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tv   News  RT  May 3, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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to the the virus a ride plays clash with student says you're doing as a matter of the pro policy and demonstrations with the university camps demanding and ends at the times with is certain care for him is a trade with is run and says, the sofa plan the lesson develop proceeds on come pro, provides in their own values to support and less nowadays because israel's interest draw the boundaries of western democracy. everything that touches israel's interest is anti democratic law and the anti semitic in their eyes. and also accuses new w. carry out the political assassination, but then the funds of pontus phone would think of it has become
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a separate isn't and experience is remarks to us. it illustrates once again the kind of political space that has been given in the country and canada separatism extremism. the live of the full r international in the center in moscow. this is see welcome to the global news of classes have erected in paris, says white police, clint, down on pro processing and demonstrates as much like us authority. they've done to disperse, similar values by force is empowers with, used to be due to the heavy police pressure. and one of the student comes around the french capital. so just as the monday that ties with these will be cuts because of the god. so meanwhile, american police have arrested mold in 2100 people,
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pro palestinian demonstrations and college campuses around the well. one of the latest fox sports was at the university of california in los angeles. what does the protests is? what did one of the raw the organizes use c l a, a luminous rule and go to is to this house. police usually bent down on what could be a peaceful demonstration. the police came in violently attacking the students. pepper pepper sprained the students and arresting them even though about 24 hours before the students were brutally beaten by a mob of fascist zionist attackers, who use weapons against them who use torture tactics against them. and now one person was arrested for attacking the student. protesters, a lot of the people who are attacking the students,
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they're not students that you see of a, their grown people, their zion, is that people from organizations that are fashion organizations for planning and coordinating to attack the students. so those of us were community members and blocked the community organizations. we're also going to support the students. they were not being buying it. they were simply in the account and entrance a defending campaign to continue to demand that u. c. l a stop investing in dead stop given their money to support the genocide being committed by israel job. i told them the site is that this slides widespread credit is a man no problem. so we think watching the middle east tactics the condemned to the protests as supposedly and to so magic dislikes many and do students taking box. we are not in a far terry nation where we silenced people are scars to say. the american people are heard. let's be clear about this as well, and there should be no place on any campus, no place in america,
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frantisha semitism, or threats of violence against jewish students. also the protests above the u. s. congress approved i'm. i'm to submit system awareness legislation 6 to broaden the definition of what i'm 2 segments as a means. critics, however, claim is an attempt to sense a condemnation of is really a 12th of these. they were human rights, a lawyer dying covering says the other for the rest is absolutely not about addison's semitism and the police put down on the field. the outrage is there any anti semitism in the world, of course, but this is not being motivated by that. that's not what is happening in college campuses. there's many jews that are part of these, the pro palestine rallies. this is all motivated by the government's inability to defend its own position in gods. the u. s. government and the governments of the
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west cannot edit logically defend themselves. instead of there they need to stamp out this speech that's, that's what's happened. and these are the most effective protests so far. and that's why this bill is being bass. just stop it out. and by the way, the reason they're big, the reason they're continuing is because of the crack downs, and they let those protests fly out. you wouldn't be seen this, but of course you're foolish and brutish and decided to stamp them out with the police. and that is what is led to a massive spreading of these campus pro to the us government. correct, found on other approaches, has drew on an international reaction including from this present right to apply. but i know i'm, he said the, the interest of it as well. as have slots in to define the framework of western democracy. make sure all the famous democracy, defending academics,
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intellectual journalists, and politicians, are burying their heads in the sand and waiting for the events to calm down. do you know why? because israel's interest draw the boundaries of western democracy, everything that touches israel's interest is anti democratic law and the anti semitic in their eyes. so i mean chicago to here is by little and pulls. i like sports with isabella has about even more restrictions in response to the idea of mass killings in dr. in the 2nd phase that the measures taken to the state level has been initiated. an export and import transactions with israel have been suspended covering all products the key will strictly and decisively implement these new measures until the israeli government allows the uninterrupted and sufficient flow of sin mandatory and a to gaza onto his decision to put an end to all import and export transactions
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with israel set a precedent for to to k is really relations. we understand that in early april to, to decided to put a restriction on $54.00 product groups against the imports and exports to is will among them where of course, many construction materials, the trade volume between church and israel is not necessarily significant. it's, it's that $7000000000.00, the gdp up to k is roughly one trillion dollars. so turkey, it doesn't have a lot to lose with respect to its relations, this trade relations with israel. but israel does not necessarily have the same luxury to do so, because according to the israel builders association, israel in ports, roughly 70 percent of its iron and one 3rd of its concrete from 2 chairs, which will put a lot more strain on the construction sector. as well as the general economy, as well as at a time when mount pressure is mounting against these rarely governments. there were, of course words exchanged between officials is really for me to sir israel,
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the cost of to twitter or x. the social media platform to issue is frustration and concerns with respect to concord, us decision to put an end to hold trade relations. this is how i did this ties. it behaves disregarding the interest of these are these people and businessman and ignoring international trade agreements. i'm instructed the director general of the as rating ministry of foreign affairs to immediately engage with old, relevant policies in the government to create alternatives for trade with turnkey, focusing on local production and boards from other countries in his statements for minister cods. and did say that television will be looking for alternative methods so important that god's that it needs what the minister did feel to the state was of course this will come at a higher cost. it comes at a time when israel expelled palestinian workers as a result of the attacks by hum us in early october of 2023. but there's more pressure that is mounting against these with the government on wednesday, turkish foreign minister. how come if you don't stated that lawmakers with
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a non kind of a working and preparing the legislation and the paperwork necessary to intervene in south africa's case against israel at the international court of justice. if it went on coded, does take this decision and different when it is accepted. this also means that future will become the 1st member of the organization of his lemme cooperation to do so. this whole set of presidents for assignment countries will also set a precedent for many nations within the broader middle east. but this will also add to the mounting pressure against to leave, particularly at a time when pressure is mounting against the israeli government at home as well. well, certain care binds trade with israel, tyler, the july is the promotions over the moral power pm. and if he does, he will be paying for the said that the is really all me is is the most ethical in the entire world. oh, think correspondent, moving across whatever takes a closer look at that assumption. the palestinians
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continues, as these rarely defense forces refuse to reign in their indiscriminate use of force, both in gaza, ends in the west bank. now, some would argue that the idea of have been doing this for decades, yet their tactics are only in focus now because the whole world is watching form or idea of soldiers have been sounding the alarm for years. calling out there are trusted, sees and deliberate targeting of women and children. it's only now that people seems to be listening as railways. talk about the most moral army in the world. they're doing that while ignoring a truism, which is you can to be a moral occupier, entire areas in the strip or declare that as disruption zones is kills or kills zones. yeah. and the moment you have any palestinian who will enter them, they will be shot. there is the look disrespect for the lives of innocent civilians
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working to the lives of a workers of journalists, of doctors. this respect is an under statements in this case. what's incredible is that israel continues to receive both money and weapons from its main ally and supplier, and that's despite the fact that washington is well aware of israel's brutal methods. us declining the sanction 3 is ready. ministry unit accused of abusing palestinian civilians including the one scene and this 2019 videos shown, and it is really cold and used to config by soldiers of appeasing detainees. soldiers from that same unit also seem to how to kind of send you and then in this video from 2022 to an internal investigation and suspension. the us government has conducted a process, found that these units have conducted grace, violations of human rights. that sounds very serious for you and tell us what those violations, why, who committed to and,
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and you're going to continue to send lessons. that is a process that is consistent with the standards that we have with other countries as well. apparently these incidents happen in the west bank before the war began. now former soldiers say the idea of seems to have amplified their brutality after the october, 7th, mastercard. when you're watching the screens, what's the mood like of other people around? a lot of people are happy to see that we're, you know, we're paying back. it's like these rarely retaliation. and was that because they were convinced that they were hitting, how much fighters you single, or it went beyond that. but a lot of them don't draw the line between what we quoted really tense or tories and what we would call civilians after the 7th, for example, people. so those videos of those people being paraded through the streets around gaza, right? and those people cheat or even take part in whatever it is. so they say like,
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all of them are part of it. like they all supported it. was that quite a wide spread view that everyone in god's ears complicit was very much so in many, for many of the people around me that was, that was this thing. it came from saying, you know, you know, those are the kids that we spare during the war in 2014, right. those are the keats that we spared, then are now the tell her is that the, the 7th, right? with the invocation that being sent to the kid. now it's ok everyone. yeah, that was i don't want to see the majority. but who was that alarmingly wide spread, even the people around me talking about this for and doctors who previously worked in gaza describe some of the things they've witnessed. we have seen the children's, who had a direct injury to their um, brain disciple shots and they had brain damage to do that. and we saw
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entry and exit fluid and the it was targeted and killing of those children we truly believe. and the team believed that it was the entrenched, the sniper shots when we saw the accident. when it's in the blanks, then we saw the entry and exit and the injuries to their names are to their brain. so that's the only conclusion we can get. the idea things have stuff, they only targets harris and military targets. there was mounts and evidence to suggest otherwise, including the latest i'm this, the international investigation. and so just this strikes in the south of gaza a few months ago and they resulted in the depths of $95.00 civilians including $42.00 children and all 4 attacks. the organization did not find any indication that the residential buildings here could be considered legitimate military
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objectives or the people in the building were military targets, raising concerns that the strikes were direct attacks on civilians is in civilian objects and must therefore be investigated as war crimes the bbc which has for years largely ignored the palestinian calls decided to conduct its own investigation, looking into various incidents like this one the from the bank or resulting in the depths of 2 boys 15 and 8 years old. fossil is holding something in his hands. it's on clear what this is, the across the street, one of the friends, assuming on his phone as an he's ready military vehicle drives by when the switch it just slow down and enhance. it shows the drive is due on the drive a has a direct view of the boys being around 24 meters away from basso and fuzzy. 6 from
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out of we can see from all the camera angles, but just a few seconds off the items from the cap to the door opening. at least 11 shots fired from the direction of the almond vehicle. our analysis, sheldon, about 90 percent of them had injurious to the upper body. what a shoulders more likely to be fail, meaning your soldiers could be shooting to kill more often than would in this case . this is raises questions about what a soldiers and following the rules of engagement in the west bank and the culture around how they use legal force. all of this is incredible considering stories like these never made it so mainstream media before. and also incredible are reports that the international criminal court is preparing to issue arrest warrants for the as well as prime minister defense minister and defense forces chief of staff. but as we know, the eyes to see is all told, no action, which is probably, well joe biden sold benjamin. that's in yahoo. this folks to send for the white
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house national security council declined to comments on the contents of yesterday. a host called with by them, but told us seals, as we have publicly said many times, the icpc has no jurisdiction in this situation. and we do not support its investigation to southern diplomats have apparently urged the specials at the i. c . c to delay and now civil war crimes charges as they could disrupt the chances of a breakthrough in ceasefire thoughts. well, in the meantime, palestinian children continue to live in the fear, abuse, or detention, and that's in the best case scenario. inquiry and has a huge rush of, of talking not only but as mid a z, but also it's new language games and committed a commission of linguistic issues made the accusation as he demanded that his government be more aggressive and promoting ukrainian nationalism.
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ukrainian language is in the cross hairs of russian criminals. people are threatened and murdered libraries, and schools, or burns signs are replaced and propagandistic. literature is imported, the language is being killed. we need to transition from the defense to the all sense in the ukraine. i zation of our country. this will promote additional opportunities and bolster control to ensure the functioning of the ukrainian language. a while while you client has been cutting down is number of russian language clauses. the reason is the recently just a joy and also continued to provide new cleaning language closest to the students among 250 schools in russia controlled areas. and as i've been rogia and here's our maintenance about hall for the elementary students will be told new planning. so 2nd language is providing funding for this program. now, let's look at
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a for kids so called you play nice ation strategies. in the past 2 years, the number of russian language schools in nuclear and has been reduced from 292 of the 3 us according to the, including state language on but so from hundreds of thousands of students to now just on the $800.00 attending russian language schools in ukraine that loves despite the widespread popular usage of the russian language in ukraine. let's take a look at the language a new plan. let's take a look at what language. few fans prefer to use and then they they live. for example, how do they spell their own country in a google search according to data from the search engine, with the exception of a few western regions depicted in blue, the oval? well, the majority of ukrainians. spell the country using the russian language instead of
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new credit now for nation, just as a put goods as a so called equalization or you play nice. ation is a means like keith to control asked the questions. a great new language is basically from the very minority region and a russian related language out from the russian language. it keeps to control for the regime to pull their agenda or the russian speaking population. and because the russian language for there's another will another world which cranial regime does is one there people to see sense here, change your language and you will change your thoughts. and that is what blue gray is up to. and these charts what you have be showing. ready clearly that the attack against the russian language, the,
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and over at the russian language regions has been very, very crucial factor. why there is the war in don't bus and, you know, pray until the news out more. oh was, is a rush suited to new delhi and also of the death of a successful just needed with canadian citizenship by my suggestion, who to have accused it didn't go with a carry out a political assassination. but i was prompted a fiery response from you, debbie, a u prime minister to those remarks. he has made those remarks, certainly it as well. so they have no, it's nothing new. his remarks to us, it illustrates once again the kind of political space that has been given in the country and canada to separatism, to extreme ism and violent people who practice violence. this not only impacts
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india canada relations, but also encourages a climate to violence and commodity in canada to the detriment of its citizens context, some timeline here. justin photo winds to call saudi went through some theme. toronto cods saw these new wheels, celebrations, vitals, c, community. so religious events box to call this sony slogans was john to the app that particular event call the songs in down on which the key translates to monday, a separate homeland for the community hall, my breaking up india. now, when these i'm teen, the slogans will be on to that, that particular riley, what just to deed was nothing box smiling at this point. it's hard to believe that justin to doesn't know the meaning of these johns because he himself on the stage. welcome back to fand jobby himself. justin, so will do,
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very openly has been sheltering. these extreme is set purchase elements on canadian sol despise india repeatedly requesting warning canada not to do so. india has very strongly reactive designs as well, and fox in depth, some monde of talking, diploma in canada, and set that this is not going to walk. justin to has not really understood what angel is going to say despite the very fact that the was it was federal tax. and the canadian history have also happened because this call is sign except which is a plan in 1985 would be open up an avondale please. i'll do the 300 job passengers on board 200 of them was, couldn't need doing. but despite that, because of his political reasons, he's desperately trying to avoid a seat community that he has an alliance. remember with just me seeing the c p that
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was also protocol of sony. recently, in an interview with justin to to said was that despite relationships going with india, he is helen on finding what the tool is when we doesn't know. obviously there are the real challenges right now between canada and indiana, and to know that there are credible reasons to believe that the agents of the government of india were involved in the killing of a canadian citizen. i'm a canadian soil is a real problem. it's a problem for the rules based ordered and that, and that the principles of free open democracies and sovereignty that we stand for . it's also a problem in our relations with india. so using, you know, being involved in the killing or fish, seek separatist leader on canadian sword to now remember justin toodle has not
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provided any rules whatsoever, but it's not just limited to that. canada has constance even altering india. there are several comments on these referendums that have been held on the canadian soil, remember canada or the other sea, or also lean to india for meddling in their internal elections. one of these allegations that justin to do is make you want india. it's only supporting his relationship with the process going economy in the was he is coming across to somebody who at this point is ready to deal with extreme is with radical elements as long as it's serving his political interests. remember that in canada, there's a huge population of the community around $800.00 pals and have them look on some digital watch vines. and at this point, justin pseudo, in order to move them, is not only putting india extras but also canada. i'm the was by harbouring by
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sheltering music scene is set for just elements. the site's gonna fly. but russ, at sign in. yeah, in japan, i'm saying that economy is the content of seeing adam for the us present. and the reason is clear, let's take it with is one of the reasons why our economy is growing is because of you and many others. why? because we welcome immigrants. weiss china slowly so badly economically. weiss, japan, having trouble was russia, was india because they are seeing a public. they don't want immigrants, immigrants have what makes us strong. why that is a perfect example of us. the lead starting to believe their old propaganda. when you said, try to install it so badly, economically work. coffee about china that just go 5.2 percent g d p in 2023 compared to the real g d p growth of 2.5 percent the
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united states. so try to grow twice as fast binding is desperately trying to win re election. so he asked to paint the picture as rosy as possible, even if it's contrary to the wrong reality. exciting times. china is launching a robot and to explore the fall side of the moon. the device is said to gather data about the luminous service as opposed to head back to us and about 2 months. we're getting ready now to watch the blocks of just now let's go to go. these are in 5 live. the image is now this is the low, much 5 rocket counting down here we go more. yeah. so oh, you know, there was, there we go. there's a lot of stuff of the sizing, and they see that as the loan a march 5 already,
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the payload or the 1st on mind robot mode. julie a little bit, of course, the lobby on the far side of the moon. how excited thing is in the, the heat of off come price is a for this date, the products for $53.00, they may ship a, it's going to contain it. that's full box as the moon over to the moon land shift centers base off and the re entry module, which isn't the exciting excitement for russia for china, right? bigger problems for china in the now the new new to over to will. and so new to all of it, send the send the alarm, the down and the lab that will collect up to full would full pounds of luna. that'd be that just the bond is largely talking about on the fall side of the
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a part of the moon that we caught r c. c. from us. it will be landing in a crate. so ah, the samples, as i said, will be sent to us is clearly uh, the 1st time we hear on uh get to see what is going on on that side of that spy satellites that and try to launched uh, the queen, quite 2 satellite in march 22 people, but was, was said before uh to help this mission. this is uh the launch for the trying a 6 probe of a mission davis to bring back samples from the faucet. as i said, it's uh, is the most complex. what do you also have robotics luna mission to date? of course this is
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a big deal for china. say or change the top is live image is coming to you now from the hi ma'am. when they talking to tom also at the top in china. oh the, the land that won't solve the it's the land that will target the apollo basin on the as far as sides full, full pilots, about 2 kilograms of lead the material. this will be then transported to the, to the a cent vehicle of it said it's the oldest over the journey. but this is a very exciting time for china. of course, really bring you the latest as it develops as hope they are successful. i want to get some more information. well that runs off of this and he is.


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