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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  May 5, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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idea it has presented an exhibition. i'm documenting a film about this historic event is on seen cause one on to a c o. b is with the story. the picture as a basin and documentary film screening a part of a chance, your anti boss refill memorization of the referendum on march 18th, 2014, which gave rise to the re unification of premier with russia. but then the majority of premier model, 95 percent, voted in favor of succession from ukraine and control following a political crisis that led to be over to a government in chief author. we refused to sign. i'm associates on a women width of the rope in union. the documentary film showed stories of hope and resilience, a frame in diving, the struggle for economy. but it was also a testament to be improvement, witness and a region in the last decades. we have seen it evolved to bit,
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you know, from a tori, a sentimental administration and the ukranian government into a new federation that allowed for the people to be able to express themselves. i'm not totally, politically, basically coming to the infrastructure. our development has the wrong or activity the school system has gone. and the roots infrastructure has gone housing and pressed up to high school. in fact, a new economy is bruce or me, or they call it wayne tardies economy and infrastructure or developments for some of the most notable improvements recorded in premier during this time. but the region is getting more than just a facelift. embassy officials here as
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a socialist ability protection and the dignity of crimea will be restored onto the russian federation because the major infrastructure of the projects completed like an for you churches. most folks you saw on the details of those as well. course with us as well. yeah. some pictures here show the beginning of the unification process for the feelings people had to at that time. and as you saw, the majority of people support that decision. and actually it was a historical fact of russia with so many things, most of falls, they didn't know about the pre unification of premier. and the result today was the
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falls. they didn't really know about so, so there's a kind of just like a breach that is for us to try to bring it up result that comes from me on to russia. we've seen the breach. afraid about the breach. with the details i go to about the bridge to do is very different. so it has been, i mean, mind blowing, i'm very fantastic. premier response of ross. yeah. from 1783 until 9 and 54. when the soviet government transferred the pennies to our from the russian subject federation, so that you premium, solve your socialist republic as part of the 300 and vasily of the re unification of your brain with russia. but this is around control receptors years later turning your ways political crisis in 2013 stops, lead to the opposite of president, victoria, yada 45, your position supported by russian residents in premier reluctance to recognize the
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new ukraine on a friday began revolting and demanding separation from ukraine, process left to debt and more than 30 august dangerous. the referendum was monitored by a group of 50 of service from 21 countries, including israel, bronze, and easily what not. everyone was pleased with the boats. ukraine, the united states and europe and union refused to recognize premier's independence and its reunification with russia. also being silent about the progress that was brought by the re unification. the challenge policy, international policy, ukraine, the word is on decide o you create and it gives you rochelle, graduation. and that is strong economy, kindly, technologically. so everyone and the rest of the wards, especially the weights, do not want the sort of political or do munition back. they seem to rush out,
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submission has been to exact on toward economy. and that's why the other side that side is telling us the different story. meanwhile, ukraine is plugged into use manager was forced to retake the peninsula. but for now, many people in the premier will be celebrated. a 2nd bath and the prosperity they have found under of the russian federation. cmc using archie boom, jeff nigeria. next join say those on most of the meals i will be back out of some of them. the
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say everybody welcome back to the law school news. so i'm shay bowes this week i'm joined again by my little sidekick auggie who's to help us navigate to some of the numbers and some of the facts. as we lift the lid of some of the grinding little stories that the main stream media would prefer. we left exactly where they are hidden in the dark and grimy little corners. now what better place to start? then what are all pile the sleepy joe, the self propelled grandfather, the star of the show, really. and he's a very proud mind. he's very proud to proclaimed america. is number one, land of a free home of the brave. well, isn't number one, is it number 7 isn't number 2, we're not too sure. on the video, all the less of a check america is falling behind infrastructure. we used to be number one in the world. now, number right now we ranked number 9. united states as number 9, no were raised in the world. alternate as well. number 13,
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surface leaving tomorrow. if united states of america has a lot of we used to have the finest infrastructure in the world, we're rated number one in the world. we're now rated number 14. yeah. well look, at least joe might not know where we are with infrastructure. but at least he's absolutely certain about the numbers. he knows how much money's been spent on those bridges. those uh, you know, see fronts those peers, he, some of the knows the numbers. you need that a politician in charge who knows the numbers, numbers are important, right? i'll get so literally run the video. we know i took a search, we advocated for structured decades. this is going on already $1200000000.00. i watch the state of intersection week america's average infrastructure decade. dec. i don't think he's going to be around and record over a $1300000000.00 is different structure decades. my head line on my watch
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over a $122200000000000.00. pull up. so that the is this, get this to so that again, that was a 1000000000 trillion 300 because it's like we ask your kid and a birthday party. what do you want to be when you go if i want to be rich, how much money you want to have on have a 1000000000 guild. lillian lillian money. but one thing that is absolutely clear us has actually spent $1.00 trillion dollars on infrastructure. and they are very proud about that. a kamala and joe showed that from the roof tops, well, the roof tops oven collapse, but in reality, they need to spend about 10 trillion. i'll be right over the next 40 years in order to stop the whole show falling apart. now, you might ask, what do they spend than the 1.2 trillion that they have actually sped on? well, that's uh, you know, you can imagine the hospitals, right? it's, it's motor ways. it's, you know, it's
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a new railway system because it's fall apart in the states. no, they're building a network of charging stations for electric vehicles. now they want to build about half a 1000000 of them. uh, but they build how many of you, 7, that's 77 as in book before 8 and after 6, literally only 7. and they want to bill half a 1000000 if you would use the population of course. and that's gonna carriers nicely into the next bill video. i want to show you this is of kamala harris. remember, there's probably only one thing worse than sleepy joe, being in charge of the nuclear button and it's a come off. now let's all listen to her points on a population control because the only way that they're going to actually uh, make sure that the little bit of infrastructure, the building is going to be enough for the american people is if past the population dies, when we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduced population, reduced population, reduced population more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water
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. one in heaven's name you talking about honda is comalla spouts and yarborough's about population control. you gotta remember that to us as a big country, big economy, but it's got a problem. the birth rate in the us is at its lowest since 1979. and you may ask, why? well, i don't think apple is actually helping with it's a v r headset and it's a, you know, virtual porn addiction when we run the video. so this is a film of a dude who's acquired himself with these virtual reality headsets, at least turned on a bit of porno, in the middle of a park. let me say, you know, does a thing in our lives, you know, how would you describe porn? you, you can't really describe what you know when you see it. so you want to remember tomorrow a said that it was about our children or something that actually maybe just thought about sleepy joe and hunter. but it all went down this pipe when he got high on the video or was it part of the plan?
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ah ah, the one with the uh, yeah hi. so of course another way to control population could be to make a ruling in the us courts. so i'll give you that only boeing aircraft will be low take the skies not can probably eliminate 50 percent of the population. pretty handy because this show is literally falling apart in front of our eyes. listening the video, the bits are dropping off a literally everywhere. check this, the, if you look 20 to k, it's like it's made of pasta. just increased. but what do you do? if you look at the window, your planet, you'll see that you can't get into the pilots anymore as you know. so what do you
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do fully enough? as boeing hits the headlines for all the wrong reasons, another one of there was a blow worse at has a strange. you're very healthy guy, a big, big little duties into his health and wellbeing fitness. just so happened to expire as well. quite recently. didn't you know you are very suddenly and a matter of base? yeah, he goes to infected or convenient. these are conveniently on. died from organ failure for all those years of healthy lifestyle experience. and this yeah. as plain as the nose of your face and is boeing or looking to avoid some tricky question sticky from its deceased. not well, most of its whistle blowers and a dead from its whistle blowers on the public. somebody else that we know. so joe, bob's niece jean pierre, the exceptionally intelligent and very, very diligently appointed lady who is in charge of jo biden's messaging. do you think joe can't get any worse?
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check out now. and this cringe best. last week. it was a dancing in the mental home. now today it's some sort of crazy deflection on why they never actually answer any questions. run a question here and there with i don't want to get ahead of the present it tonight. then i have is between here and there are some great punch lines. no, no, no, no, no, no, no. i mean, do these people have nothing better to do? does the us have no problems on the, you know, collapsing infrastructure, the increasing rants. everything's going down the pipe and this dude is a i thing like latree liking like a clown in the white house. meanwhile, in the ukraine, the boss, the in a freedom. democracy well being that the kids are very, it's use yes, think about their education, you know, they're so anxious to answer questions that the teachers ask them. who knows the
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answer. you almost love. yeah, yeah, yeah. well that's what's going on. right. it's got to be check this one, the video were a few minutes cuz god was going to bring me verifies completely normal and a little giggling between him, you know, not teasing you 0. so of course when you're finished learning how to do your old see kyle and bit of indoctrination into the very warm and found the orientated religion, the vandalism, you progress on to a different type of exercise bike in holland. we would throw a ball in scotland. they would toss the cable in ukraine. it's tripped the grenade and you begin. you'll run it there on the a full day, a golf and the 2nd one missing the grenades, falls back into the look of the roles. but the words of jesus must be a russian spy. of course, you've got to ask yourself why the western media and the politicians who are
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stirred up the viral and you crate. i don't have more to say about this a doctor, nation to young kids. well, people like are all friend count dooku or sorry enough for out to what's his name again? plain st. grass. lindsay gray, him who isn't gay? absolutely not gay, not gay. lindsey graham has a real hard on for ag killing young people. it seems that goes all the way to being sold us made, as you can see, with the fact that the conscription age and you claim isn't lower. he wants to be in at what? 151112 lindsay like somebody else horse when you run out of the military age man. um they swam across the rivers. they've escaped, they've had disappeared to europe and why not? you have to move on to the kids and start indoctrinating them a bit of grenade telling you, but to see highland and soon you arrive at the last option, the last to the bottom of the basket. and that's ukraine's women. and they've been conscripted into the military now in large numbers. check the so all you want to
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so when you'll night off comes home from school after a bit of c calling practice almost as low as this where she is on the conveyor belt . of course, the western media is absolutely doting over these beautiful ukranian women. check it out a little for the kitchen, a beautiful ukrainian woman. and what's that? oh, it's an excess tolten cuff or death said, which was the last thing. many of the jews, polls and motions saw before they were shot to death and phone. and if in go this here, so while little tyler ross is told a troll grenade, and say hello to his father returning from the front of the wheelchair. and the women are also getting ready to go into the me corner as something else is going on in ukraine. and that is the fact that everybody in the west seems to want to help. they want to help more more people be killed. and kind of that has decided that it is going to make the mining one of the most dangerous things you can do in the military. going looking for an unexploded ordnance,
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a lot of people get killed doing this. they want to make it more fair. let's get the women involved to we really care. we love you so much you. so you're going to ask yourself, why this me grinders still spinning? why the leads and ukraine, who, by the way, their kids don't get to go to the frontier today, and they never will do too busy in switzerland looking for some real estate at what i want to keep this mil running? well, it might be something to do with the new machines you're seeing around the key f and electric rolls, royces and the latest batch. oh yeah. it's a brand new maclaren. just 570 s. yeah. a 570. yes, mclaren. that's probably one. the most expensive production cars you can buy on earth, right. and you'll notice, of course, that it's painted in the beautiful colors and animation of rick and morty. how quaint, how kind holy about $500000.00 ukrainians under the ground. now, while you're going to ask yourself what at least one thing didn't work, remember all friend alexi likes the calls. the honest broker issue. uh, he uh,
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got to have down to the government. very, very soon after the british minister of defense also did interesting. when he predicted that at leopards would make their way to moscow, and the in some ways they have done but not exactly the way he planned, run the video. you want to see what i want you to press on, which is the most the, and watch this space. we might be get, look close and personal with one of those leopards and next week she'll find meanwhile, over in israel, those kind and couldn't be people who are normal war really in the child killing as lead tables. if there is such a thing,
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they've killed about $15000.00 kids. there's probably another $7000.00 people trapped on the ruble in what used to be, god is a city that they've completely annihilated and destroyed. but if you would like to complain about this, or if you'd like to maybe protest, it's a very bad idea in the united states. let's have a listen to what an american politician will say to you or your kids. if you just got a little bit of a problem with murdering thousands of kids wrong, it's pretty clear. it was a covenant that god made with abraham jesus. literally this is, this is what, where this is where dr. if you blast israel, i will bless you. if you are israel, our curse, you, so these really so basically killing tens of thousands of civilians because of some old book says with the palestinians is their land. and now we got american politicians, send them the money to do the killing, saying it's all happening. here's another old book i have heard that now that
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you've experienced it. yes stuff is that, is that familiar? do you consider that a serious issue? so i mean, do you want columbia university to be cursed about god was of the bible? of definitely no. okay. unless you meanwhile, in columbia university, the home of the pulitzer prize that inquiring a dynamic center of journalistic pro s they are assisting the police. interesting thousands of students who was only crime is protesting the killing of tens of thousands of kids. you're going to ask yourself, who's pulling the strings? i've no idea or you, but we can't tell you that somebody decided to turn off at the seat of us government dressed in another country's military uniform. and he got slapped on the back for one of the videos. so this is a man in the center of us power and legislation,
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and wearing the uniform of these ready defense forces. it's going to be a rule against such sit on. so remember this as the us have just passed, quite calling you legislation to completely criminalize anything that could be construed as anti semitism. meanwhile, they're sending tens of billions of dollars to bunch, and that these over in key of flava dictatorship. well, we're going to leave the old usa ukraine states of america and run a head back europe ways. uh, we're not gonna fly in boeing because we want to actually make it their lives. and we decide to lined in easily, you know, the place where you get the delicious wine, lovely past the home of the sopranos, the mafia present a promise to do lots of things that she said she didn't, that didn't do. what's new we run into a bunch of absolutely devout fascism. nazis when the video for me is that that process a sort of almost a story and that's a bit of the scene calling on friends. you don't mind isn't tricky. so and of
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course the police moved immediately to end this display of fascism a. they protected us and that they're doing good. they're not able to do it with us with a lot more. so nobody's any skin not. and so that's what i'm looking for today. and so for me to stop by the future. yeah. so here's the nice guy. was a nice guy. just misunderstood. it's like doesn't at all. so while it'll do che, is being faded in italy at lake como and is a bit of c, haile in going on. you imagine that the germans would be a little concerned pekin over the border as maybe whispered in the rear, you know, wanting that stuff. and we've got enough trouble with the you close to. and i know all our shots, the dramatically fantastic leader of the industrialized germany was playing little, identify the video games as you do when your country's going into this or your economies planning and your teetering on starting the 3rd world war roll, the video log. okay? cuz after making skies, you get this
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a floor. how do these people end up in charge? how do they end up in charge? how does it happen? does anybody know from the north? ok. he's actually enjoying it. he's enjoying this. this is the most productive thing. he's doing all day i can, you'll see in the middle face. i'm much like elsewhere in europe. the these due to are so popular with the people. and they're very eager to bind the opposition, like mr. zalinski and the key of the alternative for deutschland are really growing in their popularity in germany. but don't forget, the marshall plan was all about keeping the russians out, keeping the germans down and the americans the internet and to get off the uncle. sam's lead isn't appreciated. and you can ask yourself, why are these parties which are on team a gratian and more anti war than the establishment? why do they want action taken on immigration? well, in the good old city of door, tuned at great football team,
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lovely flower pots, which i've now been converted into the open air foxes by the emigrants from the video. and by the way, uh, get the sick bags ready or look away because this is pretty st graham to know about the sort of insurance and let's go to the bottom one. so some swear to the boys, the site to relieve themselves or a couple of typical po she uses for us. this is the you and me that scream is no, i'm talking about let's go straight to paris place. we visited many times. the sane is full of the cold, like the bedrooms are full of bed bugs. 4 legged furry friends calling up your leg on the metro. it ain't getting any better a may day. the delighted locals were so happy that the olympics is going to come to town, decided to put on the display. a welcome friendship to the international community
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. check it out. yep. that's the olympic rings. getting a little bit of a toasting. yeah, they don't look too happy, right. in addition to this very warm welcome things are really looking up in gape, harry for many mccaul, and it's going to be a real summer love. but a lot of people are going to end up probably staying a bit longer than they thought they would. maybe some will say permanently, because dang, the fever, which is spread by mosquitoes, basically, is rapidly spreading, has been over 1600 cases. of this tropical disease, which is pretty unpleasant and this year as opposed to 100 last year on top of that during the olympics, the local garbage collectors have decided to make their contribution to the cleanliness of the city by going on in strike. and of course, what would france be in power? somebody olympics and the whole woke re, folk re degree polk re be in the west without getting a guy in a dress involved at the center of the big event. and this shop,
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or guy or lady, is going to be front and center, getting his hands on the big torch wouldn't be the 1st one. and of course while the is really team both arrives and everybody else from phil gets to a number one spot minus bedbugs. and powers for the olympics. the parole russians haven't been invited. they'll be staying at home and nice clean moscow minus thing . the fever, the right race, bed bugs and rivers. there's always an upside comm rates. so that brings us to the end of this week's whistle. stop tours still. it seems that the leads are really ramping up the pressure trying to get rid of half of the population of the planet and prevent the birth of the other. so that will leave nobody to pay taxes, which will fund their big cars, their huge share stock options and more. so i don't think it's gonna happen. i think they want plenty of people to farm for dollars. and we'll be here next week
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to tell you just how they're doing it. i'll see you in the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the analysis and what they've done, that then you can put them into a facade indeed. and then put them in the window at a senior. the, the, to look into intermedia. nikoto is the dimensions of the photo i'm seen. send the most of it to the, to d. today at the most in the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just
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a shifted reality distortion by how us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really one say better wills, and is it just as a chosen few. fractured images presented is 1st. can you see through their illusion going underground can the how much they have to have. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. you do not watch my new show search like why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to planes or do have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to
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make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the us, the rest of the world and 2000 people of pro policy and demonstrations. this is congress sinks to the official definition of a separate because of the side of this sent me even the to ride the restricted to impress, misleading common cause by the way the media has to happen. and so you guys who are wrong so, so the call center routed tash, may region as local cost and follow ups in this general election.


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