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tv   Documentary  RT  May 2, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

10:30 pm
the i mean was almost one though, so i thought there was why yeah, yeah, it was the so i'm like i have one is i'd be with the process to me in the chain. yeah. pretty save you the rises premium. they're selling 5. i think the buy some which aspect of one of those cost the cost for the windshield on the move on. so you have to take the whole with the moving him, he does a good idea which ones that you have with that stuff that the couple of nice here with this one. so simple way you will bubble. but believe it if the, with the legion labs and
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a series of the language to us for cmc here. but it's one second back to see where the of the seller is to go to. it's a key. so i'm not sure what the might on the demonstration they bought. it was too low point for us that would be thrown in with us. and you'll just let me see lou williams and that it was so the set there while oregon area that i'm sure that you show up of federal law as me as but being truthful. and you'll be on the boy for a, for the lawyer, for luke, some of us, the widow, a know something do to get or that, or you want to play the best while of 2 of us. serious in here, we're not able to see what they want us to me. that's where it is. i see and see what the or of care of or what so why do you need a lot of a so i do that as well. so we're going to move, of course she will dorothy,
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the skills well, when you're saying you must be for, i'd be glad ones every to accomplish it. but then once they for creative beloved the the leaving us, the closest city to antarctica, the twice the document from different countries always take an interest in each other and always
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support each other. the, we're famous, we get recognized that it fails good data, various silverado with the new microsoft word that i sent to you on the phone. at $730.00 we spoke, you did an envelope for the for the the, the one local landmark is a former presidents. are extremely dangerous criminals, the
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a 0 this place is a good book. the order was 0 versus can be the that to the them for you. it was the who is the for the the hood latch, no while you come with the just models, but i special lacey new jersey. feel the same
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good bye to new friends is never easy to see calls the rushes on, awaits us. the just start with it is plug and play and then we'll go to those. so why is somebody usually go to blame you that they don't waste awards rush of what i'm looking for? the 1st one was going to jewels mental illness, you know, kind of sure with the exact warranty description of what it will show us. pretty cool. those that are on file to those for put in is it pretty much says on the is the issue and your solutions. i just don't want to issue and your solution for an issue. and this one was the, the,
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the source i am waiting for local in a smaller than part of the board. i'm the one the, but you'll find me special and always good. and if i t, how about the spreadsheet model? yes. why me that should by team all in the process that you know, industry, somebody so much trouble comparing bush across his neck last night is how about the waste naples and equipment is really he wants news. go with them. why don't you try to what's new is that you live about where to proper. when we saw by commission, you knew that we didn't pull away. usually, we will story. this somebody, we will story annual story. one. that's a pretty soon you have some of those before i see the shaded doors that go one of the one of course you did and it is, it will fine with us. how come it is and we'll look at them. are they going pretty good score, separate deals? by some way, it was quite the more, some way to go to not to the, to show you the
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what the, because i do you mean, you know, sort of water. i mean, you feel is the water, the number for the space through setting only one piano is you covered at the low. what so that gets the lower goes. com to the white stuff. so it was closed. i don't know just my goodness for us to shoot him some way you want. let's always do you have unlimited accounts? go to continue on the way which is always mobile phone. go to y'all, catch you a blessed day. see if not, then we so that, that's the snow was, you know,
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sto my produce this without knowing what kinds of files that i need to organize. i've secrecy on this and thought of the skin near to get problem worse than us with, but brussel love groceries even smaller far they misspelling us from brought so if we much is that kind of, we thought that was just the most basic as lots of these people say there's that gives us the most of you may see if that was volume. uh, july you know, we, we just bought us as a restore issue for goodies. and i mean if i were to suddenly focus more of them for the of, of stories such as mobile phone, one of the
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warranty scales. but i like you to look for the voice motherfucker up to you very mobile voice to see what the deal is when you order the cost of what they know to transfer you to also send the course every night this cd you are welcome to welcome to them and you'll have them ready. so slowly but surely, the weather's starting to get worse. when
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we land wherever we can find shelter from the window, the shelf of the singular speaking. who do i should think of for it is new bowls of so if i agree with that, it was a continuing source improvement and all that good stuff where you the confidence stays the okay. well, when you go to the short that that's a little should i use the chef? can you spell any pitch? resale to point to,
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i mean us the main city and then again, i'm straight i think personally, because he's leaving us as he has other things to do the funeral facility and so on. thought and assessable. and so i assume you've downloaded youth. i've spoken to what feature was himself sort of connecting with. i know he's funny, a private, luscious lot 6 company and then you will a database to do is to show it. he thought that you did it cut off that destiny
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then you will increase. but you live. yeah. these are legible as i like. present in the way, walking through this beautiful well groomed european style city. hi, i'm rick sanchez. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way and say a
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new video of alleged abuse by an officer. today, the sheriff's deputy in columbia, south carolina, forcibly removed his student from a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talking to her when her and initially, you know, i didn't think is a problem because i knew that she was just who's quite a student in the class. someone looked at the police officer and says, here is law enforcement that is worse. clearly attacking, abusing power and then there are others besides, this is what's wrong with those poorly be on discipline. black children, he was there, enforcing a lot to meet the crime, to quote, disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes and school is huge and forces never predict but necessary. a tops people were never gonna change them out. and so people will never change their minds about video. they think i was wrong, and that's it. the
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and that's the new plan you find me and you can work, yolanda slash im not bush kit, im seeing when you say it got the one what the deal good by the school theater in new york city thought a substitute. nice find me. immunization is what it is. i'm not supposed to be annoyed. not going. it says they mean anything. my deal on a friday that's going to day when you're on the fishing chip. and so that's something we've got the police say, junior, i atlantis. just get did you say i q on a 5 minute here? i'm throwing your pig. i see at the, at those i mean fairly by visits. my dilemma got though to just of their own could investigate them, blowing it, it will get a i'm throwing you a big i see at the with and below and use lights,
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vision me and it was the young lady's name was a when you wanna leave me it was for them for getting more of some all my go on a monday, i guess it was. it was my that a young assist you with coasting when you on the west thinks couldn't you find the kind of that victoria story funeral rush home? are you on a friday the trip to the knowing doesn't mean to cut on the details for a showing you the past, so you send all home examine the night. i'm cut off tables and i mean you the charges government. mm.
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the wrong color the
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or the we make our way between small rocky islands to the great pacific ocean, the waste between the rocks, the . ready kitchen and city of duncan, one 0, i was just on the phone, the pacific ocean, the shelf of the
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corner of the, of the some of which us, particularly with just the shelves over to an issue of interest this luckily and split the bill of luckily i love it a little so the the we only arrived until the one know today and were immediately invited to the traditional weekly sailor's main thing. it's called the brown, the hood of the coast, under the deluxe coast on the coast, about
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a 100. that's what the same old central and white lady. so say if you guys didn't use will not like you guys phone number. so the idea and then you don't even watch that much, little i'll go see it. that one i'm reading when i got the card number, we must be here while you're on a particular side here on your skipping most closely with room is not on the word business. we're welcome to speak to the pirates class the the way the deal with the for the good our money to a point on you can no no, no they the
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smoke you know, they don't go to the mesa. they're located to somebody. yes. wonderful. and the are, you are the, the, the, your, i can do your, most of the last year 40, but i'm out about the media. why don't we just put off the field? what else looks like? we're going to have a cell 2 minutes or so. one was ready to go later, we'll do this. you question. do you agree with this? no. yeah, there's an opportunity to do it. since i do that, you
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of the oldest immediately the pacific ocean showed us it's less than pacific time, but we've had a head wind blind for 2 weeks. heavy shock waves threatened to destroy our trailer and we're breaking through a severe cycle that shows you the
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march 16th 2023. the terrible thing. the inside me to waves with headwinds, peaking at 40 knots steering gear and began to collapse from the strain the we couldn't stop the process out on the ocean. at one point, the gas shifted into pieces the trailer and lost control. the
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cause of getting it as well. all right, so you covers the always laboratory process, so i was finished with it as such as what, what were your most ss unique? i usually what the video stuff, the style system, lucy chest, and i'm going to avoid it. sluggish for about nice stobel under the bus, which is your phone number associated with the for the given signal. so we do everything we can do with being swift sales into the cycling. when no one will save us, then we could die the community, a collusion that receives our s o s a contract to the rescue services in chile and easter island. the nearest vessels of the traveler em sales under the panamanian flag. uh you go up as well as
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i can afford, which even most close sites have that much come in your program always. and so certainly that must be take any what's most valuable ourselves. so no documents, the training around and all the equipment can't be saved to the board. but then we can plug into. so when you and we just need 4, do you mind? well, that's what the model 9 you put though it says incipient don't even use. i'm using michelle, so we'll put you down with a storage. can you click on yes. which one i saw suppose i think people are supposed to be. that's pretty similar to somebody that way. so for us and you find your mind much pulled bunch of them. what with us, with numerous really high speed so you still can use sort of the,
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the trailer and as last we spoke a lot on the new insurance rates. the people news to me except the last april issue is by mike came out on liquidators various expedius pushing should push the plugins and you know that i gave you my steps that i get the high end breaks,
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but people done the through skiing is that you with a boom over through listed. so we did it. i get, you know, mean is williamson and i doing was more of us to provide those experiences. and we were the newest kind of stuff for digital to live on the show. the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the after the nazi's power in italy, states foreign policy became extremely aggressive. benito, mussolini needed glorious victory. he decided to achieve his ambitions in africa. despite the fact that formally libya had been coming to tell you him, call any back in 1912, the vast territories of this country were not actually controlled by rome. the nazis decided to put an end to this. but the su fee religious order of the senate side stood in their way. the arabs did not want to submit the 4 in power and put up stairs, resistance, dividers against colonialism were led by the seats of the senate side order. omar l move star was nicknamed the lion of the desert for his incredible courage. despite
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the violent, bombardments and voice and gas usage, mass keyboard agents, and the imprisonment of the local population in concentration camps, the invaders could not cope with the arrow patriots for a decade. in 1931, omar l move star was captured and sentenced to hanging at the trial. the hero of the libyan people behaved very bravely and rejected. pardon? pursuing a policy of genocide, italy was only able to temporarily suppress lady 18th of the entire population. more than 100000 people fell victim to their. however, just a few years later the entail you enroll, collapsed in 1951, libya became one of the 1st countries in africa to gain independence
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the, the, the, the on this monday. that's easy, if it's that, then you can put in the name. so facade, indeed. and therefore the window at assuming that the to look into in a minute. the title is the dimensions of the photo. i'm seen. send the most of the yet it could be the most and the
11:00 pm
the, the part of the body want you to know the show is now daily. and i also want you to know that when it comes to the show, we hold no punches. so look for it, trip. um number one, the us military industry ticket in the high dear during the vietnam war. it has never looked back tooth, bottom number 2, the man at the helen who spearheaded that whether he meant to or not was richard nixon. truth, bottom number 3, he went to china. what seemed taken by russians, who was dick nixon. we're talking about it. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact . the


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