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tv   News  RT  May 3, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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us and the lack of accountability of knowing who exactly is coming into this country. it is not unreasonable to ask, could americans not only be letting terrace across the border, but more importantly, terrorist who have a known grievance against the united states because of the actions which might have been committed to them while the change in question to get now, we might never know the truth about what actually happened to the prisoners i get now. but considering the reinstatement of those released pressures had been linked back to the death of american soldiers. does this prove some and the american government value, the treatment of terrorist over the safety of their own citizens? i'm say now here's, and this has been your 360 view of the news affecting you. thanks for watching the
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fire in the shop across the bows of the west. moscow ones of retaliation after the british foreign secretary says that the ukraine has the right to dislike russian pockets with ukraine. or whether you case supplies weapons asked us authorities crab down complex riley's, you run steps into office, scholarships to any students expelled somebody in the recipes over their support for gather data blocked off as china looks to shed light on the dock side of the moon. one of its most complex faced missions to date, [000:00:00;00] the pop is, is already to national,
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reaching you from the ross and capital. welcome to the latest updates i. a michael watching moscow's wanted, that any aggressive actions from the west against crimea will not only fail but receive a strong response in return. and that's according to the russian foreign ministry spokes passing m r as a kind of us who was responding to re send comments by britain stop diplomat. the present could be a good idea. the keys to date on the eve of the agent, anniversary of deliberation of crimea, which will definite, they talk about separately. the crimean beach is on the attack. again, preparations for an attack on it. it's hard to believe i know being carried out openly with the opposite of support of the direct and i'm fashioned collective west . i would like to once again one of washington london in brussels. but any aggressive factions against crimea will not only fail with will also receive a blow in return. the retribution will be crushing. debit come on in an interview
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with reuters suddenly declared that ukraine has the right to strike as he put it on russian territory with british weapons. for the 1st time, a western politician. so open they admit of something that has long been an open secret for all countries of the global majority. the west is region and open war against russia at the hands of ukrainians. to all right, let's discuss this with are these tables joining me right here and just to just say it's good to have you join me right now. now, the following, the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman seemed particularly reviled by the british foreign secretary as remarks. and so one that walk us through some of what david camera on had to say. mm hm. well, david cameron, an ex british prime minister, now the you k is most senior diplomats. and he had some very interesting things to say when it came to essentially escalating the conflict in ukraine. mike, know why is that interesting? well, the u. k is one of the suppliers of the storm shadow me. so i have a scout
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e g as it's known in front of these, of caused some damage to a russian facility, ships, etc. as the british with navy senior military officers in the u. k, we know, are intimately involved in the planning all the tax and what have you in ukraine. so as uh, the conflict grinds on and things don't go as well as they should do, maybe for ukraine on the battlefield. the western partners seem to be going all in on escalation and that some of the some to exactly what they become. i'd have to say i have to show, spend the amount of the united spent by the prime minister that we will give 3000000000 pads every year for as long as is necessary. and we've just really m e we can in terms of gifting equipment, to the biggest of adequate we've, we've, we've been able to give so far. new credit absolutely has the right to strike back it russian. you can quite understand why ukraine the feels to need to make sure it's defending itself. it's getting the russians out of his country and it has the ability to strike back. and so as you can see,
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essentially suggesting that it's open season of russian territory. energy infrastructure, maybe even civilian population centers. so it is a significant suggestion almost to escalate because remember, the ukraine has no capacity dislike bush and tear to himself. it would rely almost exclusively on british or french at american hardware and ordinance producer for job. and that's the case with the talk to us basically why is best such a desire by the u. k to escalate this conflict? uh, well, i think historically this is nothing new to the united kingdom. are great britain, outside of additionally sort of a difficult relationship with russia and much of it imagined that goes back to the 19th and 20th century. the time jingoism, for example, comes from a british poem about fear of the russians, their intervention enough to understand which was completely imagined which led to the 1st. and 2nd british ask on wars co catastrophically. so this is nothing new. the ideology of an uh, you know,
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fear about russia has been the engine of that has been british in many ways over century. so more recently, at very soon after the beginning of the russian special military operation, there was an opportunity for peace as well know now as well. well reported western media and here, and that's essentially the bar as johnson, and then prime minister or x prime minister has had gone to a key of to actually pull a lot of mirrors lensky away from the negotiating table. and so well, no, no. so central a central power, if you like, an escalation and refusing to, if you like, adopt any sort of past year for peace. now, luckily not everybody in europe feels the same way as the british. that's what it listen to the hungry and foreign minister and his viewpoint as he tells us and explains to us that the e u now wants to essentially provide a 100,
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a 1000000000 dollars to you're trying to continue the fight for the next 5 years. a big a big boss and i can get a little piece seems to be more and more distant to us, european, since nato is moving forward at a fast pace along the previously drone red line. especially on tuesday. we received the proposal and how the secretary general alternate type intends to collect the 100000000 dollars from the member states, which may tie wants to pump into the war. in addition, this $100000000000.00 should be collected in find is, which means that the nights are the accounting on the permit on getting eligible for at least another 5 years or so. so as you can see, it seems that the only method of forward motion for the western allies who of remember propagated the might on conflict, have had an instrumental part to play in the fueling of this conflict. the building of the scaffold it's burning on. and i know pumping hundreds of hundreds of billions of dollars into it, and they're also intimately involved in trying to keep it going. it doesn't need to be any other way forward. item wonders, what uh,
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if you have to keep this will 5 years. if there's anyone still going to be living in ukraine for the next 5? yes. if it goes on this way. all right, and i talk to us basically, are there any opposition to this escalate jury rhetoric from brussel? mm hm. well, in an official platform hungry uh, victor obama has spoken out against the prolonging of the war. the propagation of the war, also robert fee, so that the slow by prime minister recently elected these would be the only $2.00 official governments are states. but also you have to understand that there are huge voices for peace. and recent studies are poll, suggest the 41 percent of europeans want the warrant and the one piece they want settlement while only 31 percent are interested in prolonging the conflict. let's have a listen to a home gary and member for the european parliament talking about how people's
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voices seemed to be overshadowed entirely by the pro war hawks. my. the other hayes, that's what we call the brussels bureaucracy, the political lead of the country, so that you will be in union in their own bubble. see, this is a long awaited war when a norm, as possibilities the seed as their own war. however, among the citizens, there isn't only well in pro peace position and in europe, it's only them get it in government. those who represent it, we do the right think this is our job and not simply because we have model it right . but because based on the rules of democracy, we represent the interest of the vast majority of european citizens stance. we just pro peace to have a lot of. so yet again, it's a hung gary invoice. uh, urging tom urging that there is another way to resolve this that you know, essentially that the war that you've trained has been asked to flight by. it's west and partners, sacrificing hundreds and hundreds of thousands of men. and we had sort of issue
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recently and the last day or so telling us that a 1000 ukrainians are dying a day on the battlefield. a terrifying numbers, really terrifying, i'm sorry, can only be imagined, not talk to us. what are the best options left for you? craniums right now, piece or more offensive on the ground? well, as i said, it seems that the backers of ukraine, remember, with the american money, u. k. weapons, french weapons, german web, as data weapons. essentially, ukraine defining an army has been defeated. it's probably been defeated twice. it's much warranted counter offensive failed to as catastrophically over a $100000.00 men died. it didn't make any days today. russia is advancing on the battlefield. the international community seems to understand that this war is militarily on a winnable, but it seems the elite and the west via those in the think tanks and washington london, and brussels are determined to prolong the conflict, agitate russia even further,
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as mary is. i have said the idea that russia will never respond, that there is no red line for russia. is a very, very dangerous one. the only option now for ukraine in my view and the view of most objective analysts is to sit down, get around in negotiating table and, and this conflict before there's nothing to end of for potentially. so we watch this space while we keep watching because the mondays put 10 has said as much as russia has the capacity to win and is going to win. as the case may be said, we're open to dialogue any day. all right, we have to leave you here. now. table is thank you for bringing us to all of this and the inside here. thank you. right? so now ukraine, besides a ross is not just waging a war against its military, but also against the language through a key of commission of, for the linguistic issues made the claims as he did not have more done or more to be done to promote the trade in
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a nationalism ukrainian language is in the cross hairs of russian criminals. people are threatened and murdered libraries and schools or burns science are replaced and propagandistic. literature is important. the language is being killed . we need to transition from the defense to the all sense in the ukraine, i zation of our country. this will promote additional opportunities and bolster control to ensure the functioning of the ukrainian language. now while the 3 and it has been causing doubt as number of russian language classes, the regions, the recent, the chose to join moscow continued to provide the training languages or language courses to the students. we can see the breakdown a right here. now be the among about $250.00 schools in this up rose. yeah. and the cost on regions. the about half of the elementary schools and students will be taught ukrainian as
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a 2nd language. now let's look at kids approach in comparison to this issues as we give you the breakdown. now in the past 2 years, not a number of russian language schools in ukraine has been reduced from the 29 days to right now about 3. and that's according to the grade in states language on boards mine now from the hundreds of thousands of students, which just about $455000.00 that don't only on the about $800.00 attending russian language schools right now is not that despite the widespread use of the russian language and you create not one example that are breakdown for you, according to google, with the exception of a few western regions depicted in the blue. here you can see the overwhelming majority of ukrainians pell the country using the russian language. the finished journalist. uh yeah, those are put, couldn't believe that,
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that the so called policy of equalization is all about control. a great new language is basically from the very minority to reach. and i'm a russian related language out from the russian language. it keeps to control for the regime to pull their agenda or the russian speaking population. and because the russian language folders, another will another world which i'm creating a re, she doesn't want their people to see that here. change your language and you will change your thoughts and these was blue gray is up to and these charts what you have be showing. ready clearly that the attack against the russian language being the over at the russian language regions has been very, very crucial factor. why there is the war in don't bus and you know, prayer i've just been
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a fresh wave of arrest in new york. one of the centers of the palace fund campus, raleigh's that have swept the united states demonstrate as have been seen with their hands tied behind the backs as the where escorted the way a by the police. on 1st day. the tensions also flat when protest. this was seen arguing this police officers who were shining a flashlight on their faces into the eyes. the people were a massing industry shunting slogans in carrying plans in van is leaving. the us has been complicit in the events and guys that other students are also calling on the university set of financial ties with these ready linked businesses. so please crackdowns of taking place in paris and in the united states city of portland, oregon web protest is web recent and forced to retreat. now a raleigh with it, demands to in genocide and guys, i was also held in australia quite in mexico. activists setup tens camp similar to
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the previous one is in the united states. the american authorities of arrested more than 2100 people. that's pretty real policy and demonstrations on college campuses around the country. didn't a show of solidarity to you, ronnie and universities are offering scholarships to any american and european students expelled for taking part in the profile of a scene. and bodies of the costs of the cost is an old accommodation will apparently be covered about for more on this story, less cross live to r t corresponding use of july. the use of is good to have you join me now. so quite, i'll use a little off on take us through the details of the story a lot of course, as a fierce, correct down on pro palestinian demonstrators intensifies in the west and want in universities are offering
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a safe haven for students in the west and europe. or facing expulsion and other repercussions for their participation and involvement in the demonstrations. the prestigious shaheed the history university. that one is now the 2nd academic center in error on to a noun, scholarships for those who have been expelled or threatened with expulsion for speaking out against is wells actions in god's i'd be offer follows a similar initiative why she was university marking a growing trend of support for protesters facing backlash for their pro palestinian stance in the west. change the street uh, university side of this color ships were provided cover. all educational expenses with accommodation included. it also offers additional support to palestinian students impacted by the ongoing conflict in the gaza. strip apart from the scholarship offer, campuses across the want to have been the scene of
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a rally is denouncing the united states support for is really atrocities and condemning what they call violence. suppression of peaceful protests. as soon as i go their statements approach saint god. however, succeeds surfacing out of american campuses call into question the western claim of being the cradle of free speech and human rights. while at the same time they have 0 tolerance for dissenting voices around a supreme leader. it's a lot common. a also reacted to what's on folding and the way i think it shows the legitimacy off. it was per pessimism about the west. i want to, as on was the behavior of the american government towards the student process has shown that rogers and this of finance pessimism towards the us and has supported the slowed down with the united states. it shows to everyone that the us is that complex of israel look for the us and their relation entities are doing to justify
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protests against israel dispute and stuff. american universities did not sabotage on a scale or says fly or do anything or anyone. and they did not even break any laws . and yet again, they're being treated like this tool negotiate as to what has since they want expressed it's the opposition to the use of force against students and american universities and ones for administrators. that you, us in late march to stop what is called a militarized response to a peaceful protest. now, while it was outraged, as students may do, little to save those facing expulsion, it's interpreted as an effective means to amplify the unprecedented wave of pro palestinian rallies in the west. since the onset of the gods. a conflict in general, these bunker public has offered all kinds of support to try to bring the war to an end from backing the resistance axis in the m and iraq and syria are really turn
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this through on israel and the way some of the gods of war 2, it's diplomatic efforts to try to bring about a cease fire to the war and in the enclave and most recently, it's unprecedented missile and drone attack on israel. so essentially it's uh, it was highly anticipated that everyone would quickly throw its way. it's behind such a pro palestinian gesture in the west. what color you're telling those students that are go ahead and don't worry about the consequences of your actions because everyone in universities are always here to welcome you with open arms. but interestingly, when we look at the united states response of incidence and setup listening to the voice of its students, american officials are busy playing a plane game, calling the protesters quotes ideological twins if they're wanting officials. 7 we're here to discuss the little gauze that have risen up on campuses across america, and the liberal college administrators and politicians who refused to restore law
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and order and to protect other students. so these little guys are disgusting sess pools of anti semitic hate, full of pro her mos sympathizers fanatics, and freaks. the tears sympathizers in these little garza's art, peacefully protesting israel's conduct in the war there violently and illegally, demanding death for israel, just like their ideological twins, the ayatollah is in iran and the blame game continues unabated. mainstream media are reporting that east term rivals such as iran, russia and china are covertly covertly attempting to offend the flames of the tensions in the west. of course, saw the app provided no concrete evidence to support their claim, relying solely on social media. post a news reports that express defense over the mistreatment of processors and that
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was for example, the chinese government has criticized beyond rest as western have policy and double standards. while airlines foreign ministry share to cartoon on ext affecting the police, arresting a young fortress or disguise as the statute of liberty. yes, western media suggests that these posts are part of a covert seem to perpetuate the tomorrow and highlights the by then administration's failure to address public sentiment at home. but the message related by iran, russia, in china, is not complicated and is clear. they are just saying that the key to preventing further escalation is to listen to the voices of the students instead of punishing them and depriving them of their why to education wide heartache 1st, but then use of july lee bringing us up to speed here. thank you. now been a while, it's pretty for us,
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and it is our urging president binding describe plans to take in any policy in, in refugees from one to one g as a that we demands that your administration ceased planning for accepting jobs and refugees until you adequately answer our concerns and focus your attention instead on securing the release of us hostages held by him us. now the letter came in response to a c, b s. news reports that the bodies administration was considering allowing some palestinians from guys that into the united states as rectory, jeez, according to the report, senior officials across several federal agencies. this costs different options to resettle people from gazda families that all american citizens or permanent residents, those who pass a series of eligibility medical and security screenings will qualify to fly to the us with refugee status. now we discussed the issue with member of the user id and i
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sent for the how does she potty ofa cas if in the way we have talked to you about the only way left, the allstate buddies deals who are already in the den, stay or beside in the united states and its a very mine or not this. so we are not talking, you know, about thousands and thousands of miles. i know we are talking about maxime, only if i'm not too long about the 1500, but it's dns away of a long got that way, but i like the results we side in the united states. so it's m, i know what you choose to influence the policy, it's a shot. it's just the of the agent just to kind of work with smithy, you know, a, a, a in the so i don't think that the to me to really change anything in, by the way it's dollars the police damien is a 20, recognize the cheese up at the ops asylum seek as dr. means that the united states recognizes that they are best acute data to say the least and able to do it overnight. those buddies, the news as being
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a bit of secure data. so why do they got, steve sees the government to be led to benefit you then instead of creating refugees and they're often accepting them or welcoming them, just stop the creation of hip. you do that's easier in mobile just now it's all systems go for a chinese mission to explore the doc side of the mood. a robotic probes blasted off and intends to land on the far side of the planet of the mission. move last 53 days, and in that time it will gather up to 2 pillows of material to then bring back it set to be of a particularly complicated mission and this theme help by satellites lowest earlier this year. now let's cross live to secret and the is report that will they be the launch slides? well,
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i'm glad to have you. do i mean right now those how significant is this mission for the chinese space program and walk us through this? hello mike, we just came back from the went on space craft launch site, as the launch has already finished and is almost a nice 30 paging time. it's grow quite dark here. so we have just to finish our work after the long side and came back to the hotel. and i can tell you that this mission is really very important for china is lunar programs. and also beyond just trauma. 6 is china as a 2nd lunar sample. we termination, but this time is going to go to the top side of some one or 5 out of some more and to collect the samples. we have for international scientific instruments. aboard a total of 6 pro. uh, we have instruments from the french space and use each oxidized also uh from like, visa,
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european space agency and also uh from pakistan and also speak to leave. so these 4 instruments have us. uh no better understand about the more. and also as you mentioned, the term listed is. 2 planning to collect about 22 grams of lunar samples from the far side of the one. and earlier we talked, we assigned to send a believe that the lunar sample was on the far side of the moon is much older than the near side of the months. so they are really looking forward to more discoveries on that, that p or the area. and this mission is also paving the way for the next are trauma 7 and how 8 missions and also for the international lunar research station, which china and russia. and a lot of all the countries like south africa and taylor and have all these sign agreements to generally the kind of build that international huge project. so this
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mission will pay that way for the future products. so this is really interesting to know. thank you very much, is going to be series of launch and launch and launch and we set to do before rolling all of this. so you need to add the port overlays. thank you for walking us through this. thank you for having me. now what's the insurance company say that the imposed price kaplan, russian oil, one of the main assumptions against the country has become on enforceable trade and financial services restrictions and provisions on the married time transferred to russian oil. an old product has, in our view, resulted in several unforeseen and unintended consequences. the sale and purchase a fresh oil above the price gap has led to an expansion of a parallel market of traders, ship owners and insures this growth in parallel activities. now appears to account for the majority of russian oil, an oil product shipped to 3rd countries,
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which undermines the policy objectives of the oil price gap regime. it's fairly simple, right? the, the g 7 decided to impose this cost. so what they didn't understand is it's a free market, right? so for us, you know, they said if you get any by $60.00, rough is like we're going to sell the life in other countries. us that, you know, we don't care what you say. we buy it anyway, means the west and ensure which we just hired. so we got upset because the truth is russia is no longer using that shit. they just using other people shipped from the other allies, the on being and she'll buy them by being sued by countries like india, the u i. e, or even around the price cap has absolutely failed across the market. we expect that all of the car goes of russian barrels are now trading above the price cap. the new companies have been established in the united arab emirates, india, china, and so on increasing the tonnage. they control buying older vessels, not operating under western insurance providers. it's not just oil and gas, which obviously is i'm depending a lot of the russian economy. the russian manufacturing is, had
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a huge 1st in great is russia, has had to become less dependent on west and inputs. and by doing that, it's really increased by the jobs here and better output is goods, which obviously increases the economy. we can actually say is actually scattering the u. k. government, we can have what the new k treasury select committee has to say about it as well. there is a general consensus that the sanctions are not working in terms of the state of intent causing real trouble for the russian economy. the i am a, a full cost and it's going to be $1.00 of the strongest economies this year. however, over the chairs that select committees with adding to the i am at no friend of the kremlin and they're based in washington dc. definitely another big fan and that's coming out and, you know, predicted a 3.2 percent growth this year, which is absolutely most, if you compare that to all the western economies, which if they don't a negative growth. but the growth is, is really negligible in terms of the size of the let's take germany, let's take the u. k. maybe any one that seems to be doing. i came around surprised
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surprises the us that seems to destroy these other economies of their allies in


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