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tv   The Whistleblowers  RT  May 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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the best of part of the there's a general consensus in the west and perhaps all around the world that the rich, the elite can get away with almost anything, whether it's income, tax, evasion, money laundering, or even the sexual exploitation of children. they are often seem to be 2 standards of justice, one for the very wealthy and powerful and another for the rest of us. what happens when that's actually true? and serious crimes have been committed. is that kind of system even sustainable? perhaps not. i'm john to reaku. welcome to the whistle blowers the . 2 jeffrey epstein became a household name in the united states years ago. epstein for many years had
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a reputation as a self made, multi millionaire investor and investment advisor, who owns the biggest private residents in new york city, as well as his own private island in the caribbean. he travelled in those rarefied circles that put him in regular contact with other super rich business men with politicians, world leaders, even royalty. but that began to fall apart nearly 20 years ago when epstein was credibly charged with the sex crime against a child. for most anybody life would have come to a screeching halt then. but epstein prosecutor was told to give him special treatment that he was connected to very powerful people. and that he should serve only a short period of time in a comfortable local jail rather than a prison. that sweetheart deal did nothing to change epstein behavior. and in the following years, he continued to build and even to strengthen his relationships, his friends, and regular visitors to his private island, infamously,
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included former president bill clinton, the case prince andrew, microsoft company, co founder bill gates physicist stephen hawking, and many, many others. and finally, a few years ago, several courageous women came forward to say that epstein was engaged in the sex trafficking and exploitation of miners and didn't pen ophelia. the negative press was too much and he was finally arrested and charged with serious felonies, which if he were to be convicted, would have kept him in prison for the rest of his life. but before he could be tried, epstein killed himself in prison in new york. at least we think he killed himself. many, many questions remain unanswered. what was the actual source of his money? was he an agent working for, for an intelligence? who was it that order that epstein be given a sweetheart deal after his 1st arrest? why was he being protected and by whom?
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and perhaps most importantly, why is it nearly 5 years after his death? that we still do not know who among the rich and powerful were connected to him. christopher halle is a ph. d candidate in philosophy and china government scholar for sign o. u. s. cultural communication at tongue g university, and he's an independent investigative journalist. chris, thanks so much for being with us. thank you so much, john decided to be with you. good to see chris. chris. there are so many different issues to sort through here. i want to point out at the outset that the reason we're speaking with you about this issue is that you've done a great deal of research into it. and you have unique, perhaps proprietary information about the so called epstein black books and about the people connected to him. so let's start at the beginning. jeffrey act epstein was a nobody from the middle class with no real expertise in finance. he didn't even have
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a college degree. how did he make such a vast amounts of money? where did that money come from? i think that's the $1000000.00 question, and i think that that's what we're currently trying to piece together. of course, it's very difficult to go back to a jeffrey eps dean's early life and to find a number one people that are willing to speak number 2, any real evidence that exists from that time period and what we end up the picture . we end up painting and sort of the pieces that we, that sort of form. the mosaic are that of course geoffrey epstein graduates a normal regular high school in new york city. uh, ends up getting a scholarship from what we know to cooper union. uh, ends up dropping out and then of course uh, ends up getting a job that was given to him by donald barr, who is the father of father of william barr, who was that attorney general under george w bush and donald trump. and he gets this teaching position to teach math at the adult in school, which is one of these, you know, very high,
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a high end preparatory schools in new york, that sort of areas of students for the i, the leads. and so from there, it's a straight shot into, into, into fame and glory and money. and so he ends up making these connections. he ends up meeting a whole bunch of investment bankers and finance years. and of course he starts out on the, on the inside of the, the trading floor and sort of. busy a low end position, but somehow within a decade, he's a multi millionaire, and we don't really understand how that happened. we don't really understand where that money came from. we know that there were numerous companies that he created. but it's, it's something that is unknown to us. and of course, we know thanks to some great investigating that. in 1980 he was a bachelor of the month and cosmopolitan magazine known as a young finance here know how that happened. nobody really knows. no, my gosh, won't be the elephant in the room, is whether or not epstein was working for
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a foreign intelligent service that would account for why he targeted the rich and the powerful to his private island. for these 6 dalliances with children of scenes girlfriend, glean maxwell said that the caribbean island house was completely wired for audio and video as an insurance policy. those were her words. so the question and for you is an insurance policy from what or against whom as that of course, the also is a, is an open question. we know that's the road jeffrey eps inside. he was surrounded by people and intelligence starting with donald bars, which served into o. s. s all the way through to the end. and we know that, for example, gillian, mexico, us father, robert maxwell is uh, dar ties that had been alleged with them and was side. and so of course, the idea of the house having all of this audio and visual equipment of the
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speculation is that it was to catch very important people in acts that were anything but you know, honorable and using those as leverage or blackmail. and so of course, that's what, that's what has been alleged. we don't have the documents, are you evidence of that right now? there have been sources and various articles pointing to the fact that the f b, i might have these videos and has kept them. but of course the, what, what is portrayed in the videos is, of course, probably horrific crimes that but ideally a and sexual abuse. so of course, i don't think that those will ever go into the public domain. but the full breadth and depth of what was going on at the house is still a mystery to us. unbelievable. my own personal belief is that epstein was a textbook access agent. and what i mean by that is that if you are a foreign intelligent service and you want sensitive information, let's say from
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a former president or from a prince, you can't just ask that person directly for information. so you recruit somebody who actually can ask directly that might also account for the source of some of epstein money. what's your educated opinion on this? are we looking at an intelligence operation here? and i believe so that is uh, that is the hypothesis that i think is most plausible. uh, that's the only way that this whole story makes sense. and of course, we have to recognize the various inter connected persons. and the next is of relations here that made jeffrey epstein who he was. and so i think that there is no other explanation as to how jeffrey epstein became so powerful, so well connected and so will finance. other than the explanation that he was an intelligent asset, working for one or more intelligent services. mm hm. another issue that i want to get out of the way is epstein suicide. he allegedly hang himself in the notorious
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metropolitan correctional center in new york city before he could go on trial for the 2nd time. the official explanation is that literally, every thing that could have gone wrong with the system went wrong. for example, the guards had worked 16 hour shift instead of 8 hour shifts. they weren't making their rounds when they were supposed to. one of them actually was sleeping in the guard booth. the security cameras didn't work. epstein had not been placed on suicide watch, even though he had threatened to commit suicide. he was placed in the cell with an accused murder. even the autopsy couldn't definitively state that the death was as suicide, even if it appeared to be a suicide. so again, i'm just asking for an educated guess. do you think epstein killed himself? was he allowed to kill himself to silence him? or was he murdered?
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and i personally believe that he was murdered. i think good evidence points to that . i think that, of course, given the inconclusive nature of the autopsy reports and the fact that all of these things happened miraculously simultaneously on the same night as this happened. i really do believe that epstein was so powerful and well connected in the sense that he knew so much that if for example, he was given some sort of deal to expose what he knew. busy what he knew and had an opportunity to put it on the record in court, it would create a, you know, and so not me for, for them to the powerful and who knows what kind of damage you would have done for various governments and, and officials and politicians and who knows who. so of course i do think that that he did not commit suicide. i believe that he's certainly that was was killed by whom i don't know. but that, of course there remains a mystery that we don't know the answers to you know,
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i think this is one of those situations that were never really going to know the truth. whether he committed suicide, whether he was allowed to commit suicide or whether he was murdered, but i will say that his death saved a lot of rich and powerful and important people. a lot of trouble. i. i agree with you wholeheartedly. then i think of the fact that all of this information, uh, everything in the story remains somewhat piecemeal, somewhat accessible, especially the, the earlier story which i helped to uncover with the earlier black book that we discovered from the ninety's. a lot of names were not known up until that book was discovered in terms of his connections over 300 new people in his web and his or bit. so i think that there's a lot that we've lost about that and he's death was convenient for many people. chris, how loudly don't go away. we're going to take a short break and we'll come back in a minute. ladies and gentlemen, step with us,
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when we come back, we're going to ask chris holly, why nearly 5 years after jeffrey epstein. steph, we still don't know the details of exactly who he was associated with. stay to the. 2 2 2 the,
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the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sun set up the, in the 65 to 5 and speed. the one else calls question about this. even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the r t. suppose next, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say stephen twist, which is the
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take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills and then it just does. it shows you fractured images, presented as fast. can you see through their illusion going underground? can the welcome back to the whistle blowers. i'm john to reaku. we're speaking with investigative journalist, chris hill, ali about investor finance here, and child sex offender, jeffrey epstein. chris,
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great having you with us. thank you to be with you, chris. let's cut to the meat of this issue. explained to us what these black books were. why were they kept? who kept them? and most importantly, where are they now? so there are only 2 known black books that exist. one was discovered and brought to light in 2015 by investigative journalist nick bryan, who wrote the franklin scandal, i bought another pet, a few of the a ring. he brought it to like 2 gulker, and that's the one that's currently in possession by the us government and the f b. i had had that and seized it from one of the jeffrey epstein butler's who was trying to pint it off for some $50000.00 or so the 2nd black book, which is an earlier version. so if this 1st black book is around mid to thousands, the earlier version which i discovered and brought to light. um, you know, by, by, by chance uh, from an ebay sale. um,
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oh my god was from the 90s. and so that we were able to authenticate that book that went into that was published in 2021 by business insight or with the help of nick bryan's and also we reached out to julie k brown at the miami herald. so this, these 2 black books, basically what they are, our books basically address and phone books. but they all, they contain the details, phone numbers, even codes to some people's apartments house in buildings. and so they are a they are, they provide us with a web of relations. they provide us with an opportunity to really look at who was jeffrey epstein calling, who is he talking to of the earlier version that i have? as i mentioned, it had over 300 new names that we had no idea including john gretz. he might be these the greek billionaire in new york, as suzanne or gov. how many, many different people that we had no idea. and then of course there were some names
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that were in the 1st book that remains in the 2nd book. so those are the people that we know had maintained relations and were very important. and some of those. busy are of course donald trump and others, you know, at the 1st book was during the clinton presidency. so the line for the, for bill clinton was the white house. then later it was the clinton private residence. and so i think that all of these items with an opportunity to see well who was in his world since people haven't come forward and said i knew him and we had dinner or we, we would go out on outings together. nobody confessed to that until these books were brought forward to bring light to who was in his world. so why don't we not know the rest of the details from these black books? what, what more could we learn from them if they were to be released? might, might be information, answer questions like, like, what were the likes of bill clinton and prince andrew doing on this 6 island with underage girls? is that the kind of thing that we could learn from this? it's really the, the what the black books teach us is who was,
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who was in the contact list of jeopardy epstein. so the books detailed the names of the people, names of, of important sites give the numbers passcodes. most of the names have been released . some have been rejected for various legal reasons, as i'm sure you and your viewers can understand, given the legal system. and of course, none of the phone numbers have been released. so those still are out there because some of the phone numbers are still legitimate. they're still being used by the people in the book. so the. busy these books one and one that is still under, you know, mike, custody and care should the other ones still in government hands these books really give us the just sort of outline of relations. what the books don't necessarily do is give us, for example, as much detail as the flight blogs and some of the other sales and books that exist, that right gave us who was getting the best and things like that. these books don't
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do that, but what they do do is provide us with an opportunity to see who the jeffrey epstein think was so important in his world to keep close by his person. might we expect to learn information that would answer the question of whether or not epstein was working with a foreign intelligent service? this does any actual evidence of that exist? is that a question that could conceivably be answered if, if you put the different pieces of information available in the books together? certainly i, one of the things that i have i have been working on is sort of creating a web sort of, if you were to think about it as, uh, you know, the classic idea of this board with all these lines, right? all these strings of yard going to different names. the question ultimately is with all of these names with, with hundreds of names who is in finance, who is in the arts, who is in culture, who is in politics. and then what you end up doing is you go to the next layer who
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has ties to different governments who works on behalf of the defense industries who works on behalf of organizations or entities that might have close relationships, historically, or contemporary with intelligence. and i think that work is still ongoing. that has, hasn't really been flushed up because there are people of course, who might be working for intelligence that we don't know that they're working for intelligence. but this provides us with an opportunity to really create that web of relations and, and i think that this is an ongoing process. this work is still many years before we get to uh, some sort of clarity if we ever do me. finally, chris, who do you think was behind the protection of jeffrey epstein? we spoke earlier about this. we'd heart deal that he received in 2006 when he was sentenced to 18 months in the palm beach, florida jail rather than to a much tougher state prison. the prosecutor at the time, alexandra acosta,
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who later became a member of donald trump's cabinet, said that he had been told that epstein was, quote, intelligence and quote, and that powerful people whom he described as far above his pay grade had demanded leniency for epstein. can you shed any light on this? what are we supposed to take from it? so i think what we are, what we can take from it is the following. that is, jeffrey epstein worked at intelligence as i believe. and i believe many of your viewers a believe or at least think is plausible. i think then we go to the next layer, which is who in his orbit could have been, you know, paying him who could have been working for him or it could have, or he could have worked for. and i honestly believe, given his closure with the former prime minister of israel food, but the most side is a very plausible possibility here. given the fact also that gillian maxwell was so
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of course tied to this entire. busy he was not only his girlfriend but helped to get the girls. and of course the relation with her father. and i think also given his proximity to us, former presidents and politicians and of course stipends. andrew into you case. this could have been the only 13 could have been my 6 med, you know, i, these aspects of us intelligence. what that look like, how that relationship works. i believe it was probably off the record, i believe, as some intelligence operations. you know, work as you well know, sometimes things are done behind the scenes with a few operatives, not really with the knowledge of the overall agency. and i think that this was one of those scenarios that it might have been an opportunity to do this kind of operation off the books and outside of the purview and outside of the jurisdiction of maybe an inspector general or somebody who would be close. the monitoring this or it was farmed out to
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a foreign intelligence service that could take the brands. i should something go wrong. so i do think that absolutely, you know, with what a cost it was mentioning there. and i think that these are the crumbs that sort of the pieces that help paints. the picture that i've seen was in fact an intelligence assets. but for a home that remains. uh, you know, is that still the question that remains to be seen? i have to 3 i and there are such things as off the books intelligence operations. and when you're talking about trying to draw into a web, people as important as former presidents of the united states senior members of the british royal family. the most important business men in the world, billionaires and, and people who influence governmental policy or even societal policy, you're gonna want to keep things like that off the books. 11 final question i have for you is when do you think there was this change
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from epstein trying to make as much money as he possibly could. epstein trying to become a billionaire, let's say, to epstein the intelligent service asset. and i think that happens in the ninety's and i think that's why the black book that i discovered and brought to light is so critical is that that was the transition point. we know that epstein through the eighty's and in into the ninety's was working for various financial firms. it started his own company which was trying to recover stolen assets from certain very prominent people. and so that was when he was working in finance, really in the mid to late ninety's is when we begin to see a transition. and then of course we have evidence from the early 2, thousands where all of these crimes begin. so really, that's the pivotal point. what's interesting about that time period, i think is the fact that we have a global transformation happening simultaneously,
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right? we're having the end of the ninety's, the end of the clinton administration, and then we're headed with night a little bit and then the global war on terror. whether those things are separate or interconnected. i think that there is some interesting timeline facts here that we can begin to layer and wonder what was going on and of course that it, it's important to recognize that epstein was close to i've done cultural g. who of course, was related to that democracy who was murdered guys by the saudi state. right. and i know it was very important during the, during the arm straight and during the insurgency. and i've got to start with them, which i had been struggled against the soviet right army there. so of course, these kinds of things are important to kind of bring to light and recognize. and i think that we're going to learn more as time goes on, and i hope that more will come to light overtime. thanks for piecing that together
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. i'll add that i've done how show up to you was one of the most important one of the most prominent arms dealers in the world through the 19 eighties and the 1990s . i think you're exactly right, chris, and i think you're on something very important here. chris holly, i wanna thank you for joining us today and for sharing your insights. we were happy to have you to thanks to our viewers for taking the time to be with us today. former indian prime minister in oregon d one said quote, we must protect families. we must protect children who have inalienable rights and should be loved, should be taken care of physically and mentally, and should not be brought into the world. only to suffer and quote, jeffrey epstein and his friends made children suffer. none of them have really paid any price. that's unacceptable. and even though epstein is now dead, it's up to the rest of us to continue fighting for that truth. thanks for joining us for another episode of the whistle blowers. i'm john to reaku. we'll see you
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next time. 2 2 2 the, when the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world, india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches,
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