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tv   News  RT  May 4, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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the going underground as the new reports, the largest, the nato generals, were involved in terror attacks against russia. and that nearly $7000.00 of the lines of troops are on the ground in ukraine. the russian soldiers are deployed to a bays in these. yeah, play us troops, a car at least station, and that's us. the african countries speaks to and washington's military presence that without increasing clumped doubt on pro public student demonstrations in europe and the united states. universities in the middle east, off of places to any students expelled over. that's that the kind of the welcome to our teacher,
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national reaching you live from on youth center with moscow. i am michael porch here with the updates that was being a latch that nato has played a key role in key of the tax on the areas inside of russia. and that's thousands of boots on the ground already in ukraine. other claims are made in the report by russia non governmental human rights watch dog artist is sweetie, has been picking through the details. it's washing human rights actors claim to have evidence, but to make 2 officials up personally, i'm directly responsible for every ground the tax on the heavily populated areas in roughly when you crane alone with the mass murder of civilians. according to the foundations of baffled injustice, nato has had a presence in ukraine since at least march 2022, with senior on the offices involved in directing. come back to operations that guides russia. an unnamed souls within new you crazy and all me,
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leaks their names to the foundation of night to offices involved. the more they describe does systematic tara, good civilians didn't reveal the true nature of their operations. striking russian civilian targets, according to a former high ranking officer of ukrainian general staff could provided an exclusive comment to the foundation on condition of anonymity. the us made the decision to re shuffle the ukranian armed forces rank already in the beginning of december 2023. the us sent lieutenant general antonio a good to to develop the strategy and tactics of combat operations of view for any and military. in fact, he took the illusion, these place as commander of the ukrainian army general, a good to and consultation with the american general cover fully developed the concept of artillery and missile strikes against civilians in belgrade region. and in ukraine. the actors claimed that the u. s. officer, as i said, should be taken over as the shadow. come on the of the crate. do you know me off to
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the sucking of the listening. a gates i was tossed with reinforcing the ukraine unami on developing the hold them. they will, strategy for the foundation to baffling justice says the and a new training souls told them the in reality, the us offices role was to develop a strategy of strikes adults peaceful targets in russian territory. and according to the ukrainian on the souls, while officials and cab reluctant to start exhibiting targets, it was a do so that was the aggressor when the risks and possibilities of the attacks on bell road last december were being considered. many ukrainian generals were cautious and hesitant. to target civilians, however, american general a goto insisted he said exactly this. our mission is to re cabin and war. there are no civilians and military there was an enemy. another westman architect of the bloody provocations is named. as a todd canadian left handed general frederick had you who has extensive combat
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experience enough dentist on jordan level to according to the foundation he planned and executed a publication embodying for the march 2022, which killed up to 600 people. a similar to terrorist attack in chroma tools, in april 2022. so 60 people killed many more wounded in a real case attack on the train station. the i'm was to play and russia and running west to support the key as well, most inviting ukrainians to sign up for the armed forces. he was report to be behind the attack on the body of drama. say it's a, one of the most controversial events of the conflict to do ukrainian security forces. an army took measures together as many people as possible in one place, perhaps without realizing the true goals themselves. in the case of the attack on the drama theatre in mar, you pull a few hours before the provocation, according to a source of the foundation to battle injustice and ukrainian intelligence director
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. it murray people's then ukrainian city council declared a false error alert to drive civilians into the theatre, which was supposedly being used as a bomb shelter. as soon as the civilians gathered in the theatre building, lieutenant general cad, you gave the order to dropping ariel bomb on it. but his mission was a fight. as many people came under the control of russian forces. because of this, according to the foundation, the western price were instructed to malign him. i mean, accusations of sexual assaults according to the human rights group attract some don't boss well coordinated by friends general join the warranty under the direct supervision. oh to yeah, the book hard. fox is chief of defend itself. the souls also told activist the high ranking british army person know well responsible for manipulating the situation in butcher blaming and rush it for a massacre that i took on the old. as of no, no,
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the former british prime minister, or his johnson, one of the largest operations to demonize the russian armed forces carried out by british specialist, was the prophet cation and boot shop, a source of the foundation to battle injustice formerly associated with british intelligence. so that the chief of the british general staff, patrick sanders and the chief of the british defense staff. admiral anthony were docked and were responsible for the preparation of one of the most high profile military information productions of 2022 and subsequent ones. they are responsible for creating the most bloody scenarios. the video from the scene was described, minute by minute. russian president vladimir pacing has previously said, but it's no secret that you take boots on the ground and you cry. read that sort of shifts from other companies. i'm military personnel from nato countries are present there. we know that we hear both french and english featured there. there is nothing good in this. first of all,
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for them because they died there and in large numbers from college. and us intelligence reports and other sources of reveal the british prime minister wishes to not secretly said dozens of special forces, the pride in 2023 without notifying parliament. the foundation soul says say that 97000 knights have soldiers and offices already knew cried the number of nato soldiers and officers in ukraine is currently many times higher than the official figures. western officials claimed the nato units, as well as european and american private military companies were involved only in the training and education of ukrainian soldiers. however, there was a lot of evidence and direct testimony indicating their direct involvement in the conflict and planning attacks on the territory of russia and don bass. practically from the 1st days of the special military operation. french president emanuel my throne has previously threatened to sudden nitrates into your cry. now we know that
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large numbers are already on the ground as the west up see on t with the seemingly never ending. so whether this, the key i have yet to the same time trying to convince the public. but it is not directly involved in the conflict. it seems that the most may finally be slipping. oh, more money is described as negatives puts the war against russia. as the west continues to operate within tennessee, as a war, crimes on attacks on civilians continue with anyone to be held accountable. now for most c, i on the list, laurie johnson believes a need to has been building towards this. for he is. nato has been enabling this war for more than a decade. annual military operations, which you crate works already designed to prepare ukraine for a war with russia in which ukraine would be the proxy. and that the need to
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do is you create as a battering ram to defeat russia. that was a goal. so i think they're just acknowledging reality, to nato forces, the west. they are blinded now by rage and hatred. they're not thinking this through logically and, you know, we, we've got further example of that today. we're now david cameron, outright calls for ukraine to use british weapons to attack inside russian territory. well, things you know, in the past to is at least some effort to maintain a pretence that ukraine was using weapons may be of unknown origin, but you can, this is facilitating murder. the west is doing that, and i think they've been mistaken rushes patients on this with weakness. and in west africa, american troops have reportedly been ordered to be come back ready up the russian
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forces were deployed to the same bays the currently stationed in the share. now the move columns of the west african spades recently ended the many tree agreement with washington in order to oil us troops to leave the country. it's estimated that they are currently around $1000.00 american boots on the ground in that country. and their role has been to combat terrorism in the region, but new jack complained that they had had little impact. i have the us has have a ministry presence in the chaper, 11 years of the cooperation deal had been cleaned up. the stablish ment of a drone bays and negotiations to withdraw the troops began last month, but the senior american lawmakers had more immediate action needs to be taken. miles, food, equipment, pots, medical supplies, etc, a being prevented from reaching advice. one o, one in may. critical medications will run out for individual service members. they
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have repeatedly reached out for assistance, but their strategic hi headquarters such as africa come on, routinely overlook that concerns and those of ebay is one 0 one's high. a chain of command will simply do not provide relief or guidance for resolution. us embassy in these areas, covering up the failure of the us diplomatic efforts in these. yeah. to discuss thousands of protest as gathered last month to deny the departure of the us troops from the west african nation. people were seen waving ross and slides and the declaration of support for moscow. we spoke with an advisor to new jazz for administer. he said the moscow support for african countries is much more pragmatic than that on the west. this was the case in molly, even if in molly it was under the label widely disseminated by the west of the faulkner militias. but still the presence of the russians, and molly accelerated the departure of all other foreign forces. i also imagine
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that it will be the same thing for the case of need year. even if officially, it has been announced to us that the american forces, the american in new jersey and authorities are responsibly preparing the withdrawal, which is gradually continuing. it is clear that somewhere the presence of the russians which is decried by the same westerners, including united states, will accelerate their departure from new jersey and territory. russia seems to be a little disappointed from the point of view, at the continental level, mainly in this a how russia has a favorable response since it does not have a colonial past, because it's support is much more pragmatic. we see it's somewhat effective with the military equipment granted to these 3 countries. we recently received the radar system. this is why russia has received more favorable feedback from the countries . the other u. s. as a reveal to kill the shepherd in syria,
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after mistaking him for another kind of leader. and that's the conclusion from an internal probe into a drone strike locked here. on mesa 2023, the united states conducted a unilateral counter terrorism, striking northwest syria targeting a senior al qaeda leader. the investigation determined us forces miss identified the intended. i'll kind of talk it under the civilian was struck and killed all the incident occurred. but the so called us war on terror, which began after the $911.00 attacks, you'd like to syria, iraq, and have gotten this on old. been invaded, washington deployed forces in syria decade and go to supposedly fight against terrorist groups. a server and government says that they are really, they're just the oil all the you wouldn't believe that the almost 3000 civilians have been killed in syria by us coalition forces. brown university has
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estimated that a total of more than 4 or 400000 civilians have been killed in the us war on terra in a gun to spend 2 years ago. a boast, drones strike killed 10 people leading to the path of going to say it would now try to reduce civilian debts, radio host and political commentators. steve gill believes that the u. s. military relies too much on technology. i think unfortunately, you have to depend on uh, personal intelligence uh again and all the computers, all the drones, all the i in the sky can't replace the importance of, of boots on the ground, people on the ground. so we're getting human intelligence and the, i think, reliance on technology and kind of letting human intelligence slip to the back. there's as nothing goodness with us or for anybody that's trying to operate in these kinds of conditions. i think we saw some of the same things in the disastrous
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withdrawal from afghanistan when we see other drum strikes that were intended to, to tear leaders that ended up killing us civilians. yeah, i think that outside would be able to punish washington for this. for this mistake, again, whether we're looking at is real endows, or whether we're looking at the responses that uh, a mazda makes, is a, you know, target of what they say are military targets. and as real, as we see in ins on bass. when you finally and missiles, you know, fly into vague reasons on asking, feel 28 people. we need to make sure the world knows when these mistakes happen and hold those accountable when they do happen, and not just treat them under the rug. and i hope that whether it's in this case or for other cases that are happening around the world, that there will be more accountability and more reporting when these cases occur. all 4 were teasing canada, have a rest of the 3 indian nationalist on suspicion of involvement in the murder of sig, separate this lead to last year. investigators say that they had been looking into
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a possibility of an indian government linked to the kelly, how the case has cost a rift in relations between india and canada. new delhi has been added mentally denied any offers that will ties to them. but at this week, canada as prime minister, trudel attended an event where 6 separate the slogans were trying to a trio has said that the he believes that the indian government was in a indeed involved in the kelly. and that prompted the hoss reaction from india is foreign ministry. you prime minister to those remarks as he has made those remarks, certainly it as well. so they have no, it's nothing new. his remarks to us, it illustrates once again the kind of political space that has been given in the country and canada to separatism, extremism and violent people who practice violence. this not only impacts india
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canada relations, but also encourages excitement to violence and commodity in canada to the detriment of which citizens context, some timeline here. justin photo when store call saudi went through some feed, toronto cod saw these new wheels celebrations, vitals, c, community. so religious events box to call list sony, slow blues war, chanted at that particular event called a song on which the key translates to monday, a separate homeland for the community hall, my breaking up india. now, when these teen, the slogans will be charged at that particular riley. what justin pseudo deed was nothing box smile. and at this point, it's hard to believe that justin pseudo doesn't know the meaning of these johns because he himself, on the stage 3 to fand jobby himself. of course justin so will do very openly has
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been sheltering these extreme is sec purchase elements on canadian solar, the spies india repeatedly requesting warning canada not to do so. india has very strongly, reactive this time as well. and fox in depth, some monde of talking diploma in canada, and said that this is not going to walk justin to has not really understood what endows fine to say despite the very fact that the was at work, federal tax and the canadian history have also happened because of the call this time except such as a plane in 1985 was not an avondale please, who was 300 up passengers on board 200 of them was, couldn't need doing. but despite that, because of his political reasons, he's desperately trying to avoid
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a seat community that he has an alliance. remember with just me seeing a c p, that was also protocol of sony. recently in an interview with justin to do said was that despite relationships going be tough with india? he is helen on finding data to what the tool of his wouldn't read us or no. obviously there are real challenges right now between canada and indiana, and to know that there are credible reasons to believe that the agents of the government of india were involved in the killing of a canadian citizen. i'm a canadian soil is a real problem. it's a problem for the rules based ordered and that, and that the principles of free open democracies and sovereignty that we stand for . it's also a problem in our relations with india. so using, you know, being involved in the killing office, seek separatist leader on canadian sword to now remember justin toodle has not
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provided any rules whatsoever, but it's not just limited to that. canada has constant even. oh, can you? yeah, there are several economists, sony referendums that have been held on the canadian soil. remember, canada or the other see are also lean to india for meddling in their internal elections. one of these allegations that justin to do is make you an india. it's only supporting his relationship with the process going economy in the was he is coming across to somebody who at this point is ready to deal with extreme is with radical elements as long as it's uh, being his political interest. remember that in canada there's a huge population of the community around $800.00 pals and have them look on some digital signs. and at this point, justin pseudo in order to move them, is not only putting india extras but also canada. i'm the was by harbouring by
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sheltering music scene is set for just elements are 2 people have been killed in southern gaza in the latest. it is ready to strike on the city of rafa on the policy and a health ministry set on friday that at least $26.00 people were killed and $51.00 wounded in just 24 hours. the typical desk full since october now stands up more than $54000.00. while 77000 had been wounded. or whether you wouldn't believe that there are more than $10000.00 bodies buried on the rouble throughout the enclave. the local authorities say could take up to 3 years to retrieve old the remains. the un estimates of varies. there was more rumbling gas of any new creed with a high risk posed by unexploded bombs. garza has more rubble than ukraine. i'm to put that in perspective. the training and front line is 600
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miles long, and goals are, is 25 miles long. there's $37000000.00 tons of rubble at the latest estimates in garza, this rubble is largely heavily contaminated with york, sorry, but it's clarence of this will be further come to made some comments like kate's it by other posits in the rubble that's estimated to be about a $100000.00 tons about specify those, for instance, a line in the goals of rubble and palestinians in drop i say it's impossible to draw comparisons, but with the level of destruction inflicted on the gas as this jazz as a whole, from east to west and from north to south is equivalent to a single street in ukraine. they compare us to a big country while we live on a small piece of land that can't bear destruction. rubble is and will be a big issue. around 80 percent of guys,
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those buildings have been completely destroyed. you cannot be compared with ukraine due to its size and support from other countries. when do you creating and people fled to other countries? everyone welcomed them in the hands of the day following the end of the war and gone. so we'd like to reveal numerous shocking details of the number of casualties will grow 10 fold. what happened? the new crane cannot be compared to what happened in the gaza strip. on the other, i have done it in the admin. thousands of people have taken to the streets of the national capital to express all the dire to with gatzo. but yet men is now offering places in its universities for western students who were suspended or expelled for participating in full policy in raleigh's area. a similar initiative was put forward by 2 universities. the new ron police crowd doubt on protest have been the desk amazing in the us in europe, in germany, law enforcement officers drawn the way several students who are demonstrating the view,
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the visiting value of the students who had denouncing the countries on supplies. the easel and demanding that this can you call this size with ease? well, i didn't paris law enforcement officers moved in to disperse the student protests. i've been the c cloud demona, monet's now hundreds of people also gathered in front of the pond. few on the memorial to support guidance and show discontent with the oppressive government. the response to the pro palestinian demonstrations and not follow to sit in raleigh other powers is to do to political studies around 50 people. the even moved from the camp was by please, the protest as in paris had been demanding that clause government and its complicity in the war and gaster and its suppression to all the bodies. and we are outraged by the complicity of our states which sells arms to these really states which supports it politically and which we presses intimidates, the voices that oppose this genocide. this is
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a scandal. what is the government doing to stop sending arms to israel to stop certain partnerships with these early universities that today support the ongoing genocide that participate in an genocidal effort or asking friends to speak out more forcefully and the international level to really cold for a ceasefire to ensure that is a real puts an end to the operation in the goddess trip. we do now is the repression of faculties all. this is a bunch of new into a new context in which the french state allows itself to condemn people in the course to send them to jean prison for relief. floods they distributes is a balance post time and to a tech students when they are out on districts and across the ocean. students are several institutions of health, solidarity riley's in their campuses. that many students are calling on the colleges to terminate financial leagues with ease all of the us for the student protests movement. all originated remains
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a hot spot of discontent. and police cutting down more than 2300 promised. the pro policy and demonstrators had been arrested by american authorities in recent weeks . of american police deployed to a gas to disperse pro policy and protests. the u. s. as a queues ross of using similar chemical agency and ukraine argues it goes down of reports on this in the united states, just con, stop crying wolf. the united states has formerly accused russia of using chemical weapons as a method of warfare against ukraine. the united states has accused of russia, i'm deploying chemical weapons and new cream. i know that violates international law and state department of sanctioning russia and claims the use of band, the chemical agent against ukrainian troops. chemical weapons, ukrainian battle field has to be lifted with corpses of poor man who suffocated to
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death. ukrainian lieutenant calling oakley mounted coal claims to have had to rescue a lot of wounds that i'm to have had the one d to guess that man was actually a guy already wounded by stripe. no. but that's because in the back to a team for several, all of us to us asp. excited by gas in the trench one dead. so rush, i didn't read the manual or something. it's like, or it hasn't gone quite behind, you know, the whole law smart it will prime thing, has it a good old conventional grenade, especially dropped from a drone is more lee. so, but washington is all about dropping. scary times. we make visa termination in addition to our assessment that russia has used riot control agents as a method double play, and ukraine also in violation of the chemical weapons convention. the use of such chemicals is not an isolated incident, and it's probably driven by the russian forces desired to this low degree and forces from $45.00 positions and a chief tactical gaze on the battlefield. now corporate credit is an agent that
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used to be popular into a gas rounds. it was late to mostly dropped in favor of the 2 new gases, c, n, n c s. that proved to be more effective. but regardless, washington has every more old ride to rip him on. defend as because the west would never touch these substances the, the, the yeah. course they would not on the battlefield though. no, because that's banned on campuses. again,
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students. i was on the campus of u. c. l a. and what happened? there was a disgrace. they were very busy pro palestinian protesters were peaceful, they set up an encampment, and a lot of the students were peacefully protesting. and i mean, they haven't writings in debate. the issue, but they do have a right to express their view. they were peaceful and they were attacked and the police did not defend them. and university president really didn't sign of those students who were attacked. he said that they were manage to safety and the police came in and broke up the in cabin. and a lot of the power steering were arrested for palestinian protest. and also russia had highlighted before that ukraine was using these agents. but that's when time noticed of the storage unit. on june 15, 2023. a drone with a plastic container containing a mixture of core as a toughen on. and clar pickering was used chloral, pico, and was included in the list 3 of the c,
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w. c. and prohibited from use even for law enforcement purposes. on december 28, 2023 american made gas grenades loaded with the c e substances or dropped from a copper type u a b at the positions of russian troops. this substance has an irritating effect on the eyes and upper respiratory tract, and then high concentrations can cause skin, burns, respiratory paralysis, and cardiac arrest. the compound belongs to the class of right control chemicals is nato, provided ukraine was a buffet of powerful weapons from long range missiles to radioactive rounds, with depleted uranium. but oh, that is not the big square for washington. no, no, something they themselves use again, students is well, that's the update. now most story is coming your way again at the top of the hour. thanks for watching and i'll see you again. the.


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