, but i special. so when you see new jersey, we'll fix the st. goodbye to new friends is never easy. tennessee calls the ocean on, awaits us the
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you're stuck with it is butterfly, and then we'll go to those. so why is somebody used to go to plenty of that they don't wasteful water rush of with the 1st one. 0, i was going to jewels and the one that you know kind of share with me is that going to it's good enough where they will show us city whole those that are off to gosh, for put in is if remo series on the last that you and your solutions and idea are still almost issuing your solution for an issue and you're still on was the, the source i am waiting for the a smaller than finding in the board. i'm the one the, but you'll find me special and i'm always going to fight the. how about the
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prostrate level? yes, i mean that's if i came on the post i, you know, and if you're a sub locker, somebody took a put in bullshit grocer's noun clause, and it's about waist. naples and equipment is really, you want to go with them. we don't care if actual what's new is due to a lot of other words, the proper way. most of our commission you need, we didn't pull away. usually we will sort itself out for you. oh, story. in the annual stored on india. some of those before i see the city though, i think one of the one of the court you did and it is, it was fine with the communities and we'll look at them. are they going pretty cards? of course i bought a car deal for sure. by some way, for quite the more somebody to go to nice to theaters show you the
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what the do you mean? yeah. or sort of water. yes. i mean you feel or some water the number put his face . pretty sure. i know it was very spirit. always you company, i don't know what's to the lower goes come to the only stuff. so it was closed. i don't know just my go a saw him somewhere. you with my thoughts, do you have limited guns? go continue on the way, which is not always mobile phone. what do y'all catch you up as i say? if not, seems to me so that that's the smaller one. i'm still i'm still waiting for your see. so that will know what you all kinds of ones that i need to organize. i've secrecy on does this sound part of the skin area problem worse than that's what but brass, so it's web browser. it makes no apply. the image slowing us from browser is the
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most is that's kind of we thought that was just the most just because that's what these people say. it looks like gives us a little bit of a symptom. was volume uh, july and we, we just bought also this way and we still see here, but goodies allow me if i were to suddenly focus more than for the stories that long ago, the phone, one of the escape, jonesboro a t p to the or for the
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lengthy voice. what the fuck it up to a very mobile voice to see what they do like when you're the customer of what i noticed yesterday. you also send the course to every night seating so much you're welcome to shut off. somebody said muscle grilled them to me when you let them rarely, rarely, slowly but surely. the weather is starting to get was the wheels and wherever we can find shelter from the wind, the insurance of
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the presidency. and you're gonna see who do i should do, didn't care for this new balls. so if i agree with that, it was a contingency or somebody, the if i for you the confidence stays the same, okay? when, when you go to the special ed that, that's a little should i use the chef, can you spell any fish resale to point adina to main city and then again them straight. i think bracelets because he's leaving us as he has other things to do
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the, the, i may say it's 0 facility and some florida on the assessable. and so i assume you've downloaded youth. i've spoken to what these choice seems. so sort of connecting with, i know is plenty of private, let's just lots which company and then you will, a database to do is to show you the product that you did the company i've actually been able to produce, but you live. yeah, these are the trouble us now. i present in the
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we walking through this a beautiful well groomed european style city. the release of russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best ingles, all sense and up to 5 must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the r t spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube. the
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question, did you say stephen twist, which is the issue when i 1st moved to rush i, one of the most amazing things i found was to moscow metro. in fact, at the very 1st phrase that i have for learning and nothing was powerful, doors are closing possible to us. so what makes this place so specially what secrets is of hiding to find out deep under the city with alexander pop up to the store and who studies the wonders of the moscow metro the,
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and the new plan you financing, you can, would yolanda say i should not push kit it. adam's name. when do you think i thought of one what the ideal could buy the school? the arrow and not ok. is there any thought a substitute is fine, the immunization is what it is. i'm not supposed to be annoyed. not going, it doesn't mean anything. my deal on a friday. that's going to thing when you're on a fishing chip. and so that's up. i'm glad to hear the police say january atlantis . just the issue i see on the farm ethics, i'm throwing you appear guys here. at the, at those i mean fairly by visits my dilemma. got the chest of the i don't good about 3 of them blowing. you able to get a, i'm throwing you a big i share that with and below and use lights, vision me or what? but again, my, the name was a when you on the way me, it wasn't for them to take him or some of them or go on a monday. i guess it was
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a so it was my very young assist you with coasting when you on was things couldn't you find the kind of that victoria started piano russell and would you want to study the the no one has the means to cut out the details of what i'm showing you the class, so you send all home examines the night. i'm cut off tables and i mean you'd be charged me the
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wrong color the
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we may go away between small rocky islands to the great pacific ocean. the waste between the rocks, the, the. ready the one 0, i was just on the phone, the pacific ocean shelf of the corner of in a low chest, particularly with just the shelves over to an issue of interest. because this luckily with the bill of luckily i love it
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a little so the know i know, i know i have the we only arrived until the one or today and were immediately invited to the traditional wiggling sales. main thing. it's called the brown, the hood of the coast, out of under the deluxe coast on the coast, through brotherhood. that's why family went right. i'm not giving the same or you know the central and then why really seriously, if you guys didn't use well enough, like yeah, i saw a number. so how's the idea and then you don't even watch that much. well,
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i'll go see it. it's one reading. when i go across number, we must hear you on your own particular side here on your skipping must close here, which room is not on the business. we're welcome to speak to the pirates class. the on the way, the way of the for the grades are many to a point on you can no, no, no the the month you know, that goes to the bottom. i saw
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a look at it just about every single one. so in the are you, i mean the, the, the done it for me to see i can see your most of the last year for to you. but in the media, why don't we just got off the field? what else website going with us about 2 minutes or so? i was ready to go live. we'll do this. you question. do you agree with this? no. yeah, there's an opportunity you are satisfied with it. almost immediately. the pacific ocean showed us it's less than pacific time, but we've had
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a head wind blind for 2 weeks, heavy shock waves threatening to destroy a trailer. and we're breaking through a severe cycle that shows us there's a lot of us to see them to have self serious the
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march 16th 2023. the terrible thing. the 5 me to waives. we've had when speaking it for the notes, the steering gear and again to collapse from the strain the we couldn't stop the process out on the ocean. at one point the gas shifted into pieces the trailer and lost control. oil got you? yes. so it covers the life cycle, so finished that or
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each of them will be the most ss, usually the video voice of the style system lucy, chest, that's going to avoid it. sluggish devices, stobel under the bus book. if i want you to find the most cash, i'm see if you're still shoot you over the jump signal. so we do everything we can do with being swift sales into the st cloud's. when no one will save us, then we could a collusion there receives our s o s. contacts the rescue services in chile and these their island, the nearest vessels of the traveler. i'm sales under the panamanian flag. the delivery of your theories. i mean, if you want for as low as i can afford, which even most cost sites have that much convenient program. i always said,
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we take any, what's most valuable ourselves so no documents the to try and around and only equipment account be saved to the board. but i don't quite understand flag, i'm assuming you pretty well, that's what the model that you put though it says incipient don't even use that. i'm using michelle. so we'll put you down with the storage screen. you click on yes . which one i saw supposed to. i think you plus the 1st name as particular way. so for us then you put in your mind much for that shipment with us with numerous really high speeds. there's still can use sort of the way that the trailer and is lost forever because we
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don't want to be a model on the new insurance people used to me personally the last april and she was by mike came out on liquidators the can you since because pushing said, which simpler version. yes it is. now that i gave you much that that i get the high end breaks, but people done the through skiing. is that you with
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them over through listed. so we did it. i good, you know, mean is that youngster? when i doing was more of a super those, it's expensive and we were to know so kind of stuff for digital to live on the show . the the western relief scandalously declared. they are virtuous because of their so called values. the assault on the palestinians destroys the tip of their virtues and reveals they have no values at all. you know, this is the case when they say, i believe in free speech box,
8:00 pm
the police arresting over a 100 pro, publish the new demonstrate is r u c. l a in california, as the us house of representatives approves an anti semitism awareness build basically set to make it even harder for those protest is to speak out. this is not an issue and to semitism. this is an this is an attempt by the us government to complete the to, to confuse the public and to make it seem that any more of a pretty sight of israel is anti semitic. also a few just new daily of carrying out of political assassination on its oil. but in the 5 spot with strong woods and st. candidates become a hot bed. the separatism and extremism is remarks to us illustrates once again the kind of.


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