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tv   Documentary  RT  May 4, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the on the ocean, the i remember after the 1st none of us plan to sail the world again. the corner of the ocean is strong. so me and we both the ocean around us. the . ready ready and i shall come on the for faith as will show it get this thing. so i mean it's getting always seem is key up on the verity of let's say,
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do you mean the experiencing pretty straightforward? is the starting evidence to boys or i see at the time, but as i've been in always neighborhood, i look at the people in my to point you mentioned no good, strong student, james, just me and let's make sure you are safe on my screen. it goes can flush and it's almost the window and me, most of the class, what was going through the use of positions and you're gonna see the issue at your new level to 1st shift you've sent me the gap. do you happen to see a sort of get a good the rest of the students instead of the ideas? any mazda is blowing in place?
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the mind them go to limited them, see somebody not in the budget for your decision yet. thank you. my list is flow as rich as flow. we say that is the best around the world, trade business, toughest expedition of my life. so to ship and i'll come over to you soon on the door, but it's nice to me. that'd be done sitting motor on the water and you will get a brand new car, you know, going off the phone and they must die mean seriously that stanislaus an automated systems engineer is russian. i'm signing tourism champions of logic cover on the so the side on the invoice there were $200.00 for the full service to the one. glad to hear from anybody else getting there still thousands more of the in 1774. the
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english navigate to james cook of to, failing to find and talk to our country said the southern lands will never be explored. the about on january the 16th $1820.00, the russian navigators, save the ungodly fund, bidding house lazarus discovered and talked to the adam. your hands on christmas done was a russian navigator who led russia's 1st, 2nd navigation from 180321806. the management follows pushing stones route. we are under sale to an hour around the world. truth begins,
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just like all great compact, reinstated, and crunched at the the house will take about 3 years from some petersburg cheese to west, around 1210 back to some pages back in 3 years. the time getting into work. we change watch shift every 3 hours. and unconsciously compared to our last trip, when the 4 of us, now it's just 2 sensors are lawyers really, it's not very frustrating. your work is still put that on this issue that you have
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to seek one's life. it's not the only thing that you will pay the supply fee, the video videos, that's it. i guess i, that's a good thing for you to 0. 4. and i was going to deposit it just because it's given the way in which if there's any of the, let me finish this is the with i'm rich trip, ro, sports and some of the people that most of the people that need to play with them on why only too much into integer, they're still feeling the city of cold. and that ship on the boat side is the m. s. roll them on some starting morning. we have to take a coven test. the sewage shows the volume. so the $2.00
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and $3.00 days of quarantine to comply with the country's laws, the we cook right here on the catch them around and eat what we get. stuff isn't just the captain. he's a good cook to say the mutual engine, porterville instead of ciocca ford flows on the us and bring us out a affordable vol dawson, elizabeth. both of them. i didn't get any of the scope and the trouble people to get started. as i expected, we are perfectly healthy now can go to the city here and pretty brief different menu talk this month to put them into this plan. you know,
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some of the social on the, on the should be able to reduce it to one of them was a different view of worship. television, significant portion of the course of the developmental looked at the bottom piece each month and i see the car. so what's the level, the motion, if i do the scene and you should move and use this to be as much as to be able to go for the cool moments who go to the city. when you go, i'd like you deliver it gives me stuff. no, uh, what does the apartment nickel does?
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you just give me that. she said you can let it go for the end of the russian orthodox church. 7 the square of both plus through the village. so i'm going to producer where you'll see. you'll also notice that there's the 1st of all, so we're asking local is what they know about russia. i don't get people interested in this very client. if you, if necessary. they gave you, they'll transfer from you. yes. yeah. right. we're signing for sweden, but it seems i'll try moran has hiccups. sort of makes payment,
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assuming it's a friendly and she has a buying outlet store. one of the pushing us actually looks, it goes to a sticker, but it's mostly said to me, then you know what the system of the ship. those remains much in here at the way. so we must load a list of points they want to explore as to the full and let's see what are the multi sco might have or yeah, is that when you're on the do why, of course your ideas, the dominant here would be the 3 for $24.00 that we still need to enforce them. always fun the sample pretty soon. we report get enough that right, 3 is it will go for since the point on each of the pretty. so i just put them away from my local, our shop sherry, the, i'm not sure you could give me your serial quote number than most of the larger ones. and yet you 3 shift level. is there any way you should see an interest on
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those? then you see lots of of the p a. we are in a marina. it's still 42 kilometers. just don't come. we watched a little man. did you hear about us idea? can you hold on? very cool lady. beep beep, beep beep every uh we have a lot. so natural resources and the floors we are preparing our papers and heading for the next board pneumonia. the we're getting on amicably, at least for now. but he's left there showing the need for the country for more despite the cost of the fun with the simple course later, one more season. one more thing is quite nice. i mean china picky. the body is
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a problem. where do i get to keep the money edge? keep but easy for so i'm gonna change the storage of function across the maybe got the product led to as much to the trade by going to exploit the quantity across those light, distorted gas picked, and actually expedients it must go to come. are you doing before they will stick? reset them pretty flowers in the wash may spend the night talking to the corners instead of the cut symbol you go avenue, mary. chowsky billions goes inch. so as a to the peace of mind, the me yeah. me as soon as shall i. e, as in your yesterday. thoughts here got both good senior was go the c as low as nice to have see in front of them. are you doing their most goes, i don't know. so i'm a closer look at what goes of fluids as possible. mr. fitz, they're still showing infinity, where it's related to people, more attention to me and they've got what it also is. the way one was the other 6 pages in the video still have additional skills experience. it was all the rest of the stuff, but otherwise you have several customer. the bill also post on a soon as i said,
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the owner, so let me just was looking for one of us. sweet largest city, retest. we'd have a phone and you find what you're looking for. so the think that would inform you to with them would we get to the side of celia,
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wasn't this because it did just wouldn't care to get a car through the new year. oh for g. teach. so i know for me teaching scholars should talk to a new to that a some of the 2 of us value provides you with that. so she's more, it's a little bit less move i'm. oh no, i'm really starting from 1st month to month with the amount of louder to move. let me look into that. i'm just, i did i as well as to the lowest, the did some of them i'll study to the progressive rock. i used to shy finish, this is just all just for the i'm a fraction of when you come seem to do friday is the material ordering the power of people for the,
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for sure. interested in the commercial induction to some of the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, when you book with me, you could also be convinced just in case we need see you with them globally smoothly. so i'm not sure what, right? the products on the pretty ship of bottom agrees instead of not not 40, so not the motor on you, russian ocean. the way that the truth because us as it is now able to is put them, come pretty much put them, can move on the, for the richer crews instead of them. uh, one way, uh, but uh, but uh, but as of today i've squared in order to get good access cuz i'll store if i'm sure there is a cause or stem if you ever that spot them can let me give you 5 it into less. but each of getting mine, you know, put them velocities replace that could also, but at least close and staff may so, so going me out. and the reason i'm that was conducting the disability while you know, so we're just stuck with some stuff,
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most of but always so many off. i'm either going ask you get them for up or not, but i'm almost associate go. what is easiest thing might be, might be well for those that go with it, that's the way to chelsea practice. i get it. i feel you have to cook them. got enough. you know which in you can see there's no rush recruiters to get them flowing. if the most of my you are you paying now pay to go see a p, a social nobody to preserve the soonest. have delta dental to come pick up. zip up my largest and most could you give me up? there's a blog, make sure i chest that those are use, but then you too much. you have to tune up old with the targets. put your 50 on the i'm like a quite testings all those. and i've just done all those. and in addition to photos, from fortunately that cause i've got to submit it to you, i'll put whatever you put in your 10 soon or less a little file, the new awesome. but i can see that opinion number. yep, that's the way you do it. which of course is still in the, in as broad as i, but the chris, instead of the,
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of the work to 4 and your boys. this book always us to us, the more you are the never know when it was a lot of money and never go on to the board that goes towards the city is little one of the ministry exercises what's on the ball by so you have to put new my thoughts on that, and that's the best part. about the deepest part bustle,
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though i did it through year 30. why don't you go to the home always for so i will try them now see me but i guess for us to fall in there to fill out unless you have the wrong the most of them we didn't make this q didn't finish and they won't lose people, if i don't choose to come on a single domain name to the student is in the do duty mine yet. you want to see what and you can figure out what's right them. what's the appointment? seeing is done. you used to come on the, when you minutes go much the,
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what the book is just what is it on the 0. it's the way, fortunately, you have a line. the 1st you have a symbol meter, the mass peebles diplomacy the we have to seriously prepare for the vagaries of the north sea. and for most sailing i'll try moran, because a bit finicky and honest as it just deals account. but for them to come look on our reading giga and see cut out of the material, i sneak up the shipper roots from the baltic to the north sea through the international channel canal. move on to the excuse. people know what is what is that, what is, what's us to play some good ideas,
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come on the last 12 years. so didn't give us more they shouldn't on us and you know, didn't cut them around and place them over vehicle is insulation volume or you just inflatable? yeah. gary size. this is a crazy face. crazy. nice not crazy. this is absolutely good. the sailors have different name stores, some affectionately called at the high of the needle, and others use the less friendly name, the ditch. this is the busiest ship canal in the world, so it needs special care. these giants could crush you without even noticing i think it's your crazy project or the respect for you guys, the respect and um, yeah, god, speed. local of wish or the way to go to truly comfortable for the
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book, the shoes it keeps going. the . ready should it, to the netherlands underwent there was an article operating instead of them. oh, that's pretty new, my buddies. yeah. some of the, some feathers. all of the back for macro and lots of macro piece for being a member of the crew. i'm guessing. okay, well good. now you also my motorcycle. so now it's 4 o 5 for a 4 of us. have
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a good luck today, august the 18th today is p o griffith day. and we plan to hold a geography lesson. obviously a pretty good, pretty bad. see, i'm good us with you. going to sleep on. this is one of the expeditions tasks we regularly conduct lessons from the ocean instead of a lecture. it's a life link with mountain travelers. ok, and let's see what would be the lots of good suggest the lots of dubiousness them to be seen yet. so for boys like younger son, dustin thank you very much. the the main teacher, the just the ocean,
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the maybe it'll be these boys and girls too. the ocean, eventually the, the rates are there and they point one scientific task. we will give them what dimensions of radioactive background in the world as we have planning to sales through august 19th radiation. i'm checking the content and that's
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the branches we should probably shouldn't have. we'll have to visit separately for the beginning. so you just the here in dunkirk, the main attraction is the military museum. here they tell how in 1940 the british evacuated the remnants of the anglo french units defeated by the gentleman that grand defeat. when the nazis in just a couple of weeks destroyed 2 of these, then considered the best in the world is presented in this museum is the story of success. with the volume was, was saved and evacuated,
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to britain. news about an amazing collection of the and you can pull through and you're going to be as you search for them. and there is a security on the other thing you see with the serial clos, me park, it's just on and you know, it's good to you to meet our students to use it with the it is just, oh is it will blow with them? the federal guy, the pizza, that's the hosting kind of see what. so me see if he's the only is between the but he's very customer that it goes across the market because we're not about 20 plus other than that course. of course. ok. have it on the paper, the rest of it goes into points. you had to go through the previous code to ensure
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it to do the points of some way to visually see the police say they're still thought about the the we say good bye to the french frames. and also is this is the russian geographic society. oh, my business for my younger why, so they go through the entering county for the most certainly composure. chapel hill? oh, my friend zillow, my friend hit the muddy and the 3 more if you thought it's a gun. no, no, it wasn't healthcare. so let's go to that. i said it's the same thing with us to
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spain on. this is not too dangerous. down to the train. we can share duties and get less tied the trailer and needs of as a gain and start cleaning the exceeds our trouble to try. moran will make us repair it all the time. the,
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the additional good we have. so the quotes, the village and the it's a good thing, just a couple responses to for when you guys in one of your so i need is a good problem. notice others are the got yours. so we could, i, which is a really great we certainly to spain, the city of vehicle in the know, look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings. accept. we're such orders at conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to trace a truck rather than to the various things with artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme and the,
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or the robot must protect this phone. existence was on the the what is a part of it that the employee
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would post good isn't the deepest view of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present? let's stop without collision is best of product of the there's a general consensus in the west and perhaps all around the world that the rich, the elite can get away with almost anything, whether it's income, tax, evasion, money laundering, or even the sexual exploitation of children. they are often seem to be 2 standards of justice, one for the very wealthy and powerful and another for the rest of us. what happens when that's actually true? and serious crimes have been committed. is that kind of system even sustainable?


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