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tv   News  RT  May 4, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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send the most of the day, atlanta, most of the other the generals are implicated in terror attacks. they get into the russian and civilians . a ripple said, $6808.00 so so it is open monday on the ground and you claim process. i'll just enter a little cheap base where americans so stationed in need. yeah. as the applicant, nathan speaks, the books, washington, mit and as a us and you have been a 37 pounds pro palestinian demonstrations versus ease in the middle east. all for a safe haven to seat is expelled from west universities. specifically out again as well, the
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every will welcome to you from the entire all see international news, see we're coming to live from. so let's take a look at the types of ways that this information has arisen, showing that name to controls you planning on forces. i'm gives drastic orders to attack. so begin areas inside russia. according to a russian non governmental human rights. what installed the organization involving several and they to the generals and acts of terrorism, but ignited the conflict with the details. his unties seemed sweetie. it's washing human rights actors claim to have evidence. laptop makes 2 officials all personally, i'm directly responsible for every ground the tax on the heavily populated areas in last year, when ukraine alone with the must move to civilians. according to the foundations of baffled injustice, nato has had a presence in ukraine since at least march 2022,
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with senior on the offices involved in directing. come back to operations that guides russia. an unnamed souls with into you crazy and all me. leaks the names to the foundation of night to offices involved. it won't let you describe, does systematic tara, good civilians didn't reveal the true nature of their operations. striking russian civilian targets, one of the largest operations to demonize, the russian armed forces carried out by british specialist was the provocation and boot shop. the chief of the british general staff, patrick sanders and the chief of the british defense staff. admiral anthony reduction were responsible for the preparation of one of the most high profile military information productions of 2022 and subsequent ones. the actors claim that the us officer of the said should be taken over as the shadow. come on, the you cried, you know me off to the fucking of their lives, me a do to. it was tossed with reinforcing the ukraine unami and developing the whole
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vin bear with strategy. what the foundation did bustling justice says the and they me, crating souls told them the reality. the us officers role was to develop a strategy of strikes adults peaceful targets in russian territory. and according to the ukraine, you know me, souls, while officials in key have were locked into stripe activity and targets. it wasn't good. so that was the aggressor. according to a former high ranking officer of the a few general staff, the us made the decision to re shuffle the a. if you ranks already in the beginning of december 2023, the us sent lieutenant general antonio a good. so to develop the strategy and tactics of combat operations of the ukranian military general, a good to and consultation with general cowboy league, develop the concept of artillery and missile strikes against civilians in belgrade region and in ukraine. another westman architect of the bloody provocations is
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named as a todd canadian, left hand in general. frederick had you, who has extensive combat experience enough dentist on jordan level to according to the foundation the pond. i'm executing to the publication embodying for the march 2022, which killed up to 600 people. a similar to terrorist attack in chroma tools. in april 2022. so 60 people killed a many more wounded in a real case attack on the train station and say i was to play in russia. i'm running west to support the key as well, most inviting ukrainians to sign up for the armed forces. he was report to be behind the attack on the body of drama, say it's a one of the most controversial events of the conflict. trevor catch you planned and executed, a provocation and mario people on march 16th 2022, which killed up to 600 people according to various estimates. a similar terrorist attack led by cad. you took place in cream, a tourist on april 8th, 2022. when
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a rocket attack on a train station killed more than 60 people, an injured a 110 others. but his mission was a fight to. matthew polt came under the control of russian forces. because of this, according to the foundation, the western press were instructed to malign him. i mean, accusations of sexual assaults according to the human rights group attract some don't boss well coordinated by friends, general join the warranty under the direct supervision. oh to yeah, the book cod fox is chief of defend itself. the soul is also told activist the high ranking receipt showing me pers no well responsible for manipulating the situation . a butcher blaming and well shit for a month. because the optic on the old is of no, no the full but british prime minister or his johnson as a source who formerly worked for m. i 6 claims that the operation in boucher was
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designed on the direct orders of boris johnson. the former british prime minister and was, am solely disrupting the assemble accords negotiations on which had not yet been finalized. at the time of the propagation in february 2024, it became known that johnson was one of the initiators of the disruption of the negotiations to reach peace agreements between russia and ukraine. russian president vladimir putin has previously said, but it's no secret, but that you took boots on the ground and you, cried randal, sort of shifts for another company. so sometimes a military personnel from nato countries are present there. we know that we hear both french and english featured there. there is nothing good in this. first of all, for them because they died there and in large numbers. and us intelligence reports and other sources of reveal the british prime minister wishes to not say quickly sent delegates of special forces to ukraine in 2023 without notifying parliament.
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the foundation of soul says, say that 97000 nights have soldiers and officers already knew, cried the number of nato soldiers and officers and ukraine is currently many times higher than the official figures. sources estimate their number at 6800, including 2500 americans, 1900 canadians, 1100 british citizens, and about 700 representatives of france. in addition, there are about 13004 and mercenaries operating and ukraine, poor also carrying out direct orders from nato as governing structures. it's french president, emmanuel. my throne has previously threatened to sudden nitrates in to you right now. we know, but the large numbers are already on the ground as the west up see on t with the seemingly never ending. so whether the stick you have, if at the same time for us to convince the public, but it is not directly involved in the conflict,
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it seems that the most may finally be slipping. oh, more money is described as negatives puts the war against russia. as the west continues to operate within tennessee, as a war, crimes on attacks on civilians continue with anyone to be held accountable for the c i. a analysts, larry johnson says, nate to offices what coats of 18 and i'm to russian proxy, war and ukraine. for the past decade, the nato has been enabling this war for more than a decade. annual military operations for to crate works already designed to prepare ukraine for a war with russia in which ukraine would be the proxy. and that the need to do usually create as a battering ram to defeat russia. that was a goal. so i think they're just acknowledging reality, the nato forces,
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the west. they are blinded now by rage and hatred. they're not thinking this through logically and, you know, we, we've got further example of that today. we're now david cameron, outright calls for ukraine to use british weapons to attack inside russian territory. well, things you know, in the past, due is at least some effort to maintain a pretence that ukraine was using. weapons may be of unknown origin, but you can, this is facilitating murder. the west is doing that, and i think they've been mistaken rushes patients on this with weakness. i was going to have root polls, the d being ordered to be call me back. ready, as russian forces arrived, that base in the west african nation of new jack bush and movie passed into the air base where the bath and soups stationed. as nature has told,
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the us remove its forces from the country. the russians are currently using a separate half of the 5th of this year has told the westwood to almost $1000.00 troops. those 2 countries will keep partners in 5 seniors, terrorism in the week. but the shadow was dissatisfied with the american efforts and ended the joint. let's see, agreements the u. s. has maintained a movie presence in, in each uh, for 11 years. the corporation do highly included the establishment of an american. jerome base, new jersey said it was kind of thing the agreement because it was not in the interest of the group people the us i'm, it is yeah, i believe so have and to negotiations for with roy. and that since last month was a new american will make it a said, the critical issues with supplying food and other resources to the base mile food equipment, pots, medical supplies, etc,
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of being prevented from reaching advice. one o, one in may, critical medications will run out for individual service members. they have repeatedly reached out for assistance. but their strategic high headquarters, such as africa come on, routinely overlook their concerns. and those of add bass, one 0 one's high, a chain of command will simply do not provide relief or guidance for resolution. us embassy in these areas, covering up the failure of the us diplomatic efforts in the share. 2, thousands of photos says gathered louse wants to monitor the pods, so the us to move west african nation people will seen waving by some flags and the declaration of support for moscow. we spoke with the advisors in these as for miss that you said that most of the supports will advocate in countries much full price match a lot of the west. this was the case. and molly, even if in molly, it was under the label widely disseminated by the west of the wagner militias. but
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still the presence of the russians, and molly accelerated the departure of all other foreign forces. i also imagine that it will be the same thing for the case of new share. even if officially it has been announced to us that the american forces, the american in new jersey and authorities are responsibly preparing the withdrawal, which is gradually continuing. it is clear that somewhere the presence of the russians which is decried by the same westerners, including the united states, will accelerate their departure from new jersey and territory. russia seems to be a little disappointed from a point of view, at the continental level, mainly in this a how russia has a favorable response since it does not have a colonial past because it support is much more pragmatic. we see it's somewhat effective with the military equipment granted to these 3 countries. we recently received radar system. this is why russia has received more favorable feedback from
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the countries as the international federal court, because it is an issue, a arrest warrants is ready officials, the headache base district says there have been a tribes to intimidate and otherwise influence it, staff members, that's independence. and impartiality undermined, however, when individuals threatened to retaliate against the court for gaze, cold puss, no. such threats even not acted upon. may also constitute an offense against the administration of justice. v i c c said sylvia considering a rest for us, but as well as prime minister netanyahu and other top of visuals may well is what the p m is trying to prevent. the move i'm has been aust, i'm has even off in joe biden. i hope so because the international criminal quotes being the hawk of this cold has no authority over this stage of israel. adults
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ability that me to the new show arrest warrants for war crimes against ideas. commend is and state leaders. it is scandal on the historical scale much so that'd be shipping some a we do not believe that the itc has jurisdiction over this issue. and that's what the crux here. beyond that, i bought the prime minister and officials within these really government clarify or offer any commentary on his comments. but the crux of this for the united states is that we do not believe that the i c c has jurisdiction on this political alice from the westbank saw the new motor says is i, is allies, i use and shameful methods to pressure the international court. the versa actually came from the order in minnesota and it was for catch most upholstery, all talking. i didn't know much way i tried to convince guy cc like to do so. instead he, i hope that he's in so the,
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so the 1st the big or so it started by sickening. and we have the, according to this, that was sickening at the i. c, c s since last week and the whole, i'm just government there started a huge campaign of golding each and every one around the work of the events and bright ministers around the world. and especially in europe and trying to you know, to help them in our shop i using the i c, c. i know if i see the i c, c has been that there are some 30 or there are some brush of if you like it coming from some of the dentist. you guys, you see, and that's why the eyes easy today. it should, this is paper which is still clear that they are under such this pressure. so i think that you make a decision on the one hand is on the other hand, those supporters of these right. of really, really not only here, but it's in no, i understand that it's, it's really shame you know,
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and you are talking about an international court which is sick by the right emissions. every one of you to that are these where you should understand that they focus all the time. oh, they don't. they into a sense i'm investigating to the news website has released a shocking expos, a, it links and us pay crisis, google and amazon. it is really crimes claiming that the corporation supplied the idea of food, the ability to buy and target publish. since the human rights organization has 50 responded to the situation. what we see is profit greedy corporations looking to turn a bug by any means necessary, including but directly working with a genocide with state google and amazon a turbo charging the is right, the middle east kenning machine, google and amazon executive a genocide prophecies with blood on that hands us into the reports of the $1200000000.00 contract with google and amazon
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a high with 10 of the firms that provides these really mid fi with cloud service capabilities known as project nimbus. according to the report, an active use is one of the largest alms manufacturers in is around who's miss all was utilized last month. and the visa sold on the world's central kitchen appliances in gaza. there's an has in raised a number of google employees who protested that the company was profiting from the conflicts and the off them off of the demonstration, organized by pro policy and groups. google terminated in dozens of as workers last month. we sent into the direct so the digital is to pack us thought he says there is a deeper level of cooperation between western 10 companies and israel. the services would be used at 5 rep and manufacturing. it raises up the cost and that could these companies, these tech johnny speaking directly has been develop the dep instead. they have
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home, buy this thing and spend even so for the next train of humanities, basically the project name bus, the is t p concerning to many people, especially the engineers out there. it makes me wonder if project and the bus goes beyond just these basic id services, and that they'd suggest a deeper and was owned by google and amazon that they haven't addressed. it seemed like a standard business be like google, amazon and is tried working together on cloud computing. but then when the report goes deeper, like, alleging that is why the veterans manufacturers are also using the services that really struck a know with me. and also many employees of these tech dining says read. so that is why this whole setup comes with on google. and these companies are fighting that employees just because they are dissatisfied with the other efforts being used to kill stuff and a cdn people. so that is a really palmer for the spect charged and yeah,
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and thousands of people taken to the face of the national capital to express some of that with the, with god. yeah, man is now offering places and this universities for western students who were suspended or expelled for participating, improved pass in bodies. oh yeah. some the initiative was put forward, but 2 universities in iran, somebody's crenza and on process has escalated in the us and europe. and john needs, or for us and offices driving delay several students who are demonstrating other universities. but in the suit is a denouncing the countries on the supply as is well, i'm demanding that the school cut it's ties with it as well. in paris, annoying forcing off, this is moved in to disperse the student protests, of the movie say, quote, monet, hundreds of people also gather the report of the penfield memorial to simple
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gallstones and discontent, with the oppressive governmental response to the pro, post and demonstrations that followed a sitting in a s, as in raleigh and the powers institute of political studies were around 50 people who reported the removed from the campus by police protests as imperative in demanding the calls government and is complicity in the will in gaza and it's suppression. i'll be lucky and we are outraged by the complicity of our steep group sales arms to these really states which supports it politically and which represses intimidates the voices that oppose this genocide. this is a scandal. what is the government doing to stop sending arms to israel to stop searching partnerships with israel university. the today support the ongoing genocide that participate in genocidal efforts or asking friends to speak out more
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forceful in the international level to really cold for a ceasefire to ensure the israel puts an end to its authoration. and the goddess trip that we do now is the repression of faculties. all. this is a bunch of new into a new context in which the french state allows itself to condemn people in the course to send them to the jane prison for relief. floods they distributes is about post time and to text students when they are out and districts and across the uses . the students from various university they've been holding some of the same values on the campuses. and as soon as students are calling for the university, it's also called financial ties with it as well. the us where the student protest movement originated remains a hot spot of discontent. and police crackdowns mold in 2300 protests in denver. sorry, this has been arrested by a mazda associates in recent weeks. as american
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police deployed a gas to dispose pro, privacy and protest unplug the send, the u. s. as in queues, russia using similar chemical agents on fossil fuels, on the plane conflict. i'll think of this one, the egos i'm of picks up. i'm in the united states, just con, stopped crying wolf. the united states has formerly accused russia of using chemical weapons as a method of warfare against ukraine. the united states has accused of russia. i'm deploying chemical weapons, a new cream, a news that violates international law and state department and sanctioning russia and claims that use of band the chemical agent against ukrainian troops. chemical weapons, ukrainian battle field has to be listed with corpses of 4 men who suffocated to death. ukrainian lieutenant calling no claim man, call claims to have had to rescue a lot of loans that i'm to have had the one
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d to guess that man was actually a guy already wounded by stripes? no, but that's because in the back to a team for several, all of us to us, asp. excited by gas and the trench, one dead. so russia didn't read the manual or something. it's like, or it hasn't got quite behind, you know, the whole law smart will prime thing. has it a good old conventional grenade, especially dropped from a drone? is more lee. so, but washington is all about dropping. scary times. we make visits emanation, in addition to our assessment, the dresser has used the riot control agents as a method double play, and ukraine also in violation of the chemical weapons convention. the use of such chemicals is not an isolated incident, and it's probably driven by the russian forces desired to this load. you agree and forces from 45 positions and achieve tactical gains on the battlefields. now poor up a korean is an agent that used to be popular into a gas rounds. it was late to mostly dropped in favor of the 2 new gases, c, n,
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n 's. yes, that proved to be more effective. but regardless, washington has every moral right to repair mon defend is because the west would never touch these substances the the, the . * yeah, course they would not on the battlefield though. no, because that's banned on campuses. again, students i was on the campus of u. c. l a. and what happened?
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there was a disgrace. they were the very because a pro palestinian protestors were peaceful. they set up an encampment, and a lot of the students were peacefully protesting. and i mean, they have a right, he's in debate the issue, but they do have a right to express their view. they were peaceful and they were attacked and the police did not defend them. and university president really didn't side of those students who were attacked. he said that they weren't managed to safety. and the police came in and broke up the in cabin. and a lot of the power steering were arrested for palestinian protest. and also russia had highlighted before that ukraine was using these agents, but that went unnoticed of the storage unit. on june 15, 2023. a drone with a plastic container containing a mixture of carr asset toughened on in, clark pickering was used for clara pico and was included in the list 3 of the c, w. c, and prohibited from use even for law enforcement purposes. on december 28,
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2023 american made gas grenades loaded with the c, e substances or dropped from a comforter type, viewing the at the positions of russian troops. this substance has an irritating effect on the eyes and upper respiratory tract. and then high concentrations. concussed conversions, respiratory paralysis and cardiac arrest. the compound belongs to the class of right control chemical system. nato, provided ukraine was a buffet of powerful weapons from long range missiles to radioactive rounds, with depleted uranium. but all that is not the big square for washington. no, no, something they themselves use again, students is an indian the thing side. cause then now as a us to, for the said, the asian country should be labeled, quote, a put say feel atkinson regarding religious freedoms deal. and as i said,
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the assessment was biased and based on incomplete facts, the u. s. commission on international religious freedom support is based on the nation and commission of fact, utilize impartial data, hiding the full context, generalize in the isolated incidents and questioning the implementation of the law of the land. this report is partial and isolated incidents, the wrong, the brand, the largest democracy in the world, with the population of 1400000000, mentioned the opportunity to indicate positive reasons, trends against the background of a complex and wide and past history. a. yeah, no report by the us commission on international religious freedom claimed that religious rights have deteriorated in india. angelic denounced the assessment as western propaganda. we spoke with former indian, i'm boss of the prob who, diana. he didn't hold any punches in his comments on the by so to the us commission point to national interest freedom. no,
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not making the effort to understand in the guide will move the listing and demographics equals one dining book. this your board is very suspicious. it has to be released while the unit general elections and it has to be said in ms. bonds do this before the f one into the with the largest electro exercise in the water will not succeed. so there was some confusion in that going based on some know, you know, the fact do that instead of going to been doing it on the us must look at the situation and data or guns. and many of the us believe that religious freedom in their organization is under attract. so it has to do us what's called the principle of religious liberty, but just 1st of the place and the us needs to correct the role in its own society.
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so sounds a lot of them out at least 39 people have died and 68 others are missing due to a dead. the flooding in brazil that's according to local media reports. following severe rain for the streets became in ties, forms with the water avoid ripples. the deluge printed over 24000 people to abandon the authorities, declared an emergency in the region and the brazilian president made some of the states governor, vowing to quote, reduce the suffering a hydro. and i think the state rep to move it over 300000 people with a 1000 nights as the ma lives lies. i'm flooding devastated highways. local officials indicated that the torrential rains would treated by high wind currents, a human dizzy car though from the amazon and an atmosphere right blockage caused by
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a heat waves. the rains started on monday and are expected to link up until sunday as well. so this is the test at all, so you don't come a lot of really interesting. so is that an analysis will be back at the top of the see you the, the, the, there's a general consensus in the west and perhaps all around the world that the rich, the elite can get away with almost anything. whether it's income tax evasion, money laundering, or even the.


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