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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  May 5, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EDT

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a, some had hoped it will be, as ortiz egos daniels explains. so the stagg i'm standing on top of it is actually the best in the world for either the united states. wanted everybody to believe that where they wanted to believe that the abrams tanks, the hard stuff. well, that was until the 1st machines like this one appeared just outside the town of, of dave come for many sadly for this one that became that final voyage. and now the united states, apparently they're pulling these tanks away from the front line or rather they have the ukranian come on. do just that because they couldn't face the challenge of a simple come because the drone, some trophies here, mangled, others carry marius scratch. but every one of them carries the flag of the country that manufactured them. in the bold statements, nature was selling the equipment as an absolute game changer for ukraine. united
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states will be sending $31.00 abram tax to ukraine. the equivalent of one ukrainian battalion david was trying to the most capable tax in the world. look when it comes to the abrams tank. and we've said we're going to continue to talk to the cranes about their needs. and we're going to wear and continue to meet them as best we can . and we'll do that. the abrams is a, a powerful system. there is no doubt about it. but this charge skeleton is inside a massive p out as us to, for the inside. and they to blog because as i'm standing amid this graveyard of game changes, it's easy to see why the alliance was so reluctant to provide its equipment to ukraine. because, well, this is actually yet another pinnacle of nathan military engineering. this is a, a german made lip, a tank, and one of its new a modifications. the 2 a $61.00. yet, it is here. a reminder that all these tanks, infants, we fighting vehicles um and personnel carriers. they did not live up to the
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expectation before the conflict. ukraine broke out. russia knows what it's doing here. a bold message in the heart of the exhibits office, the invoice of the us, britain, germany, france, and the poland. a v i. p pos, to skip the line and visit the exhibition. now it's been only a couple of hours past noon on day one of the events you had already. thousands of people have showed up. in fact, the organizers have told me that they did not really anticipate this popularity, but they are going out of the way to make everybody feel welcome. like here they are treating everybody willing to hop on the food that they prepare here. they even bake red on the spot, just so that every visitor has something to fill the bellies with and just to add a touch of emotion to this exhibition. know is an interesting fact. some nato equipment
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that was provided to ukraine is not here. know because it is so invincible, but rather because it was simply and quite literally on fits for the ukrainian battlefield. the challenge of to prioritize is begun protection, so it's not the fastest time out there, but it is one of the most powerful claims to have the record for the longest range of killing a destroying another time. this challenge is full admittedly precise. actually, they've had real problems with it. he and ukraine because of its lability is actually even simple repairs of equipment that they salvage from the front lines can become a challenge for the ukranian army before the stuff gets up on the i was just looking at the, with the supply of western weapons, reduced to a minimum ukrainian army engineers are forced to improvise that, they call it cannibalization,
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collecting one serviceable artillery piece from the remains of many damaged ones. senior unexpected solutions can be useful here. but where does this pipe is from a commercial excavator? and not all the solution is not provided in the instructions, but it works. so this will to era mazda anti tank, gun sub nazi germany, and this infantry fighting vehicle, mazda service, ukraine. whatever you give key of will burn. there is not the only message that rushes sending here. i'm it gets done of reporting for most co op c. i thought archie, just comedies where you can guess all the details of all stories are following this out. thanks for watching. i'll see you again. the
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say everybody, welcome back to the law school news on shay bowes this week i'm joined again by my little sidekick auggie, who's going to help us navigate to some of the numbers and some of the facts as we lift the lid on some of the grinding little stories that the main stream media would prefer. we left exactly where they are in the dark and grimy little corners. now what better place to start and what our old pile, the sleepy joe, the self propelled grandfather, the star of the show really. and he's a very proud mind, he's very proud to proclaimed america is number one, land of the free home of the brave. well, isn't number one, is it number 7 isn't number 2, we're not too sure. on the video, all the less of a check america swollen behind infrastructure, we used to be number one in the world. now remember,
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right now we ranked number 9. united states as number 9. now we're rated in the world. aren't as well. number 13 surface weight in the united states romero's lot. are we used to have the finest infrastructure in the world? we're rated number one in the world. we're now rated number 14. yeah. well look, at least a jo might not know where we are with infrastructure. but at least he's absolutely certain about the numbers. he knows how much money's been spent on those bridges. those so you know, see fronts those peers. he, somebody knows the numbers, you need that a politician in charge who knows the numbers, numbers are important right? on the that's the literally around the video, we know i took a charge we advocated for structured decades. this is going on, people often. oh, really? $1200000000.00. more watch instead of instruction week america's average infrastructure
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decade dec. i don't think he's going to be around and executive over a $1000000000.00 and $377000000.00 is infrastructure decade. headline on my watch. over 1000000200. $2200000000000.00. oh so that those visitors get this that so that again, that was a 1000000000 trillion 300 because it's like we ask your kid at a birthday party. what do you want to do and you go up. i want to be rich. how much money you want to have on of a 1000000000 guild. lillian. lillian money is but $1.00 thing that is absolutely clear us has actually spent $1.00 trillion dollars on infrastructure. and they are very proud about that. a kamala and joe showed that from the roof tops, well, the roof tops of collapse, but in reality, they need to spend about 10 trillion of you right now over the next 40 years in order to stop the whole show falling apart. now you might ask, what do they spend in the 1.2 trillion that they have actually spent on?
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well, that's uh, you know, you can imagine it's hospitals, right? it's, it's motor ways. it's uh, you know, it's a new railway system because it's fall apart in the states. no, they're building a network of charging stations for electric vehicles. now they want to uh, build about half a 1000000 of them. uh, but they've billed how many. oh $7.00, that's $77.00 as in book before 8 and after 6, literally only 7 and they want to bill how familiar you would choose the population of course, and that's gonna carriers nicely into the next bill at video. i want to show you, this is of come, i'll harris. remember there's probably only one thing worse than sleepy joe, being in charge of the nuclear button and it's a come off. now let's have a listen to her points on a population control. because the only way that they're going to actually uh, make sure that the little bit of infrastructure, the building is going to be enough for the american people is if half the population dies. when we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduced
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population, reduced population, reduced population more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water . the one in heaven's name you're talking about time is comalla spouts. in yonkers, about population control. you got to remember that the us is a big country, big economy, but it's got a problem. the birth rate in the u. s. is of its lowest since 1979. and you may ask, why? well, i don't think apple is actually helping with it's a v r headset and it's a, you know, virtual porn addiction. yeah. oh you, well we run the video. so this is a film of a dude who's acquired himself, one of these virtual reality headsets. and he's turned on a bit of porno, in the middle of a park. let me say, you know, does a thing in our lives, you know, how would you describe porn? you? you can't really describe what you know when you see it. so you might remember to model a said that it was about our children were just talking about actually maybe just
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talking about sleepy joe and hunter. but it all went down this pipe when he got high run, the video wasn't part of the plan with the uh, he did get high. so of course, another way to control population could be to make a ruling in the us courts. so i'll give you that only boeing aircraft will be low take this guy is not, can probably eliminate 50 percent of the population pretty handy because this show is literally falling apart in front of our eyes. let's find the video, the pitcher dropping off a literally everywhere. check this, the if you look 20 to k,
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it's like it's made of pasta. just increased, but what do you do if you look at the window, your planet, you see that's why you took it into the pilots anymore. this, you know, so what do you do? slowly enough, as bowing hits the headlines for all the wrong reasons. another one or there was a blow worse at has a strange, you're very healthy guy, a big big letter duties into his health and wellbeing fitness. just so happened to expire as well. quite recently. didn't you know you are very suddenly in the matter of days. yeah, it was infected or convenient, these are conveniently on died from organ failure after all those years of so if your lifestyle you incentives. yeah. as plain as the nose of your face and is boeing or looking to avoid some tricky question sticky from its deceased. not well, most of its whistle blowers and a dead from its whistle blows on the public. somebody else that we know side joe, bob's nice. jean pierre at the exceptionally intelligent and very,
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very diligently appointed lady who is in charge of jo biden's messaging. do you think joe can't get any worse? check out now and this cringe best last week. it was a dancing in the mental home. now today it's some said a crazy deflection on why they never actually answer any questions. run a question here and there with i don't want to get ahead of the present it tonight. i want to present that then i have is the train year and there are some great punch lines. no, no, no, no, no. i mean, do these people have nothing better to do? does the us have no problems on the, you know, collapsing infrastructure, the increasing rants. everything's going down the pipe on this dude is a, i thing like latree liking like a clown in the white house. meanwhile, in the ukraine, the boss, the in a freedom, democracy, wellbeing,
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the kids are very, it's use yes. think about their education, you know, they're so anxious to answer questions that the teachers ask them. who knows the answer. you almost love. yeah. yeah. you know, that's what's going on, right? so it's got to be check this one, the video was the most cuz god was going to bring me verifies completely normal and a little giggling between him, you know, nothing. can you claim 0. so of course when you're finished learning how to do your old so you, kyle and bit of indoctrination into the very warm and found the orientated religion to binders and you progress onto a different type of exercise bike in holland. we would throw a ball in scotland, they would toss the cable in ukraine. it's tripped the grenade and you begin. you'll run it there august your full day ago. and the 2nd one missing, the grenay falls back into the look of the roll back towards the jesus. he must be
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a russian spy. of course, you've got to ask yourself why the western media and the politicians were stirred up the barrel. and you, craig, i don't have more to say about this a doctor nation to young kids. well, people like are all friend count dooku or so enough for us to. what's his name again? lane st. grass, lindsay gray, him who was gay? absolutely not gay, not gay. lindsey graham has a real hard on for killing young people. it seems that goes all the way to being sold us made, as you can see, with the fact that the can scription age and ukraine isn't lower. he wants to be and that's what $151112.00 lindsay like some young horse when you run out of the military age man. um they swam across the rivers. they've escaped, they've had disappeared to europe and why not? you have to move on to the kids and started dr. needing them good bit of grenay telling you, but to see holly and soon you arrive at the last option, the last at the bottom of the basket. and that's ukraine's women. and they've been
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conscripted into the middle to, you know, in large numbers. check the so all you want it. so when you'll night off comes home from school after be to see calling practice. mama says noah, just where she is on the conveyor belt. of course, the western media is absolutely doting over these beautiful ukrainian women. check it out a little for the kitchen, a beautiful ukrainian woman. and what's that? oh, it's an excess tolten call or death said, which was the last thing. many of the jews poles in motion saw before they were shot to death and folded up if in go this year. so while little tyler ross is told her to grenade and say hello to his father returning from the front of the wheelchair. and the women are also getting ready to go into the mika and, or something else is going on and ukraine. and that is the fact that everybody in the west seems to want to help. they want to help more more people be killed on
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child of that has decided that it is going to make the mining one of the most dangerous things you can do in the military. and going, looking for an exploded ordinance, a lot of people get killed doing this. they want to make it more fair. let's get the women involved to. we really care. we love you so much you. so you're going to ask yourself, why this me grinders still spinning? why the leads and ukraine, who, by the way, their kids don't get to go to the frontier today, and they never will do too busy in switzerland looking for some real estate at what i want to keep this mil running? well, it might be something to do with the new machines you're seeing around the key f and electric rolls, royces and the latest batch. oh yeah. it's a brand new maclaren. just 570 s. yeah. a 570 yes, mclaren. that's probably one of the most expensive production cars you can buy on earth. right. and you'll notice, of course, that it's painted in the beautiful colors and animation of rick and morty. how quaint, how kind only about $500000.00 ukrainians under the ground now. well,
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you're going to ask yourself what at least one thing didn't work. remember, all friend alexi likes the calls, the honest broker issue. uh, he uh, got turfed out of the government very, very soon after the british. uh, minister of defense also did interesting. but did he predicted that uh, leopards would make their way to moscow? and the, in some ways they have done but not exactly the way he plan, run the videos, you want to see what i've done yet. so what are some of just the most of the on watch this space we might be getting close and personal with one of those leopards the next week. she'll find meanwhile, over in israel,
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those kind and couldn't the people who are number one really in the child killing as lead tables. if there is such a thing that killed about 15000 kids, there's probably another 7000 people trapped on the ruble in what used to be guys, a city that they've completely annihilated and destroyed. but if you would like to complain about this, or if you'd like to grant maybe protest, it's a very bad idea in the united states. it's a listen to what an american politician will say to you or your kids. if you just got a little bit of a problem with murdering thousands of kids. well, it's pretty clear it was a covenant to this god made with abraham jesus. literally this is, this is what, where this is where stop here. if you blast the israel, i will bless you. can you, if you are israel, our curse you. so these rallies are basically killing tens of thousands of civilians because a small book says with the palestinians,
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if they're allowed to navigate american politicians, send them the money to do the killing, saying it's all happening. here's another old book. i have heard that now that you've experienced it. yes. okay. does that sound familiar? do you consider that a serious issue? i mean, do you want columbia university to be cursed by god? why of the bible of definitely no. okay. well that's good. i mean, well, in columbia university, the home of the pulitzer prize that inquiring a dynamic center of journalistic pro s they are assisting the police. interesting thousands of students who was only crime is protesting the killing of tens of thousands of kids. you're going to ask yourself, who's pulling the strings? i've no idea of you, but we can't tell you that somebody decided to turn off at the seat of us government dressed in another country's military uniform. and they got slapped on the back for a while. the videos so
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this is a man in the center of us power and legislation and wearing the uniform of these ready defense forces. it's going to be a rule against such sit on. so remember this as a us have jews past uh, quite calling in legislation to completely criminalize anything that could be construed as anti semitism. meanwhile, they're sending tens of billions of dollars to bunch, and that these over in key of flava dictatorship. well, we're going to leave the old usaid ukraine states of america and run ahead but of europe ways. uh, we're not gonna fly in boeing because we wanna actually make it their lives. and we just started to landing easily, you know, the place where you get the delicious wine, lovely past the home of the sopranos, the mafia president did promise to do lots of things that she said she didn't, that didn't do that. what's new, we run into a bunch of absolutely devout, fascist,
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and nazi's when the video for me is that the process of a song story and that's a bit of the scene calling. i'm a friend, 0 minus the division. check the show and of course the police moved immediately to end this display of fascism. you know, they protect it and that they're doing good and they loved it and what you did with us with a lot more. nobody's any skin not. and so on the left, the room looking friends today and so on the side by the future it has some, as a nice guy, was a nice guy, just misunderstood. it's like doesn't at all. so while it'll do che, is being faded in italy at lake como and it's a bit of c calling going on. you imagined that the germans will be a little concerned pekin over the border as maybe whispered in the rear, you know, wanting that stuff in. we've got enough trouble with the you close doing? know, all of schultz, the dramatically fantastic leader of the industrialized germany was playing a little, identify the data games as you do when your country is going into this, or your economies planning and your teetering on starting the 3rd world war role of
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video log. okay, complementary skies you can say he, i for how do these people end up in charge? how do they end up in charge? how does it happen? does anybody know from it? from on north. ok. he's actually enjoying it. he's enjoying this. this is the most productive thing he's doing all day. i can just see in the middle face, i'm much like elsewhere in europe. a. these do to are so popular with the people. and they're very eager to bind the opposition, like mr. zalinski and it keeps the alternative for deutschland are really growing in their popularity in germany. but don't forget, the marshall plan was all about keeping the russians, though, keeping the germans down and the americans in and ask them to get off the uncle. sam's lead isn't appreciated. and you can ask yourself, why are these parties which are on team
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a gratian and more anti war than the establishment? why do they want action taken on immigration? well, in the good old city of door tuned, great football team. lovely flower pots, which i've now been converted into the open air foxes by the emigrants, run the videos. and by the way, uh, get to seek bags ready or look away because this is pretty ingram, you know, the sort of interesting. let's go to the point. so some swear to the boys, the site to relieve themselves or a couple of cubic jo, she uses cries, this is the you and me that scream is enough and talking about let's go straight to paris place we visited many times. the same is full of the cold, like the bedrooms are full of bed bugs. a 4 legged furry friends calling up your leg on the metro. it ain't getting any better on may day. the delighted locals were
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so happy that the olympics is going to come to town, decided to put on the display, a want of friendship to the international community. check it out. yep. that's the olympic rings. getting a little bit of a toasting. yeah, they don't look too happy, right. in addition to this very warm welcome things are really looking up in gape, harry for many mccaul, and it's going to be a real summer love. but a lot of people are going to end up probably staying a bit longer than they thought they would. maybe some will say permanently because dang fever, which is spread by mosquitoes, basically is rapidly spreading has been over 1600 cases of this tropical disease, which is pretty unpleasant. and this year, as opposed to 100 last year on top of that during the olympics, the local garbage collectors have decided to make their contribution to the cleanliness of the city by going on strike. and of course, what would france be in power?
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somebody olympics and the whole woke re, folk re degree polk re be in the west without getting a guy in a dress involved at the center of the big event. and this, the shop, or guy or lady, is going to be front and center, getting his hands on a big torch wouldn't be the 1st one. and of course, while the is really team both arrives and everybody else from phil gets the number one spock minus bed bugs and powers for the olympics. the parole russians haven't been invited. they'll be staying at home and nice clean moscow minus thing. the fever, the right race, bed bugs and rivers. there's always an upside comm rates. so that brings us to the end of this week's whistle stop tours still. it seems that the leads are really ramping up the pressure trying to get rid of half of the population of the planet and prevent the birth of the other. so that will leave nobody to pay taxes, which will funder be cars. their huge share stock options and more so i don't think
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it's going to happen. i think they want plenty of people to farm for dollars. and we'll be here next week to tell you just how they're doing it. i'll see you in the the the crime never transitioned out of the nineties and county politics of the 90s continued or the old away for the articles to go see the crime that i never had
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a breach of trust. you come and some stability is the power all site the 0 board near ship did it should. so with the generalized scam, i don't only neil m dot gov, i the that i need based idea of the condition where image started, they pressed ok branch and to show us where the machine were in the home or whatever for sure. for young people that are coming up for the summer. and so if i gave you the model is your name, we look forward to your to what's your role to lower the visit, reduce your conditional clauses,
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tours your proposal or just shoot closer with something. oh sure. yeah, is that now on the 3rd or september 5th or i was in dearly or courtney church the year one year or 2 very heavy or she of or who i have. so there's no my orders to bills are here for the for in june, 53rd mama there 3. yeah. order santori does your or the a video of alleged abuse by an officer today, the sheriff's deputy in columbia, south carolina, forcibly removed his student from a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talking to her sprained her. and initially, you know, i didn't think is
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a problem because i knew that she was just this quiet student in the class. someone looked at the police officer and says, here is law enforcement that is worse. clearly attacking, abusing power and influence. and then the other is present. this is what's wrong with the poorly be on discipline. black children, he was there enforcing a lot to meet the crime, to quote, disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes and school is huge and forces never predict for necessary. a tops people were never gonna change your mind. so people will never change their minds about the video. they think i was wrong. and that's it. the
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the k austin, the campus us before with these attempt to break up some of the pro palestinian demonstrations that have taken brute to get into the cities across the country. leaving it arrived. call us directed to impress, misleading pharmacy, and report cards. by the way, the media has r t. it gets rare access to the complex written cast me a region has locals across the balance in india is general election. so the stag i'm spending on top of it is actually the best in the world for either the united.


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