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tv   News  RT  May 5, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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the switching waist high speeds, they're still going. yes. so the, [000:00:00;00] the pay off the account calls us to forward these attempt to break up some of the pro palestinian demonstrations. have taken root in universities across the country. take off, but yeah, huge role. shut us all the zeros operations in the country, leaving is a price to national security of a cutoff. bees outlets says that the move cost is received at vows to repeat the putting his foot on it all over again. joe biden finds himself in the hot water and ask the white houses crumbling to limit the
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damaged up of the us president accuses prose, ally, japan of 10 to 4 pm the at 6 pm in moscow. welcome to art international, reaching you from our new center. i, a michael watching, ga student activist across the weld, have been trying to reverse roles and teach the universities the less than when he comes to the watering gas. a, a protest of there's been, has taken hold of the us, u. k fronds and even australia in paris, demonstrators were forced to retreat as one of the student captain, the friend capital. i made a heavy police presence while the people were physically drowned away from the reality of the powers institute of political signs. now please said 9 to one, the rests were made.
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the, to this for to this, from the university of california in los angeles, where numerous demonstrators of where detain additional police units were dispatched to various protest size for nighttime raids. authorities ordered people to leave threatening more arrests if they disobey office has moved in and entered one of the campus buildings after the students defied an area order to me. at this point, that shows how the demonstrators had set up barricades us be attempted to hold their ground. new york spin, major focal points, held the student protest movement more than 2000 people had been arrested in the last 3 weeks. of the demonstrators had been calling for an immediate cease fire and gaza and accusing news or all of genocide. many, all this down the between police and protest,
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those of you wrap it into violence. wow. the now one of the protest organizes run go chairs outlined how police brucely crunched down on what had been a peaceful protest. here in los angeles at the university of southern california usc about 93 students were arrested on the 1st day of the student protests. this morning, early this morning, more than 100 students were arrested at u. c. l. a. where the police came in violently attacking the students pepper the pepper spray the students in arresting them. they were not being violent. they were simply indian, kept me trying to,
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defending can't meant to continue to demand that you see how they stopped investing in dead stop giving their money to support the genocide being committed by israel. the students are steadfast, other students are now getting up and they have community support. you know, i'm an alumni, i'm a proud alumni, b, c, l a. and we've been going out there to you through to support the students. the process will continue at u. c. l a and many universities throughout the country just yesterday or may, they may 1st more university started their, their accounts. so this is something that's going to continue across the country. it's, we're not going to stuff all these really, governments is handed l g 0 has some news of its own. it's been shut down in the country. i mean, claims is the threat to national security. of these riley cabinet voted on sunday and to end the networks operations for a period of at least $4.00 to $5.00 days. but communications administer branded the channel and incitement machine. all its broadcasting equipment will also be,
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sees aug a 0 set. it's preparing the legal response file also highlighting the fact that more than $140.00 publishing and journalists have already been killed in the conflict. the network itself as the last 2 staff, all the staff members, while several others have been injured or abused by ease ready forces, a l, g 0, a media network strongly condemned and denounced as this criminal act that violates human rights and the basic right to excess of information, israel's ongoing suppression of the free press, seen as an effort to conceal its actions in the gaza strip, stands in contravention of international and humanitarian law. all right, let's cross live to a shooter. assad joined the list and member of general secretary to in the policy the policy and john list indicates it's nice to have you join me right now. sure. so what has this band really been on about is the network a threat to national security at these ready gubbins,
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claiming i actually this is very, very astonishing to hear that a call 3, a government a, any addressing to i need the in the word that they are doing a, they are really reckoning their security will never be seeing any during the scan of a it was a report and what, what they did different information and this is the night of any during the nurse and meet your organization to deliver at the end of information and use that is happening to be a threatened and to be seen as if the information is, is really a problem and is with security. our opinion is what it is, is that say is that it's a democracy actually as respects the freedom of speech and respect, human rights,
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as it said in this absence of this is as stop the words of freedom, of speech, specialty and adjoining is obscene. and by the sun and into world to know a station, an office too bad doing that. a steward. this is in our open invoices in the gate and ask us to be in journalist. this is a crime against freedom of speech and crime against democracy against all the rights of doing and is to works the to deliver the, the and, and i, you, you said it may be in the small report before i started it soon we, when the how do i need another way of 2 years of losing always going to need a while for me? who was good by and is what is not but and 3 this minute, even the syndicate. and as, as he let y'all know the address the i c, c. and above, nothing happened and the soldier cannot be punished instead of punishing the
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soldiers who gave the during this and the mother's in the us nearly $85.00 and in the office is $730.00 in god's up since 7th of october and 11. would it be that a here in the west bank besides uh we also born in the um, in the breast freedom day. a 155 of our colleagues that we lost. a buy is a setting. only one of them was in the west, buy buy is a soldier. so this is a continuation in our opinion of is re cried again journalist to silence them to bend the from the living. i need information that maybe is right, like so they think they have the, the authority to shut them down to 4. be turned into steward as they are doing with john is our products and government and was but they are getting them not getting
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them. you want to see the equipment threatening them, getting their families, inserting them, because they want them to be silenced. and this is really, it has to be seen as a crime and is what it has to be. a has a call to them and response to the in our opinion, and we will do our best go through the thing with, as is here with any organization. german is a platform or human rights. 3, the hold is right account to the to goes our police who are dead, who are injured with all their arms, their eyes the next with the holes get now the leaks through numbers. all that is happening in the west bank binding to us each. the news, it's really disgusted, we may not be able to get to go back safe home. we will do as a syndicate. what we have to do to continue our 5 again is one in the i, c,
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c. and we are ready to go to and boldly with any that you said really stall this from happening because this is what is what it's doing is not only a crime against palestinian. the german isn't seen and journalist and all are up in the and it should be seen as a crime. i guess all of that. ringback that is the community in the whole world, and the joining is a freedom of speech and ethics. of course, an attack against john list anywhere in the world remains a crime. now, i'll just say right has vowed the legal response. do you think you would uh, overturn the bad and i'm not sure because as i told you, uh since 2 years we did not really a is what i did not really a stay in front of the courts because of unfortunately the, the legal, international legal system i'm just, this is kind of the 2 sides and all the american pression and european pressure
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and it's biased. unfortunately, we, what we ask is that we want them to be biased to justice, the international as the human rights. this is where we stand and we will, the whole work is done. i don't, i'm not to be optimistic that, as you know, we'd be able to change the decision. as long as it's red is, is a, is backed up politically, military and legally a, from the international community, especially europe and united states. yesterday i came from france, there was a conference in the congress, the committee and france band, the son of a 50, to come to the phone and with me, and after doing any bad. and so we are say we are seeing things not only from his road as it's becoming internationally that they want to silence. joining us
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weaknesses on general sites as the sun and only for the june of this and the human, the dns and so on. but i think you don't go on with this up and it's right her right is to go with this new good that we would do. also, whatever we can do. and because i tell you, we are living in a very, very critical situation, according to human rights and freedom of speech. and really this, those action that has to be stopped. and it has to be seen as crimes against june that is, up against the internet. the agencies and the speed of, of speed to the go on, go on, not those boys don't do me in the syndicate to do, and i'm sure i will have to read that to me. will really have a partners need us in this hard fact that we are willing to go up to they would
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be totally stop all those crimes. that is what it is doing, either by doing the journalist or by trying to silence them. all right, with how to living here. now we really thank you for what you're doing. sure. what the sod, journalist, and member of the general the secretary and the policy and john list syndicate. thank you for your insight. a major risk burst into the open between india and canada with new deli, accusing auto philology space for extremism invalid and is to drive other spots centered around the presence of a sick separatist movement based in north american country. biggest problem right now is in canada because in canada are truly the part today they bought the invalid and canada, other boxes and canada have given these kinds of extremism separatism, advocates of violence. so something legitimacy in the name of for the speech,
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to buy new, tell them something that onto there's no, no, no the other democracy but to display speech. you know, it's no longer work which runs as a one way street. but if there are things which happen out there will be pushed back, one of those comes a day off the canadian authorities arrested 3 indian nationalist on suspicion of involvement in the murder of sic, separate his leader. last year, investigators have branded a political assassination and said that they upholding links to the indian government. something new delhi they had mentally denies this think separatist movement which is presence, it would come early in the canada has the self proclaimed aim of creating a separate state from india is putting job problems, cold callous, that not to discuss this further lives across. now live to former india and consul general and then back to the to madagascar. mind,
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yusef is nice. you have you join me a ride the bus with a says now the presence of big tallies spun independence movement in canada. it has been solving the country is relations with india for a while now. what's prime minister occurred is motivation in allowing it to be such a phone, in the sight of their ties with india. uh, from what i be getting me go through the steps. not been encouraging these extremists and then the other game go, you know, gain more. uh, a guy stood that wasn't bivens, he's in canada because of there is this ball game here. the meeting of the, of the and the uh is the, is it kind of cost know, and the government, he's a strong advocate of the company stop. and because he is in the body and the government and the government,
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the government to sort of get the support. this is my understanding of what is happening in canada. and i think because of this reason, they do have their supporters. this is familiar to the old in the community all the time, aspirations or creating color stuff of every month in india i drum uh, bed disappeared. it was bed at one time but no good. so just kind of ideology. they are not trying to wrap up the color sun is designed to wrap up a new position of our streets of dental dental. i think instigating the government because the the big option to make the statements. this is what i, i see,
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this is what is happening more and more even about the cost of their relationship with india. i think that is what is surprising. i'm at the same time they are not providing any, any kind of evidence. you know, they keep on saying and also this to be 3 indians and they're saying that you are looking into it to see if there's any connection between these people and the and, oh, somebody represents to a piece of its own combustion. oh, all right. all right. i'm, i'm back to the, i'm sorry, but we're losing part of your audio where we can get clearly your, your inside. so i'm going to put you on hold. now will certainly come back to you some time to get your insight on this. thank you so much. mind you said for my indian console, general and, and basset to madagascar really appreciate you here on fortunate match the raw,
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the magic to japan's use to describe commons by dividing after the president branded the close us ally as central phobic. it is unfortunate that some of the comments were not based on an accurate understanding of japan's policies. and we have raised this point to the us government and explained japan's positions and policies once again. now japanese call us savvy was unfair of by didn't to compare the small island nation to a vast country founded by immigrants of the us. president made the claim on wednesday when he said the japan, along with the roster china and india were all in a full week. one of the reasons why our economies growing is because of you and many others. why? because we welcome immigrants. why is china stolen so badly economically? why is japan having trouble? why is russia? was india because they are seen
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a fall big. they don't want immigrants. immigrants are what makes us strong. a less not across live to nelson. wong, vice chub bundled the shanghai center for rim pac, and international studies is nice to have you join me right now. they're just saying the by didn't really intended to brand one of its closest allies into the cam, off his may not advisories. and i'm not sure if it's uh, if it was done on purpose or by mistake about uh, i think sometimes we really have to learn to ignore what uh, some of the american politicians say. and so uh, this is our diverse, a weld, and everybody from every country, it really is allowed to say what they like about when it comes to a serious accusations like this. i mean, yes, i mean, calling a china,
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russia and japan. is that a fall big? i mean whether japan likes it or not, but i think from attractive standpoint, i think biking is referring to this to uh, to praise his own country's economic performance by denouncing other countries economic performers as well. he has the freedom to say whatever he likes about things that multi exactly what he says. and so it's a matter of, you know, looking at the facts drive is economy is not performing badly. it has its own cycle, economic cycle. and the, i believe japan's economy has its own cycle as well. and russia, i mean, russia's economy is by no means performing badly. so, no,
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sometimes we just have to learn to ignore me. now the just ation of is enough will be a, is a pretty serious statement like you have said earlier, but why did depend treated so diplomatically. oh, wow. we uh, i think we hold now a japan has made the choice to position itself as a close ally of the u. s. and also by uh, looking at uh, the japanese prime ministers, recent speech of the us congress. we know what japan has decided the country to be in terms of his position in the international i read. so i'm not surprised they show, they chose to be more diplomatic in uh, push him back, but uh uh no, i'm not surprised about that. now was it absolutely faithful bought into a ques, raso, and find out all the similar then a full be
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a what makes seem saying that these countries, both with significant ethnic minority populations, are more than a full week down the united states, especially considering what's going on in the us right now. well, i don't really think that he think seriously about other country is that this is the problem we're having actually, worldwide, if it goes uh, the americas really stupidly they are the well that they can do as a say whatever they like that the whole world shift space and operate around the us so they can call the shots. but uh no, i think they are clearly on the wrong side of history and they don't really know what's going on in the rest of the world. i'm particularly what other people say, actually it was the other people's mind. well maybe they don't care, but this is perhaps part of the program and this is what has lead to what has led
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to all the chaos and this functioning off. uh, you know, all the mechanisms that used to gather the well because they got carried away too far. now apart from the analysis of the fact that the was the us would like the whole well to radi round it on on freight from its own prison. oh, how disconnected do you think biden is from the realities outside of the united states, from your staff? i think he's very much disconnected if i can use it. oh, what a very much disconnected ways the reality is not a facing what the rest of the world is functioning, how the rest of the world is functioning at the moment. look at what europe is
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doing economically as a result of the war in ukraine, as europe has suffered tremendously, the whole european continent has suffered tremendously and for whatever the us has pushed to, to support ukraine. russia is a policy and the ritual has nothing. we can and the rushes economy is doing extremely well. so, but who is benefiting all that? let's face it. the americans. they are making a lot of money out of everything. this is a fact. so uh, i think they are just going to so fish, in terms of a global politics and was all the chaos that as being created here and there.
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so i think people have woken up. and if they do not change to face the reality and to, to sit down and talk with other countries to, to collectively, to build the structure of a new world bolt, which is meant to be multi pulled up. i think the us is also doing something not constructed for itself in the law or wrong. me now apart from the space been stuff we have heard from some of the countries that were labeled as in the full big. what else do you use? do you expect as reaction from these countries ross side find the deposit in the end even india as well? i don't know. i mean, i don't know other countries, but uh, and i don't know what the chinese government is gonna say, but i would, i wouldn't really use that. it will get ignored. basically,
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there are too many things. you can't really take everything they said so seriously . so uh, i mean, we are who we are and our old countries are doing, you know, following the guidelines, the ways that we have been operating. and in the case of trying to, for example, china has its own principal of functioning both domestically and china also sticks to its own policy of being independent in terms of a global politics as well. but most importantly is due to protect the interest of our own country and our own security. that's the most important thing. not. all right, we have to leave you here now is thank you so much. nelson long have vice chapman not based on high sent a full written packet international studies. we appreciate your insight. thank you
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. now, nato times have been seen on the street solve the russian capital, but perhaps not as a way to solve them, had once hoped. as are these english died of explains. so this stagg i'm standing on top of it is actually the best in the world for uh the united states wanted everybody to believe that where they wanted to believe that the abrams tanks, the hot stuff. well, that was until the 1st machines like this one appeared just outside the town of, of dave come for many, sadly for this one that became that final voyage. and now the united states, apparently they're pulling these banks away from the front line or rather they have the ukranian come on. do just that because they couldn't face the challenge of a simple come because the drone, some trophies here, mangled, others carry marius scratch. but every one of them carries the flag of the country that manufactured them. in the bold statements,
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nature was selling the equipment as an absolute game changer for ukraine. united states will be sending $31.00 abram tax to ukraine. the equivalent of one ukrainian battalion favors tanks of the most capable tanks in the world. look, when it comes to the abrams tank, and we've said we're going to continue to talk to the cranes about their needs and we're going to wear and continue to meet them as best we can. and we'll do that. the abrams is a, a powerful system. there's no doubt about it, but this charge skeleton is inside a massive part as us to for the inside and they to block. because as i'm standing amid this graveyard of game changes, it's easy to see why the alliance was so reluctant to provide its equipment to ukraine. because well, this is actually yet another pinnacle of nathan military engineering. this is a, a german made lip, a tank. and one of its new a modifications, the 2
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a 61. yet it is here, a reminder that all these tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, um and personnel carriers, they did not live up to the expectation before the conflict. ukraine broke out. russia knows what it's doing here. a bold message in the heart of the exhibits office, the invoice of the us, britain, germany, france, and the poland. a v. i pause to skip the line and visit the exhibition. now it's being only a couple of hours past noon on day one of the events you had already thousands of people have showed up. in fact, the organizers have told me that they did not really anticipate this popularity, but they are going out of the way to make everybody feel welcome. like here they are treating everybody willing to hop on the food that they prepare here. they even bake red on the spot,
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just so that every visitor has something to fill the bellies with unders just to add a touch of emotion to this exhibition. know is an interesting fact. some nato equipment that was provided to ukraine is not here because it is so invincible, but rather because it was simply and quite literally on fits for the ukrainian battlefield. the challenge it to prioritize is the gun protection. so it's not the fastest time out there, but it is one of the most powerful claims to have the record for the longest range of killing and destroying another time. just this challenge is full admittedly precise. actually they've had real problems with it. he and ukraine because of its lability is actually even simple repairs of equipment that they salvage from the front lines can become a challenge for the ukranian army before the stuff gets up on the i'm just looking at the, with the supply of western weapons reduced to


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