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tv   Documentary  RT  May 5, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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in time, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way the way sailing along the coast of the biggest and richest country in south america. and that's for sale. the
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last time the investor, you have come way and you also finish loans or you always have done is it. why am i sound know, you know, look when you might have a store enough to monday, so stuff with that student. you wake up by it them off putting in 37 years to a glass show a cup moment football. that's not, i was me for top of the fan, that's me on the coupon that you want to not so sure. it's not in a better school, but yeah, it's gonna give them a decent teacher idea. and utilities they,
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they need to take it. i knew i'm with the subject of mind finding yourself locked in a new test with the course you much slow. so when you the problem that they want to pursue, i need to deal with that as a customer. we sort of guide you and that's why it's a, it's mainly you to push it that more than we can do. do you do any other thing and you know it's more pro. citrix is also the residual. there's no so going for you just use this hold on, hold on for the fall of all i suppose that is new. of course what it's doing doesn't have the ability to for, for the last couple of
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years, maybe do the best of both bands. i don't know what the guy in your voicemail is about the weather and as i suspect the of this bill, no worries, some stuff, the guy said, any call it's real loving you over this way. you can investigate and expediency by say to you early in a couple months and he is old by some of the in the most cooling. they're all getting more general gives you with a sure board asthma through what kind of ideas frontal guides. if i get a little of the party as parts of me, but that all they do, but when i hit setting the 11, you know, it was more, do you disagree with the why do more, you will not be a more to force you to because go on you mean custom live, you know, so it was great to use the windows name. we can one of the was excited to use this . so the for the 30, but that's typically typically watching says united the even game person for the
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front that with a lower than i do. so i can see the, the only thing that stock always gives us the closer. so this is inputs on what's on the return for which it was, what was your name? samantha fisher law. they're going to talk with for nathan clarification for over the needs of the name of what can i think it was for them. and it was one of us, let me reach out and i'm even eligible to present me. no. oh yeah. and what was this? what's, what's the let them use to do what might be called categories and buildings goes in . i'm sure. the welcoming city at the me just one of my city of here among go i'm, i was, i thought i know really one of them would you find you find a 5 year it's very go with him. is that god, you very or those on the road and then somebody will professor, it's not blowing your team in the morning to best buy the apartments in the worth.
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i've got the most up to date, to upgrade their budget in 5 years and they didn't go was in the ones that of the tv is just, but i was in the same area. it was more, this was a lot, there was going story to look at that at the apartment. they call the over the phone book store, which a new building i spell out of state and most game experience in addition to the little boy so that so the more related so you can, you will, than once i bought a truck in the store, most of the illustrator, this was the owner of this experience. it goes to the girls and they've been living in the family. and they may need that, that to you, you by giving it to you up to a meeting. pretty spot, you school for you to the
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the canals leaving the magical city of the what's the fondest thought of long expeditions from a psychological point of you somebody with i mentioned that there's always what was that was easy about not what i say about not throwing us, there should be just quite hope you're a for why am i thought i saw a fight about that and you mentioned, i got this just like there was the code that is on your porch. it says department fundraising or 6 up for you with a phone, say the plastic i've been getting some of this. is that the whole of it that but
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much noise? here's a need to have them some ways to it. the mission i it was, it was, was thought as well. some of them i said was that i was right here for you doing your model is the question that would be sure when bruno is almost feels like you level home to a chest research this giving you finished. why was one of these core and what, what us go i think this where you reach the security of village they died if and you brought us together and see what the worry that about 4, to stability the lowest, then you're suffering, let somebody know those rewards from video, appreciate the thing and look up a little bit here. one the 4 channels for sure. so a little bit unusual. disney junior, when i grew up recorded, so go ahead. it's the same as the way with us. mean you focus are you there is danielle, stay with laurie. pretty much if there's any other woman. this is the what's the name of co sourcing with is it'll go on the same issue. and if i'm go to
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your house and you know the customer service system, when you my issue of the for it, you have us going to go out in that crisis with experience or, and she because a lot of the guys stuff with your 1st and you go to will for the region, they put your 50 expediency plus solving lester bits northbrook as a so it makes me new to know more about us. so somebody like to go out, they're wasting, you might see a conflicted when you that was kind of comes dollar. we're bringing my little little bit more when you mind story show origin or shame a little bit and i missed it to him. we've got the way it came. there was a little bit. the dentist is a punch city. the and this is the locals in
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the 4th floor through which k of the of the city name with a beer. i'm a lot more 0. they've been there. oh close it was close. santos is known for rich museums. the time of those kind of funny in the way the game or the house where to pursue more fluent more. and so can you do, go to the doctor and see what my uncle and not if i am on the floor cause i mean,
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seriously the if we met the russian diaspora we're given a warm welcome. russians don't come here. very often with lunch is coming to an invoice. you cool and then with if there's a few booth are you still in that? yep. with that, i'm pretty good. so it was so you can use this account and we might see this is cool easily. we thought we were just going to get the a bad idea on the nice grass, if another little kid. and this idea of one that shows to me is to get on the,
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the world's oceans of the ethics below the now to space. we can only guess what it looks and it's dense. the, the, the ocean is a great tom, solve the mystery in the news . you should see me at 9 yet in clermont. he does a bit, think of the players and sit down. there are things over the windows menu. them
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looking at the, to the more than one to speak to a situation that came out into another state. and it was almost at another idea of what i want to watch quite well. that's what it looks to. so they'll say, of course the, well that's the, the
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of the, what is part of the is it that the employee would posted isn't the, the place you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present there? let's stop without felicia is that stuff out of as the watching is why isn't why in this country, what if i give but loony of the store in this the shed? and i showed a wonder, but i'm not going to say lots of green scale. you know, when i am, what i could catch at your desktop session on the
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moon, that's just shiny or just it's funny on it. when you sit on what's in the, the via the, the, the analysis. what they, that's the thing you kind of put them in. so facade indeed. and therefore to in my car, he would do it assuming that the
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to, for them to look into intermedia. nikoto is the dimensions of the photo i'm seeing send the most of it to the, to the, to the motion of the just a little this, giving me a 2nd of all for this. is it all the work? and as my good for 0, then the pirates, just curious, fishermen are unusual. vessel often attracts attention but not many knows that it has to be fixed all the time. well, i'm not very good feel of the voice
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the what was the the the
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bill of was just curious what, what is the, what are for the town to avoid the, [000:00:00;00] the, the list the show the
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to see here the most po issue just by the image of of the whole spiel silver to distribute the video in the world says 1000000 some of the according to the shelf care and got a model that goes the sooner any kind of movies. and the more of those feelings, most of the model for the sun go to, for the most of the most, the ones that into
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a goto samuels with the equity and goes to school go to the. so a psychiatrist is, that's the main idea. either please call me to go around 0 new york, but it's late, they're both of them are on the don't have the problem was these are in favor ocean by like frustrated, pacific ocean,
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the the february study may do the more money and also to, let's get them with you, what can i do to see? and i said it was k could investigate. they might have flowers and they got voted for the what is it to you if that's by the yeah. cool. sounds good. but in the spring you see, and i'm you, the semi 0, what i mean you can you explain what these, this is being, you know, this is for why fi entry in the mountains now the middle, the principal. so that's the case only because hot and facing the can i have to
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come. so once people go potty or the question, ok next. so we have this law that the full authorized authorized bryson needs francisco. go ahead theater more and is this potato and my own use, which is the video 0 with the person the know i think he's able to not of the wheel leaving slowly and hopeless. it's made of sense made up by that i got to yes. cool. that sounds like i'm very z, i should go to the side of the season in the middle of
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the beautiful brazil. we're now heading for the equally beautiful argentina. i split the cock each other. here's what i see. i see that the motor between tennessee, it's me pushing the to the to my you could have a good speed you my the where your son's here with on the going to side of the i'm with us. we were looked into your searches and i'm going to know the root cause is there somebody just on the display? if it goes to a month, a kid result at least in the ninety's. and so, but it's a quick most of us, we just got a pretty good i said with us, but i mean it's also
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a dresser with us. so let's see. we're down to walk. just show it didn't go to the course you're shooting. yeah. so can we think that was reading your thoughts? it was a jesus being like what about us to see room for them if you just take the atlantic cool placement for us the actually on a me but i still even go to use and i made it. can you please stay through the las vegas, your father and we've got to them. so what's important for studying? you might yeah. and then move on. what that is? look good. those are 40. it was william with being which very supp always here is your certainly a lot of the pretty slow as though i suppose me of where you are the boss or worse, the must miss. nothing is really the the see it that's
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a lot of that really that to get into the real quick again for here for us just give that to me the so motors with which is that it was go make up for to go to other because it so it's, but as due to 0, so through and you're still going to say to say that again. so you know, it's a let somebody know you're on think it easier for them to go to them. i have to probably be a potential. so i guess. yeah, that's what our sister dismissed from a bulk of it. so say that for dura nicholas us through it, but it was getting that be some of that, but almost all the way there's a unique system of russian clubs intelligence, you know, when russian immigrants came to origin, tina they founded clubs to preserve that culture and they're still here around at least 10 and no other country in the world has done
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a thing like it's difficult. i'm named after a trustee. my a cups keep push can and other famous russians, the don't go to doesn't it is all going to go somewhere the most the most of the we've visited some local churches the she's to see especially in dc, memphis,
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the parts of donia, a rugged wild country with stunning scenery, the nuclear boundaries here some of that land belongs to julian, and some to watch the motor store on the chest of others with the key. but she don't make you mean to
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publish in your 3 studies thinking and put me in. i know it, this would be to be shown the missed the book on you and you look them at the thread you to solve this issue i've been use, i've got the see that it's, it's 8030 the, the wind up for them. so now most talk to them for me is yeah, out of getting to me fits and put that going. yeah. well that was the, why does this, what they mean? this is for the company and you wanna see what the company voice got for a for those of valencia. so i can use me. i can cut the one as well as you can use this case. then for the start of these things are what they cuss up here in the most category, it must be a slightly children. they give it to me. my gelato gave me really
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the porter son 40 on this little assembly day at heeley cherry feast. 30 school was nice to you, so modest in these cubic so thoughts out then we'll go this of the people on the 55 f expedius. so if you don't mind, i'm gonna go on that take up a little bit, a little slower and that's the similar. so robert has met, but the hosting company, who is this easiest funny but it's me was find you the will of create the username . what else? that's what i'm thinking about a deciding not to go through and not only do on the username without screw on those of all of your dcx. yeah. sounds good. yeah. and you said the full name was me. are you able to get, cut out really, victoria? do you mean that the cut over ellis 08 less less. somebody give out in the for at least the only thing you got here is also some are you on as well as of friday friday. the 6th, or the 5th, the individual, while out trying to run will post them again and straight
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the the new video of a wedge abused by an officer to day. the sheriff's deputy in columbia, south carolina, forcibly removed his student from
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a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talked to her sprained her and initially, you know, i didn't think it was a problem because i knew that she was just this quiet student in the class. someone looks the police officer and says, here was law enforcement that is worse. clearly attacking, abusing power and it ended the other is besides, this is what's wrong with the poorly behave on discipline. black church, he was there, enforcing a law to meet the crime, to quote disturbed schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kid causes in school is huge and forces never predict but necessary. a tops people were never gonna change them out. and so people will never change their minds. that's video. they think i was wrong and that's it. the


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