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tv   News  RT  May 6, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the soon send the most of the to the to do a lot of them was not the young the in athens often recognized that it is not the finance who are more wisdom, they are only as to their bodies mean, nothing new, crated increases is low, but i say to the whole thing, people with physical i haven't been able to to the mentally located the west has admitted to using p was told to apply again. wasa, mid rise in speculation about making sonya when in this be signing through the a rise in power appraisal tour of europe in 5 years to find the government loves to increase incoming sizes aging. but it's listed present in a us that houses as well as a decision take,
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spelled out the xerox and consumer branding the cup, top based news outlet to undermine as well in good shape with how much the why. so let's go. this is the money's worth of, i mean, so it is news, i have views. so now the most is diplomat says it is not the plane is who are well, but raw. the collective west is using them as a tool in a proxy conference against russia. it points out, but less than powers are no longer talking about a supposed victory of a rush, but they are only seeking to prevent themselves from being defeated. the reason i knew it got the dish as much. listen as we are now. hearing western figures admit that things are getting harder and harder and ukraine. this is a rather eloquent characterization of the fact that they're lying to inflict extra
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teach at the feet as they say. and upon russia is doomed to failure. to turn on the most far sighted and just plain smart and serious politicians in the west realize this. but the weapons that are going to ukraine are being assembled literally all over the world so that you know more than 50 countries are involved in this work. it's supposed to move ahead of the pentagon, lloyd austin just had a few days ago that they would never be defeated to. that is, they are no longer talking about defeating russia. about them not being defeated securely in essence, and was often recognized that it is not the ukrainians who are more wisdom, their only has to police commissioner bodies mean nothing else. the we, the west constantly emphasizes that i said it will not let its own citizens, diane, that's on bass folks or maybe do which is possible so that your ukrainian style it's on bass. the best way to do that is research logic. now, i do not even want to talk about it,
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but as it is continues to evolve and guess infinity of forces on the front lines of the test or the ingredients further pushing back. she's truth is for the shows wasn't as find funny. planning moving positions was miss, i was fired for i heard from the group a lot of your clients, the patrons in washington. i'm gonna pay even more russian victories on the battlefield. first, the ukraine is, is in a hole, and it's in a hole in no small part because of the delay in the us being able to provide it. and it will take time to dig out of that hole. so i do expect to see continued russian advances in the coming period, because you can't instantly flip the switch. they've got to essentially re capitalize their force with the material we're sending into them to be able to reverse some of the losses that have happened over the course of the months. it's facing the style going st. lost as you play and has been seeking to replenish his
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rags. wine constructing man with physical armed mental illnesses gives new nor allows people with h. i v to boca this is art of cancer, as was substance abuse, problems to be drafted into the movie. all cheese la isha reports, the ukrainian leaders who over to the government 10 years ago are now wondering how come ukrainians are we in the country and such massive numbers will your best as a thank you. my 1st question is, how did 650000 people of draft age according to the european commission, leave the territory of ukraine. how did that leave? well, it's just not clear to me. how do the leave explain to me, how did they get through the state board of ukraine, the symbols and then those boy, for those people who by law fall under mobilization criteria, it is a very undignified to run away from a country that is leading this time the former ukrainian prime minister is speaking
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from an undisclosed location, but he used to be much closer to the people when he promised them so much. somebody, you know, they can just part was totally presidential and parliamentary elections. and then you, you repeat and government and you, kramer, which will sign an agreement with a european union. i will make the life of every you credit and citizen, the same to you opinions, successful. and most importantly, with confidence team, the flu shot was from signing b, e. u agreement to assign a one of the toughest military conscription laws in the world. it's a venue ukrainian government just a decade. so in this model, having h i v tensor mental disorders and even just one kidney are not excuses. ukrainian citizens can use to avoid service in the countries armed forces and according to the u, back to coordinate human rights watch dog. all of these new implementations out completely ok. in fact,
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they even added that people dealing with alcoholism or drug addiction are also subject to conscription. so it was uh, individuals with different types of addictions, including to alcohol and drugs, are recognizes eligible or temporarily eligible for non combat formations. these are, we are guard logistical assistance and medical assistance services. see the message from ukrainian leaders through their citizens is clear. it'll go into war no matter how on the well you feel, and it doesn't matter that can script in people with physical and mental illnesses sounds like a violation of b, one convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. one of the articles there clearly states that in a court is with the old negations, under international law, parties shall take all necessary measures to protect people with disabilities. instead of sending them to wars. and in 2019,
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the un security council emphasized once again how vital protecting these people is . the council emphasized the need for states and impunity for criminal acts against civilians, including those with disabilities and to ensure they have access to justice and effective remedies. and as appropriate, reparation, despite the hundreds of thousands already biting on the front. he gives new rules just highlight it's this for ration. the country now has plans to introduce an additional mid term qualification exam for university students move in hopes to mobilize more man in case they fail, the sudden test and more and more videos are going viral show when you're cleaning authorities flores, fully driving people from the streets to ship them to the front lines the
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as for ukrainians of age live in abroad. well, they're not safe either. just recently, authorities decided to suspend calling solar services for their citizens abroad. so let's say you crania, citizen, resided outside of ukraine, needs to renew his passport. well, he cannot do that. instead, he will have to go to kits and never get out because once you're there and you are eligible for conscription, why would they let you go? that decision angered ukrainians living in the west and they came forward to express their feelings on the policy. a policy, they claim suites them as traitors to their nation. the policy created them here, legally. not everyone. here's a draft dodger, not everyone has fled to print it out. so i'm just effect and goes to the left,
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legally in compliance with law being considered draft dodgers. now, we have still claims, though, that it is not trying to forcibly repair trade is nationals abroad. but at the same time, it is trying to pressure western states hosting ukrainian emigrants to be on the same boat e u. member states need to make a joint decision on repub, creating ukrainians who adopting the country's military draft. we definitely need a uniform european decision on this issue. it looks old that ukraine is bleeding while young people have managed to leave and do not support that country. these new mobilization changes have been on the radar for a while, though. it almost gives some sort of vision of this life when us, senator lindsey graham bluntly said that, well, as long as the us keeps the supporting ukraine, t if will keep on fighting till they have no more people left. as long as the way up ukraine with the weapons, they need an economic support. they will fight to the last person. get in a web service and equipment from the west is not enough. you need people firing
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those weapons, operating this equipment and dig in the trenches. if you praise already fail to the feet, russia, when it has a lot more healthy people willing to fight, you can make your own best as to how it's going to go. now. earlier we heard from mike homeland is a former senior security policy on list of the principal and the things that washington support, including since the very beginning of the call that has been looted course, i would say anything on a sustained basis that can be poor. this will not help them because the risk that there is no ability to be for this to be a sustaining effort, continue supplying the credit of the industry so of all of your and even the united states. it's not geared up for a war time manufacturing capability. it but, and as it is, the united states is a pretty much exhaustive,
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its own stock piles. and that's why that and the majority of the about 80 percent of that 61000000000 going for ukraine is actually going to do the defense industry to make a new stuff for it to, to replenish our own stock files. the entire episode of the us backing of this entire experience of helping ukraine locks and attack against russia was ludicrous from the, from the start. and that was under the divided ministration for fun year. and this just shows you the very for the caliber of leadership that we're experiencing in this country today. they have no strategic game. there is no, there is no end to this. all that these people are doing or are also kind of a suicide mission to advance war into your proper. and if that's what they want, that's what they're trying to get. but it's got to be because they're doing. it is a because bruship provoked it some amazing jo,
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less than investors who live in money to now looking to get their money back to the sofa. it was in black walton tim cove referrals. the 2nd one is to meet with you. create officials getting keen, so something info on the if an agreement is not raised, then the next few months explain p default. so this, this story and many of us on our website, see the size of presidents. the same thing has landed in paris taking off his bus here with in different classic journey in the 5 years upon his visit. latania is data stressed, amazing. always be a voice of peace, particularly during the plane conference window or stand the of he will that the ukrainian crisis is causing for europeans. china is not at the origin of this crisis, nor is it a party or participant in it. but we also played
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a constructive role in promoting the peaceful settlement. the longer the ukraine crisis drugs on the greater harm which will do to europe and the world as high as president sizes, that he will have an in depth discussion with his face count upon about the development of china. 5 sides with the union lied to cover a significant international and a resulting service. so i fall from the site and the presentation for intensive visit serbia. i'm hungry. the facing thing comes as the you increase the pressure on china allegedly assisting russia in the circumventing europe. incenses for the nearby unit is concerned about his over reliance on china and with technology fields according to french media. and my point is going to close to his counterpart, again, support in russia. and the inquiry in crisis as follows seems to grow is foot bread in the inner. ready pacific we took the opportunity to in house with
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a ties with facing arises at this time, the points falls. i'm defined as stated earlier this week that they will begin discussions on reciprocal co operation department, which is assuming that room is all saying yeah, i mean i've seen them is regarded as the location of the largest wholesome facing of us move the overseas. right. that's close to live now, so it goes if gregory mahoney is a professor of politics, i'm interested in relations. i've been trying and only university bank. so i for joining us here today. interesting times it was the manual, like one seems to, it seems to me to change gears here a little bit, wants to restart business relations with china. how does this fit with a need, his desires. and so the best relations and with basing i'm 5 and that's an incoming dependence, as well as you know, we would call them
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a crown joining the g. seven's call for the risking. what's many in china regard is a politically polite term for the coupling. one that seems to accommodate the road to a new cold war paradigm. but we also recall on the chrome visiting china enthusiastically seeking better trade relations. and now we see him posting a present as she at a state visit with the state visit, which would be impossible now in, in washington or london. now these contradictory approaches, perhaps seem skipped towards us, especially in a world that increasingly seems to demand uh, choosing one side or another exclusively. but we also see macro and, you know, going back and forth on ukraine and gaza, at least rhetorically. so is this a responsible diplomacy struggling against but also within a new cold war paradigm? or is it just a ham handed attempt to play both sides? it's not clear. yeah, we'll see how that pans out with a how does it, how does uh, washington's own little bottles,
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amazing influence units corporation with china. well, us leaders and western mainstream media including cnn, bbc costly spread lies about china. us. so use europe and allies like japan, south korea and al stillia has the key battleground, supporting points. and so, you know, we've heard the us lying about tobin origins lying about genocide and sion. john lag about vitality and hong kong into that lying about weather. balloons long about china, providing material support professionals. conflict with ukraine, lying about unprovoked aggression in the south china sea. lying about the belt road initiative and that traps life about over capacity lying about the economy as part of trying to being able to weaponized tick tock or chinese eaves. lying about china trying to influence for an elections and so on all to demonize and induce cure in china and chinese products. while washington simultaneously contributes to instability in europe, asia, and the middle east,
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and then use this is to justify more antique china policies. now, for various reasons, some countries and regions have been very vulnerable to us pressure and so, and so in the case of the you, for example, we see the, you the questioning whether chinese tvs are receiving unfair subsidies from the chinese government. a relatively benign question. within the next week, we saved us as no. in fact it's, it's much worse than this. the chinese tvs are going to ruin your domestic automobile industries and in style and your people. and if a structure and can even be used as going to be drones by the cdc to attack you. so in fact, you know, we know that europe wants to buy chinese b, b solar panels and so on. and it wants to sell your products to china. but there's a tremendous amount of confusion in distress now, as well as a tremendous sense of insecurity. all of which have been encouraged by the us and european hawks who are anti china for whatever reason, including racism as
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a so interesting a little liars, the as hope they, they come to some sort of agree was now, you know, when we talk about the in the pacific region, the false is basically agreed with japan to stop by the they've started to stop popes on a to allow them to station that troops. this are a thing, this reciprocal agreement. what does that mean for japan and china relations or, or for all this and china relations in the region as well? i think we have to broaden the scope a little bit. you know, france was very unhappy with the development office. recall in that australia broke purchase contracts for friends submarines in favor of us nuclear submarines. and now we see japan and south korea cooperating with august and the possibility that they might join it with both countries already increasing our purchases of us weapons is august the pacific equivalent of nato. we would eventually be part of
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nato. would simply cooperate with nato, or will it remain largely separate? we don't have answers for these questions, but we have seen france expanding naval patrols in the south pacific with the explanation that france needs to be present for risk relevance. and even that france may provide a buffer between august and china, or other potential conflicts that couldn't turn a spiral out of control and further in peril of the global economy. and so, you know, european relations and therefore, further diminished perhaps of france. now i believe that france is nervous about american military dominance in japan. concerned about how the us might manipulate japan into a confrontation with china that could run country defense interest and certainly unhappy the japanese defense per our purchases are favoring american firms instead of french companies. uh, but you know, we also know that nato has opened an office in japan. so perhaps more nato cooperation is coming in. france needs a stronger position regardless. of course,
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you know, there's a darker side to it, which is of everything, sites sideways and conflicts does come. perhaps the french wants to be on the front lines, or perhaps this is part of their strategic calculations. and again, perhaps they're playing 2 sides on the one hand trying to pursue, preserve, or print transfers, and largely peaceful ties. but on the other hand, if work comes, then perhaps they need to be positions to fight alongside americans, to pick a side as, as much evaluate, advised a long time ago. yeah, so i just said there is another seems to be more conflict the piece. but with who is going on in the reason, are we likely to see a reaction from she's in pain on this? sure. well, i think they didn't realize is that france is not seeking a direct conflict. 3, going to provide a substantial support to america's antique china. containment efforts, rather, it seems more likely to print skills pressured to stick with its allies in part to sustain those vital relationships in part to avoid being eclipsed by other rising
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powers in europe. but also to moderate it possible some of their excesses and then even to use these relationships and so much as they do present china with challenges as leverage and trade negotiations with aging. but you know, if we look at the cover of china daily today, the top headline reads she's visit to solidify robust ties. in short of aging seems to see its relationship with parents as being rather by a positive. all things considered as very interesting, they need and very insight if it would have to leave it that difficult agreement home for us or politics of international relations of the east china normal university of pleasure as a, as always thanks for your time news world costa islands is 0, has denounced as well as decision to bonnet from, but country, the network says the measure is a form of mental suppression of information. that is one of the main sources of
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information about the will in god. yeah, the police, as you came as an incitement, aiming at obliterating the truth as al, just to europe is one of the leading media outlets and conveys the truth about the consequences of this war on civilians and citizens or specifically in the gaza strip. specialization shows, is there any police in bay the houses, there is a jerusalem headquarters and the is where the cabinet an accident and this station authorize a temporary ban and equipment called this cation for any media that may cost issue as a threat to national security is rainy has enabled oh, it has labeled out to 0 as an incitement engine, and a tuesday of having connections to how much the united nations and other advocates for free speech have possibly criticized the incident where greg cabinet decision
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to close l g 0 in these real freedom independent media is essential to ensure and transparency and accountability. now even more so given types restrictions, so reporting from gaza. freedom of expression is a key human right or government to overturn bad media. censorship is a sign of desperation especially. well, i'll just, sarah has provided some of the most fearless increase to go from the blind reporting of the gaza genocide. the committee to protect journalists condemns the is rarely cabinets decision to shut down alex's here as operations in israel. and warrants that the vote could set a dangerous precedent for other international media outlets. worked in israel more than a 140 a civilian and killed in gaza as soon as the commencement of israel's movie a sold according to the gauze media office of who in today's the committee and superintendent general is approximately 75 percent of media professionals slain.
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world wide last year were killed in gaza in 2022 is the assess that his schuman i will offer, probing that out the 0 reports i really spoke with, should look at 5. this is a journalist. i remember the passenger syndicate showing is that as well as the charges against the media outlets are i'm found this actually, this is very, very astonishing to hear that a goal, 3, a government addressing to i need the in the world that they are doing. they are really, are threatening their security. we have never even seen any during the scan. it was the port in what, what they did the information. and this is that i need to understand the organization to deliver and then go information and use that is happening to be the threatened and to be seen as if the information is is really
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a problem and is with security is you, it doesn't like this because it's, it's what's inches you're doing is uh, is the opposite of what is what it is saying that this is a war against terrorism. and again, as an incentive defense and also gillian is really heard. so this is after the phase wasn't just doing another gentleman's to like yours and other charges that i'm working from, the grow the show that this is and i, and that is where it is doing probably thing in general side. again, sue driven women as people and the whole gosh, no, and no, is there anything you want us to sign with since i just, you know, what i am worried about is that this step will be followed by more crimes. that is the ones to do to add all the crimes that she's doing in gaza and
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she doesn't want anybody to cover that. the decision to bide out 0 has arrived on vacations. that's according to full. my is way defense man said benny guns. he's saying that it is the proper choice, but it comes at some inc, convenient moment that may jeopardize efforts to negotiate for an agreement with homeless. my condo is ready, officials have said that they will not agree to any piece of women that would bring the confidence to the conclusion is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu reiterated his unwillingness to suspend the idea of campaign, against how much providing simply a break and hostile disease, to allow the captives to be released of animal hunting the convent, capitulating to how much these demands would be a terrible defeat for the state of israel, and it would be a great victory for from us iran and the entire axis of evil. and these real will not agree to how much these 2 months,
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which would mean surrender. it will continue fighting until all of its objectives are achieved and just say it's fine to go. serious is in cairo produced? no, it's all says both policies play one another for this type of how mosque renewed is demanded for an end to the war and exchange for the release of hostages, which is the is a prime minister, offensively rejected as well remains prepares, the suspend colton, but he's also a little assistance to the release of health and he is currently held by almost otherwise. so this um and demolish how much money as of the 5 and as it contains is really re a from the dm on the e commerce is be ton processing outside of government buildings. these folks with friends will, i'm as professor the alley, our lead of cuts are. these mediators are now engaged in the piece tools. and he said, is that and if he is not interested in these discussion, everybody likes the ceasefire. but when you, i mean it's in, you know,
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for his own periods and then the position doesn't want this to is until last night. what does that get? that is when the c i, a william burns doing the egyptian. uh, god thing on the how much gathering title he uh made the list of items and the photos, the declarations or announcements to put all the stuff comes in front of that meeting last night. why? because he knows very well. he's aware of the fact that i mean, if this war in guys still, he would go behind the present boss a while allows of this news. uh, but up megs in an exclusive interview. see why aiden mean? is he the risk citizen? why he joined the russian on forces to fight for the people in columbus.
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the. what brought you to russia? what, at what point did you decide to come join this such a military operation as well? it started in 2014. everybody seen it worldwide. the events and you great, the great size, i call it, which is what it was. right, wasn't no peaceful revolution. the events that followed was the systematic murder of ethnic russian people. that of course, most of that was called film. it was how to define it wasn't shown in the mainstream media back home were in the west, but of course i came across it the videos of what happened in odessa, a trade union building with a bond error on the fascist locked innocent civilians including women and in the buildings set on fire, killed a move a khaki where they set buses on 5 can and all the civilians inside of them. that of
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course the nets, carpet bombing it from the sky, dropping phosphorus and these kind of things. well, why seen and videos were plentiful? you know, that i originally started the idea in my head the. something's wrong. yeah. i got to stop in a go to help. then of course the idea in my head was i was completed in this simply because my tax money was going towards the arms, which was given to these a binder ice and these flashes. so i couldn't see the can sit there and take it. and then of course, seeing the testimony of, of the family and the friends of these victims, you know, cry and breaking down and seeing the houses and how it was destroyed. and it broke my house. so that's why i decided to call them i couldn't take it in the you know, that's just basically.


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