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tv   News  RT  May 6, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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but more complex might be present there. let's stop without collision. is that spelled out of the essence? austin recognized that it is not the premiums who are more or they are only have to reach their bodies means nothing as the great increase it is mobilization of the whole thing. people with physical admin to the mount feet of the was hasn't mentioned the using the key with that to, to apply to get a glass of music writers. any speculation about the claim to be planning to do now. so it takes 12 and you're probably out to 0. the pieces up by the end of the cuts are based news outlet to the undermine. is those negotiations with how much outside easy this season arrived in paris,
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place of business in 5 years? has a new fault is moving to a fine line or is it one to increase access to the china market? wanted a certain time, including is really present ended by the closer to the well this is a, is we have your company today. my name's who us among the most. as diploma says, it is not the point is who are i told but raw, the collective west is using them as a tool in a proxy confidence against russia. people is that the western powers are no longer talking about a supposed victory of a russia. there were only seeking to prevent themselves from being defeated. the reason i need to go through this just must list them is we are now hearing western
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figures admit that things are getting harder and harder and ukraine. this is a rather eloquent characterization of the fact that their line to inflict extricate feet and as they say upon russia, is doomed to failure. to turn on the most far sighted and just plain smart and serious politicians in the west realize this. but the weapons that are going to claim are being assembled literally all over the world so that you know more than 50 countries are involved in this work. it's the book she had of the pentagon lloyd austin said a few days ago that they would never be defeated to that is they are no longer talking about defeating russia for fun about them not being defeated securely. and in essence, austin recognize that it is not the ukrainians who are more wisdom, they are only have to move through their bodies. mean, nothing else them we, the west constantly emphasizes said it will not let its own citizens, diane, that is on vast stokes, or maybe do which is possible so that your ukrainian style it's on
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a bass. the best way to do that is racing logic. now, i do not even want to talk about it for us, so it continues to unfold a guarantee training and forces on the front lines of tongue for real games for pushing by the 5th. this further, it shows a rush and asked lights on. you're going to move to positions with miss all fired. why helicopter put? meanwhile, in cranes think to split new russian big trees on the back of the 1st ukraine is, is in a hole, and it's in a hole in no small part because of the delay in the us being able to provide it. and it will take time to dig out of that hole. so i do expect to see continued rushing advances in the coming period. because you can't instantly flip the switch . they've got a essentially recapitalized their force with the material we're sending into them to be able to reverse some of the losses that have happened over the course of
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the months. facing the staggering super lost is inside has been seeking to replace it. so i'm flying conscripting man was physical and mental illnesses. case, new law allows people with h. i v to book elusive. i'm kind of as a, as was substance abuse problems to be drafted into the military or to use name a shot picks up the report of the ukrainian leaders who over through the government 10 years ago, are now wondering how come ukrainians are leading the country. and such massive numbers will your best has a pain in my 1st question is how did 650000 people of draft age echoed into the european commission? leave the territory of ukraine to do it? and then it was void for those people who by law, for on the mobilization criteria, it is a very dignified to run away from the country that they're leaving. this time, the former ukrainian prime minister is speaking from an undisclosed location that
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he used to be much closer to the people when he promised them so much for me. you know, they can just part was totally presidential and parliamentary elections and then use your p and government in ukraine, which will sign an agreement with a european union. i will make the life of every you credit and citizen the same to you opinions successful. and most importantly, with confidence in the future from signing the you agreement to assign a one of the toughest military conscription laws in the world. it's a venue ukrainian government just a decade starting this month having h i v tensor mental disorders and even just one kidney are not excuses. ukrainian citizens can use to avoid service in the countries on sources and according to the u. back to coordinate human rights watch dog. all of these new implementations out completely ok. in fact, they've even added that people dealing with alcoholism or drug addiction are also
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subject to conscription. so it was the individuals with different types of addictions, including to alcohol and drugs, are recognizes, eligible or temporarily eligible for non combat formations. these are, we are guard logistical assistance and medical assistance services. the message from ukrainian leaders through their citizens is clear. it'll go go into war, no matter how on the well you feel. and it doesn't matter that can script in people with physical and mental illnesses sounds like a violation of b, one convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. and in 2019, the un security council emphasized once again how vital protecting these people as the council emphasized the need for states and impunity for criminal acts against civilians. including those with disabilities and to ensure they have access to justice and effective remedies. and as appropriate, reparation despite the hundreds of thousands already biting on the front. he gives
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new rules just highlight it's this operation and more and more videos are going viral show when you're cleaning authorities flores fully dragging people from the streets to ship them to the front lines the as for ukrainians of age live in abroad. well, they're not safe either. just recently a 3rd is decided to suspend calling solar services for their citizens abroad. so let's say a ukrainian citizen reside in outside of ukraine needs to renew his passport. well, he cannot do that. instead, he will have to go to kits and never get out because once you're there and you are
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eligible for conscription, why would they let you go? you member states need to make a joint decision on repub, creating ukrainians who are dodging the country's military draft. we definitely need a uniform european decision on this issue. it looks all the ukraine is bleeding while young people have managed to leave and do not support that country. these new mobilization changes have been on the raid are for a while though it almost gives some sort of vision of life. when us, senator lindsey graham bluntly said that, well, as long as the u. s. keeps on supporting ukraine. she is, will keep on fighting till they have no more people left as long as the way up ukraine with the weapons they need and the economic support. they will fight to the last person, get in a web service and equipment from the west is not enough. you need people firing those weapons operating this equipment and big in the trenches. if you craze already failed to the faith. russia, when it has
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a lot more healthy people willing to fight, you can make your own better as to how it's going to go. now. the democratic minority leader of the us house of representatives, how keen jeffreys recently said, washington might send troops to the front lines to the face of russia. if the claim is defeated, we can't let you crane fall, because if it does, then there is a significant likelihood that america will have to get into the conflict. not simply with our money, but without service women, l service man. we can either stop russia and ukraine by continuing our military and economic support. or we can face a challenging situation where vladimir fulton and russia are able to overrun ukraine and then threaten nato allies. we heard from michael in the very full,
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my senior security policy. i was that the past due and he thinks that washington support claim, since the very beginning of the conflict has been ludicrous, as i would say, anything on a sustained basis that can be poor. this will not help them because the risk that there is no ability to be for this, the be a sustaining effort can save you supplying the credit of the industry. so of all of your and even the united states side, kia, destiny for a war time. manufacturing capability and as it is united states is a pretty much exhaustive, its own stock piles. and that's why that and the majority of the about 80 percent of that 61000000000 who's going for your train is actually going to the defense industry to make a new stuff for it to, to replenish your own stock files. the entire episode of the us backing of this entire experience of helping ukraine. lots of attack against russia was
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ludicrous from the, from the start. and that was under the, by the administration. and this just shows you the very for from caliber of leadership that we're experiencing in this country today. they have no strategic game. there is no, there is no end to this. all that these people are doing or are also kind of a suicide mission to advance war into your proper. and if that's what they, what, that's what they're trying to get. but it's got to be because they're doing. it is a because bruship provoked it made you want to sort of versus who let money into creating and now i'm looking to get repaid flags and phones and black rock and pin code have to be set loose to meet with ukraine officials getting cube to start paying interest on below this story and many others, i don't want our website to talk about for the this
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is our highest conducted overnight slides on several locations around the city. rafa resulting numerous people killed, wounded, or missing. another level and so has been intensify is a tax on rough idea. if i have 5 sit remove and a dozen homes in the southern positive garza media report, say many of those killed with children. emergency workers have been putting casualties out of the deb you from the distorted households. the idea from the evacuated from some parts of drop off. the ground evasion. here is a broad call. so houses are a, has a denounced israel's decision to bomb it from black country. the network says the measure is a form of criminal suppression of information. that is one of the main sources of information about the will in gaza. the decision came is an incitement aiming
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at obliterating the truth as i'll just euro is one of the leading media outlets and conveys the truth about the consequences of this war on civilians and citizens, or specifically in the gaza strip area is where the cabin in that say that legislation authorizing a time pre buy and equipment confiscating for any media outlet that may constitute a threat to the national security as well. have labeled out, does 0 as an incitement engine. and accused of having connections to harm us. this footage here shows is very police rating i'll does is jerusalem bureau, united nations and of advocates for free speech of costs, the quizzes sized incitement. where greg cabinet decision to close elders who were in these real freedom independent media is essential to ensure in transparency and
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accountability. now even more so given type restrictions for reporting from gaza. freedom of expression is a key human right or government to overturn bad media. censorship is a sign of desperation, especially will out to sara has provided some of the most fearless and critical from the line for bolting of the gaza genocide. the committee to protect journalists condemns the is really cabinets. decision to shut down. alger 0 is operations in israel and warrants that the vote could set a dangerous precedent for other international media outlets working in israel. so let's have a look at some success thinks about the dangers of jo. this revolting on the goal is a conflict. more than a 114 to and this has been killed in gaza since the beginning of israel. some of that is sold last year according to the goals and media office, according to the data from the committee to protect journalism. approximately 75 percent of media professionals will slay and world wide last year and those were
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the ones that were killed in gaza in 2022 is well assess that they didn't showing us with a problem at all. does the report that we spoke to see, look outside, she's a journalist, a member of the past in just send it, she believes is, will a charges against the media outlets of just unfounded? actually this is very, very astonishing to hear that a go 3 a government addressing do i need the in the word that they are doing a they are really threatening. there's a huge we have never even seen any during the skin. it was the work. and what, what day to get that information. and this is that i any during this and media organization to deliver and at the end of information and use that is happening to be the threatened and to be seen as if the information is,
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is really a problem and is with security. it doesn't like this because it's, it's easy to believe is, uh, is the opposite of what is what it is saying that this is a war against terrorism. and that gives us an incentive defense. and also gillian is really heard. so this is after the phase wasn't just doing another gentleman's do like yours and other charges that are working from the grow. the show that this is and i, and that is what it is doing. probably thing a general side, again suits with then women as people and the whole god. and know if you want us to sign this is i just, you know, what i am worried about is that this, that way be followed by more, right? that is the ones to do to add all the crimes that she's doing in god,
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and she doesn't want anybody to cover the decision to buy mileage is there a has run the cases us according to the full amount is way defense. who is a betty guy see thing that it is the proper toys, but it comes as a inconvenient moment. i've made jeopardize efforts to negotiate for an agreement with how much of that in columns is, is what the officials have stated. that they will not agree to any peace agreement that would bring the conflict to a conclusion is running 5 minutes a minute. and if he, i read it to him, his, his unwillingness to suspend the idea of campaign against us, providing simply a break in hostilities to allow captives to be released an animal hunting, then capitulating to how much is demands. this would be a terrible defeat for the state of his right. oh my gosh. it would be a great victory from us. iran and the entire axis of evil in israel will not agree
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to how much these 2 months, which would mean surrender. it will continue fighting until all of its objectives are achieved and just more. so i know he said his inc. i wrote, but it is no is all this is both fault is blamed one another for this time though, i must renewed its demand for an end to the warrant in exchange for the release of hostages, which is a private message, but the restrictive as well remains preferred still the same comb, but in the end of this as to the release of hostages county held by this um and demolish how much permanently as of fighting dogs are, continues protest outside of government builders. continue as a people is a rift from the mom. the old captives be reserved. we spoke with the principal out in this professor. the alley i was hired. i'll come saw, who is maybe a to is, are now engaged in the piece tools. and he said that nothing you know is not interested in these discussions. everybody likes the ceasefire,
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but when you, i mean it didn't, you know, for his own personal position. doesn't want this to was until last night. what does that got that ease? when the c i a william burns and doing the egyptian. uh god, thing i was gathering title. he made the list of items and the photos, uh, declarations or announcements to uh, put the i was stuck in was in front of that meeting last night twice because he knows very well. he's aware of the fact that if this more engaged, still, he would go behind the prison box or as soon as get his anti further seizing thing has landed in paris, tennessee of his 1st european diplomatic journey. in 5 years. the visit of seizing
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big guns as the you increase is pressure on china, and this is the assisting russia in circumventing european sanctions. besides the size for the season, faint intensive visits and ongoing upon his visit. the chinese, this, that's amazing, will always be a voice of peace, particularly during the playing conflict. winter stand, the upheaval that you create in crisis is causing for your opinions. john, it is not that the origin of this crisis, nor is it a party or participant in it. but we've also played a constructive role in promoting the peaceful settlement. the longer the ukraine crisis drugs on the grid harm which will do to europe and the world as long as so seats increase it submitted as a footprint in the in the pacific region. the open soon as he to in homicide beijing, a rises at the time report falls. i've defined, stated earlier this week and they will begin discussions on
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a reciprocal cooperation. japan, which has similar agreements, they'll stay in the and the united kingdom is also regarded as the location of the largest concentration of us. but as the overseas, according to nelson well, vice chairman of the shanghai sense of a rim fact and international studies falls has been story up tensions in a what uh the, the pacific has anything to do with a country like across. i mean, why from say, is getting involved the getting itself involved in the pacific or the in the pacific as they would like to call it. what's the kind of, what is the patient if they're not coming to asia? if they're not posing that thing goes all, messing around with the, you know, affairs in asia, asia is, is going to be quite a peaceful place. so it's, it's that i'm actually quite, obviously,
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that i staring up the fire in different parts of the world. and now they're trying to bring the type of shoes on the fly at asia. so, but i think we people in asia are know, get to take the bike and is not that easy to be provoked actually, unless it actually comes on to our adult staff to create programs and then they will know what we are capable. we will flag back definitely to protect our own security is dignity in the face of colonial oppression as well as the use of a i and also in government for this. this is the, the focal point. so with discussion and then it says episode of, let's talk about how that the host on a pond. a fat is joined by india is a company's composer, m m k. the body who says a eyes, not a necessarily,
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not necessarily a threat to all, just as long as they can control it. now it was a little upset today here on the international, but here's an x. it said anything to do with the government is like, uh, it's an honest that's right because it's a totally gotten. it's just me speaking of ought to be official intelligence akin i would share my family experience with just recently we had a holiday with one of my family members. she was pregnant. she's living in a single me with the mailing. the agenda is not a crime. mm. so the doctor had it at the end and gave it in a bad but as for the bad installation, there were a lot of family members of my we were the more than 30 and i need to talk to 5 members what they're just trying to put it out, how did it along with this good news? what, what, what all, and so i think it'll be a good dish that the way i think this me and the other way. what and so i think
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a boy blow me just it's like, i guess what, i talk to writing a plan. i'm thinking blew me and dedicating it to the uh spanish and then the mother and father wouldn't be me. so i just asked a judge to give you an idea of blame. i'm thinking blew me because they're gonna land everything. second step. okay, bad. i modified when are they moving some glance and adding something that's beautifully. i did this. i'm kind of stuck on i present or explained to them different, very happy. so i'm going to check on how quickly you did it. you did, you did the light on it. was it compared to sudden i said the idea to evaluate a plan in this like isn't on pink and blue and data captured to the parents was of my which wouldn't be never done by any a. i thought never. so what to do is all the
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way. so you don't want to send me how to do is a fine before we go. there's some breaking news coming in from russia's belgrade region and then the cranium bonus. 6 people were killed. the more so if you wounded in a ukraine growing a times, what tom couldn't vehicles use by an agricultural company and that's according to local authorities, will bring him all as the story develops, the evidence of this news i've seen with times he's on guy on the ground, i'm nice, we'll be back at the top of the we'll see you then the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, i'm out sooner than say welcome back to going under ground, broke out single, around the world from the middle east today, the so called world cool to gain puts the u. s u u k. on israel on trial for another genocide like case, tens of thousands, mostly women and children have been killed by nature weapons in gaza, while russia and china repeatedly vote. and the un security council for cease 5. egypt is now wary of his riley ethnic cleansing of more than a 1000000 palestinians at the rough crossing. it's opposed in public,
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even by joe biden. and these western european proxies whose bottoms have no attractive rock, syria, human lebanon, and palestine professor at the time, was given the lifetime achievement award by the british academy, author of the new book, 3 wills, memoirs of an arab, julie's emeritus professor of international relations at oxford, university consisted one of israel's new historians. you joins me now from oaks with. thank you so much for visitors showing the coming on the show so. well, i used to be with you. you said that the industrial scale small as a may have taken israel to the verge of committing genocide. why the verge on more evidence you so far? i've seen in recent days. well, this was, i made this comment by some time ago when there was some doubt. but today i have no hesitation in saying that what user id is doing does all amounts to genocide. genocide is defined by the prevention of
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genocide. convention is the attempt intentional, attempt to destroy info oh you taught in actually grew and this is precisely what israel is doing. and for some tying israel has been pursuing estimates ending on the west bank. and now they want to to the ethnic tendency of guys as well. and the forcible displacement of civilians is a whole crime. so that can be no doubt about the fact that these are, it has been committing all crimes by telling civilians to against the will. and the one, the 2300000 people in gone. so israel has already forced 1
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of them to move south neutrons, but 1st the 0 to the civilians can move from south to the center then from the center to the south. then further and further south and miles out, most of the civilians have brought the 1000000 up of concentrated in rafa on the border full of egypt. and so that's the kind of thing is beyond dispute. um uh, general aside, some people may dispute, but the lady is riley thinks the holocaust study. it said that this is a smoke k textbook case of general song. you don't have to listen to the expense or to me. nope. it's a really funny, international court of justice. we've said that south africa is made because of the
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case of genocide. yeah, i want to get on the return to is rarely the 2nd, but then if it is, then obviously the last all the cost was involving germany, co conspirator cases. then, i mean, no one is acting as of the genocide convention mandates. does that mean an open the way for britain, so knack and, and bite and in the united states and as live on the land as co conspirators given bay of pouring the weaponry without which the genocide could not take place? i believe. is it a breach in and other european countries while supplying is rather with weapons complicit in these real slow crimes? that is for america. i'd like to go further and say that the america is not just increasing. these really will cries any in genocide, but the very cases, the enabler of these really gym,


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